Between- vs. within-patent competition: name-brand drug competition may have more effect on innovative returns and prices than generics competition.
Philipson, Tomas J. ; Dai, Carolanne
ECONOMISTS HAVE LONG APPRECIATED the importance of research and
development (R&D) for economic progress. Accordingly, researchers
have scrutinized the effects and desirability of stimulating various
forms of research and innovative activity through such public
interventions as direct R&D tax-incentives, non-profit tax
exemptions for research institutions, public financing of R&D
activity, and intellectual property regulations (i.e., patent,
copyright, and trademark policy).
A substantial body of theoretical work has examined how much
innovation intellectual property regulations induce. The analyses have
generally assessed the impact of those regulations through their effect
on protecting innovative returns from potential imitators who attempt to
produce the same product as the innovator.
However, the loss of innovative returns because of
"within-patent" competition from imitators through patent
expiration is only one way in which innovative returns may be reduced by
competition. The other way is through "between-patent"
competition from new patents being developed by competitors. A patent
only protects an innovator from others producing the same product; it
does not provide protection from others producing better products under
new patents. For example, in the pharmaceutical industry, within-patent
competition after patent expiration stems from so-called generic
manufacturers, and between-patent competition through new patents arises
from so-called "brand-name" manufacturers engaging in
therapeutic competition within disease and drug classes.
Between-patent competition may be as important a limit on
innovative returns as within-patent competition, particularly in
high-tech fields such as the telecommunications, biotechnology, and
pharmaceutical industries. In those industries, which in turn contribute
greatly to technological progress and growth, the demand for a given
innovation is often destroyed by entry of new, superior products long
before the first product's patent expires. In addition,
within-patent competition occurs many years in the future and is thus
less important for the present value of innovative returns. Therefore,
extensive "creative destruction" through between-patent
competition leaves less to be subsequently destroyed by
"uncreative" within-patent competition.
Public sector stimulation The existence of creative and uncreative
competition limits the ability of the public sector to stimulate
R&D. Because future innovation limits the rewards to current
innovation, intellectual property policies whose purpose is to stimulate
R&D may have offsetting effects on innovation. Policies that
stimulate R&D not only increase the current incentive to innovate,
but also the incentives of producers engaging in between-patent
competition. For example, an increase in an R&D tax break would make
research cheaper for the innovator, but also imply that the innovator
will only be able to enjoy his market advantage for a shorter duration
before new patents eliminate it. Existing analyses ignore the effect of
betweenpatent competition and thus give misleading implications about
the effects and desirability of intellectual property regulations. in
fact, because policies that reduce within-patent competition may be
offset by between-patent competition, the public sector may not be able
to fine-tune R&D.
Given the importance of both within-and between-patent competition,
our study attempts to estimate their relative impacts on innovative
returns for one of the most R&D intensive industries in the
nation--pharmaceuticals. In 1997, R&D intensity (R&D expenditure
as a percentage of net sales in R&D performing companies) was three
times as high in the "drugs and medicines" industry as it was
in the economy as a whole (10.5 percent vs. 3.4 percent). Although the
pharmaceutical industry is often mentioned as one in which patents have
their standard textbook effects, the relative importance of
between-patent or therapeutic competition, rather than within-patent
competition from generics, is not well understood in this industry.
Although generic competition may limit innovative returns, we find
that less than half of drugs experience generic entry upon patent
expiration because between-patent competition accounts for at least as
much erosion of innovator returns as within-patent competition caused by
patent expiration, and often considerably more. The relative importance
of between-patent competition may be even higher in other high-tech
industries because the average effective patent length is shorter in
pharmaceuticals than it is in other industries.
We use our estimates of the two forms of competition to assess the
impact of marginal changes in patent lengths on innovative returns, such
as those resulting from the Hatch-Waxman Act for U.S. pharmaceuticals or
from the international expansion of patent length from 17 to 20 years.
Although the latter represents almost an 18 percent increase in the
patent life, it may only increase innovative returns by a couple of
percent because of both discounting (the practice of weighting future
gains and losses less heavily than those that occur in the present) and
between-patent competition. Similarly, the proposed Greater Access to
Affordable Pharmaceuticals (GAAP) Act, which attempts to facilitate
entry of generic drug companies by accelerating patent expiration, would
have little impact on innovative returns and hence little or no effect
on the incentives for brand-name drug manufacturers to engage in
Consider the innovative returns of a patent with a certain patent
length. It faces between-patent competition from a number of competing
patents during the patent period, and within-patent competition from a
number of imitating competitors after the patent has expired. We assume
profits in each period to be a function of market structure and hence
proportionate to the number of both types of entrants given the entry
rates of between-and within-patent competition and discount rates before
and after the patent expires.
The value of the innovation can then be seen as a function of the
extent of within-and between-patent competitions. Both within-and
between-patent competition lower the innovative return. A common
argument about the value of patents is that imitation reduces the value
of creativity-indeed, that is the most frequent rationale offered for
tolerating the distortions imposed by patent protection in the first
However, the opposite is also true. Imitation (within-patent
competition) is reduced by creativity (between-patent competition) for
two related reasons. First, between-patent competition reduces the
profits to be sought after by within-patent competition. Second,
between-patent competitors compete with within-patent competitors after
expiration. Therefore, within-patent competition has a smaller effect on
innovative returns as between-patent competition grows larger.
This interaction implies that changes in patent length may not
affect R&D incentives in quantitatively important ways because of
the existence of substantial between-patent competition. For example,
consider a situation where there is a five percent discount rate per
year and a 15 percent profit depreciation per year because of
between-patent competition. The depreciation of patented profits would
then occur at a rate of 19 percent per year. In that case, even when
there are no profits to be had once the patent has expired, the value of
the innovative return of a 17-year patent is close to 97 percent of the
value of a patent with infinite length. Our research suggests that
recent international agreements to extend patent lives from 17 to 20
years-close to an 18 percent increase in the patent life-have only
increased innovative returns by a couple of percent.
Public sector effects Consider such public policy R&D stimuli
as a tax break that lowers the marginal cost of R&D or government
funding of National Institutes of Health research that complements
private R&D. In a world in which only within-patent competition
existed, such policies would unambiguously stimulate R&D.
But in a world with between-patent competition, the net effect of a
policy that appears to encourage R&D is less certain because of the
indirect or unplanned effects of between-patent competition. The
indirect effect may be offsetting or reinforcing, depending upon how
between-patent competition affects profits. The offsetting case is
likely to occur when between-patent competition occurs through R&D
on substitute products, e.g., different cholesterol-lowering drugs. The
reinforcing case is likely to occur when between-patent competition
occurs through R&D on complementary products, e.g., ache
drugs-topical creams and antibiotics. The complementary case may not
only operate through the demand side (e.g., demand for antibiotics will
most likely induce demand for topical creams), but may be present
through producer activities such as spillovers in advertising (e.g.,
direct-to-consumer advertising for antibiotics will also benefit
producers of topical ache creams because it generates foot traffic into
physicians' offices and expands the market for all ache drugs).
In those cases in which the indirect effect of between-patent
competition offsets the direct effect of within-patent competition, the
net effect of a patent-length extension is only a marginal increase in
innovative returns. The offsetting or neutralizing effects of
between-patent competition may imply that it is very difficult for
governments to "fine-tune" or manipulate R&D efforts and
economic growth.
The particular case of pharmaceutical innovation may illustrate
those offsetting effects. The Food and Drug Administration regulates
testing and marketing of drugs and devices, and thus lowers the
probability of success by rejecting some innovation and increases the
cost of R&D beyond the level that would occur in an unregulated world through distortions imposed on the cost of clinical trials.
Conventional analyses that consider only within-patent competition have
concluded that FDA regulation discourages innovation. But such a
conclusion ignores the negative effect of FDA regulation on
between-patent competition. By reducing between-patent competition, FDA
regulation serves as an improved patent by keeping out low-quality
innovators that could have competed with high-quality innovators.
In this section, we attempt to evaluate the empirical importance of
the two sources of competition for the U.S. pharmaceutical industry
where within-patent competition after patent expiration is from generic
manufacturers and between-patent competition is from brand-name
manufacturers engaging in therapeutic competition within a given disease
class. We document the entry of both forms of competition as a function
of the age of the patent, note the effects such entry has on innovative
returns, and decompose the share of the present value of an innovation
lost to the two forms of competition. Our analysis refers to competition
between patents as competition between drugs in the same class (e.g.,
competition between Lipitor, Zocor, and other cholesterol-lowering
drugs). We refer to competition within patents as competition between
producers of the same drug (e.g., competition between Andrx, Aventis,
Biovail, and other producers of the drug diltiazem).
Average rates of entry Table 1 presents data on the typical extent
of within-patent competition (the average number of producers of a drug)
and between-patent competition (the average number of drugs within a
class) by age of the drug (number of years since FDA approval) during
the period 1982-2001. Table 1 reveals that there is a substantial amount
of between-patent competition for a drug even upon entry; approximately
25 drugs already exist in the class, as well as through additional entry
while on patent. In contrast, within-patent competition increases only
by less than a single d rug during the first 10 years.
Within-patent entry Our first source of data on the general pattern
of within-patent entry in the pharmaceutical industry is the FDA's
Orange Book. It lists all approved prescription drugs, including
brand-name drugs that represent between-patent competition and generic
drugs that represent within-patent competition. For each of the 1,520
ingredients identified in the Approved Drug Products file of The Orange
Book, we determined the first date at which a product containing that
ingredient was approved for marketing. As an example, consider the data
in Table 2 for the anti-arrhythmic drug amiodarone hydrochloride.
For each drug first approved in 1982 or later, we computed the
number of producers representing the within-patent entrants that were
approved to market a drug. Regression analysis was performed to
determine the typical rates of increase in the number of entrants over
the life cycle of a drug. The length of a pharmaceutical patent has
historically been 17 years, but it was recently extended to 20 years.
The data suggest that a drug is fairly well protected from early entry,
after which the probability of entry rises exponentially as the
drug's age approaches the statutory patent length, However, at the
time of patent expiration, the average probability of within-patent
competition is less than 50 percent.
Between-patent entry To assess between-patent competition, it is
important to define the relevant markets in which patents compete. Drugs
are a very useful product market to study in this respect because the
disease categories into which therapeutic competition occurs are
relatively well defined compared to other markets. The National Drug
Code Directory was used to define therapeuatic classes in which patents
compete. It serves as a universal product identifier for human drugs,
and uses a general therapeutic classification scheme for the drug
products reported to the FDA under the provisions of the Drug Listing
Act. We first linked two National Drug Code files to obtain a mapping
from drugs (ingredients) to drug classes and then linked the list of
drug classes to the list of drugs obtained from The Orange Book, which
included the FDA approval date of the drug. The resulting list was
subsequently sorted by drug class and approval date. The final list
shows the history of new drug approvals by class.
Using that information, we computed the number of drugs in a given
class, representing the between-patent competition. by age of the drug.
We used regression analysis to estimate the average number of drugs
approved in a class (between-patent entrants) and applicants approved to
market a drug within-patent entrants), given the age of a drug. The
results are reported in Table 3 and plotted in Figure 1.
In the first three years, the average number of applicants
increases by just 1.2 percent, while the average number of drugs in the
class increases by 12.6 percent. However, in the next three years, there
is a significant acceleration in the average number of applicants and
slight deceleration in the average number of drugs in the class. By year
six, the average number of applicants is 9.5 percent larger than it was
initially, and the average number of drugs in the class has increased by
20.9 percent. The increase in the number of drugs in the class remains
higher than the increase in the number of applicants until year 14.
In the first 13 years of a drug's life, and especially in the
earlier years, the number of between-patent competitors in the
drug's class typically increases more, in percentage terms, than
the number of within-patent competitors approved to market the same
drug. The fact that the rate of between-patent entry is higher does not
necessarily mean that it has a larger impact on innovator sales than
within-patent entry. In the next subsection, we will estimate the
effects of both forms of patent competition on the sales of a new drug.
Effects of entry Ideally, to estimate the effects of between-and
within-patent competition, one would like to have a complete set of
longitudinal data on innovators' sales, by product. Unfortunately,
we were unable to obtain data on sales to all customers. However,
comprehensive data on Medicaid sales during 1996-1999 are available from
Medicaid State Drug Utilization files published by the Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid Services (formerly the Health Care Financing
Administration). Evidence suggests that the Medicaid program accounts
for a significant share of total U.S. pharmaceutical sales, and that
drugs purchased under Medicaid are fairly representative of all U.S.
drug transactions, at least in terms of price. Therefore, estimates of
the impact of between- and within-patent competition on Medicaid sales
are likely to be informative about their effects on pharmaceutical sales
in general.
Table 4 presents the estimates of the effects of between- and
within-patent competition by product type (innovator vs. non-innovator)
from our regression analysis, which assumed that there are diminishing marginal effects of entry on incumbent sales, e.g., the first
entrant's sales are reduced more by entry of a second firm than
they are by entry of a third firm. The first column indicates that both
kinds of entry reduce the growth of innovator sales, but the effect of
between-patent entry is 2.5 times as large as the within-patent entry
effect. The second and third columns reveal the similar effect of both
types of entry on the number of prescription and growth in total dollar
amount reimbursed.
We can estimate the year-by-year reductions in innovator sales
growth from between-and within-patent entry by combining the estimates
from Table 3 and the first column of Table 4. The estimated reductions
in innovator sales growth are plotted in Figure 2. The estimates imply
that throughout the first 16 years, and especially in the early years,
between-patent entry reduces innovator sales growth much more than
within-patent entry. After five years, between-patent entry has reduced
innovator sales growth by 3.6 percent, while within-patent entry has
only reduced sales growth by 0.4 percent. At 10 years, the estimated
reductions are 5.9 percent and 1.4 percent, respectively. That gap
begins to narrow after 13 years, but in year 16, within-patent entry has
still reduced sales growth less than between-patent entry: 4.1 percent
vs. 8.2 percent.
Decomposing loss The estimates plotted in Figure 2 can be used to
calculate the effects of between- and within-patent entry on the present
discounted value of sales during those years, evaluated at age zero,
i.e., the date of FDA approval. Consider the counterfactual sales in the
absence of any entry (between-and within-patent entry at all ages was
set to zero). Now, assume that annual sales were $1,000 for all ages
until expiration at year 16. Use the estimated entry rates (from Table
3) multiplied by their estimated effects on sales (from the first column
of Table 4) to calculate two new sales profiles by age-one when there is
only within-patent competition and another when there is only
between-patent competition. Our estimates imply that within-patent entry
alone reduces sales in years five, 10, and 15 to $993, $943, and $828,
respectively. In comparison, between-patent entry alone reduces sales in
those same years by a corresponding $887, $686, and $476. In other
words, between-patent entry reduces sales in year 15 by more than twice
as much as within-patent entry.
Using a five percent interest rate, we estimate that within-patent
entry alone reduces the present discounted value of years 0-16 sales by
four percent ($11,313 vs. $11,838), and that between-patent entry alone
reduces the present discounted value of years 0-16 sales by 17 percent
($9,420 vs. $11,838). Between-patent entry has about four times as large
an effect on the present discounted value of years 0-16 sales as
within-patent entry. This finding is not very sensitive to the choice of
interest rate. Thus, our estimates suggest that between-patent
competition is more important in affecting this measure of an innovative
return than is within-patent competition.
Implied effects We use our estimates of the impact on innovative
returns for the two forms of competition to assess the effect of
marginal changes in patent lengths on innovative returns, such as those
resulting from the Hatch-Waxman Act for U.S. pharmaceuticals or from the
international expansion of patent lives from 17 to 20 years. More
precisely, suppose that the within-patent entry profile in Figure 2 was
shifted to the left by one year, three years, or five years. We assume
that after 16 years, the within-in patent entry continues to decline
by-0.8 percent per year. The effect of that shift on the present
discounted value of innovator sales depends on the joint discounting
induced by the rate of between-patent entry and the rate of interest.
Now, consider three different sets of values of between-patent
entry: baseline as estimated in Figure 2, 50 percent decrease from
baseline, and 50 percent increase from baseline. Also, consider four
different interest rates: zero, three, five, and seven percent. Figure 3
depicts the estimated percentage reductions in present discounted value
of innovator sales resulting from the one-year, three-year, and
five-year acceleration of patent expiration under the different
scenarios. A useful upper bound on the loss (the percentage reduction in
the present discounted value of innovator sales) is the corresponding
percentage reduction in the patent life itself. However, as seen from
Figure 3, often the actual loss is far below that upper bound.
Those results also may demonstrate the potential consequences of
the GAAP Act, passed by the Senate in July 2002, which would facilitate
generic entry by limiting the availability of 30-month stays to one per
drug per generic application. Under the Hatch-Waxman Act, a generic drug
company may file for a Paragraph IV certification in order to market its
generic drug under circumstances when patent protection has not expired
but the generic company claims that the patent is invalid or that its
product does not infringe the patent. Generic drug companies attempt to
be the first to file Abbreviated New Drug Applications (ANDAs) with
Paragraph IV certification because the rules make them eligible for a
180-day period of market exclusivity. During that period, the FDA may
not approve other ANDAs for the same drug. The exclusivity period
motivates generic drug companies to innovate around patents for
brand-name drug products listed in The Orange Book. During that time, a
generic drug can be sold at a price only slightly lower than that of the
brand-name product, generating large profits.
When a Paragraph IV ANDA is filed, the brand-name drug company
almost always sues the generic company for patent infringement. That
action automatically triggers a 30-month stay, during which the FDA may
not act on the application. Through strategic timing of Orange Book
listing of later-issued patents on the drug under dispute, brand-name
drug companies can obtain multiple 30-month stays, thereby delaying
generic entry prior to patent expiration. (See "Closing the
FDA's Orange Book," Winter 2001.)
The GAAP Act would effectively accelerate patent expiration and
increase within-patent competition. As shown by Figure 3, a three-year
reduction in patent length with baseline between-patent entry rates and
a five percent interest rate would decrease the present discounted value
of innovator sales by only four percent. That reinforces our previous
result, suggesting that between-patent competition is much more
important in affecting innovative return and acts to moderate the effect
of within-patent competition. Decreasing the baseline between-patent
entry rates by 50 percent will magnify the effect of within-patent
competition on the present discounted value of innovator sales, whereas
the effect is dampened with a 50 percent decrease. Within-patent
competition has a smaller effect on innovative returns as the extent of
between-patent competition grows larger.
A patent protects an innovator from others producing the same
product, but it does not protect the innovator from others producing new
products under new patents. Thus, the innovator faces two sources of
potential competition: within-patent competition that results from
production of the same product, and between-patent competition that
results from production of other patented products. Previous analyses
have focused on the effects of intellectual property regulations on
within-patent competition. We compared the relative magnitudes of the
two sources of competition in limiting innovative returns in the U.S.
pharmaceuticals market.
Our results suggest that between-patent competition, most of which
occurs while a drug is under patent, affects the returns to innovators
at least as much as within-patent competition, which cannot occur until
a drug is off patent. The reduction in the present discounted value of
the innovator's sales from between-patent competition appears to be
at least as large as the reduction from competition within patents, and
maybe much larger. This implies that the statutory monopoly awarded
through a patent does not always confer great monopoly power in the
usual sense of being able to increase price without substantial
Although the effects of limiting within-patent competition maybe
small, restrictions on between-patent competition may have large
effects. For example, the U.S. Orphan Drug Act of 1983 added a
seven-year exclusivity right to a class of drugs for rare diseases, in
addition to further tax breaks for R&D expenditure. (See "The
Blessed Monopolies," Winter 2001.) The policy uniquely reduced
between-patent competition without the offsetting effects found with
other types of R&D stimuli. The Orphan Drug Act dramatically
increased both R&D spending and entry of orphan drugs-facts that may
he a testament to the relative importance of between-patent competition
in eliminating innovative returns.
A Matter of Time
Extent of within- and between-patent competition,
by age of the drug, 1982-2001.
Drug age Average number Average number
of producers of drugs within
of a drug a drug's class
0 1.02 24.9
5 1.17 27.9
10 1.91 31.5
14 2.78 33.9
Generic Entry
Market entry for drugs containing
amiodarone hydrochloride.
Year Approved Applicant
1985 Wyeth Ayerst
1998 Copley Pharm
1998 Eon
1998 Upsher Smith
1999 Alphapharm
1999 Novopharm
Coming of Competition
Number of drugs approved in class, and number of applicants
approved to market a drug, by drug age, 1982-2001.
Age of drug No. of applicants No. of drugs
(years) approved to market approved in class
(log change since FDA (log change since FDA
approval of drug) approval of drug)
0 0.0% 0.0%
1 0.4% 4.9%
2 0.7% 9.0%
3 1.2% 12.6%
4 2.7% 15.7%
5 5.3% 18.7%
6 9.5% 20.9%
7 11.9% 23.7%
8 15.0% 26.2%
9 18.5% 28.0%
10 21.4% 30.4%
11 27.4% 32.5%
12 30.1% 34.6%
13 35.1% 36.2%
14 45.4% 37.9%
15 52.3% 40.4%
16 60.6% 42.5%
Effects of Competition
Estimates of the effects of between- and within-patent competition by
product type (t-statistics in parentheses).
Innovator drugs
Dependent No. of No. of Dollar
variable units prescriptions value
Ln N -0.194 -0.190 -0.175
(between-patent (6.31) (7.80) (6.25)
Ln N -0.068 -0.077 -0.081
(within-patent (3.98) (5.71) (5.25)
Non-innovator drugs
Dependent No. of No. of Dollar
variable units prescriptions value
Ln N -0.104 -0.080 -0.077
(between-patent (5.44) (4.59) (5.10)
Ln N -0.240 -0.256 -0.248
(within-patent (13.46) (15.79) (17.59)
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Tomas J. Philipson is a professor in the University of
Chicago's Harris Graduate School of Public Policy Studies and a
faculty member in the Department of Economics and the Law School.
Carolanne Dai is a student in the Harris Graduate School of Public
Policy Studies at the University of Chicago.