MOME in hindsight: how has "The Mechanisms of Market Efficiency" fared over the past 20 years?
Gilson, Ronald J. ; Kraakman, Reinier
Two decades ago, the Virginia Law Review published our article
"The Mechanisms of Market Efficiency" (MOME), in which we
tried to discern the institutional underpinnings of financial market
efficiency. We concluded that the level of market efficiency with
respect to a particular fact depends on which of several market
mechanisms--universally informed trading, professionally informed
trading, derivatively informed trading, and uninformed trading (each of
which we explain below)--operates to reflect that fact in market price.
Which mechanism is operative, in turn, depends on how widely the fact is
distributed among traders, which, in turn, depends on the cost structure
of the market for information. Less costly information is distributed
more widely, triggers a more effective efficiency mechanism, and is
reflected more efficiently by market prices.
Revisiting our article is particularly appropriate today. A new
framework for evaluating the efficiency of the stock market called
"behavioral finance" and a growing number of empirical studies pose a serious challenge to the Efficient Markets Hypothesis. Michael
Jensen's 1978 statement that "there is no proposition in
economics which has more solid empirical evidence supporting it than the
Efficient Market Hypothesis" is now proffered with a tone somewhere
between irony and condescension.
The movement away from Jensen over the past few decades surely
merits a reconsideration of the substance and policy implications of
financial market efficiency. We remain convinced that the quickness and
accuracy with which the stock market reflects information in the price
of a security is a function of the performance of institutions. Twenty
years, however, have made us appropriately more skeptical of the
efficiency of those institutions.
To place MOME in its proper context, we first need a capsule
account of the development of modern finance. We will focus on three
bodies of theory that sought to state rigorously how capital assets are
priced, whether a corporation's choice of debt and equity financing instruments affects its value, and whether the market price of freely
traded securities reflects all available information concerning their
Those three familiar theories--the Capital Asset Pricing Model, the
Miller-Modigliani Irrelevance Propositions, and the Efficient Capital
Market Hypothesis--share an extensive set of perfect markets
assumptions: rational investors, perfect information, and no transaction
Start with the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). If one assumes
that all unsystematic risk (risks that affect some assets but not others
in the economy) can be eliminated through ownership of a diversified
portfolio of investments, what else but systematic risk (risks that
affect all assets simultaneously) could affect the price of capital
assets? If investors need not bear unsystematic risk because they are
diversified, then investors who do not bear it will require the lowest
return (pay the highest price) for a capital asset, thereby setting the
asset's price. CAPM simply takes the next step and argues that the
systematic risk that matters to investors is the covariance of an
asset's returns with those of the market--i.e., beta. Given those
assumptions, CAPM is a tautology.
The Miller-Modigliani Irrelevance Propositions share the same
conceptual structure. Like CAPM, the perfect capital market assumptions
result in the Irrelevance Propositions appearing tautological. If debt
or equity was mispriced, arbitrage would restore the proper relation so
that increasing the amount of lower-cost debt would result in an
offsetting increase in the cost of equity, and vice versa.
The Efficient Capital Market Hypothesis (ECMH) also builds on
perfect market assumptions. As William Sharpe wrote, "Simply put,
the thesis is this: that in a well-functioning securities market, the
prices ... of securities will reflect predictions based on all relevant
and available information. This seems to be trivially self-evident to
most professional economists--so much so that testing seems almost
In addition to its prediction of the information content of stock
prices, the ECMH also played a critical integrative role, providing the
necessary link between asset pricing and capital structure choice
through the medium of market prices. Both CAPM and the Modigliani-Miller
propositions depend on an arbitrage mechanism for their proof:
mispricing will be traded away. But for arbitrage to be triggered by
mispricing, market prices must be reasonably informative. Thus, along
this important dimension, the positive powers of the three theories rise
and fall together.
Financial market efficiency, as we saw it, concerned how rapidly
prices responded to information. By the early 1980s, a large body of
empirical work demonstrated that price responded extremely rapidly to
public and even "semi-public" information--too rapidly to
permit arbitrage profits on most of that information. But how was this
possible, given that most traders were likely to be uninformed about the
content of much of this information?
We answered that question on two levels. On the level of the
capital markets, MOME proposed that four mechanisms work to incorporate
information in market prices with progressively decreasing relative
efficiency. In "universally informed trading," market prices
immediately reflect information that all traders know simply because
that information necessarily informs all trades, just as perfect market
theorists assumed. In "professionally informed trading,"
information that is less widely known but nonetheless public is
incorporated into share prices almost as rapidly as information known to
everyone through the trading of savvy professionals. In
"derivatively informed trading," inside information known to
only a very few traders would find its way into prices more slowly, as
uninformed traders learned about its content by observing tell-tale
shifts in the activity of presumptively informed traders or unusual
price and volume movements. Finally, in "uninformed trading,"
information known to no one might be reflected, albeit slowly and
imperfectly, in share prices that aggregate the forecasts of numerous
market participants with heterogeneous information.
MOME's second claim was that cost determines the distribution
of information in the market. The cost of information, in turn, depends
on the market institutions that produce, verify, and analyze
information--institutions that range from the Wall Street Journal to the
exhaustive research of the best professional investors.
Beginning in the 1980s, a growing literature challenged the
empirical predictions of the 1960s' perfect market theorems. That
challenge, in turn, gave rise to a reassessment of the underlying theory
of perfect markets.
EMPIRICAL ANOMOLIES A focus on imperfections in the market for
information sparked a series of explanations of how capital structure
(debt vs. equity) could matter if information was costly and
asymmetrically distributed. If corporate managers had private
information concerning the corporation's future prospects, and if
bankruptcy is costly to managers, then exposing the corporation to a
greater risk of bankruptcy either by paying dividends or maintaining a
higher debt-to-equity ratio could credibly signal that information to
the market and thereby influence the price of the corporation's
securities. Correspondingly, capital structure could also function as an
incentive: an increased risk of bankruptcy resulting from a more
leveraged capital structure could provide an incentive for managers (for
whom bankruptcy would be costly) to work even harder.
The Capital Asset Pricing Model always had problems when attention
shifted from theory to empirical testing. A security's beta does
not predict its return very well, as two categories of evidence
demonstrate. First, studies show that asset-pricing models with multiple
factors in addition to systematic risk do a better job of predicting
prices than CAPM does alone. Eugene Fama and Kenneth French, for
example, found that they could better predict market prices with a
three-factor pricing model that includes company size and book-to-market
ratio in addition to systematic risk.
Second, CAPM's empirical failures exhibit certain
regularities. The literature identifies a number of what are styled
"anomalies"--that is, persistent evidence of
higher-than-predicted returns based on publicly available information.
Such anomalies include the tendency of small companies to earn
higher-than-predicted returns, the seeming existence of a "January
effect" (in which much of the abnormal returns to smaller firms
occurs during the first half of January), the "weekend effect"
(in which stock returns are predictably negative over weekends), and the
"value effect" (in which firms with high earnings-to-price
ratios, high dividend yields, or high book-to-market ratios earn
higher-than-predicted returns).
Various explanations have been offered for the empirical
discrepancies. Some commentators attribute them to incorrect asset
pricing models. Others note that the studies revealing the anomalies are
sensitive to the particular empirical techniques used, or demonstrate
that at least some of the anomalies disappear or are dramatically
reduced in size following their announcement in the literature, thus
suggesting that markets learn, although not necessarily quickly.
Nevertheless, the accumulation of anomalies has had an effect,
despite efforts to explain those anomalies in finance-friendly ways. The
core theories of modern finance assume that investors are fully rational
(or that the market acts as if they are) and that markets are efficient
and transaction costs small, so that professionally informed traders
quickly notice and take advantage of mispricing, thereby driving prices
back to their proper level. Behavioral finance generalizes from the
accretion of empirical discrepancies to argue that many investors are
not rational in their financial decision-making, that there are
observable directional biases resulting from departures from rational
decision-making, and that significant barriers prevent professional
traders from fully correcting the mistakes made by less-than-rational
COGNITIVE BIASES The criticism of the rationality premise builds on
an important literature that uses decision-making experiments to show
how individuals' cognitive biases can lead them to systematically
misassess an asset's value. The list of biases has grown
impressively with time and includes overconfidence (the tendency of
individuals to overestimate their skills), the endowment effect (the
tendency of individuals to insist on a higher price to sell something
they already own than to buy the same item if they do not already own
it), loss aversion (the tendency for people to be risk averse for profit
opportunities but willing to gamble to avoid a loss), anchoring (the
tendency for people to make decisions based on an initial estimate that
is later adjusted but not sufficiently to eliminate the influence of the
initial estimate), framing (the tendency of people to make different
choices based on how the decision is framed, such as whether it is
framed in terms of the likelihood of a good outcome or in terms of the
reciprocal likelihood of a bad outcome), and hindsight (the tendency of
people to read the present into assessments of the past).
Individuals whose decisions are subject to one or more of those
biases, referred to in the literature as "noise traders," make
investment decisions that deviate from those that theory would predict
of rational investors. Charles Lee, Andrei Shliefer, and Richard Thaler,
in a 1991 Journal of Finance article, argued that the discount often
associated with closed-end mutual funds, one of the longstanding
phenomena that conflict with the ECMH, illustrates the potential for
misguided investors to influence price efficiency. When an investor
sells shares in a closed-end mutual fund, she receives whatever a buyer
is willing to pay rather than a proportionate share of the fund's
net asset value (as she would if she redeemed her interest in an
open-end mutual fund). Because the net assets of a closed-end fund are
observable, the ECMH predicts that the fund's stock price should
reflect its net asset value. In fact, closed-end funds systematically
(but not uniformly) trade at a discount from their underlying asset
value, a serious problem for the claim that stock prices generally are
the best estimate of a security's value. In the one case where we
can actually observe underlying asset value, stock price diverges from
Lee, Shleifer, and Thaler blame the divergence on noise traders,
whose views about value--perhaps because of some or all of the cognitive
biases reviewed above--plainly ignore the value of securities held by
closed-end funds, as they are reflected in market prices. But two other
elements are also necessary. First, the biases held by the noise traders
must be more or less consistent; otherwise, at least some of the biases
will regress out. Second, arbitrageurs must be unwilling to police the
resulting price inaccuracies. Under perfect capital market assumptions,
fully informed traders with unlimited access to capital immediately
pounce on mispriced securities, if arbitrageurs were available to trade
against the noise traders, then their action would suffice to return
prices to their efficient level. In the case of closed-end mutual funds,
however, the absence of institutional investors in this niche limits the
extent of corrective arbitrage, and prices retain a rational component
reflecting the risk of noise trader irrationality.
LIMITS ON ARBITRAGE Limited arbitrage is critical to the behavioral
finance perspective, and the problem is more general than the simple
case of closed-end mutual funds. Limits on arbitrage fall into four
general categories:
* fundamental risk;
* noise trader risk;
* institutional limits, both regulatory and incentive; and
* the potential that even professional traders may be subject to
cognitive biases.
The problem of fundamental risk arises because the arbitrageur,
unless hedged, has a position in the stock of a particular company that
is exposed to loss from a change in the company's fortunes. That
risk can be counterbalanced by holding an offsetting position in a
substitute security. However, substitutes may not be available, and in
all events will be imperfect. Imagine an arbitrageur who believes that
Ford is underpriced. For example, suppose an arbitrageur shorts General
Motors to hedge the risk associated with purchasing Ford. This strategy
works, but it only hedges against bad news in the automobile industry generally; it does not hedge against firm-specific bad news about Ford
(and, to the extent that bad news for Ford is good news for General
Motors, it may actually increase the arbitrageur's firm-specific
risk). The arbitrageur must therefore expect a higher return to offset
the risk that she cannot lay off] which in turn reduces arbitrage
activity and lowers market efficiency. The result is much like Sanford
Grossman and Joseph Stiglitz's now familiar point that
informationally efficient markets are impossible because full efficiency
eliminates the returns to the very activity that makes the market
efficient, with the result of an "equilibrium degree of
Noise trader risk similarly reduces arbitrage effectiveness because
arbitrageurs bear the risk that noise traders will continue to be
irrational, therefore maintaining, or even increasing, the mispricing.
Because the arbitrageur will also have to be compensated for the risk
that noise traders' continued confusion will adversely affect the
value of her rational bets, the required return goes up and level of
activity goes down, resulting in a cost-driven level of market
Institutional limits on arbitrage prevent arbitrageurs from trading
away information inefficiencies that result not from market risk, but
from the structure of the institutions through which the arbitrageurs
act. For our purposes, those limits fall into two categories: regulatory
and market constraints on the mechanisms of arbitrage, and the structure
of arbitrageurs' incentives. Each category operates to restrict the
extent to which arbitrage can correct mispricing.
Regulatory restrictions on arbitrage are directed at short sales,
undertaken by an arbitrageur when she believes the market price of a
security is higher than its efficient price. In a short sale, the
arbitrageur sells a security she does not own. To accomplish that, she
must first find an existing owner of the overpriced security who is
willing to lend the security to the arbitrageur. The borrowed stock is
then sold, the arbitrageur betting that the price of the security will
fall before the security must be purchased to repay the loan.
Securities Exchange Act rules 10a-1 and 10a-2 provide the basic
regulatory framework. Rule 10a-1, the "uptick test," generally
prohibits a short sale at a price below the security's last
reported price, and Rule 10a-2 restricts activities by broker-dealers
that could facilitate a violation of the uptick test. The idea behind
those Depression-era prohibitions is to prevent "speculators"
from driving down the price of a stock by selling it at prices below
those that would prevail if all sales were "long" sales, i.e.,
sales made by traders who actually held the stock. The difficulty with
the rule is simply the obverse of its asserted benefit. The clientele of
long traders who hold a stock are self-selected optimists. Short
selling, through its information-revealing properties, pushes stock
prices to a lower, more efficient level; to the extent that the uptick
rule actually succeeds in restricting arbitrage, the level of market
efficiency suffers.
There is good news here. The Securities and Exchange Commission
recently announced an ambitious experiment to test the effects of
liberalizing the short-selling regulations. Over the coming months, the
SEC will permit a large sample of stocks to be sold short, while its
analysts gather data on how that practice affects the market without an
uptick test.
Market restrictions on short selling involve limits on both the
demand side and the supply side--the costs and availability of shares to
borrow to affect a short sale. While Securities Exchange Act Section
316(c) restricts short selling by officers, directors, and large
shareholders of publicly traded companies, the more serious demand
constraint is voluntary; a recent SEC study reports that only some 43
percent of mutual funds are authorized by their charters to sell short.
During the six-month period ending April 30, 2003, only about 2.5
percent of registered investment companies (236 out of some 9,000)
actually engaged in short selling. Because 79 percent of mutual funds
report that they do not use derivatives, it is unlikely that the charter
restrictions are being avoided through the use of synthetic securities.
Market restrictions on the supply side relate to the lending market
for the securities that must be borrowed in order to make a short sale.
Preparation for a short sale begins with a request that the
arbitrageur's broker find a lender for the shares that are to be
sold. The universe for potential lenders includes the broker itself (if
it has an inventory of the desired stock) or institutional investors
(including pension funds, insurance companies, and index funds, all of
whom have long-term strategies that are unlikely to be negatively
affected by liquidity constraints resulting from securities lending).
The arbitrageur transfers collateral (typically cash) to the lender in
the amount of 102 percent of the value of the borrowed securities. The
lender then pays interest to the arbitrageur on the cash collateral,
termed the rebate rate, and has the right to call in the loan at any
time. If the loan is called at a time when the shares have risen in
value, the arbitrageur will be forced to close her position at a loss
unless another lender is found. Additionally, SEC Regulation T requires
that the arbitrageur post a margin of 50 percent of the borrowed
securities' value in additional collateral.
In general, the lending market available to short sellers for
large-issuer securities is broad and deep. Large-cap stocks usually are
easy and cheap to borrow, with the great majority requiring loan fees of
less than one percent per year. In contrast, borrowing small-cap stocks
with little institutional ownership may be difficult and expensive. As
much as 16 percent of the stocks in the Center for Research in Security
Prices file may be impossible to borrow.
Recent theoretical and empirical work suggests, however, that it
becomes more costly to borrow a stock as the divergence of opinion about
the security's value increases. The logic reflects the fact that
those who do not lend the security forgo the price they would have
received for its loan. Thus, those holding a stock must value it more
highly than those who lend it by an amount in excess of the loan fee.
The greater the divergence of opinion concerning the stock's value,
the higher the loan fees, yielding the perverse result that the
transaction costs of arbitrage increase in precisely the circumstance
when the activity is most important.
Consistent with significant market limits on arbitrage, short
interest in securities is generally quite small. A recent study reports
that over the period 1976-1993, more than 80 percent of listed firms had
short interests of less than 0.5 percent of outstanding shares, and more
than 98 percent had short interests of less than 5 percent, a level
consistent in magnitude with earlier assessments. And as one might
expect from strong limits on arbitrage, the empirical evidence "is
broadly consistent with the idea that short-sale constraints matter for
equilibrium stock prices and expected returns."
The problem, however, is with the magnitude of the costs. If all
but small, non-institutional stock is readily available for borrowing,
the regulatory and market-imposed transaction costs of short-selling
seem too small to account for the limited amount of short-selling we
observe and for its impact on pricing. A recent study by Joseph Chen,
Harrison Hong, and Jeremy Stein of the impact of short selling
constraints concluded that "an interesting question that our work
raises, but does not answer, is this: why do short-sale constraints seem
to be so strongly binding? Or said slightly differently: why, in spite
of the high apparent risk-adjusted returns to strategies involving
shorting, is there so little aggregate short interest in virtually all
stocks? ... We are skeptical that all, or even most, of the answer has
to do with ... specific transaction costs."
The structure of arbitrageurs' incentives may provide the
identity of the dark matter of the short sale universe--the source of
constraints that the transaction costs of short selling do not explain.
Recent work highlights a number of incentive problems, including a more
realistic account of arbitrageurs' goals and the agency costs of
The first problem is that we have treated arbitrageurs as a kind of
market maker whose role is to police the efficiency of prices and whose
efforts will be compromised to the extent that regulatory and
transaction costs make short-selling costly. In fact, however,
arbitrageurs have a quite different goal: to make money. That, in turn,
suggests that arbitrageurs act not only on a difference between a
stock's market price and its fundamental value, but also on a
difference between a stock's current market price and its future
market price regardless of the relation between its future market price
and its fundamental value.
If overly optimistic noise traders are in the market, shorting the
stock is not the only way to make money. Instead, one can profit by
anticipating the direction of the noise traders' valuation error,
and taking advantage of that error through long, not short, positions
with the goal of selling the shares to noise traders at a higher future
price. The result may be to drive up the price of already overvalued stocks, and to prolong the length and increase the extent of bubbles.
The second problem is the agency costs of arbitrage. Keep in mind
that arbitrage positions are made based on ex ante expectations, but the
gain realized depends on ex post outcomes. The two may differ because of
either the arbitrageurs' skill in identifying mispricing or because
of fundamental or noise trader risk; that is, an investment may fail
either because of bad judgment or because of bad luck.
For an arbitrageur trading for her own account, we can presume the
explanation for a failed investment is observable. But now assume that
the arbitrageur is instead an investment professional whose capital is
raised from institutional investors and who receives a portion of the
profits--the arbitrageur runs a hedge fund. Because the initial ex ante
assessment of the portfolio investment is not observable to the fund
investor, the investor then may use the investment's ex post
outcome as a proxy of the arbitrageur's skill, with the effect of
exposing the arbitrageur's human capital to both fundamental and
noise trader risk because the fund investor may mistakenly treat a loss
that really results from bad luck as evidence of bad judgment.
Arbitrageurs thought to have "bad judgment" will have
difficulty raising new funds. That, in turn, will cause the arbitrageur
to reduce her risk by taking more conservative positions; that is,
taking positions more like those of everyone else. Importantly, the
personal risk to the arbitrageur increases as the importance of
arbitrage as a means to correct market price increases. The greater the
disagreement about a stock's price, the greater the bad luck risk
that the arbitrage position turns out badly and, hence, the greater risk
to the arbitrageur's human capital.
This interaction between noise trader risk and the agency costs of
arbitrage can plausibly lead to bubble-like conditions. Once noise
traders enter the market in large numbers, the risk to arbitrage
increases, which in turn results in an independent reduction in the
level of arbitrage. This reduction, one might imagine, is more or less
linear. More important, the presence of a market driven by noise traders
has the potential to create a kink in the arbitrage supply curve, when
the potential profits from momentum trading exceed the potential profits
from short selling. From this perspective, one might consider a sharp
increase in the number of individual investors in the market as a
pre-bust signal of a bubble. That assessment turns on its head the
familiar anecdotal observation that when individuals get into the
market, the professionals get out: when individuals enter the market in
large numbers, professionals find something to sell them.
A final potential limit on arbitrage looks back to the
psychological biases that may underlie the noise trader phenomenon. To
this point, we have treated arbitrageurs as if they still met the
perfect rationality assumption of traditional theory--even if they are
responding to the presence of noise traders or frictions in the
incentive structure they face, they do so rationally. However, even
professional traders are people. Maybe they are subject to cognitive
biases as well; that is, the existence of irrational professional
traders may be a limit to arbitrage.
The issue of whether some or all of the cognitive biases are
hardwired or can be diminished by education or experience is a contested
subject whose review is far beyond our ambition here. We note only that
when the studies place individuals in a position where the goal is to
make money, the cognitive biases seem to disappear quickly. And because
the organization has the capacity to shape the traders' incentives
so that the goal is clear, the potential for learning to occur and be
reinforced is significant. Thus, we will treat professional traders as
rational actors in responding to the incentives that they face.
Despite the body of experimental evidence supporting persistent
decision-making biases in some portion of the population, we are
skeptical that this phenomenon will be found generally to play a
significant role in setting aggregate price levels because the biases of
different individuals to some important extent offset each other.
Investor irrationality should be a matter of real concern when a single
bias affects most noise traders, leaving a much heavier burden on
arbitrage. And the problem will increase more than monotonically as the
number of infected noise traders increases. As the volume of irrational
trades increases, a point is reached at which arbitrageurs' most
profitable strategy shifts from betting against the noise traders to
buying in front of them, with the goal of exploiting the noise
traders' mistake by selling overvalued stock to them.
A sharp increase in the participation of individual investors is a
powerful indication that they share a common bias--the likelihood that a
coincidence of different biases all leading to increasing participation
at the same time seems small. Thus, a spike in individual trading--Lee,
Shleifer, and Thaler's proxy for noise trading--may serve as a
limited predictor of price bubbles. On those occasions, arbitrage
constraints on price are relaxed and the effects of cognitive biases on
prices are likely to be of significantly greater magnitude than
cost-based deviations from perfect market conditions.
Except for those situations in which the interactions of noise
traders and market professionals create bubbles, the behavioral finance
bias literature will have its greatest impact on circumstances when the
concern is not with aggregate price effects, but with the behavior of
individual investors. We may care a great deal if individuals
systematically make poor investment decisions with respect to their
retirement savings, especially with the growing shift from defined
benefit to defined contribution pension plans, even if their mistakes do
not affect price levels at all.
In contrast to our skepticism that cognitive biases affect market
efficiency only episodically (when the number of individual investors
spikes and their biases therefore likely coincide), we are quite
sympathetic to concerns that agency and incentive problems constrain the
professionally informed trading mechanism continuously, even in times of
normal trading. MOME's relative efficiency concept, following
Grossman and Stiglitz, builds on the idea that the cost of information
limits the effectiveness of professionally informed trading--it has to
pay to be informed. Agency and incentive problems between, for example,
hedge funds and their investors and between hedge funds and their
portfolio managers pose the same kind of tradeoff--it has to pay to
reduce those costs.
How well does MOME's focus on the distribution and cost of
information stand up to behavioral finance today? The answer, we
believe, is mixed. The good news is that the central categories of MOME,
including the market mechanisms and the concept of relative efficiency,
are consistent not only with the established empirical findings of
behavioral finance but with some of its more promising models as well.
The bad news is that back in the early 1980s, we greatly underestimated
the institutional obstacles to the production and rapid reflection of
information in share prices.
THE GOOD NEWS The good news about MOME extends to both fact and
theory. On the empirical side, proponents of both rational markets and
behavioral finance agree that many of the long-term pricing anomalies
that cut against the efficiency of market prices largely disappear when
analysts control for company size. Disappearing anomalies include, for
example, the underpricing of initial public offerings and seasoned
equity offerings. The size-related character of those anomalies is good
news because it is precisely what MOME would predict on the assumption
that the size of the float is a critical determinant of the amount and
quality of information about issuers and the relative efficiency with
which that information is reflected in market prices. The reasoning is
simple. Small issuers have a limited following among analysts and other
professional investors, in part because there is little profit in
researching issuers whose size restricts the potential gains. As a
result, less information is produced, verification of information is
more costly, and net returns available to investors and securities
traders are correspondingly lower.
Size, analyst coverage, and the attendant availability can account
for pricing anomalies of other sorts as well. On the theory side, an
important model developed by Harrison Hong and Jeremy Stein explains
momentum trading and skewness in stock prices on the basis of the slow
diffusion of private information through the economy. Traders without
access to private information rationally treat price movements as a
proxy for the injection of new information, which explains momentum
trading as well as sudden reversals in price when traders discover they
have already overshot share value. In support of this model, Hong,
Stein, and Terence Lim present evidence that momentum trading in shares
is particularly strong among small firms and firms that attract little
interest among analysts.
THE BAD NEWS If recent models of the production and diffusion of
information confirm the continuing relevance of MOME'S analysis,
our original account of market mechanisms and the institutional
production of information suffered from what might be termed
"naivete bias." For example, we implicitly underestimated the
institutional complexities that attend the production, processing, and
verification of market information, as well as its reflection in share
prices. Some aspects of our naivete were discussed earlier in this
essay: in particular, the legal and institutional limitations on
arbitrage, including the agency problems that afflict institutional
investors--such as the role of incentive structures in encouraging
herding behavior by fund managers at the expense of fund investors.
But even more important than underestimating the limits on the
arbitrage mechanism, we failed to appreciate the magnitude of the
incentive problems in the core market institutions that produce, verify,
and process information about corporate issuers. As the Enron cohort of
financial scandals demonstrated, lucrative equity compensation has had
the side effect of creating powerful incentives for managers to increase
share prices. We suppose that managers usually respond by creating
additional value for shareholders. But sometimes they respond by feeding
distorted information to the market--or even by lying outright, as in
such recent cases as WorldCom and HealthSouth. Recent scandals also
demonstrate that we also were too sanguine about the role of the
institutions that we termed "reputational intermediaries"--the
established investment banks, commercial banks, accounting firms, and
law firms that use their reputations to vouch for the representations of
unknown issuers, and so reduce the information costs of investors.
Finally, we were naive about the role of security analysts, and
particularly those employed by the investment banks on the "sell
side" of the market. Those analysts, it appears, often acted as
selling agents for the client-issuers of the institutions that employ
them. Or, put differently, an investment bank's reputation among
issuers is likely to matter more to it than its reputation among the lay
investors who rely on its analysts' reports.
In sum, on every dimension of information costs--the costs of
producing, verifying, and processing valuation data--we confess error,
not about the roles of the institutions that supply information to the
market, but about how well they perform their roles. The point is
perhaps too obvious today to merit elaboration, but the market cannot be
more efficient than the institutions that fix quality and cost of
valuation information permit it to be. That, after all, was MOME's
principal point.
We have argued that the binding constraints on market efficiency
arise either from institutional limitations or the interaction of the
arbitrage mechanism with cognitive biases--not from the widespread
existence of cognitive biases alone. There are implications of this view
for the formulation of regulatory policy.
BEHAVIOR FINANCE CAN GUIDE REFORM We see two principal areas where
behavioral finance is likely to have policy implications in the near
term. One lies on the institutional side. Given the importance of
limitations on the arbitrage mechanism that we have emphasized thus far,
regulators should clearly seek to reduce legal and institutional
barriers to arbitrage. Thus, the SEC should continue to explore removing
the uptick rule and margin requirements that burden short selling, as
well as campaigning against the lingering taint that makes institutional
investors such as mutual funds reluctant to pursue short-selling
strategies. Far from being suspect, short selling actually confers a
positive externality on the entire market by speeding the reflection of
unfavorable information in share prices. In addition, behavioral finance
may support temporary interventions in the market, such as trading
halts, when market behavior suggests a surge of biased trading that
threatens to destabilize arbitrage. We hesitate to make this prediction
too forcefully, however, as there is still much work to be done in
parsing out the psychological and institutional roots of market
We are far more confident about a second area in which behavioral
finance might eventually inform regulatory policy: the protection of
individual investors. The possible consequences for policy involve
paternalistic responses to cognitive bias. As we argued above, three
conditions must be met for psychological distortions to affect share
* cognitive biases must be pervasive (as most commentators believe
they are);
* they must be correlated (because they would otherwise be
offsetting); and,
* the arbitrage mechanism must fail with respect to their effects.
Notice, however, that cognitive bias can injure investors even if
it has no effect whatsoever on share prices, i.e., the second and third
conditions above are not met. Perhaps the best example is the employee
who, as a result of limited knowledge or cognitive bias, misallocates
investment in a 401 (k) plan by failing to diversify her investments, or
assumes a level of risk inappropriate to her age and retirement
The rise of defined contribution and voluntary investment plans has
shifted discretion over retirement savings from professional traders to
individual "lay" investors who often are noise traders. It
might well be, then, that we would be wise to limit the investment
discretion of employee-investors, precisely in order to prevent them
from harming themselves. Such limitations might be mandatory for
government-sponsored or tax-favored retirement plans: for example, an
inflexible diversification requirement. Alternatively, the limitations
might take the form of what has been termed" asymmetric
paternalism," i.e., default rules that sophisticated investors can
avoid but that are binding on unsophisticated investors who are more
likely to make costly errors as a result of cognitive bias or bounded
THE TAKEOVER DEBATE Once we leave the easy cases of short-selling
restrictions, obvious market frenzies, and undiversified retirement
savings, the legal implications of behavioral finance for corporate and
securities law become much murkier for the simple reason that we know
little about both the extent and nature of cognitive bias among traders
or the interaction of cognitive bias with the institutions that generate
information and the mechanisms that reflect it in price (including,
above all, the arbitrage activity of sophisticated investors). We
therefore find ourselves largely in agreement with Donald
Langevoort's assessment of the implications of behavioral finance
for securities regulation, which, no doubt over-simplifying, we would
summarize as, "not much so far, although lawmakers should stay
tuned to current research and keep an open mind." Indeed, we would
go one step further to caution against the use of behavioral finance to
advance policy agendas that it cannot possibly support. We close this
essay with the cautionary example of a policy debate in which behavioral
finance is sometimes said to have important implications when in fact it
does not.
The example we have in mind is the claim that is sometimes made in
debates over takeovers that investor irrationality demonstrates the
wisdom of vesting discretion over the decision to defend against hostile
takeovers in the hands of managers rather than shareholders.
We find this claim unpersuasive for several reasons that nicely
illustrate the limits of cognitive psychology in setting basic corporate
policy. In the first place, market efficiency has a limited role in the
takeover debate. The primary policy tradeoff is between the absence of
strong-form efficiency (i.e., the possibility that managers have
information about the corporation's value that the market lacks,
which is the reason for giving management discretion to defend) and the
possibility of managerial agency cost (i.e., the reason forgiving the
decision to shareholders). This one comes out in favor of shareholder
decision-making because target management can always ameliorate the
failure of strong-form efficiency by disclosing its information if
takeover decision-making is allocated to shareholders, while allocating
authority to management does nothing to ameliorate the agency cost
It is at this point that the cognitive bias component of behavioral
finance comes into play: The balance may shift if, despite disclosure,
shareholders will predictably reject target managers' advice
because of one or another cognitive bias. Of course, given the range of
cognitive biases, one cannot entirely reject this possibility. Some
biases predict that shareholders will tender too readily while others
predict an unwarranted reluctance to tender. In the context of the
allocation of takeover decision-making between managers and
shareholders, the critical point is that cognitive bias analysis be
applied on a bilateral or comparative basis.
This concern grows out of the fact that the experimental literature
is largely unilateral in its focus. The experiments are concerned only
with whether a particular decision-maker is subject to a cognitive bias,
not whether one competing decision-maker is more impaired than another.
But when cognitive bias is invoked to allocate authority among competing
decision-makers, the analysis must be bilateral: the potential biases of
the decision-makers must be compared. The question is whether managers
or shareholders' decisions are likely to be more distorted.
The comparison seems to us to favor allocating decision-making
authority to shareholders. First, it is simply unclear which, if any,
biases are likely to apply to individual shareholders when they must
choose whether to accept a hostile offer. Moreover, the outcome of the
takeover is likely to be determined by the decisions of institutional
investors, who are less likely to be subject to cognitive biases (but
may be subject to institutional influences)--the shareholders critical
to the outcome of a hostile takeover look little like the noise trader
clientele of closed-end mutual funds. Finally, the market for corporate
control operates to an extent as a backstop in case cognitive biases
cause target shareholders to tender into too low an offer. The ubiquity
of competing bidders emerging in response to an underpriced offer can
save the shareholders from their biases.
On the other side, one can imagine a range of biases that may
influence target managers to resist a hostile takeover even when the
transaction is in the shareholders' best interests. A reaction to
cognitive dissonance may cause managers to respond to an offer that
calls into question their performance and competence by deriding the
bidder's motives and promising a brighter future if only the
shareholders have patience. Managers may genuinely believe their claims,
but behavioral finance suggests that their assessment may be driven by a
cognitive bias. This effort at dissonance reduction may, in turn, be
exacerbated by the overconfidence bias--managers' vigorous defense
may be encouraged by a biased assessment of their own skills. Other
examples are possible, but the point by now should be clear: When
cognitive bias analysis is invoked to illuminate the choice between two
decision-makers, its application must be bilateral.
We conclude that the cognitive bias element of behavioral finance
is unlikely to change the tradeoff between agency costs ands strong-form
market inefficiency that we believe supports allocating to shareholders
the choice of whether a hostile takeover goes forward. To be sure, by
highlighting the possibility of good faith but systematically misguided
defensive action, the cognitive bias analysis does serve to give
richness to the explanation for target managers' behavior that
agency theory's simple self-interest paradigm lacks. But this
useful insight reinforces, rather than undercuts, an allocation of
decision-making authority to shareholders.
So where does our retrospective leave us? Twenty years further, we
think, along the road leading from elegant models of the workings of the
capital market in a frictionless world, to an understanding of how the
market operates in a world where information is costly and unevenly
distributed, agents are self-interested, transactions costs are
pervasive, and noise traders are common. The nature of this more
realistic understanding is beginning to take shape, and it can be
described in a single word: messy. There are a lot more moving parts and, as a result, a much larger number of interactions to understand.
Models will be necessarily partial, illuminating particular
interactions, but will fall far short (and without the ambition) of a
unified field theory.
That said, we come away with some confidence in a number of themes,
some that were explicit in MOME, some that we missed, and others that
reflect an assessment of the likely contribution of cognitive psychology
to our understanding of how the capital market functions.
First, as was explicit in MOME, we believe that understanding the
structure of institutions is central to understanding the operation of
the capital market. MOME's shortcoming was the failure to drill
deeply enough into the incentive and agency structure of important
market institutions like those through which arbitrage is carried out.
To the large extent that behavioral finance is composed of applying
agency, information, and incentive analysis to capital market
institutions, it promises to deepen our understanding of how the capital
market operates in the real world.
Second, we are skeptical that the new focus on cognitive biases in
the end will explain very much about price formation except in
circumstances in which investor biases both coincide and give rise to
increased participation. Thus, we expect that this component of
behavioral finance will have a limited role in the market efficiency
debate. In contrast, the literature can be quite important under
circumstances in which we care about the consequences of biased
decision-making on the decision-makers themselves, independent of
whether aggregate price levels are affected. Reform efforts directed at
individuals' decisions with respect to pension investments, as with
401(k), provide a good example.
Our final theme is one of balance. When cognitive psychology is
used to analyze issues relating to the allocation of decision-making
between competing parties, the application must be bilateral and
comparative. It is insufficient merely to demonstrate that one party may
exhibit cognitive biases. Identifying a bias in one party begins the
analysis; it is completed only when that impairment is compared to those
of the other party. As we suggested in our analysis of the application
of cognitive bias analysis to tender offers, the fact that shareholders
may have a bias in deciding whether to tender does not demonstrate that
managers should have the power to block an offer. Rather, the
shareholders' bias must be compared with those biases that affect
Twenty years after publication, we remain comfortable with the
analytic framework that animates MOME. We should have been more
skeptical of market institutions then, but skepticism grows with age.
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Ronald J. Gilson is the Meyers Professor of Law and Business at
Stanford Law School and the Stern Professor of Law and Business at
Columbia Law School.
Reinier Kraakman is the Ezra Ripley Thayer Professor of Law at
Harvard Law School.
This article is based on a longer paper that appeared in the 2003
Journal of Corporate Law.