Application of high-level decision diagrams for simulation-based verification tasks/Korgtaseme otsustusdiagrammide kasutamine simuleerimisel pohinevas riistvara verifitseerimisel.
Jenihhin, Maksim ; Raik, Jaan ; Chepurov, Anton 等
Traditional design representation models are based on HDLs (e.g.
VHDL or Verilog). However, a number of drawbacks are related to the
application of HDLs-based models in verification.
The awkwardness and usually even inability of HDLs to represent
complex temporal assertions has caused introduction of languages,
especially dedicated for this purpose, such as the Property
Specification Language (PSL). The latter one in turn is not always
supported by design simulation tools or this support may be expensive.
The attempts to unify design implementation and its properties'
representations normally result in creation of large hardware checkers
that assume significant restrictions on the initial assertion
functionality. At the same time a comprehensive verification coverage
measurement, based on the HDL model, may require complicated HDL code
manipulations, resulting in inefficient resource consumption.
In this paper we address the main simulation-based hardware
verification issues that are speed and accuracy of the verification
process. We target these issues by exploiting the advantages of the
HLDD-based modelling formalism. The main contribution of this paper is
the combination of assertion checking and coverage analysis approaches
into a single homogeneous HLDD-based dynamic functional verification
flow. Previous research, including [1], has shown that HLDDs are an
efficient model for design simulation and convenient for diagnosis and
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 defines the HLDD graph
model, discusses its compactness types and describes the HLDD-based
simulation process. HLDD-based structural coverage analysis is discussed
in Section 3. Here the most popular coverage metrics such as statement,
branch and condition are considered. Section 4 discusses application of
the HLDD for assertion checking. For this purpose a brief description of
IEEE std PSL as a language for assertions entry is provided. Further,
the main issues of the approach itself, such as temporal extension for
HLDD (THLDD), hierarchical creation of THLDDs and the THLDD assertion
checking process, are discussed. Section 5 provides the experimental
results, and finally conclusions are drawn.
Various kinds of Decision Diagrams (DD) have been applied for
design verification and test for about two decades. Reduced Ordered
Binary Decision Diagrams (BDD) [2] as canonical forms of Boolean
functions have their application in equivalence checking and in symbolic
model checking.
In this paper we consider a decision diagram representation called
High-Level Decision Diagrams (HLDDs) that can be considered as a
generalization of BDD. There exist a number of other word-level decision
diagrams such as multi-terminal DDs (MTDDs) [3], K*BMDs [4] and ADDs
[5]. However, in MTDDs the non-terminal nodes hold Boolean variables
only. The K*BMDs, where additive and multiplicative weights label the
edges, are useful for compact canonical representation of functions on
integers (especially wide integers). The main goal of HLDD
representations, described in this paper, is not canonicity, but ease of
simulation. The principal difference between HLDDs and ADDs lies in the
fact that ADDs edges are not labelled with activating values. In HLDDs
the selection of a node activates a path through the diagram, which
derives the needed value assignments for variables.
The HLDDs can be used for representing different abstraction levels
from RTL (Register-Transfer Level) to TLM (Transaction Level Modelling)
and the behavioural level. HLDDs have proven to be an efficient model
for simulation and diagnosis since they provide for a fast evaluation by
graph traversal and for easy identification of cause-effect
relationships [1]. The HLDD model itself is not a contribution of this
2.1. Definition of the HLDD modelling formalism
In the following we give a formal definition of High-Level Decision
Diagrams. Let us denote a discrete function y = f(x), where y=
([y.sub.1], ..., [y.sub.n]) and X = ([x.sub.1], ..., [x.sub.m]) are
vectors defined on X = [X.sub.1] x ... x [X.sub.m] with values y [member
of] Y = [Y.sub.1] x ... x [Y.sub.m] and both, the domain X and the range
Y are finite sets of values. The values of variables may be Boolean,
Boolean vectors or integers.
Definition 1. A HLDD, representing a discrete function y = f(x), is
a directed acyclic labelled graph that can be defined as a quadruple
[G.sub.y](M, E, Z, [LAMBDA]), where M is a finite set of vertices
(referred to as nodes), E is a finite set of edges, Z is a function,
which defines the variables labelling the nodes, and [LAMBDA] is a
function on E.
The function Z([m.sub.i]) returns the variable [x.sub.k], which is
labelling node [m.sub.i]. Each node of a HLDD is labelled with a
variable. In special cases, nodes can be labelled with constants or
algebraic expressions. An edge e [member of] E of a HLDD is an ordered
pair e = ([m.sub.1], [m.sub.2]) [member of] [E.sup.2], where [E.sup.2]
is the set of all the possible ordered pairs in set E. [LAMBDA] is a
function on E, representing the activating conditions of the edges for
the simulating procedures. The value of [LAMBA](e) is a subset of the
domain [X.sub.k] of the variable [x.sub.k], where e = ([m.sub.i],
[m.sub.j]) and Z([m.sub.i]) = [x.sub.k]. It is required that [Pm.sub.j]
= {[LAMBDA](e)|e = ([m.sub.i], [m.sub.j]) [member of] E} is a partition
of the set [X.sub.k] Figure 1 presents a HLDD for a discrete function y
= f([x.sub.1], [x.sub.2], [x.sub.3], [x.sub.4]). HLDD has only one
starting node (root node) [m.sub.0], for which there are no preceding
nodes. The nodes that have no successor nodes are referred to as
terminal nodes [M.sup.term] [member of] M.
HLDD models can be used for representing digital systems. In such
models, the non-terminal nodes correspond to conditions or to control
signals, and the terminal nodes represent data operations (functional
units). Register transfers and constant assignments are treated as
special cases of operations. When representing systems by decision
diagram models, in the general case, a network of HLDDs rather than a
single HLDD is required. During the simulation in HLDD systems, the
values of some variables, labelling the nodes of a HLDD, are calculated
by other HLDDs of the system.
Consider the example of HLDD representation of a VHDL design,
containing feedback loops shown in Fig. 2. Figure 2a presents a
behavioural description of the greatest common divisor algorithm, which
contains variable assignments, a loop construct (WHILE) and an
if-statement. Figure 2b provides an RTL implementation of the algorithm.
Figure 2c shows the HLDD representation of the RTL, given in Fig. 2b. It
is a system of HLDDs, where for each HDL variable a separate diagram
Different from the well-known Reduced Ordered BDD models, which
have worst-case exponential space requirements, HLDD size scales well
with respect to the size of the RTL code. Let n be the number of
processes in the RTL code, v be the average number of variables/signals
inside a process and c be the average number of conditional branches in
a process. In the worst case, the number of nodes in the HLDD model will
be equal to nvc. Note, that the complexity of HLDDs is just O(n) with
respect to the number of processes in the code.
Figure 3 presents a functional segment of VHDL description of an
example design CovEx2 and its corresponding HLDD representation. There
are three columns with numerical values to the left from the VHDL code.
The first column Ln. is basically the line number, while the other two
are explained further. The variables' names in CovEx2 follow the
following unification rules: {V--an output variable; cS--a conditional
statement; D--a decision; T--a terminal node; C--a condition}. The nodes
and edges in HLDD representation are also enumerated. This enumeration
is used for explanatory purposes and will be discussed in Section 3.
2.2. Representation types of the HLDD model
We distinguish three types of HLDD representations according to
their compactness and with consideration of the HLDD reduction rules.
These rules are similar to the reduction rules for BDDs, presented in
[2] and can be generalized as follows:
HLDD reduction rule 1: Eliminate all the redundant nodes whose all
edges point to an equivalent sub-graph.
HLDD reduction rule 2: Share all the equivalent sub-graphs.
The three representation types in the increasing order of
compactness are:
* Full tree HLDD contains all control flow branches of the design.
This type of representation includes a lot of redundancy. They introduce
large space requirements and relatively slow simulation times.
* Reduced HLDD is obtained by application of the HLDD reduction
rule 1 to the full tree representation. This HLDD representation is
still a tree-graph. This type of representation combines the advantages
of full-tree representation and minimized representation.
* Minimized HLDD is obtained by application of both HLDD reduction
rules 1 and 2 to the full tree representation. This representation is
the most compact of the three.
Different design verification tasks may require different HLDD
representation types. For example, as it will be shown in Section 3, the
compactness of HLDD representation has significant impact on the
accuracy of the verification coverage analysis.
The HLDD representation, used in Fig. 3, was of the reduced type.
Figures 4 and 5 represent CovEx2 design by full tree and minimized
HLDDs, respectively.
2.3. Simulation using HLDDs
In [1], we have implemented an algorithm, supporting both RTL and
behavioural design abstraction levels. Algorithm 1 presents the
HLDD-based simulation engine for RTL, behavioural and mixed HDL
description styles.
Simulation on decision diagrams takes place as follows. Consider a
situation, where all the node variables are fixed to some value. For
each non-terminal node [m.sub.i] [??] [M.sup.term], according to the
value [v.sub.k] of the variable [x.sub.k] = Z([m.sub.i]), certain output
edge e = ([m.sub.i], [m.sub.j]), [v.sub.k] [member of] [LAMDA](e) will
be chosen, which enters into its corresponding successor node [m.sub.j].
Let us call such connections activated edges under the given values and
Succeeding each other, activated edges form in turn activated paths. For
each combination of values of all the node variables there always exists
a corresponding activated path from the root node to some terminal node.
We refer to this path as the main activated path. The simulated value of
variable, represented by the HLDD, will be the value of the variable
labelling the terminal node of the main activated path.
Algorithm 1.
For each diagram G in the model
[m.sub.Current] = [m.sub.0]
Let [x.sub.Current] be the variable labeling [m.sub.Current]
While [m.sub.Current] is not a terminal node
If [x.sub.Current] is clocked or its DD is ranked after G then
Value = previous time-step value of [x.sub.Current]
Value = present time-step value of [x.sub.Current]
End if
[m.sub.Current] = [m.sub.Current.sup.Value]
End while
Assign [x.sub.G] = [x.sub.Current]
End for
End SimulateHLDD
In the RTL style, the algorithm takes the previous time step value
of variable [x.sub.j], labelling a node [m.sub.i], if [x.sub.j]
represents a clocked variable in the corresponding HDL. Otherwise, the
present value of [x.sub.j] will be used. In the case of behavioural HDL
coding style, HLDDs are generated and ranked in a specific order to
ensure causality. For variables [x.sub.j], labelling HLDD nodes the
previous time step value is used if the HLDD calculating [x.sub.j] is
ranked after the current decision diagram. Otherwise, the present time
step value will be used.
Let us explain the HLDD simulation process on the decision diagram
example, presented in Fig. 1. Assuming that variable [x.sub.2] is equal
to 2, a path is activated from node [m.sub.0] (the root node) to a
terminal node [m.sub.3], labelled with [x.sub.1]. Let the value of
variable [x.sub.1] be 4, thus, y = [x.sub.1] = 4. Note, that this type
of simulation is event-driven since we have to simulate only those nodes
that are traversed by the main activated path.
Hardware verification coverage analysis is aimed to estimate
quality and completeness of the performed verification. It plays a key
role in simulation-based verification and helps to find an answer to the
important yet sophisticated question of when the design is verified
enough. The main focus in this paper is on the structural coverage (code
coverage) for simulation-based verification as the most widely used in
practice. This section describes how a number of traditional code
coverage metrics [6,7] can be analysed, based on the HLDD model.
3.1. Statement coverage analysis
The statement coverage is the ratio of statements, executed during
simulation, to the total number of statements under the given set of
The idea of statement coverage representation on HLDDs was proposed
in [8] and developed further in [9]. The statement coverage metric has a
straightforward mapping to HLDD-based coverage. It maps directly to the
ratio of nodes [m.sub.Current], traversed during the HLDD simulation
presented in Algorithm 1 (Subsection 2.3), to the total number of the
HLDD nodes in the DUV's (Design Under Verification) representation.
The appropriate type of HLDD representation for the analysis of both,
statement and branch coverage metrics, is the reduced one. The
variations in the analysis, caused by different HLDD representation
types, are discussed further.
Let us consider the VHDL description of the CovEx2 design, provided
in Fig. 3. The numbers in the second column (Stm.) correspond to the
lines with statements (both conditional and assignment). The 20 HLDD
nodes of the two graphs in the same figure correspond to the 18
statements of the VHDL segment. Covering all nodes in the HLDD model
(i.e. full HLDD node coverage) corresponds to covering all statements in
the respective HDL (100% statement coverage). However, the opposite is
not true. HLDD node coverage is slightly more stringent than HDL
statement coverage. Please note that some of the HDL statements have
duplicated representation by the HLDD nodes. This is due to the fact
that HLDD diagrams are normally generated for each data variable
separately. Please consider statements 1 and 2 with asterisk
'*' in VHDL representation and additional indexes in HLDD
(Fig. 3). They are represented twice by the nodes of both variables V1
and V2 graphs, and therefore there are 20 HLDD nodes in total.
The fact that HLDD node coverage is slightly more stringent than
HDL statement coverage is caused by their property to better represent
the actual structure of the design. For example, if one statement in a
design description by VHDL can be accessed by several execution paths,
it will be represented by a number of nodes (or sub-graphs) in the
corresponding graph when reduced, or full-tree HLDD representations are
3.2. Branch coverage analysis
The branch coverage metric shows the ratio of branches in the
control flow graph of the code that are traversed under the given set of
stimuli. This metric is also known as decision coverage, especially in
software testing [7], and arc coverage. In a typical application of
branch coverage measurement, the number of every decision's hits is
counted. Note, that the full branch coverage comprises full statement
Similar to the statement coverage, branch coverage also has very
clear representation in the HLDD model (also initially proposed in [8]
and developed further in [9]). It is the ratio of every edge
[], activated in the simulation process, presented by
Algorithm 1 (Subsection 2.3) to the total number of edges in the
corresponding HLDD representation of the DUV.
Let us consider the VHDL segment in Fig. 3. Here, the third column
(Dcn.) numbers all 13 branches (aka decisions) of the code. The edges in
the HLDD graphs, provided in Fig. 3, represent these branches and are
marked by the corresponding numbers (underlined). Covering all the edges
in a HLDD model (i.e. full HLDD edge coverage) corresponds to covering
all branches in the respective HDL. However, similarly to the previously
discussed statement on coverage mapping, here the opposite is also not
true and HLDD edge coverage is slightly more stringent than HDL branch
Please note that some of the HDL branches also have duplicated
representation by the HLDD edges. This is due to the same reason as with
HLDD nodes. In Fig. 3 they are marked by '*' and by additional
subscript indexes.
The HLDD-based approaches for statement and branch coverage metrics
can further be extended for other metrics of structural verification
coverage such as state coverage (aka FSM coverage), data flow coverage
and others. In the first case the graph or graphs for the state variable
should be analysed. The second one would require strict HLDD model
partitioning by the variables sub-graphs and would map to the coverage
of all single paths from terminal nodes to the root nodes separately in
all variables' HLDD sub-graphs.
3.3. Condition coverage analysis
Condition coverage metric reports all cases of each Boolean
sub-expression, separated by logical operators or and and; in a
conditional statement it causes the complete conditional statement to
evaluate the decisions (e.g. 'true' or 'false'
values) under the given set of stimuli. It differs from the branch
coverage by the fact that in the branch coverage only the final
decision, determining the branch, is taken into account. If we have n
conditions, joined by logical and operators in a logical expression of a
conditional statement, it means that the probability of evaluating the
statement to the decision 'true' is [1/2.sup.n] (considering
pure random stimuli for the condition values). Calculation of the
condition coverage, based on HDL representation, is a sophisticated
multi-step process. However, the condition coverage metric allows
discovering information about many corner cases of the DUV.
In this section we discuss an approach for condition coverage
metric analysis, based on the HLDD model. The approach is based on a
hierarchical DUV representation, where the conditional statements with
complex logical expressions (normally represented by single nodes in
HLDD graphs) are expanded into separate HLDD graphs.
Let us consider the example design CovEx2, provided in Fig. 3. It
contains the following 6 conditional statements:
The HLDD expansion graphs for these conditional statements are
provided in Fig. 6. Here the terminal nodes are marked by background
colors according to different decisions for better readability.
These 6 expansion graphs can be considered as sub-graphs,
representing "virtual" variables (because they are not real
variables of the CovEx2 VHDL representation) cS1-cS6. Thus together with
the two HLDD graphs for variables V1 and V2 (Fig. 3) these sub-graphs
compose hierarchical HLDD representation of the design (altogether 8
graphs). Here we choose graphs from Fig. 3, because accurate condition
coverage analysis requires reduced type of HLDDs.
The full condition coverage metric maps to the full coverage of
terminal nodes of the conditional statements expansion graphs during the
complete hierarchical DD system simulation with the given stimuli. The
size of the items' list C I for this coverage metric is:
number of if-type conditional statements, [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII.] is the number of conditions in the ith
ASCII.] is the number of case-type conditional statements and
conditions in the kth conditional statement. E.g., list of the condition
coverage items for CovEx2 is
[I.sub.C] = (2 * [2.sup.1] + 2 * [2.sup.2] + [2.sup.3]) + (3) = 23.
The main advantage of the proposed approach is low computational
overhead. Once the hierarchical HLDD is constructed, the analysis for
every given stimuli set is evaluated in a straightforward manner during
HLDD simulation (Algorithm 1, Subsection 2.3).
The size of the hierarchical HLDDs with the expanded conditional
statements grows with respect to [I.sub.C] and therefore there is a
significant increase of the memory consumption. However, the length of
the average sub-path from the root to terminal nodes grows linearly with
the number of conditions. Therefore, since the simulation time of a HLDD
has a linear dependence on the average sub-path from the root to
terminal nodes, it will grow only linearly with respect to the number of
A less compact HLDD representation contains more items, i.e. nodes
and edges. It means it requires more memory for the data structure
storage and possibly longer simulation time, if the average sub-path
from the root to terminal nodes becomes longer. However, it is
potentially capable to represent the design's structure more
accurately and therefore the coverage measurement may be more accurate
as well.
It has been shown in [10] that the results of the analysis of the
discussed coverage metrics, performed on reduced HLDDs, are more
stringent that the ones with the minimized HLDDs. Moreover, compared to
HDL-based analysis, the reduced HLDD-based results are always more
stringent, while minimized HLDD-based ones are often less.
At the same time, the performance of the base coverage metrics
analyses, based on the reduced and minimized HLDD model, is equivalent
due to the fact that both models have the same average length of
sub-paths from the root to terminal nodes. Compared to the full tree
HLDD representation, the reduced HLDD model usually has significant
performance improvement while the accuracy of the design's
structure representation remains the same for the discussed coverage
Application of assertions checking has been recognized to be an
efficient technique in many steps of the state-of-the-art digital
systems design [11]. In simulation-based verification, which is the main
focus of this paper, assertions play the role of monitors for a
particular system behaviour during simulation and signal about
satisfaction or violation of the property of interest [12].
The popularity of assertion-based verification has encouraged
cooperative development of a language, specially dedicated for
assertions expression. As a result, a Property Specification Language
(PSL), which is based on IBM's language Sugar, has been introduced
[13]. Later it has become an IEEE 1850 Standard [14]. PSL has been
specifically designed to fulfill several general functional
specification requirements for hardware, such as ease of use, concise
syntax, well-defined formal semantics, expressive power and known
efficient underlying algorithms in simulation-based verification.
Research on the topic of converting PSL assertions to various design
representations, such as finite state machines and hardware description
languages, is gaining popularity [15-18]. Probably the most well-known
commercial tool for this task is FoCs [19] by IBM. The above-mentioned
solutions and the approach proposed in [20] mainly address synthesis of
checkers from PSL properties that are to be used in hardware emulation.
The application of the same checker constructs for simulation in
software may lack efficiency due to target language concurrency and poor
means for temporal expressions. Current approach allows avoiding the
above limitations. The structure of an HLDD design representation with
the temporal extension, proposed in this paper, allows straightforward
and lossless translation of PSL properties. Traditionally the process of
checking complex temporal assertions in HDL environment causes
significant time and resources overhead. In this section, we discuss an
approach to checking PSL assertions using HLDDs that is aimed to
overcome these drawbacks.
4.1. PSL for assertion expression
The PSL [13,21] is a multi-flavored language. In this paper we
consider only its VHDL flavour. PSL is also a multi-layered language.
The layers include:
* Boolean layer--the lowest one, consists of Boolean expressions in
HDL (e.g. a &&(b\\c))
* Temporal layer--sequences of Boolean expressions over multiple
clock cycles, also supports Sequential Extended Regular Expressions
(SERE) (e.g. {A[*3];B} |-> {C})
* Verification layer--it provides directives that tell a
verification tool what to do with the specified sequences and
* Modelling layer--additional helper code to model auxiliary
combinational signals, state machines etc that are not part of the
actual design but are required to express the property.
The temporal layer of the PSL language has two constituents:
* Foundation Language (FL) that is Linear time Temporal Logic (LTL)
with embedded SERE
* Optional Branching Extension (OBE) that is Computational Tree
Logic (CTL)
The latter considers multiple execution paths and models design
behaviour as execution trees. The OBE part of PSL is normally applied
for formal verification. Therefore, in this paper we shall consider only
the FL part of PSL. In fact, only FL, or more precisely, its subset
known as PSL Simple Subset, is suitable for dynamic assertion checking.
This subset is explicitly defined in [139] and loosely speaking it has
two requirements for time: to advance monotonically and to be finite,
which leads to restrictions on types of operands for several operators.
Currently in the discussed HLDD-based approach only several LTL
operators without SERE support are implemented. However, as it will be
shown later, the support for SERE as well as for any other language
constructs can be easily added by an appropriate library extension.
Let us consider a simple example assertion, expressed in PSL:
reqack: assert always (req -> next ack).
Here reqack followed by semicolon is a label that provides a name
for the assertion. assert is a verification directive from the
Verification layer, always and next are temporal operators, ->is an
operator from Boolean layer, while req and ack are Boolean operands that
are also 2 signals in the DUV.
In the following the reqack assertion checking results are shown
for 3 example stimuli sequences for signals {req, ack}:
* stimuli 1: ({0,0};{1,0};{0,1} {0,0}) - PASS (satisfied)
* stimuli 2: ({0,0};{1,0};{0,0} {0,0}) - FAIL (violated)
* stimuli 3: ({0,0};{0,0};{0,1} {0,0}) - not activated (vacuous
Vacuous pass occurs if a passing property contains Boolean
expression that, in frames of the given simulation trace, has no effect
on the property evaluation. The property has passed not because of
meeting all the specified behaviour but only because of non-fulfillment
of logical implication activation conditions. The decision whether to
treat vacuous passes as actual satisfactions of properties or not
depends on particular verification tool. The approaches presented in
this paper separate vacuous passes from normal passes of a property.
4.2. Temporally extended HLDDs
In order to support complex temporal constructs of PSL assertion,
an extension for the HLDD modelling formalism has been proposed [22].
The extension is referred to as temporally extended high-level decision
diagrams (THLDDs).
Unlike the traditional HLDD, the temporally extended high-level
decision diagrams are aimed at representing temporal logic properties. A
temporal logic property P at the time-step , [t.sub.h] [member of] T,
= ([x.sub.1], ..., [x.sub.m]), is a Boolean vector and T = {[t.sub.1],
... , [t.sub.5]) is a finite set of time-steps. In order to represent
IN ASCII.] a temporally extended high-level decision diagram [G.sub.P]
can be used.
Definition 2. A temporally extended high-level decision diagram
(THLDD) is a non-cyclic directed labelled graph that can be defined as a
sixtuple [G.sub.P] = (M, E, T, Z, [LAMBDA], [PHI]), where M is a finite
set of nodes, E is a finite set of edges, T is a finite set of
time-steps, Z is a function, which defines the variables, labelling the
nodes and their domains, [LAMBDA] is a function on E, representing the
activating conditions for the edges, and [PHI] is a function on M and T,
defining temporal relationships for the labelling variables.
The graph P G has exactly three terminal nodes [M.sup.term] [member
of] M, labelled with constants, whose semantics is explained below:
* FAIL--the assertion P has been simulated and does not hold;
* PASS--the assertion P has been simulated and holds;
* CHK. (from CHECKING)--the assertion P has been simulated and it
does not fail, nor does it pass non-vacuously.
The function [PHI]([m.sub.i], t) represents the relationship,
indicating at which time-steps t [member of] T the node labelling
variable [x.sub.l] = Z([m.sub.i]) should be evaluated. More exactly, the
function returns the range of time-steps relative to current time
[t.sub.curr], where the value of variable [x.sub.k] must be read. We
denote the relative time range by [DELTA]t and calculation of variable
[x.sub.l] using the time-range [PHI]([m.sub.i], t) = [DELTA]t by
[x.sup.[DELTA]t.sub.l]. We distinguish three cases:
* [DELTA]t = [for all] {j, ... , k}, meaning that
[x.sup.[DELTA]ij.sub.l] ^ ... ^ [x.sup.[DELTA]tk.sub.j] is true, i.e.
variable [x.sub.l] is true at every time-step between [t.sub.curr+j] and
* [DELTA]t = [there exists]{j, ..., k}, meaning that
[x.sup.[DELTA]tj.sub.l] v ... v [x.sup.[DELTA]tk.sub.l] is true, i.e.
variable [x.sub.l] is true at least at one of the time-steps between
[t.sub.curr+j] and [t.sub.curr+k].
* [DELTA]t = k, where k is a constant. In other words, the variable
[x.sub.l] has to be true k time-steps from current time-step
[t.sub.curr]. In fact, [DELTA]t = k is equivalent to and may be
represented by [DELTA]t = [for all]{k, ..., k}, or alternatively by
[DELTA]t = [for exists]{k, ..., k}.
Notation event([x.sub.c]) is a special case of the upper bound of
the time range, denoted above by k and means the first time-step when
[x.sub.c] becomes true. This notation can be used in the three listed
above THLDD temporal relationship functions [PHI]([m.sub.i], t), which
creates the listed below variations of them. For [x.sup.[DELTA]t.sub.l].
where [x.sub.l] and [x.sub.c] are node labelling variables:
* [DELTA]t = [for all]{0, ..., event([x.sub.c])}, which means that
variable [x.sub.l] is true at every time-step between [t.sub.curr] and
the first time-step from [t.sub.curr] when variable [x.sub.c] becomes
true, inclusively. This is equivalent to the PSL expression [x.sub.l]
until_[x.sub.c]. The PSL expression [x.sub.l] until_[x.sub.c] can be
represented by [DELTA]t = [for all]{0, ..., event([x.sub.c]) - 1}.
* [DELTA]t = [there exists]{0, ..., event([x.sub.c])} which means
that variable [x.sub.l] is true at least at one of the time-steps
between [t.sub.curr] and the first time-step from [t.sub.curr] when
variable [x.sub.c] becomes true, inclusive. This is equivalent to the
PSL expression [x.sub.l] before_[x.sub.c]. The PSL expression [x.sub.l]
before_[x.sub.c] can be represented by [DELTA]t = [there exists]{0, ...,
event([x.sub.c]) - 1}.
* [DELTA]t = event([x.sub.c]), which means that variable [x.sub.l]
has to be true at the first time-step when [x.sub.c] becomes true. This
is equivalent to the PSL expression next_next([x.sub.c])[x.sub.l].
For Boolean, i.e. non-temporal, variables [DELTA]t = 0.
Table 1 shows examples on how temporal relationships in THLDDs map
to PSL expressions.
In addition, we use the notion of [t.sub.end] as a special value
for the upper bound of the time range, denoted above by k; [t.sub.end]
is the final time-step that occurs at the end of simulation and is
determined by one of the following cases:
* number of test vectors
* the amount of time provided for simulation
* simulation interruption
The special values for the time range bounds (i.e. event([x.sub.c])
and [t.sub.end]) are supported by the HLDD-based assertion checking
process. In the proposed approach the design simulation, which
calculates simulation trace, precedes assertion checking process. In
practice, [t.sub.end] is the final time-step of the pre-stored
simulation trace.
Note, that THLDD is an extension of HLDD, defined in Section 2, as
it includes temporal relationships functions. The main purpose of the
proposed temporal extension is transferring additional information and
giving directives to the HLDD simulator that will be used for assertions
4.3. PSL assertions conversion to THLDDs
The first step in the conversion process is parsing a PSL assertion
of interest into elementary entities, containing one operator only. The
hierarchy of operators is determined by the PSL operators precedence
specified by the IEEE1850 Standard. The second step is generation of a
THLDD representation for the assertion. This process in turn consists of
two stages. The first stage is preparatory and consists of a PPG
(Primitive Property Graphs) library creation for elementary operators.
The second stage is recursive hierarchical construction of a THLDD graph
for a complex property using the PPG library elements.
A PPG should be created for every PSL operator supported by the
proposed approach. All the created PPGs are combined into one PPG
Library. The library is extensible and should be created only once. It
implicitly determines the supported PSL subset. The method currently
supports only weak versions of PSL FL LTL-style operators. However, by
means of the supported operators a large set of properties, expressed in
PSL, can be derived. Primitive property graph is always a THLDD graph.
That means it uses HLDD model with the proposed above temporal extension
and has a standard interface.
Figure 7 shows examples of primitive property graphs for two PSL
operators next_e and logical implication ->.
The construction of complex THLDD properties is performed in the
top-down manner. The process starts from the operators with the lowest
precedence, forming the top level. Then their operands that are
sub-operators with higher precedence recursively form lower levels of
the complex property. For example, always and never operators have the
lowest level of precedence and consequently their corresponding PPGs are
put to the highest level in the hierarchy. The sub-properties (operands)
are step-by-step substituted by lower level PPGs until the lowest level,
where sub-properties are pure signals or HDL operations.
Let us consider a sample PSL property:
gcd_ready: assert always((not ready) and (a=b) -> next_e[1 to
The resulting THLDD graph, describing this property, is shown in
Fig. 8.
The construction of the property gcd_ready implies usage of the
four PPGs. The nodes in the final THLDD contain signal variables and an
HDL expression (a = b).
4.4. HLDD-based assertion checking
The process of HLDD-based assertion checking implies the existing
HLDD simulator functionality (Algorithm 1) and its extension for
assertion checking presented by Algorithm 2.
In the current implementation, HLDD-based assertion checking is a
two-step process. First the DUV has to be simulated (Algorithm 1,
Section 2.3), which calculates the simulation trace. This trace is a
starting point for assertion checking that is performed in accordance
with Algorithm 2 shown bellow. The process of checking takes into
account temporal relationships information at the THLD nodes that
represent an assertion.
Algorithm 2.
For each diagram G in the model
For t=[t.sub.min] ... [t.sub.max]
[m.sub.Current] = [m.sub.0]; [] = t
[x.sub.Current] = Z([m.sub.Current])
If [] > [t.sub.max] then
End if
Value = [x.sub.Current] at F([m.sub.Current],[])
[m.sub.Current] = [m.sub.Current.sup.Value]
[] = [[DELTA]t]
Until [m.sub.Current] [??] [M.sup.term]
Assign [x.sub.G] = [x.sub.Current] at time-step []
End for /* t= [t.sub.min] ... [t.sub.max] */
End for
End AssertionCheck
A general flow of the HLDD-based assertion checking process can be
described as follows. The input data for the first step (simulation) are
HLDD model representation of the design under verification and stimuli.
This step results in a simulation trace, stored in a text file. The
second step (checking) uses this data as well as the set of THLDD
assertions as input. The output of the second step is the assertions
checking results that include information about both the assertions
coverage and their validity.
The stored assertion validity data allows further analysis and
reasoning of which combinations of stimuli and design states have caused
fails and passes of the assertions. This data also implicitly contains
information about the monitored assertions coverage (i.e. assertion
activity: "active" or "inactive") by the given
This section demonstrates experimental results for the discussed
HLDD model applications for verification coverage analysis and assertion
checking. The experiment benchmarks several designs from ITC'99
benchmarks family [23] and a design gcd which is an implementation of
the greatest common devisor.
Figure 9 shows comparison results obtained in [10] with the
proposed methodology, based on different HLDD representations and
coverage analysis, achieved by a commercial state-of-the-art HDL
simulation tool from a major CAD vendor using the same sets of stimuli.
As it can be seen, the reduced HLDDs with expanded conditional
nodes allow equal or more stringent coverage evaluation in comparison to
the commercial coverage analysis software. For three designs (b01, b06
and b09) more stringent analysis is achieved using HLDDs. The HLDD model
allows increasing the coverage accuracy up to 13% more exact statement
measurement and 14% branch measurement (b09 design). While minimized
HLDD require less memory compared to the reduced type, they do not suit
accurate coverage analysis. Please note, that a higher coverage
percentage, reported by a coverage metric for the given stimuli, means
the metric is less stringent compared to another showing more potential
for stimuli improvement and thus being more accurate.
Figure 10 demonstrates experimental results obtained in [8], where
it was shown that HLDD-based coverage analysis has significantly lower
(tens of times) computation (i.e. measurement) time overhead compared to
the same commercial simulator.
The evaluation of HLDD-based assertion checking is demonstrated in
Fig. 11. For the experimental results, performed in [22], a set of 5
realistic assertions has been created for each benchmark. The assertions
were selected on the following basis:
* Different types of operators should be included (e.g. Boolean
operators, implication, temporal operators including until);
* Different outcomes should result (fail, pass, both);
* The failure/pass frequency should vary (frequent, infrequent).
For example the assertions selected for gcd design were the
p1: assert always(((not ready) and (a = b)) -> next_e[1 to
3](ready)); p2: assert always (reset -> next next((not ready) until
(a = b))); p3: assert never ((a /= b) and ready); p4: assert never ((a
/= b) and (not ready)); p5: assert always(reset -> next_a[2 to 5](not
The assertions used for the b00, b04, b09 benchmarks had the same
temporal complexity as the ones listed for the gcd design. Each
assertion has been checking 2-5 signals and besides an invariance
operator (always or never) contained from 1 to 3 LTL temporal operators
from Table 1. SERE have not been used as they are not currently
supported. Both simulators were supplied with the same sequences of
realistic stimuli providing a good coverage for the assertions.
Figure 11 shows comparison of the assertion checking execution
times between HLDD simulator and the commercial tool. The execution time
values in the table are presented in seconds for 106 clock cycles of
stimuli. Both tools have shown identical responses to the assertion
satisfactions and violations occurrences. The conversion of the
benchmarks representation from VHDL to HLDD has taken from 219 to 260 ms
and conversion of the set of 5 assertions for each of the benchmarks
from 14 to 19 ms, respectively. Please note, that these conversions
should be performed only once for each set of DUV and assertions and
they are comparable to the commercial CAD tools VHDL compilation times.
During the experiments we have tried to use different number of time
intervals with various sizes and have not observed any issues with
scalability, however, proper experiments to evaluate the scalability
issue are scheduled for the future.
The presented experimental results show the feasibility of the
proposed approach and a significant speed-up (2 times) in the execution
time, required for design simulation with assertion checking by the
proposed approach compared to the state-of-the-art commercial tool.
This paper has demonstrated several advantages of the application
of high-level decision diagrams for simulation-based verification.
The paper has discussed an approach to the structural coverage
analysis using HLDDs. In particular, statement, branch and condition
coverage metrics have been considered in details. It is important to
emphasize that all coverage metrics (i.e. statement, branch, condition
or a combination of them) in the proposed methodology are analysed by a
single HLDD simulation tool which relies on HLDD design representation
model. Different levels of coverages are distinguished by simply
generating a different level of HLDD (i.e. minimized, reduced, or
hierarchical with expanded conditional nodes).
An HLDD-based approach for assertion checking has also been
demonstrated. The approach implies a temporal extension of HLDD model
(THLDD) to support temporal operations inherent in IEEE standard PSL
properties and also to directly support assertion checking. A
hierarchical approach to generate THLDDs and basic algorithms for
THLDD-based assertion checking were discussed.
As a future work we see integration of these HLDD-based assertion
checking and coverage measurement methods for the design error diagnosis
and debug solutions.
doi: 10.3176/eng.2010.1.07
This work has been supported by European Commission Framework
Program 7 projects DIAMOND and CREDES, by European Union through the
European Regional Development Fund, by Estonian Science Foundation
(grants Nos. 8478, 7068 and 7483), Enterprise Estonia funded ELIKO
Development Centre and Estonian Information Technology Foundation
Received 28 October 2009, in revised form 20 January 2010
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Maksim Jenihhin, Jaan Raik, Anton Chepurov and Raimund Ubar
Department of Computer Engineering, Tallinn University of
Technology, Raja 15, 12618 Tallinn, Estonia; {maksim, jaan, anchep,
Table 1. Temporal relationships in THLDDs
PSL expression Formal semantics THLDD construct [PHI]
next_a[j to k] x x holds at all [x.sup.[DELTA]t=
time-steps [for all](j, ... ,k)]
between [t.sub.j]
and [t.sub.k]
next_e[j to k] x x holds at least [x.sup.[DELTA]t=
once between [there exist]](j, ... ,k)]
next[k] x x holds at k [x.sup.[DELTA]t=k]
from [t.sub.curr]
x until_[x.sub.c] x holds at all [x.sup.[DELTA]T=[for all]
time-steps between {0, ... ,event
[t.sub.curr] and ([x.sub.c])}]
the first time-step
from [t.sub.curr]
[x.sub.c] holds
x before_[x.sub.c] x holds at least [x.sup.[DELTA]t=
once between event([x.sub.c])]
and the first
time-step from
[t.sub.curr] where
[x.sub.c] holds
next_event x holds at the first [sup.[DELTA]t=
([x.sub.c]) x time-step from event([x.sub.c])
[t.sub.curr] where
[x.sub.c] holds
Fig. 10. HLDD-based coverage analysis time overhead evaluation.
HLDD-based analysis VHDL-based analysis
time overhead time overhead
b00 1 28
b04 0.9 32.2
b09 4.3 78.9
gcd 3.2 31.7
Note: Table made from bar graph.
Fig. 11. HLDD-based assertion checking evaluation.
HLDD-based analysis HLDD-based analysis VEDI-based analysis
simulation checking total time
gcd 4.87 2.07 13.52
b00 2.95 3.43 13.84
b04 3.61 5.47 19.23
b09 4.55 2.21 12.41
Note: Table made from bar graph.