摘要:The registering and re-use of lessons learned in projects practices have been increasingly adopted in organizations nowadays. However, although the method is recommended in major guidelines of good practice in project management, it is observed that few organizations have effective practices to systematize them. The objective of this study is to propose a model of systematization of lessons learned in projects that can be incorporated into the management processes of an organization. For this purpose, we performed a case study which involved analysis of the perceptions of three project leaders of an international cooperation agency. The results lead to the recognition of the importance of recording and reusing lessons learned in projects and the opportunity to development and improvement of related practices of project management in the organization. A model that involves actions to strengthen the organizational learning culture and the establishment of a cyclic process for the systematization of lessons learned based in a theoretical reference is proposed. This model is liable to be contextualized and applied in other organizations, contributing, therefore, to the increase of published studies on this topic.
关键词:Project Management;Lessons Learned;Organizational Learning;Gestión de proyectos; Lecciones aprendidas; Aprendizaje organizacional.;Gestão de Pessoas;Processo de Humanização, Organização Hospitalar, Hospital Universitário.