Managing diverse commodities? From factory fodder to business asset.
Taksa, Lucy ; Groutsis, Dimitria
The debate about whether labour is a commodity can be traced back
to the writings of Adam Smith (1776). It has been an enduring one. Those
who subscribe to a neoclassical perspective on economics argue in the
affirmative (Dicken 2004: 140). Those who reject the view that labour
can be reduced to something that can be bought and sold (Nelson 1995)
interpret the former view as dubious if not 'malicious' (New
York Times 1916: 10). It is not our intention to engage with this debate
directly. Rather, we start from the premise that labour does
fundamentally differ 'from real commodities because it is embodied
in living, conscious human beings and because human activity (work) is
an irreducible, ubiquitous feature of human existence and social
life' (Storper and Walker 1989: 155). This view has been extremely
influential on bodies such as the International Labour Organisation
(ILO) and the United Nations (UN) whose Conventions have affected the
laws and policies of many nations. Yet, despite this, the neoclassical
perspective has survived in a range of scholarly and business contexts
(Sjaastad 1962; Todaro 1968; Borjas 1990). This article traces how both
perspectives have been deployed in order to demonstrate their influence
over the way migrant workers1 have been, and continue to be, viewed and
treated in Australia. This approach will throw light on the way that
representations of migrant workers commodify their labour power,
cultural knowledge and linguistic skills.
The article begins by providing an historical overview of ILO and
UN principles and conventions, which have promoted the notion that
labour cannot and should not be reduced to a commodity and it considers
Australia's responses to them. We then turn our attention to how
migrants to this country have been viewed and treated through an
exploration of two different representations of their labour, one
historic and one from more recent times. In this regard we refer to the
rhetoric used to describe migrants who came to Australia in the decades
after World War Two as 'factory fodder' and the more recent
rhetoric associated with Diversity Management (DM), which construes
those migrant employees who possess cultural knowledge and multilingual
skills as 'business assets'. Both representations, we argue,
treat migrants as commodities. By foregrounding their labour power or
knowledge or skills, both render invisible the bearers of these
attributes and in doing so also deny their agency.
In keeping with our foundational premise, we challenge such
disembodiment. By drawing on a number of historical examples we
demonstrate that migrant workers differ from commodities not only
because they are living beings who engage in work but also by virtue of
their resistance to working conditions and management strategies that
treat them as if they were commodities. Further, by examining migrant
workers in one specific organisation and that organisation's
approach to its migrant employees from the 1950s to the present, we show
that the management of cultural differences does not succeed in the
long-term without reference to migrant workers as agents. As a
corollary, we implicitly dispute the assumption that migrant
workers' cultural knowledge and multi-lingual skills can be reduced
to resources and assets solely for the benefit of business in the era of
post-colonial globalisation.
'Labour is Not a Commodity': Origins and Impacts
The proposition that labour is not a commodity was central to an
Address presented by Irish economist, John Kells Ingram before the
British Trade Union Congress in 1880. Subsequently it informed the views
of trade union leaders and progressive intellectuals in the United
Kingdom, the USA and Australia, including such notables as Edward J.
Phelan, Samuel Gompers, William Edward Hearn and H. B. Higgins
(O'Higgins 1997). Its impact was, however, far more widespread and
enduring predominantly because of its incorporation in Article 427 of
the Treaty of Versailles and also as the first principle of the ILO,
which was created under Article 387 in 1919 in order to promote its
objectives. The Peace Conference set up a Labour Commission, chaired by
the head of the American Federation of Labor (AFL), Samuel Gompers,
which drew up the ILO Constitution during the early months of 1919, and
which became Part XIII of the Treaty. The ILO came into being in 1920 as
a tripartite organisation linking governments, employers and workers. In
1946 it was integrated into the UN as a specialised agency (ILO 2000;
ILO 1996-2010).
In the interim, the ILO's guiding principle 'that labour
should not be regarded merely as a commodity or article of
commerce', remained at the forefront. On 10 May 1944, at the urging
of its Director General, Edward J. Phelan, the ILO's Twenty-Sixth
General Conference adopted the Declaration of Philadelphia 'as an
integral part' of its constitution (O'Higgins 1997: 230). The
Declaration set out the organisation's aims and purposes and
'the principles which should inspire the policy of its
Members'. Importantly, Section 1 reaffirmed that: '(a) labour
is not a commodity'. Further, in keeping with the belief
underpinning the ILO's Constitution 'that lasting peace can be
established only if it is based on social justice', Section 2
affirmed that: '(a) all human beings, irrespective of race, creed
or sex, have the right to pursue both their material well-being and
their spiritual development in conditions of freedom and dignity, of
economic security and equal opportunity' (ILO 1944).
This linkage between the guiding principle and human rights and
equal opportunities regardless of national and/or cultural origins did
not emerge out of thin air. Its antecedents were contained in both the
Treaty of Versailles and the Preamble to the ILO Constitution. Although
both were designed to encompass all working people, both also
acknowledged that the situation of workers employed outside of their
home country raised particular issues that required special attention
and protective instruments. Hence, the First Session of the
International Labour Conference in 1919 'sketched out the two aims
of the ILO in' relation to migrant workers as being 'equality
of treatment between nationals and migrant workers and coordination on
migration policies between States and between governments and
employers' and workers' organisations'. Subsequent
Conferences endeavoured to find additional 'comprehensive solutions
to the problems facing migrant workers' and a number of instruments
were adopted to this end in 1926, 1939, 1949, 1955, 1958 and 1975 (ILO
Of particular relevance for us is the fact that from 1939, General
Conferences considered and adopted proposals that involved
'co-operation between States relating to the recruiting, placing
and conditions of labour of migrants for employment' (ILO 1939a,
1939b). A decade later, following 'the upheavals that occurred in
Europe in the aftermath of the Second World War and prompted by a
concern to facilitate the movement of surplus labour from' Europe
'to other parts of the world' (ILO 1999), the ILO adopted
Convention No. 97 concerning Migration for Employment and subsequent
conventions dealt
... with such matters as the regulation of the recruitment,
introduction and placing of migrant workers, the provision of accurate
information relating to migration, the minimum conditions to be enjoyed
by migrants in transit and on arrival, the adoption of an active
employment policy and international collaboration in these matters. (ILO
By the Forty-Second Session, held on 4 June 1958, the General
Conference included the subject of discrimination in the field of
employment and occupation as the fourth item on its agenda and it
adopted International Convention No. 111, which affirmed the Declaration
of Philadelphia (ILO 1958). This was then reconfirmed in Convention No.
143 Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions), which was endorsed at
the Sixtieth Session on 4 June 1975 (ILO 1975). Australia, as a member
of the ILO since 1919, ratified Convention No. 111 on 16 June 1973 (ILO
Given that the ILO has been a special agency of the UN since 1946
(ILO 2008) it is worthwhile acknowledging that the UN also introduced
two Conventions pertinent to migrant workers2: the International
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
(ICERD), which was opened for signature on 7 March 1966 and entered into
force on 4 January 1969 (Volodin 2008) and the International Convention
on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of
Their Families (ICMW), which was adopted by the UN General Assembly in
December 1990 (UN 1990) and which came into force in July 2003 (UNESCO
The ICERD binds States 'to outlaw discrimination on the
grounds of race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin against
all individuals within the jurisdiction of the State and to enact
sanctions for activities based upon such discrimination. Unfortunately,
however, it 'does not apply to "distinctions, exclusions,
restrictions or preferences made by a State party [ ... ] between
citizens and non-citizens"'. In other words,
'discrimination on the grounds of nationality, a type of
discrimination to which migrants by definition are extremely vulnerable,
is not outlawed by the Convention' (ILO 1999).
Australia became a signatory to this Convention on 13 October 1966,
although ratification did not occur until 30 September 1975 when the
Convention became part of the Commonwealth Racial Discrimination Act,
1975 (Hulme 1997). By December 1998, ICERD had received 151
ratifications, which qualified it, according to an ILO Report (1999), as
'the most widely ratified of the United Nations human rights
conventions. Such support has continued to grow; between 2001 and 2008
the number of States Parties increased from 158 to 173 (UN 2009).
The fate of the International Convention on the Protection of the
Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (ICMW),
which recognised and extended 'the provisions contained in existing
ILO Conventions' (UN 1990), has been vastly different. Besides
reiterating the basic rights 'enshrined in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights' adopted by the UN on 10 December 1948,
it prohibits 'inhumane living and working conditions and physical
(and sexual) abuse, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of punishment,
slavery or servitude and forced or compulsory labour'. It also
emphasises that migrants are entitled to freedom of thought, conscience
and religion, as well as equality with nationals in terms of access to
educational, vocational and social services, protection against
dismissal, unemployment benefits, and access to alternative employment
(UNESCO 2009).
In stark contrast to ICERD, the reception given to this Convention
has been lukewarm. Only nine States had ratified or acceded to it by 11
December 1998. Australia was not among them, just as it had not been
among those nations that ratified ILO Convention No. 143 Migrant Workers
(Supplementary Provisions), 1975 (ILO 1999, 2010). Australia was not
alone in its reticence towards both the UN and the ILO Migrant Workers
Conventions. For this reason the ILO initiated further activities and
programs to improve 'the situation of millions of migrant workers
across the globe. Moreover in the late 1990s its Governing Body adopted
'two sets of guidelines for member States aimed at preventing the
abuse of particularly vulnerable migrant workers' and in 1998 a
Global Campaign for Ratification of the Convention on Rights of Migrants
was launched in Geneva.
The importance of these Conventions, guidelines, programs and
campaigns is undeniable. Their impact has, however, been limited;
Australia was not among the twenty nations whose ratification of the UN
Convention on Migrant Workers Rights enabled it to come into force in
July 2003 (UNESCO 2009; ILO 2010), nor is Australia among the forty-two
nations that are current States parties to it or the additional sixteen
States that have signed but not yet ratified it (UN 2010). The key point
here is that while Australia had no problem endorsing the ICERD, it has
consistently avoided ratifying Conventions focused specifically on
migrant workers' rights, such as the ILO's Migration for
Employment Convention No. 97 in 1949 and the 1990 UN Convention. (3)
This not only marks an important difference but also a contradiction at
the global macro level of policy and law, a contradiction that we
believe is underpinned by the survival of the neoclassical perspective
which reduces labour to the status of a commodity and which can be
identified in the ways migrant employees have been viewed, represented
and treated as either 'factory fodder' or as 'business
From Factory Fodder to Business Asset: Identifying Continuities
Addressing the question of labour commodification, Pocock, Prosser
and Bridge (2005: 459) suggested that despite the impact of the living
wage principle elaborated by Justice H. B. Higgins in 1907 and the
ILO's rejection of the notion that labour is a commodity since
1919, 'recent analysis of changes in the labour market
internationally, and growth in precarious forms of employment
specifically have revived the notion that labour is returning to the
status of a commodity. The problem with this proposition is not solely
based on its limited focus on macro-level developments and their impact
on remuneration and work arrangements. Of far greater concern is the
notion of 'revival' contained in the argument that 'the
growth in casual employment' in Australia and Canada represents
'a shift back towards treating labour as a pure commodity'. As
we see it, this mistakenly obscures some important continuities
vis-a-vis the representation and treatment of migrant labour from the
post-war era to more recent times.
The term 'factory fodder' has consistently been used to
refer to those who came to Australia as a result of the new population
policy inaugurated by the Federal Government in the late 1940s, which
initially drew on refugees and from the early 1950s on settlers from
Eastern, Central and Southern Europe, as well as from the Middle East,
South America and Asia from the 1960s onwards (Richards 2008: 251-255).
According to Price (1981: 101), this policy gave rise to criticisms that
the government was intent on locating 'healthy and industrious
"factory fodder" for its population and development programs.
Reliance on a two year indentured period on major infrastructure and
public works projects formed a critical feature of such programs (Roach
1952: 104). As Collins (1988: 87) points out, the newcomers'
'problems with language and their lack of familiarity with
Australian institutions and customs made them exploitable and often
docile "factory fodder" . What are we to make of the repeated
use of this expression (Melzer 1974; Collins 1975), particularly given
that no one has bothered to formally define it?
For the most part the term is used as a metaphor for
'cheap' factory labour. As Price and Collins indicate, in
Australia, it has also been inextricably linked to migrant labour, which
provided the most profitable and 'passive' form of labour
available for manufacturing work in the post-war era at a time when
local, non-migrant workers were either unwilling to take on low skilled
jobs or were deemed to be more industrially militant (Nicolaou 1991).
Such traditional use of this term, we argue, implies that labour is a
commodity, a resource that can be exchanged and easily substituted, much
like any other commodity. It is a representation that denies agency and
de-humanises workers and while the term 'factory fodder' has
fallen out of favour in recent times, its assumptions can, we argue
further, be discerned in the way 'difference' and
'diversity' have been represented by the advocates of
Diversity Management (DM) since the early 1990s.
Characterised as a new discourse supplanting 'equal
opportunity and affirmative action in Western democracies' (Bacchi
2000: 68), the managerial rhetoric of DM has been institutionalised
(Edelman et al 2001; Noon 2007; Syed 2008: 36) as the 'best
practice approach' for addressing discrimination and disadvantage
(Bacchi 2000; Strachan and French 2007; Stanley 2008). One clear
source of its legitimacy has been what is known as 'the business
case'. Particularly 'favoured by neo-liberals' (Noon
2007: 776), this approach represents difference as an 'asset'
and diversity as 'a resource' that can enhance organisational
productivity and performance and help organisations adapt to the
increased competition that has accompanied globalisation (Robbins et al
1998: 59; Henry and Evans 2007). By disembodying migrant employees'
human and/or cultural capital, the representation of diversity contained
in this rhetoric implicitly dehumanises and therefore commodifies those
individuals who are the bearers of 'diverse' identities and
attributes, be they associated with gender, culture,
geographical/national origins, religion, age, dis/ability or sexuality.
It is in this sense that a continuity can be discerned between the
rhetoric of 'factory fodder' and 'business asset. This
suggestion of continuity is, however, at odds with the accepted view
that there has been a profound shift in the way differences are viewed
and treated. For this reason it is necessary to locate, both temporally
and geographically, the acceptance of the business asset rhetoric. In
this regard, attention to developments in the USA is essential because
it highlights the role played by cultural differences in the rise of
Diversity Management (DM).
According to Thomas and Ely (2001: 44), 'the competitive
climate of the 1980s and 1990s' encouraged the emergence of 'a
new rhetoric and rationale for managing diversity. Equally significant
was the Workforce 2000: Work and Workers for the 21st Century Report,
published in the USA in 1987, which sparked growing concerns about the
heterogeneity of the American workforce (Nkomo and Cox Jr. 1999: 88;
Edelman et al 2001: 1612), while also raising awareness of the growing
consumer power of the 'new ethnic groups' '(Thomas and
Ely 2001: 35, 44). Such concerns subsequently spread to Australia, along
with the American emphasis on DM and 'productive diversity'.
As then Prime Minister Paul Keating informed a Productive Diversity
Conference in 1992, Australia was 'entering a third phase in'
its 'post-war response to its migrants, in which "all
Australian firms could now draw upon the wealth of language and cultural
skills that reside in their own workforce"'. Here, too,
'he urged business leaders to "take advantage of the
potentially huge national asset which multiculturalism
represents"' (Keating 1992, cited in Alcorso 1995). This
position built on the idea that such assets would benefit
'export-oriented growth, where the language skills and cultural
knowledge of NESB [Non English Speaking Background] Australians'
represented, what a 1989 Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA), National
Agenda paper referred to as a 'natural reservoir of talent that
could be deployed to advance the interests of Australian tourism, trade,
foreign investment and diplomacy' (Office of Multicultural Affairs
1989: 27). On this basis, the OMA began to emphasise the need to make
better use of the skills of the 'high quality Asian
immigrants' who were then being targeted by Australian immigration
policies (OMA 1992).
This focus on 'productive diversity' featured prominently
in the 1994 White Paper on Employment and Growth entitled Working Nation
and in the 1995 Karpin Report (Niland and Champion 1990). In this
context, Australian federal governments of different political
persuasions began to promote 'productive diversity practices in
business and industry' through 'simplistic platitudes about
presumed economic returns' that could be obtained from
'workers' multilingualism and cultural knowledge'
(Bertone 2002: 1). Government agencies followed this lead. The Human
Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) introduced the concept
of managing diversity as a follow up to its Race Relations in the
Workplace project (HREOC 1992) and, in consultation with both trade
union and employer representatives, its Education and Promotion Unit
'developed a training package' for employers 'called
"Diversity Makes Good Business"' (Keating 1994: 27). What
was the rationale and motivation for this approach? Consideration of
local and international economic contexts from an historical perspective
provides some insight and a necessary corrective to what Alcorso (1995)
identified as the problematic 'neglect of history' in relation
to the discourse on 'productive diversity'.
As the assimilation and integration policies that dominated
Australian approaches to migrants prior to the 1970s showed (Jayasuriya
et al 1988: 171; Withers 1991; Richards 2008: 253-254), diversity was
not highly valued locally. Even though NESB migrants' skills were
critically important for Australia's economic activity, their
cultural knowledge and capacity to speak languages other than English
were not deemed to be relevant or necessary for the low skilled or
semi-skilled jobs that they predominantly filled (Keating 1994; Castles
and Miller 2003; Bertone 2004). In effect, their lack of 'cultural
capital' in the form of Australian educational credentials and
English language skills, together with their associated capacity for
hard work in dirty, dangerous, physically demanding and monotonous jobs,
reduced them to 'bodies for hire' (Collins 1988: 2).
According to Jupp (1996: 6), the multicultural policy introduced by
the Whitlam Government in 1973, 'ended the belief that all other
cultures were inferior to and incompatible with the
"mainstream" culture of white British Australia'. The
ratification of ICERD and the advent of the Commonwealth Racial
Discrimination Act 1975 seemed to herald a bright future, even though
the demand for proficiency in English remained dominant during the
1980s. Gradual change did, however, occur in response to microeconomic
and industry reform, award restructuring and enterprise bargaining,
which sought to increase Australia's international competitiveness
in response to world market imperatives (Keating 1994: 9-10). Against
the backdrop of a shift from manufacturing to service dominated economic
activities, the migrant workforce decreased by around thirteen per cent
between 1972 and 1984 as the low skilled and semiskilled manufacturing
jobs traditionally filled by migrant workers (Webber, Campbell and
Fincher 1992: 3) were increasingly replaced by jobs that required what
Syed refers to as 'higher communicative and social abilities'
(Keating 1994: 8; Syed 2008: 36). As Castles and Miller (2003: 289)
point out, in the context of globalised international trade and
investment, migrant 'multilingual capabilities and intercultural
understanding' were increasingly 'seen as important economic
Such appreciation ostensibly marked a stark contrast to the lack of
value given by manufacturing employers to the linguistic skills,
knowledge and credentials brought by migrants who came to Australia in
the aftermath of World War Two (Keating 1994: 11). Yet, beneath the
surface rhetoric, both representations of migrant employees, as
'factory fodder' and as diverse 'business assets'
objectify migrant workers by focusing on the economic value of their
labour power or knowledge or skill rather than on the workers
themselves. This convergence is, we argue further, underpinned by the
assumption that employees are 'objects of management activity'
rather than subjects in the employment relationship with scope for
collective employee voice (Kirton and Greene 2006: 442). It is therefore
no surprise to find that the Macquarie Thesaurus lists commodity, asset
and resource as synonyms (Bernard 1992: 713.2, 773.3).
These representations deny the social and human characteristics
that distinguish workers from commodities. We agree with Storper and
Walker (1989: 155) that the critical difference between labour and real
commodities is tied to labour's embodiment 'in living,
conscious human beings' and that 'human activity (work) is an
irreducible, ubiquitous feature of human existence and social
life'. However, we believe that it is necessary to extend this
point to include human agency. Only by acknowledging that migrant
workers are active agents and by questioning the all too widely accepted
presumption that employers and managers are the only 'active agents
of change and innovation' (Thompson and Ackroyd 1995: 618), can we
begin to challenge the view that migrant labour is a commodity. Only in
this way can we provide a line of reasoning that supports the ILO's
guiding principle and promotes the goals of the International Convention
on Migrant Workers. For our purposes, attention to migrant resistance
provides the most fruitful avenue for considering the nexus between
human activity (work) and agency. Accordingly, we now turn to historical
accounts of migrant resistance in Australia in order to question the
widely accepted representation of migrant workers as passive factory
Challenging Disembodiment: From Passive Fodder to Active Resistance
Although the post war mass migration scheme targeted non-British
countries, the Federal Government continued its commitment to the White
Australia policy, inaugurated in 1901 (Collins 1984, 1991), a position
supported by the labour movement, which feared that migrant labour would
undermine employment conditions and wages. These fears were allayed as
immigrants and refugees filled jobs that required low levels of
'skill' and that were unattractive to Australian-born workers
(Markus 1984). Employment of this nature institutionalised migrants as a
readily available and easily substitutable source of labour (Mezler
1974; Collins 1975). In some of Australia's largest manufacturing,
processing and transport plants, NESB migrants dominated the 'blue
collar' workforce. In 1970, for example, they made up almost ninety
per cent of the entire workforce at the Ford Motor company assembly
plant at Broadmeadows in Victoria (Probert 1989: 109-124). The BHP
steelworks at Port Kembla had a similar profile (Vasta 1993), as did the
NSW State Rail Authority's Eveleigh Railway Workshops
air-conditioning train cleaning depot (ACDEP) where ninety per cent of
the workforce came from sixteen different countries (Jobson, Buckland
and Shirlaw 1981).
The majority of these workers had poor English language ability and
few labour market options (Collins 1988: 87; Nicolaou 1991: 8, 10).
This, coupled with the assumption that new arrivals were more interested
in '[h]ard work and thrift, rather than collective union
action', resulted in what Tierney refers to as the 'notion of
migrant docility', a notion that has been remarkably robust
(Tierney 1996: 103). Even those who sought to promote migrant
workers' rights unwittingly contributed to the maintenance of this
notion. A cogent example was provided by an article that appeared in the
Sydney Morning Herald in 1983 on Stella Nord's book, Migrant Women
Workers--These Are Your Rights, under the masthead: 'Migrant women
silent victims, author says'. Here attention focused on the
Illawarra steel industry, a world where 'there was no room for
compassion, only profits' and one in which 'the pregnant, the
sick and the injured were discarded like worn out
machinery'(Fishman 1983: 26).
Representations of migrant worker passivity, like this one, were
based on the failure to acknowledge the impact of intersecting
industrial and social problems on migrant workers' experiences and
their responses to being treated like commodities. As Tierney (1996:
100) pointed out, 'NESB migrants' concentration in unskilled
and semi-skilled jobs in manufacturing' not only exposed 'them
to unsafe production processes' but also to further complications
arising from 'language and cultural difficulties, social isolation,
experiences of discriminatory employment practices and racial
discrimination', as well as 'racial conflicts with other
workers ... and vulnerability to unemployment' (Tierney 1996: 102).
Such circumstances were compounded by fear of dismissal (Fishman 1983;
Tierney 1996: 100). These conditions did not necessarily reflect or
result in passivity.
As numerous cases of migrant engagement with militant industrial
action show, although they were often treated like commodities, migrant
workers did not behave like material commodities nor were they
necessarily docile (Nicolaou 1991; Tierney 1996). As Tierney (1996: 103)
argues, immigrant workers constituted a 'dormant industrial
volcano'. Rather than being simply 'passive victims of capital
and the labour market', they were 'actors in their own
right' (Tierney 1996: 94), even though their actions were not
necessarily consistent with conventional forms of resistance that had
traditionally been enacted by Australian-born workers or their
representatives. While poor conditions could 'foster
militancy' and even 'independent rank and file organisation,
they could also foster solidarity among members of particular ethnic
groups, although such cohesion could also prevent collective action
across cultural groups (Tierney 1996: 105, 108). The actions taken by
the migrant women train cleaners employed at the Eveleigh Workshops
Air-Conditioning Depot (ACDEP) in the early 1980s certainly provide
support for Tierney's argument.
Diversity and Resistance on the NSW Railways
The employment of migrant women and men on Australia's
railways increased steadily from the late 1940s. Initial intakes relied
on 'Displaced Persons' but from 1950 the mass migration scheme
brought people from Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia, and Poland. During the
1960s and 1970s they were joined by migrants from the Middle East and
South America (Hearn 1990: 39-40, 143, 146-147; Butler-Bowden 1991:
136-150). In 1950 alone, 3,000 migrants were employed on the NSW
railways and in 1951 the number increased to 4,000, although this was
only half of the 8,000 target set by the State Government in order to
overcome staff shortages (Gunn 1989: 400, 403).
Nevertheless, railway management continued to prefer
English-speaking migrants from Britain. In 1951 Commissioner Garside
commented that the deficient English language skills of migrant
employees made it 'difficult to obtain reasonable service from them
and protect them from injury' (Gunn 1989: 404). This concern about
English language skill and associated communication problems continued
to plague NSW railway authorities for decades to come. For the migrant
men who began at the Eveleigh railway workshops in the 1950s and 1960s,
however, communication problems were far less significant than the way
they were treated as workers. Vince Russo, who obtained work with the
railways in 1961 after migrating from Italy, noted that new migrants got
the worst jobs because 'if you were a migrant and there was a job
that nobody else wanted and they put you on it. For nearly seven years
he worked at the 'bottom rung' of his Bay in the Loco shops
alongside men from Yugoslavia, Hungary and Italy. It took him ten years
to progress up to the tool room. Like fellow Italian migrant, Louis
Cavaliere, Russo responded by becoming a union steward. In this regard,
he recalled: 'Well, when I took over, because I was a migrant
myself ... people didn't like to talk to me but they had to talk to
me ... if they were in trouble they had to approach me because was
nobody else ... And I'd been always outspoken and everything.... I
wasn't afraid of the management or anything' (Cavaliere 1997;
Russo 1998).
One of the most culturally diverse units at Eveleigh was ACDEP,
which began train cleaning operations with a predominantly female
workforce in March 1968. These workers suffered appalling conditions
without taking direct action until 9 June 1980 when those on day shift
imposed bans on the lifting of and cleaning under the carriage seats of
the Brisbane and Motorail Express Trains. This rank-and-file action was
maintained until April 1981 by the women members of the Australian
Railways Union (ARU) and it was supported by those who were members of
the National Union of Railway workers (NUR). Indeed, when the NSW branch
of the ARU organised a ballot in response to management's threat to
obtain an order from the Australian Conciliation and Arbitration
Commission (ACAC) to have the ban lifted, the women voted to maintain
their position. As Roger Law, the ARU Organiser recalled, 'I always
felt that it was nothing to do with the actual seats. It was their way
of saying we've had enough' (Jobson, Buckland and Shirlaw
1981: 30; Law 2007).
The State Rail Authority (SRA) notified a dispute and the matter
was heard on 2 April 1981 before the ACAC where it quickly became clear
that the bans had been triggered by what Law referred to as 'work
procedures in the depot'. Included among these were a new rostering
system, as well as the conflict, violence and fear, which characterised
ACDEP's workplace culture (ACAC 1981: 3; Law 2007). To investigate
these and further allegations of racial discrimination, sexual
harassment, physical and verbal abuse, bullying, intimidation, theft,
graft and standover tactics, Commissioner Walker appointed a Special
Industrial Board Inquiry, which sat from 15 April and conducted 150
interviews, mainly with the aid of interpreters (ACAC 1981: 7-13, 17,
32). On 5 August the Board handed down its Report. Its findings and
recommendations were wide ranging. None of the allegations about sexual
harassment or racial discrimination were substantiated mainly because
none of the workers were willing to give formal evidence on either
issue. The Inquiry did, however, find that 'real cultural
differences' existed between Lebanese, Turkish, Yugoslav, Greek and
Spanish employees, and that outright conflicts between the Greek and
'Arab' employees, as well as faction fighting among the Greek
employees contributed to a climate of fear, fundamental problems of
communication and cultural tensions (Marks, nee Jobsen, 2004). Such
problems were compounded by the fact that the workforce was composed of
people who spoke fourteen different languages, while all but one of the
managers were Australian-born and spoke only English. The Inquiry Report
also identified inadequate supervision of workers, failure to
communicate with them and to provide them with suitable protections from
dangerous, dirty, physically and psychologically harmful conditions as
evidence of management's failure to take responsibility for
ensuring a decent workplace for migrants. Not surprisingly, such
conditions affected worker behaviour; both before and after the Inquiry,
most workers tended to self-segregate in their cultural groups in the
meal room (Jobson, Buckland, Shirlaw 1981; Hitchen 2004; Law 2007).
After the Industrial Board's Report was conveyed to SRA Senior
Management on 12 August, a committee was formed to identify the best
means to implement the Board's recommendations. The SRA adopted an
organisation-wide EEO policy and promoted it to staff in different
languages. It also introduced a new culturally-sensitive code of conduct
and engaged John Atkinson from the Inter-Church Trade and Industry
Mission as a consultant to interview staff. In December 1981 he
conducted a Cultural Awareness Programme for managers and first line
supervisors. The SRA's EEO Co-ordinator was co-opted onto the
Implementation Committee and the SRA's Training and Development
Section established a supervisor program in mid-1982 for Head and
Leading Cleaners, which was presented in English, Greek, Polish and
Italian. Three development officers were also appointed for three months
from Greek, Yugoslav and Arab community organisations to help workers
with a range of social problems. In 1982 English classes were also
introduced during working hours (SRA 1982a; SRA 1982b: 23-24; Circular,
Eveleigh Workshops, Locomotive Works, Manager's Memoranda
1949-1983, SRA Archives R103/11; Short 1984; Hitchen 2004).
As Atkinson (1981) wrote in a letter to Commissioner Harrison in
late December, the situation at ACDEP typified 'many of the
structural difficulties which confront immigrant workers in
Australia'. A few months later, he reported that 'some of the
basic problems of the depot remain unresolved'. As he put it,
'the general response from the migrant workers at ACDEP has been
"unless you can do something to resolve the basic difficulties, no
amount of personal concern will satisfy us" '(Atkinson in SRA
1982b, Appendix B). This comment helps to explain the widespread lack of
engagement with the SRA's diversity-related initiatives. A good
example was the workers' response to the on-the-job English classes
which were provided on site by a teacher from the Adult Migrant
Education Service. Out of a staff of around 300 (Jobson, Buckland,
Shirlaw 1981: 10-11, 38-39) only fifty-four attended from the beginning.
Within a year, numbers decreased to twenty-one and six months later
numbers decreased further to eleven. According to the English teacher,
those from the largest ethnic groups who chose to attend were harassed
by members of their own cultural groups (Hitchen 2004).
This case demonstrates that migrant workers at Eveleigh generally
and at ACDEP more specifically were not docile victims but actors in
their own right. Certainly, industrial activism and solidarity across
particular ethnic groups was short-lived. However, the decision by
individuals and groups not to speak to the Inquiry about sexual
harassment or racial discrimination should not be seen as a sign of
passivity. Rather, such actions reflected resistance against exposure to
potentially threatening situations. Arguably, this was a rational and
very human response. The same can be said about the resistance to
management's diversity-related initiatives. As Atkinson put it in
his Preliminary Report on the Information Needs of Cleaners at ACDEP in
early 1982, it was unfair to suggest that those who did not engage with
the SRA's training programs in order to pursue promotion were
'either lazy or that the dehumanising work processes ... robbed
them of initiative. On the contrary, he concluded that they had
'taken jobs with specific financial objectives' and worked
'hard in pursuit of precise ends' (Atkinson in SRA 1982a,
Appendix F: 7). In doing so, they demonstrated a major distinction
between themselves and commodities.
From Factory Fodder to Business Asset: The Impact of Productive
The EEO initiatives introduced to ACDEP formed part of a broader
organisational EEO program adopted for the SRA in 1982, the main focus
of which was to establish a statistical profile on the workforce and to
collect data that would 'give management an understanding about
discrimination in the Authority'. To enable the development of the
SRA's EEO Management Plan (MP) a survey for a representative sample
of the SRA's 4,000 employees was developed and four Advisory
Committees were appointed jointly by management, unions and professional
associations (SRA 1983: 23-24). The EEO MP was endorsed by the SRA Board
in April (SRA 1984: 22) and the EEO program was formally launched in
August (SRA 1984/5: 42-44). One aspect of this program was the
continuation of 'industrial English teaching' and another was
'the development of a modular teaching approach to target specific
industrial English needs' (SRA 1984/5: 44).
During the 1980s much of the Railway's EEO program focused on
issues relating mainly to women workers and gradually also Indigenous
workers. The growing emphasis that was being placed on cultural
diversity within the NSW government during this period had no obvious
impact (SRA 1983-1995). Although the SRA did begin to distribute
multilingual information to staff before the practice was promoted as
part of the Ethnic Affairs Priorities Statement (EAPS) program launched
in 1983, it did not adopt the other practices advocated for NSW
government agencies, such as 'the inclusion of people from
culturally diverse backgrounds in consultation processes and
structures' (Community Relations Commission 2001: 26).
By the mid-1990s, the SRA's approach to its NESB workers was
much as it had been in 1982; it continued to rely on the delivery of
'awareness courses ... in Equity/EEO, Cultural Diversity in the
workplace and workplace behaviour' and equity modules in induction
programs, and language assistance. The major difference that occurred
during the 1990s was that language and Skillmax training programs aimed
to provide tertiary qualified NESB employees with opportunities to
enhance their career opportunities and also 'to maximise'
their skills. As the 1996-97 Annual Report commented, the organisation
wanted to ensure that 'the language and cultural skills of
employees are utilised to improve customer service' (SRA 1996-97:
82; 1997-98: 72). In 1996-97, eighteen employees attended the Skillmax
program and 163 attended Language Literacy and Numeracy courses; hardly
a resounding level of engagement given that the total number of
employees listed as being 'from racial, ethnic, Ethno-religious
groups' that year was 809 and 791 employees were identified as NESB
(SRA 1996-97: 82-83).
This reference to harnessing diversity to improve customer service
illustrates the way the rhetoric of productive diversity and the DM
business case entered into the lexicon and management of the railways.
The following year, this emphasis was reinforced by the establishment of
'an ethnic liaison group ... to identify the cultural diversity
needs of our customers'. Generally, though, most attention
continued to be focused on 'anti-harassment, targeted development
action, and merit selection' (SRA 1997-98: 72). It is therefore not
surprising that in 1997 the CEO of the metropolitan passenger rail
service unit engaged the leading EEO practitioner, Wendy McCarthy to
help the organisation fulfil 'its stated ambition to achieve a 50
per cent intake of women in train-crew training courses. During the
course of her work, McCarthy (2004) found that few railway employees
'could imagine working alongside women and people from
Non-English-Speaking Backgrounds as equals.' Such views were, she
argued, supported by gender-biased recruitment tests and entry
qualifications, coupled with 'close to unbearable' levels of
verbal harassment, and frustrating obstacles to career progression for
qualified migrants. Clearly, for all the rhetoric, conditions for
migrant railway employees changed little from the early 1980s.
In 1998, when the NSW Government's Ethnic Affairs Commission
introduced its Standards Framework to encourage agencies to promote
'best practice' in multicultural policy, the SRA produced its
first Ethnic Affairs Priority Statement (EAPS) (SRA 1997-98: 74; CRC
2001: 24). Subsequently, State Rail implemented a Diversity Training
program to enhance communication between management and NESB staff at
local maintenance depots and the provision of interpreters for employees
when needed. However, most initiatives were focused outwards on the
customers of the rail service in the broader community (SRA 1999-2000:
86). From 2003, when the SRA began 'the process of transitioning
its EEO responsibilities to RailCorp' (SRA 2002-03: 62), its EAPS
reporting diminished (SRA 2002-03: 120; 2004-05: 40; 2005-06: 44).
The Annual Reports of State Rail's successor, Railcorp,
followed a similar pattern until 2006. In effect both addressed cultural
diversity within the framework established by the Community Relations
Commission and Principles of Multiculturalism Act 2000, which not only
'recognises the cultural diversity of New South Wales' but
also 'articulates the philosophy that this diversity is productive
by its very nature and should be harnessed to maximise its
benefits' (CRC 2001: 9). During the ensuing decade, Railcorp's
EAPSs emphasised a customer focus by stressing its commitment to raising
staff awareness of cultural diversity issues relating to the travelling
public (Railcorp 2005-06: 119).
The rhetoric of the EAPS effectively renders the employees
invisible, while the equation of migrant employees' cultural and
linguistic skills with assets that can be harnessed for organisational
ends reflects the disembodiment referred to earlier. This orientation
diverts attention from the everyday experiences of inter-cultural
relations in the workplace and denies the agency of the workers
themselves. Although evidence of resistance is limited, the low numbers
attending Skillmax training and continuous claims by railway employees
of harassment, bullying and discrimination related to diversity
generally and cultural diversity specifically suggests that migrant and
second-generation employees are not passive assets (Kumaran v Rail
Infrastructure Corporation & Anor [2005] NSWADT 30; Chand v State
Rail Authority [2007] NSWADT 90; Hunt v Rail Corporation of New South
Wales [2007] NSWADT 152; Besser 2008; Kidman 2008).
The limited support for International Conventions focused
specifically on migrant workers suggests that despite the efforts made
by the ILO and the UN to promote the principle that labour is not a
commodity, the counter-veiling perspective has been remarkably
resilient. This resilience has been considered in terms of the way that
Australian migrant/NESB employees have been represented since the
post-war era. By highlighting the basic assumptions underpinning the
'factory fodder' and 'business asset' metaphors,
this article has shown that both similarly foreground the economic value
of attributes such as labour power or cultural knowledge or linguistic
skills (at the expense of their bearers) and construe them as objects of
employer or management agency. The analysis presented here has
questioned the widespread view that a major shift occurred following the
acceptance of the 'productive diversity' agenda and DM from
the late 1980s. Most importantly, attention to migrant/NESB worker
resistance has demonstrated that migrant workers differ from commodities
not only because they are living beings who engage in work but also by
virtue of their individual and collective responses to working
conditions and management strategies that treat them as if they were
commodities. It is now necessary to also challenge the unquestioning
acceptance of the rhetoric of productive diversity and the business case
associated with DM by Australian State and Federal Governments and their
agencies and to encourage the ratification of ILO and UN Conventions on
Migrant Workers.
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Primary Sources
1. Interview with Louie Cavaliere, conducted by Lucy Taksa 5
November 1997.
2. Interview with Vince Russo, conducted by Lucy Taksa on 30
October 1998.
3. Interview with Sue Marks (nee Jobsen), conducted with Lucy Taksa
23 March 2002.
4. Interview with Joyce Hitchen, conducted with Lucy Taksa and
Dimitria Groutsis 7 August 2004.
5. Interview with Sue Marks (nee Jobsen), conducted with Lucy Taksa
and Dimitria Groutsis 6 September 2004.
6. Interview with Roger Law, conducted by Lucy Taksa 17 October
Anti-Discrimination Tribunal Cases
1. Chand v State Rail Authority [2007] NSWADT 90.
2. Hunt v Rail Corporation of New South Wales [2007] NSWADT 152.
3. Kumaran v Rail Infrastructure Corporation & Anor [2005]
(1.) The definition of 'migrant worker' adopted here
extends beyond that contained in Part 1, Article 2 of the United Nations
(UN) International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All
Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, which uses the term to
refer 'to a person who is to be engaged, is engaged or has been
engaged in a remunerated activity in a State of which he or she is not a
national.' For our purposes the term also includes workers who are
permanent residents or citizens. In certain cases we refer to such
workers in terms of their non-English language speaking background or
their cultural and linguistic diversity. See further: ga/res/45/a45r158.htm .
(2.) Although the following Conventions are also pertinent to
migrant workers, their specific focus on women renders them outside the
scope of this discussion: ILO, Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951, No.
100 (ratified by Australia 10.12.1974); United Nations Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (18 December
1979, entry into force 3 September 1981 and entry into force in
Australia 27 August 1983); ILO, Workers with Family Responsibilities
Convention, 1981, No. 156 (ratified by Australia 30.03.1990). See
further: Department of Foreign Affairs (2000) Australian Treaty Series,
1983 No. 9, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra,
available: html
[accessed 15 January 2010]; ILO (2010) International Labour
Standards--List of Ratifications of International Labour Conventions:
Australia, available:
applbyCtry.cfm?lang=EN&CTYCHOICE=0040 [accessed 15 January 2010].
(3.) In 1996, the Australian Government replied to a General Survey
conducted by an ILO Working Party on the effect of Convention 97 by
stating that ratification of one or both 'was envisaged or being
studied, without however indicating a time frame' (IOM 1999).
Lucy Taksa, Faculty of Business and Economics, Macquarie University
Dimitria Groutsis, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of
* Lucy Taksa is Professor and Head of the Department of Business in
the Faculty of Business and Commerce at Macquarie University, Australia.
She can be contacted at .
* Dimitria Groutsis is a Lecturer within the Discipline of Work and
Organisational Studies in the Faculty of Economics and Business at the
University of Sydney, Australia. She can be contacted at .