摘要:The present work attempts to assess the land cover changes at watershed level and status of land degradation in Mithri Watershed lying in the semi-arid tracts of Western Rajasthan, using time series climate data and remote sensing data and GIS techniques. The study also has a strong field component in the form of village wise surveys to record observations on climatic changes, agriculture, socio-economic condition of the community, water availability etc. Integration of remote sensing technique along with climate data analysis and household surveys, Group discussion and Participatory rural appraisal (PRA) was conducted to record land use/land cover changes and its impact on socio-economic condition of the people. Degradation mapping of the area reveals that area is affected by forest degradation, scrub erosion and salinization. Anthropogenic factors like fuel wood and timber extraction, livestock grazing etc. are also responsible for forest degradation. People have shifted from cash crops such as cotton to maize, barley and cereal during the last two decades.