Canonical representations of high-level decision diagrams/Korgtaseme otsustusdiagrammide kanooniline esitus.
Karputkin, Anton ; Ubar, Raimund ; Raik, Jaan 等
As the complexity of digital systems continues to increase, the
traditional gate level modelling of systems, especially for verification
and test generation purposes, has become obsolete. Economical and
practical reasons have pushed the designers to apply automatic test
pattern generation at higher abstraction levels to implement functional
or hierarchical test strategies, or to approach design validation with
the goal to early identify and remove design errors at higher functional
levels, saving time and money. Thus many functional automated test
pattern generators (ATPG) have been proposed in the literature to
generate effective test sequences at the higher [1-3], behaviour [4,5]
or functional register-transfer levels [6,7]. A special case of
functional techniques are ATPGs, based on perturbation of statements in
the digital circuit model using VHDL or RTL [8,9]. Hierarchical approach
[10,11], compared to pure functional approach, lies in the possibility
of constructing test plans on higher levels and modelling faults on more
detailed lower levels, which results in better test quality.
The efficiency of high-level test generation for complex digital
systems depends essentially on selecting the diagnostic model of the
system and the way how to represent and handle the faults of the system.
High-level functional ATPGs can be divided into two main categories:
random-based and deterministic. The first set adopts simulation-based
strategies, guided by genetic algorithms or other probabilistic
techniques [2,3]. They rely on functional fault models and simulation of
HDL descriptions (e.g. SystemC, VHDL, Verilog, etc.) of the design.
These ATPGs are fast, but they cannot guarantee high fault coverage and
they tend to generate very long test sequences. Deterministic ATPGs are
based on mathematical strategies to allow a complete exploration of the
system's state space [4,6,7,10,11], thus covering corner cases, but
they require a larger amount of timing and memory resources.
In search for efficient high-level models, recently a number of
papers has been published on implementing assignment decision diagram
(ADD) models [12] combined with SAT methods to address register-transfer
level (RTL) test pattern generation [6,7]. A promising approach is to
use high-level decision diagrams (HLDD) [13] that, unlike ADDs, can be
viewed as a generalization of binary decision diagrams (BDDs). HLDDs
allow modelling of different abstraction levels from RTL to behavioural
while ADDs are limited to RTL only. HLDDs have proven to be an efficient
model for simulation [14], fault modelling [15] and test generation
[10,11] as they provide for fast evaluation by graph traversal and for
easy identification of cause-effect relationships. Further improvements
in using HLDDs for high-level functional test generation were reached by
combining HLDDs with extended finite state machines (EFSM) [16,17].
Within the last two decades binary decision diagrams (BDD) have
become the state-of-the-art data structure in VLSI CAD for
representation and manipulation of Boolean functions [18-25]. They were
introduced first in 1959 by C. Y. Lee in the form of binary decision
programs for representing digital circuits [18]. In 1976 the same model,
called alternative graphs [19,20], was introduced for test generation
purposes. Independently the same model was introduced into the field of
test generation by Akers [21] under the name of BDDs. Today the theory
of BDDs is developing quickly with the main purpose of efficient
manipulation of logic expressions. The subset of BBDs, called
structurally synthesized binary decision diagrams (SSBDDs), represent
directly in the graph the structural features of circuits [19,20,26,27].
While traditionally BDDs are generated by Shannon's expansions,
which allow to extract only the Boolean function of the logic circuit,
the SSBDDs are generated by a superposition procedure that extracts
both, function and data about structural paths of the circuit. This
feature makes them preferable for diagnosis related tasks like fault
modelling, simulation, test generation and fault location. 40
HLDDs represent a generalization of SSBDDs for modelling the
functions and structure of digital systems on higher behaviour,
functional or RTL abstraction levels. HLDDs are an excellent way to
represent cause-effect and effect-cause relationships at higher levels
of system abstraction as a basis for fault diagnosis in technical
systems. They allow to skip dedicated low-level technical problems,
related to semiconductor technology and to concentrate only on the
high-level logic abstractions to carry out diagnostic reasoning. This is
the only way how to handle today's complex systems. Moreover, the
test related procedures, developed for SSBDDs, can be easily generalized
for HLDDs to handle digital systems, represented at higher levels. In
[28] two methods for synthesis of HLDDs were proposed. The first method
is based on symbolic execution of procedural descriptions, which
corresponds to functional representation of the system, e.g. on the
behavioural level. The second one is based on iterative superposition of
HLDDs, and the created model corresponds to the high-level structural
representation of the system. The second method can be regarded as the
generalization of the superposition of SSBDDs [29].
An example of a structurally synthesized HLDD, which represents a
RTL data path of a digital system shown in Fig. 1 with functions of the
components in Table 1, is depicted in Fig. 2. Variables [R.sub.1] and
[R.sub.2] represent registers, IN represents the input bus, integer
variables [y.sub.1], [y.sub.2], [y.sub.3], [y.sub.4] represent control
signals, [M.sub.1],[M.sub.2],[M.sub.3] are multiplexers, and the
functions [R.sub.1] + [R.sub.2] and [R.sub.1] * [R.sub.2] represent
adder and multiplier, respectively. Each node in the HLDD represents a
subcircuit of the system (e.g. the nodes [y.sub.1], [y.sub.2],
[y.sub.3], [y.sub.4] represent multiplexers and decoders). The whole DD
describes the behaviour of the input logic of the register [R.sub.2].
The bold path in Fig. [member of] shows the active mode of the system in
the case of input control vector ([y.sub.1], [y.sub.2], [y.sub.3],
[y.sub.4]) = (1, 0, 3, 2), which means that during this clock cycle the
system calculates the multiplication [R.sub.2] = [R.sub.1] * [R.sub.2].
The structural relationships between the HLDD and the original system
are highlighted by dotted lines in Fig. 2. The area in Fig. [member of]
denoted by [R.sub.2] corresponds to the DD for the subcircuit [R.sub.2],
consisting of register [R.sub.2] with its input logic in Fig. 1; the
area denoted by [R.sub.2]+[M.sub.3] corresponds to the composite DD for
the subcircuit, consisting of components [M.sub.2], multiplier,
[M.sub.3] and [R.sub.2], highlighted by dark colour in Fig. 1; the area,
denoted by c([M.sub.1]), corresponds to the DD for the subcircuit
consisting of the components [M.sub.1] and adder; finally, the area
denoted by d([M.sub.2]) corresponds to the DDs for the subcircuit,
consisting of the components [M.sub.2] and multiplier.
In the HLDDs the internal nodes represent the control part of a
system and the terminal nodes represent the data manipulation part of
the latter. In the general case a system is described by a set of HLDDs,
where each HLDD represents a controlled input logic of a register.
In this paper we will show how the HLDDs can be used for high-level
verification purposes (more precisely, for probabilistic equivalence
checking), for example in the cases when we have got two HLDD
representations of a system: (1) high level specification, and (2) high
level implementation. We will describe the diagrams by sets of
characteristic polynomials and show how to use them in practice. The
idea to represent digital systems as polynomials is not new, one can
find similar ideas adapted for gate level models in papers [30,31]. An
attempt to move up to the higher levels was made in [32]. However, at
these levels we do not have such convenient and well-known formal
representation of the system as boolean expressions are for the gate
level. Before strarting to compute a polynomial we need an initial
definition of the function it describes. The multivalued decision
diagrams proposed for this purpose in [32] is not the best choice:
computing them is the problem itself. This work combined with our
previous paper [28] gives a way to get the canonical form of the digital
system at higher levels directly from its description.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section [member of] we give
the formal definition of HLDDs, in Section 3 we show the possibility of
representing the HLDDs by characteristic polynomials, which can be used
as a canonical form of HLDDs. In Section 4 we show how the
characteristic polynomials can be used for proving the equivalence
between two HLDDs, which may have different internal structures. Section
5 concludes the paper.
In this section we define the objects being studied in the current
article: HLDDs and functions represented by them, further called HLDD
Consider a digital system (Z, F) as a network of subsystems or
components where Z is the set of variables (Boolean, Boolean vectors or
integers), which represent connections between components, inputs and
outputs of the network. Let Z = X [union] Y , where X is the set of
function arguments and Y is the set of function values where Q = X
[intersection] Y is the set of state variables. D(z) denotes the finite
set of all possible values for z [member of] Z and D(U) is the set of
all possible vectors in U [subset or equal to] Z. Obviously, if U =
{[u.sub.1], ... , [u.sub.n]} then D(U) = D([u.sub.1]) x ... x
D([u.sub.n]). Let F be a set of digital functions: [z.sub.k] =
[f.sub.k]([Z.sub.k]) where [z.sub.k] [member of] Z, [f.sub.k] [member
of] F, and [Z.sub.k] [subset] Z (k iterates over all elements in F).
Definition 1. The high-level decision diagram representing the
function [f.sub.k] : D([Z.sub.k]) [right arrow] D([z.sub.k]) is a
directed acyclic graph G = (V,E) with one root node and a set of
terminal nodes, where:
--Each non-terminal node is labelled by some input or control
variable x [member of] X [union] Q. We shall denote the variable of node
v by [x.sub.v].
--Each terminal node w is labelled by some function [g.sub.w] :
D([Z.sub.w]) [right arrow] D([z.sub.k]) (possibly a constant or a single
variable), where [Z.sub.w] [subset or equal to] [Z.sub.k].
--Each edge e = (v, u) is labelled by some constant [c.sub.e]
[member of] D([x.sub.v]).
--Each two edges [e.sub.1] = (v, [u.sub.1]) and [e.sub.2] = (v,
[u.sub.2]) going from the same source node are labelled by different
constants c[e.sub.1] [not equal to] c[e.sub.2].
--If the node v is labelled by [x.sub.v] then the number of edges
going from this node is |D([x.sub.v])|.
Remark 1. Each BDD is HLDD as well, with two terminal vertices
labelled by constant functions 0 and 1, and D(x) = {0, 1} for every
variable x.
We shall denote the set of terminal nodes by [V.sup.T], the set of
non-terminal nodes by [V.sup.N] and the set of all successors of the
node v by [LAMBDA](v). For non-terminal nodes v [member of] [V.sup.N] an
onto function exists between the values c [member of] D([x.sub.v]) of
labels [x.sub.v] and the successors [v.sup.c] [member of] [LAMBDA](v) of
v. By [v.sup.c] we denote the successor of v for the value [x.sub.v] =
c. The edge (v, [v.sup.c]), which connects nodes v and [v.sup.c], is
called activated iff there exists an assignment [x.sub.v] = c. Activated
edges, which connect [v.sub.i] and [v.sub.j] , make up an activated path
l([v.sub.i], [v.sub.j]) [subset or equal to] V . An activated path
l([v.sub.0], [V.sup.T]) from the root node v0 to a terminal node
[V.sup.T] is called full activated path and [V.sup.T] itself is
activated terminal node. Without loss of generality we assume further
that each variable has at least two values, i.e. [for all]z [member of]
Z, D(z) > 1.
Let S = X [union] Q and let [D.sub.i] designate a subset of D(S),
such that assignments from it will activate the terminal node
[V.sup.T].sub.i]. Thus D(S) is being split to non-intersecting sets
[D.sub.1], ...,[D.sub.t], where t = |[V.sup.T]|. More formally,
Now it is easy to get an algebraic expression for the HLDD function
[f.sub.k]. Let [alpha] [member of] D(S) be some assignment to input and
control variables and [X.sub.i]: D(S) [right arrow] {0, 1} be the
characteristic function of the set [D.sub.i], i.e.
[X.sub.i]([[alpha].sub.1], ... , [[alpha].sub.n]) = 1 [left and right
arrow] ([[alpha].sub.1], ... , [[alpha].sub.n]) [member of] [D.sub.i].
We will use a formula
[f.sub.k]([Z.sub.k]) = [case.sup.t.sub.i=1] [X.sub.i](S) [right
arrow] gi(Zi) (1)
as a shorthand for the algorithm:
if [alpha] [member of] [D.sub.1] then [f.sub.k]([Z.sub.k]) =
g1([Z.sub.1]) endif ... if [alpha] [member of] [D.sub.t] then
[f.sub.k]([Z.sub.k]) = gt([Z.sub.t]) endif
Let us continue with some examples:
Example 1. An HLDD in Fig. 3 evaluates the next state of the
variable C. In this example Z = {C',A',B', q, [x.sub.A],
[x.sub.B], [x.sub.C]}. The apostrophe means the previous value of the
variable. Depending on the values of q, [x.sub.A], [x.sub.B] and
[x.sub.C], the next value of C is its previous value C', negation
[bar.C'] or A' + B'.
There are two ways to generate an HLDD for some digital system: one
based on procedural description and another based on iterative
superposition. These methods are described in [28]. Further research on
HLDD properties requires us to make the following important assumption:
each path in the diagram does not contain any of the control variables
twice. Diagrams generated by the first algorithm really have such
property. The second method can theoretically produce such paths. If we
encounter the same variable two times in a path, we can duplicate all
variables between the occurrencies of this variable and make an
equivalent diagram without such redundancies. Let a path contain nodes,
labelled by variables [x.sub.0], [x.sub.1], ..., [x.sub.k], [x.sub.0].
We should produce a new diagram, where this chain would be replaced by
two new chains, [x.sub.0], [x.sub.1], ..., [x.sub.k] and [x.sub.1], ...,
[x.sub.k], [x.sub.0]. The following theorem will help us.
Theorem 1. Suppose an HLDD, containing a chain of non-terminal
nodes labelled by variables [x.sub.0], [x.sub.1], ..., [x.sub.k],
[x.sub.0], was transformed in the following way:
--Remove nodes labelled [x.sub.0], [x.sub.1], ..., [x.sub.k],
--Add 2(k + 1) nodes labelled [x.sub.1], ..., [x.sub.k], [x.sub.0]
(the first chain) and [x.sub.0], [x.sub.1], ..., [x.sub.k] (the second
--All connections from and to the nodes of the first chain will
remain the same.
--All connections from and to [x.sub.0] occurence in the second
chain will remain the same.
--Connections from other nodes to [x.sub.1], ..., [x.sub.k] in the
second chain will be removed.
Then the result is equivalent to the original diagram.
Proof. We shall prove that the second diagram contains all paths
from the first one that could be activated and vice versa. [right
--Obviously, all paths not containing mentioned nodes remain
--All paths containing the first occurrence of the [x.sub.0] can be
activated in the second chain.
--All paths containing the second occurrence of the [x.sub.0] or
only intermediate nodes [x.sub.1], ..., [x.sub.k] can be found in the
first chain.
[left arrow]: The similar check for all possible paths in our two
chains shows that they can be activated in the first diagram.
Example 2. Figure 4 illustrates the transformation described above.
Some vertex and all edge labels are not shown because they are not
important. We have a path x [right arrow] y [right arrow] z [right
arrow] x that is being split in two chains x [right arrow] y [right
arrow] z and y [right arrow] z [right arrow] x.
Suppose now that we have two HLDDs, representing the same
functionality. They can look very different as the next examples
Example 3. Figure 5 shows two HLDDs of the same function. The only
difference is how we evaluate this function. The first diagram
represents the situation when we first check the value of the variable
X, then, if X equals 2, we check the Y value. The second diagram
displays the process of evaluation starting with checking Y .
Example 4. Figure 6, left side, shows the diagram with 4
non-terminal nodes labelled by variables X, Y,Z. However, it is easy to
see that the variable Y is redundant in this case and the diagram from
the right side without this variable is the equivalent one.
Let us suppose we have two diagrams [G.sub.1] and [G.sub.2], with
the same sets of control variables and terminal nodes and wish to prove
that they are equivalent. Actually it means that the function (1) for
both diagrams is the same. As the functions [g.sub.i] are the same, we
should compare the corresponding characteristic functions. Without loss
of generality we may assume that D([x.sub.i]) = {1, ... ,
|D([x.sub.i])|}. If not we may define a bijective mapping h :
D([z.sub.i]) [right arrow] {1, ... , |D([x.sub.i])|} and use the values
of this function instead of their originals. Then the following theorem
takes place.
Theorem 2. The characteristic function of the set [D.sub.i],
[X.sub.i](S), can be represented by a unique polynomial [P.sub.i] :
[Q.sup.n] [right arrow] Q of degree at most [[SIGMA.sup.P.sub.i=1]
(|D([x.sub.i])| - 1) where we have for each vector [alpha] =
([[alpha].sub.1], ..., [[alpha].sub.n]) [member of] D(S)
[X.sub.i]([[alpha].sub.1], ..., [[alpha].sub.n]) =
[P.sub.i]([[alpha].sub.1], ..., [[alpha].sub.n]):
Proof. We have D(S) different vectors in [Q.sup.n]. The sought-for
polynomial should be equal to 1 for vectors from [D.sub.i] and to 0 for
vectors from D(S)\[D.sub.i]. In numerical analysis the Lagrange
interpolation polynomial is well-known [33]: consider we have measured
the values for a function f : [a, b] [right arrow] R at points
[x.sub.0], ..., [x.sub.n], and obtained results are [y.sub.0], ...,
[y.sub.n], then we can interpolate them to the whole segment [a, b] by a
polynomial of degree at most n:
If f is a polynomial of such degree then we get the exact result,
otherwise there will be some error. Note that for x = [x.sub.0], ...,
[x.sub.n] we will always get the exact result: P([x.sub.i]) = [y.sub.i]
= f([x.sub.i]) and it is a polynomial of lowest degree that gives such
result. This is the property we are interested in the current paper.
Although in numerical analysis textbooks only the case of one-variable
function is usually studied, these results can be easily transferred to
the multiple-variable case. So, our sought-for polynomial [P.sub.i] is
the Lagrange polynomial that evaluates to 1 for each vector from
[D.sub.i] and to 0 for each vector from D(S)\[D.sub.i]:
The degree of this polynomial is at most [[SIGMA].sup.n.sub.i=1]
(|D([x.sub.i])| - 1). Let us prove that this is the only polynomial of
such degree.
--The basis. Let n = 1. Assume we have [member of] polynomials,
P([x.sub.1]) and Q([x.sub.1]), deg P = degQ = |D([x.sub.1])| - 1 and
[for all](i [member of] 1..|D([x.sub.1])|) P(i) = Q(i). Then the
polynomial P - Q has |D([x.sub.1])| roots, from 1 to |D([x.sub.1])|,
which could be only in case P [equivalent to] Q.
--The induction step. The proof is similar to the basis case one:
assume we have [member of] polynomials, P([x.sub.1], ..., [x.sub.n]) and
Q([x.sub.1], ..., [x.sub.n]), deg P = deg Q = [[SIGMA].sup.n.sub.i=1]
(|D([x.sub.i])| - 1). After assigning values to [x.sub.1] we get
|D([x.sub.1])| pairs of (n - 1)-variable polynomials. They are pairwise
equal by induction hypothesis. Thus, the polynomial function P - Q : Q
[right arrow] Q[[x.sub.2], ..., [x.sub.n]] of degree at most
|D([x.sub.1])|-1 has |D([x.sub.1])| roots in Q[[x.sub.2], ...,
[x.sub.n]]. Thus, P [equivalent to] Q.
Corollary 1. Two diagrams [G.sub.1] and [G.sub.2] are equivalent
iff they have equal sets of control variables, terminal nodes and the
polynomial representations (2) of characteristic functions for any two
corresponding terminal nodes are the same.
We shall call the right side of formula [member of] the
characteristic polynomial of the node [V.sup.T.sub.i]. The Algorithm 1
shows how to get such polynomials for a certain diagram. Here we shall
prove that it is correct.
Theorem 3. The Algorithm 1 produces the set of characteristic
polynomials for the diagram G.
Algorithm 1. Evaluation of characteristic polynomials.
Input: HLDD G
Output: The set of characteristic polynomials for G
we shall evaluate polynomials node by node. A polynomial
for node v will be denoted by [P.sub.v],
order all nodes in G topologically. Let T be an array of ordered nodes,
[P.sub.T[0]] = 1,
for v [member of] T do
[P.sub.v] = 0,
for v [member of] T do
for parentnode w of v do
i = [c.sub.(w,v)];
return {[P.sub.v]|v [member of] [V.sup.T]}
Proof. Let W be a set of all paths from the root node to some
terminal node [V.sup.T] . Each path w [member of] W activated by the
be represented in the resulting polynomial by the following summand:
(This can be easily proved by induction). The resulting polynomial
will be the sum of these summands over all paths from W. As we have
assumed in the beginning of the chapter, all variables in w are
different. So, l [less than or equal to] n. The only difference between
summands in (2) and (3) is the bound of the first product sign:
generally, the path w should not contain all variables; some of them may
be missing. This means that one path actually represents |D([r.sub.1]) x
... x D([r.sub.n-l])| assignments [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
IN ASCII.]. But we have
This is the Lagrange polynomial that evaluates to 1 for all
possible values from D([r.sub.1]) x ... x D([r.sub.n-l]). The simplest
polynomial with such property is the constant 1, so they should
coincide. Multiplying this polynomial with our summand gives the sum of
D([r.sub.1]) x ... x D([r.sub.n-l]) summands, each representing certain
assignment for the whole set of variables. Finally, adding them together
results in the formula (2) (none of the summands will appear twice,
because all paths have the same source node and thus assignments of
corresponding paths will differ for at least one variable; otherwise
they would never branch off).
Example 5. Let us now find the characteristic polynomials for HLDD
from Example 1. First of all we change the labels of edges labelled by 0
to 5 for the one going from node q and to [member of] for others. We
have 4 paths to the first terminal node: (q = 5), (q = 1), (q = 3, xC =
1), (q = 4, xA = 2). Thus,
For the second node we have two paths (q = 2, [x.sub.B] = 2) and (q
= 3, [x.sub.C] = 2), so the second polynomial will be
Finally, paths (q = 2, [x.sub.B] = 2) and (q = 4, [x.sub.A] = 1)
give us the third polynomial:
A skeptically minded reader, after looking at Eq. (2), may notice
that the evaluation of such polynomial for a large modern digital system
would take huge amount of time. This is true. However, we can get a lot
of useful information about the function without evaluating it directly
in analytical form. Here we are giving an algorithm that can be used in
HLDD verification and is residing in complexity class P. It evaluates
the coefficients of lower degrees. Before we provide it we should agree
on mapping from D(z) to Z. Generally, each mapping is good except the
ones containing zeroes. Multiplication by zero will lose information
about some paths. Thus, for example in case of D(z) = 0, 1, ..., |D(z)|
- 1 it is better to use mapping h(z) = z + 1. Indeed, assume 0 [member
of] D(z) and we need to evaluate the constant term. In this case all
assingnments with z [nit equal to] 0 will produce summands containing
factor z in Eq. (2). The constant terms of these summands are equal to
0, so they are not taken into account when we evaluate the last
coefficient of the whole polynomial.
Algorithm 2. Evaluating polynomial coefficients of degrees
[less than or equal to] k.
Input: HLDD G, maximal degree k
Output: Set of polynomials, one per each terminal node, that contain
members of the
characteristic polynomials with degree [less than or equal to] k
order all nodes in G topologically. Let T be an array of ordered
[P.sub.T][0] = 1;
for v [member of] T do
[P.sub.v] = 0;
for v [member of] T do
for parentnode w of v do
i = [c.sub.(w,v)];
if [P.sub.v] contains coefficiens of degree > k delete them;
return {[P.sub.v]|v [member of] [V.sup.T]}
Once we have chosen the proper mapping we can use Algorithm [member
of] to calculate all coefficients of degrees [less than or equal to] n.
This method cannot allow us to be 100% confident that our two diagrams
are equivalent but if they are not then it can be found very quickly. We
continue with an example.
Example 6. Let us introduce an error to the diagram in Fig. 3. For
instance, let the edge ([x.sub.B],A'+B') now point to the
first terminal node, C', as it is shown in Fig. 7. The
characteristic polynomial of the third terminal node remains the same,
while [member of] others will change:
As we see, even only the check for constant terms would detect the
A novel method for probabilistic equivalence checking of digital
systems was proposed. It is based on representing the high-level
decision diagrams as the model of digital systems by the sets of
characteristic polynomials. It was shown that this representation is
canonical, i.e. the sets of polynomials for equivalent diagrams are the
same up to the names of the variables. Computing the full set of
polynomials is unfeasible for large diagrams as it demands checking all
assignments to the control variables. To cope with this problem we have
developed a polynomial algorithm for probabilistic checking.
The algorithm calculates coeficients of low-degree summands up to
the given fixed degree k. If the coeficients do not coincide, then the
HLDDs are definitely different; if the coefficients coincide, then the
HLDDs are with high probability equivalent whereas the probability
depends on the chosen degree of k. To prove that the HLDDs are not
equivalent is possible also by only comparing constant terms of the
polynomial. For instance, in Example 6, we can see, that even a small
erroneous change in the diagram is detectable by comparing constant
The technique itself does not have limitations. However, for some
classes of digital systems, optimization techniques may be needed to
create efficient HLDD models, but this topic does not belong to the
scope of the paper. Also, the equivalence checking of the terminal node
functions was left uncovered. The general idea is that those functions
are usually simple ones and can be verified using gate level methods.
Nevertheless we plan to look at those functions more intently in our
future research.
doi: 10.3176/eng.2010.1.06
The work has been supported by the European Commission Framework
Program FP7 CREDES, by the European Union through the European Regional
Development Fund, by the Estonian Science Foundation (grants Nos. 7068
and 7483), and Enterprise Estonia funded ELIKO Development Centre. 53
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Anton Karputkin (a), Raimund Ubar (a), Jaan Raik (a) and Mati
Tombak (b)
(a) Department of Computer Engineering, Tallinn University of
Technology, Raja 15, 12618 Tallinn, Estonia, {kanton, raiub,
(b) Department of Informatics, Tallinn University of Technology,
Raja 15, 12618 Tallinn, Estonia,
Received 28 October 2009, in revised form 26 January 2010
Table 1. Functions of the blocks of system in Fig. 1
[y.sub.1] [M.sub.1]/a [y.sub.2] [M.sub.2]/b [y.sub.3]
[R.sub.1] 0 [R.sub.1] 0
0 IN 1 IN 1
1 2
[y.sub.1] [M.sub.3]/e [y.sub.4] [R.sub.2]
0 [M.sub.1] + 0 0
1 IN 1 [R.sub.2]
[R.sub.1] 2 [M.sub.3]
[M.sub.2] *