摘要:Income distribution strongly affects the value of risk-of poverty, what could explain small values of poverty rate in the Czech Republic. Therefore it is important to examine the level of income inequality in society and find out the socio-economic characteristics of people affecting the overall income inequality. The factor showing the biggest influence on the income level is education, so it is meaningful to examine the relationship between income inequality and poverty rate of each group of people by their highest attained education. One appropriate approach is quantification of each group’s contribution to the overall income differentiation by decomposition of some income inequality indicators. This decomposition enables also to identify the reason the value of each contribution according to various aspects, such as the group size or total volume of groups incomes. The development of overall income inequality in the last year is a necessary condition for the prediction in the future, so the trends of time series of some inequality indicators were analyzed. The whole analysis enables to complete a view on income level and its inequality in the society, which are important indicators measuring the living standards of people
关键词:Income inequality; poverty rate; highest attained education; Theil index