摘要:The region Metropolitan of Fortaleza (RMF) is built up from fifteen counties, by highlighting among them Aquiraz.The county has an excellent resort water place and ample amount of money because of your appearancessocialcultures and historic. It went one of first boroughs and first principal city from Ceará, being foundedwell into 1699 and central administrative from the capitals from Siará - Grande as far as the year of 1726. Thegrowth urban local , that come occurring at it forms unordered at the last decades , well into feature , from theinsertion from the tourism industry through the year seashore cearense , is incompatible with the low capacityas of brace from the environmement in situ , in case that unbearable and based from the environmement. Themain objetivo of this I work it was the planning to use and avocation from the land of Aquiraz, and It means theenvironmental zoning from the Area , based at the interests and the socials and economics needs on the basis ofthe conservation from the environmement and the characteristics in situ from the county. The search it uses - incase that for reaching the one objective pretended , research bibliographic above the zoning, data censitáriosfrom organs public , field job and hardware cartographic as a satellite image SPOT (2002) for the concoction fromthe chart synthesis as a environmental zoning from the county of Aquiraz from Ceará.