首页    期刊浏览 2024年06月29日 星期六


  • 标题:The Research of Micro-blog Influence Evaluation of Automobile Recall Information
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  • 作者:Yu Lijuan ; Song Li ; Ren Chenmei
  • 期刊名称:Journal of Software Engineering
  • 印刷版ISSN:1819-4311
  • 电子版ISSN:2152-0941
  • 出版年度:2016
  • 卷号:10
  • 期号:4
  • 页码:338-346
  • DOI:10.3923/jse.2016.338.346
  • 出版社:Academic Journals Inc., USA
  • 摘要:Background: The micro-bloginfluenceof automobile recall information has become an important factor in causing social unrest. This study researches the comprehensive evaluation method of the micro-blog influence, constructs the influence evaluation indicator system, establishes the influence monitoring anticipation mechanism and provides the timely warning for the automobile recall supervisory department to monitor the situation. Materials and Methods: Considering the interests and game about automobile recall information spread of three types of micro-blog users who are the manufacturers, consumers and the third party supervision mechanism, using literature review, questionnaire survey, the hierarchy analytic process and so on, the study chose the evaluation indicators and evaluation method of the micro-blog influence of the automobile recall information and sets up the influence index to provide the four grades warning mechanism. Results: The method was applied to evaluate the Sina micro-blog influence at some point and found that it can reflect the influence tendency of micro-blog user and the basic state of the current domestic automobile recalls events in micro-blog spread influence: The influence of media users is the largest and the influence of industry, business and personal users is smaller. Conclusion: The established indicators and its significance partly support the existing research, at the same time, this study enriches the field of micro-blog research, develops the application space of micro-blog influence and there is certain application value from the assessment results.