Talent management and teamwork interaction: evidence in large Spanish companies.
Vivas-Lopez, Salvador
Teamwork design should be carefully tackled, since flexible
organizations increasingly rely on all kinds of teams as the axes of
learning processes (i.e., knowledge creation) which are essential for
organizational adaptation and renewal (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995). In a
business world where intangible resources are the most valuable source
of competitive advantage (Teece, 1998) organizations are increasingly
aware of the importance of effectively managing knowledge-based assets.
Intellectual property, corporate image and reputation, innovation
skills, employee commitment and involvement, employee creativity, among
others, constitute examples of intangible assets (intellectual capital)
that rely of effective knowledge management (KM) for their successful
development and optimization.
Whilst the terms 'learning' and 'knowledge' are
obviously an intrinsic part of the concept of 'talent' (Vaiman
and Vance, 2008; Whelan et al., 2010; Whelan and Carcary, 2011), the
literature on talent management (TM) has not been so far robustly
connected to mainstream academic research developments on OL and KM.
Facing this gap as an opportunity, OL and KM challenges stimulate us to
propose TM tackling the above mentioned OL-KM connections (Vivas-Lopez
et al., 2011).
Therefore, TM can crucially help optimize organizational learning
processes. In this sense, it is essential to recognize the strategic
character of TM (Guthridge et al., 2008; Iles et al., 2010; Mellahi and
Collings, 2010; Schuler et al., 2011; Scullion et al., 2010; Vaiman et
al., 2012), especially in the context of the so-called
'knowledge-based economy' (Whelan et al., 2010). Considered by
some authors as a set of human resource management (HRM) 'best
practices' (Tichy et al., 1982), TM extends its scope further since
it crucially links HRM and broader corporate strategy (Guthridge et al.,
2008; Schuler et al., 2011). Certainly, TM tackles the relationship
between talent and strategy, whereby talent is a valuable, scarce and
often hard to imitate resource (Boudreau and Ramstad, 2005; Lewis and
Heckman, 2006).
Notwithstanding the lack of consensus around the way to define TM
and the existence of a broad of variety of approaches to the field (Iles
et al., 2010; Lewis and Heckman, 2006; Preece et al., 2011; Tarique and
Schuler, 2010), we find Collings and Mellahi's (2009: 309)
thoughtful definition as especially useful in the context of our
investigation: '[...] activities and processes that involve the
systematic identification of key positions which differentially
contribute to the organization's sustainable competitive advantage,
the development of a talent pool of high potential and high performing
incumbents to fill these roles, and the development of a differentiated
human resource architecture to facilitate filling these positions with
competent incumbents and to ensure their continued commitment to the
We think that this leads organizations' TM policies to pursue
the ultimate aim of maximizing value created by talent, by means of
organizational learning and improvement processes and also by developing
knowledge assets (Vaiman and Vance, 2008). Successfully enhancing these
dynamics requires the use of different types of organizational resources
which are coordinated in diverse ways depending on the firm's
strategy, its managers' strategic logic and also a number of
firm's internal factors.
The aim of our paper is to study whether certain TM practices
related to teamwork design and dynamics stimulate and develop learning
(i.e., knowledge creation) processes within the organization across the
different ontological levels (individual, group, and
organizational-institutional). A model linking team-design based TM
practices and OL is tested in our sample. Our empirical results
emphasize the distinction between individual/group and institutional
level of learning as the two pillars of knowledge creation processes
(Akehurst et al., 2011). The results also highlight the role of team
autonomy and creativity as crucial factors for successful KM, learning
and talent creation.
The main contribution of this paper stems from a sample of large
Spanish companies. Crucial aspects related to team design and dynamics
are highly relevant for developing successful learning processes which,
eventually, enhance the firm's competitive position. Consequently,
work processes should be redesigned so that greater autonomy and
creative freedom is given to teams.
This paper is structured as follows. After this introduction, the
next section is devoted to deepening into the key concepts that, under
our perspective, link TM, knowledge and learning with teamwork and team
dynamics). The proposed model is presented in the following section, and
the empirical methods and study results are explained in a subsequent
section. The paper is closed with a final section devoted to a brief
discussion and conclusion.
In a globalized business context intangible assets are essential as
drivers for competitiveness (Teece, 1998). An organization's
ability to develop dynamic capabilities is crucial in order to sustain
successful innovation through OL (Vivas-Lopez, 2005; Alegre and Chiva,
2008). Hence, recent contributions to the TM literature (Collings and
Mellahi, 2009; Farndale et al., 2010; Garavan, 2012; Iles et al., 2010;
Mellahi and Collings, 2010; Preece et al., 2011; Scullion et al., 2010)
provide relevant conceptual and operational support for better
understanding the connections among (dynamic) capabilities, KM, OL and
team management issues. However, explicit connections between TM and the
other fields are scarce, and this fact shows an important research gap
that needs to be addressed (Whelan and Carcary, 2011). This
investigation aims at taking some first steps in such endeavor.
If management encourages continuous learning and the acquisition of
new skills and knowledge, the organizational configuration and form of
management will be essential in endowing the organization with more
valuable knowledge assets, in both quality and quantity, than those
possessed by its competitors. In order to do this, firms must be
efficient in developing an organizational environment guidelines and
processes aimed at securing, developing and retaining knowledge and
talent. Policies and practices aimed at securing, developing and
retaining knowledge and talent, labeled above as KM initiatives, are
also core elements of TM (Whelan et al., 2010; Whelan and Carcary,
2011). The exercise of substituting the term 'knowledge' by
'talent' in the above expression would lead to define TM
initiatives as policies and practices aimed at securing, developing and
retaining talent. All in all, in a context whereby talent can be
certainly regarded as the 'human catalyst' for knowledge,
efforts for linking the fields of KM and TM are encouraged.
Certainly, teams are a crucial organizational element that acts as
a nexus between the single individual and the whole organization, so a
constant and on-going flow of comprehensive learning processes can be
enhanced throughout the organization, from individuals, to groups, and
up to the whole organization (Crossan et al., 1999; Bontis et al.,
2002). There are many arguments and examples of situations that help
reinforce the idea that effective teamwork and--more generally--team
management are essential elements to take into account in order to
foster KM and successful OL processes.
It is not just a matter of facing a simplistic 'individual vs.
team based goals' dichotomy, but of tackling the challenge of being
creative enough to find a way to make sound team dynamics a key
component of performance management systems (e.g., by assessing
knowledge sharing perceptions through 360 degree feedback, effective
problem solving thanks to knowledge previously contributed by peers in
databases, formally appraising senior employees through mentoring-based
goals, etc.). All in all, emphasis must be made in the fact that all the
above arguments and examples lead to the same conclusion: the crucial
relevance of team related aspects as a key condition for developing
successful KM and, eventually, enhancing learning processes throughout
the organization.
Hence, explicit and clear TM, with a key emphasis on (re)designing
knowledge-focused (project) teams (e.g., Newell et al., 2006) appear to
be highly desirable to optimize learning across the different
(ontological) learning levels (i.e. individual level, group level and
organizational-institutional level). As a result, and consistent with
the arguments presented in the previous paragraphs, team composition and
dynamics are particularly relevant design variables to be included in TM
(Pan et al., 2007). Regarding team composition, interdisciplinary views,
creativity and systems thinking may be enhanced by a variety of
complementary profiles of team members. Besides, trust among team
members and strong, shared values--whilst allowing for a reasonable
degree of change-enhancing disagreement--are usually considered positive
elements (Argote et al., 2003; Levin and Cross, 2004). As for team
dynamics, it is important that knowledge is effectively shared and
transferred within teams, i.e., team bonding (Newell et al., 2004).
However, the creation of isolated 'thought worlds' (Dougherty,
1992) needs to be avoided by all means. Any team needs to be well
connected with other teams, and knowledge needs to be exchanged between
teams; a collective organizational vision is hence developed, so that
everybody works for the common organizational goals, i.e., team bridging
(Newell et al., 2004).
The aim of our empirical study is to test whether TM
initiatives--within the scope of broader contextual, managerial and
organizational design conditioning factors--related to teamwork design
and dynamics, stimulate and develop learning (i.e., knowledge creation)
processes within the organization across the different ontological
levels (individual, group, and organizational-institutional).
As shown in Figure 1, TM affects the processes of learning. Among
the KM actions that comprise TM, we include in our model those
particularly aimed at dealing with teamwork dynamics, namely team
composition, team bonding and team bridging. Organizational learning is,
then, the basic dependent variable (i.e., the amount of learning and
knowledge creation that occurs in the organization), which is influenced
by the independent variable, namely team-design based TM. In turn, OL is
a construct that integrates the three ontological processes of learning
and knowledge creation in firms: individual-level learning, group-level
learning, and institution-level learning (also referred to as
organizational learning in the literature, but we prefer to reserve such
term for the broader processes that integrate the different levels).
Based on the above ideas, the following hypotheses are formulated:
H1: A positive and significant relationship exists between the
organization's teamwork-design based TM initiatives and
organizational knowledge creation.
H2: A positive and significant relationship exists between talent
and knowledge assets creation at each organizational level and the other
organizational levels.
A. Data Gathering
The population used for this study was taken from the SABI database
and the information therein provided on the population of large firms
located in Spain. This criterion allows for an adequate sample size in
statistical terms. From among the different quantitative criteria that
can be considered in order to classify firms according to size, that of
the fourth directive 78/660/EEC was chosen, in line with subsequent
European Commission recommendations.
The basic data from the study are shown in Table 1 (above) and the
technical datasheet is presented in Table 2 (below). We were not able to
or not allowed to make contact with someone able to adequately answer
the survey in 182 cases. 1283 contacts were eventually established (via
e-mail or by telephone) of which 96 (7.5%) declared that they were
unwilling to collaborate. Therefore, 1187 questionnaires were sent, 1078
via e-mail, which included a link to a webpage created for this purpose,
and 109 where submitted by fax. By the end of the data gathering stage,
167 valid questionnaires had been received (134 via website and another
33 by fax), which implies a reasonable response rate, in this case 14.1%
of the questionnaires sent out.
B. Variables and Data Analysis
In this study several multivariate statistical techniques were
applied. An exploratory factor analysis was used to study the dimension
of the measurement scales, with regard both to learning and to TM; a
cluster analysis was applied in order to segment firms from the sample
according to the level of learning; and a logistical regression model
was used to analyze the influence of organizational design on the
processes of knowledge creation (Hair et al., 1998).
The questionnaire applied included a group of items to evaluate the
processes of learning in the firms of the sample. Another set of items
was used to measure team-design based TM construct. Seven-point Likert
scales were used for measuring all items of both dependent and
independent variables. A sample of items employed to measure the OL
construct is shown in Table 3 below.
The study of the OL construct is carried out through an exploratory
factor analysis. The factors, or dimensions, necessary for representing
the original data are drawn from a technical analysis of the main
components. Those whose associated value was greater than 1 were chosen.
Different rotations were carried out in order to clarify the meaning of
the dimensions. The process ended with a varimax orthogonal rotation.
This implied a considerable reduction of factors with a loss of an
acceptable amount of information. The whole construct was reduced to
just two factors, which explained 61.5% of the variability of the
Once the number of factors was established, the composition of the
loading factors was studied in order to interpret their meaning.
According to these analyses, a name was given to each dimension. The
name and specific contents of the dimension are as follows:
* Dimension 1 (39.2% of the total variance): individual-group
knowledge creation. This includes the aspects that correspond to
learning developed by employees, as individuals and also collectively as
group members.
* Dimension 2 (22.3% of the total variance): institutional
(organizational) knowledge creation. This factor covers all the aspects
related to learning developed throughout in the organization as such and
thus formally institutionalized by management.
This analysis provides a partial acceptance of hypothesis 2,
confirming a positive significant relationship between individual
knowledge creation and knowledge creation in groups (both included in
dimension 1). With regard to dimension 2, which deals with knowledge
creation of an organizational-institutional nature, the statistical
analysis hitherto carried out does not confirm a significant and
positive relationship with the other two organizational levels, without
taking into account the analysis of the influence of the team-design
based TM.
Values given for firms in the sample for each dimension are
measured via the average value from the items that make it up. Table 4
below contains the description of these two new variables. A
segmentation of firms was carried out using these two variables. This
grouping was done using a cluster analysis. The algorithm used for
formulating the groups was the non-hierarchical K-average. This
technique requires a pre-ordained number of clusters or segments. In
this case, we opted for two groups.
Table 5 below shows details of the typologies found. It can be seen
how the first cluster, or segment, composed of 47% of the firms
analyzed, is defined by a less effective knowledge creation, i.e. those
that make up segment 1 are firms where less learning occurs than those
in segment 2. 53% of the firms analyzed make up segment 2.
On the other hand, team-design based TM was assessed through
questionnaire including items assessed through a 7-point Likert scale (see Table 6 below). The study of the dimensions that make up the scale
for TM was also done using an exploratory factorial analysis. Different
rotations were carried out in order to characterize the meaning of the
dimensions. The process ended with a varimax orthogonal rotation.
During the refining process of the model, items with similar factor
loadings were eliminated, in order to avoid interference in the
identification of the resulting dimensions. Five dimensions appeared as
a result of the factor analysis, with a combined explained variance of
67.2% in the variability of the information.
The specific contents of each dimension are as follows:
* Dimension 1 (16.3% of the total variance): Employee participation
in decision making.
* Dimension 2 (14.1% of the total variance): Job specialization within teams.
* Dimension 3 (13.8% of the total variance): Autonomous and
creative team dynamics.
* Dimension 4 (13.2% of the total variance): Socialization within
and across teams.
* Dimension 5 (9.8% of the total variance): Job formalization within teams.
We analyzed the effect of the organization's team-design based
TM using a logistical regression model on the process of learning and
knowledge creation. The dependent variable of the model 'Y' is
the level of learning in firms drawn from the characterization resulting
from the cluster analysis. It is a binary variable with a level of 1
associated with greater levels of learning and 0 for lower levels. The
explanatory variables are the five dimensions that describe TM, and they
are used as the basis for a logistic model (Greene, 2000).
As shown in Table 7 below, autonomous and creative team dynamics is
a predictive factor of learning of an organizational-institutional
nature. The p-value associated with the Wald contrast is less than 0.05.
The value of the associated coefficient is positive, i.e., it has a
positive effect on learning. Hence, it can be stated that the greater
the intensity of the variable autonomous and creative team dynamics, the
more capable the firm will be of creating knowledge. The other
dimensions or variables of organizational design do not predict the
creation of organizational knowledge. The associated p-value is greater
than 0.05 and thus its effect on the variable knowledge creation is not
significant. This outcome also leads to the partial acceptance of the
proposal expressed in hypothesis 1, in the sense that the variable
autonomous and creative team dynamics is the one that enables the
existence of a positive correlation between individual-group knowledge
creation and organizational-institutional knowledge creation.
Therefore, as a key result of our study, we emphasize the
implication that the greater the effort by management to intensify autonomy and creativity of teams, the greater the organization's
capacity to globally enhance learning processes throughout the
organization, and therefore institutionalize, consolidate and distribute
the knowledge that is developed by and among individuals, groups and
Consistent with prior research aimed at identifying
contextual-policy factors that affect learning in organizations (e.g.,
Chiva et al., 2007; Fiol and Lyles, 1985; Goh and Richards, 1997;
Jerez-Gomez et al., 2005), our empirical study reinforces this line of
inquiry by deepening into details related to team dynamics as key
elements of a sound KM strategy. The explicit use of learning-fostering
organizational tools (i.e., TM) in general--and (project) teamwork
design in particular--helps build an adequate context for organizational
knowledge creation. There is a significant relationship between
autonomous and creative team dynamics and individual-team learning
processes, leading to partial acceptance of hypothesis 1. In turn, our
study has also shown that the two key inter-related pillars of OL
processes are individual-group learning and institutional learning,
implying partial acceptance of hypothesis 2. A key conclusion of our
study is that, among our sample of big Spanish firms, the most relevant
team-related design aspects to be taken into account if OL is to be
successful, revolve around building work processes involving teams where
high degrees of autonomy and creativity are fostered.
As for managerial implications, managers are advised to pay great
attention to the extent to which any (project) teams involved in
knowledge-intensive activities are given enough autonomy and are
actively encouraged to be highly creative. We would recommend that team
leaders are people who have the crucial ability to discover 'hidden
talent' among people who may not be in principle identified as
members of the organizational 'talent pool'. Team leaders
should then help realize such potential for the benefit of the team by
means of allowing the team as great levels of autonomy as possible, and
also encouraging creative problem solving and decision making.
These reflections fit well with recent developments on the links
between HRM, KM, leadership, team management and/or project management
(e.g., Newell et al., 2004 and 2006; Pan et al., 2007; Vaiman and Vance,
2008; Whelan et al., 2010), and thus lead to opening up promising
directions for the practice of TM. For instance, it is often said that a
key aim of TM is retaining talent, assuming that talent is
'possessed' by 'talented' individuals and efforts
should be focused on preventing their departure from the organization.
It may be hard sometimes to prevent talented employees from leaving the
organization, so what is really important is that these employees'
talent has been somehow distributed and has become embedded in the teams
and processes with which a departing talented team member was involved
(Calo, 2008).
Regarding research implications, these results are in line with
prior research related to team autonomy and creativity (e.g., Chiva et
al., 2007; Jerez-Gomez et al., 2005a), and also with other studies
mainly related to the aspects that in our conceptual background where
labeled as team composition (Pan et al., 2007) and team bonding (Newell
et al., 2004). However, some questions remain open regarding the low
predictive power of other apparently important factors, such as
organization-wide socialization (Cabrera and Cabrera, 2002; Dougherty,
1992) and, more generally, processes and policies more related to team
bridging (Newell et al., 2004). Further research may help explore and
clarify these (and other) relevant questions. With this purpose, it
seems wise and logical to construe Collings and Mellahi's (2009)
definition of TM (the working definition used in our investigation, see
introduction section) from as comprehensive a perspective as possible,
so it crucially extends its reach so as to fully encompass--given the
appropriate organizational context and goals--inclusive and social
capital views of talent (Iles et al., 2010; Preece and Iles, 2009;
Preece et al., 2011). Hence, the different views on TM need not be
mutually exclusive, but complementary, depending on a huge diversity of
organizational goals and priorities, contexts and contingencies (Baron
and Kreps, 1999) and also idiosyncratic HRM architectures.
This study presents relevant outcomes at an initial stage, showing
some limitations that need to be acknowledged. In this sense, although
the response rate obtained was sufficient for conducting the analyses
planned and obtaining meaningful results, it could be assessed as not
impressive under more demanding requirements for statistical
representatively. Besides, the analysis methods, although appropriate
for testing our hypotheses, were not particularly sophisticated, having
in mind the complexity of potential relationships among the multiple
variables involved. It would be interesting to continue this line of
research in the future with the incorporation of more complex methods
and procedures that would allow overcome some of the current
The surprising results regarding with the low support to some of
the aspects included in both hypotheses, may be good candidates for
in-depth case studies that would help develop more detailed views and
analyses of the organizational dynamics involved (we refer to the weak
links shown between, on the one hand, individual and group learning
level and, on the other, with institutional learning level; and we
emphasize the interesting inquiry opportunities opened up by the
surprisingly low importance that our study attributed to factors such as
team bridging or a strong company-wide corporate's culture).
Definitely, our study may provide interesting initial insights to deepen into these--and other--relevant inquiry challenges through a variety of
(quantitative or qualitative) research methods.
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Salvador Vivas-Lopez
Department of Management, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Table 1
Basic research data
1.465 large firms
Firms with failed contact: 182
Firms contacted: 1.283 (100%)
Firms that were not willing to collaborate: 96 (7.5%)
Questionnaires sent: 1.187 (92.5%)
Firms that answered: 167 (14.1%)
Table 2
Technical datasheet of the empirical study
POPULATION AND FIELD 1.465 Spanish firms with more than 250
OF THE RESEARCH employees and a yearly turnover of more
than 40 million euros
SAMPLE SIZE 167 firms
SAMPLING PROCEDURE Convenience sampling
TYPE OF QUESTIONNAIRE Structured questionnaire, sent to the CEO
(responded by the Head of Quality Control or
similar position in the absence or
unavailability of the CEO).
Table 3
Items used for measuring organizational learning
People in our firm are capable of breaking with old conceptions
in order to see things in a new, different light.
People in our firm attempt to understand the way other colleagues
think and act.
New ideas and approaches to work are continually being tried out.
Employees tend to hoard knowledge as a source of power and are
unwilling to share it with colleagues (reversed scale).
Everyone's point of view is asked for in meetings.
In the firm, there are procedures for gathering proposals from
employees, assessing them, adding them and internally distributing
Table 4
Descriptive statistics of the dimensions used for measuring
organizational learning
Average 4.4898 5.1708
Typical deviation 1.0739 1.2351
Minimum 2.0000 1.3300
Maximum 7.0000 7.0000
25% of firms did not exceed 3.7500 4.3333
50% of firms did not exceed 4.5000 5.3333
75% of firms did not exceed 5.3750 6.0000
Table 5
Description of segments with regard to learning averages
1 2
Individual-group learning (average) 3.71 5.17
Institutional learning (average) 4.21 5.99
Table 6
Items used for measuring teamwork based TM
Team composition
The values and regulations of the organizations are considered
when hiring staff.
Project teams are made up of staff from different specialties.
Employee qualification makes direct supervision unnecessary.
Team bonding
Project teams possess their own collective objectives.
The collective outcomes of work teams are rewarded.
Project teams are self-organizing.
Team bridging
In training programs there are activities aimed at making staff
aware of the organization's values.
Project teams are a source of learning.
Non-managerial employees participate in strategic decisions.
Table 7
Estimation of the parameters of the logistic model
[beta] Wald Degrees
statistic of
Employee participation -0.098 0.450 1
in decision making
Job specialization 0.284 2.130 1
within teams
Autonomous and creative 0.355 6.015 1
team dynamics
Socialization within 0.257 1.687 1
and across teams
Job formalization 0.057 0.146 1
within teams
Constant -3.558 6.969 1
p-value Exp([beta])
Employee participation 0.502 0.906
in decision making
Job specialization 0.144 1.329
within teams
Autonomous and creative 0.014 1.427
team dynamics
Socialization within 0.194 1.293
and across teams
Job formalization 0.702 1.059
within teams
Constant 0.008 0.028