标题:CONSIDERAÇÕES SOBRE A APROPRIAÇÃO DO ESPAÇO MARANHENSE PELO AGRONEGÓCIO DA SOJA: a ideologia do desenvolvimento e a acumulação de terras na microrregião dos Gerais de Balsas - DOI 10.5216/bgg.V31i1.15396
摘要:This paper aims to analyze the expansion of soybean agribusiness in the micro-region of Gerais de Balsas and increased poverty. Reflection on the production of space in modern farming of soybeans, the production relations of agribusiness. We seek some notes for the debate about the speech that carries on agribusiness development for the region, from documents of the state, and especially of public investors, such as BNDES. This search points that in Maranhão for one side the IDH, per capita income and the PIB increased, in the other side happened a concentration of the lands and income for the big agribusiness, in detriment of the impoverishment and the expulsion of peasantry