摘要:Background and Objective: Pesticide residues in vegetables and fruits are considered impact issue in Egypt. The aim of this study is to generate an essential method to evaluate the pesticide residues in tomato samples in random market in Egypt. Methodology: Herein, a total of 38 pesticides (12 organochlorines, 6 pyrethroids and 20 organphosphorous) in 16 different tomato samples collected from 8 local markets in 5 major cities in Egypt were monitored by gas chromatography with an electron capture detector (GC-ECD) for organochlorines and pyrethroids, with a flame photometric detector (GC-FPD) for organophosphorous pesticides. Results: Pesticide residues were found in 13 samples and 7 samples were higher than the Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs). However, the most frequently found pesticides were heptachlor-epoxide, P,P'-DDE and profenofos, followed by gamma-HCH and pirimiphos-methyl. Furthermore, washed with a NaCl-saturated solution was the most effective method for reducing the pesticide residues. Conclusion: Furthermore, the health risk index for heptachlor-epoxide was the greatest, which may be due to its physio chemical properties . A potential regular pesticide residues program in vegetables should be conducted to protect consumer health.