Entrepreneurial beliefs and intentions: a cross-cultural study of university students in seven countries.
Gasse, Yvon ; Tremblay, Maripier
Entrepreneurship has become a priority for several societies. The
capacity of new firms to contribute to economic growth (Achs and
Armington, 2003), jobs (Birch, 1987) and innovation (Reynolds, Storey
and Westhead, 1994) fully justifies the interest they generate. Given
this prioritization, universities are increasingly being called upon to
play a more active role, in particular by providing their students with
education and support that make an entrepreneurial career easier to
undertake. The involvement of universities is all the more important
given that this career avenue is becoming a more common and necessary
choice for students.
Certain studies have focused on the entrepreneurial intentions of
university students (Audet, 2004; Boissin and Emin, 2006; Kolvereid,
1996; Tkachev and Kolvereid, 1999). Filion, L'Heureux,
Kadji-Youlaeu and Bellavance (2002) showed that 58% of Quebec university
students intended to start up a business. Similarly, even though Audet
(2004) found that only 8% of English-speaking Quebec university students
intended to start up a business in the short term, 45% of them estimated
that there was a 75% chance that they would one day run their own
enterprise. These results are consistent with those collected in Russia
and Norway (Kolvereid, 1996; Tkachev and Kolvereid, 1999). However, few
studies have attempted to understand how the students' values,
attitudes and behaviour, that is their entrepreneurial potential, can
predispose them to founding an enterprise, creating their own job or
having the intention to do so.
Several studies have clearly demonstrated that entrepreneurial
behaviour is strongly influenced by people's values, attitudes and
beliefs (Krueger, 1993; Krueger and Brazeal, 1994; Krueger and Carsrud,
1993). More importantly, beliefs are influenced by the national culture
and social context. Nonetheless, even though it might be reasonable to
believe that the microeconomic and cultural environments of some
countries favour entrepreneurial behaviour whereas others discourage it,
further investigation is needed (Arenius and Minniti, 2005).
Accordingly, this paper presents the results of a study undertaken
to better understand and compare the intentions, interests and
prevalence of university students from Canada, Tunisia, France, Romania,
United-Kingdom, Columbia, and Germany. The study also compares these
different groups with regard to their beliefs and perceptions about
entrepreneurship. Not only does this study allow us to draw up a profile
of university students in the seven countries, it also allows us to
study the cultural dimension and its possible impact on the
students' entrepreneurial activity. We will begin by examining the
theoretical context and our conceptual model, which is partially based
on the principles of planned behaviour. We will then explain the
research design and presenting the results. Finally, we will discuss the
conclusions that can be drawn from these results and the limits of the
There are several models and theories that explain the complex
phenomenon of entrepreneurship. This study draws its inspiration from
models described in the scientific literature on the theory of reasoned
action and planned behaviour (Ajzen, 1991); these models attempt to
predict and explain individual behaviour, which in the present case is
business start-up. Accordingly, we will review the main principles of
the models stemming from this area. We will also take a look at the
various studies that have examined student entrepreneurship, then a
brief discussion on the impact of the cultural dimension on
entrepreneurial predispositions.
A. Entrepreneurship as A Decision-making Process
Shapero and Sokol (1982) were among the first authors to use
planned behaviour theory in an entrepreneurial context. Their work gave
rise to numerous studies whose results have pointed to the usefulness of
this theory in understanding business creation (Davidsson, 1995;
Krueger, 1993; Krueger and Brazeal, 1994; Krueger and Carsrud, 1993;
Krueger and Dickson, 1994; Krueger, Reilly and Carsrud, 2000; Reitan,
1996). According to the authors' reasoning, desirability, perceived
feasibility and, consequently, a propensity to start up a business are
based on people's beliefs. For Shapero and Sokol (1982),
entrepreneurial behaviour is necessarily based on a propensity to act.
What is more, this propensity is directly influenced by the perceived
desirability and feasibility of a behaviour, which are both explained by
a person's beliefs and perceptions about the surrounding world
(Boissin and Emin, 2006); these beliefs and perceptions include
perceived opportunity, confidence in one's abilities, fear of
failure, and knowing another entrepreneur (Arenius and Minniti, 2005).
Furthermore, the characteristics (personality traits and demographic
variables) known to be specific to creators (Gasse and D'Amours,
2000) are only thought to influence intentions when they affect these
beliefs and perceptions. More specifically, perceived desirability
refers to how attractive the idea of starting up a business is to people
(Shapero and Sokol, 1982). People are particularly influenced by role
models in their circle of family and friends (Audet, 2004). Likewise,
cultural and social factors directly affect the perceived desirability
of entrepreneurial behaviour (OCDE, 1998); social pressure is
illustrated, for example, by accepted and respected occupational
characteristics. As pointed out by Gasse and Tremblay (2006), intentions
are influenced by the perception that the entrepreneurial behaviour is
not only personally desirable but also socially desirable. In addition
to being desirable, the act of creation must also be reasonably
feasible, or at least be perceived as such. Feasibility refers to the
degree to which people think they can successfully start up a business
(Boissin and Emin, 2006). Feasibility depends, for example, on the
perceived availability of the resources needed to create a business, on
people's skills and on their confidence in their ability to
successfully complete critical tasks in the entrepreneurial process.
Several studies have shown that entrepreneurs possess specific
characteristics (Gasse and D'amours, 2000). However, it has also
been noted that not only can these characteristics vary according to the
type of entrepreneur, but that entrepreneurs' predispositions are
also influenced by the surrounding environment. The decision to start up
a business can be influenced by various factors. The objective of this
comparative study was to verify the role that selected variables played
in our model of the entrepreneurial process of university students. The
other variables in Figure 1 are only presented to provide a general view
of the complexity of the phenomenon.
B. The Influence of Culture on Entrepreneurial Behavior
Several studies have attempted to understand and explain the hows
and whys of new business creation, but few have looked at it from an
intercultural perspective. Two questions in particular require further
exploration: why do certain cultures produce individuals who are more
inclined to be entrepreneurs than others and how do individual and
cultural values affect business creation (Busenitz and Lau, 1996). The
results of a study by Arenius and Minniti (2005) suggest that the
microeconomic environments of some countries favour entrepreneurial
behaviour whereas those of others discourage it. The relation between
entrepreneurial behaviour and cultural and intercultural incentives is
complex and, especially for the latter countries, requires further
investigation. As discussed in the preceding section, the conceptual
model presented in figure 1 supposes that cognitive elements such as
perceptions and beliefs have an impact on people's behaviour. And
given that cognition is influenced by values and social context, culture
therefore becomes an important factor to consider. For Shapero and Sokol
(1982) moreover, business start-up is the result of social and cultural
factors. Following this logic, national cultures, which have an impact
on mental patterns, are considered to be a significant predictor of
behaviour (Adler, Doktor and Redding, 1986). The results of a study by
Uhlaner, Thurik and Hutjes (2002) are in keeping with this idea. These
authors pointed out that in countries in which the culture can be
qualified as postmodern, that is which promotes self-fulfilment and
quality of life, entrepreneurial activity is less strong. This being
true, the authors proposed that measures to stimulate business creation
in these countries put greater emphasis on the intangible benefits of
business creation rather than on the tangible and economic benefits.
Other studies have likewise looked into the relationship between
cultural aspects and entrepreneurial behaviour (Busenitz, Gomez and
Spencer, 2000; Davidson, 1995a; Huisman, 1985; Lee and Peterson, 2000;
McGrath and MacMillan, 1992; Mueller and Thomas, 2000; Tiessen, 1997;
Wennekers, Noorderhaven, Hofstede and Thurik, 2002). Knowing that
perceptions and beliefs influence entrepreneurial intentions and
behaviour, and that national culture can also considerably influence the
latter, we thought it worthwhile to compare the entrepreneurial
intentions, interests and prevalence of university students from seven
different countries. We attempted to better understand how values,
attitudes and behaviour predisposed these students to create a business
or a job or have the intention to do so.
The study was conducted with a questionnaire addressed to
university students from seven countries, namely Canada (more
specifically, the Province of Quebec), Tunisia, France, Romania,
United-Kingdom, Colombia, and Germany. A first data collect was
conducted between February 13 and June 5, 2006. The data from Colombia,
Romania and Germany were collected during summer 2008, fall 2008 and
summer 2009. The total sample comprised 2053 respondents.
A. Questionnaire
As stated above, the goal of this study was not so much to test the
predictive capabilities of our model as to compare the entrepreneurial
intentions of students coming from seven different countries. Moreover,
the questionnaire was designed to shed light on the differences between
these groups regarding beliefs about entrepreneurship and perceptions
about its desirability and feasibility, dimensions which, according to
our model, influence entrepreneurial intentions and behaviour.
Furthermore, we attempted to better understand the students'
profile, particularly concerning characteristics normally associated
with entrepreneurs. A questionnaire on these themes was developed with a
paper and electronic version using Dynaforme2, an on-line tool for
self-validated forms that is in which the results are automatically
compiled. The questionnaires were filled out by the respondents through
e-mail. In some cases, the paper version was given in class. The
questionnaire can be seen at the following address:
http://agora.ulaval.ca/~prbrd/formulaire-potentiel-entrepreneurial. htm.
The questionnaire comprises 16 items that evaluate the various
dimensions of the model. The questionnaire has been translated from
French to English, and then from English to Spanish and German in order
to be completed by Colombian and German students.
The respondents were asked about their intentions to start up a
business. As other authors have already done (Autio, Keeley, Klofsten
and Hesinki, 1997; Gasse, 2003; Reitan, 1996), we verified three aspects
of their intentions, namely short-, medium- and long-term, that is
during their studies, and right after, or long after graduating. In
addition to their intentions, we questioned the respondents about their
entrepreneurial behaviour, inquiring as to whether they had started up
an activity, organization, association or business during their studies,
either in or outside of university. The desirability of entrepreneurship
was assessed by professional aspirations. We asked students in which
environment they hoped to have a career (large firm, SME, public sector,
or non-profit organization). We also asked them if they were ready to
take certain risks to reach a high social or professional status.
Certain questions allowed us to determine the perceived feasibility of
entrepreneurship. For example, the respondents were asked to give their
opinion about what hinders entrepreneurial development. They were also
asked to identify the factors that influenced entrepreneurial
development in the world economy. A few questionnaire items focused on
what the students associated with entrepreneurial spirit. Another
question dealt with the environments in which entrepreneurial spirit can
be developed (large firm, SME, public sector, or non-profit
organization). Moreover, the respondents were asked how well their
academic activities fostered entrepreneurial minding and how effectively
their university courses developed entrepreneurial spirit. Some of the
items dealt specifically with the respondents' personality. The
students had to note, on a scale from 1 to 4, their level of agreement
with certain statements such as: "I am generally creative, full of
ideas and open to change." The students in the sample were also
questioned about such themes as risk, independence, self-sufficiency,
self-confidence and ambition. Finally, they were asked to identify the
motivations that could give them the incentive to create their own
business. Six more questions concerning gender, age, education level,
field of study, professional experience, and presence of entrepreneurs
in the family helped to determine the students' profile.
B. Sample Characteristics
Of the 2053 respondents, 341 came from Canada, 209 from Tunisia,
312 from France, 410 from Romania, 239 from United Kingdom, 102 from
Colombia and 440 from Germany. Most of the respondents were from 21 to
24 years old, with men representing 37.3% to 61.2% of the sample,
depending on the country. For the majority of the subsamples,
respondents were mostly in the business field, whereas the others
studying engineering. Most of the students were enrolled in the
bachelor's program, and the big majority already had some
professional experience. In more than 40% of the cases, a family member
ran his or her own business. The sample presents a few notable
differences depending on the country of study. In particular, a large
majority of the Tunisian and Colombian respondents (88 and 77%) were
between 21 to 24 years old, whereas this category was not as dominant
among the other countries' students. Moreover, the proportion of
students in a bachelor's program was much larger for the Canadian and Colombian students, representing almost all the respondents (98 and
100%), whereas for the French, Tunisians and Romanians, a considerable
proportion was in a master's program (35, 63 and 77%). Furthermore,
the proportion of students who had some professional experience was
slightly smaller among the Tunisian students at 58%, all other countries
showing at least 78.3% of respondents with professional experience.
Finally, a greater proportion of the Canadian, UK and Colombian
respondents had at least one close family member who ran his or her own
business. Slightly more than 50% of the Canadian respondents, 55% of the
UK and 62% of Colombian students were in this situation, as opposed to
29% of the Tunisians and 42% of the French and Germans.
A. Beliefs and Perceptions about Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship can be associated with various notions and beliefs
which vary according to culture and dominant values. Our results
highlight some of the differences in the students' beliefs as a
function of their place of study. One difference that stands out is that
British, Colombian and German students associated entrepreneurial spirit
with business creation elements, whereas Canadian, French, Tunisian and
Romanian students were more likely to associate it with project
development and business management. It also appears that German
students are more likely to consider setting up a Not-for-Profit
Organisation (NPO) as entrepreneurial spirit (19% as opposed to a rate
from 4 to 13% for other countries).
Canadian, British and Colombian students were more likely to
believe that entrepreneurial spirit can be developed in the public
sector. We also observed that Canadian and Colombian, and in a lesser
way, also French and German students, are likely to believe that
non-profit organizations lend to the development of entrepreneurial
spirit. For instance, 86% of the Canadians and 87% of the Colombians,
but also 71% of French and 73% of Germans felt that entrepreneurial
spirit can be developed in non-profit organizations as compared to 38%
for the Tunisian students, 59% for the Romanian students and 63% of the
British students. It is also worth noting that the Tunisian and Romanian
students were much less likely to believe that entrepreneurial spirit
can be developed in large firms, the public sector or non-profit
As concerns beliefs and perceptions about entrepreneurs, Tunisian,
German and British students were significantly more numerous (23%, 21%
and 22%) to consider that entrepreneurs choose action over knowledge
than were their Canadian, French, Romanian and Colombian counterparts
(13%, 12%, 17% and 13%). At 58%, they were also more numerous to
associate entrepreneurs with invention, as opposed to less than 35% for
students from all other countries.
B. Personality Traits and Individual Characteristics
A low percentage of the French, Canadian, Tunisian, Romanian and
German students considered that they were born entrepreneurs, ranging
from 11 to 15%; but more than 25 % of the Colombian students did,
followed by British students with 19% considering themselves as born
entrepreneurs. However, 64% of the Canadian students, 71% of the
Tunisian students, 57% of the French students and 76% of the Colombian
students felt that they were enterprising people. Colombian students and
Canadian students, at 68% and 67%, were also more likely to take on
difficult and ambitious tasks as opposed to 53% for the Tunisian
students and only 36% for the French students. In all countries, at
least half of the students are willing to take risks to achieve social
status; but the proportion of Colombian, Romanian and Canadian students
who do so is larger, with 83%, 76% and 67%.
The German students were more likely to believe themselves to be
creative than were other students, scoring 3.92 on a scale of 4 as
compared to scores between 2.95 and 3.35 for other countries. The German
students appreciated the independence and self-confidence that come from
creating a business more than did the other two groups, scoring 3.84 on
a scale of 4 as compared to mean score between 3.08 and 3.27 for other
C. Perception of Feasibility
As concerns obstacles to entrepreneurship, opinions varied little,
though the German and French were more likely to identify "overly
complex procedures for the creation and management of a business"
as a sizeable obstacle (51% and 44%, as opposed to a rate from 19% to
38% for other countries). The "lack of support and help"
represents an obstacle for 48% of the British students, a percentage
quite higher than other countries. Moreover, unfavourable economic
conditions seemed to represent a larger obstacle for the Tunisian and
German students (37% and 39%) than for the other countries (between 19%
and 25%). We can also see that Colombian students are quite less to
perceive the lack of profitable opportunities as an obstacle to
entrepreneurial development, with only 9%. In contrast, lack of
profitable opportunities is considered as an obstacle for 59% of German
With regard to the factors that influence the development of
entrepreneurship in the world economy, the Canadian, Romanian and German
students accorded more importance than the other groups to people's
personalities (51%, 54% and 60%). Canadian and German students, at 58%
and 64%, accord importance to political conditions and the support
system. As for the Tunisian students, they accorded less importance to
the support system; only 18% compared to 24% to 53% for their
counterparts. Finally, education system appears to be an important
factor for Colombian and German students (57% and 61%).
Whatever their nationality, the respondents generally considered
that certain academic activities (projects, initiatives, job placements,
simulations, etc.) fostered entrepreneurship in the students, the
percentages varying between 79 and 95% for all countries. However, with
regard to the courses taught in their universities, these proportions
decreased considerably, percentages being between 20% and 40%. Colombian
students are the exception with a proportion of 82% of them considering
that the courses developed the entrepreneurial spirit.
D. Perception of Desirability
As for professional aspirations, the Tunisians, Romanians and
Colombians distinguished themselves considerably from their
counterparts, with 77 and 70% hoping to work in a large firm, as opposed
to 61, 52, 45 and 44% respectively for other countries. Moreover, less
than 20% of the Tunisian students and only about 30% of the British and
Romanian students wished to work in a small or medium-sized business,
whereas 65, 62, 47 and 41% of the German, Canadian, French and Colombian
students had this ambition. On the other hand, whereas 33, 27 and 20% of
the German, British and Canadian students were hoping for a career in
the public sector, only 13% of the French students, 9% of the Tunisian
students, 8% of the Colombian students and 5% of the Romanian students
wanted to do the same. Finally, the German and Canadian respondents were
the most attracted to non-profit organizations at 32% and 12% as
compared to 1 to 8% for the British, Colombians, Tunisians, Romanians
and French.
The motivations for creating a business depended on the country of
study. In particular, the Canadian students were more motivated than
other countries' students by the desire to accept a challenge
(54%). Canadian, Colombian and German students are also more motivated
to achieve the personal fulfilment that can come from business creation
(73, 75 and 79%). The motivation with the higher percentage for Tunisian
and Romanian students is "be your own boss".
E. Intentions and Prevalence
Some of the respondents had already created, alongside their
studies, an activity or business, either at university or outside it.
The proportion of students in this situation varied from 16 to 32% for
Canadian, Tunisian and French students; in the Colombian sample,
however, there are about 63% of students that have already created a
business. With the Tunisian students, Colombian students are also the
most inclined to consider entrepreneurship, with respectively 88 and 93%
of them thinking of eventually creating a business, for the most part,
immediately after graduating. The Romanians were next, though most of
them were considering an entrepreneurial career in the long-term.
Intentions to start up a business were somewhat lower among the German,
British and French students. Indeed, the French students expressed the
fewest intentions in the short-, medium- and long-term.
The act of entrepreneurship is stimulated by a combination of
factors relating to individual such as attitudes and perceptions. The
influence of environment on these dimensions is today beyond doubt.
Although the role of environment and context is recognized,
entrepreneurship is often assumed to be a common concept across
cultures. The results presented here shows that countries have
differences in beliefs, attitudes, perceptions that their people,
especially university students, maintain on entrepreneurship and
entrepreneur; they also have differences in their intention to create a
business. This article presents the initial results of a study conducted
to: 1) better understand the entrepreneurial intentions, interests and
prevalence of university students in business and engineering from
Canada, Tunisia, France Romania, United-Kingdom, Colombia and Germany 2)
compare these groups with regard to their beliefs and perceptions about
entrepreneurship; 3) investigate the role played by certain variables in
the entrepreneurial process of university students.
Moreover, the data can provide some insight into the
entrepreneurial profile of each country participating in the study. For
example, France has a less developed business culture, where
entrepreneurial intentions are lower and where students are less likely
to consider themselves born entrepreneurs. In addition, procedures are
perceived as too complex, a brake on development of entrepreneurship.
Romania has a high rate of students who intend to start a business. In
general, students aspire to work either in a large enterprise or SME.
The concept of risk associated with entrepreneurship does not frighten them, and although the education system is perceived as a factor that
may influence the development of entrepreneurship, in the opinion of
students, current courses do not seem to develop entrepreneurship. Like
Romania, Tunisia has a high rate of entrepreneurial intentions, and many
students intent to create a business right after graduation. However,
the entrepreneurial culture seems to be in development; the number of
students with an entrepreneur in their family is lower than in other
countries. The concepts of innovation, new product development and
invention seem also strongly associated with entrepreneurship. The UK
has a more traditional concept of entrepreneurship: strongly linked to
the creation of a business, personal achievement and money. Career in
large firms and the public sector are also more attractive. For
Colombia, perceptions of entrepreneurship are related to a need for
achievement, combined with business creation. This country also shows a
high rate of entrepreneurial activities and intentions. The educational
system and the climate conducive to innovation are considered important
factors of influence. Germany shows the lowest rate of intentions and
entrepreneurial activities. Entrepreneurship is strongly related to
project development, business creation, and profitable opportunities; as
well, complex procedures for the creation and management of a business
seem to be perceived as sizeable obstacles in this country.
Many of the university students polled had thought eventually
creating their own business or being self-employed. The percentage of
students with entrepreneurial intentions was 68%, a somewhat higher rate
than the 57.7% found by Filion et al. (2002) in a sample of Quebec
students, or the 32.5% observed by Gasse and Tremblay (2006). It is
worth noting however that, contrary to Filion et al. (2002) and Gasse
and Tremblay (2006), the intentions in the present study investigated
both business creation and self-employment, and involved, in addition to
the Canadian (Quebec) students, university students from other
countries. The results of the present study point to greater short- and
medium-term intentions than did those of Gasse and Tremblay (2006).
Indeed, the short- and medium-term intentions were 15% and 31% here,
whereas they were 7.9% and 14.8% in the previous study.
Although these results are preliminary, they tend to show that the
university students' intentions towards, beliefs about, and
perceptions of entrepreneurship differed from one country to another;
however, these analyses require further exploration. Likewise, as there
were only 16 items in the questionnaire, the impact and interpretation
of the results remain limited. The study nonetheless opens up some
interesting avenues with regard to both the entrepreneurial profile of
the university students in the seven countries, as well as their
perceptions and beliefs about entrepreneurial activities.
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(1.) This research project has been conducted with the precious
collaboration of Prof. Caty Camion, from the Institut
d'administration des enterprises, Universite de Valenciennes,
France, Prof. Afifa Ghamgui, from the Institut National des sciences et
technologies appliquees, Tunisia, Prof. Rodrigo Varela, from Centro de
Desarrollo del Espiritu Empresarial, Colombia, Prof. Cezar Scarlat, from
University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania, Dr. Dr. Silke Tegtmeier,
from Research Institute of Corporate Development Chair in
Entrepreneurship & Startup Management, Leuphana University
Lueneburg, Germany, and David Gillingham from Kaplan Holborn College,
(2.) http://cours.fsa.ulaval.ca/dynaforme/
(3.) More details, results and tables are available from authors on
Yvon Gasse (a) and Maripier Tremblay (b)
Faculte des sciences de l'administration 2325 Rue de la
Terrasse, 1523- Pavilion Palasis Prince Universite Laval, Quebec, Canada
(a) Yvon.Gasse@fsa.ulaval.ca
(b) Maripier.Tremblay@fsa.ulaval.ca