摘要:This study aims at evaluating perceived service quality in Zanjan University of Medical Sciences (ZUMS). Thisstudy was cross-sectional and authors surveyed educational services at ZUMS. Through stratified random sampling,384 students were selected and an adapted SERVQUAL instrument was used for data collection. Data analysis wasperformed by using SPSS 11.5. The results indicated that there were the negative mean score of quality gap in alldimensions of the service quality. Overall services quality mean was (-1.6±.78). The highest and lowest differencesof mean scores between students' expectations and perceptions were in the responsiveness and (-1.83±1.01) andreliability ((-1.33±.79) dimensions respectively. Paired t-test showed the significant statistical differences betweenstudents' expectations and perceptions (ρ < <0.001) in all dimensions of the service quality. Thus, improvementactions are felt in all domains of the educational service quality; Students rated the responsiveness as the mostimportant dimension of service quality in ZUMS.