摘要:This paper is supposed to address the problem of the place of hypertextuality in the Learning Management Systems (LMS) taking into consideration the case of the Post Graduation Course on School Management delivered by the Education School of the Universidade Federal da Bahia in the National Programme of School Managers’ Formation of the Ministry of Education, which provides the elements necessary to the prospective reflexion intended in the text about the resistances to the pedagogical model implicit to the adoption of a hypertextual learning management systems and the consequences of traditional practices on the distance courses methodological design. This study was conducted under a qualitative approach of research and case study was the method used, due to the utilization of the learning management system of the course as locus of the research taking the teachers of the seven disciplines of the course, the course managers and the students of the classes 1 and 2 of the Polo 9 – City of Teixeira de Freitas – as subjects of the research.
关键词:Hhypertextuality;Learning management system;Pedagogical praxis;Hipertextualidade;Ambiente virtual de aprendizagem;Práxis pedagógica