摘要:This study focused on analysis of asset ownership and labour inputs among farming households in Ilaro Agricultural Zone, Ogun State. Both primary and secondary data were used for the study. Data were collected through the use of structured questionnaires and oral interview. A total number of 80 farmers were sampled for the study. The respondents were selected by multistage sampling techniques. Descriptive analysis was used to analysis the socio- economic characteristics of the farmers in the study area. Multiple regression analysis was done to determine the effect of analysis of asset ownership and labour inputs among farming households. Also, stochastic frontier production function was used to access the effect of socio economic factors on asset ownership. The findings revealed that 33.8% of the respondents had formal education up to tertiary level and 85% had farming as their main occupation. The stochastic frontier analysis result revealed that increase in educational level, farm experience will decrease the technical inefficiency; and positive coefficient variables will also increase the technical efficiency of the asset ownership. Based on the finds of this study, the following recommendations were made: there is need to design a policy to ensure that farmers have good access to fertilizer through adequate supply and efficient distribution so as to increase productivities. This could be achieved through the expansion of domestic production and the development of rural infrastructure, especially rural roads that can facilitate accessibility at lower cost of the farmers. Also policy attention should also be directed towards providing labour saving technology to ease farm operation.