Johann Sleidan and the Protestant Vision of History.
Collins, David J. ; S.J.
Alexandra Kess. Johann Sleidan and the Protestant Vision of
St. Andrews Studies in Reformation History. Aldershot: Ashgate
Publishing Company, 2008. xiv + 246 pp. index. append. bibl. $99.95.
ISBN: 978-0-7546-5770-5.
Professor Donald R. Kelley has lauded Johann Philippson von Sleidan
(1506-56) as the "father of Reformation history" and numbered
him among "the greatest of modern historians." In the shadow
of this praise, Dr. Alexandra Kess's efforts in Johann Sleidan and
the Protestant Vision of History at presenting "the first detailed
description of Sleidan's life as a diplomat and historian" (3)
are a welcome undertaking.
Two aspects of Dr. Kess's work deserve to be singled out at
once for praise: the first is her reliance on primary materials,
especially the sixteenth-century correspondence by, to, or about Sleidan
that she newly brings to light. As an appendix to the monograph, Dr.
Kess has included a twenty-four-page index of Sleidan's
correspondence and related documents. The other especially admirable
aspect of Dr. Kess's work is the scholarly prudence with which she
draws biographical conclusions from her evidence. Regarding
Sleidan's motivations and strategies as a historian and advocate of
religious accommodation in the spirit of Martin Bucer, for example, Dr.
Kess demonstrates that there is much we can discern only "in
oblique light" (179), if at all, simply because of the limitations
of the evidence.
Dr. Kess's work will thus only satisfy those who are prepared
to accept ambivalence and ambiguity in the historical figure she
presents. She draws our attention to the fascinating story of a man who
was employed variously by Cardinal Du Bellay, the Schmalkaldic League,
and the city of Strasbourg, and who was much influenced by that
city's religious and political liminality. In his younger years he
was a religiously hopeful man. He fell under the influence of Bucer and
Jakob Sturm, attended the Council of Trent as an observer, and counted
as friends (and enemies) persons of every religious persuasion. His
Commentaries on the State and Religion under the Emperor Charles V stand
as the first historical account of how Martin Luther's Reformation
unfolded. Although they would achieve canonical status in this respect,
Dr. Kess points out that when they appeared in 1555, the Commentaries
angered and disappointed many leading Catholics and Protestants alike.
Moreover, Dr. Kess reveals a man whose revisionism in the service of
Protestant identity formation included a polemical dimension against
things Catholic that became typical of Protestant history writing, and
mutatis mutandis, eventually of Catholic history writing as well. His
other major historical composition was the apocalyptically inspired Four
Empires, yet more polemical, more political, and less accommodationist than the Commentaries. At the end of his life, Sleidan expressed
disappointment over a career that had "soured after once looking so
promising" (179).
Dr. Kess's analysis of how the Commentaries were differently
received in the empire and France is a fascinating part of her book: in
the empire immediate reactions were strong and varied; hut thereafter,
the Commentaries, though translated, expanded upon, and many times
reprinted, became not much of a weapon or a target in conflicts between
Lutherans and Catholics. In contrast, once the French turned to the
book, there was hardly a learned author, Protestant or Catholic, who did
not address it in praise or denunciation. Dr. Kess explains these
differences with reference to the separate trajectories religious
conflicts took in the two countries. Dr. Kess's analysis of the
Commentaries reception ultimately points out the new directions for
scholarship to head. In this regard, two points: first, Dr. Kess has
shown that the Commentaries were but one of many works composed in the
sixteenth century that contributed to Protestant visions of history; the
quest for the Protestant vision of history in this period is better
redirected than further pursued. And thus the second point: the work of
Professor Irena Backus, among others, is also indicating the
fruitfulness of examining historiographical developments in this period
cross-confessionally. Dr. Kess draws some Catholic reaction to the
Commentaries into her investigation, but she places substantive analysis
of Catholic sources and the parallel and subsequent developments in
historical writings by Catholic authors outside the scope of this work.
Regardless of "Catholic reactions in the form of histories [having
been] notoriously slow to emerge in the Reformation period" (138),
it hardly seems possible to distinguish Protestant and Catholic history
writing as such on the basis of polemical technique or political utility
by the end of the sixteenth century. Richer comparative analysis,
however, would bring into relief the distinctively Protestant character
of the revisionist, confessional history writing that, thanks to
Professor Kelley among others, we take as axiomatic of the emergence of
modern history writing.
David J. Collins, S.J.
Georgetown University