摘要:Accounting is currently a very dynamic field internationally. Accounting information or itsderivatives comprises an important segment of the information conveyed in the economic environment.Therefore, accounting is considered by some authors as the most important information source of anation. Widening and diversifying the scope of application of financial accounting information hasbeen generated by modernization and restructuring of economy and society development as a whole. Inthese circumstances, accounting is very important. Establishing decision based on a real information,pertinent, relevant, timely, providing a performance management, management of the current situation,with many phenomena of crisis. Accounting involves the collection is based on a real conceptualsystem, which means that the entire accounting system is based on a set of objectives, postulates,principles, rules and regulations. But accounting field observation is limited, while the sides areexcluded because of quality, environmental or human recorded facts. To the extent that differentobjects are placed in different areas, differentiation between real and ideal is only formal.