出版社:Nigde University School of Physical Education and Sports
摘要:ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to develop an instrument to assess the level of athletes’ organizational stress. For this purpose, two samples were taken from athletes playing soccer, basketball, volleyball, and handball. The number of athletes was N=479 for the first sample and was N=430 for the second sample. The draft version of the scale consisted of 139 items and was distributed to the first sample. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted on the first data set. There were 43 items which had eigenvalues above 1 and these items were loaded under five factors. These factors were subscaled as trainer behaviors α=0.95, management and finance α=0.86, health and nutrition α=0.82, spectator behaviors α=0.86 and participating decision making α=0.70. This obtained 43-item scale was administered to the second sample to apply confirmatory factor analysis. Chi-square/degrees of freedom ratio was found as (Chi-square/df =2.42). The other parameters were determined as RMSEA=0.057, NFI=0.96, NNFI=0.97, CFI=0.98, GFI=0. 87 and AGFI=0.85, and 13 items were excluded from the scale. Total Cronbach alpha for the final version of scale was found to be α=0.94, for the subscales as followed; trainer behaviors α=0.91, management and finance α=0.87, health and nutrition α=0.82, spectator behaviors α=0.82, and participating decision making α=0.70. In conclusion, this developed instrument is valid and reliable to assess the level of athletes’ organizational stress.