Control structure and scheduling of a hybrid assembly system/Hubriidkoostamissusteemi juhtimisstruktuur ja tootmiskorraldus.
Katalinic, Branko ; Pryanichnikov, Valentin E. ; Ueda, Kanji 等
Actual design results of continuous research, focused on the
development and implementation of the next generation of assembling
systems, will be presented. The next generation of assembling systems is
of hybrid type, which combines two basic control structures and
principles: a centralized control system, based on the hierarchy, and a
self-organizing control system, based on the heterarchy.
The first concept is well-known and it is the most used control
concept in the industry till now. The other one is present in the
nature, but almost not used in the industry [1,2].
There are many definitions of self-organization [3-5]. As told in
[6]: "The self-organization is one of the main patterns of the
organization of material, energy and information in the nature. It is
present in inanimate and biological systems. The self-organization
phenomena is present in the whole range of systems, of the size from
less than an atom till the whole universe. Self-organization is a very
complex phenomenon with many different phases. At the time being no
unique definition of self-organization is existing. However, there are
many definitions, which describe particular characteristics, affects and
forms of self-organization."
Combination of those two concepts leads to the hybrid system (Fig.
1). This system is known as the bionic assembly system (BAS). The
structure, functions and characteristics of this system are described in
The main aim of planning a BAS is to achieve the highest possible
productivity of the BAS during the assembly of an unlimited sequence of
orders. Maximal productivity means maximal number of assembled products
during one particular period of time, taking into consideration the
external priority of BAS orders, system's bottle-necks, limitations
in the number of production facilities, and the limited capacity of each
essential production unit.
It is possible to achieve the above-mentioned aim only by carrying
out all activities, which are placed on the critical path, in as short a
time as possible. The work of assembly stations, mobile robots and
operators has to be simultaneous and synchronized, based on the chosen
BAS working scenario.
The interface between the factory planning system and BAS is a pool
of BAS orders as shown in Fig. 2. Each BAS order has an external
priority as a measure of order urgency. Normal urgency has priority 2,
urgent order has priority 1 and low priority order is 3. Locked orders
have priority 0.
The scheduling optimization module has to find out the most
suitable BAS order from the pool of BAS orders, taking into account the
target scenario, criterion of planning, actual state of BAS and free and
reserved resources of the system during the time planned.
The result of optimization is (sub)optimal order. This order will
be built in virtual scenario of BAS in the case of simulation or in
working scenario of BAS in the case of scheduling planning. The results
obtained from scheduling planning give data, which build the queues. The
queues determine the order and sequence of pieces, in which different
products will be assembled.
Each single assembly module or assembly station has two
communication channels, one vertical to BAS central computer and the
other horizontal to the mobile robots. Main tasks of the central
computer of BAS are to plan the global production of BAS, synchronize
the part supply and setups, bring the demands from factory level, and
organize the BAS as an integral part of the factory. The horizontal
communication between the assembly station and the mobile robot with the
assembly pallet, which carry one particular product from one assembly
station to the other in the search for the assembly station, which can
complete the next assembly operation, is the kernel part of the
self-organizing system.
The assembly pallets are transported through the assembly system by
lineless mobile robots. After each assembly operation, the assembly
station makes the quality check to find out whether the assembly
operation was completed successfully; if yes then the assembly station
gives this information to the mobile robot, which carries the product on
the assembly pallet during the assembly process. This information has
key role in the search for the station that can carry out the next
assembly operation on the product.
The horizontal communication between the control system of an
assembly unit and the mobile robot includes following information:
pallets type, pallets status, product type, assembly stage of the
product (which is the next assembly operation on that product), quality
status of the product--was the last assembly operation completed
successfully or not. If the last assembly operation was not successful,
the quality status of the product will be negative, and all assembly
units will tell that they are not responsible for the next operation.
For such cases a special repairing station is organized in the system.
At this place the robots/pallets are waiting for the shop operator, who
will try to correct the part. If he cannot correct the mistake, he will
move the product from the pallet and reset the pallet and send it to the
system as a new pallet, being free to take the first part of next
product. After the product has successfully completed all assembly
operations and tests, it will be removed from the pallet and packed for
transport. The robot/pallet will be reset and sent as the free
robot/pallet back to the system.
4.1. Normal working mode
Each mobile robot gets an assembly order. It means to assemble one
part of the product followed by next steps of the assembling plan to
complete the order. Robot communicates with all assembly stations to
find out, which station is able to complete the next assembly operation.
If there are more candidate stations, it selects station with the
shortest completing time of the operations [9].
It is very typical for assembly stations that there robots are
waiting in the queue in front of the station:
In front of the station [S.sub.1] for operation [O.sub.i] on the
product [P.sub.m] are waiting robots for the operation [O.sub.i] for
assembling the product [P.sub.m.]
There are 3 priorities of orders (1-high, 2-normal, 3-low). Typical
situation in front of the station is shown in Fig. 2 and can be
described as
In station S it is possible to make the ith operation on the mth
product, jth operation on the nth product and the kth operation on the
lth product. The queues of the robots in front of the station with
respect of the priorities are formed in following sequence. In front of
the station [S.sub.1] for ith operation on the mth product, jth
operation on the nth product and kth operation on the lth product, are
waiting robots for the ith operation for assembling the mth product,
with the first priority, numbered from one till the last. Then follow
robots for the jth operation for assembling the nth product, with the
second priority, numbered from one till the last. The last in the queue
are robots for the kth operation for assembling the nth product, with
the third priority numbered from one till the last.
The shortest completing time of operation is the sum of waiting
time in the queue in front of the station and assembling time at the
station. All the robots in the system are following the trajectory,
based on the criteria of the "smallest time resistance" for
next assembly operation. For the operation, which can be completed at
several assembly stations, it is necessary to solve the problem of
changing the numbers of working stations.
4.2. Working mode after introduction of new alternative station
By introducing new stations, it is necessary to rearrange the queue
of the robots, waiting in front of the other station:
The result of rearrangement of the queues is:
In front of the station number one for the ith, jth and kth
operation on the mth, nth and lth product are waiting robots on the ith
operation for assembling the mth product, with the first priority,
numbered from one till the middle. Then follow robots on the jth
operation assembling the nth product, with the second priority, numbered
from one till the middle. The last in the queue are robots on the kth
operation for assembling the nth product, with the third priority
numbered from one till the middle.
In front of the station number two, for the ith, jth and kth
operation on the mth, nth and lth product are waiting robots for the ith
operation on the mth product, with the first priority, numbered from
middle + 1 till the end. Then follow robots for the jth operation for
assembling the nth product, with the second priority, numbered from
middle + 1 till the end. The last in the queue are robots for the kth
operation for assembling the nth product, with the third priority,
numbered from middle + 1 till the end, as shown in Eq. (4) and in Fig.
4.3. Working mode after failure of one alternative station
In front of the stations number one and two for the ith, jth and
kth operation on the mth, nth and lth product are waiting robots for the
ith operation assembling the mth product, with the first priority,
numbered from one till the last. Then, following robots on the jth
operation for assembling the nth product, with the second priority,
numbered from one till the last. The last in the queue are robots for
the kth operation for assembling the nth product, with the third
priority, numbered from one till the last:
In case of failure of the station number 2 mobile robots are moving
to the station 1 in the following way. Robots on the ith operation
assembling the mth product, with the first priority, numbered from one
till the last are coming to the end of the queue of the ith operation
for assembling the mth product, with the first priority, on the station
two. Then, following robots for the jth operation in assembling the nth
product, with the second priority, numbered from one till the last are
rearranged with the same rule. The last is the rearrangement in the
queue of robots for the kth operation for assembling the nth product,
with the third priority numbered from one till the last.
The result of rearrangement of the queues is:
The rearrangement of queues in the case of failure of one
alternative station is shown in Eq. (6) and in Fig. 2.
Scheduling strategies are designed to fulfill the key aim:
just-in-time delivery of products according to the specification of
customer order. The scheduling strategies are task-oriented to fulfill
the order for one particular customer in good time. That means one
customer has ordered different quantities of different types of
products, and all his products have to be assembled, packaged and
prepared for the delivery and transportation at predefined day and time
(yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm).
The first step in the production planning at the factory level is
to combine orders from different customers to find the best way to
fulfill the wishes of all customers. The result of this planning is
called system order. It tells what and how many (product types and their
runs) and how urgent (priority) has to be assembled during the next
period of time. All unlocked orders in the pool of the orders are making
the system order (Fig. 2.) Assembling a run of one product type is
called assembly order. The logic and hierarchy of working cycles during
the completition of one system order are shown in Fig. 3 [10].
These activities are happening in the following way.
1. The group of assembly orders with the highest priority is
selected from the system order.
2. From this group the first product type is selected.
3. The first piece in the run of that product type is assembled.
4. Mobile robot is getting order to assemble that piece. It takes
suitable assembly pallet and goes from the assembly station for
assembling of the first part till the assembly station for assembling
the last part of that piece and finally to the unloading and packaging
station. During the assembling procedure mobile robot can have
alternative ways. This happens when one assembly operation can be
completed by different assembly stations or workers. During the
selection of the most suitable station for the next assembly operation,
the robot follows the criteria of "the shortest completition
time" of the next assembly operation. The time for the completition
of the next operation is the sum of the waiting time and operation time.
During the assembling procedure of one piece of a product- mobile robot
is coming to different situations as shown in Fig. 4. What to do in the
particular situations can be determined with following
"if-then" rules, shown in Fig. 5.
This assembly process is happening in the shop-floor and follows
basic principles of self-organization. Participants in the
self-organizing process are mobile robots, assembly stations and
shop-floor operators. This part is shown at the bottom of Fig. 2.
5. The procedures 3 and 4 are repeated since the very last piece of
the run is assembled.
6. The procedure is repeated for the next product type in the
priority group.
7. When the last product type in the priority group is assembled,
the whole procedure from step 2 till 6 is repeated for the next priority
8. End of system order: when the last piece in the run of the last
product type in the lowest priority group is finished, the system order
is completed.
9. It is a time to prepare the next system order for the time
coming. Generation of system orders can be made also more continuously.
Fig. 3 Logic of working cycles during the completion of BAS system
For (i=l;i=isYSTEMORDEit;i=i+l)
Completition of System Order in BAS according to the priorities
starts with the highest priority (j=1) and finishes with the lowest
priority (j-3)
For (j=1;j=3;j+1)
For (k=1;k=last;k=k+1)
For (l=1;1=1RUN;l=l+1)
For (m=1;m=mLAST;m=m+1)
Find and go to the most suitable
assembly station and make
l-th example of k-th product type is
Run of k-th product type is finished
Runs of all product types with j-th priority are finished
i-th system order for all priorities is finished
All system orders are finished
Fig. 5. Mobile robots' acting rules.
a) rule
if {the next step of assembly is packing}
then {the new assembly order, a robot has to go to the
loading/unloading station}
b) rule
if {the quality state of product is negative}
then {the robot has to go the repair station. wait to the shop
floor operator. the shop floor operator will try to repair
the product. if this is not possible, he will remove it from
the system, and will prepare the pallet and the mobile robot
for assembling of the next (new) product. the results of
repair operation: the state of assembly and the quality
c) rule
if {a assembly station becomes active or passive}
then {the rearrangement of the queues of alternative assembly
d) rule
if {the quality state of product is positive and the next
operation is assembly operation}
then {find out which assembly station(s) can perform the next
assembly operation; if there are more than one, find out
which is better, taking into consideration existing queues
and priorities}
e) rule
if {the mobile robot is present and the assembly station is busy
or there are waiting robot(s) with equal or higher priority or
there are robot(s) of equal priority which are waiting for
longer time}
then {the mobile robot has to wait in the queue of the assembly
station for the next operation}
f) rule
if {the assembly station is free and there are no robot(s) with
higher priority in the queue}
then {docking, execute assembly operation, check the quality of
results of the assembly operation, write the new state of
assembly and the quality state of product, undocking}
The basic characteristics of the proposed BAS are the following.
1. The variable structure of the system, the number of stations can
vary from one of each type to unlimited.
2. This system is possible to organize as a worker-friendly system,
which has the possibility to be highly automated from one side and has
the ability to integrate workers, from the other side.
3. Product mix and size of the run can vary in extremely wide
4. Self-organizing behaviour of the system makes it robust against
external and internal disturbances.
5. Variable dynamic layout of the system can be used for
optimization of the working scenario and system parameters.
6. The BAS can very quickly respond on the demands of a master
scheduling system [1112].
The proposed concept of a bionic assembly system is logical result
of the development of flexible assembly systems. BAS has stronger
characteristics of self-organizing, robustness and adaptation. The main
problem is the conflict between hierarchy and heterarchy. The concept is
suitable for application in most complex flexible assembly systems. The
concept accepts variations in the structure of the assembly system.
Introducing additional assembly stations without changes in scheduling
strategies and scenarios can increase the capacity of the system. This
system is possible to organize as a worker-friendly system, which has
the possibility to be highly automated from one side and has the ability
to integrate workers from the other side. This characteristics of the
system open basically a new trend in the development of automation,
(re)integration of workers in highly automated industrial environment.
This development can be highly interesting for solving the present
situation in developing countries, which have high rate of unemployed
skilled people who cannot be integrated in classical automated systems.
Variable layout of the system can be used for optimization of the
working scenario and system parameters. Future research will be focused
on system reconfiguration, system starting procedures and solution of
conflict situations between centralized and self-organizing parts of the
doi: 10.3176/eng.2013.1.03
This research was supported by the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Program
of the European Union.
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Branko Katalinic (a), Valentin E. Pryanichnikov (b), Kanji Ueda
(c), Toms Torims (d), Ilya Kukushkin (a), Paulina Cesarec (a) and Roman
Kettler (a)
Received 16 October 2012, in revised form 10 January 2013
(a) Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Group, Vienna University of
Technology, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Vienna, Austria;
(b) International Laboratory "Sensorika", KIAM, Russian
Academy of Sciences, Miusskaya sq. 4, 125047 Moscow, Russia;
(c) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and
Technology (AIST) and the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan;
(d) Riga Technical University, Kalku St 1, LV 1658 Riga, Latvia;