The problem of exclusive arrangements in Multiple Dwelling Units: Unlocking broadband growth in Indonesia and the Global South.
Ryan, Patrick S. ; Zwart, Breanna ; Whitt, Richard 等
One key area that continues to be problematic for entrepreneurial
businesses that wish to serve the broadband market is the question of
ensuring competition in multiple-dwelling units (MDUs) and private
developments managed by a single landlord or entity. As is the case in
Indonesia, many MDUs around the world enter into exclusive arrangements
with a single Internet Service Provider, leaving consumers with no
practical alternative for high-speed broadband connections. Our paper
examines this phenomenon and addresses 10 myths that we have observed in
the marketplace on the topic. We also look at how this area has been
addressed by authorities in other countries, concluding with five
specific recommendations for ways in which business, regulators, and
consumers can work to improve local competition on a global scale.
Keywords: broadband; multiple-dwelling unit; competition; consumer
Of the 7 billion people on the globe, a little over 4 billion do
not yet have access to the Internet; of these, nearly 80 percent of new
users will come from Asia and Africa (Reed, 2014). There is a need to
address the government policies that will enable explosive growth for
new users, and the topic of policies "connecting the next
billion" will be an area of focus at the upcoming United Nations
Internet Governance Forum in Brazil. Indeed, as competition increases in
the global broadband market, politicians, telecommunication regulators,
and competition authorities increasingly are addressing the challenge of
ensuring that consumers have choice. One area that continues to be
problematic for new businesses that wish to serve the broadband market,
however, is the question of ensuring competition in multiple-dwelling
units (MDUs) and private developments managed by a single landlord or
entity. As is the case in Indonesia, many MDUs around the world enter
into exclusive arrangements with a single Internet Service Provider
(ISP), leaving consumers with no practical alternative for high-speed
broadband connections. Our paper examines this phenomenon and addresses
10 myths that we have observed in the marketplace on the topic. We also
look at how this area has been addressed by authorities in other
countries. Our paper concludes with five specific recommendations for
ways in which business, regulators, and consumers can work to improve
local competition on a global scale. As a way to illustrate the problem
for non-technologists, we begin by comparing this problem of ISP
exclusivity with a hypothetical soft-drink exclusivity case.
To illustrate the nature of the problem, we will use the following,
non-technological hypothetical. Pak Donny just moved into an apartment
in a 20-story multiple-dwelling unit (MDU) in downtown Jakarta. After
moving in his belongings, he went around the corner to buy something
cold to drink for him and his friends. Pak Donny walked back to the
building with a six-pack of Pepsi. The owner of the MDU stopped Pak
Donny at the door and told him that he could not bring the Pepsi into
his apartment. Instead, the MDU's manager informed him that all
residents in the building can only drink sodas that are sold and branded
by the Downtown Store. Moreover, the MDU owner had even entered into a
profit-sharing agreement with the Downtown Store to ensure that
residents could only buy soda from the Downtown Store. Perversely, the
MDU owner believes that this restriction incentivized the Downtown Store
to provide the best products at the best prices. The MDU Owner tells Pak
Donny "please let me know if you have any complaints about Downtown
Store sodas, and if you do, I'll make sure and address the
complaints directly with Downtown Store management."
Just down the street, Pak Donny has the Corner Store available
within walking distance. The Corner Store has different brands of soda,
but importantly, Corner Store gets customers in and out really fast. Pak
Donny likes that because he can grab his groceries at Corner Store and
be done in 5 minutes. By contrast, the Downtown Store provides great
service, but always has a longer line, and it typically takes Pak Donny
20 minutes to buy the same groceries. Pak Donny comes up with an idea:
he calls the owner of the Corner Store and asks if the Corner Store
would be willing to sell him sodas and help smooth things over with the
MDU owner so that he can bring them in his apartment. To his dismay, the
owner of Corner Store informs Pak Donny that the MDU owner will not
break the exclusivity deal that is in place with Downtown Store. To make
matters worse, the "contract" between the MDU owner and
Downtown Store is not even in writing, but instead, the exclusivity is
maintained by way of payments made from the Downtown Store to the MDU
based on the use by the residents. In the end, Pak Donny is out of
options and he is frustrated that the MDU owner and the Downtown Store
have conspired to constrain his right to choose what he brings in the
apartment. Pak Donny even consults with his friend, who is an attorney,
and he learns that exclusive arrangements between businesses are mostly
legal. Ultimately, Pak Donny does not feel like he has any recourse.
As preposterous as the above scenario may seem about soda
purchases, when it comes to the selection of an Internet Service
Provider (ISP), this phenomenon is exactly what is happening today in
Indonesia and in many other countries around the world. As much as this
scenario may strike consumers as unreasonable (at least as it applies to
soda), in many ways this has become the new normal. We may never know
who gains more from the exclusive arrangements--i.e., whether it is the
MDU owner or the ISP--but in any case we postulate here that it is not
the user who wins. Further, the phenomenon of MDU exclusivity creates a
dangerous illusion in the market. The illusion is this: by most
objective factors, one might look at the presence of dozens of ISPs in
the city of Jakarta and conclude that the market is competitive, at
least as measured by the existence of competitive ISPs. However, as we
will describe below, many of the ISPs that serve the MDU are one and the
same. In other words, the MDU forms its own ISP and serves a captive
market that will never have choice.
Why do we assert that this kind of market is not a competitive one?
Because in essence, the MDU owner and the ISP are in concert with each
other, exercising exclusive possession or control of the supply of a
service within their community. The end user does not take any part in
the decision. This dystopia promotes, essentially, a series of
monopolistic practices within an otherwise competitive marketplace. It
has become axiomatic that most monopolistic constraints on free exchange
of goods or services are bad for consumers (Sweezy, 1972). Competition
is good because consumers drive the firms to provide better, cheaper
services. Studies have shown that ISPs--like many other goods and
services--are able to compete for the same consumer, and when they do,
competitors engage in behavior to "win" the customer, often
resulting in better service; and in price wars, more options become
available at lower cost (Shakkottai, 2006). In the case of cable
television, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) found that
adding another competitor for video services in MDUs offered a
significant increase in multichannel competition that leads to lower
prices, more channels, and a greater diversity of information and
entertainment from more sources (FCC, 2007). We look at this further in
our "top 10" myths section below.
If one assumes that consumer choice should always be a high
regulatory priority in any modern economy, then the restraints on
consumer choice should only yield for compelling health or safety
reasons (or, perhaps, extreme unrecoverable expense). To be clear, a
free market does not mean that anything goes. For example, in many
countries, the use of living spaces is guided by reasonable health,
safety or aesthetic rules established by building owners, homeowner
associations, or condominium cooperatives. Examples of reasonable rules
include: controls or rules to make sure that certain kinds of animals
may not be allowed in the home; or public-safety rationale to prohibit
tenants from using a charcoal grill that could set fire to the complex;
or aesthetic limitations imposed by architectural review committees; or
services that are purchased by everyone without exception, like
so-called "natural monopoly" utilities for supplying
electricity and water (Mosca, 2008). For these utilities, few
communities provide a choice among competitive providers of electricity
and water as the barriers for entry is prohibitively expensive (the
process requires digging up the streets to install wholly duplicative
lines). That is one reason why these public services are often run by a
single government or agency. The concept of "structural
separation" has also been very effective in several markets, i.e.,
the practice of segregating supply from distribution in regulated
markets. The model has worked well for electricity, gas, railways, post,
telecommunications, and other sectors (OECD, 2006). This model has,
thus, already worked in many other sectors--including the Internet--so
for the case presented in this paper, we believe that it is a matter of
simply introducing the concept to the MDU context.
Electricity, water, and Internet services share the common
characteristic of having a high barrier to entry because of the cost of
installing new infrastructure. However, unlike Internet services,
electricity and water do not have great variability in price, speed, or
in their other qualities. Electricity and water are relatively
undifferentiated goods--all consumers want them, but for the most part,
consumers do not care who provides them. Ultimately, with just a few
exceptions, consumers are free to choose what they bring into their
homes. Although things are changing here, too, consumers rarely have
choice between water, sewer and electricity providers, and competition
is rare in those markets, and the "natural monopoly" theory is
far less prevalent today than it was fifty years ago (DiLorenzo, 1996).
However, this is not the case with Internet access. Even with the
ability for ISPs to compete for services within buildings, anecdotes are
clear that MDU owners regularly enter into exclusive arrangements that
make it either practically impossible or contractually unauthorized for
a tenant to choose their own broadband provider.
A. How Big Is the Problem?
Asia provides, by far, the greatest opportunity for growth in new
Internet users: over the next twenty years, 3 billion people in Asia
will join the Internet (Reed, 2014). For this paper, we have looked
briefly at the case of Indonesia because we feel that the ecosystem is
relatively representative of the challenge in the region. Indonesia has
250 million inhabitants and is the fourth most populous country in the
world. The capital city, Jakarta, has about 11 million inhabitants,
making Jakarta a very large potential market for broadband. As with many
urban environments, many (if not most) citizens live in MDUs; the global
firm Colliers estimates that there are at least 200,000 different MDUs
in Jakarta (Colliers, 2014). Not every MDU is locked up with
exclusivity, but our anecdotal evidence suggests that many of them are.
To extend this situation to our introductory hypothetical, if the MDU
owner has chosen to wire the building with the service of ABC Telecom,
and if Pak Donny likes the speed, pricing, or bundling of XYZ Telecom
better, he is out of luck. This is the likely story of millions of
citizens that live in the MDUs in Jakarta. Simply put, the choice of ISP
may not be available for most, and similarly, the opportunity to serve
different MDUs and to compete for the customer may not exist for most
ISPs. Because of this constraint, there is a crucial bottleneck at the
last few meters of the connection to the consumer.
One of the biggest challenges in analyzing the MDU exclusivity
question may be the difficulty (if not impossibility) in getting
pertinent information about it. The University of Indonesia completed a
study together with a multistakeholder community of participants from
the private sector and civil society to look at the nature of the
challenge in Indonesia, where (like most of the world) there is a dearth
of information available to regulators on the problem's magnitude
(Pusakom, 2015). It is not a simple matter of reviewing exclusivity
agreements that may exist between ISPs and MDU owners, because in many
cases the contracts do not exist in writing but instead through
handshake agreements that are enforced between the parties and
unavailable to the public or possibly for future tenants (until after
they move in). Indeed, the mere presence of unwritten exclusive
arrangements should be a red flag for regulators because the nature of
the problem and obscurity of contracts makes it difficult for consumers
to assert their rights.
The University of Indonesia's study found that more than 80%
of users cannot choose a fixed broadband provider either because of
exclusive arrangements or for other reasons. Specifically, 54% have no
option because of exclusivity arrangements, and 34% have no option of
another provider available. The study estimates that only 12% users in
Indonesia have the freedom to choose their broadband provider. Counter
intuitively, the study found that the majority of users (more than 80%)
are nonetheless satisfied with their fixed broadband connectivity. It is
our hypothesis that this high degree of user satisfaction occurs because
the lack of competition means that Internet users have no basis to
compare their experiences. Also, the majority of the users are using the
internet for low-bandwidth activities, such as email, chatting, and
social media.
B. Understanding the Rationale for Exclusivity
What kinds of exclusivity arrangements are there? We focused our
informal interviews on this topic on the case of Indonesia, where we
found two main types of exclusivity arrangements. The first kind, the
"type 1" exclusive arrangement, involves an MDU that owns and
operates its own ISP and refuses to allow other providers in the market
to compete with them. In this sense, the MDU is, itself, an operator in
the Internet ecosystem and could fall under the regulatory umbrella of
the relevant ministry of communications or other competition authority.
By contrast, a "type 2" exclusive arrangement occurs between
the MDU and an independent ISP, so the MDU is not directly in the
business of providing the Internet services, but instead, has agreed
that only one ISP do so. In both cases, the rationale is identical: the
MDU and the ISP each point to the investment that they have made to wire
and connect the building and there is a belief that only the ISP that
made the investment should be used. The proponents of these arrangements
point to pro-consumer features of the arrangement, including the
convenience and cost-savings that can come from buying a service in bulk
and rolling the invoicing into monthly condominium fees through
"bulk billing" arrangements (FCC, 2010). Along these lines, we
describe a "type 3" arrangement which isn't actually
exclusive, but instead, a bulk-billing or exclusive marketing model.
1. The MDU as Exclusive ISP (Type 1)
In one of the common models, the MDU owner, itself, becomes an ISP
and uses this business as a way to remain competitive and offer the
service for less money. In Indonesia, this is fairly common practice.
One MDU that does this is the Sinar Mas Group, which owns both Sinar Mas
Land and the ISP Moratelindo; another is the Artha Graha that, together
with its ISP Artatel, owns large properties in the Sudirman Central
Business District. In these cases, the property owners have locked in
use for ISP services for thousands of tenants. Even if the ISP services
that the developers provide are acceptable or even excellent for many
(or maybe even most) of its tenants, there are invariably individuals
and entrepreneurs who occupy these properties that need a service that
is faster, with less latency, or perhaps there are residents who want a
slower, cheaper option. In this case, consumers cannot switch because
the property owner is the ISP and will not allow competition.
Additionally, even if there were an ISP that would want the business,
the ISP would not have access to the private structure. In a type 1
scenario, the MDU and the ISP have the same shareholder, so there is no
incentive for either to allow competition for an otherwise captured
2. The MDU and An Independent ISP (Type 2)
Another common model is where the ISP approaches the MDU with an
offer for exclusivity. These are contracts that may or may not be
written, but generally include payments from the ISP to the MDU in the
form of a franchise fee or revenue-sharing model. The rationale for type
2 exclusivity is somewhat easier to justify than type 1 exclusivity
because of the technological concerns about the ability to share the
indoor wiring "harnesses" within a building. In general, there
is typically only one set of wires that goes from the bottom of a
building, inside the walls, and over to the different residents, and it
would be cost-prohibitive to install multiple complete sets of wiring
within the walls of buildings. In the past, the existence of a single
set of wires meant that either one operator can use them or that one
operator makes an investment that they should have the right to recover.
Reports about this cost in New York City ranged from $30,000 to $100,000
to wire MDUs, thus ensuring the significance of these costs (Flamm,
2014). However, as we explain later, today, this wiring can be shared by
multiple parties. Thus, the rationale that once existed to justify type
2 exclusivity is no longer relevant.
Not all exclusivity arrangements are bad. In both type 1 and type 2
exclusivity scenarios, the MDU owner may be able to either sell
condominiums to people at a lower price if the owner factors in future
long-term revenue by providing ongoing services to the residents, or
simply increase his ongoing profit margin for his investment. Although
cheaper housing may be, itself, a consumer benefit, the subsidy saddles
the resident with no choice in ISP providers in his apartment, perhaps
forever. Further economic analysis would be required in order to
determine whether these tradeoffs are understood by consumers and
whether or not the long-term benefit outweighs the short-term gains.
3. Bulk Billing Arrangements (Type 3)
The third type of exclusivity arrangements may not be actually
exclusive at all. Through so-called "bulk billing"
arrangements, an MDU provides what could be considered as a consumer
benefit, which may not have any of the characteristics of type 1 or type
2 arrangements. A typical bulk-billing plan happens every month as a
resident pays condominium fees or HOA dues. These fees and dues are then
grouped ("bulk") into a collection of various overhead charges
for the MDU and can include: the salary for the doorman and security;
the maintenance of any pool or recreational facilities, etc. Therefore,
a resident may not be bothered by paying one amount for condominium fees
and another amount for Internet, particularly if the bundled rate is
competitive and possibly even lower than the market rate. The billing
between condominium fees and Internet services may be separated or
otherwise broken out as different line items, but all residents are
grouped together and pay the same fee for the Internet, regardless of
whether or not they actually use the services. Type 3 arrangements
sometimes also include marketing exclusivity, giving the residents the
appearance of no choice. Bulk-billing and exclusive marketing
arrangements may appear exclusive because typically only one provider
will provide the bulk billing. In reality, however, the arrangement is
not exclusive unless it contains features of either type 1 or type 2.
Often, the MDU owner may want (or even insist) on having exclusive
arrangements so that they can achieve their own efficiencies in
management of resources. A type 3 arrangement may not be as attractive
for MDU owners or ISPs, but they do provide a middle ground of
simplifying the experience for both parties, while keeping open the
opportunity for competition.
C. Why the Rationale for Exclusivity No Longer Applies
If our concern then, is focused on type 1 and type 2 practices, why
has this not been addressed before? There may have been a reason a few
decades ago to assume that only one provider can access units in a given
MDU, but that is not the case today. At this point, telecommunication
providers, ISPs, and electric companies have ample experience sharing
common resources available to them in the public right-of-way (Reed,
2014). Multiple parties can and do occupy the same telephone pole and
conduit. Even fiber-optic cables and copper wires can provide services
that can be shared by multiple users. In fact, sharing poles, conduits,
cables and sometimes even the optical fiber to a resident in the public
right-of-way is increasingly the norm rather than the exception. Even
so, we shouldn't assume that competition is always the answer, as
economist Edward Chamberlin explained, it is crucial "to build up
the system from the firms which compose it, discovering from the facts
what assumptions are appropriate as to competition and monopoly, and
therefore as to structure" (Chamberlin, 1951). In other words, the
challenge to be met is not merely a generalization that competition is
better; instead, it is to allow the market to create incentives for
investment while maintaining a pro-competitive ecosystem that empowers
multiple modes of competition. One need look no further than the
development television of services to see how consumers have benefitted
by more choice of providers, brought by a variety of technologies,
including free-to-air, satellite, cable, and today, via Internet.
The ecosystem may require intervention from a regulator at times in
order to clear a path for new entrants and new technologies. Several
years ago, in the case of the public right-of-way, such intervention was
required. The public right-of-way consists of a "bundle" of
easements, poles, conduits and space that telecommunication, electrical,
and cable utilities use to bring their cables to the end users. When
cable companies began to offer services in the 1970s, they wanted to
share the infrastructure that was built by the telephone and electric
utilities. Additionally, the cable companies also wanted to use the
risers inside of MDUs. To borrow an example from the experience in the
United States, the utilities protested, claiming that these poles were
unavailable for additional use. So in 1976 the U.S. Congress passed the
Pole Attachment Act which made sharing poles with cable companies
mandatory. There are similar sharing practices in most countries
globally (Reed, 2014).
If today's practice of sharing poles, conduits and space in
the right-of-way is a best practice throughout industry, why is the use
of conduits and wires within the building still sacrosanct? Has
something changed since the 1980s to enable (or to restrain) multiple
providers to share facilities? In many ways, the technology has
improved. Said another way, the technology has evolved over time to meet
the problem and to satisfy the changing needs of users. In fact, the
technical challenge of sharing a telephone line by multiple providers
has been looked at for more than a century. At the turn of the last
century, the concept of "multiplexing" was developed by George
Owen Squier as a means for sharing wires for phone calls (Squier, 1919).
This has grown over time, and today there are two primary models for
sharing: virtual unbundling and physical unbundling. We will look at
both of these below.
1. Virtual Unbundling
With virtual unbundling, a single entity, which might be the MDU
owner or a third party, operates the building's broadband service
infrastructure on a wholesale basis. The wholesaler maintains the cables
and boxes from the MDU's entry point (often in a basement) and from
there, to the subscribers' residences. The wholesale services are
offered to resellers, who in turn sell retail broadband services to the
residents (and possibly supply separate customer equipment as well). In
this model, the retailers are offered a menu of wholesale
offerings--different speeds, latency, data caps, pricing, and
customer-service options, for example--which they can combine to create
their retail offerings. The challenge with this model is that it can be
difficult for retailers to differentiate their offerings since they are
all reselling the same wholesale services. Retailers will generally
choose to bundle additional services like voice and video to increase
the attractiveness of their respective offerings.
The beauty of virtual unbundling lies in its simplicity and low
investment requirements for new retail entrants. There are multiple ways
to implement the "unbundling" aspect, which can happen at
central offices, points of presence, or even in the basement of the MDU
itself. In fact, on a macro level in Indonesia, virtual unbundling is
the norm as many of the ISPs in Indonesia are, in fact, selling services
from a wholesale provider. Most all type 1 scenarios are MDUs that are
reselling wholesale services as the sole retail provider in the
building. Indeed, the challenge of virtual unbundling at the MDU
isn't free of technical challenges, but for the most part, this is
a philosophical solution more than a technical one. In other words, if
virtual unbundling primarily occurs closer to the core (rather than at
the MDU itself) then there may be a tendency--and possibly even an
economic incentive--for type 1 and type 2 exclusivity arrangements
because a virtually unbundled operator can benefit from a captured
market in just the same way as someone who owns and controls the
physical connection to the user.
Accordingly, virtual unbundling is, itself, not a panacea, but it
can be a crucial solution to the problem. If we think conceptually about
the unbundling occurring at the MDU itself (rather than deeper in the
network), the picture becomes much clearer. In essence, here's how
it works. The wholesaler, the MDU (or a third party), installs broadband
access equipment (a "multiplexer") in the building basement
that aggregates the connections from each apartment, creating customer
"ports" that can be leased to third parties. This is
essentially a way of taking several separate wires and plugging them
into a junction box with separate ports for each line. To revisit our
hypothetical with Pak Donny, in the basement of his building, the wires
to Pak Donny's apartment--which were installed at the time the
building was constructed--might be connected to Port A-l on the access
equipment and the line leading to the apartment of Pak Donny's
neighbor would be connected to Port A-2. The wholesaler then offers the
broadband access service on each port to retailers, who can compete to
provide retail broadband to Pak Donny and his neighbors. Ports A-l and
A-2 might be resold by the same retailer or by different retailers. None
of the retailers operate infrastructure in the building (with the
possible exclusion of modem-routers in the subscribers' apartments,
but even those could be provided by the wholesaler). The retailers have
only service and billing relationships with their customers in this
case, analogous to the common option of selecting a long-distance voice
provider independently of one's local telephone company. The
crucial point is that virtual unbundling means that there is no need for
retail ISPs to deploy or change the MDU infrastructure, including
installation of a new, separate line to the subscriber because the
existing line can be used for that purpose.
As a technical aside, note that the realization of these customer
ports depends on the particular access technology employed. If Ethernet
lines connect apartments to the multiplexer, for example, the ports are
indeed physical ports on an Ethernet switch. If a shared medium
technology such as fiber optics is used in the building, there might not
be a separate physical connection at the multiplexer for each
subscriber. Instead, networking technologies such as wavelength division
multiplexing or virtual LANs (VLANs) are used to create virtual ports by
segregating the traffic of different customers and retailers on the
shared medium.
2. Physical Unbundling
The alternative to virtual unbundling is physical unbundling, where
each of the broadband retailers operate their own infrastructure. For
example, by connecting a fiber-fed multiplexer to the twisted copper
voice pairs that typically run from a building's basement to each
subscriber's residence, an ISP could offer the residents broadband
at speeds from the high tens to hundreds of Megabits per second with
advanced DSL technologies such as vectored VDSL or
Alternatively, in buildings with pre-installed Ethernet wiring, which is
increasingly common in MDUs, a (different) fiber-fed multiplexer could
be used to provide Gigagbit-per-second broadband to the MDU residents.
When an existing wire or fiber exists between a central point in the
building and each subscriber's residence, multiple ISPs are easily
accommodated: the wire or fiber of each of the ISP's customers is
connected to the ISP's respective multiplexer. Accommodating
multiple ISPs is also possible with buildings wired for fiber or coaxial
cable; the required infrastructure is only slightly more complicated.
All that is required of the MDU owner is to provide physical access to
the ISP and a modest amount of rack space where each of the service
providers can install their equipment.
Returning to the example of Pak Donny, with virtual unbundling Pak
Donny's retail ISP has no physical infrastructure in the building
and provides Pak Donny's service by means of the wholesaler's
equipment. In the case of physical unbundling, Pak Donny's retail
ISP has its own broadband access equipment situated in the building (as
do other ISPs serving customers in Pak Donny's MDU).
The facilities-based approach with physical unbundling requires
more infrastructure and investment, but it gives the service providers
more control over their destinies with less intervention from the MDU
owner. It also can provide competition with different technologies, so
that one company can offer fiber connectivity and another customer (who
may not need the speed of fiber) could use DSL. However, one of the main
drawbacks with physical unbundling in MDUs is that physical unbundling
requires enough space in the internal conduits and tunnels to
accommodate multiple connections. Internal space in MDUs is at a
premium, so the option may not be practical in all cases, although it
will increasingly be relevant in the future, when buildings are designed
for connectivity. The designers of the majority of older buildings did
not contemplate multiple wires for Internet connectivity; as such,
virtual unbundling is the more likely solution.
D. Cutting the Wire Altogether with Wireless Technologies
Wireless options can help as well--but not all forms of wireless.
In this context, it is critical to distinguish between mobile wireless
(e.g., via a smartphone) from fixed wireless, where an ISP sells
point-to-point service to a fixed location such as an MDU (potentially
with multiple end-users at that fixed location). A mobile wireless
provider is in the business of providing connectivity to individual
customers on the go, on phones, and on the move. Consequently, the
frequencies allocated for mobile applications are scarce and the demand
for use of that spectrum can often yield periods of extreme congestion.
By contrast, a Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) provider has a customer in
one place that can site an antenna on the building--thus, it is fixed
wireless--and thus provide connectivity to the residents from this
antenna. For an MDU application, fixed wireless networks can be designed
to be more robust and to carry greater aggregate traffic per-building
than mobile systems (among other reasons, fixed wireless systems can
leverage spectrum at higher frequencies, which is relatively uncrowded).
Still, FWA installations of this kind require cooperation with the MDU
owner so that facilities can be installed in common areas and then
shared by all residents (e.g., via Ethernet from the FWA multiplexer to
each subscriber's residence). Multiple FWA providers can be
accommodated at an MDU in an analogous manner to accommodating multiple
fixed-line providers.
As we have previously stated, there are no global surveys on the
status of the MDU exclusivity problem. The study carried out by the
University of Indonesia has shown empirically that the problem exists
and that it is significant, with more than 80% of Indonesian users
unable to make any selection in their broadband provider (Pusakom,
2015). Since this is often one that is described anecdotally, we have
observed that there are several myths in the anecdotes that
mischaracterize the problem and the solution. In this section we look at
what we believe to be the "top 10 myths" that we have heard in
our interviews with colleagues on this topic.
Myth 1: In exclusive arrangements, residents get the best pricing
because the MDU can make sure that the ISP performs.
Reality: Any profit-seeking firm will, per pure economic theory,
seek to maximize their market share by use of means that exclude
competition. The myth that monopolists act in the best interest of their
customers has long been debunked in modern economic theory (Sweezy,
1972). History has shown that the natural monopoly theory has been
shattered and pricing and customer service has improved; in the case of
traditional telecommunications, consumers have seen an exponential drop
in the price of calls and availability of services since the
privatization and breakup of the PTTs. Borrowing from experience in the
United States for illustration, in 2003 the Government Accountability
Office completed a report that showed that the price of cable
subscriptions declined 15 percent when another wireline competitor
entered the market (GAO, 2003). Additionally, in the domestic U.S.
cities where Google Fiber has launched its services, prices have
plummeted, and although it is too early to tell what the competitive
investment will be, at a minimum, competitors are claiming their
intention to match the offering (Ladendorf, 2013). These responses are
due to the presence of competition.
Myth 2: An MDU can negotiate the best quality of service for its
tenants because of its negotiation power and therefore make sure that
the fastest possible speeds are available.
Reality: The user of Internet services is not the MDU, but instead,
the individual consumer. The MDU is, at best, an intermediary. Users
have different needs: some are more sensitive to price than others, and
some may require high speeds or low latency for gaming, video
conferencing or small business needs. With this variation in needs, it
is a challenge for any single ISP to provide a product that is equally
satisfying to all users. Once the MDU and the ISP are locked in an
exclusive arrangement, there is a reduced incentive to upgrade the
installation because there is no immediate threat of loss of the
consumers. In many cases, particularly where the MDU owns the ISP, the
MDUs are not tech firms, so they do not invest in R&D and may not
even know how to operate the equipment properly. As such, the argument
that the MDU is in a better position than the user to negotiate prices
is tenuous at best.
Myth 3: Exclusive arrangements give a better customer experience
because the MDU can negotiate certain service-level agreements for
responsiveness that promises prompt attention to customer concerns.
Reality: Since the ISP has a captive market, even with contractual
minima, there is no financial incentive for the ISP to be as responsive
as possible. Service-level agreements and response times can be managed
by contract, but if the user ultimately does not have the ability to
"vote with their feet" and select another provider, then the
incentives to honor the contract are attenuated.
Myth 4: The building's wiring will not allow more than one
Reality: The "natural monopoly" theory is no longer true
with modern facility-sharing technologies. To be sure, there is a
necessary level of cooperation that is required among ISPs, although
this problem has been shown to be addressable in the right-of-way and by
the co-location of ISPs and other providers in Internet exchange points
(Gerson, 2012). Also, unburdened by exclusivity, the FWA market can also
augment services, to the extent that FWA providers can share conduit to
reach the residents.
Myth 5: Residents can just use their wireless mobile connection.
Reality: It is true that mobile connections can solve some of the
problems but are no substitutes for wired broadband (or for fixed
wireless), particularly in urban areas, where wired connections are
significantly more efficient for high data uses. Moreover, the cost of
mobile wireless connections varies widely and depends on the limited
availability of spectrum, which is constrained in most parts of the
world. As a result, wired and wireless options should be thought of as
complementary products, and in fact, many consumers already have
subscriptions for wireless data in addition to wireline.
Myth 6: Residents can put up an antenna in their window to a
wireless ISP (or Wireless Local Loop) that may perform better than a
mobile wireless provider.
Reality: It is true that Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) can help, but
here are several practical problems with line-of-sight connections. One
of the most significant problems is that exclusive deals often extend to
the rooftop of the building, thus removing the roof as an option to
install antennas that can serve all residents. This takes the roof off
the table but leaves residents with an option of putting up antennas in
the windows of their apartments and this, in turn, depends on
line-of-sight. Often only a few residents in a building may be able to
have unobstructed views to place an antenna in their window to connect
to a FWA provider. In this context there are powerful signals that may
come from high-powered antennas, and these are best kept on rooftops
(which are often prohibited because of the exclusivity arrangements).
Although satellite television antennas are often mounted on balconies
and aimed upwards, this is not the case for FWA antennas, which
typically perform best with line-of-sight to a terrestrial base station.
Myth 7: Residents want MDU owners to include Internet in a
bulk-billing arrangement.
Reality: If residents want bulk-billing, this can still be offered
with more than one option of service provider. This is how
liberalization initially worked in the telecommunications market in the
United States. The customer could not choose their local telephone
company, but they could choose the long-distance provider. The
long-distance provider would bill the customer through the local
company. Also, if residents want bulk billing and exclusivity that goes
with it, there should be a regular vote by the residents (e.g., every
year) to validate that the majority of residents are getting the best
deal available on the market. Even if this leaves a minority of
residents unhappy about lack of choice, they can at least participate in
the process.
Myth 8: Many MDUs and ISPs do not enter into written exclusivity
arrangements, and if there is no written contract that makes the
arrangement exclusive, then there is no exclusivity problem.
Reality: Exclusive arrangements do not need to be written in order
to be real. Many deals are done through informal in-kind arrangements,
such as a promise by the ISP to remodel a common area in exchange for an
unwritten exclusivity arrangement. This is also similar behavior that
has been established to exist in the context of mobile operators: an
example of a non-problematic, but often unwritten promise might be for
the mobile provider to provide landscaping in common areas (or other
improvements) in exchange for the right to install antennas on the
building. Although problematic practices could more easily be
established and addressed by producing evidence of the contracts, it is
the perception of users that is more important than the existence of
contracts. If the user does not believe that they have choice, e.g.,
because the manager has told him that they do not, then the users are
unlikely to make competitive choices in the market.
Myth 9: If we allow a second ISP to serve the building, then we
will be buried with ISPs and we cannot accommodate everybody.
Reality: In most markets there are only a handful of ISPs. Even
then, reasonable limits can ensure competition. For example, awarding
rights to three ISPs and/or opening up for bid and renewal periodically.
Myth 10: There is no evidence that ISPs will provide services
unless they have the incentive of exclusivity to recoup their
Reality: It is true that ISPs must incur a cost related to the
installation of their equipment, and these ISPs have a right to recover
that investment. However, there are ways to provide the opportunity to
recover the investment by implementing a system that provides a
cost-based "buy in" from competitive carriers that allows them
to serve customers while offering the incumbent ISP the recovery of
their investment.
The liberalization of global telecom markets has been a long slog.
However, since the 1990s most countries in the world have broken up the
monolithic and state-run postal, telephone and telegraph services
(PTTs). One of the first things that was liberalized was access to
passive infrastructure, for example, the Pole Attachment Act that was
passed in 1976 in the United States so that cable companies could share
the infrastructure used by telephone and electricity companies. In
recent years, regulations that open up the sharing of infrastructure
within MDUs have advanced. In this section we look at some of the
practices to address this concern in Ecuador, France, Europe, and the
United States. We selected these areas because of familiarity that we
have with the work. Our focus on rules in these markets is not intended
to be a full survey of the ways that authorities are addressing the
problem but it provides some insight.
A. Ecuador
In the case of Ecuador, there is not a specific regulation
governing the installation of internal networks in real estate, but
there are general regulations regarding the installation and operation
of the networks and the limitations of restrictive clauses.
The Regulation on Access and Sharing of Physical Infrastructure
(Reglamento sobre el Acceso y Uso Compartido de Infraestructura Fisica)
was passed in 2009 and is intended to regulate cases where it is not
possible to build other physical infrastructure for the provision of
telecommunications services. The reasons may be varied, including
technical, legal, environmental, or urban. In such cases, the owner of
the infrastructure is obliged to allow sharing to third party operators.
If the provider cannot gain shared use of resources, the Regulation
allows the authority to hear the case and issue a binding decree, as for
infrastructure sharing agreements, Article 13 of the regulation states
specifically that access agreements may not include exclusivity clauses
or other restrictions on the sharing of physical infrastructure if
another operator so requests it.
Ecuador provides other sources of protection for consumers as well
in this regard. One source is the Organic Law on Control of Market
Power, which prohibits behaviors that undermine free competition. This
law states that there is no single bright-line rule that establishes
exclusivity in the deployment of telecommunications networks. Instead,
there is a rule of reason that regulators use in order to see if there
is a restrictive or exclusive effect on competition. Another example is
the Regulation for Subscribers and Customers-Users of Telecommunications
Services and Value Added Services. In this regulation, at Article 14,
paragraph 14.1 there is a provision that declares that users have the
right to choose freely the service provider and accessible without
discrimination under the applicable law.
B. France
In Europe, in spite of the harmonized market brought by the
European Union, the issue of MDU exclusivity has not been addressed at
the European level in Brussels but rather by national authorities. In
France, Article 109 of the French Law for Economic Modernisation (now,
article L. 34-8-3 of the Electronic communications Code) defined in 2008
the last meters cabling as a monopoly with an obligation to the first
operator to rent this cabling to its competitors. ARCEP defined this
"mutualisation point" as 1 per building for buildings above 12
apartments and is proposing 1 per set of over 300 dwellings otherwise
(ARCEP, 2008). ARCEP recommendations to implement this measure that
makes exclusivity difficult, because under Article L. 34-8-3
"access is to be provided under transparent and nondiscriminatory
conditions from a point located outside the limits of the private
property, and which allows third-party operators to connect to it, under
reasonable economic, technical and access conditions. Any refusal to
provide this access must be justified."
The French system sets out a clear distinction between the provider
of the infrastructure layer ("operateur d'immeuble") and
the provider of the service layer ("operateur commercial").
ARCEP further clarified the rules in place by issuing a Guide specific
to fibre deployment in MDUs in 2011 as well as a standard terms and
conditions (ARCEP, 2011) Finally, the French government updated the
rules in 2014 via Order 2014-329 relating the digital economy within the
framework of Article 1 of the Law 2014-1, and this enables the
government to simplify and secure decisions in certain ways. For
example, the Order replaces certain provisions of the general ICT law
("code des postes et des communications electroniques") and in
Article 5 the indoor installations of fiber to the home networks are
addressed. The law details the building (co)owner(s) and the
operator's respective responsibilities, and it expands the field of
application for connection procedures to all types of shared residential
premises, buildings or subdivisions.
C. Germany
Currently, there is an important test case in Germany involving
Liberty Global's acquisition of regional cable network operator KBW
which serves customers in the State of Baden Wurttemberg. In this case,
Liberty Global notified the EU Commission of the merger in 2011, and the
EC referred the case to the German competition authority. According to
an EU press release at the time, "The Commission found that the
proposed transaction may significantly affect competition in the market
for the provision of free TV services to housing associations, where
contracts with tenants are negotiated collectively, a big market in
Germany" (European Commission, 2011). The proposed transaction
would reduce the number of regional cable operators, who deliver basic
cable TV services to apartment blocks or MDUs, from three to two in
The German competition authority--the Bundeskartellamt--eventually
cleared the deal after Liberty Global agreed to open up bids for
contracts with Germany's housing associations and to remove
encryption from digital television services, finding that "[w]ith
the obligation to open up large long term contracts with the housing
industry and give up further contractual rights as well as the basic
encryption of digital free TV programs, the negative effects of the
merger are compensated." The Bundeskartellamt added: "The
abolition of exclusivity and ownership clauses will ensure legal
certainty." The Bundeskartellamt noted that the duration of
contracts would come under closer scrutiny and stated that a contract
term of 10 years may be an infringement of EU and German competition
laws. It views the Liberty Global merger "as a test case that could
set a precedent for almost all market participants."
At this point, resolution of this question is still open. In 2013 a
state court in Dusseldorf blocked the deal following a challenge from
Deutsche Telekom which claimed that the remedies were too lenient.
Liberty Global is appealing to the German Federal Supreme Court.
According to a senior Liberty Global official, the exclusive dealings
with housing associations have "been at the center of the merger
clearance." If the number of regional operators is reduced from
three to two, there would be an impact on the multi-dwelling unit
market, according to the Dusseldorf court. In Germany, where the housing
market is based on rentals, housing associations are in a powerful
position when it comes to choosing a broadband provider and in deciding
what technologies to install in their buildings. Most of Liberty
Global's service agreements with housing associations have
multi-year terms, and the stakes are high because many of Germany's
large property conglomerates own thousands of properties. With the KBW
transaction, Liberty Global agreed to grant early termination rights on
certain agreements that they have with the largest housing associations.
The FCC found that about 30 percent of Americans live in
multi-tenant dwellings and there were many exclusive arrangements. Cable
rates were found to be 17 percent lower in markets where wired,
non-satellite competition was present. Seventeen U.S. states restricted
exclusive arrangements via the Attorney General's office or similar
(including New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Florida, and
Pennsylvania). Still, the FCC thought that it should take national
action, and it did so by banning cable companies from entering into
exclusive contracts. (FCC, 2007). However, the FCC later looked at the
topic again in the context of bulk billing arrangements and exclusive
marketing deals and concluded those arrangements are permissible. (FCC,
While the astounding growth of the Internet is reaching a
saturation point in many parts of the world, many consumers in those
regions remain underserved. Here we have proposed a hypothetical,
non-technical scenario in Jakarta where an MDU owner and a local grocery
store have entered into an exclusive arrangement to restrict the ability
of the residents to purchase soda from anyplace other than the Downtown
Store. Even though one can draw distinctions between soda and Internet
services, the hypothetical helps establish how nonsensical the restraint
on trade can be. At a minimum, the hypothetical represents the kind of
restrictions that do, in fact, exist when it comes to the purchase of
broadband in Jakarta and many other places in the world. Many MDUs
around the world regularly enter into exclusive arrangements (many of
which are unwritten agreements) with a single Internet Service Provider,
leaving consumers with no practical availability of choice for
high-speed broadband connections.
How should the global community respond to the exclusivity problem?
First and foremost, all participants in the ecosystem should recognize
that exclusivity is a concern, and the restrictions for access to
Internet service in MDUs that exist today are similar to the kinds of
restrictions that were found impermissible four decades ago in the
public right-of-way. On some level, a policy statement by the
appropriate government agency that type 1 and type 2 exclusivity
arrangements are not allowed might be enough to help change the market.
This lack of competition at the "last few meters" means that
ISPs do not have appropriate incentives to make ongoing investments to
increase service while providing competitive pricing for the services.
Although mobile services may help relieve this problem in the future, we
do not believe that mobile provides a viable alternative to the
high-speed needs that exist in dense urban environments (Reed, 2014).
At the same time, there is an acute need to address what incentives
MDUs can provide to ISPs to invest in their buildings and wire them for
speed. Accordingly, we propose a co-regulatory approach to the problem,
starting with a set of simple principles that could be enforced by a
local regulator. In this sense, we view the proposal as a
"co-regulatory" one since the regulation would only come in if
there is a violation. Our proposal is as follows:
* Transparency in contracting. Any MDU that enters into contracts
of any kind with an ISP (including bulk billing arrangements) should
commit to transparently publishing the agreement and making it available
to any residents in the MDU. This transparency will enable residents to
understand what restrictions there may be on the choices that they have
for broadband before they move into the MDU.
* Transparency in investment and buy-in formula. An ISP (or an MDU)
may invest in the upgrade of internal wiring to provide the Internet to
the residents, and it is reasonable to expect a return on this
investment. We propose that the costs for the wiring be published and
clear, just as they are already on the books of ISPs when they record
and amortize the assets. The investment cost, if public, provides a
basis for the development of reasonable cost-based recovery that could
take the form of a "buy in" from competitors. This proposal
would put MDUs on equal footing with the model that has been proven in
the public right-of-way for the use of poles, conduits, and trenches.
Thus, a new entrant could buy into the installation at any time based on
a cost-recovery model.
* Exclusive arrangements must be limited in time (e.g., one year
with only one renewal). We do not assert that exclusive arrangements
should be prohibited across the board, but we believe that they should
be limited in time to no more than one year in duration with, at most,
one (1) additional one-year option. The principle here is to provide a
limited (but reasonable) incentive to the private sector to invest in
MDUs, but to cap the exclusivity to one year in many cases, and two
years at most. This recommendation of one year (with one renewal) is not
based on any particular formula, but instead it is a proposal to place
some limits on the amount of time that a single provider can exclusively
serve a building.
We believe that the proposal above will help address the problems
with existing buildings, particularly if coupled with a co-regulatory
way to enforce the model--for example, if the government provides a
mechanism for quickly hearing and ruling on controversies. For new
buildings, and for consumer benefit, we have two final recommendations:
* Include duct-sharing and internal infrastructure in permitting
reviews. For the future, new development projects could warrant a
unique, separate set of recommendations. Cities often impose certain
public-minded conditions on developers (minimum parking requirements,
green space, etc.). Plans for new buildings that are being designed and
built today (and in the future) should be built for sharing and to
assume that more than one provider will have access to the conduits and
chases. Also, design requirements that anticipate the interconnection
locations and provide for access to companies to install equipment
should be part of the permit review and approval process for MDUs.
* Government should publish a consumer guide. Most of the
discussion about this topic is technical and users get lost quickly.
Like our Pak Donny example, they don't know where to turn for help.
The government regulatory authority or consumer-protection authority
should publish a brochure that's accessible to users about how they
can exercise choice. The French provide a good example of this (ARCEP,
There are many details that have yet to be defined, but we believe
that these measures could be implemented in a way that provides relief
if there is a breach. Along these lines, we suggest the model in Ecuador
is worth further review and discussion, because it arose from a dynamic
market in Latin America and provides a rule of reason for resolving the
dispute. Under the Ecuadorian rules, if an ISP cannot gain shared use of
resources, the regulation allows the authority to hear the case and
issue a binding decree. This would allow market forces to handle access
arrangements and provide a mechanism to hear and review the matter by a
binding procedure.
Over the next few years, we hope that the discussion will continue
to develop on best practices to adopt, as well as those to avoid, for
the development of broadband and the critical infrastructure for the
Internet. The nuances to the different kinds of models are crucial to
debate among stakeholders.
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Patrick S. Ryan (a*), Breanna Zwart (b), Richard Whitt (c), Marc
Goldburg (d), Vinton G. Cerf (e)
(a) Adjunct Professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder and
Strategy and Operations Principal at Alphabet, Inc.,
(b) Analyst at Alphabet, Inc.,
(c) Corporate Director for Strategic Initiatives on Access at
Alphabet Inc.
(d) Access Technology Principal at Alphabet, Inc.,
(e) Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist at Alphabet Inc.
and known as one of the Fathers of the Internet,