摘要:D-pinitol, a cyclic sugar alcohol, is claimed to be a potential therapeutic compound related to theillnesses arising from insulin mechanism. Carob is a rich source of this compound and has recentlybegun to be used in different separation and purification studies for obtaining D-pinitol. In this study,different enrichment processes were applied to concentrate the D-pinitol content of the carob extract.To determine the effectiveness of the processes applied for concentration of the target compound incarob extract, removal of other impurities (mainly sugars) was used as an important indicator. Accordingto the results; the highest increase in D-pinitol concentration was observed in the enrichment processcombining the techniques such as ethanol fermentation, membrane filtration and solvent extraction. Atthe end of this multi-stage process, D-pinitol concentration increased approximately four-fold (37.53g/100 mL dry weight) when compared to its initial level (9.38 g/100 mL dry weight) in carob extract.