摘要:Aim: The aim of the study was to find out how livelihood strategies and socio-economic conditions influence watershed degradation in Kaiti sub-watershed in Makueni County, Kenya, and their effects on the environment. The study examined the livelihood strategies and options of the people as well as the socio-economic conditions contributing to watershed degradation, investigated the land use methods practiced and how they affect the sub-watershed. Study Design: The study used a descriptive survey research approach to obtain data on socio-economic characteristics of the study sites as well as historical trends of land use. Place and Duration of Study: South Eastern Kenya University, Kitui County, Kenya; between June to August 2015. Methodology: The study used multiple methods such as household surveys, observations, Focus Group Discussant interviews (FGDs), key informant and experts’ interviews, drawn from sampling of households systematically along vertical and horizontal transect lines. Structured and semi- structured questionnaires were used to collect data from 101 community and key informants. The data collected was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Microsoft Excel 2010. Results: The study established that low food production as reported by the farmers (78%) and reduced income and livelihood (75%) were consequences of watershed degradation in the study area. Landlessness at 39% (S.E=0.311 z= 1.311 sig.0.190), illegal encroachment at 18% (S.E=0.555 z= -0.604 sig.0.546), and laxity in law enforcement at 27% (S.E=0.481 z=0.227 sig. 0.821) were other factors mentioned by the farmers as contributing to watershed degradation. Conclusion: The study concluded that these conditions predisposed farmers to adopt inappropriate farming methods and unsustainable livelihood strategies which compromised the watershed’s environmental integrity. The study sought to make recommendation for efficient watershed management.