标题:The thoughts’ evolution on woman in Spain since the late Nineteenth Century to the Twenty-First Century: Romanticism, labour market, violence and equality
摘要:This paper focuses on a critical analysis of the role of women over the course of Spanish history. The importance of women’s work in Spanish context is unquestionable; it is one of the pillars which form the basis to build historical processes aimed at achieving gender equity. Throughout its history, Spanish’s concept of women has evolved, because of its social and cultural changes. A core aspect to promote gender equality was female participation into the labour market. However, an authentic reflection on the fact of “being a woman”, as well as the ensuing debate, was greatly retarded by Spanish people due to their sociopolitical crisis that was out of the ordinary in an internationally comparable context. In fact, the demands of Spanish fe- minism were postponed until the end of the twentieth century, when they finally achieved the recognition of gender equality. Only in this way women can make gender violence visible to the whole society.