摘要:Background: Software production study is rapidly evolving in two parallel approaches: Conventional and bio-inspired. Bio-inspired approaches are generally developed and presented as enhancements of conventional ones. However, conventional approaches benefit from their integration with their global context, through software engineering methodologies for being advantageous. Materials and Methods: The integration of bio-inspired approaches, with bio-inspired software engineering methodologies will enrich bio-inspired approaches and let them be irrefutably the best. This study identifies the motivations of the emergence of such bio-inspired software engineering, presents a first approach to it with a road map and some of its challenges. Results: The application of this first approach on different software systems categories is presented with its summary evaluation. The richness and expressiveness of the concepts introduced by bio-inspired methodologies are strong compared with the conventional ones. However, the evaluation on real industrial software scale remains an open challenge. Conclusion: The obtained results prove the power, the effectiveness and simplicity of the bio-inspired methodologies compared to the conventional ones. The conventional software engineering is not inspired from nature processes and therefore, there is a gap between his concepts and mechanisms and those of real world. This leads to complexity and poverty in its models and their applications. However, this is the strength of the bio-inspired software engineering.