Output decisions of firms under uncertainty: some micro-theoretic analysis.
Guru-Gharana, Kishor Kumar ; Rahman, Matiur ; Parayitam, Satyanarayana 等
Traditionally, risk-return models have been used in portfolio
theory. The theory of the firm under uncertainty has not been analyzed
with the risk-return approach except for few works such as the
mean-standard deviation model of Hawawini (1978). Expected utility
approach seems to be popular in this field of study notwithstanding the
intuitive appeal of the risk-return dichotomy in the business world.
This paper is a theoretical re-exploration of various risk-return
models to the output decision making of a competitive firm facing
uncertainty in the product price. Our attempt here is to find if
different results do arise under risk-return vs. expected utility
approaches. The results of the risk-return models in this paper are
compared to those of the expected utility literature. One important
difference in the results is that the risk-return approach requires some
restrictions on the cost function of the firm whenever the assumption of
decreasing absolute risk aversion is required in the expected utility
approach in order to obtain deterministic comparative statics results.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2
presents a brief review of some related literature. Section 3 is on the
output decisions of a competitive firm under product-price uncertainty
within mean-general risk model, and mean-standard deviation model.
Section 4 concludes by comparing the major findings of this paper with
the corresponding results in the expected utility approach.
Mills (1959) studies a monopolist under uncertainty and is one of
the earliest works introducing uncertainty in microeconomics. But
Mills' work suffers from serious limitations, such as, assumption
of risk neutrality. Zabel (1970) is a generalization of Mills'
article in some respects. Zabel uses multiplicative form of uncertainty
instead of additive separability of uncertainty. Sandmo (1971) and Baron
(1970) deal with a competitive firm facing an uncertain price of its
product. These two articles are complementary to each other. The
marginal impact of changing the distribution of price is studied by
Sandmo but not by Baron, while Baron studies the effect of an increase
in risk aversion which Sandmo ignores. Sandmo finds that the
overall-impact of uncertainty is to reduce output assuming that the
marginal cost is rising. However, Sandmo himself could not determine the
sign of the marginal impact of uncertainty (for example the effect of a
mean-preserving spread). But this problem was later taken up by Ishi
(1977) who showed that nondecreasing absolute risk aversion is a
sufficient condition for the marginal impact to be in the same direction
as the overall impact.
Baron proves that, "... optimal output is a nondecreasing
function of the firm's index (Arrow-Pratt measure) of risk
aversion." Moreover, an increase in fixed cost decreases output for
decreasing absolute risk aversion. Baron also concludes that if risk
aversion is prevalent, as seems reasonable, prices are higher and
outputs are lower than if firms were indifferent to risk. Finally, Baron
finds that under uncertainty it is possible for the short run supply
function of the risk averse firm to have a negative slope. This is a
result which cannot occur in deterministic microeconomic theory. Baron
(1971) demonstrates that for an imperfectly competitive firm under
uncertainty the strategies of offering a quantity or changing a fixed
price yield different results. Leland (1972) considers three
alternatives behavioral modes under uncertainty, and claims that the
result of Baron (1970) and Sandmo (1971) are special cases of his more
general results. Lim (1980) addresses the question of ranking these
behavioral modes under risk neutrality.
Batra and Ullah (1974) follow Sandmo heavily except that they use a
production function and adopt an input approach instead of an output
approach. As shown by Hartman (1975,1976), the Batra and Ullah paper
suffers from a partial approach in deriving their conclusions about the
overall impact of uncertainty on input demands considering both inputs
simultaneously. Batra-Ullah also assume concavity of the production
function and decreasing absolute risk aversion to show that the marginal
impact of uncertainty in terms of mean-preserving spread is to reduce
input demands. Hartman (1975) criticizes the partial approach adopted by
Batra-Ullah and in his 1976 article, Hartman also relaxes the assumption
that all inputs are chosen before the product price is observed. He
claims that the results of Batra-Ullah and Sandmo are rather sensitive
to that particular assumption. Korkie (1975) comments that Leland's
conclusion is the result of the assumption called the principle of
increasing uncertainty. Blair (1974) also discusses some implications of
random input prices on the theory of the firm.
Similar to the objective function of the present paper involving
mean and risk Arzac (1976) allows for substitution between expected
profit and safety, and proposes the following objective:
Maximize x + g([alpha]), g' < 0, g'' < 0.,
where [alpha] is the probability that profit falls below a disaster
This criterion satisfies the continuity axiom but only its linear
form satisfies the independence axiom and is compatible with utility
theory (Markowitz (1959) and Arzac (1976)). Arzac also applies the
safety-first approaches to the theory of the firm under uncertainty and
concludes the followings:
a) The overall impact of uncertainty is to lower output.
b) Maximizing the certainty equivalent profit has the same
comparative statics properties as the certainty model.
c) If suitable empirical evidence on the firm's past responses
to changes in the profit tax rate and in lump sum taxes and subsidies
are available, then an almost complete discrimination among the
alternative criteria can be made.
A survey of stochastic dominance principle which is used in
comparative statics analyses of this paper is found in Levy (1992).
Examples of various applications of this principle in investment
decision making are available in Levy and Robinson (1998) ,Kim (1998)
and Kjetsaa and Kieff (2003). Empirical works on this principle are
reported in Porter and Gaumnitz (1972) and Barret and Donald (2003).
Gotoh and Konno (2000) study relationship between Third Degree
Stochastic Dominance and Mean-Risk Analyses.
Output Decisions of a Competitive Firm Under Uncertainty
In this paper we study the output decision making of a competitive
firm facing uncertainty in the product price, assuming that the firm has
a subjective probability distribution for the product price.
i) The firm must choose the volume of output (denoted by x) prior
to the sales date when the market price (denoted by p) becomes known.
ii) The firm's beliefs about the sales price can be summarized
by a subjective probability distribution function F(p) with density
function f(p) and mean p. Since the firm is unable to influence this
distribution function, the basic assumption is that the firm is a price
taker in a probabilistic sense.
iii) We are concerned here with the short run decisions of the
firm; the fixed cost (denoted by b) appears in the total cost function.
iv) We assume that the firm's objective function is given by V
= m - [lambda]r, where m is the mean and r is the risk of profit [pi].
Profit is given by [pi] = px - c(x) - b. The parameter [lambda] > 0
is the relative weight given to risk component and can be interpreted as
the rate of substitution between return and risk and also as a measure
of risk-aversion of the agent. For a risk-neutral firm [lambda] = 0.
v) The variable cost function c(x) is assumed to have the following
properties: c (0) = 0, c'(x) > 0, and c''(x) [greater
than or equal to] 0.
That is, we assume that marginal cost (denoted by MC) is a positive
and nondecreasing function of the output level.
The assumptions about the risk function r will be different for
different models and therefore will be stated at the appropriate places.
The Risk Function and the Objective Function
In the general risk framework risk r is given by
r = [[integral].sup.t.sub.-c(x)-b] [psi](t -
[pi])g([pi]).sup.d[pi], (1)
Where g([pi]) is the probability density function of profits, and t
is the target value of profit. This risk measure implies that agents
associate risk only with outcomes below a target value (Markowitz (1952,
1959), Mao (1970), Fishburn (1977 and 1984), and Holthausen (1976 and
The function [psi] is assumed to have the following properties:
[psi](0) = 0, [psi]'( ) > 0 for [pi] < t, and
[psi]"( ) [greater than or equal to] 0.
The lower limit -c(x)-b is the minimum profit level for a given
choice of output x, and occurs when p is zero. Changing variables from
[pi] to p in equation (1) we obtain
r = [[integral].sup.[??].sub.0] [psi][t - px + c(x) + b]f(p)dp, (2)
where [??] = t+c(x)+b/x. For lack of another name, we can call [??]
as the "target" price or the price which would give revenue
equal to target profit and total cost.
The objective function to be maximized is given by
V = [bar.p]x - c(x) - b - [lambda] [[integral].sup.[??].sub.0]
[psi][t - px + c(x) + b] f (p)dp. (3)
It can easily be shown that the necessary and sufficient condition
for an interior maximum, is [bar.p] > c'(0), which we assume
First Order Condition
The first order condition for maximization is
Vx = [bar.p] - c'(x) - [lambda][[integral].sup.[??].sub.0]
[psi]'( )[c'(x) - p]f (p)dp = 0 (4)
Solving (4) we can get the optimal value of x in terms of the
parameters as
x = h([bar.p],t,b,[lambda]). (5)
The form of the function h is determined by the cost function c(x)
and the risk function [psi]. From the first order condition it is proved
below that the expected level of price exceeds the marginal cost at the
optimum output level.
Proposition (1) if [x.sup.*] denotes the optimum output level, then
[bar.p] > c'([x.sup.*]).
Proof: From the first order condition we have
[bar.p] - c' = [lambda] [[integral].sup.[??].sub.0]
[psi]'(t - [pi])(c' - p) f (p)dp, (6)
Where [pi] = px - c(x) - b.
Case (A): c' [greater than or equal to] [??]. In this case,
the integral in equation (6) is clearly positive because [psi]' ( )
> 0. Therefore, proposition (1) immediately follows.
Case (B): c' < [??]. In this case we prove proposition (1)
by the method of contradiction. The integral in equation (6) can now be
rewritten as
If [??] and [??] are such that [pi](0) < [??] <
[pi](c'), and [pi](c') < [??] < [pi]([??]), then
applying the mean value theorem, we obtain from equation (7)
Since [psi]" [greater than or equal to] 0 is assumed, we have
from equation (8)
I = [greater than or equal to] [psi]" [t - [pi](c')]
[[integral].sup.p.sub.0] (c' - p) f (p)dp. (9)
From the definition of the expected value [bar.p], we have
[bar.p] - C' = [[integral].sup.[??].sub.0] (p - c') f (p)
dp + [[integral].sup.[infinity].sub.[??]] (p - c') f (p) dp, (10)
The sign of the integral on the right hand side of equation (11)
follows from our assumption c' < [??]. Now if proposition (1) is
violated, that is, if [bar.p] - c' [less than or equal to] 0, then
from (11) we obtain
[[integral].sup.[??].sub.0] (p - c') f (p) dp < 0, (12)
or equivalently,
[[integral].sup.[??].sub.0] (c'-p)f (p)> 0. (13)
On the other hand, if [bar.p] - c' [less than or equal to] 0,
then from equation (6) we have
I [less than or equal to] 0, (14)
Which along with equation (8) implies
[[integral].sup.[??].sub.0] (c'- p) f (p) dp [less than or
equal to] 0. (15)
But inequalities (13) and (15) contradict each other. Therefore, it
follows that we must have [bar.p] - c' > 0. This proves
proposition (1).
One implication of proposition (1) is that the uncertainty output
will be less than the corresponding certainty output. Sandmo (1971)
calls this result the "overall impact of uncertainty." This
result is illustrated in figure (2), where MC is the marginal cost
In figure (1), [x.sup.*.sub.c] is the optimum output level for the
corresponding certainty case (where price equals marginal cost), and
[x.sup.*.sub.u] is the optimum output level for the uncertainty case
(where [bar.p] > c').
Considering equation (6), another implication of proposition (1),
which we use in some comparative statics results, is that
[[integral].sup.p.sub.0] [psi]'(t - [pi])(c' - p) f (p)dp
> 0. (16)
Second Order Condition
The second order condition for an interior maximum is given by
Vxx = - c"[1 + [lambda] [[integral].sup.[??].sub.0] [psi]
'f (p)dp] - [lambda] [[integral].sup.[??].sub.0]
[psi]"[(c' - p).sup.2] f (p)dp (17)
Our assumption c" > 0, [psi]" [greater than or equal
to] 0, and [psi]"(0) [greater than or equal to] 0 are sufficient
for the second order condition to be satisfied.
Comparative Statistics
To find the effects of a change in a parameter i (where i can be
one of the parameters [bar.p], t, b, and [lambda]) we proceed in the
following way:
The first order condition can be written as
Vx[h([bar.p],t,b,[lambda]),[bar.p],t,b,[lambda]] = 0. (18)
Differentiating with respect to i, we obtain
[V.sub.xi] + [V.sub.xx][h.sub.i] = 0. (19)
That is,
[h.sub.i] = - V x i/V xx. (19')
Since Vxx < 0 from the second order condition, the sign of
[h.sub.i] is the same as the sign of Vxi. Hence in the following, we
will determine the sign of [h.sub.i] from that of Vxi.
(a) Change in Risk Aversion.
From equation (4), the derivative Vx[lambda] is given by
Vx[lambda] = - [[integral].sup.[??].sub.0] [psi]'(c' - p
f (p)dp < 0 (20)
Inequality (16) implies the sign of inequality in (20).
Thus, an increase in risk aversion indicated by a rise in [lambda],
reduces the optimal output.
(b) Change in Fixed Cost.
From equation (4) we have
Vxb = - [lambda] [[integral].sup.[??].sub.0]
[psi]''(c' - p) f (p) dp - [lambda]/x [psi]
'(0)(c' - [??]) f ([??]). (21)
From equation (21) we infer
Vxb < 0 if c' [greater than or equal to] [??] = t + c +
b/x. (21')
That is, if marginal cost is at least as large as t + c + b/x, then
an increase in fixed cost reduces the output level. However, the
condition in (21') is only a sufficient condition but not
necessary. If c' is less than t + c + b/x, then the second term in
(21) is positive but the sign of the first term is ambiguous.
(c) Change in Expected Price.
In order to study the effect of a change in the expected price, we
will transform p to [p.sup.*] = p + k, where k is the shift parameter.
Then, we have the objective function as
Where [[??].sup.*] = t + c + b/x - k. Therefore, the first order
condition is
Equation (23) gives x as a function of k. As discussed above, the
sign of [h.sub.k] will be the same as that of [V.sup.*.sub.xk], and will
show the direction of the effects of a change in the expected price on
the optimal output.
We have from equation (23)
Where [??] = t + c + b/x as above. The last term contains [??]
because [[??].sup.*] = [??] when p = t + c + B/x - k.
From equation (24) we get the following results:
If c' [greater than or equal to] t + c + b/x, then
[V.sup.*.sub.xk] > 0 (24')
In other words, a sufficient condition for the supply function of
the competitive firm to be positively sloped with respect to the
expected price is given by the inequality c' [greater than or equal
to] t + c + b/x.
This condition reduces to marginal cost greater than or equal to
average cost when the target value t equals zero. Holthausen (1981) and
Crosby, et al. (1985) conclude after the review of many empirical
studies that the target level is frequently equal to zero. Also, the
marginal cost is at least as large as average cost if average cost is
everywhere nondecreasing. However, the sufficient condition in the
comparative statics results for t equal to zero require only that the
optimal output should not lie in the decreasing section of the average
cost curve.
(d) Change in the Target Value.
The comparative statics analysis with respect to a change in the
target value is of special interest because we know that, other things
remaining the same, the measure of risk increases as the target value
increases. Thus, an increase in the target value can be considered as
one way of increasing the measure of risk. However, the derivative
[V.sub.xt] is found to be identical to [V.sub.xb] and is therefore of
ambiguous sign. Again, the inequality t + c + b/x is a sufficient
condition for an increase in the target value (and consequently in risk)
to reduce the optimal level of output.
It may be interesting to note that, out of the four parameters
[bar.p], b, t, and [lambda], only the parameter [lambda] gives an
unambiguous comparative statics result. In the case of the other three
parameters, the inequality c' [greater than or equal to] t + c +
b/x provides a sufficient condition for a determinate comparative
statics result.
In the remainder of this paper we will study further comparative
statics effects related to some changes in the distribution of p, and
the tax rate.
(e.) A First Degree Stochastic Dominance (FSD) Shift.
Here we investigate the effects of a FSD shift which will make new
distribution dominating. It is proved below that such a shift will
increase the optimal output level if the inequality c' [greater
than or equal to] t + c + b/x is satisfied.
Let us denote the initial distribution of p by [f.sup.1] and the
new distribution by [f.sup.2]. We want to show that, if [f.sup.2] FSD
[f.sup.1], then the optimal output corresponding to [f.sup.2] is larger
than the optimal output corresponding to [f.sup.1]. Let [V.sup.1] and
[V.sup.2] denote the objective function corresponding to [f.sup.1] and
[f.sup.2], respectively. Let [x.sup.1] denote the optimal output
corresponding to [f.sup.1]. Then, we have
Where [p.sup-1] and [p.sup.-2] are the means of p corresponding to
[f.sup.1] and [f.sup.2], respectively. Denoting [psi]'(t - [pi])
[c'([x.sup.1]) - p] by [phi] (p) we have from (25) and (25').
([v.sup.2]x - [v.sup.1]x)|[sub.x=x] 1 = ([p.sup.-2] - [p.sup.-1] +
[lambda][[integral].sup.p.sub.0] [PHI] (p)[[f.sup.1] - [f.sup.2]]dp.
We know that the first term on the right hand side of (26) is
positive. Let us investigate the sign of the second term. We have,
[PHI](p) = [psi]'(t - [pi])(c'-p). Since we assume [psi]'
[greater than or equal to] 0, it immediately follows that [PHI] (p) is
positive in the integral in equation (26) if c' is at least as
large as [??]. Therefore, the left hand side in (26) is also positive if
c' [greater than or equal to] [??]. Now, differentiating [PHI] (p)
we obtain
[PHI]' = -[psi]'(t - [pi])-x[psi]"(c'-p) <
0, (27)
Since [psi]" [greater than or equal to] 0 is our basic
assumption. Thus, [PHI] is a decreasing function. Considering (26) and
(27), and the results of stochastic dominance as derived in the article
by Hadar and Russell in Balch, et al. (1974), it follows that the output
increases as a result of a FSD shift which makes the new distribution
dominating, given that c' is at least as large as t + c + b/x.
(f) Second Degree Stochastic Dominance (SSD) Shift.
We now show that the inequality c' [greater than or equal to]
t + c + b/x, and the assumption [psi]'" [greater than or equal
to] 0 are sufficient for a SSD shift, which makes the new distribution
dominating, to increase output. To show this result, we need to
demonstrate that the function [PHI](p) in (26) is convex.
We have
[phi]"(p) = 2x[psi]" + [psi]'"[x.sup.2]
(c'-p) [greater than or equal to] 0, (28)
Since [psi]" [greater than or equal to] 0, [psi]'"
[greater than or equal to] 0, and c' [greater than or equal to]
[??]. Therefore, considering (26) and the results of stochastic
dominance found in Hadar and Russell's article (1969 ,1971 and
1974) it follows that the output increases when the distribution is made
dominating in the SSD sense.
(g) Change in Per Unit Tax.
Let us denote the per unit tax by [delta]. Then the net profit
denoted by [??] is
[??] = px - c(x) - b - [delta]x. (29)
The objective function is
V = [bar.p]x - c(x) - b - [delta]x - [lambda]
[[integral].sup.[??].sub.0] [psi] (t - [??]) f (p) dp, (30)
Where [??] = t + c + b/x + [delta] = [??] + [delta]. We show below
that a rise in the per unit tax reduces output if c' is at least as
large as t + c + b/x,
From equation (30) we obtain the first order condition as
[V.sub.x] = [bar.p] - c' - [delta] - [lambda]
[[integral].sup.[??].sub.0][psi]'(t - [??])(c' - p + [delta])
f (p)dp = 0. (31)
Differentiating [V.sub.x] with respect to [delta] we have
Therefore, it is evident from (32) that c' [greater than or
equal to] t + c + b/x is a sufficient condition for [V.sub.xt] < 0.
In other words, given the inequality c' [greater than or equal to]
[??], a rise in per unit tax reduces output.
In the following section, we study the mean-standard deviation
model where risk is defined as the standard deviation of the profit
Mean Standard Deviation Model
Let the standard deviation of price be denoted by o and that of
profit by [[sigma].sub.[pi]]. Then we have
[[sigma].sub.[pi]] = x[sigma]. (33)
The objective function in this framework is
V = [bar.p]x - c(x) -b - [lambda]x[sigma]. (34)
Shut-Down Condition
Here, we have
Vx|x = 0 = [bar.p] - c'(0) - [lambda][sigma]. (35)
Assuming that V is concave in x (which in this model requires
c" > 0), we find the necessary and sufficient condition for a
positive output as
[bar.p] > c'(0) + [lambda][sigma]. (36)
As discussed earlier, the condition for a positive output level in
the risk formulation involving a target value is that [bar.p] exceeds
c'(0). Thus, we see that the condition for a positive output level
in the mean standard deviation model is more stringent than that in the
model with the risk function defined in terms of the target level of
In the subsequent paragraphs we derive the first and second order
conditions for an interior maximum, assuming that inequality (36) is
First Order Condition
From equation (34), we have the first order condition as
Vx = [bar.p] - c'(x)- [lambda][sigma] = 0. (37)
Solving for x we obtain
x = [c'.sup.-1]([bar.p] - [lambda][sigma]) = H([bar.p] -
[lambda][sigma]). (38)
Equation (37) also gives
[bar.p] = c'(x) + [lambda][sigma] > c'(x). (39)
Thus, in this model we can explicitly express output as a function
of a linear combination of mean and standard deviation of price.
Moreover, the function h in equation (38) is the inverse of the marginal
cost function with the linear combination of mean and risk as its
argument. Equation (39) shows that, in this model too, the overall
impact of uncertainty is to reduce output.
Second Order Condition
We have in this model
[V.sub.xx] = -c". (40)
Therefore, c" > 0 is necessary and sufficient for the
second order condition to be satisfied in this model. In other risk
formulations increasing marginal cost is not a necessary condition for
an interior maximum.
Comparative Statistics
(a) Change in the Expected Price.
If we transform p to [p.sup.*] = p + k, k > 0, and denote the
objective function corresponding to [p.sup.*] by [v.sup.*], then we have
[V.sup.*] = ([bar.p] + k)x - c(x)- b - [lambda]x[sigma]. (41)
The first order condition is
[V.sub.x.sup.*] = [bar.p] + k - c'-[lambda][sigma]=0. (42)
Differentiating with respect to k, we obtain
[V.sup.*.sub.vk] = 1 > 0. (43)
Therefore, the supply function with respect to the expected price
is upward sloping in this model without any additional assumption,
whereas in other risk formulations we could only give a sufficient
condition (c' [greater than or equal to] t + c + b/x) for such a
Notably, the results of the mean-standard deviation model are
closer to those of the corresponding deterministic model than to the
results of other risk formulations. This is evidently true in the case
of the positive slope of the supply function which requires only that
the marginal cost is upward sloping. We will find that the same is true
for other comparative statics results, provided they are applicable to
the certainty case.
(b) Change in the Risk Aversion Measure.
The derivative Vx[lambda] is given by
Vx[lambda] = -[sigma] < 0. (44)
Hence, as in other models, an increase in risk aversion decreases
(c) Change in Fixed Cost.
The solution for the optimal output as in equation (38) clearly
shows that a change in the fixed cost has no effect on the optimal
output in this model. Again, we see that the result of the mean-standard
deviation model is similar to that of the corresponding deterministic
Next, we consider a mean-preserving spread which changes the
variance (and consequently the risk or the standard deviation) leaving
the mean of the random variable unaltered. This is also a special type
of SSD shift where the mean of the two distributions is the same.
(d) Mean-Preserving Spread (MPS).
We have from equation (37)
Vx[sigma] = -[lambda] < 0. (45)
Thus, a MPS transformation of p will reduce the optimal output
level for a risk averse firm, and will have no effect for a risk neutral
(e) Change in Per Unit Tax.
If per unit tax is denoted by [sigma], then we have the objective
function as
V = [bar.p]x-c(x)-b-[delta]x-[lambda]x[sigma]. (46)
The first order condition is
Vx = [bar.p] - c'-[lambda][sigma]-[delta]=0. (47)
Differentiating with respect to [delta] we obtain
Vx[delta]=-1< 0. (48)
Thus, an increase per unit tax reduces output without any further
assumption, whereas in other risk formulations we could provide only a
sufficient condition for this result.
(f) Change in Profit Tax.
Let [theta] be the full loss offset profit tax rate. Then, the net
profit is given by
[n.sup.*]=(1-[theta])[px - c(x) - b]. (49)
The objective function is
[V.sup.*] = (1 - [theta])[[bar.p]x - c( x) - b - [lambda]x[sigma]],
Since the standard deviation of [[pi].sup.*] is
(1-[theta])x[delta]. The first order condition is
[V.sub.x.sup.*] = (1-[theta])([bar.p]-c'-[lambda][sigma]] = 0.
Solving for the optimal output we have
x = [c'.sup.-1][[bar.p] - [lambda][sigma]], (52)
which is similar to equation (37). Equation (52) clearly shows that
a change in the profit tax rate of the full loss-offset type does not
affect output.
This paper concludes as follows:
(a) A positive slope of the supply function with respect to
expected price is obtained in expected utility models by assuming
decreasing absolute risk aversion as observed in Baron (1970). In our
mean-risk models with a target value, a positive slope of the supply
curve is obtained given the sufficient condition c' [greater than
or equal to] t + c + b/x (which reduces to marginal cost greater than or
equal to average cost when t equals zero). On the other hand, in the
mean-standard deviation model, this result holds without any further
(b) The effect of increased risk aversion on output is negative in
mean-risk model, which is also true in expected utility models (see for
example Baron (1970)).
(c) In the general risk formulation, the inequality c'
[greater than or equal to] t + c + b/x is a sufficient condition for an
increase in fixed cost to reduce output, whereas in expected utility
models the assumption of decreasing absolute risk aversion is a
sufficient condition for such a result. Thus, the sufficient condition
of the mean-risk model involves the behavior of the cost function,
whereas the sufficient condition of the expected utility model involves
the risk aversion attitude of the firm. In the mean-standard deviation
model fixed cost does not have any effect on the optimal output.
Thus, we see that different models can give significantly different
results. For example, suppose c' < t + c + b/x holds for a firm,
then the standard deviation model predicts zero effect, whereas the
general risk model and the expected utility model give an ambiguous
result. Similarly, if c' = t + c + b/x holds for a firm, then the
standard deviation model predicts zero effect of fixed cost on output,
the general risk model predicts a negative result and the expected
utility model gives ambiguous results if decreasing absolute risk
aversion is not assumed.
(d) In the case of a mean-preserving spread, a negative effect on
output is obtained in the mean-general risk model assuming c'
[greater than or equal to] t + c + b/x, in the mean-standard deviation
model without any further assumption, and in the expected utility model
assuming non-increasing absolute risk aversion (see, for example, Sandmo
(e) A negative effect of an increase in per unit tax is obtained in
the mean-risk model involving a target value by assuming c'
[greater than or equal to] t + c + b/x, in the mean-standard deviation
model without any further condition, and in the expected utility in
model by assuming non-increasing absolute risk aversion (see, for
example, Sandmo (1971)).
(f) The effect of a proportional tax in the expected utility model
of Sandmo (1971) depends on the monotonicity property of the measure of
relative risk aversion. Our mean-general risk model gives an ambiguous
result. A change in the profit tax rate [theta] has no effect on output
in the mean-standard deviation model.
In parts A and B of the appendix, we provide a summary of the main
results. The sign (+) means a positive effect on output, the sign (-)
means a negative effect on output, and (0) means no effect on output.
The assumption of decreasing absolute risk aversion is denoted by DARA.
To state further, the mean-standard deviation model has results almost
identical to the deterministic model when price equals with probability
of 1.To note again, a mean-preserving spread reduces output in the
mean-standard deviation model without further assumption, whereas in the
expected utility model the assumption of nonincreasing absolute risk
aversion gives such a result. On the other hand, in the case of models
involving a target value the inequality is a sufficient condition for
this result.
Summary of Results: Part A
Model Change in Change in
Overall Price Expected Price
of Uncertainty
General Risk Model - if c'[greater than
or equal to]
t + c + b/x
Standard - +
Expected - +
Utility if DARA
Deterministic Not +
Model with Applicable
Model Change in Change in
Fixed Cost Per Unit Tax
General Risk Model if c'[greater than if c'[greater than
or equal to] or equal to]
t + c + b/x t + c + b/x
Standard 0 -
Expected - -
Utility if DARA if nonincreasing
Model absolute risk
Deterministic 0 -
Model with
Model Change in
Profit Tax at
[theta] =0
General Risk Model Ambigous
Standard 0
Expected -
Utility if decreasing relative
Model risk aversion
Deterministic 0
Model with
Summary of Results: Part B
Model Change in
Risk Target
Aversion Value
General - -
Risk Model if c'[greater than
or equal to]
t + c + b/x
Standard - Not Applicable
Expected - Not Applicable
FSD Shift SSD Shift
General + +
Risk Model if c'[greater than if [psi]"' [greater
or equal to] than or
t + c + b/x equal to] 0,
if c'[greater than
or equal to]
t + c + b/x
Standard + Not available
Deviation Not available
Expected Not Available Not Available
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Kishor Kumar Guru-Gharana, McNeese State University
Matiur Rahman, McNeese State University
Satyanarayana Parayitam, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth