摘要:In this paper, we review the concepts of quality of education and learning according to the higher education context. In this sense, stands out the worldwide concern in order to improve the quality of education based on the main international agreements review and at the national level. Taken as a reference the document “Vision Colombia II Centennial: 2019”. About the concept of learning, where two areas that tend to be seen in its definition: on the one hand, the behaviorist theory that conceives it as a relatively and permanent change in behavior: which occurs through a process of association and reinforcement; and, on the other hand, cognitive theories, they understand learning as a change that occurs in the knowledge through a restructuring process. Also presents a review of different theoretical positions in relation to this last concept and reflects on the importance of the achievement and the pursuit of the quality of education, specifically with regard to academic performance, indicator per excellence, on the degree of learning that students can reach in their educational processes.