The action what today we recognize as restore and the values that justify it, emerged, historically speaking, very early. It wasn’t the official character of this attitude of safeguard, specially consecrated in the legislation, national and international, the only in charge for which today we are more awake for this problems. Individual persons and institutions may demonstrate, along the History, as some documents are proving, how sensitive they were about preservation of the heritage. In a local level, we have the example of D. Mariana de Castro, in 1597, concerned with the repair of tapestries belonging to her personal estate. She made a contract with a local official to work and restore her collection of tapestries, proving also that she was conscious of what culturally Évora signified in this period: city of intellectuals, of writers, humanists and poets, of painters, sculptors and musicians, but also of weavers and upholsterers, in a world of artists and craftsmen worried in meet the demands of a public that was accustomed to demanding.