Differentiation strategy, performance measurement systems and organizational performance: evidence from Australia.
Spencer, X. Sarah Yang ; Joiner, Therese A. ; Salmon, Suzanne 等
Intense competition in domestic and international markets, more
demanding, assertive customers and rapid advancement of technology (all
primarily fuelled by internationalisation of business) has placed
greater pressure on organizations to seek ways to achieve a sustained
competitive advantage. Within the Australian manufacturing sector, it is
becoming increasingly apparent that firms struggle to compete on a low
cost basis, favouring strategies of differentiation (Terziovski and
Amrik, 2000; Lillis 2002, Baines and Langfield-Smith, 2003). Thus, as
the cost of labour becomes prohibitively high in developed countries
(such as Australia) relative to developing countries, Australian
manufacturing firms tend to seek competitive advantage by producing
products with more valued features, such as product quality, product
flexibility or reliable delivery.
A sustained competitive advantage is not, however, only about
strategic choice. Both the management and accounting literatures have
emphasised the importance of appropriate organizational structures and
systems to support a firm's strategic priority (Porter, 1980; Miles
and Snow, 1978; Bouwens and Abernethy, 2000; Abernethy and Lillis, 2001;
Hoque, 2004). Indeed, successful organizations are those that implement
organization structures and systems that facilitate the achievement of
their strategic choices (Abernethy and Lillis, 2001). Performance
measurement systems (PMS) are increasingly recognised as a vital
component of organization systems that, when aligned with the
firm's strategic priorities, lead to superior organization
performance (Abernethy and Lillis, 2001; Hoque, 2004; Chenhall, 2005;
Gosselin, 2005; Grant, 2007).
Given that empirical evidence on the appropriate design of PMSs is
scant (Chenhall, 2005), we extend prior theory on the performance
implications of PMSs in a number of ways. First, despite current
research that suggests less accounting-centric, non-financial PMSs are
more appropriate for strategies of differentiation, vis a vis financial,
efficiency based measures (e.g., Hoque, 2004), we argue that
non-financial as well as financial measures are critical to the
successful implementation of a differentiation strategy. Second, since
there is no a priori reason to expect that a firm's strategic
choices will, in itself, affect organizational outcomes (Abernethy and
Lillis, 2001), the model developed here explores the mediating role of
PMSs. That is, our model aims to demonstrate that a firms'
strategic choice is associated with organizational performance via
appropriately designed PMSs. Thus, PMSs become a vital component of
effective strategic management. Third, rather than (conventionally)
measuring strategy on a continuum from cost leadership to
differentiation, the instrument adopted here measures the firm's
emphasis on different strategic priorities (Chenhall and
Langfield-Smith, 1998b) which acknowledges that a strategy of
differentiation can be achieved along a number of dimensions (e.g.,
product flexibility, quality and/or customer service). Finally, we
examine PMSs within the context of the Australian manufacturing
environment where there is an urgent imperative to improve the
international competitiveness of this sector.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. In the next
section, the relevant literature is reviewed and hypotheses are
formulated. The research method and variable measurement is presented
followed by an analysis of the results of the questionnaire data.
Finally, we conclude by raising important theoretical and practical
implications in the area of PMS, along with limitations and suggestions
for further study.
This study aims to develop a model to understand the relationships
between strategy, performance measurement systems and organizational
performance. The model tests (1) the direct association between a
firm's strategy and the extent of use of both financial and
non-financial performance measures; (2) the direct association between
the extent of use of financial and non-financial performance measures
and organizational performance; and (3) the indirect path from strategy
to organizational performance through the appropriate use of financial
and non-financial measures.
A. Strategy and Performance Measurement Systems
Strategy is often considered as the means by which a firm achieves
and sustains a competitive advantage over other firms in the industry
(Porter, 1980; 1985). One of the most commonly-used strategic typologies
was developed by Porter (1980; 1985), who identified two generic
strategies: product differentiation and cost leadership. A
differentiation strategy involves the firm creating a product or
service, which is considered unique in some aspect that the customer
values. Cost leadership emphasises low cost relative to competitors.
Porter (1980; 1985) argued that cost leadership and differentiation
strategies are mutually exclusive. However, more recent research has
questioned this idea, recognising that firms may pursue elements of both
types of strategy (see for example, Chenhall and Langfield-Smith,
A number of studies have suggested that many manufacturing firms
view a strategy of differentiation as a more important and distinct
means to achieve competitive advantage than a low cost strategy (De
Meyer et al., 1989; Kotha and Orne, 1989; Miller, 1988; Kotha and
Vadlamani, 1995; Lillis, 2002; Baines and Langfield-Smith, 2003). It is
argued that Porter's generic differentiation strategy has been
further developed into more specific strategies, such as differentiation
by product innovation, customer responsiveness, or marketing and image
management, in responding to the complexity of the environment, while
cost leadership remains focused on price and cost control (Miller, 1986;
Perera et al., 1997; Lillis, 2002). Globalisation has led to more
intense competition among manufacturing firms, with increased customer
demands (Baines and Langfield-Smith, 2003); as such, a differentiation
strategy provides greater scope to produce products with more valued,
desirable features as a means of coping with such demands. In
comparison, concentrating purely on a cost leadership strategy may no
longer be appropriate to accommodate the diverse needs and demands of
contemporary manufacturing organizations (Kotha and Vadlamani, 1995;
Perera et al., 1997). This study, therefore, focuses on the strategy of
differentiation in the manufacturing sector.
It is widely recognised that organization and management systems
are designed to support the business strategy of the firm in order to
achieve competitive advantage (Porter, 1980; Dent, 1990; Simons, 1987,
1990; Miles and Snow, 1978; Kaplan and Norton, 1992; Nanni et al. 1992;
Waterhouse and Svendsen, 1999; Hoque, 2004; Gosselin, 2005).
Concentrating more specifically on PMSs, the management and accounting
literatures suggest that financial, efficiency-based performance
measures are less relevant while non-financial measures are more
relevant for strategies of differentiation (Porter, 1980; Govindarajan,
1988; Abernethy and Lillis, 1995; Ittner and Larker, 1997b; Perera et
al., 1997; Bisbe and Otley, 2004; Hoque, 2004). With a focus on
developing products with unique attributes/features, researchers argue
that financial performance measures are incompatible with the creativity
and innovation necessary for a differentiation strategy (Perera et al.,
1997; Amabile, 1998; Chenhall and Langfield-Smith, 1998b; Hoque, 2004).
Relying on the work of Macintosh (1985), Abernethy and Lillis (1995)
explain that in the absence of process standardisation and the need to
encourage cross-functional co-operation and innovation, PMSs require a
shift from narrowly focussed financial (efficiency) measures to measures
that capture the critical success factors of product differentiation.
These measures are likely to be non-financial and include such measures
as customer service satisfaction, delivery performance, and product
innovation measures.
An emerging stream of literature has argued that traditional
financial accounting information should not be discarded in the context
of differentiation (innovation) type strategies (Bisbe and Otley, 2004;
Chenhall, 2005). Within the context of a balanced PMS, non-financial
performance measures are expected to encourage innovation and creativity
while financial performance measures are expected to "block
innovation excesses and to help ensure that ideas are translated into
effective product innovation and enhanced performance" (Bisbe and
Otley, 2004, p. 710). By placing appropriate boundaries around the
innovation process, financial measures can provide guidance to effective
performance for firms pursuing a differentiation strategy.
The work of Simons (1995, 2000) also suggests that financial
(accounting) measures can facilitate the innovation process when we
consider how these measures are used. While financial measures used in a
diagnostic (monitoring) manner may curb the innovation process,
financial measures used in an interactive (opportunity seeking,
learning) manner may enhance the innovation process fundamental to
differentiation strategies. Although this study does not distinguish
between the mode of use of financial measures, it does lay a theoretical
foundation for understanding the effective use of financial performance
measures in a context of firms pursuing a differentiation strategy.
Finally, the 'revival' of financial performance measures can
be further illustrated by the Balanced Scorecard (Kaplan and Norton,
1992), which incorporates the balanced use of both financial and
non-financial performance measures to communicate strategic intent and
motivate performance against established strategic targets (Ittner and
Larcker, 1998).
Based on the above arguments, firms pursuing a differentiation
strategy are likely to adopt both financial and non-financial
performance measures to provide them with information needed for
different aspects of operations.
H1: There is a direct positive association between a firm's
strategic emphasis on differentiation and the extent of use of financial
and non financial performance measures.
B. Performance Measurement Systems and Organization Performance
Performance measurement systems are designed to provide a set of
mutually reinforcing signals that direct managers' attention to
strategically important areas that translate to organization performance
outcomes (Dixon et al., 1990). Recent theorising on PMSs has an
increasingly strategic focus such that these systems are designed to
provide a way of operationalising strategy into a coherent set of
performance measures (Chenhall, 2005), guiding managers behaviour toward
key organization outcomes. Within this literature (as highlighted in the
previous section) there is increasing recognition of the need to develop
balanced systems (Kaplan and Norton, 1996) that include both financial
and non-financial performance measures.
Previous research, however, has only examined the effects of
financial or non-financial performance measures on an
organization's overall effectiveness (e.g., Abernethy and Lillis,
1995; Perera et al., 1997; Chenhall and Langfield-Smith, 1998b; Baines
and Langfield-Smith, 2003; Hoque, 2004; Bisbe and Otley, 2004). For
example, both Baines and Langfield-Smith (2003) and Hoque (2004) found a
positive association between the use of non-financial performance
measures and overall organization performance. Conversely, Simons (1987)
found support for the different extent of usage of financial controls
between defenders [cost leadership] and prospectors [differentiators],
(see Miles and Snow [1978] for this alternative strategic typology.
However, Simons (1987) also found that high performers from both
strategic groups seemed to use tight controls (i.e., financial,
efficiency-based measures).
As argued above, firms pursuing a differentiation strategic focus
are likely to use both financial and non-financial performance measures,
and therefore, it is important to examine whether financial and
non-financial performance measures are associated with different aspects
of organization performance. It is likely that differentiating firms
will use financial performance measures to evaluate their financial
performance (that is how well they have extracted profits from the
market), and concurrently use non-financial performance measures to
provide additional insight into their non-financial performance (that
is, to measure how well they have created value for their customers). By
monitoring their financial and non-financial measures, differentiating
firms are more likely to achieve sustained competitive advantage in
relation to both financial and non-financial dimensions of organization
performance. Although there is little research that has studied
performance dimensions separately, Ittner and Larcker (1997a) reported
links between the use of non-financial measures and performance with
respect to quality, which reinforces the following hypothesis.
H2: There is a direct positive association between a firm's
extent of use of financial and non financial performance measures and
financial and non-financial organization performance, respectively.
C. Strategy, Performance Measurement Systems and Organizational
Notwithstanding the direct relationships outlined above (strategy
and PMSs, and PMSs and organizational performance), we also hypothesise an indirect path between strategy and organization performance through
the appropriate use of PMSs. That is, we expect that managers working in
firms emphasising a strategy of differentiation will make use of both
financial and non-financial performance measures. In turn, PMSs
characterized by financial and non-financial measures are likely to be
associated with enhanced organization performance because such measures
are less narrowly focussed and enable managers to focus on the dual
components of organization performance, creating value (e.g. innovation,
flexibility) and appropriating value (e.g., profits) (Mizik and
Jacobson, 2003). Thus, we do not expect a direct relationship between
differentiation strategy and organization performance; these two
variables are connected via appropriate use of PMSs, incorporating both
financial and non-financial performance measures. The mediating effect
of PMSs in the relationship between strategy and organization
performance can be expressed as follows:
H3: There is an indirect positive association between a strategic
emphasis on differentiation and organizational performance through the
extent of use of financial and non financial performance measures.
A summary of the model is presented in Figure 1, where the solid
lines represent direct relationships and the dotted line represents an
indirect relationship.
A. Sample Selection
A survey was administered to 200 manufacturing firms selected from
the Business Review Weekly list of Australia's largest companies.
Manufacturing firms were selected because there is evidence that,
particularly in Australia, the manufacturing sector is facing
substantial environmental uncertainty due to intense competition brought
about by globalization. One option for manufacturing firms is to
increasingly differentiate their product offerings to remain
competitive. Since strategies of differentiation are the focus of this
study, the Australian manufacturing sector seems quite apt. Further, the
choice was made to enhance comparability with prior work in this field
where the majority of work undertaken in this stream of research is in
the manufacturing sector. Firms selected were either 'strategic
business units' (divisions of larger corporations) or independent
companies. Each company was initially contacted by telephone to identify
the name of the most suitable person within each business unit, his or
her job title and the business unit's current address. These people
were usually the senior management accountant, financial controller, or
chief executive within a business unit. The questionnaires were mailed
to the appropriate person with an explanatory cover letter and a
reply-paid, self-addressed envelope for the return of the questionnaire.
There were 84 usable responses received from the sample of 200 business
unit managers, or a favourable response rate of 42%.
The sample selected was not a true random sample, as it was drawn
from Australia's largest manufacturing companies. Hence, the
findings of this study should not be interpreted as a generalization to
the overall population of manufacturing companies. Considering size is
usually associated with resources available to implement a range of
performance measures, it is likely that the sample included a greater
proportion of companies employing non-financial performance measures
than the total population of manufacturers (Chenhall and
Langfield-Smith, 1998a; 1998b). Demographic data related to
respondents' organizational position, years of experience,
organization size and industry are detailed in Appendix A.
B. Variable Measurement
Data was collected using a questionnaire to measure variables
specified in the hypotheses: strategic priorities, performance
measurement systems and organizational performance.
1. Strategy
While another similar study (Hoque, 2004) measured strategy on a
continuum from cost leadership to differentiation, this study used
Chenhall and Langfield-Smith's (1998b) strategy instrument, which
measures strategic priorities by using 11 strategy items identified by
Miller et al. (1992). The instrument was chosen because it recognises
that there may be different dimensions of a differentiation strategy.
Although cost leadership is part of the measure, these items were
excluded since this form of strategy was not the focus of this study.
Respondents were asked to indicate the degree of emphasis that their
firms had given to a range of strategic priorities over the past three
years. The Likert-scale ranges from no emphasis (scored one) to high
emphasis (scored seven). A principal components exploratory factor
analysis was undertaken. Oblique rotation was chosen, as it is the most
efficient method when it is believed that the underlying influences are
correlated (Harman, 1967). This method was also used by Chenhall and
Langfield-Smith (1998b) in their factor analysis of this instrument.
As a first step, items with loadings larger than 0.3 were retained.
The analysis generated two factors (See Appendix B). The factors were
named product flexibility (Flexible) for Factor 1 and customer service
(Customer) for Factor 2. These two factors are concerned, primarily,
with aspects of product differentiation and they met acceptable
reliability levels for exploratory research, with Cronbach alphas of
0.74 and 0.76 respectively. This reinforces Miller's (1986)
argument that there are at least two different types of differentiation
strategies: one based on product innovation, design and quality, and the
other based on creating an image through marketing practices.
2. Use of Financial and Non-financial Measures
A modified version of Le Cornu and Luckett's (2000) instrument
was used in this study. Some items were deleted from the original list,
and new items, such as Economic Value Added (EVA), working capital ratio
and product profitability were added to the list. The final measure
contained 37 performance items, and respondents were asked to rate the
extent to which these performance measures have been used by their
business units on a seven-point Likert-scale scored as never used
(scored one) to always used (scored seven).
In order to test the hypotheses in this study, the 37 performance
measures were separated into two categories: financial and non-financial
performance measures. Classification of the measures into financial and
non-financial measures was based on prior classifications by Horngren et
al, (1994, pp. 890-892) and Waterhouse and Svendsen (1999). To be
classified as financial, an item had to be able to be expressed in
monetary terms, and/or be specifically or directly reflective of
financial value rather than customer-focused factors, such as quality
and flexibility. In all, 13 items were classified as financial measures
and 24 items as non-financial measures. The breakdown of items into
financial and non-financial is included in Appendix C. Reliability tests
were also performed to examine reliability of the two sub-scales. The
financial measure sub-scale (Fin) had a Cronbach alpha of 0.76, while
the non-financial sub-scale (Nonfin) had a Cronbach alpha of 0.91,
indicating high reliability.
3. Organizational Performance
Organizational performance was measured using an instrument
developed by Gupta and Govindarajan (1984) and Govindarajan (1988),
which measures organizational performance along multiple dimensions,
rather than on any single dimension. There are two parts to the measure
where SBU managers are asked to rate the degree of importance of each of
the performance dimensions as well as the rate their SBU's
performance on the specified dimensions, using a seven-point Likert
scale with anchors "significantly below average" and
"significantly above average". Thus, in arriving at a measure
for organizational performance, the degree of importance of each
dimension was used as weights, with performance on each item being
weighted by the relative importance of each item. This instrument has
been widely used in prior research (see for example, Govindarajan and
Fisher, 1990; Chenhall and Langfield-Smith, 1998b; Bisby and Otley,
2004; Hoque, 2004), and was developed in the context of strategy
studies. The items comprising this scale were divided into two
subscales, financial organizational performance, and non-financial
organizational performance. The breakdown of items into these categories
is shown in Appendix D.
A. Path Analysis
Ordinary least-squares regression-based path analysis was adopted
to test the hypotheses. This technique allows a dependent variable in
one equation to become an independent variable in another equation, and
it is often employed to test relatively simple relationships (Schumacker
and Lomax, 1996). This technique was used to show the relation between
strategy and PMSs, the relation between PMSs and organizational
performance, and the indirect relation between strategy and
organizational performance via PMSs.
The use of multiple regression requires certain assumptions of the
data, especially in relation to distributional characteristics. Data
screening was conducted to ascertain that the data satisfied the
relevant assumptions for multiple regression. First, no evidence of
multicollinearity was found by considering variance inflation factors
for each variable. Second, data was tested for normality. Using
Mardia's test in AMOS 4, it was found that the data approximately
followed a multivariate normal distribution.
The descriptive statistics and the zero-order correlation
coefficients for all the variables are presented in Tables 1 and 2,
B. Results
Four models have been developed to test the hypotheses in this
study. Models 1 and 2 report regression results for flexible
manufacturing strategy, use of non-financial performance measures and
non-financial organization performance (Model 1); and flexible
manufacturing strategy use of financial performance measures and
financial organization performance (Model 2). Models 3 and 4 report
regression results for customer service manufacturing strategy, use of
non-financial performance measures and non-financial organization
performance (Model 3); and customer service manufacturing strategy use
of financial performance measures and financial organization performance
(Model 4). In each case, the regression results were used to compute the
magnitudes (standardised beta coefficients) of the direct effects in the
path models, and the method described by Sobel (1982) was also used to
test the significance of the mediating effects.
1. Results of Hypotheses 1
Model 1 and Model 2 regressions in Table 3 and Table 5,
respectively, report a positive relation between product flexibility
strategy and use of non-financial performance measures (beta = 0.41, p
< .001) and the use of financial performance measures (beta = 0.22, p
< .05). Further, Models 3 and 4 regressions in Tables 7 and 9,
respectively, show a positive association between customer service
strategy and the use of non-financial (beta = 0.28, p < .01) and
financial performance measures (beta = 0.21, p < .05). These results
support H1 in that SBUs pursuing a strategy of differentiation (whether
via product flexibility or customer service) use PMSs characterised by
both financial and non-financial performance measures.
2. Results of Hypotheses 2
Referring to Models 1 and 3 regression results presented in Tables
3 and 7, respectively, there is a positive association between the use
of non-financial performance measures and non-financial organization
performance in the case of both product flexibility and customer service
differentiation strategy (Model 1: beta = 0.43, p < .001; Model 3:
beta = 0.54, p< .001). Further, Models 2 and 4 results in Tables 5
and 9 show similarly that the use of financial performance measures were
positively associated with financial performance in both strategic cases
(Model 2: beta = 0.40, p < .001; Model 4: beta = 0.34, p < .001).
These set of results support H2 such that the firm's extent of use
of financial and non financial performance measures have a positive
effect on financial and non-financial organizational performance,
respectively. (1)
3. Results of Hypotheses 3
The mediating effect of PMSs in the relation between
differentiation strategy and organizational performance is the substance
of H3. To show support (or otherwise) of H3 we need to present the
decomposition of the direct and indirect effects for each model and also
assess the statistical significance of the indirect effects. First, we
examine the case of product flexibility strategy. Referring to Table 3
for Model 1, we note that there is a direct positive effect between
product flexibility differentiation strategy and non-financial
organization performance (beta = 0.35, p < .001), but also a
significant positive indirect effect between these two variables via the
extent of use of non-financial performance measures (beta = 0.18, p <
.01) [See Table 4]. Although not a fully mediated model, the results
support H3. In addition, Table 5 for Model 2 shows no direct effect
between product flexible differentiation strategy and financial
organization performance, but a significant indirect effect between
these two variables via the extent of use of financial performance
measures (beta = 0.09, p < .05) [See Table 6]. This is a fully
mediated model and provides support for H3. Taking these two results
together it is clear that PMSs characterized by both financial and
non-financial performance measure mediates the relationship between a
flexible differentiation strategy and organization financial and
non-financial performance.
Turning to the customer service strategy by first referring to
Table 7 for Model 3, there is no direct effect between customer service
differentiation strategy and non-financial organization performance, but
there is a significant positive indirect effect between these two
variables via the extent of use of non-financial performance measures
(beta = 0.15, p < .01)[See Table 8]. This is a fully mediated model
that provides support for H3. In addition, referring to Table 9 for
Model 4 the results reveal a direct effect between customer service
differentiation strategy and financial organization performance, and
also a significant indirect effect between these two variables via the
extent of use of financial performance measures (beta = 0.07, p <
.05)[See Table 10]. Although not a fully mediated model, the results
also support H3. Taking these two results together, again, there is
evidence that PMSs characterized by both financial and non-financial
performance measure mediates the relationship between a differentiation
strategy of customer service and organization financial and
non-financial performance.
The purpose of this study was to empirically explore the
relationships between differentiation strategy, performance measurement
systems and organization performance within the manufacturing sector.
Prior research studying the strategy/PMS link has largely assumed that
the effectiveness of differentiation strategies is associated with the
increased use of non-financial performance measures vis a vis financial
performance measures. Our study found empirical support for the
importance of using both non-financial and financial performance
measures for firms pursuing differentiation strategies, such as product
flexibility or customer service focus. The findings, while consistent
with the conventional view that differentiators tend to place a high
emphasis on the use of non-financial measures (Porter, 1980;
Govindarajan and Gupta, 1985; Hoque, 2004), also provide support for the
surprising findings of Simons (1987) that differentiators also use
financial measures. Dent (1990) speculated that perhaps it was the need
to curb excessive risk-taking activities in the innovation process, to
encourage employee learning, and/or, to assist managers in achieving
their financial objectives in less certain, fluid environment, that have
prompted differentiation firms to use financial measures.
Our study also found that firms use both financial and
non-financial performance measures to enhance both financial and
non-financial organizational effectiveness. Non-financial measures are
more actionable and future-oriented, and their use can improve an
organization's capabilities in future planning and strategy
implementation. Financial measures, on the other hand, are direct
reflections of current profitability and operating efficiency, which
function as the 'dashboard' to monitor and continuously
enhance the firm's financial performance (Simons, 1995). Financial
measures can also be used as an indicator for future earning potential,
which publicly-traded firms simply cannot afford to neglect when
reporting to their stakeholders in order to attract more capital and
increase public confidence. In other words, effective PMSs should
provide a map that guides managers' behaviours toward critical
financial and non-financial outcomes, such as, profit, cash flow, new
product development and personnel development. Hence, the findings of
this study support the idea that the use of both financial and
non-financial measures can enhance financial/non-financial
organizational performance.
Our results also develop further insights into the relationship
between strategy and organization performance by exploring the mediating
role of performance measurement systems. Consistent with the work of
Hoque (2004), we found empirical support for an indirect effect between
differentiation strategic priorities and organization performance
through the use of performance measurement systems. However, whereas
Hoque (2004) examined the mediating role of non-financial performance
measures only, our study found support for the mediating role of both
non-financial and financial performance measures in the relationship
between differentiation strategies and organization performance.
Additionally, prior studies usually measure differentiation
generically; however, we tested for two different dimensions of
differentiation (product flexibility and customer service). By analyzing
the two dimensions of differentiation strategy separately, we are able
to show that in some strategic contexts, the use of an appropriately
designed PMS is more important that in other contexts. For example, our
results show that there is no relationship between customer service
differentiation strategy and non-financial organization performance, but
for the use of non-financial performance measures (i.e., it is a fully
mediated model). Similarly, there is no relationship between product
flexibility differentiation strategy and financial organization
performance, but for the use of financial performance measures (again, a
fully mediated model). This example illustrates that by examining
different dimensions of differentiation strategy, the design
specification for PMSs is vitally important for (i) non-financial
organization performance for firms pursuing a customer service
differentiation strategy and for (ii) financial organization performance
for firms pursing a product flexibility differentiation strategy.
Expressed differently, a strategic emphasis on customer service is not,
of itself, related to higher non-financial organization performance;
non-financial organization performance is only affected through the
appropriate design and use of non-financial PMSs. Similarly, a strategic
emphasis on product flexibility is not, of itself, associated with high
financial organization performance; financial organization performance
is only affected through the appropriate design and use of a financial
These findings add to existing knowledge about the use of
performance measurement systems and underscore the importance of
designing more broad-based performance measure systems to include both
financial and non-financial measures. While the performance measurement
instrument used in this study does not equate to the use of a
"balanced" performance measurement system, the results do
indicate that differentiators are deriving performance benefits from
more comprehensive PMSs.
Finally, our study was conducted within the Australian
manufacturing sector where firms face domestic and international
competition in addition to rapid shifts in customer demands. Many
manufacturing firms are realizing that to remain viable, strategies of
differentiation (product flexibility and customer service) may be a more
viable option than strategies based on efficiency and price. Our study
further demonstrates that differentiation strategies, designed with
appropriate PMSs could further enhance the competitive position of
Australian firms.
There are a few limitations in this study worth noting. Although we
designed our study specifically to examine Australian manufacturing
firms, interpreting our results beyond that domain should be done so
with caution. Both the strategy and performance measurement systems
instruments used here are still relatively new in the literature, and
could be refined in future studies. Researchers could further test the
relationship between cost leadership and PMS variables. A limitation
associated with the measurement of PMSs was the focus on the
'use' of the performance measure. It is possible that the
reported lack (or low level) of use could either mean the measures were
not available, or were available, but not found to be useful. Further
research is required to improve this measure. Another limitation is that
the use of self-assessed performance has been criticized due to the
potential for bias, and therefore, the results must be interpreted in
light of this potential bias. Further, there may have been variables
omitted from the model in this study that in fact moderate, or mediate,
the relationship between use of performance measures and organizational
performance. Anecdotal evidence would suggest that not all organizations
experience improved performance through the development of performance
measures, indicating the need for further research, which identifies
potential mediating or moderating variables. Finally, the path model
implies causality. We are unable to assess the possibility of
alternative causal directions among some of the variables. Future
research could consider the use of longitudinal data, or carefully
designed experiments, with causes clearly preceding effects in time, to
enable causal statements to be made. Longitudinal data could also be
useful in helping researchers determine the nature of any
'lags' between changes in the use of non-financial performance
measures, and financial organizational performance.
Despite the above limitations, the results of this study add to the
scant empirical findings that have used mediation approach to test the
relationship between differentiation strategy, the design of performance
measurement systems, and their impact on organizational performance. In
particular the study highlights that in an environment where
manufacturing firms are attempting to find ways to compete successfully
in a globalised world, product differentiation strategies can lead to
improved organizational performance through appropriately designed,
balanced PMSs that include both financial and non-financial measures.
Our findings challenge the traditional notion that non-financial
performance measures are more 'suitable' for differentiation
strategy, and this finding is consistent with the call from other
researchers, such as Chow and Van der Stede (2006). Drawn from
Emerson's 'Blended Value Proposition' (2003), the results
of this study imply that the value of using both financial and
non-financial performance measures is in itself non-divisible, and
indeed a blend of both elements is more appropriate. On this note,
future research could focus on how to optimize the blend rather than
maximize the performance in any single performance dimension, which is
also the essence of the Balanced Score Card. Finally, although
substantial research exists on external reporting for corporate social
responsibility and sustainability development issues, little attention
has been devoted to these issues in the management accounting research
literature. Thus, there is an imperative for researchers to improve PMS
by incorporating performance measures, such as TruEVA (Repetto &
Dias, 2006), into the (internal) management control system model to
investigate how PMS could assist managers in making appropriate
(external) environmental and social responsible decisions. (2)
Appendix A
Sample demographic statistics
Classification Number Percentage
50 60%
Division 31 37%
Others 3 3%
Total Sample 84 100%
Industry Classification Number Percentage
Food and beverages 10 12%
Wood and paper products 3 4%
Chemical products 2 2%
Metal industry 10 12%
Machinery and equipment 5 6%
Textile, printing 1 1%
Non-metallic, minerals 3 4%
General construction 3 4%
Transportation 5 6%
Utilities, telecommunications 3 4%
Wholesale, retail, distribution 22 26%
Financial service 2 2%
Mining 6 7%
Others 9 10%
Total Sample 84 100%
Position of Respondent Number Percentage
Chief accountant / group controller 44 53%
Administrative manager 7 8%
General manager 11 13%
Senior Management Accountant 11 13%
Other 11 13%
Total Sample 84 100%
Size of Organization Number Percentage
No. of Employees
0-200 20 24%
201-500 13 15%
501-1000 10 12%
1001-2500 18 21%
2500 + 23 28%
Total Sample 84 100%
No. of Years in the Current Position 7.3
Appendix B
Factors analysis of Chenhall and Langfield-Smith's
(1998b) strategic priorities scale
Strategies Factors
1 2
S1--Product Flexibility ([alpha] = 0.74)
Provide high quality products * 0.403 -0.345
Provide unique product features 0.674 -0.009
Make changes in design and introduce new 0.891 0.212
products quickly
Make rapid volume and/or product mix changes 0.655 -0.025
Product availability (broad distribution) * 0.454 -0.301
Customize products and services to customers' 0.629 -0.115
S2--Customer Service ([alpha] = 0.76)
Provide fast deliveries 0.016 -0.848
Make dependable delivery promises -0.141 -0.941
Provide effective after-sale service and support 0.315 -0.586
* = items deleted when confirmatory factor analysis
was undertaken
Appendix C
Financial and non-financial performance measures
(based on Le Cornu and Luckett's (2000) instrument)
Respondents were asked to indicate the extent of use of the following
Performance measures.
Financial Measures:
Return on investment
Budget variance analysis
Divisional profit
Working capital ratio
Cash flow return on investment
Shareholder value added measures
Product profitability
Capital expenditure
Customer profitability
Percentage sales from new products
Inventory turnover
Sales revenue
Operating profit
Non-financial Measures:
Customer satisfaction
Customer acquisition
Response time
Technology utilisation
Percentage of market share
Level of brand recognition
Employee training
Employee attitudes
Employee performance (e.g. labour efficiency and productivity)
Team performance
Measures of rework
Measures of scrap
Measures of returns
Measures of defect rates
Ongoing supplier evaluation
Community relations
Environment, health and safety
After-sales service
New product introductions vs competitors
New product innovation
New product lead time/time to market
On-time delivery
Process productivity
Appendix D
Financial and non-financial organizational performance
(based on Gupta and Govindarajan (1984) instrument)
Respondents were asked to indicate the degree of importance of the
following items in evaluating their business unit's performance and
indicate the unit's performance relative to the industry average.
Financial items
Return on investment
Cash flow from operations
Cost control
Non-financial items
Development of new products
Sales volume
Market share
Market developments
Personnel developments
Political-public affairs
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(1.) Additional analyses were undertaken to assess the effect of
the use of non-financial performance measures on financial performance
to test the argument that by paying increased attention to non-financial
performance measures improved financial performance can result. In the
analysis, this path was not significant. This is perhaps because of the
cross-sectional research design's inability, in measuring all
variables at a single point in time, to pick up any 'lags'
between non-financial and financial performance.
(2.) We thank a reviewer for raising this point.
X. Sarah Yang Spencer (a), Therese A. Joiner (b), and Suzanne
Salmon (c)
(a) Department of Accounting, La Trobe University, Bundoora,
Australia, 3086 s.yangspencer@latrobe.edu.au
(b) Department of Management and Marketing, La Trobe University
Bundoora, Australia, 3086 t.joiner@latrobe.edu.au
(c) Department of Accounting, La Trobe University, Bundoora,
Australia, 3086 s.salmon@latrobe.edu.au
Table 1
Descriptive statistics
Variables Mean S.D. Theoretical Range
Min Max
Flexible manufacturing 4.43 1.20 1 7
strategy (Flexible)
Customer service strategy 5.54 1.18 1 7
Financial Measures (Fin) 5.53 0.78 1 7
Non-financial Measures 4.27 1.05 1 7
Financial Effectiveness 31.26 8.73 1 49
Non-financial Effectiveness 22.90 7.32 1 49
Variables Actual Range
Min Max
Flexible manufacturing 1 7
strategy (Flexible)
Customer service strategy 1 7
Financial Measures (Fin) 3.85 7
Non-financial Measures 1.42 6.63
Financial Effectiveness 6 49
Non-financial Effectiveness 3 41.33
Table 2
Correlation matrix for all measured variables
Variables Flexible Customer Nonfin
Flexible 1.00
Customer 0.141 1.00
Nonfin 0.406 ** 0.278 ** 1.00
Fin 0.224 * 0.212 * 0.531 **
Finperf 0.038 0.285 ** 0.293 **
Nonfinperf 0.526 ** 0.276 ** 0.573 **
Variables Fin Finperf Nonfinperf
Fin 1.00
Finperf 0.385 ** 1.00
Nonfinperf 0.441 ** 0.496 ** 1.00
** Significant at .01 level,
* Significant at .05 level
Table 3
Model 1: Regression results for flexibility strategy and
non-financial measures/performance
Dependent Independent Associated Path
variable variables hypothesis coefficient
Nonfin Flexible H1 0.406
Nonfinperf Flexible H3 0.351
Nonfin H2 0.430
Dependent Adjusted
variable t-value p-value [R.sup.2]
Nonfin 4.025 0.000 15.5%
Nonfinperf 3.830 0.000 41.7%
4.695 0.000
Table 4
Model 1: Decomposition of observed correlations
Combination of Observed Direct
variables correlation = effect +
Flexible/Nonfin 0.406 0.406
Flexible/Nonfinperf 0.526 0.351
Nonfin/Nonfinperf 0.573 0.430
Combination of Indirect Spurious
variables effect + effect
Flexible/Nonfin -- --
Flexible/Nonfinperf 0.175 (1) --
Nonfin/Nonfinperf -- 0.143
(1)Significance of indirect effect (t-value = 3.055, p < .01)
Table 5
Model 2: Regression results for flexibility strategy and
financial measures/performance
Dependent Independent Associated Path
variable variables hypothesis coefficient
Fin Flexible H1 0.224
Finperf Flexible H3 -0.050
Fin H2 0.396
Dependent Adjusted
variable t-value p-value [R.sup.2]
Fin 2.080 0.041 4%
Finperf -0.480 0.632 13%
3.767 0.000
Table 6
Model 2: Decomposition of Observed Correlations
Combination of Observed Direct
variables correlation = effect +
Flexible/Fin 0.224 0.224
Flexible/Finperf 0.038 -0.050
Fin/Finperf 0.385 0.396
Combination of Indirect Spurious
variables effect + effect
Flexible/Fin -- --
Flexible/Finperf 0.088 (1) --
Fin/Finperf -- -0.011
(1) Significance of indirect effect
(t-value = 1.82, p < .05)
Table 7
Model 3: Regression results for customer service strategy
and non-financial measures/performance
Dependent Independent Associated Path
variable variables hypothesis coefficient
Nonfin Customer H1 0.278
Nonfinperf Customer H3 0.126
Nonfin H2 0.538
Dependent Adjusted
variable t-value p-value [R.sup.2]
Nonfin 2.623 0.010 6.60%
Nonfinperf 1.346 0.182 32.7%
5.738 0.000
Table 8
Model 3: Decomposition of observed correlations
Combination of Observed Direct
variables correlation = effect +
Customer/Nonfin 0.278 0.278
Customer/Nonfinperf 0.276 0.126
Nonfin/Nonfinperf 0.573 0.538
Combination of Indirect Spurious
variables effect + effect
Customer/Nonfin -- --
Customer/Nonfinperf 0.150 (1) --
Nonfin/Nonfinperf -- 0.035
(1) Significance of indirect effect
(t-value 2.39, p < .01)
Table 9
Model 4: Regression results for customer service strategy
and non-financial measures/performance
Dependent Independent Associated Path
variables hypothesis coefficient
Fin Customer H1 0.212
Finperf Customer H3 0.213
Fin H2 0.339
Dependent Adjusted
t-value p-value [R.sup.2]
Fin 1.967 0.053 3.3%
Finperf 2.081 0.041 17.1%
3.319 0.001
Table 10
Model 4: Decomposition of observed correlations
Combination of Observed Direct
variables correlation = effect +
Customer/Fin 0.212 0.212
Customer/Finperf 0.285 0.213
Fin/Finperf 0.385 0.339
Combination of Indirect Spurious
variables effect + effect
Customer/Fin -- --
Customer/Finperf 0.072 (1) --
Fin/Finperf -- 0.046
(1) Significance of indirect effect
(t-value = 1.69, p < .05)