摘要:Th e aim of the paper is to analyze the e-communication in the member states of the European Union. On thebasis of data from the Eurobarometer 75.1 survey and from the Eurostat database the diff erences in e-communicationlevel among the European Union states were analyzed. Principal component analysis was usedfor the general analysis of diff erences between the states of European Union. It was possible to explain 77% ofthe total variance by the fi rst two components. Th e fi rst component represents the level of e-communicationwhile the second component characterizes quality of services and proportion of advanced Internet users. Th eoverall e-communication level was evaluated using the component indicator. Th e Northern states togetherwith the Netherlands and Luxembourg achieve the highest e communication level. On the other hand, thesouthern states (Greece, Italy, Portugal) together with the two new member states (Romania, Bulgaria) receivedthe lowest rating, while Romania has been found an outlier on the basis of principal component analysis as well.
关键词:E-Communication; households with internet; internet and computer skills; principal component;analysis; composite indicators