What is the performance of incubators? The point of view of coached entrepreneurs.
Arlotto, Jacques ; Sahut, Jean-Michel ; Teulon, Frederic 等
Over the last 50 years (1), incubators spread across the whole
world, and for a few years they have been created by a growing number of
economic actors (local collectivities, universities, large companies,
etc.). Their economic models have evolved, their objectives have
diversified, and, with the experiment, a specific profession, business
program manager (a sort of developer guide of start-ups) was born.
Today, incubation is a real profession--Americans call it an industry-
which has its methods, tools, standards, and its professional
structures. However, it remains a young model in permanent evolution.
The economic model of incubators implies finding constantly
external sources of financing because the incomes resulting from the
sale of services to the incubated companies are not enough to ensure
their finance equilibrium (Loss = 0). This is why the majority of
incubators use directly or indirectly public funds. Taking into account
their cost, the stakeholders of incubators, and more particularly the
people who finance them, generally estimate that incubators must
influence, first of all, the survival of incubated firms and the
employment of this kind of enterprise, then consequently, the taxes
collected (local and national). Two points (employment and taxation)
would ensure thus, if the firm is successful with a certain return on
investment for the public investor.
Our research thus aims at determining if the incubators allow the
incubated companies (who they accompany (2) during the first months of
their activity) to be more efficient and perennial than start-ups which
don't use their services.
In order to evaluate the incubators performance in France, we
questioned 404 creators in 40 incubators. We sought to appreciate if the
fact of being installed in an incubator essential in entrepreneurs'
decision to create, to establish the really important services for them,
and finally to evaluate the determinants of the work quality provided by
the incubator team.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
presents a review of the literature on incubator performance. In Section
III, we detail our assumptions of research and methodology, and then we
analyze the results of our empirical study. Section IV concludes and
makes some recommendations on the process of incubation.
A. Definition and the Role of Incubators
There are several definitions of incubators in the literature,
especially in France where researchers try to define the typology of
incubators following their origin and organization (non-profit versus
business incubators), their sector (technology, manufacturing, services,
mixed-use, etc.), their stage of intervention (early stage vs. later
stage), their mode of financing, etc.
In this study, we consider all the forms of incubators and choose
the general definition of Rice and Matthews (1995) as a reference:
"By definition an incubator is a business assistance program that
provides entrepreneurs with appropriate advice and counsel and serves as
a switching center to other people and resources, as needed. Typically,
incubator programs are housed in incubator centers en which companies
can co-locate, rent space and share business services and equipment.
Hence incubators comprise three components: (1) a person who provides
advice/mentoring and access to a resource network, (2) shared services,
which means a company located in the incubator does not have to outlay
funds for a secretary, phone, fax and photocopying machine, access to
the Internet ..., and (3) flexible space, rented on a monthly basis,
that can be expanded or contracted as needed".
Among the factors making it possible to establish a real typology
of the incubators, the organisational structure emerges from the
literature because it determines at the same time the host organization
and its funding sources other than those brought by the incubated firms.
McKinnon and Hayhow (1998) define five categories of organisational
structure: (1) economic development organizations, (2) institutions of
higher education, (3) for-profit entities, (4) not-for-profit entities,
and (5) public private partnerships.
In practice, however, it is scare to observe pure forms because the
incubators seek to diversify their sources of revenue in order to ensure
their stability and longevity. For example, the incubators hosted by
universities in the USA are often financed by private funds. Moreover,
university incubators generally have a technological orientation because
they aim at supporting the transfers of university research to the
economy, in which the projects emanate from the students, the
researchers or the professors. Apart from the universities and
technological parks, there are in fact few technological incubators
throughout the world. Even if the non-profit incubators are most popular
in Europe as well as in the USA, we notice a rise of businesses
incubators supported by large firms which make use of corporate venture
capital as strategic mode of R&D financing.
The success of an incubator depends on the funds which it can
allocate to its business assistance program and thus of the funds that
it can collect because the revenues resulting from the incubated
companies were not generally enough to cover all its costs (Rice and
Matthews; 1995, Campbell et al.; 1989). Moreover, public and private
funds which finance this type of organization strongly vary along time.
It results that a manager of an incubator shares his time between the
incubator program of firms and the search for funds to finance it.
This can lead him to focus on the second task at the expense of the
first and to relax the operating rules in order to increase the paid
rents (by accepting companies which should not be in the incubator, or
by extending the rental duration of firms which should leave the
B. The Measurement of the Incubator Performance
The literature analyzing the impact of incubators on the
development of incubated companies is divided into two ways. The first
approach called "normative" deals with the "best
practices" of incubators (Smilor, 1987) in order to define
recommendations on the improvement of their incubation process (the
quality of management, the services provided to incubated firms and
interactions with the external environment, etc.). It postulates a
priori that incubators improve the performance of the accompanied
But this type of studies is controversial because they are often
strongly influenced by:
--objective: in particular when they have a goal of
exemplification, or justification of the public funds allocated to
--methodology: in fact mainly case studies forget the external
factors which influence the performance of incubated firms, and a lot of
empirical studies use small samples.
Moreover, the recommendations made are often not easily
transposable (Abetti, 2004), which limits the interest of this type of
study. One second approach, called "positivist", then emerged
in order to wonder about the overall process of incubation and the
influence of incubators in the value creation of firms. Thus, the
analysis of this relation and its determinants becomes dominating. In
such a way, more and more researchers are captivated by the questionings
which it brings and by the possibilities of theorization too.
The stakeholders of incubators generally estimate that incubators
must influence, first, the survival of firms and employment, then, in a
second time, the level of taxes collected (local and national). The last
two points (employment and taxation) would ensure that if the
development of incubated firms is successful, there will be a certain
return on investment for public organization which finance incubators.
The academic studies on this field are far from leading to a
consensus and bring to a certain criticism of incubation processes, even
if official reports as those of the European Commission (EC) draw up, on
the contrary, an extremely positive assessment. EC declares in
particular that incubators generated 30 000 to 40 000 employment in
Europe (3). Moreover, the results of these empirical studies depend
largely on the explanatory criteria of performance selected. In
particular, it is necessary to be able to clearly identify the internal
and external criteria explanatory of the incubator performance (Hackett
and Dilts, 2004; Bergek and Norrman, 2008). The internal factors are
those on which incubators can act, while they do not have any influence
on the external criteria. Among the external factors, we count: the type
and characteristics of the project, the human capital, and environment.
For the internal criteria, we found in the literature: the experience of
incubators and its managers, the selection process, the services
provided, and the relational capacities of the incubator staff.
The experience of incubators does not seem to be a factor of
differentiation for the second generation of incubators (created in the
90's) because they well structured their program of accompaniment
contrary to the first generation of incubators (built in the 80's)
which were focused primarily on material services. The diffusion of the
"good practices" of accompaniment also explains this result
(Geenhuizen and Soetanto, 2005).
On the one hand, the selection process has an important role
because the more selective the criteria are, the more the number of
incubated firms will be weak. One could then expect a higher rate of
survival for these companies, but some authors like Aerts et al. (2007)
have shown the opposite. The rate of survival will be higher when the
practices of selection are balanced.
On the other hand, the effect is more direct and important for the
resources and councils provided by incubators. They positively influence
the performance of incubated companies but this influence depends on the
council part of the reciprocal engagement of the two stakeholders; the
managers of the incubator and the entrepreneurs (Studdard, 2004).
Lastly, the relational capacities of the incubator staff is also
determining in the success of incubated firms. They avoid the insulation
of entrepreneurs (Messeghem and Sammut, 2007), and facilitate the
relationship with environment. In particular, the incubator network aims
at facilitating the access to the funding sources.
The perception of the incubator performance depends on the provided
resources and the work quality of the incubator team but it is also
influenced by the personal characteristics of entrepreneurs. We will
thus begin our analysis with the analysis of the impact of the diplomas
on the decision to settle in an incubator as well as the impact of
entrepreneurship formation on the success of a start-up. We will analyze
then the determinants of this performance perceived by entrepreneurs and
its impact on their decision to set up a business.
A. Assumptions and Methodology
1. Impact of Diplomas
In this section, we try to better understand the impact of the
entrepreneur diplomas on their decision to settle in an incubator.
In an entrepreneurial context, the human capital theory postulates
that entrepreneurs, who have more human capital (knowledge and
competences in the field of entrepreneurship) will have more important
chances of success in creations of activities or companies (Davidsson
and Honig, 2003).
The human capital of entrepreneurs breaks up into generic human
capital and specific human capital. In the literature, the generic human
capital which is generally measured by the level of education itself
depends on the number of years of schooling (Gimeno et al., 1997;
Wiklund and Shepherd, 2008) as well as experience. According to this
measurement, the more individuals have a high level of schooling, the
more they would launch out in an entrepreneurial project.
In the literature, the specific human capital also refers to
education and experiment which will be valid in entrepreneurial
activities, but which will have few applications apart from this field
(Becker, 1975; Gimeno et al., 1997). Thus, the more the entrepreneur has
diploma, the more he will not need assistance. Moreover, incubators with
a technological or mixed orientation are more inclined to coach
entrepreneurs with diploma of higher education because of their grid of
We therefore formulate the following three assumptions:
H1: It is more beneficial for a company to be settled in an
incubator when the entrepreneur has a level of secondary studies (rather
than a level of higher education).
H2: Incubators are more inclined to accompany entrepreneurs, who
has diploma of higher education.
H3: It is more beneficial for entrepreneurs with a scientific or
technical education to settle in an incubator.
2. Impact of Entrepreneurship Formations
In this section, we wonder about the impact of the entrepreneurship
formations on the success of the projects. We apprehend the success
through two variables relating to the size; the turnover and the number
of employees, because many firms did not reach yet their break even
point in this phase of incubation.
According to Cooper et al. (1994) and Barringer et al. (2005),
education and experience of entrepreneurs contribute to reach a high
growth. But, it is difficult to dissociate the two variables so much for
they are closely dependent on the human capital of entrepreneurs.
However, some authors, like Davidsson and Honig (2003), showed that
the most important element in terms of human capital is being the tacit
knowledge acquired during a preceding experiment of start up creation.
For Rauch et al. (2005), the education and the experience of
entrepreneurs positively influence the number employees of their firms.
Thus a consensus emerges from the literature. It highlights a
positive relation between the experience of the entrepreneur and the
success of his project, whereas the effect of the entrepreneurship
formations remains unspecified. We formulate the two following
assumptions thus:
H4: The start-ups, where the entrepreneur followed entrepreneurship
formations, have a better economic performance.
H5: The start-ups, where the entrepreneur followed entrepreneurship
formations, have a better social performance.
Lastly, the majority of the studies on the impact of
entrepreneurship formation or training are focused on the intention to
set up a business (Krueger et al., 2000), and not on the success of the
3. Quality of the Teamwork within the Incubator
All incubators provide basic services, which rest on tangible
elements, like the rent of space at a moderate price as well as the
access to telephone and the Internet. The real differences between
incubators are thus at the level of the program of accompaniment, the
delivered consulting services (in particular on the management field)
and the possible contacts with potential investors.
But how are these services perceived by entrepreneurs? Do they get
the same level of satisfaction than the provided material resources? Are
these resources and services determining to settle in an incubator? What
determines the work quality of the incubator staff?
Is the connexion with potential investors crucial for incubated
companies? All these interrogations lead us to formulate the following
H6: The entrepreneur satisfaction, vis-a-vis the incubator in which
they are established, is explained by the material resources and the
services provided.
However, the role of satisfaction must be moderate because, beyond
the delivered quality of service, it depends on the characteristics of
the individuals as well as situation (Jones and Sasser, 1995).
H6a: It is more beneficial for a company to be established within
an incubator when the material resources and the abundant services are
H7: The work quality of the accompaniment team constitutes a main
interest of the entrepreneur vis-a-vis the incubator in which they are
H7a: The work quality of the accompaniment team depends on its
H8: The connexion with potential investors (public or private)
constitutes a main interest of the entrepreneur vis-a-vis the incubator
in which they are established.
Lastly, taking into account the cost of incubators, which are
generally financed by public funds, it is crucial to wonder about their
impact on the performance of the incubated firms. This performance is
measured by their probability of survival and the number of jobs created
firstly, and by taxes collected secondly. Thus, in case of success,
these companies would generate a certain return on investment for public
organizations which finance incubators.
By choosing the criterion of the number of created jobs because it
is easily measurable and controllable, the following assumption thus is
H9: The incubated start-ups have a higher social performance.
4. Data and Methodology
The investigation proceeded between 2003 and 2005 through a
selection of incubators distributed on the whole of the French
territory. Then, we questioned the entrepreneurs of these incubators,
who agreed to take part in this study, either face to face, or by
telephone. Finally, 404 questionnaires could be entirely validated.
This is an extract of the 80 incubators surveyed: APIS development
at Villebon-Courtaboeuf, the incubator of Orsay, the incubator of Evry
"Magellan", Promopole in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Marseilles
Innovation at the scientific park of Gombert Castle, the incubator
"Belle de Mai" in Marseilles, CEEI in Aix-en-Provence, the
incubator at the scientific park of Troyes, I2TC in Ajaccio, PACA Est
incubator in Sophia-Antipolis, CICA in Sophia-Antipolis, the incubators
"Pascalis" and "Pardieu" in Clermont-Ferrand, etc.
B. Results
We will firstly present the results4 about the impact of the
entrepreneur diplomas on his decision to settle his firm in an
incubator, then we will analyse the impact of entrepreneurship
formations and finally the results on the perceived work quality of the
incubator team.
1. Impact of Diplomas
The H1 assumption, which implies that entrepreneurs having a level
of secondary education (rather than a level of higher education) find
more interest to be established in an incubator, is rejected. Indeed,
the proportion of entrepreneurs who have a degree or less (like
self-educated people) which declare that they would have nevertheless
set up a business even if their start-up didn't settle in an
incubator is higher than the proportion of entrepreneurs with a diploma
of higher education. In particular 77% of the holders of a degree
declare that they would nevertheless have created in an unquestionable
way their company against only 48% for the holders of a bachelor and 52%
of the holders of PhD.
This result is not intuitive because we could anticipate that the
least graduate people seek to be more helped in the first stages of
their company. But this statistically significant difference (p <
0.05 for the Student's t-test) can be explained by the nature of
the sample. 66% of the sample relates to incubators having an
orientation in the technological sectors or mixed, and 83% of the
surveyed entrepreneurs are graduates of higher education. For this sort
of entrepreneurs, it is easier for them to integrate an incubator and
important because they generally develop technological projects. This
stage is crucial for the structuring of their project and the beginning
of their activity (or the realization of a prototype) because this type
of project requires important investments. Moreover, the incubator
especially if it has a good reputation (as the technological incubator
of Sophia Antipolis), will increase their capacity to raise funds.
This relationship between the ICT sector and diploma of
entrepreneurs has also been highlighted by INSEE in France (5). They
found that more than 69% of entrepreneurs in the ICT sector have a
diploma of higher education.
This relation is confirmed by the assumption H2. Then, incubators
are more inclined to accompany start-ups when the entrepreneurs hold
diploma of higher education (p < 0.05).
In fact, the technological orientation of the sample incubators
tends to privilege, in the selection process firms managed by
entrepreneurs having a diploma of higher education if it is in the same
application domain than their project. Moreover, according to a study of
the APCE (2006), 40% of the company founders have a level of higher
education and 80% of the accompanied entrepreneurs have a level of
higher education.
On the other hand, there is not more interest for entrepreneurs
which have a scientific or technical training to be established in an
incubator (H3 assumption is rejected). Indeed, the proportion of
entrepreneurs, with a scientific or technical education, which declare
that they would have nevertheless set up a business even if their
start-up didn't settle in an incubator, is quite the same as the
proportion of others entrepreneurs (61% versus 65%; p > 0.05).
2. Impact of Entrepreneurship of Entrepreneurship Formations
Our results show that the turnover carried out by firms where the
entrepreneur has followed one or more entrepreneurship formations is not
significantly higher than the turnover of other start-ups (p > 0.05).
Thus, we reject the H4 assumption, and deduce that these entrepreneurs
do not have a better economic performance.
In the same way, the number of employees of the companies directed
by the entrepreneur who has followed one or more entrepreneurship
formations is not significantly higher. We reject the H5 assumption (p
> 0.05).
In order to better understand the impact of these formations, we
carried out eight semi-directive interviews of entrepreneurs on this
subject. The content analysis consolidates the assumption that the
preceding experiments of creation have an impact much more important
than the formations on the success of the project. This kind of
formations would be more useful to explain the intention to create
specially in universities (Boissin et al., 2009).
3. Quality of the Perceived Work of the Team within the Incubator
The results emphasize that entrepreneurs 'needs are clearly
targeted on the level of the functional services and the infrastructures
(rent a space and meeting rooms, access to telephone and Internet,
For the other services, the results are mitigated because the
projects are in the stage of structuring, and thus their needs are in
constant evolution. Indeed, it is difficult to specify the services that
the incubator has to provide when entrepreneurs cannot define their own
needs. The results show thus that about half of the respondents are in
the doubt, which will incite us to moderate our conclusions.
In general, the entrepreneur's satisfaction vis-a-vis the
incubator in which they are established, is explained at the same time
by the material resources and the services delivered. For the material
resources, the moderate rent and the other free services or at cost
price (like the access to meeting rooms, or Internet, etc) are
dominating. For the services, the management councils and the assistance
to contact potential investors (private or public) are the two
significant variables. The ANOVA carried out is statistically
significant (p < 0.00 for the Fisher's test) even if the
variance explains is a little bit weak 28% (Adjusted R2).
Entrepreneurs, who have a strong interest in the free services or
at cost price, the assistance to contact potential investors and
moderate rent, are significantly more numerous to declare than they
would not have created a company if they had not integrated an incubator
(H6a assumption validated, p < 0.05).
We can thus conclude that the access to resources and services by
incubators is a determinant to set up a business for a lot of
entrepreneurs. In fact, 74% of entrepreneurs came to incubation for the
proposed services.
Even if the material resources are the first factor explaining the
satisfaction of entrepreneurs, the work quality of the accompaniment
team constitutes a main interest of an entrepreneur vis-a-vis the
incubator (the H7 assumption is accepted). Moreover, this work quality
primarily depends on the work quality of the chief (the H7a assumption
is verified). Indeed, the appreciation of the work of the team is a
function of the work of the three categories of employees; which are the
director, the business program managers and the other staff (p<0.05).
In particular, the coefficient of regression is the highest for the
director (0.43), then the other employees (0.31) and finally the
business program managers (0.17). The relative weak figure for business
program managers can be partially explained by the fact why they are not
present in all the incubators.
The importance of the connexion with potential investors with the
help of incubators is confirmed through the H8 assumption which is
validated. Indeed, the proportion of entrepreneurs which affirm that
they would not have created their company if they had not been
accompanied is significantly lower for entrepreneurs interested in
connexion with potential investors: 53% of entrepreneurs say that the
incubator played a big role in this type of connexion (p < 0.05).
Lastly, the tests show that incubated firms have a higher social
performance (H9 assumption validated). This result is in conformity with
the study of the APCE which indicates hat the median number of employees
by company in the early stage is about 0.55 in 2002. The average
observed on our sample for incubated companies is about 1.05.
Our empirical approach made it possible to clarify a certain number
of conclusions concerning French incubators:
* Graduates (having more than one degree) are more likely to seek
help in the first developmental stages of their company. But this result
has to be moderated because it depends on the nature of the projects
developed. Indeed, 66% of the incubators which we questioned have a
technological or mixed orientation. It is thus normal that they attract
graduates of higher education,
* The nature of the diploma (technical or technological versus
others) does not have any importance. This result has to be moderated
because the management team of incubated firms is generally larger and
more diversified than in other firms,
* Entrepreneurship education does not have any impact on the
turnover, nor on the number of employees of the companies whose
entrepreneur followed this type of program. The specificity of our
samples, which represents only one category of entrepreneurs,
* Needs of entrepreneurs vis a vis incubators are clearly targeted
on functional services and infrastructures. For services, the councils
on general management of their firm and the assistance with obtaining
capital (private or public) are two crucial needs for entrepreneurs and
have a strong impact on their incubator satisfaction,
* The access to resources and services through an incubator are
determinant for entrepreneurs in the action of creation,
* The work quality of the incubator team constitutes a main
interest of entrepreneurs vis a vis an incubator. Moreover, the
entrepreneur's satisfaction of the work provided by the whole of
the incubator team is primarily a function of its director. This result
is due to the fact that in the majority of the surveyed incubators,
there is no business program manager and the director also assumes this
* The incubated firms have a higher social performance.
Finally, these results show the social utility of incubators in
France. Indeed, they encourage entrepreneurs to pass to the act of
creation, also contributing to the success of the incubated firms.
Moreover, these companies create more jobs than the other startups.
However, the services provided by incubators could be more developed and
focus more on the assistance in the search for potential investors. For
those entrepreneurs questioned, it is a field in which the incubators
must progress.
Lastly, the work quality of the incubators perceived by
entrepreneurs is largely dependent on their directors. This fact can
explain important variations of performance between incubators.
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(1.) The first incubators were born in the USA, for certain authors
in the Thirties, for others, the first incubator would have been created
in Batavia (State of New York) in 1959. Dinah Adkins "a brief
history of business incubation in the USA".
(2.) We will employ usually the term of "accompaniment"
(or coaching) to make reference to a business assistance program in
(3.) <<Final Report: Benchmarking of Business
Incubators>>, Centre for Strategy and Evaluation Services (Eds.),
(4.) More details, results and tables are available from authors on
(5.) http://www.insee.fr/fr/themes/detail.asp?ref_id=ir-sine2009&page= irweb/sine2009/dd/sine2009_regio_profil.htm#SINE2009_REGIO_PROFIL_ACTIV
Jacques Arlotto (a), Jean-Michel Sahut (b), Frederic Teulon (c)
(a) Associate Professor, Director of the incubator, Audencia
Nantes--Ecole de Management, France jacquesarlotto@gmail.com
(b) Professor, Geneva School of Business Administration,
Switzerland & CEREGE EA 1722, University of Poitiers, France
(c) Director of IPAG Lab, France f.teulon@ipag.fr