Measuring transparency of corporate transitional performance in Egypt: a quantitative approach.
Eldomiaty, Tarek Ibrahim
This paper develops a model to quantify the major aspects of the
privatized public enterprise transitional performance. The paper expands
the literature on corporate performance to address the various factors
that should be taken into account for monitoring the performance of the
public enterprises considered for privatization. The paper incorporates
measures adopted from the literature of corporate strategy, corporate
governance, corporate finance, and international business. By using
discriminant analysis, this paper develops a Z model that can be used
for structuring the public enterprise transitional performance in Egypt
as a developing transition economy. The results conclude that
transparency of public enterprise transitional performance is determined
by three dimensions, which are: (1) Measures of alternative corporate
governance structures, (2) Measures of company's competitive
position, and (3) Measures of the risk of financial transformation.
JEL: L33, C30
Keywords: Public enterprise; Privatization; Transitional
performance; Z score model; Egypt
The institutional infrastructure in the developed economies has
provided the literature relatively common measures of corporate
performance. As for the transitional developing countries, the weak
economic infrastructure does not help to adopt certain measures of
corporate performance. In addition, the transition state requires
studying public enterprise performance from many angles. According to a
theory of privatization developed by Boycko et al., (1996), the dominant
motive of privatization is the political control of public enterprise
performance which has resulted in clear inefficiency. The theory
explains public enterprise inefficiency through the politicians'
tendency to obscure the true public enterprise performance through
subsidies to protect their political interests: e.g., votes of the
people whose jobs are in danger. For this reason, there is a need to
monitor public enterprise performance in a stage of transition in order
to assess their true capabilities taking into account that transitional
developing countries lack enough resources that can subsidise public
enterprise inefficiencies (1).
The effective monitoring can come into place through conveying
certain information to the stakeholders whose interests are tied up to
the public enterprises performance. Examples of those stakeholders are
individual shareholders, managers, employees, banks, corporations,
domestic residents and foreigners (World Bank, 1988). The type of
information to be conveyed is another important issue. Transitional
developing countries lack the necessary infrastructure that supports the
efficient market hypothesis (Stiglitz, 1990). The stock prices,
therefore, do not reflect the true value of the public enterprises and
cannot be used as an effective monitoring tool. In this regard, the type
of information conveyed is to help resolving the challenge to economic
analysis of privatisation (Vickers & Yarrow, 1991). In this sense,
the model developed in this paper is to help monitoring and determining
the critical factors of corporate performance that call for privatizing
Privatization has extended the literature on corporate performance
to investigate the effects of changes in corporate capital and ownership
structures on corporate performance. The literature on corporate
performance in the developed countries helped a lot in understanding the
credibility and validity of privatization programs. To that end, the
issue of what determines privatized public enterprise performance in
developing countries arises. Privatization programs in developing
countries have been characterized by certain aspects that are different
from corporate transformation. Many of the developing countries,
particularly those with relatively low per capita income, lack the
strong infrastructure for viable financial resources and competent
managers (Vernon-Wortzel & Wortzel, 1989). Some research has
provided aspects of the performance of the privatized firms using
different performance measures. Megginson et al., (1994) studied the
financial and operating performance of pre- and post privatized firms
from 18 countries (12 industrialized and 6 developing) for the period
1961-1990. Their results showed strong evidence that post privatization
firms' performance is characterized by increases in profitability,
real sales, investment spending, operating efficiency, dividends
payments, employment levels and low debt ratios. Their sample firms
included a small number of firms headquartered in developing countries,
which may call for concluding that generalizing their results is not
valid enough. Galal et al., (1994) used an economic measure (welfare
gains or losses) to evaluate the performance of 12 firms operating in
relatively non-competitive markets in four countries: Chile, Malaysia,
Mexico, and the UK. They reported positive net welfare gains in 11 of
the 12 firms. Nevertheless, any generalizations out of their small
sample can lead to invalid research results in other developing
countries. Boubakri & Cosset (1998) studied the financial and
operating performance of larger sample set that comprised 79 firms
headquartered in 21 developing countries that experienced full or
partial privatization during the period 1980-1992. Their results show
significant increases in the ratios of profitability, operating
efficiency, capital investment spending, output, employment level and
dividends. In a more general approach, Perotti (1995) introduced a model
that uses the government orientation and commitment as a proxy measure
to signal the credibility of privatization programs. The model predicts
that, in a sale plan involving several firms, a government committed to
not interfering with privatized firms will distribute these sales over
time to establish policy credibility and thus receive a better price for
its shares. This is consistent with the available evidence on
privatization programs in some European countries. Both the Hungarian
and the British data suggest a clear tendency to retain large stakes in
individual companies for a few years. It is obvious that Perotti's
results on the macro level encourage exploring the effects of government
support on the micro level, i.e., the effects of government financing on
privatized public enterprise performance. This really helps in the case
of transitional developing countries where investors are concerned with
the extent of government interference. Nevertheless, there is a general
scarcity in developing countries' research that explores and
utilizes quantitative models to structure some of the dominant factors
of corporate transitional performance. Therefore, the approach of this
paper takes a new research rout through which a statistical model is
built to show the relevant information to be conveyed to the
stakeholders in the Egyptian textile industry.
The remaining paper is organized as follows. The next section
presents the theoretical framework for developing wider measures of
public enterprise performance. This section provides multi perspectives
measures cited in the literature of corporate finance, corporate
strategy, corporate governance, and international business. The data,
the research variables, and method used for analyzing the data are
described next. The section that follows discusses the results of the
study. Finally, the last section concludes.
There is a wide range of research that criticizes certain
capitalist-based measures of corporate performance. These critics such
as short-termism, managerial opportunism, stock market myopia, fluid
capital and impatient capital (Hayes & Abernathy, 1980; Jacobs,
1991; Bhide, 1994; Laverty, 1996; Narayanan, 1985; Stein, 1989).
Therefore, the capitalist-based measures may not work out quite well in
transitional countries taking into account the uncertainty that
characterizes transitional developing countries and the different
cultures and commercial practices. This has very important implications
for initiating privatization programs in developing countries. An
important discerning feature of the transitional process in developing
countries is the lack of monitoring mechanisms that help to foresee the
most adaptable path of privatization, which promotes sound public
enterprise economic efficiency. Companies in transitional developing
countries should be monitored on the basis of their ability to reflect a
strategic adaptable and sustainable performance. Considering that there
is a wide range of aspects of corporate strategic performance, the ones
that should be adopted are to reflect the basic elements of the
transitional performance. The measurement of corporate performance has
been examined in different scopes in the literature of finance,
strategic management and international business. There is a little
agreement on how strategic performance should be measured (Cameron &
Whetten, 1983). This provides an opportunity to bring some ratios
altogether from more than one literature to outline broader course of
measures of company performance that can be used in the case of
developing countries in transition. This is shown in figure 1.
Monitoring firm's strategy requires measures that can capture
its potentials in the future. Empirical evidence suggests that
conventional referents of performance, whether they are measures of
profitability or financial market measures like the 'Market-Book
ratio,' are unsatisfactory discriminants of 'excellence.'
For example, Chakravarthy (1986) has applied profitability ratios as
measures of strategic performance and found that none of those ratios
are capable of distinguishing between 'excellent' firms and
'non-excellent' ones. Chakravarthy concluded that financial
and stock market measures of performance have at least three major
limitations: (1) they assume that a single performance criterion can
assess 'excellence', (2) they focus only on outcomes to the
exclusion of transformation processes within the firm, and (3) they
ignore the claims of other stakeholders besides the stockholders. As for
the M-B ratio, it is not possible to give credible and sustainable
results in the case of the public enterprise in transitional developing
countries. The reason is that the stock markets in these countries are
not efficient enough to reflect a true market value (2). In sum,
financial ratios (or broadly financial analysis) reflect only the
ultimate financial profile of a company rather than the links between
and among the company's various activities. In addition, from a
corporate strategy point of view, we should focus on the other company
activities to find out the important cornerstones that eventually lead
to financial outcomes (Walluran, 1995).
However, there is an agreement to use number of financial ratios
that show company's aggregate financial profile, such as ROCE (Return On Capital Employed), Profit Margin, and Asset Turn (Eilon,
1988; Weston & Brigham, 1993). Buzzell, et al., (1975) state that
company's market share position is widely believed to be a
determinant of profitability, thus would be a meaningful indicator of
performance. Van Home & Wachowicz (1995) provide a model of
'Sustainable Growth Rate,' which is used for financial
planning. Company's financial autonomy is measured by a number of
proxy measures of financial transformation such as market-oriented
financial discipline and transparency in financial relations (Ayub &
Hegstad, 1987). In addition, some inventory and capacity
utilization-related measures are used to monitor the functional aspects
of an industry and/or a company (McTigue, 1993).
The literature on corporate strategy provides variety of measures
that explore and examine company's business strategies.
Chakravarthy (1986) and McGuire & Schneeweis (1983) suggest number
of measures to monitor company's transformation process.
Nevertheless, it should be noted that Chakravarthy has ignored measures
that are related to "market position" and "growth in
sales and market share" because they are not readily available for
all businesses. Lev (1992) suggests corporate information disclosure
strategy that helps deterring political and regulatory intervention and,
at the same time, avoids misperceptions by non-investors stakeholders.
Venkatraman & Ramanujam (1986), Taffler (1982, 1984) and Prahalad
(1993) combined insights from the literature of finance and corporate
strategy by using the ratio of corporate value added/average total
assets as a measure of corporate financial performance.
Other research focuses on the financial phase of the governance
process that shows the effects of corporate financial structures and
decisions on managers reaction and, eventually, on corporate performance
(Williamson, 1988). As most of the Anglo-Saxon corporate governance
mechanisms are not viable to transitional developing countries, the
author focuses on the basic governance structures that emphasize on the
relative importance of governmental, banking and foreign financing
(Triantis & Daniels, 1995; Carney, 1997; Borish, et al., 1995; Kim,
1995; Kaplan, 1997; Macey & Miller, 1995; Phelps, et al., 1993).
Hoskisson & Turk, (1990), Grier & Zychowicz (1994), Aoki
& Kim (1995) and Pannier (1996) combine the literature of corporate
governance and corporate strategy to provide proxy measures of
alternative modes of corporate governance. In terms of international
business systems, these measures are very useful for transitional
developing countries taking into account that the process of transition
itself involves examining alternative modes of governance so as to adopt
what is (are) relevant to each country according to the country-specific
characteristics of its economic, political and social institutions.
The literature on international business provides some measures of
the process of internationalization that are helpful in the cases of
developing countries in transition (Aggarwal & Agmon, 1990;
Sullivan, 1994; Ramaswamy & Kroeck, 1996; Ietto-Gillies, 1998). In
general, these measures focus on the role of exports as a stage of
country and/or company internationalization process. Porter (1985)
provides measures of company's competitiveness that incorporate
insights from the literature of finance, corporate strategy and
international business to highlight some aspects of a company's
competitiveness. Finally, a standardized measure of risk is included in
this study as a measure of risk (Van Home & Wachowicz, 1995).
The literature on the measurement of public enterprise quantitative
transitional performance quantitatively is relatively new. The ratios
that can be developed from the literature mentioned above are very
helpful for providing a variety of first-order ratios that can help
examine and monitor public enterprise transitional performance in
developing countries. Accordingly, numbers of meaningful ratios are used
to build a Z-Score model for monitoring public enterprise transitional
performance in the textile sector in Egypt.
A. Data
The data used in this study cover the period 1992-1997. The data
was collected from many sources. First, companies' annual reports
and financial statements. Second, companies' performance reports
held by many governmental authorities in Egypt including the Ministry of
Industry, the Public Sector Authority, Information and Decision Support
Center (IDSC) and the annual reports of the Textile Industry held by the
three Holding Companies to which the thirty-one textile companies (the
population of the study) report to.
B. Research Variables
The literature of finance, corporate strategy, corporate
governance, and international business include number of ratios that are
useful in monitoring transitional public enterprise performance.
Thirty-one ratios are emphasized upon in the literature and are
considered appropriate to the nature of the study. To address the issue
of multicollinearity, a correlation analysis is carried out. As a
result, seven ratios were excluded, as their coefficients of correlation
are very high.
C. Data Normality
To test for the normality of the data, a Chi-square test was
carried out to each of the variables. The results show that only two
variables out of the twenty-four variables are not normally distributed.
This means that 91.67% of the data is normally distributed.
D. Discriminant Validity
To test for the discriminant validity and to address the
dimensionality of the twenty-four ratios that are basically drawn from
various literature, a multivariate technique which is the Principal
Component Analysis (PCA-varimax rotated) was carried out (Podsakoff,
& Organ, 1986; Hair, et al., 1995; Manly, 1998). (3) The results of
the PCA analysis in Table 1 show that the dimensionality of the
twenty-four variables could be reduced to eight dimensions. That is, the
variables are loaded on eight factors that describe eight aspects of
companies' transitional performance. The eight factors accounted
for 77.6 per cent of the explained variance.
E. Content and Construct Validity
As for the content validity, the variables used in this study are
considered an adequate coverage of the important content as long as they
are drawn from relevant literature that adequately provides
multi-dimensional perspectives for measuring public enterprise
performance (Nunnally, 1978). In addition, these variables provide an
adequate evidence of construct validity as they have been empirically
examined in many related studies in the literature of finance, corporate
strategy, corporate governance and international business.
F. Dimensionality of the Variables
The PCA analysis shows that each factor includes various variables
that emphasize on more than one dimension of public enterprise
transitional performance at a time. These factors can be readily
interpreted as shown in Table 2.
A. Discriminate Function Analysis
In the field of business, the discriminate analysis has initially
been utilized by Altman, (1968), and Altman & Fleur, (198 1). (5)
The discriminate analysis technique has the advantage of considering an
entire profile of characteristics common to the relevant observations
(i.e., companies) as well as the interaction of these characteristics.
The linear discriminate analysis has also the advantage of yielding a
model with a relatively small number of selected measurements, which has
the potential of conveying a great deal of information. It is sometimes
useful to be able to determine functions of the variables [X.sub.1],
[X.sub.2], ..., [X.sub.P] that in some sense separate the m groups as
well as possible. The simplest approach involves taking a linear
combination of the X variables in such a way that Z reflects group
differences as much as possible. (6)
Z = [a.sub.1][X.sub.1] + [a.sub.2][X.sub.2] + ... +
[a.sub.P][X.sub.P] (1)
One way to choose the discriminant coefficients [a.sub.1],
[a.sub.2] ,..., [a.sub.P] in the index is to maximize the F ratio for a
one-way analysis of variance. As this paper is concerned with only two
groups (privatized companies and not-yet-privatized companies) the
resulted Z function is only one function (i.e., one-dimension analysis).
When the discriminant coefficients are applied to the actual ratio, a
basis for classification into one of the mutually exclusive groupings
A. The Z-Score Model
Thirty-one cases were used to develop the Z index (Z model) that
discriminates between the two groups (privatized companies and
companies). Using a stepwise selection algorithm, it was determined
that four variables were significant predictors of grouping. The
discriminating function with p-value < 0.05 is statistically
significant at the 95% confidence level. The discriminating function
with its standardized coefficients is as follows.
Z = 1.07[X.sub.1] + 1.24 [X.sub.2] + 0.76 [X.sub.3]-0.63 [X.sub.4]
where Z = Overall score
[X.sub.1] = Governmental Finance/Total Finance
[X.sub.2] = Banking Finance/Total Finance
[X.sub.3] = Cost of Capital
[X.sub.4]= Standardized measure of risk
As the two groups are not in equal size, the model can be used
operationally by taking into account the prior probability estimates of
each group (Taffler, 1982, 1984). The prior probability ratio is an
estimate of the proportion of companies with a ratios profile more
similar to that of group 1 (the privatized companies) and a ratios
profile more similar to that of group 2 (the not-yet-privatized
companies). The estimated prior probability ratios are 0.23 for group 1
and 0.77 for group 2, resulting in a cut-off point of -1.21 on the
Z-Scale. Table 3 shows the model's accuracy of classification,
which is tested using Lachenbruch Holdout Test (jack-knife test),
reaching a high degree of accurate classification amounts to 93.55% of
grouped cases correctly classified.
B. Relative Contribution of the Model's Discriminatory Power
Since the actual variable measurement units are not all comparable
to each other, simple observation of the discriminant coefficient is
misleading. Therefore, the final four-variables profile is to show the
relative contribution of each variable to the total discriminating power
of the Z-Score model and the interaction between them as well. (7)
Table 4 shows that the ratio of Banking Finance/Total Finance
accounts for proportionally high percentage of the total discriminatory
power of the model. The next important variables are the ratio of
Governmental Finance/Total Finance, the company's Cost of Capital
and the Standardized measure of risk respectively.
A. Public Enterprise Transitional-Specific Performance
The model developed in this paper adds an additional scope to the
development and usage of these models by the inclusion of a substantial
number of public enterprise transitional-specific ratios. These ratios
emphasize on very important dimensions to transitional developing
countries that enhance the credibility and validity of corporate
strategies. That is, the resulted model illustrates the
multi-dimensional public enterprise transitional performance, which is
measured using both financial and strategic-related ratios. This is
shown in Figure 3. The final outcomes of the transitional-based Z-model
are to be viewed as strategies that need a major concern on the part of
corporate top management in Egypt.
B. Alternative Corporate Governance Structures
Table 4 shows that the first dimension emphasizes on the
conventional alternative corporate governance structures, which are
banking governance and government governance. This dimension is
considered a matter of reality in the transitional countries where
companies' financial structures combine both types of
financing-source-based governance. Considering that markets in
transitional developing countries are imperfect, the use of the Z-Score
model for monitoring public enterprise performance can help reducing
monitoring costs and information costs. This can help, inter alia, to
bring about good governance by public enterprise constituencies who are
interested in public enterprise reform.
C. Inputs of Company's Competitive Position
As for the second dimension, factor 5 in Table 1 indicates some of
the well-known inputs to build a competitive position, which are
firm's cost of capital and growth in total investment in production
facilities. This means that the lower the first variable and the higher
the second one, the higher the competitive position of a company that is
getting ready to go and compete publicly. The model incorporates the
enterprise cost of capital as a monitoring tool of its relative
competitive position.
D. Risk of Financial Transformation
As for the last dimension, factor 1 in Table 1 shows that the
ratios of foreign component in a company's portfolio, standardized
measure of risk and foreign debt/total finance are the most important
variables for monitoring the viability of financial transformation. This
encourages firms' management to take into account the fact that
when the degree of risk is considerable, privatization is hard to be
viewed as a matter of capital transfer or capital restructuring.
Moreover, when the risk is high, managers will not be able to disclose
the potentials of public enterprise transformation, thus the
privatization process is expected to be very slow. Bruijn (2002) argues
that the risk factor associated with performance measurement is
considered a determining factor of public sector performance. This
result is important to the transitional developing countries as the
recent crises in the emerging markets in East Asia should encourage
firms' management in developing countries to establish
well-adaptable strategies that can reduce the degree of risk associated
with the process of transition (Peng & Heath, 1996). Through
focusing on major cornerstones in public enterprise transitional
performance, which are revealed by the Z model, the variance of
uncertain events can be decreased or less likely to escalate. In this
sense, the quality of information about the privatization process can be
This paper can be considered as an extension to the literature that
incorporates the international, corporate and business research levels
(Dess, et al., 1995). The Z model is built using variety of measures
that demonstrate the financial, operational, and competitive phases of a
public enterprise performance. In general, the monitoring function of
the Z model enables outsiders to monitor corporate transitional
performance in transitional economies (Pannier, 1996; Lieberman, et al.,
1997; Guislain, 1997). (8) The model developed in this paper can then be
used conveniently for monitoring the transitional performance of a
public enterprise (PE) in Egypt. In addition, the resulted ratios in the
Z model can help developing strategies that enhance public enterprise
long-term capabilities in Egypt. This is to do with the criticism of
looking at stock prices as a criterion and indicator of public
enterprise performance in capital markets. Stock prices have been
described as the cause of 'short-termisim' (Jacobs, 1991;
Laverty 1996).
International and/or national investors who are willing to do
business in Egypt can use these indicators as a guide to their
investments in the Egyptian public enterprises. In this sense, the Z
model can help promoting well-guided reform process and, eventually,
motivating owners to participate in that process as actively as possible
(Gray, 1996). Although the Z-Score model does not capture the
qualitative or behavioral aspects of the privatization process, the
components of the model must be regarded as the "first-order
ratios" for monitoring the Egyptian public enterprise easily-
observable and easily-measurable quantitative performance, rather than
hard-to-measure qualitative performance. Further research can be carried
out in other transitional developing countries to build Z-Score models
that can be used to monitor the degree of convergence between and among
those countries and between them and other Asian countries that have
already emerged.
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Financial Management. Ninth Edition, Prentice-Hall International
Venkatraman, N. & V. Ramanujam, 1986, "Measurement of
Business Performance in Strategy Research: A comparison of
Approaches", Academy of Management Review, Vol 11 No 4, pp.
Vernon-Wortzel, Heidi and Lawrence H. Wortzel, 1989,
"Privatization: Not the Only Answer", World Development, Vol
17, pp. 633-641.
Vickers, J and G. Yarow, 1991, "Economic Perspectives on
Privatization", Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol 5 No 2, pp.
Weston, J. Fred & Eugene F. Brigham, 1993, Essentials of
Managerial Finance. Tenth Edition, The Dryden Press.
Williamson, O. E., 1988, "Corporate Finance and Corporate
Governance", The Journal of Finance, Vol 43 No 3, pp. 567-591.
World Bank, 1988, "Techniques of Privatization of State-owned
Enterprises", Technical Papers, 88, 89 and 90. Washington DC.
(1.) The lack of subsidies as one reason for privatization is not
limited to the developing countries in transition. Many developed
countries have witnessed a lot of state enterprise inefficiencies.
Donahue (1989) provides evidence of significantly higher cost of public
relative to private provision of municipal services in the U.S. Mueller
(1989) and Vining & Boardman (1992) surveys dozens of studies of
public and private firms around the world, most of which show that
private firms are more efficient. Megginson et al., (1994) showed that
firms efficiency improves after privatization.
(2.) In addition, this ratio is not entirely free from accounting
manipulations that the book value of a firm can be distorted.
(3.) The decision to include a variable in a factor was based on
factor loadings greater than 0.50 and all factors whose eigenvalue was
greater than one were retained in the factor solution. (Tabachnick &
Fidell, 1989; Hair, et al., 1995).
(4.) The results in Table 1 show acceptable Alpha coefficients for
each factor (Churchill, 1979; Nunnally, 1978). Although three of the
coefficients, ranging from 0.510 to 0.546, may be relatively low, they
are acceptable considering that: (1) the combination of the variables
used in this study is new, (2) the research instrument, Z-Score model in
the field of international business in developing countries in
transition studies is new, and (3) the relatively high volatility in the
business environment in developing countries in transition affect the
available data with some degree of noise or irregularity.
(5.) There are a lot of Z models that are used in the discriminant
analysis. Most of these models are derived for the evaluation of company
solvency. In the literature of finance, interests in this model, and the
methodology itself, have continued in the work of Wilcox (1971),
Edmister (1972), Deakin (1972), Blum (1974), Sinkey (1975), Taffler
(1978, 1982, 1983, 1984) and Sudarsanam (1981).
(6.) Groups can be well separated using Z if the mean value changes
considerably from group to group, with the values within a group being
fairly constant. Hence a suitable function for separating the groups can
be defined as the linear combination for which the F ratio is as large
as possible. When this approach is used, it turns out that it may be
possible to determine several linear combinations for separating groups.
In general, the number available is the smaller of [sub.p] and m-1. This
is one of the advantages of the linear discriminant analysis. That is,
the reduction of the analysis space dimensionality, i.e., from the
number of different independent variables X to m-1 dimension (s).
(7.) The common approach used to assess the relative contribution
is based on measuring the proportion of the Mahalanobis
[D.sup.2]-distance between the centriods of the two constituent groups
accounted for by each variable (Mosteller and Wallace, 1963; Taffler,
1981, 1983). [p.sub.j] = [c.sub.j] ([[bar.r].sub.jf] - [[bar.r].sub.js])
/ [4.summation over (i=1)][c.sub.i] ([[bar.r].sub.if] -
[[bar.r]]) where [p.sub.j] = The proportion of the
[D.sup.2]-distance accounted for by ratio j. [[bar.r].sub.jf] and
[[bar.r]] = The means of the privatized and not-yet-privatized
groups for ratio i respectively.
(8.) Other measures that provide checks on the behavior of
managers, such as rating companies, brokers, financial investors that
assess the performance of public enterprises, and the capital market are
yet to develop.
Tarek Ibrahim Eldomiaty
College of Business and Economics, UAE University
PO Box 17555 AL Ain
United Arab Emirates
Table 1
The Principal Component Analysis (PCA - varimax rotated)
Variables Factor Factor Factor
1 2 3
Banking Finance/Total 0.646
Cost of Capital
Capacity Utilization
Exports/ Industry Exports
Foreign Component
Foreign Component in a 0.579
Company's Portfolio
Foreign Debt/Total Financing 0.531
Governmental Financing/Total 0.797
Growth in Market Share 0.81
Growth in Total Investments
in Production Facilities
Internal Financing/Total -0.742
Total Imports/Total Exports
Inventory Weeks of
Rate of Defected Products
Sustainable Growth Rate
Sales/Total Capital -0.636
Standardized Measure of Risk 0.791
Sales/Total Employees 0.715
Total Exports Growth
Value Added/Average Total -0.808
Variations in the availability 0.611
of Qualified Employees
Working Capital/Sales
Eigenvalue 5.20 2.94 2.78
Percentage of Variance 21.7 12.3 11.6
Reliability analysis (4)
Alpha 0.546 0.659 0.699
F Statistic 14.0 * 4.5 ** 215.3 *
Variables Factor Factor Factor
4 5 6
Banking Finance/Total
Cost of Capital 0.9
Capacity Utilization
Exports/ Industry Exports 0.738
Foreign Component 0.758
Foreign Component in a
Company's Portfolio
Foreign Debt/Total Financing
Governmental Financing/Total
Growth in Market Share
Growth in Total Investments 0.802
in Production Facilities
Internal Financing/Total
Total Imports/Total Exports 0.908
Inventory Weeks of -0.711
Rate of Defected Products
Sustainable Growth Rate
Sales/Total Capital 0.541
Standardized Measure of Risk
Sales/Total Employees
Total Exports Growth 0.838
Value Added/Average Total
Variations in the availability
of Qualified Employees
Working Capital/Sales -0.838
Eigenvalue 1.98 1.70 1.45
Percentage of Variance 8.3 7.1 6.00
Reliability analysis (4)
Alpha 0.701 0.788 0.512
F Statistic 4.8 * 28.6 * 52.8 *
Variables Factor Factor
7 8
Banking Finance/Total
Cost of Capital
Capacity Utilization -0.547
Exports/ Industry Exports
Exports/Sales 0.677
Foreign Component
Foreign Component in a
Company's Portfolio
Foreign Debt/Total Financing
Governmental Financing/Total
Growth in Market Share
Growth in Total Investments
in Production Facilities
Internal Financing/Total
Total Imports/Total Exports
Inventory Weeks of
Rate of Defected Products -0.715
R&D/Sales 0.719
Sustainable Growth Rate 0.795
Sales/Total Capital
Standardized Measure of Risk
Sales/Total Employees
Total Exports Growth
Value Added/Average Total
Variations in the availability
of Qualified Employees
Working Capital/Sales
Eigenvalue 1.37 1.16
Percentage of Variance 5.7 4.9
Reliability analysis (4)
Alpha 0.51 0.772
F Statistic 287 * 0.1 ***
* Significant at p-value < 0.01
** Significant at p-value < 0.05
*** Not Significant at p-value < 0.05
Table 2
Dimensions of Public Enterprise Transitional Performance
Factor Dimension
Factor 1 Viability of Financial Transformation
Factor 2 Proxy Measures of Alternative corporate Governance
Factor 3 Company's Relative Market Position
Factor 4 Company's Position in the Process of Internationalization
Factor 5 Inputs of Company's Competitive Position
Factor 6 Company's Strategic Aspects of Investing Slack Resources
Factor 7 Degree of Success in Foreign Markets
Factor 8 Proxy Measures of Management of Innovation
Table 3
Lachenbruch Holdout Test (jack-knife test)
Actual Group No. of cases Predicted Group Membership *
Privatized Not-yet-privatized
Privatized 7 7 0
100% 0.00%
Not-yet 24 2 22
8.3% 91.7%
* Percent of "grouped" cases correctly classified: 93.55%.
Table 4
Dimensions of the Transitional Performance and their Relative
Dimensions of (PE) Variable Relative
Transitional Performance Contribution * %
Proxy Measures of Banking Finance/Total 33.51
Alternative Finance
Corporate Governance
Governmental 28.92
Inputs of Company's Cost of Capital 20.54
Competitive Position
Risk of Financial Standardized Measure of 17.03
Transformation Risk
* Mosteller-Wallace measure.