摘要:Algal biotoxins, chemical compounds produced by some microscopic algae, constitute the phytoplankton . The mussels, feeding on phytoplankton, can accumulate these compounds to become themselves toxic. There have been several cases of food poisoning by consumption of contaminated shellfish. Such food poisoning have pushed our health care system to provide monitoring of shellfish in the framework of the monitoring plans carried out by AASSLL. In this paper we report the results obtained monitoring the presence of ASP (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) biotoxins, like domoic acid (DA) and its isomers, produced by Pseudonitzschia algae. The analysis were carried out by using both the HPLC-UV official method and an experimental method performed with a Time of Flight mass spectrometer (ESI-TOF). The 100% of samples analysed by the official method have always been below the limits of sensitivity (except one sample), the 65% of samples analysed by ESI-TOF, showed the presence of domoic acid.