The effects of rapid environmental change on competitive strategies: an organizational learning perspective.
Eisner, Alan B.
This model presents the both direct and indirect effects of
incremental and major environmental change on competitive strategies
employed by organizational participants in rapidly changing
environments; specifically, environmental change is viewed as having
both incremental and major components. The model developed in this paper
predicts that organizations that are accustomed to rapid environmental
change will gain competence at learning under incremental environmental
change. However, accurate learning for firms under conditions of major
environmental change will continue to be problematic.
This paper develops a predictive model of the impact of
environmental change on the relationship between past performance and
strategic change for rapidly changing environments. This model aims to
enhance our understanding of how firms learn to navigate in rapidly
changing environments and set an agenda for empirical research on the
impact of environmental granularity on strategic change. Using an
organizational learning perspective, this paper describes the forces
that drive volatility in this competitive environment. The extreme
volatility and ambiguity of this environment may make it difficult for
organizations to interpret changes in their performance. Organizational
interpretation of performance feedback leads to firms' strategic
action or inaction. An example of this type of environment is the
microcomputer hardware industry has been described as the quintessential turbulent or high velocity industry (Eisenhardt & Bourgeois, 1990).
The ideas contained in this research are based on the underlying
assumption that organizations respond to their experience, including
their prior performance and their perceived environment, as adaptive
learning systems (Cyert & March, 1992; March & Simon 1993; March
& Olsen, 1976). It is proposed that an organizational learning
perspective can explain the strategic adaptations of organizations in
rapidly changing environmental, such as microcomputer makers. Some
authors suggest that superstitious learning occurs when spurious correlations are drawn from learning based on erroneous perceptions and
interpretations of environmental signals or performance feedback in
ambiguous environments (March & Olsen, 1976; Levinthal & March,
1981). However, others suggest that organizations can learn to cope with
rapid environmental change as a baseline condition (Milliken & Lant,
1991; Levitt & March, 1988).
The strategic responses of organizations to an ambiguous, turbulent
environment and to their own performance are investigated over time.
This paper develops theoretical mechanisms for including both the direct
and indirect effects of environmental change in an organizational
learning framework and dividing environmental change into incremental
and major components. This conceptualization may explain why some prior
research has indicated that accurate learning is problematic under
conditions of rapid environmental change while others have suggested
that firms can gain competence at learning in rapidly changing
environments. The model developed in this study predicts that
organizations that are accustomed to environmental change will gain
competence at learning under conditions of incremental environmental
change. However, accurate learning for these firms under conditions of
major environmental change will continue to be problematic.
The model of learning used in this study is consistent with an
adaptive organizational learning perspective that models organizations
as goal-oriented systems that respond to experience (Cyert & March,
1992; Glynn, Lant, and Milliken, 1994; March & Simon 1993; March
& Olsen, 1976; Milliken & Lant, 1991; Levinthal & March,
1981; Levitt & March, 1988; Lant & Mezias, 1990, 1992).
Organizations continue or repeat actions that have been successful and
search for alternatives in light of negative feedback. Glynn, Lant, and
Milliken (1994) point out "the key components of organizational
learning are goals, attention and search rules, routines, shared
understandings, and organizational beliefs (pp. 44-45)." New
organizational actions or adaptations are based on the interpretations
of organizations' past performance, experience, and environment.
Following Lant and Mezias (1992) and Mezias and Lant (1994), there
are four basic elements of the organizational learning perspective as
shown in Figure 1. First, organizations have performance goals or
aspirations to which they compare their actual performance (Cyert &
March, 1992; Lant, 1992). Second, organizations analyze performance
feedback and scan their environment to assess their level of goal
attainment. Third, organizations search for alternative strategies under
conditions of failure, where gathering and processing information about
alternative behaviors is a relatively costly process (Cyert & March,
1992; Nelson & Winter, 1982). Fourth, organizations change their
strategies based on the alternative selected by their search process
(Mezias & Lant, 1994).
Aspirations come from organization's assessments of their own
performance, competitors' performance, and environmental
conditions. Organizations face the complex process of filtering through
the goals of multiple coalitions and interest groups from inside the
organization, from its prior performance, and from its environment to
distill organizational aspirations. The level of an organization's
aspirations may be set by satisficing due to limited search and
processing capabilities. Simon (1955) presents the notion of
satisficing, where utility maximization is not possible and individuals
accept some satisfactory, but less than optimal, decision solution.
Cyert and March (1992) posit that in the steady state these
aspirations will exceed performance by a small amount. However, when
performance increases at an increasing rate, aspirations will lag behind
performance in the short-run. When performance decreases, aspirations
will be above the level of performance. Their model assumes that
aspirations are an optimistic extrapolation of previous performance and
aspirations. Lant's (1992) examination of aspiration level
adaptation by teams in a competitive behavioral simulation provides
empirical support for this model.
Performance feedback comes from an organization's own actual
performance. This is a backward looking process where organizations
compare prior actual performance information to organizational goals.
Organizations' perceptions of success and failure are outcomes of
this comparison process. Organizations perceive success when actual
performance is above target levels and failure when actual performance
is below target levels (Cyert & March, 1992; Lant & Mezias,
1990, 1992; Milliken & Lant, 1991). Organizations are less likely to
repeat their behaviors when they perceive conditions of failure and are
more likely to repeat successful behaviors (Levinthal & March, 1981;
Levitt & March, 1988; Lant & Mezias, 1990, 1992).
March and Olsen (1976) posit that when performance feedback is
unclear, superstitious learning may occur, i.e., spurious correlations
may be drawn from coincidental events and interpreted as meaningful
information. This learning may be based on erroneous perceptions and
interpretations of anomalous performance improvements in unclear
environments. This causal ambiguity may lead to spurious attributions of
performance data (Rumelt, 1974). Firm level responses to rapid
performance changes may be the organizational equivalent of a deer
transfixed by the headlights of an approaching car--failure to act.
Rapid and or frequent changes may lead to organizational inertia (Staw,
Sandelands, & Dutton, 1981; Hannan & Freeman, 1989).
The clarity and accuracy of performance feedback affect
organizations' abilities to adapt aspirations. Lant (1992) found
that when feedback was very clear and accurate the behavioral outcomes
of groups were roughly consistent with both an adaptive learning model
and a rational expectations model. In a computer simulation Lant and
Mezias (1992) modeled organizations in an ambiguous world (cf. March
& Olsen, 1976) and found that the effect of ambiguity decreased
organizations' responsiveness to performance information.
March and Simon (1993) view organizations as action oriented and
adaptive systems. Organizations are sequential processors of alternative
solutions due to their limited processing capacity. Furthermore,
organizations have limited search capabilities; they limit the range of
alternative solutions that they seek for a given problem or issue.
Building on previous work (Simon 1955; March & Simon 1993),
Cyert and March (1992) view organizations as using acceptable-level
decision rules and paying sequential attention to goals. When
performance is below the aspiration level organizations engage in what
Cyert and March (1992) term problemistic search. The search for
alternative solutions to aspiration attainment is triggered by problems.
At first, a simple-minded search procedure is used to seek alternatives.
If this simple procedure does not yield a satisfactory solution, then
more complex search mechanisms are employed to find a problem solution.
The search for aspiration attainment is biased by the experience, the
environment, and the performance history of an organization. When
performance is above the aspiration level organizations engage in
opportunistic search. The search for alternative solutions to aspiration
attainment is triggered by organizational slack, the abundance of
organizational resources beyond those necessary to the organization
(Cyert and March, 1992).
Based on the above aspirations, feedback, and search, organizations
may elect to change their strategies and or capabilities. These changes
may refine current strategies or implement new strategies. Thus, change
includes both a aspiration level adaptation component and a random
component in organizational responses to experiences (March & Simon,
1993; Cyert & March, 1992; Mezias & Glynn, 1993).
Organizational performance influences strategic persistence and
change (Lant, Milliken, & Batra, 1992; Milliken & Lant, 1991;
Lant & Montgomery, 1987). Previous research suggests that following
successful performance, firms are unlikely to change their strategies;
however, following unsuccessful performance, firms are more likely to
change their strategies (Lant, Milliken, & Batra, 1992; Milliken
& Lant, 1991).
The recent performance history of organizations may play a critical
role in influencing organizational decision making about strategic
change or persistence. Following successful performance, organizations
are unlikely to change their strategies. However, following unsuccessful
performance, organizations are more likely to change their strategies
than under conditions of success. While inertial forces are still
strong, there tend to be fewer competency traps (Levitt, & March,
1988), positive reinforcement, and slack resources to encourage
Lant and Mezias (1990, 1992) investigated the longitudinal effects
of organizational performance on organizational learning using computer
simulations. Their results show that organizations below the median
population performance were significantly more likely to adapt their
behaviors than those above the median population performance. In a
simulation study, Levinthal and March (1981) used a weighted average of
past performance, which suggests that aspirations are updated over time,
and found that past performance was associated with strategic change.
Lant, Milliken, and Batra (1992) found that past performance was a
significantly associated with strategic organizational reorientation in
both stable and turbulent environments, though more strongly in the
stable environment condition.
PROPOSITION 1: Decreases in performance will be positively related
to the likelihood of strategic organizational change.
Environment is the context in which organizations interpret and
respond to performance feedback and set strategies. Many scholars have
recognized the importance of congruence between organizations and their
environments (Burns & Stalker, 1961; Lawrence & Lorsch, 1967;
Child, 1972). Organizations are also dependent on their environments
(Pfeffer and Salancik, 1978). The notion that as the environment changes
organizations should change their strategies has long been held
(Thompson, 1967; Miles and Snow, 1978; Miller and Friesen, 1978; Porter,
1980; and others).
Environment has a greater impact on strategic decision making in
more technologically intensive industries than in simpler industries
(Jemison, 1981; Kim and McIntosh, 1999). Complexity challenges
organizations' abilities to interpret their surroundings and
respond to changes in their environments. With rapid change,
interpretation and response become all the more difficult tasks for
organizations. Complex environments that change rapidly are labeled
turbulent environments (Ansoff, 1979).
With some notable exceptions there have been few empirical studies in this area (Smith and Grimm, 1987, Zajac and Shortell, 1989; Ginsberg
and Buchholtz, 1990; Kraatz and Zajac, 2001; Zajac and Kraatz, 1993).
Smith and Grimm (1987) suggest that a dynamic view of the relationship
between the environment and strategic change is necessary to explore
this relationship. Zajac and Shortell (1989) address the question the as
to whether or not organizations change strategies in response to
changing environmental conditions and found that that while this is a
generally appealing concept relatively little empirical work has been
pursued. While Zajac and Shortell (1989) found general agreement with
the notion that organizations change strategies in response to changing
environmental conditions, their findings were less than conclusive.
Ginsberg and Buchholtz (1990) in their study of health maintainance
organizations found that organizations did in part change strategies in
response to changing environmental and regulatory conditions. Kraatz and
Zajac (2001) were consistent with their earlier work and the behavioral
perspective in their studies of small colleges and found that while the
resources held by firm did constrain strategic change, that
organizations did respond to changing environmental conditions (Zajac
and Kraatz, 1993).
Environmental change affects the ways in which organizations
interpret strategy and performance. While internal organizational
members and membership dynamics are integral contributors to
organizational strategies, understanding the context in which an
organization is embedded may enhance evaluation and understanding of
organizational strategies (Chakravarthy and Doz, 1992; Denis, Lamothe,
& Langley, 2001; Ginn, 1990; Stacey, 1995). Chan (1986) and Jackson
(1991) found to varying degrees that organizational change results from
a dynamic combination of environment, strategy, structure, and
technology factors.
As environments change rapidly, there is increasing pressure on
organizations to produce valuable outputs faster and more efficiently.
Gupta and Wilemon (1990: 24) argue that the rules of the game of new
product development have changed. They suggest that the environment for
new product development is characterized by increased competition, new
technologies that make existing products obsolete, changing customer
needs and shorter product life cycles, higher development costs, and
increased need for involvement of customers, vendors, and strategic
partners in the development process.
Bourgeois and Eisenhardt's (1988) and Eisenhardt and
Bourgeois' (1988) investigations of rapidly changing environments
found that successful firms have an ability to react to environmental
changes. Bourgeois and Eisenhardt's finding are also supported by
Ginn's (1990) investigation of acute care hospitals in the 1980s.
These organizations have the ability to make strategic decisions both
carefully and quickly in light of sudden environmental changes. Milliken
and Lant (1991) suggest that:
"[organizations] whose past experience has been in an
environment with constant change will come to expect change, are likely
to remain more vigilant, devote more resources to environmental
scanning, and consequently may be less likely to underestimate the
significance of environmental changes.(p. 146)"
Contingency researchers have used a multiplicity of terms to
describe and categorize the environment. Early research described the
organizational task environment as factors from the external environment
that affect organizational goal setting (Dill, 1958). Other research
studied how organizations segment their environment (Lawrence and
Lorsch, 1967). Duncan (1972) develops two dimensions that distinguish
between the essence of different environments: complexity and dynamism.
Complexity deals with the number of factors an organization must
consider from its environment when making decisions. Relatively simple
environments require that few factors be considered and relatively
complex environments require that a large number of factors be
considered. Dynamism describes the level of stability of those
environmental factors.
Organizations experiencing rapidly changing environmental face both
high complexity and dynamism. Assuming a highly complex and dynamic
environment, implicitly leads to the issue of continuity. Continuity
deals with the magnitude of the changes in those parts of the
environment that are changing (Tushman & Romanelli, 1985). Since we
focus on environments that experience many changes it is interesting to
understand what factor differentiates various changes. Continuity is
considered high during relatively incremental changes that build upon
previous experiences. Incremental environmental change describes those
changes that represent incremental or convergent shifts in salient
environmental factors. Continuity is considered low during major changes
that break from or are incongruent with previous experiences. Major
environmental change describes revolutionary changes in environmental
factors. These revolutionary changes tend to reorient or transform
affected segments of the environment.
There is less consensus about the abilities of firms to learning
from prior experience during periods of incremental environmental shifts
than during periods major change (Eisenhardt & Bourgeois, 1988;
Bourgeois & Eisenhardt, 1988; Eisner, 1997; Ginsberg &
Buchholtz, 1990; Tushman & Romanelli, 1984; Tushman & Anderson,
1985). However, while there are competing theoretical perspectives about
the nature of major change in the literature, there appears to be
agreement about the disruptive effects of that change (Tushman &
Romanelli, 1984; Tushman & Anderson, 1985; Lant & Mezias, 1990,
1992). The next section explores various arguments on the effects of
incremental and major environmental changes and present research
Since incremental environmental changes occur more often than major
environmental changes, it is likely that most changes in the literature
that have been labeled as conditions of high environmental turbulence are the result of a large number of incremental environmental change
events. Most learning theories suggest that rapid environmental change
and the condition of ambiguity it creates will attenuate successful
organizational learning (March & Olsen, 1976; March, 1991; Lant
& Mezias, 1992; Keck & Tushman, 1993). However, others suggest
that the ambiguity generated by rapid environmental change will present
firms with "equivocal experiences and opportunities for
learning" (Milliken & Lant, 1991: 146). In persistently
changing environments firms may come to expect rapid environmental
changes as an equilibrium condition of their world (Milliken & Lant,
1991). This paper addresses these apparent inconsistencies in the
adaptive organizational learning literature by suggesting that
incremental environmental changes are described by theories viewing
rapid environmental change as an opportunity for learning; while major
environmental changes are described by theories viewing rapid
environmental change as a threat to learning.
Rapid environmental change describes a commotion that adds
ambiguity to an environment (March, 1991: Lant & Mezias, 1992). This
ambiguity complicates the relationship between organizations and their
environments. Organizational perceptions of their environments may be
clouded by the introduction of ambiguity, a random component, in their
otherwise systematic understanding of their environments (Lant &
Mezias, 1992).
Haleblian and Finkelstein (1993) argue that as environmental change
increases, a firm's decision making tasks become more difficult and
managers may have greater information processing requirements. However,
in stable environments information-processing requirements are not as
intense (Ancona, 1990). Environmental change may increase erroneous
perceptions and interpretations of environmental signals during
information processing. Successful organizational learning may be
curtailed under conditions of rapid environmental change (March, 1991;
Lant & Mezias, 1992; Keck & Tushman, 1993).
However, firms in some industries are able to develop processes for
coping with incremental environmental changes and have been successful
at adapting to these environments. It is possible for organizations
embedded in rapidly changing environments to thrive on incremental
changes (Eisenhardt & Bourgeois, 1988; Eisenhardt, 1989; Milliken
& Lant, 1991). Perhaps, only some populations of organizations learn
to adapt in the face of rapid environmental change.
Only some organizations appear to have developed this second-order
organizational learning process by which they can adapt to incremental
environmental change. Second-order learning refers to exploration of
alternative processes, routines, or technologies where first-order
learning indicates improvement within the realm of current processes or
technologies (Watzlawick, Weakland, & Fisch, 1974; Hedberg, Nystrom,
& Starbuck, 1976; Lant & Mezias, 1992).
For organizations that are able to initiate second-order learning
processes, the continuity of the organizational environment may not
affect their abilities to cope with their environments. These
organizations live in a world where incremental environmental change is
the equilibrium condition of their environment. Perhaps these
organizations have developed mechanisms for filtering or ignoring
immense amounts of information about their environment and a large
number of relatively small changes to their environment. Alternatively,
these organizations may not need to filter information, but have
developed the capabilities to process large quantities of environmental
data and change information.
Organizations that are faced with an almost constant stream of new
innovations and generational improvements must cope with these
innovations and respond to the market and adapt their internal processes
to incorporate changes. These organizations essentially must learn the
art of learning to incorporate new components, processes, and services
into their organizations efficiently and effectively simply to remain in
the game, let alone achieve superior performance. Incremental
environmental changes are viewed as the equilibrium condition in this
industry and are not expected to degrade the value of performance
feedback information.
PROPOSITION 2A: Incremental environmental change will not affect
the relationship between past performance and strategic change
Environmental conditions have been traditionally considered to have
the same relationships as or to be a part of performance feedback in the
adaptive learning literature (Cyert & March, 1992; March & Simon
1993; March & Olsen, 1976). However, organizations that survive by
adapting their internal processes to incorporate environmental changes
may directly use that information. For example, Langlois (1992: 4)
characterized the microcomputer industry as one where " ... growth
proceeds through the generation of external rather than internal
capabilities." These organizations rely on adapting their internal
processes the external capabilities of its supplier industries
(Langlois, 1992; Rosenbaum, 1993).
Environmental conditions are vital to organizational aspirations,
performance assessment, search, and change processes. As organizations
attempt to understand their environments' they interpret additional
information that is separate and distinct from performance feedback
information. These incremental environmental changes may directly affect
organizational strategic change decisions.
PROPOSITION 2B: Incremental environmental change will increase the
likelihood of strategic change
Major changes in markets, technologies, or government regulations
may elicit different organizational responses and strategies than
incremental change may evoke. During convergent periods, even rapidly
changing convergent periods, organizations may factor different
environmental elements into their strategic decision making process than
during discontinuous periods (Meyer, 1982; Tushman & Romanelli,
Meyer (1982) coined the term "environmental jolts" to
refer to sudden and unprecedented external events in organizations'
environments that affect them. These environmental jolts are high
magnitude changes or major shifts in salient environmental factors.
Meyer (1982) found that there is a random component to
organizations' response to the pressure of disruptive environmental
Tushman and Romanelli (1985) discuss convergent organizational
periods as separated by reorientations where discontinuous environmental
phenomena are introduced into a population. They suggest that
organizational performance will decrease during episodes of significant
environmental change. Tushman and Anderson (1986) studied major changes
in the cement, minicomputer (larger multi-user computers), and airline
industries and found that environmental conditions after discontinuities
are markedly different. Advances from technological discontinuities fuel
new growth, increase environmental ambiguity, and increased munificence.
Following an organizational learning perspective, Lant and Mezias
(1990, 1992) viewed major change not only in terms of technological
change, but also as events that fundamentally restructure a formerly
stable system. Their model implies that major environmental changes
would precipitate short-run downturns in performance for all
organizations. Lant and Mezias (1992) found that conditions of high
ambiguity moderated the number of organizational changes, especially
during periods of major environmental change. Further, Mezias and Lant
(1994) found that high magnitude environmental change had a negative
effect on the proportion of organizations following or changing to a
strategy of imitating their competitors. This finding suggests that
major environmental change creates ambiguity about the utility of
current industry recipes (Spender, 1989). With no clear industry leaders
to follow, organizations may question the nature of many fundamental
assumptions about their industry environment and the relationships among
key variables.
Major environmental changes shake the core of organizational
assumptions and lead organizations to question relationships that
previously appeared clear. Organizations that rely on performance
feedback to initiate strategic organizational changes may question the
validity of performance feedback in light of a significantly changed
organizational environment. Major changes will disrupt the feedback
relationship between performance and strategic change.
PROPOSITION 3A: Major environmental change will reduce the
magnitude of the effect of performance on strategic change
Organizations may directly access environmental information. Major
environmental changes are interpreting information that is separate and
distinct from performance feedback information and may directly affect
organizational strategic change decisions.
PROPOSITION 3B: Major environmental change will increase the
likelihood of strategic change
As emphasized by an organizational learning perspective, it is
essential to understand how a firm's past experience affects its
future capabilities for change in order to understand this ability to
respond to a dynamic environment (Lant & Mezias, 1990; 1992).
However, prior adaptive learning theories lack complete and robust
specification about the impact of environmental change on strategic
change and on the relationship between performance and strategic change.
This model contributes to the foundation of an organizational learning
perspective by explicitly adding environmental dimentions to the
adaptive learning perspective. In such, the model suggests that
successful firms have the ability to make risky, innovative decisions
both carefully and quickly, yet effect safe and incremental
implementations of those innovations (Cyert & March, 1992; March,
1991; March & Simon 1993; March & Olsen, 1976).
How can we predict what other drivers or levers will be, and what
are the underlying mechanisms and processes that organizations focus
their attention on particular environmental levers or drivers? Perhaps
organizations in some industries, such as the computer software industry
studied by Lant, Milliken, and Batra (1992), rely on internally
generated technological drivers, while others, such as organizations in
the PC hardware industry rely on external sources of innovation or
technological drivers. By broadening the scope and nature of strategic
decisions processed by organizations, future research may capture both
the breath and depth strategic decisions processed by organizations.
Further, several studies advocate the simultaneous investigation of
changes in organizational leadership with the study of changes in
strategic content (Korn, 1994; Miller, Lant, Milliken, and Korn, 1996;
Lant, Milliken, and Batra, 1992; Virany, Tushman, and Romanelli, 1992).
These studies suggest that the changes in organizational leadership and
may be associated with a greater potential for strategic flexibility and
As researcher embark upon studies of organizations in rapidly
changes environment the issue of timing and dynamics may become more
salient. As Smith and Grimm (1987) suggest that a dynamic view of the
relationship between the environment and strategic change is necessary;
the more often organizations researcher 'take pictures' of
organizations the closer these observations or 'still
pictures' can become to looking like a full motion video of
organizations research. Thus, as information and communication
technologies increase the pace of information flows and decision making
for organizations, observations taken more often may enhance the
robustness of future adaptive organizational learning research.
This paper presents a separation of the direct and indirect effects
of both incremental and major components of environmental change on
strategic change to the organizational learning perspective. Further,
reframing environmental change in terms of these components provides a
logic for formulating predictions about the relationship between
performance and strategic change and allows researchers to generate
predictions about rapidly changing environments that are consistent with
an organizational learning framework. This paper contributes to our
understanding of organizational learning and strategic change in rapidly
changing environments.
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Alan B. Eisner, Pace University