摘要:Objective: To evaluate the craniofacial morphology in adults having skeletal Class 1 and 2 anomaly combined with increased overbite, and compare gender differences among these subjects. Materials and Method: Pretreatment cephalograms of 188 orthodontic patients (75 male, 113 female) with increased overbite (≥4.5 mm) between 16 and 45 years of age were evaluated. Subjects were divided into 3 groups as: Group 1 (n=87) skeletal Class I subjects (ANB=0-4), Group 2 (n=64) skeletal Class 2 (ANB>4.5) with Angle Class II/1 malocclusion and Group 3 (n=37) skeletal Class 2 with Angle Class II/2 malocclusion. Groups were compared according to gender. Five angular and 8 linear measurements were done considering vertical and sagittal craniofacial characteristics. For statistical evaluations, Bonferroni-corrected ANOVA test, Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used. In addition, correlation coefficients between the overbite and GoGnSN were calculated. Results : In groups 1 and 2, males had greater values than females in milimetric measurements. In both genders, significant differences were found in SNB values between Group 1 and 2, and SN/GoGn value was significantly higher in Group 2. There was negative correlation between SN/GoGn and overbite in all groups. The ANS-SN (mm) values and the upper facial height values (N-ANS; mm) were increased only in males in Group 2, and showed significant differences with Groups 1 and 3. Conclusion: While evaluating the skeletal characteristics in sagittal and vertical directions, Groups 1 and 3 showed similarity; whereas in Group2, a more distally positioned mandible and an increased vertical morphology were found.
关键词:Craniofacial Morphology;Increased Overbite;Malocclusion, Angle Class I;Malocclusion, Angle Class II Division 1;Malocclusion, Angle Class II Division 2;Artmış overbite;Kraniyofasiyal Morfoloji;Maloklüzyon, Angle Sınıf I;Maloklüzyon, Angle Sınıf II Bölüm 1;Maloklüzyon, Angle Sınıf II Bölüm 2