Edwards Deming, Mary P. Follett and Frederick W. Taylor: reconciliation of differences in organizational and strategic leadership.
Phelps, Lonnie D. ; Parayitam, Satyanarayana ; Olson, Bradley J. 等
Much has been written and researched about Deming's
'total quality management' (TQM), Follett's 'law of
situation', and Taylor's 'scientific management'.
Yet, these management scholars differ in their organizational and
strategic leadership abilities and practices and remained in three
different corners of a triangle. Though the differences in their
thinking may be attributed to the changing nature of management as a
discipline over a period of time and consequent changes in the
fractionalized corporate ownership, there are some interesting
commonalities found in their approaches. The purpose of this paper is to
highlight some of the commonalities between total quality and scientific
management, and explain how Follett's law of situation bridges the
gap between these seemingly different approaches. The commonalities
found in Taylor, Follett and Deming provide enduring lessons for the
practitioners and academicians, and enrich the organizational and
strategic leadership literature.
A review of the scientific management theory of Taylor, total
quality management perspective of Deming, and systems thinking of
Follett gives an impression that these scholars differ dramatically in
their approaches apples to oranges (and grapes). However, by turning to
the original works of Taylor, Deming and Follett (rather than
others' interpretations) one may opine that Taylor's ideas
have reemerged in the form of Deming's quality management and
Follett's systems thinking paved a bridge between these perceived
polar theories. This paper is divided into four sections. The first
section gives a brief description of Deming's total quality
management (TQM); the second compares the scientific management
principles of Taylor with TQM; and the third section compares
Follett's theory with Deming's. In the final section we
synthesize these approaches, contrary to the conventional wisdom, and
conclude that these theories have more in common than it would seem.
Deming, with a doctorate in mathematical physics from Yale and a
nomination for the Nobel Prize in 1992, was an extraordinary and
remarkable individual. In fact, Deming was an institution in himself (he
passed away in December 1993 at the age of 93 years), and an astute businessman who brought Japan back from the ashes of the World War II.
In his time, Deming was the most powerful management consultant anywhere
in the world, and a friend-consultant-advisor who made the Japanese
post-second world war miracle possible (Stupak, 1999). Unsurprisingly,
the emphasis on 'quality' placed the Japanese companies on the
Fortune list. Having acted as a savior of Japan for three decades,
Deming was invited by US business houses to make recommendations for
retaining competitive strength and ensuring corporate survival. Deming
pointed out seven deadly sins that plagued American businesses and
suggested fourteen remedies in his outstanding book, "Out of
Crisis", published in 1986. By the 1990's, American companies
unquestionably started implementing the magic 'quality pill'
as advocated by Deming in order to come 'out of crisis'. The
deadly sins and Deming's 14 points are summarized in Table 1.
Several scholars have documented the importance of Deming's
legacy in the development of what is commonly known as Total Quality
Management (TQM), although Deming himself never used the term TQM
(Vinzant & Vinzant, 1999). According to Deming, "Western style
of management must change to halt the decline of Western industry, and
to turn it upward. There must be awakening to the crisis, followed by
action--management's job. The transformation can only be
accomplished by man, not by hardware (computers, gadgets, automation,
and new machinery). A company cannot buy its way into quality"
(Deming, 1986: 18). Deming suggested a total transformation through four
major themes, which refers to the system of 'profound
knowledge'. The themes are:
a. appreciation of the system (i.e. interdependence of all the
organizational units that work to accomplish the goals in an
b. knowledge of variation (i.e. understanding what variables can
reveal about the capabilities of the system)
c. understanding of the theory of knowledge
d. psychology (i.e. intrinsic motivation)
Deming's theory of knowledge is derived from the work of Lewis
(1929), who taught that knowledge is built on theory, observation of the
past, and predictions about future outcomes. Deming contends that
rational prediction requires theory and builds knowledge through
systematic revision based on the comparison of actual outcome with the
predicted one. Deming asserts that "information, no matter how
complete and speedy, is not knowledge. Knowledge has temporal speed.
Without theory, there is no way to use the information that comes to us
on the instant" (Deming, 1993: 104-105). In addition, Deming
contends that the system of profound knowledge as outlined in the four
major themes will enable managers to make the transformation necessary
for survival and success in volatile economic climates.
At the time when Japanese companies were doing well, American
businesses were showing downturn. The characteristics of American
businesses during early 1980's were: (a) short-term orientation,
(b) declining R&D expenditures, (c) declining capital investment,
(d) sluggish productivity growth over the period 1960-68 (USA was last
out of the ten industrialized countries; Japan was first), (e) excessive
concern with marketing and reliance on the power of the marketing effort
to 'shift produce', (f) excessive promotion of people with
finance and/or law background to the top management with a corresponding
neglect of people with engineering background, (g)
pseudo-professionalism, and (h) a preoccupation with mergers and
acquisitions at the expense of product development (Haynes &
Albernathy, 1980). Thus, American businesses experienced a market
deterioration of competitive vigor and a growing unease about its
overall economic well-being. Japanese companies earned success because
they followed a simple formula, i.e. competing over the long run by
offering superior products. As expected, Japanese companies were
committed to compete in the global marketplace on technological grounds
(Lawrence, 1996). Much credit goes to Deming who advocated that Japanese
firms compete on the basis of quality of output, rather than quantity.
In retrospect, it may be safely inferred that some of the problems faced
by American businesses could have been averted had they followed
Deming's messages three decades earlier.
Taylor was interested in achieving efficiency in the production
processes. He advocated scientific study of the work to determine a
proper day's work, and called on management to implement the
standardization of procedures to complete the work. He also suggested
that management send a 'competent teacher to guide, help and
encourage' (Taylor, 1911: 70) when workers repeatedly failed to do
a task. Deming expressed the same content using the statistical control
theory using different terminology. For example, what Taylor classifies
as a 'proper day's work' is equivalent to 'process
capability' in Deming's terminology. Furthermore,
Taylor's suggestion of involving a competent teacher to help guide
the failing worker is akin to taking necessary rectificational measures
in Deming's terminology. When Taylor emphasized efficiency, Deming
went one step further and suggested that quality is antecedent to
efficiency. Deming's philosophy has its roots in statistical
theory, which involves stochastic analysis of processes. Deming was
interested in measurement and analysis of how variation can erode the
quality of both products and processes. While Deming focuses on
variation in the quality, Taylor's emphasis was on variation in the
production by individual workers.
Taylor was discredited for his purely scientific approach and
neglecting the human element partly because his messages were not
interpreted in proper perspective. However, Taylor did emphasize the
development of workers and expressed his concern for their welfare. For
instance, according to Taylor, "The principal object of management
should be to secure maximum prosperity for the employer, coupled with
the maximum prosperity for each employee ... maximum prosperity means
not only higher wages than are usually received by men of his class,
but, of more importance still it also means the development of each man
to his state of maximum efficiency, so that he may be able to do,
generally speaking, the highest grade of work for which his natural
abilities fit him, and it further means giving him, when possible, this
class of work to do" (Taylor, 1911: 9). Taylor was very emphatic
about improving the system (through efficiency), which is the capstone
of Deming's philosophy. Deming recommends constant improvement in
the system to improve quality and productivity and thus decrease costs.
Deming recommends Shewhart Cycle or PDCA (i.e. plan, do, check, and act)
to ensure continued improvement in the system of production (Deming,
1986). As Deming suggests, "improvement of the process includes
better allocation of human effort. It includes selection of people,
their placement, their training, to give everyone, including production
workers, a chance to advance their learning and to contribute to the
best of their talents. It means removal of barriers to pride of
workmanship both for production workers and for management and
engineers" (Deming, 1986: 51).
Taylor and Deming offer the same perspectives with regard to the
selection of workers. Taylor contends that management should
"scientifically select and then train, teach, and develop the
workman, whereas in the past he chose his own work and trained himself
as best as he could" (Taylor, 1911: p.36). In the similar vein,
Deming argues that "the aim of leadership should be to improve the
performance of man and machine, to improve quality, to increase output,
and simultaneously to bring pride of workmanship to people ...; the aim
of leadership is to help people do a better job with less effort"
(Deming, 1986: p.249).
The similarities and differences between Taylor and Deming are
captured in Table 2.
Mary Parker Follett (1868-1933) was a philosopher and political
scientist. She was primarily interested in studying interactions between
individuals and groups in society. She believed that individuals have
the incredible potential to grow personally and also develop groups in
which they operate. Follett viewed business as a social setting rather
than purely an 'economic setting'. She argued for the
substitution of demographic authority in place of Weberian bureaucratic authority and suggested networks of people involved in all stages of
production process. She was, in this sense, way ahead of her time. Some
of the major contributions of Follett include (a) the development of a
relational concept of authority that relied on the 'law of
situation'; (b) the importance of participatory decision making,
and (c) the importance of group processes characterized by reciprocity and inter-penetration of conflicting ideas of individuals. These
processes of reciprocal conditioning and evocation are central to
Deming's notion of total quality management (Fry & Thomas,
One of the hallmarks of Follett's philosophy is that an
organization should keep abreast of its changing external environment
and the features of its internal environment. Follett maintained that
the coherence/fit between external environment and internal environment
is the guideline for the success of an organization. She argued that
coherence is created when collective action responds to and anticipates
both internal and external situational imperatives. Understanding of the
view from each department and the perspective of each employee involved
in a situation is fundamental in securing the benefits of the whole
organization. The law of situation implies that all the organizational
participants should be united in discovering and obeying specific
situational laws (Eylon, 1998).
According to Follett, true power is 'power with' another,
not 'power over' another. Until everyone within an
organization realizes that they are bound together, each will see only
their 'own' situation. In a contrast, 'power with'
can come only from obedience to a single, 'shared situation'.
Follett called this 'the law of situation'. The essence of
this philosophy is that one person should not give orders to another
person, but both should agree to take their orders from the situation.
This gradually paved the way toward what is presently known as
Follett's contributions are linked with Deming's 14
points through (a) creation of corporate culture, (b) promoting
teamwork, and (c) organizational design (See Figure 1).
Follett's philosophy of teamwork can be seen in Deming's
language when he explains the need for consistency of effort. According
to Deming, "suppose that (1) everybody knew what to do, (2)
everybody did his best. Result: dissipation of knowledge and effort;
results, far from optimum. There is no substitute for teamwork and good
leaders of teams to bring consistency of effort, along with
knowledge" (1986: p 19).
Follett emphasized the importance of horizontal authority,
empowerment, constructive conflict, and cross-functional teamwork in
making business a social institution. Follett's identification of
the importance of horizontal authority is found in creation of
cross-functional committees and conferences of parallel heads. As a
departure from formal authority, Follett prescribed empowerment because
she believed that power conferred always fails and reiterated that the
most effective way to exercise authority is to depersonalize the giving
of orders and emphasize the importance of task. Follett's concept
of mutual problem solving by participative management and employee
involvement is insightful philosophical foundation to the conflict
management. It is important to create organizational design to show the
importance of reciprocal relationships, instead of focusing only on
task. Crating corporate culture, actions to promote teamwork and
decisions about organizational design are the means to achieve
Follett's principle messages.
Deming's creation of constancy of purpose, ceasing dependence
on mass inspection and adopting a new philosophy reflect creating the
corporate culture as espoused by Follett. Further, Deming's ways of
promoting teamwork involve education and training the employees and
removing barriers. Deming's approach of changing structure involve
improvement in the total system and driving the employees out of fear,
and put an end to reward based on price alone.
As the objective of this paper is to reconcile the seemingly
contradictory theories and philosophies of three well known scholars in
the field of management viz., Taylor, Follett and Deming, we attempt to
provide Follett's philosophy as the bridge between Taylor's
scientific management principles and Deming's 14 points to bring
the organizations out of crisis. (See Figure 2) on the following page.
Taylor's managerial philosophy, as espoused in principles of
scientific management, provide the basis for focusing on increased
performance. Taylor was aware of the quality requirements and efficiency
and insisted on (a) scientific methods of working replacing the
rule-of-thumb method, (b) the scientific selection of employees, (c)
scientific education and development, and (d) friendly cooperation
between management and employees. Through these principles Taylor
believed that employees would be able to share responsibility with the
management and make the workplace a success. Further, Taylor advocated
for the management to develop every branch of the business to the
'best' state of excellence. Taylor, however, was criticized
for advocating the 'best' way of doing things, since, critics
argue, it is almost impossible to find the single ideal way of
performing a task.
Follett's philosophy of management is understood from her
innovative ideas of empowerment, cross-functional teamwork, horizontal
communication, adaptive behavior, and the role of conflict in
organizations in the development of entrepreneurial spirit. Moving away
from the Taylorian concept of vertical authority, Follett believed that
authority should be based on function rather than position, and that
authority is exercised in reciprocally conditioned relationships
dominated by an impersonal 'law of the situation' (Fry &
Thomas, 1996). Follett emphasized participatory decision making so that
employees would be able to contribute to the organization in a
productive way. Further, instead of top-down authority, Follett
emphasized bottom-up authority. She therefore advocated a totally new
approach to management, which became forerunner of current management
Deming's philosophy of management is centered on core
processes and quality of products and services. He emphasized total
quality management in the sense that managers need to continuously
monitor production process, give quality the top priority, and define
quality standards precisely so that customers will be able to understand
what the firm is producing. Deming also argued that management should
involve everyone in the continuous improvement process.
Follett has systematically integrated the ideas of scientific
management and human relations school of management and provided a
bridge, which foretold the later writing of total quality management
guru, Deming (Graham, 1995). Follett, the pragmatic prophet, examined
the effects and consequences of social processes in the
efficiency-driven world of work (Snider, 2000). Follett also emphasized
"the need to resolve conflict through integrative unity the
advantage depending on the law of the situation" (Metcalf &
Urwick, 1941: 59).
Taylor's scientific management emphasizes the best methods and
tools so that employees will be able to achieve efficiency in output. He
focused on preventing deliberate soldiering (i.e. under-working). In
addition to second-class (lazy) workers, Taylor was concerned about
"larger wastes of human effort, which go on everyday through
blundering, ill-directed, or inefficient actions" (Taylor, 1911:
5). He therefore considered training and education as important parts of
management of people at work.
Deming concurs with Taylor's ideas and claims that the
"greatest waste in America is the failure to use the abilities of
people" (Deming, 1986: 52); thus, it is essential that management
provide training to employees in order for workers to satisfy the
customers. Taylor believed that management should scientifically select
workers and then "train, teach and develop the workman"
(Taylor, 1911: 36). Deming goes one step further and recommends that old
workers should be in a position to provide training to new workers
(Deming, 1986: 53). Taylor placed heavy emphasis on training of
employees and equated it with the 'training of a surgeon'
(Taylor, 1911: 126).
Follett's bridge with regard to training the employees can be
seen in her advocacy of empowerment. Follett recommends that workers in
a social setting should share and develop individual skills through
effective cooperation with other people. She also contended that the
real service of business is to develop individuals through coordination
of relationships such that group activities enhance the individual
potential of members. The essence is the creation of organizational
synergy. In the process of cooperation and coordination, members provide
training for each other and contribute to the development of the
organization as a whole. Follett contends that empowerment is an ongoing
process, which results in the development of new abilities and insights
and provides boundless resources for the organization (Florin &
Wandersman, 1990; Vogt & Murrell, 1990). Deming's points 8, 10,
12, and 13 are related to management of people and these reflect the
basic underlying philosophy of Follett. For example, following
Follett's 'empowerment', Deming theorizes that employees
will be able to 'drive out fear' and the leaders will be able
to lead and manage with knowledge rather than by 'slogans'.
While providing empowerment, management will be able to 'remove
barriers that rob people of pride in their work'. Thus, empowerment
is the key to manage employees effectively.
While Taylor emphasized the importance of achieving
'efficiency' by focusing on time and methods study and
concentrating on the 'best' methods of production, Deming
focused on improvement in production process and ensuring
'quality'. Though both Taylor and Deming argue that efficiency
is important, they differ with regard to the methods of achieving
efficiency. Taylor believed that improvement in work occurs only through
careful and continued study of work, and finding best processes and
methods through implementation of best methods (Taylor, 1911: 25). Since
in those days statistical quality control techniques were not available,
Taylor used methods that were tested and also encouraged the workers to
'suggest improvements' both in methods and in implementation
process (Taylor, 1911: 128). Taylor contended that if the new method
suggested by the workers was "better than the current method it
would be adopted as the standard for the whole establishment"
(Taylor, 1911: 128). According to Deming, continued improvement in
process is possible through customer satisfaction rather than by
fulfilling the quota. Further, using statistical control charts, Deming
suggests plotting data and studying the results to identify the special
and common cause of variation.
It is interesting that Follett also focused on 'process'
rather than 'product' or function. Follett contended that
organizational synergy is the core of all organizational functioning and
is possible only by achieving functional unity. Continuous improvement
in quality is possible only when the organization focuses on the
'process' as dictated by the law of situation. Thus, Follett
bridges the gap between the Taylorian concept of achieving efficiency
and the quality management of Deming through the focus on process as
situation demands.
Securing workplace cooperation is important, according to Taylor,
to increase efficiency in the production process. Taylor highly
recommends coordination between management and workers and suggests that
management should change the system such that 'interests of workmen
and the management should become the same (congruent), instead of
antagonistic (incongruent)" (Taylor, 1911: 53). To do this, Taylor
advocated breaking the job into some basic elements so that workers
study the job well and improve while working. Taylor recommended that
eight functional foremen (Taylor, 1911: 122) will act as specialists to
aid the workers and achieve 'personal cooperation between the
management and the men' (Taylor, 1911: 26). Functional foremen were
supposed to be the "expert teachers, who are at all times in the
shop, helping and directing the workmen" (Taylor, 1911: 124).
Deming's approach of securing workplace cooperation is
somewhat different from that of Taylor's. Deming was of the view
that, instead of breaking the job into elements, it is necessary to
'break down the barriers between staff areas' (see point #9
from Table 1). Deming considers that 12
while appraising performance and determining the variation in
performance, it is necessary to see if the variation is caused by the
system itself. Contrary to the Taylorian concept of 'knowledge of
work' as the basis of cooperation, 'knowledge of system'
is the basis of cooperation according to Deming.
Follett provides an interesting link between these slightly
different approaches. Follett argues that by changing organizational
design, introducing empowerment, and cross-functional teamwork,
organizations will be able to secure workplace cooperation. Further,
Follett proposed a new kind of cooperative conflict resolution resulting
in win-win situations for both management and workers. She advocated
flatter organizations and opined that cross-functional teams and
participative management is the key to achieve workplace cooperation.
Cross-functioning would foster a freer exchange of knowledge within
organizations. Thus, Follett provides a bridge of 'knowledge'
as the basis for securing cooperative workplace--the basis also
incorporated by Deming. Taylor's functional foremanship is embedded in Follett's cross-functional teams.
In this short essay we attempted to provide a link between
Taylor's scientific management and Deming's total quality
management through Follett's innovative ideas on management. The
differences in thinking of these three scholars may be primarily due to
differences in the way 'management' was thought and progressed
as a discipline. As the work on management progressed from procedures,
techniques, methods and practices to processes and human relationships,
the thinking of the scholars also a reflection of these changes. One
should acknowledge that increasingly fractionalized corporate ownership
is one of the contributory factors in thinking by different scholars at
different time periods. Despite the differences, there were some common
denominators that we tried to capture in this paper.
Follett's contributions were largely unheralded for over five
decades, but now some scholars are calling her 'the pragmatic
prophet of management' (Graham, 1995). At the time when Follett
developed innovative ideas (during early the 1920s and 30s),
Taylor's scientific management was in full swing in both US and UK
and this may be one of the reasons why organizations did not realize the
contributions of Follett. Follett advocated several concepts well ahead
of her time: empowerment, flatter organizational structures, work teams
and cooperative labor-management relations (Linden, 1995). These
concepts foretold Deming's ideology of bringing total quality
management. Deming's outline of 14 points and focus on managerial
leadership, knowledge of people, and statistical science for continuous
improvements can be successfully linked to Follett's innovative
ideas of cross-functional teams, horizontal authority, empowerment,
power and conflict. In turn, these provide a necessary link between
scientific management principles and total quality management. It is
fitting to quote Rossler & Beruvides (1994) who boldly state that,
"perhaps too many people are just a little too willing to let
others interpret for them what others have written or said or done. An
elaborate game of telephone then plays itself out" (1994:15). Thus,
to fully understand the contributions of Follett as a bridge between
Taylor and Deming we encourage you to read the original works of these
three scholars.
Deming, W.E. (1986). Out of the Crisis, Cambridge, MA: MIT, Center
for Advanced Engineering Study.
Deming, W.E. (1993). The New Economics for Industry, Government,
Education, Cambridge, KA: MIT Press.
Florin, P & Wandersman, A. (1990). An introduction to citizen
participation, voluntary organization, and community development:
Insights for empowerment through research. American Journal of Community
Psychology, 18(1): 41-54.
Follett, M.P. (1924). Creative experience, London: Longmans, Green
& Co.
Fry, B.R., & Thomas, L.L.(1996). Mary Parker Follett: assessing
the contribution and impact of her writings, Journal of Management
History, 2(2):12-19.
Graham, P. 1995. Mary Parker Follett--Prophet of management: A
celebration of writings from the 1920s. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Hayes, R.H & Abernathy, W.(1980). Managing our way to economic
decline, Harvard Business Review, July-August. Lawrence, P. (1996).
Management in the USA, London: Sage Publications.
Lewis, C.I.(1929). Mind and The World Order: an Outline of a Theory
of Knowledge New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, reprinted in
paperback by Dover Publications, Inc. New York, 1956.
Linden, D.W. (1995). The mother of them all, Forbes, 155(2): 75
Metcalf, H.C., & Urwick, L.(1941). Dynamic administration: The
collected papers of Mary Parker Follett. New York: Harper & Row.
Rossler, P.E., & Beruvides, M.G. (1994). Management theory deja
vu? Scientific and total quality management, Engineering Management
Journal, 6(2): 6-15.
Snider, K. (2000). Rethinking public administration's roots in
pragmatism: The case of Charles A. Beard. American Review of Public
Administration, 30(2), 123-145.
Taylor, F.W. (1903). Shop Management, American Society of
Mechanical Engineers.
Taylor, F.W. (1972). Testimony before the Special House Committee,
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Taylor, F. W. (1911). The Principles of Scientific Management, New
York: Norton.
Vinzant, J.C., & Vinzant, D.H. (1999). Strategic management
spin-offs of the Deming approach, Journal of Management History, 5(8):
Voehl, F. (1995). Deming: The way we knew him, Florida: Lucie
Vogt, J.F & Murrell, K.L. (1990). Empowerment in organizations:
How to spark exceptional performance. San Diego, CA: University
Associates, Inc.
Lonnie D. Phelps, McNeese State University
Satyanarayana Parayitam, McNeese State University
Bradley J. Olson, University of Lethbridge
Table 1: Deadly diseases and prescriptions by Deming
Diseases that plagued the companies The prescriptions advocated by
in the Western world (Deming, Deming (Deming, 1986: pp 23-24)
1986: pp 96-97)
1. Lack of constancy of purpose 1. Create constancy of purpose
for improvement of product and
2. Emphasis on short-run profits 2. Adopt the new philosophy
3. Evaluation by performance, 3. Create dependence on mass
merit rating and annual review inspection
of performance
4. Mobility of management 4. End the practice of awarding
the business on the price tag
5. Running company on visible 5. Improve constantly and forever
figures alone the system of production and
6. Excessive medical costs for 6. Institute training
employee health care, which
increase the final cost of
goods and services
7. Excessive cost of warranty, 7. Institute leadership
fueled by lawyers who work
on the basis of contingency fees
8. Drive out fear
9. Breakdown barriers between
staff areas
10. Eliminate slogans, exhorta-
tions and targets for workforce
11. Eliminate numerical quotas
12. Remove barriers to pride of
13. Institute a rigorous program
of education and training.
14. Take action to accomplish the
Table 2: Taylor vs Deming (Some points of similarities and differences)
Viewpoint Taylor's Organizational and
Strategic Leadership
1 Control of business Established by staffing positions of
(Difference) responsibility and authority with
professional managers trained in the
theory of scientific management and
systems analysis (Taylor, 1911: p.36)
2. Division and concurrency Improvements occur because of
of work (Similarity) management's increasing division of
work, and increasing concurrency i.e.
different aspects of work being done
at the same time, within a project or
process (Taylor, 1911: p 37)
3 Using systems Develop systems to perform
(Similarity) repetitive tasks (Taylor, 1911:
p 135)
4 Optimum systems The optimum system is created by
(Difference) proper formulation of the objectives
of the system and evaluation of
alternatives to meet those objectives.
To create optimum system, adequate
information is available (Taylor,
1911: p 137; Taylor, Shop
Management, 1911: p 135)
5 Finding of causes Upon proper installation of system,
(Difference) any failure to meet standards or
stated objectives must come from
outside the system. (Taylor, 1911: pp
6. Role of Management Continuous monitoring of the status
(Difference) of system for deviations from the
system objectives to see if proper
selection, poor motivation,
inadequate training, or inefficient
supervision are the causes of
deviation. (Taylor, 1911: p.152)
7. Control Control is the goal and management
(Difference) is the most important. (Taylor, 1911
: p.9)
8. Leadership Goal of leadership is to secure
(Difference) maximum efficiency in the system.
Prescriptive method is recommended.
(Taylor, 1911: p.10)
9. Cooperation Enforcement of goal is done by strict
(Difference) adherence to standards and offering
threats if standards are not met.
(Taylor, 1911: p26)
Viewpoint Deming's Organizational and
Strategic Leadership
1 Control of business Established by leadership and
(Difference) cooperation (Deming, 1986: p. 117)
2. Division and concurrency Improvements are primarily due to
of work (Similarity) increasing division of work, and
creativity, and to increasing
concurrency, within a project or
process, or among projects or
processes (Deming, 1986: p 122)
3 Using systems Develop systems to perform
(Similarity) repetitive tasks (Deming, 1986: p
4 Optimum systems The optimum system does not exist in
(Difference) organizations. Every system must be
analyzed to understand natural
behavior of the system and variation
within it. Information for creating the
optimum system is unknown and
unknowable. (Deming, pp 336-338)
5 Finding of causes Even upon the installation of system,
(Difference) inconsistencies and contradictions
might be apparent and periodical
analysis is necessary to detect and
isolate the built-in flaws in the
system itself. (Deming, pp 306-311)
6. Role of Management Create a secure environment free
(Difference) from fear so that the defects in the
system can be identified and rectified.
Secure environment offers support,
reassurance and appreciation for
workers. (Deming, pp 59-62)
7. Control Control is the effect and everyone is
(Difference) important. (Deming, pp59)
8. Leadership Goals of leadership are to help
(Difference) people, learning, set and reset the
goals of the organization. The method
is example. (Deming, p 249)
9. Cooperation An effect of leadership is seen in
(Difference) making people feel secure. (Deming,