摘要:Este estudo procurou analisar a evolução das características empreendedoras partido dos estudos de Kuratko e Hodgetts (1995) sobre estas características de 1848 até 1982, buscando responder às questões sobre como elas evoluíram ao longo do tempo? que características se mantiveram? quais desapareceram? e quais surgiram? Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica e bibliométrica de 1983 a 2014, complementando, ampliando e comparando os achados da pesquisa original. O levantamento bibliográfico se deu com base nas palavras-chave Empreendedor, Empreendedorismo, Características Empreendedoras, Atitudes Empreendedoras e Perfil Empreendedor e ocorreu a partir da seleção dos artigos publicados nos periódicos científicos nacionais mais bem classificados de acordo com o sistema Qualis, composto pela Revista de Administração de Empresas - Rae, pela Revista de Administração Contemporânea – Rac, pelos eventos científicos Enanpad e Egepe, e a base de dados EBSCO para acessar os periódicos científicos internacionais, a saber: Applied Financial Economics; Applied Economics Letters; Management Research Review; Journal of Product Innovation Management; European Management Journal; Service Industries Journal; International Journal of Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management; Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice; Journal of International Entrepreneurship; Management Decision; International Small Business Journal. Este estudo, caracterizado como bibliométrico, revisou 288 artigos publicados por 341 autores e aponta em seus os resultados para um perfil empreendedor muito mais relacional, baseado mais em competências interpessoais e sociais e focado nas demandas do ambiente externo, do que o perfil auto centrado, soberano, autônomo e independente do empreendedor da primeira fase do século XX.
其他摘要:The objective of this study was to analyze the evolution of the entrepreneurial characteristics parting from Kuratko and Hodgetts (1995) studies over these characteristics, from 1848 to 1982, seeking to respond to questions about how they evolved over time? which characteristics remained? which disappeared? and which emerged? To this end, a bibliographic and bibliometric research from 1983 to 2014 was carried, complementing, amplifying and comparing the findings of the original research. The bibliographic survey was made based on the keywords Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Characteristics, Entrepreneurial Attitudes and Entrepreneur Profile, and from the selection of articles published in the highest rated national journals according to the Qualis system, composed by Revista de Administração de Empresas - RAE, the Revista de Administração Contemporânea – RAC, the scientific events ENANPAD and EGEPE, and the EBSCO data base in order to access international scientific journals, namely: Applied Financial Economics; Applied Economics Letters; Management Research Review; Journal of Product Innovation Management; European Management Journal; Service Industries Journal; International Journal of Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management; Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice; Journal of International Entrepreneurship; Management Decision; International Small Business Journal. This study characterized as bibliometrics, reviewed 288 articles published by 341 authors and points on their results to a lot more relational entrepreneurial profile, based on interpersonal and social skills and focused more on the demands of the external environment than on the self-centered, sovereign, autonomous and independent entrepreneur profile of the first phase of the twentieth century.
关键词:Empreendedorismo e Estratégia;Características Empreendedoras; Perfil Empreendedor; Empreendedorismo