Long-range dependence in daily volatility on Tunisian stock market.
Bellalah, Mondher ; Aloui, Chaker ; Abaoub, Ezzeddine 等
The aim of this paper is to surround the volatility dynamics on the
Tunisian stock market via an approach founded on the detection of
persistence phenomenon and long-term memory presence. More specifically,
our object is to test whether long-term dependent processes are
appropriated for modelling Tunisian stock market volatility. The
empirical investigation has been driven on the two Tunisian stock market
indexes IBVMT and TUNINDEX for the period (1998-2004) in daily
frequency. Through the estimation of FIGARCH processes, we show that
long-term component of volatility has an impact on stock market return
JEL: C22, C52
Keywords: Volatility; Long-term memory; Fractional integration;
FIGARCH process
Volatility persistence is a subject that has been thoroughly
investigated since the introduction of ARCH models by Engle (1982). It
is not only important in forecasting future market movements but also is
central to a host of financial issues such as portfolio diversification,
risk management, derivative pricing and market efficiency. Although, it
is common to find a significant statistical relationship between current
measures of volatility and lagged values, it has been very difficult to
find models that adequately specify the time series dependencies in
volatilities in speculative returns data. Ding, Granger and Engle (1993)
show that stock market absolute returns exhibit a long-memory property
in which the sample autocorrelation function decay very slowly and
remain significant even at high order lags. Evidence in favour of
long-range dependence in measure of volatility has been largely
documented. Despite the fact that emerging markets in the last two
decades had attracted the attention of international investors as means
of higher returns such as with diversification of international
portfolio risk. Few studies had investigated the issue of volatility
persistence using nonlinear estimation models.
Emerging markets differ from developed markets. The former are in
most, cases are characterized the by lack of institutional development,
thinly traded markets, lack of corporate governance and market
microstructure distortions. Theses factors hinder the flow of
information to market participants. Moreover, in most of these markets,
participants slowly react to information due to the lack of equity
culture. This paper will focus on Tunisian Stock Exchange (henceforth,
TSE) revisiting the issue of volatility persistence in stock market
returns. We attempt to investigate empirically market returns,
volatility persistence in a distinct approach from previous researches
and this by testing for presence of fractional dynamics (i.e. long
memory process in TSE volatility). Thus, this investigation proves to be
a first essay in the Tunisian context. As we raised, the categorical absence of empirical studies founded on the fractional integrated
behaviour in the conditional variance of Tunisian stock returns. Data
used are the two Tunisian stock indexes (IBVMT index and TUNINDEX) daily
returns during the period from December 31, 1997 till April 16, 2004.
The empirical results provided evidence that the daily stock market
volatility exhibits long-range dependency. The fractional integrated
behaviour in the conditional variance of the daily Tunisian stock
indexes have important implications on efficiency tests and on optimal
portfolio allocations and consequently for optimal hedging decisions.
The remaining sections are organized as follows. The next respected on
the theoretical background of long memory and discusses its measurement.
Section III presents some practical considerations of long memory
processes. Section IV provides an overview on the Tunisian stock market
while section V reviews the fractionally integrated GARCH model. Results
are presented in section VI with conclusions in section VII.
To this level, it seems to be worth to elucidate the conceptual
issues of volatility, standard deviation and risk. In financial market
theory, volatility is often used to refer to standard deviation, [sigma]
or variance [[sigma].sup.2], estimated from an historical return time as
[[sigma].sup.2] = 1/N - 1 [N.summation over (t=1)] [([r.sub.t] -
where [bar.r] is the mean return. The sample standard deviation
statistic [sigma] is the distribution free parameter representing the
second moment characteristic of the sample. Only when [sigma] is
attached to a standard distribution, such as normal or Student-t
distributions, the required probability density and cumulative
probability density can be derived analytically. In fact, [sigma] can be
estimated from an irregular shape distribution, in which case the
probability density will have to be derived empirically. In a continuous
time context, [sigma] is a scale parameter that multiplies and reduces
the size of the fluctuations generated by a standard Wiener process.
Indeed, different shapes of financial assets returns are specified
either through the dynamic of the underlying stochastic process or
whether or not the parameter are time varying. Therefore, it would be
disjointed to assimilate the standard deviation to a good measure of
risk dice at the time of that it is neither attached to a distribution
data to a dynamics of assessment. In the same way, the using of the
standard deviation as measure of uncertainty often implicitly implies
the presence of a normal distribution in the financial assets returns
distribution. However, the junction between concepts of volatility and
risk is ambiguous. In particular, the risk is often associated to a
possible presence of weak or negative returns; whereas, most measures of
distribution make no such distinction (e.g., Poon and Granger 2002, p.
5). According to Sharpe (1964), the measure of portfolio performance
management is defined as being the return in excess of risk free rate
divided by the standard deviation. The Sharpe measure incorrectly
penalizes the occasionally high returns. To this consideration,
Markowitz (1959) advances the notion of the "semi-variance".
The underlying idea consists in taking in account only square returns
below the mean return. However, this notion didn't know a big
success among portfolio managers.
A. Absolute and Squared Returns As Volatility Proxies
As mentioned previously, volatility is often estimated through a
sample standard deviation. Researchers have pointed out methods for
volatility estimation that are designed to exploit or to attenuate the
influence of extreme values. Ding, Granger and Engle suggest measuring
volatility directly from absolute returns. Indeed, Davidian and Cornell
(1987) show that absolute returns volatility is more robust against
asymmetry and non-normality. Some empirical studies such as Taylor
(1986), present evidence that absolute returns based models generate
better volatility forecasts than models founded on squared returns.
Given that volatility is a latent variable, the actual volatility is
usually estimated from a sample using [[sigma].sup.2] expression that
presents some inaccuracies when the sample size is small. Before high
frequency data becomes widely available, many researchers have resorted
to using daily squared returns, computed from closing prices as daily
proxy of volatility.
B. Defining and Measuring Long Memory
According to Ding and Granger (1996), a series is said to have a
long-memory if it displays a slowly declining autocorrelation function
(ACF) and an infinite spectrum at zero frequency. Specifically, the
series [{[y.sub.t]}.sup.[infinity].sub.t=0] is said to be a stationary
long-memory process if the ACF, [rho](k) behaves as,
[rho](k) [approximately equal to] [[absolute value of k].sup.2d-1]
as [absolute value k] [right arrow] [infinity] (1)
where 0 < d < 0.5 0 and c is some positive constant. The
left-hand side and the right-hand side in equation (1) tends to 1 as k
[right arrow] [infinity]. The ACF in (1) displays a very slow rate of
decay to zero as k goes to infinity and
[[summation].sup.[infinity].sub.k=-[infinity]] [absolute value of
[rho](k)] = [infinity]. This slow rate of decay can be contrasted with
ARMA processes, which have an exponential rate of decay, and satisfy the
following bound,
[absolute value of [rho](k)] [less than or equal to] [ba.sup.k], 0
< b < [infinity], 0 < a < 1. (2)
And consequently, [[summation].sup.[infinity].sub.k=-[infinity]]
[absolute value of [rho](k)] = [infinity]. A process that satisfies (2)
is termed short-memory. Equivalently, long-memory can be defined as a
spectrum that goes to infinity at the origin. This is,
f([omega]) [approximately equal to] c[[omega].sup.-2d] as w [right
arrow] 0 (3)
A simple example of long-memory is the fractionally integrated
noise process, I(d), with 0 < d < 1. Which is,
[(1 - L).sup.d] [y.sub.t] = [u.sub.t] (4)
where L is the lag operator, and [u.sub.t] ~ iid(0,
[[sigma].sup.2]). This model includes the traditional extremes of a
stationary process, I(0) and a nonstationary process I(1) . The
fractional difference operator [(1 - L).sup.d] is well defined for a
fractional d and the ACF of this process displays a hyperbolic decay
consistent with equation (1). A model that incorporates the fractional
differencing operator is a natural starting point to capture
long-memory. This is the underlying idea of the ARFIMA and FIGARCH class
of processes. In practice we must resort to estimating the ACF with
usual sample quantities
[??](k) = 1/T [[summation].sup.T.sub.t=k+1]([y.sub.t] -
[bar.[y.sub.t]])([y.sub.t-k] - [bar.[y.sub.t]])/ 1/T
[[summation].sup.T.sub.t=k+1][([y.sub.t] - [bar.[y.sub.t]]).sup.2] (5)
A second approach to measure the degree of long-memory has been to
use semiparametric methods. This allows one to review the specific
parametric form, which is misspecified and could lead to an inconsistent
estimate of the long memory parameter. In this paper, we consider the
most two frequently used estimators of long memory parameter d. The
first is the Geweke and Porter-Hudak (1983) (henceforth GPH) estimator,
based on a log-periodogram regression. Suppose [y.sub.0], [y.sub.1], ...
[Y.sub.T-1] is the dataset and define the periodogram for the first m
ordinates as,
[I.sub.j] = 1/2[pi]T [[absolute value of [T-1.summation over (t=0)]
[y.sub.t] exp(i[[omega].sub.j]t)].sup.2] (6)
where [[omega].sub.j] = 2[pi]j/T, j = 1,2 ... m, and m is chosen
positive integer. The estimate of ([??]) can then be derived from linear
regression of log [I.sub.j] on a constant and the variable [X.sub.j] =
log [absolute value of 2 sin([[omega].sub.j]/2)], which gives,
[??] = - [[summation].sup.m.sub.j=1] ([x.sub.j] - [bar.x]) log
[I.sub.j]/2[[summation].sup.m.sub.j=1] ([x.sub.j] - [bar.x]) (7)
Robinson (1995a) provides formal proofs of consistency and
asymptotic normality for the Gauss case with -0.5 < d < 0.5. The
asymptotic standard error is [pi] / [square root of 24m]. The bandwidth
parameter m must converge infinitely with the sample size, but at a
slower rate than [square root of F]. Clearly, a larger choice of m
reduces the asymptotic standard error, but the bias may increase. The
bandwidth parameter was set to (T) in Geweke and Porter-Hudack (1983).
While Hurvich, Deo and Brodsky (1998) show the optimal rate to be
O([T.sup.4/5]). Recently, Hurvich and Deo (1999) have shown that the GPH
estimator is also valid for some non Gaussian time-series. Velasco
(1999) has shown that consistency extends to 0.5 < d < l and
asymptotic normality to 0.5 < d < 0.75. The other popular
semiparametric estimator is due to Robinson (1995b). Essentially, this
estimator is based on the log-periodogram and solves:
[??] = arg min R(d) (8)
R(d) = log (1/m [m.summation over (j=1)] [[omega].sup.2.sub.j]
[I.sub.j]) - 2d/m [m.summation over (j=1)]) [[omega].sub.j] (9)
The estimator is asymptotically more efficient that the GPH
estimator and consistency and asymptotic normality of [??] are available
under weaker assumptions than for the Gaussian case. The asymptotic
standard error for [??] is 1/(2[square root of m]). Robinson and Henry
(1996) have shown that this estimator is valid in the presence of some
forms of conditional heteroskedasticity
Previous studies of long-memory and fractional integration in time
series are numerous. Barkoulas, Baum, and Oguz (1999a, b), studied the
long run dynamics of long-term interest rates and currencies. Recent
studies of stock prices include Cheung and Lai (1995), Lee and Robinson
(1996), Andersson and Nydahl (1998). Batten, Ellis, and Hogan (1999)
dealt with credit spreads of bonds. Wilson and Okunev (1999) searched
for long-term co-dependence between stock and property markets. While
the results on the level of returns are mixed, there is general
consensus that the unconditional distribution is non-normal and that
there is long-memory process in squared and absolute returns. The
following are some issues. Though not mutually exclusive, they are
separated by headings for easier discussions:
A. Risk and Volatility
Standard deviation is a statistical measure of variability and it
has been called the measure of investment risk in the finance
literature. Balzer (1995) argues that standard deviation is a measure of
uncertainty and it is only a candidate, among many others, for a risk
measure. Markowitz (1959) and Murtagh (1995) found that portfolio
selection based on semi-variance tend to produce better performance than
those based on variance. A normal distribution is completely
characterised by its first two statistical moments, namely, the mean and
standard deviation. However, once nonlinearity is introduced, investment
returns distribution is likely to become markedly skewed away from a
normal distribution. In such cases, higher order moments such as
skewness and kurtosis are required to specify the distribution. Standard
deviation, in such a context, is far less meaningful measure of
investment risk and does not seem to be a good proxy for risk. While
recent developments are interested in the conditional volatility and
long memory in squared and absolute returns, most practitioners continue
to think in terms of unconditional variance and continue thus to work
with unconditional Gaussian distribution in financial applications.
Recent publications are drawing attention to the issue of distribution
characteristics of market returns, especially in emerging markets, which
cannot be summarized by a normal distribution (Bekaert et al., 1998).
B. Estimating and Forecasting Asset Prices
Earlier perception was that deseasonalised time series could be
viewed as consisting of two components, namely, a stationary component
and a non-stationary component. It is perhaps more appropriate to think
of the series consisting of both a long and a short memory components. A
semiparametric estimated can be the first step in building a parametric
time series model as there is no restriction on the spectral density away from the origin. Fractional ARIMA or ARFIMA can be used in
forecasting although of the debates on the relative merits of using this
class of models is still inconclusive (Hauser, Potscher, and
Reschenhofer, 1999, and Andersson, 1998). Lower risk bounds and
properties of confidence sets of so called ill-posed problems associated
with long-memory parameters are also discussed in Potscher (1999). The
paper casts doubts on the used statistical tests in some semiparametric
models on the ground that a priori assumptions regarding the set of
feasible data generating processes have to be imposed to achieve uniform
convergence of the estimator.
C. Portfolio Allocation Strategy
The results of Porterba and Summers (1988) and Fama and French
(1988) provided the evidence that stock prices are not truly random
walk. Based on these observations, Samuelson (1992) has deduced on a
rational basis that it is more appropriate to have more equity exposure
with long investment horizon than with short horizon. Optimal portfolio
choice under processes other than white noise can also suggest
lightening up on stocks when they have risen above trend and loading up
when they have fallen below trend. This coincides with the conventional
wisdom that long-horizon investors can tolerate more risk and therefore
gain higher mean returns. As one grows older, one should have less
holding of equities and more assets with lower variance than equities.
This argues for "market timing" asset allocation policy and
against the use of "strategic" policy by buying and holding as
implied by the random walk model. Then, there is the secondary issue of
short-term versus long-horizon tactical asset allocation. Persistence or
a more stable market calls for buying and holding after market dips.
This would likely to be a mid to long-horizon strategy in a market
trending upwards. Whereas, in a market that exhibits antipersistence,
asset prices tend to reverse their trend in the short term creating thus
short-term trading opportunities. It is unclear, taking transaction
costs into account, whether trading the assets would yield higher risk
adjusted returns. This is an area of research that may be of interest to
D. Diversification and Fractional Cointegration
If assets are not close substitutes for each other, one can reduce
risk by holding such substitutable assets in the portfolio. However, if
the assets exhibit long-term relationship (e.g., to be co-integrated
over the long-term), then there may be little gain in terms of risk
reduction by holding such assets jointly in the portfolio. The fording
of fractional cointegration implies the existence of long-term
co-dependencies, thus reducing the attractiveness of diversification
strategy as a risk reduction technique. Furthermore, portfolio
diversification decisions in the case of strategic asset allocation may
become extremely sensitive to the investment horizon if long-memory is
present. As Cheung and Lai (1995) and Wilson and Okunev (1999) have
noted, there may be diversification benefits in the short and medium
term, but not if the assets are held together over the long term
naturally if long-memory is present.
E. Multifractal Model of Asset Returns and FIGARCH
The recently developed multifractal model of asset returns
(henceforth MMAR) of Mandelbrot, Fisher and Calvet (1997) and FIGARCH
process of Baillie, Bollerslev, and Mikkelsen (1996) incorporate
long-memory and thick-tailed unconditional distribution. These models
account for most observed empirical characteristics of financial time
series, which show up as long tails relative to the Gaussian
distribution and long-memory in the volatility (absolute return). The
MMAR also incorporates scale-consistency, in the sense that a
well-defined scaling rule relates return over different sampling
F. Stock Market Weak Form Efficiency
A time series that exhibits long memory process violates the weak
form of efficient market hypothesis developed by Fama (1970); it states
that the information in historical prices or returns is not useful or
relevant in achieving excess returns. Consequently the hypothesis that
prices or returns move randomly (random walk hypothesis) is rejected.
A. The Main Reform Measures Concerning the TSE
1. Fiscal regime for holdings
Any company listed on the stock exchange and holding, directly or
indirectly, at least 95% of capital in other companies can, as the
parent company, opt for tax assessment on the basis of the combined
earnings which. They should priorly be subject to corporate tax law,
they must have the same accounting year opening and closing dates and be
both established in Tunisia [see Note 1]. Tax incentives to companies
which open their capital to the public were initially granted for a
period of three years starting from January 1999, in the form of a
reduced tax rate from 35 to 20%. This was extended for an additional
period of three years starting from February 2002, with a view to
encourage companies to be more transparent and also mobilising public
savings by increasing the range of offerings and this by posting new
stocks on the stock market.
2. Amendment of financial market council
This amendment supports greater transparency in public calls for
savings by requiring that companies, seeking this kind of funding, to
provide a more complete and reliable information. Thus, companies will
have to provide to the Financial Market Council (henceforth, CMF) and to
shareholders the required information. To encourage new issues and
transactions on the financial market, commissions to the CMF and the TSE
were reduced. Previously calculated on the basis of the amount of the
issue, commissions to he CMF are henceforth set at 0.2% of the nominal
value of the issue.
B. Tunisian Stock Exchange Trends
TSE sent a higher level of public securities and a greater volume
of transactions for the second straight year. But no new companies were
posted on the stock exchange in 2000; despite larger fiscal incentives
[see Note 2] that encourage new companies, already posted, to open their
capital to the public. The CMF published regulations concerning public
call for savings, which specify conditions, procedures and
responsibilities of stockbrokers and companies issuing securities
through public calls for savings. Concerning the official quotation,
stock market activity was characterised by two distinct phases. Over the
first nine months of the year, there is sustained demand for securities,
especially for active stocks. Volume on stock market picked up in the
light of figures of 1999 and the first half of 2000 concerning posted
companies, dividend distribution and 13 capital increases operations.
Total profits posted by listed companies on the basis of 1999 activity
were up in 2000 by 14%, while dividends per share increased by an
average 16%. But despite the overall improvement in distributed profit,
the average market price earning ratio (PER) indicating the time
required to recover investment was up from 13 in 1999 to 16 in 2000,
tied to the higher cost of stock exchange quotations. The same forces
that marked trading also accounted for an improvement in the securities
ration rate, which reached 23.6% vs. 16.7% in 1999 and 9.7% in 1998.
Likewise, the average market liquidity rate was up slightly from 46% in
1999 to 51% in 2000. But trade remained insufficiently diversified,
concentrating on a limited number of stocks: almost two thirds of total
transactions involved just 10 stocks. In 2001, stock market quotations
were marked by a process to adjust stock prices which had increased
significantly during the last two years; and by weak demand for
securities which sought mainly new issues made that year. Lack of
confidence on the part of investors was the reason behind low demand,
despite the favourable financial results published by listed companies;
this became even more complicated, during the last quarter after the
events of September 11th. Companies listed on the TSE increased from 42
at the end of 2000 to 45 at the end of 2001. The new members were
included by public sale and by public subscription to capital increase
transactions. During 2003, financial market activity showed timid improvement, with a slight increase in the TUNINDEX and BVMT indexes and
a drop in the volume of issues by public call for savings and
transactions on quotations. Concerning the stock market activity, it was
characterized by gradual recovery starting in the third quarter, as seen
in higher prices for key stocks or for strong market capitalisation ones. This upward trend was influenced in particular by improved
national economic conditions, the 87.5 base point drop in the Central
Bank of Tunisia's key rate, and heightened confidence on the part
of operators, particularly the return of foreign investors. With no new
entries on the market, the number of companies quoted on the stock
exchange dropped from 46 in 2002 to 45 in 2003 [see Note 3]. The volume
of transactions on the market fell by 225 105 MTD (31%) in 2003 to 238
MTD, an average daily volume under a million dinars, compared to 1.4 MTD
in 2002. Some 12.9 million securities were transacted in 2003, down from
17 million in 2002, denoting a drop of 24.2%. Exchange of securities and
transacted capital did not show much diversity, focusing on a limited
number of stocks. Six stocks accounted for more than 60% of total
capital transacted in 2003. Sector-related breakdown of traded stocks
showed a 34% share for the banking sector in 2003, down from 38% in
2002. The share of the industrial sector also decreased, from 38% in
2002 to 29% in 2003. But the share of the services sector increased in
2003 to 27%, up from 16% in 2002.
Traditionally, the time series econometrics centred itself around
an alternative: the presence of a unit root, indicating a
nonstationarity of the set, on the one hand, and the absence of such a
unit root indicating that the set is stationary. On the other hand,
these two cases correspond to cases of processes of short memory of
ARIMA (p,d,q) and ARMA(p,q). These classic modeling doesn't take in
account the intermediate cases to know the existence of a fractional
integration parameter. However, the presence of such a coefficient no
whole is especially interesting since it permits to characterize
processes of long memory. These processes, called ARFIMA, have been
introduced by Granger and Joyeux (1980) and Hosking (1981). They present
the interest to take account at a time of the short-term behaviour of
the set through autoregressive and moving average and the behaviour of
long term by means of the fractional integration parameter. The ARFIMA
(p, d, q) process can be defined as follows:
[PHI](L)[(I - L).sup.d][y.sub.t] = [THETA](L)[[epsilon].sub.t] (10)
where, [PHI](L) and [THETA](L) are lag polynomials of p and q
respectively. [[epsilon].sub.t] is a White noise process, and
[(I - L).sup.d] = 1 - dL - d(1 - d)/2! [L.sup.2] - d(1 - d)(2 -
d)/3! [L.sup.3] - ...
ARFIMA (p,d,q) processes are stationary and inversible when d
[member]]- 1/2,1/2[ and d [not equal ] 0.
A. Short and Long Term Memory and FIGARCH Processes
Considering a possible fractional integration of the conditional
variance has been evoked initially by Ding and Granger (1996) and Ding,
Granger and Engle (1993). Positively, FIGARCH processes have been
introduced by Baillie, Bollerslev and Mikkelsen (1996). The starting
point is a GARCH (p,q) process. It can be written as follows:
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.t] = [[alpha].sub.0] [q.summation over (i=1)]
[[alpha].sub.i] [[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t-1] + + [p.summation over (j=1)]
[[beta].sub.i] [[sigma].sup.2.sub.t-j] = [[alpha].sub.0] +
[alpha](L)[[epsilon].sup.2.sub.L] + [beta](L)[[sigma].sup.2.sub.t] (11)
where [[alpha].sup.2] is the conditional variance; [[alpha].sup.0]
> 0; [[alpha].sub.i] [greater than or equal to] 0; [[beta].sub.j]
[greater than or equal to] 0, i = 1, ..., q. GARCH(p,q) process are
short memory processes since the effect of a shock on the conditional
variance decreases at an exponential rate. GARCH(p,q) can be also
written as follows:
[1 - [alpha](L) - [beta](L)][[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t] =
[[alpha].sub.0] + [1 - [beta](L)] [[mu].sub.t] (12)
Consequently, when the lag polynomial [1 - [alpha](L) - [beta](L)]
contains a unit root, the GARCH process becomes an integrated GARCH
process, denoted as IGARCH(p,q)). MARCH (p,q) process can be written as:
[PHI](L) = (1 - L)[[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t] = [[alpha].sub.0] + [1 -
[beta](L)] [[mu].sub.t]
with [PHI](L) = [1 - [alpha](L) - [beta](L)[(1- L).sup.-1] (13)
FIGARCH processes constitute an alternative between GARCH processes
and IGARCH processes and result with the equation (4) by replacing the
operator (1- L) by the operator [(1- L).sup.d], where d is the
fractional integration parameter. A FIGARCH process can be written as
[PHI](L)[(1 - L).sup.d][[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t] = [[alpha].sub.0] +
[1 - [beta](L)] [[mu].sub.t] (14)
Roots of [PHI](L) and [1 - [beta](L)] polynomials being outside the
unit circle. Thus, if d=0, FIGARCH(p,d,q) process will be reduced to a
GARCH(p,q). if d=1, FIGARCH process will be an IGARCH. By replacing
[[mu].sub.t] by its value according to [[sigma].sup.2.sub.t], one can
write equation (5) as follows:
[1 - [beta](L)][[sigma].sup.2.sub.t] = [[alpha].sub.0] + [1 -
[beta](L) - [PHI](L)[(1 - L).sup.d]][[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t] (15)
The variance equation is then given by:
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.t] = [[alpha].sub.0] [[1 - [beta](1)].sup.-1] +
[lambda](L)[[epsilon].sup.2.sub.t] with [lambda](L) = [1 - [[1 -
[beta](L)].sup.-1][PHI](L)[(1 - L).sup.d]] (16)
= [[lambda].sub.1]L + [[lambda].sub.2]L + ... and [[lambda].sub.k]
[greater than or equal to] 0 et k = 1, 2, ..., n
Baillie, Bollerslev et Mikkelsen (1996) note that the effects of a
shock on the conditional variance of FIGARCH(p,d,q) decreases at an
hyperbolic rate when 0 [less than or equal to] d < 1.
B. Data and Statistical Distribution
Our empirical investigation is conducted using daily returns of two
Tunisian stock indexes (IBVMT [see Note 4] and TUNINDEX [see Note 5]).
The data cover the period (1997/12/31- 2004/4/16) and totalling 1593
observations. Daily returns are calculated for the two indexes as
continuously returns at time t ; [r.sub.i,t]. In other words, as the
natural log difference in the closing market index Pt between two days
as shown below: [r.sub.i,t] =100Log([P.sub.t] / [P.sub.t-1]). Results
reported in Table 2 call the following commentaries:
1. Mean returns of the BBVMT are the highest compared to the
TUNINDEX. According to the t-statistics, only BBVMT mean returns are
significantly different from zero at 5% significant level. Medians'
returns are positive and confirm the same ranking of the indices,
implying skewed series with departure from normality.
2. It is evident that the two indices returns are volatile. This
has been confirmed by ARCH test where the null hypothesis of returns
that are homoscedastistic is rejected at 1% significance level. There is
evidence of heteroscedasticity in the daily and weekly two indices and
for the frequencies. In other words, the BVMT and TUNINDEX returns
exhibit clustering volatility and that there is a tendency for large
(small) asset price changes to be followed by other large (small) price
changes of either sign and tend to be time dependent.
3. Indices' returns display significant positive skewness
where the null hypothesis of skewness coefficients conforming to the
normal distribution value of zero is rejected. This result is in
compliance with means greater than the medians in (1).
4. The null hypothesis of kurtosis coefficients conforming to the
normal distribution value of three is rejected at five percent
significance level for the BVMT and TUNINDEX weekly and daily returns.
Thus, the returns of both indices are leptokurtic and their
distributions have thicker (fatter) tails than that of a normal
5. Results of both (3) and (4) have been confirmed by rejecting the
null hypothesis of the bivariate Jarque-Bera test for unconditional
normal distribution of the two stock market weekly and daily index
6. With respect to Dickey-Fuller and Phillips-Perron unit root
statistics, the null hypothesis for both tests whether indices returns,
using t-statistics, have unit root is rejected in favour of the
alternative that the four series are trend stationary process with a
degree of predictability.
7. In sum, the BVMT and TUNINDEX weekly and daily returns tend to
be characterized by positive skewness, excess kurtosis and departure
from normality. The two indexes, also, display a degree of
heteroscedasticity. The findings are in conformation with other market
indexes and consistent with several other empirical studies [see Note 6]
in which emerging markets returns depart from normality and the null
hypothesis for a random walk is rejected.
Before estimating FIGARCH processes, we proceed to the application
of the modified R/S test (Lo (1991) in order to detect the presence, if
any, of long-range memory in Tunisian stock market volatility series.
Let us simply recall that the limiting distribution of the modified R/S
statistic is known and it is thus possible to test the null hypothesis
of short-term memory against the alternative of long-term memory. The
critical values of this statistic have been tabulated by Lo (1991). The
author demonstrated that this statistic was not robust to short-range
dependence, and proposed the following one:
which consists of replacing the variance by the HAC variance
estimator in the denominator of the statistic. If q=0, Lo's
statistic R/S reduces to Hurst's statistic. Unlike spectral
analysis which detects periodic cycles in a series, the R/S analysis has
been advocated by Mandelbrot for detecting non periodic cycles. Under
the null hypothesis of no long-memory, the statistic [T.sup.-1/2]
[Q.sub.n] converges to a distribution equal to the range of a Brownian
bridge on the unit interval:
where [W.sup.0](t) is a Brownian bridge defined as [W.sup.0](t)=
W(t)-tW(1), W(t) being the standard Brownian motion. The distribution
function is given in Siddiqui (1976), and is tabulated in Lo (1991).
This statistic is extremely sensitive to the order of truncation q but
there are no statistical criteria for choosing q in the framework of
this statistic. Andrews (1991) rule gives mixed results. If q is too
small, this estimator does not account for the autocorrelation of the
process, while if q is too large, it accounts for any form of
autocorrelation and the power of this test tends to its size. Given that
the power of a useful test should be greater than its size; this
statistic is not very helpful. For that reason, Teverovsky, Taqqu and
Willinger (1999) suggest to use this statistic with other tests. Since
there is no data driven guidance for the choice of this parameter, we
consider the default values for q = 5, 10, 25, 50. Results reported in
Table 3 indicate that the two volatility series display a strong
dependent structure. To verify this result and to take into account
long-term property, we estimate FIGARCH process.
A. Geweke Porter-Hudack (1983) Tests
In this respect, two procedures have been retained: the GPH method
and the maximum likelihood technique. The GPH method is founded on the
behaviour of the spectral density around low frequencies. It is a
two-step technique since one estimate in the first stage the fractional
integration parameter d and, in the second stage the parameter of the
GARCH model. Concerning the maximum likelihood procedure (Sowel (1992)),
it is a one-step procedure: all the parameters of the FIGARCH(p,d,q)
specification are estimated simultaneously. The GPH estimation of
FIGARCH processes are reported in table below. Let us recall that the
function g(T) used in the spectral technique, corresponds to the number
of periodogram ordinates. T is the number of observations. In order to
examine the stability of the estimation when the number of periodogram
ordinates vary, we have chosen different values: [T.sup.0.45],
[T.sup.0.5], [T.sup.0.55] and [T.sup.0.8].
Results obtained using the spectral technique, emphasize the
presence of long memory for the TUNINDEX stock returns. For the IBVMT
volatility, the presence of a long-term structure depends on the number
of periodogram ordinates retained. It will be also noted that the
fractional integration parameter is positive in all cases. Judged by
standard significance levels, [??] is statistically very different from
both zero and one. Concerning, the exact maximum likelihood method, we
observe, according the SIC model selection criteria, the presence of
long-term dependence structure for the IBVMT volatility.
B. Lobato and Robinson (1998) Test
Lobato and Robinson (1998) nonparametric test for I(0) against I(d)
is also based on the approximation of the spectrum of a long-memory
process. In the univariate case, the t statistic is equal to:
t = [m.sup.1/2] [[??].sub.1]/[[??].sub.0] with
[[??].sub.k][m.sup.-1] [m.summation over (j=1)] [v.sup.k.sub.j]
([[lambda].sub.j]) and [v.sub.j]=ln(j) - 1/m [m.summation over (i=1)]
where I([lambda]) = [(2[pi]T).sup.-1] [absolute value of
[[[summation].sup.T.sub.t=1] y [e.sup.it[lambda]]].sup.2] is the
periodogram estimated for a degenerate band of Fourier frequencies
[[lambda].sub.j] = 2[pi]j/T, j = 1, ..., m [less than or equal to]
[T/2], where m is a bandwidth parameter. Under the null hypothesis of a
I(0) time series, the t statistic is asymptotically normally
distributed. This two sided test is of interest as it allows to
discriminate between d > 0 and: d < 0 if the t statistic is in the
lower fractile of the standardized normal distribution, the series
exhibits long-memory whilst if the series is in the upper fractile of
that distribution, the series is antipersistent. The default bandwidth
suggested by Lobato and Robinson is used. The results are displayed in
Table 5. The first column contains the value of the bandwidth parameter
while the second column displays the corresponding statistic. In the
first line, the Lobato-Robinson statistic is evaluated by using this
default bandwidth. As t is negative and in the lower tail of the
standard normal distribution, there is evidence on long-memory
volatility. Semiparametric test for I(0) of a time series against
fractional alternatives, (i.e., long-memory and antipersistence). Let us
recall that it is a semiparametric test in the sense that it does not
depend on a specific parametric form of the spectrum in the
neighbourhood of the zero frequency. Concerning the parameter specifying
the number of harmonic frequencies around zero to be considered, we use
the bandwidth given in Lobato and Robinson. If the value of the test is
in the lower tail of the standard normal distribution, the null
hypothesis of I(0) is rejected against the alternative that the series
displays long-memory. If the value of the test is in the upper tail of
the standard normal distribution, the null hypothesis I(0) is rejected
against the alternative that the series is antipersistent. As it is
shown in the Table 5, the t statistic is negative and it is in lower
tail of the standard normal distribution, we can conclude to the
presence of long-memory in BVMT and TUNINDEX time series volatility.
C. Lo (1991) Tests
Results in Table 6 indicate that only the BVMT daily and absolute
returns display long-term memory for different weights suggested by
Newey and West (1987). This result confirms the conclusions issued from
Lobato and Robinson (1995b). For the TUNINDEX series, a short dependent
structure seems to be present in volatility series. In order to verify
this result and take into account this long-term property, we apply the
Robinson and Whittle semi-parametric estimator procedures and we
estimate FIGARCH processes.
D. Robinson (1994b) Tests
The Robinson (1994b) averaged periodogram estimator is defined by:
[??] = 1/2 - ln([??](q[[lambda].sub.m])/[??]([[lambda].sub.m])/2ln(q),
where [??]([lambda]) is the average periodogram [??]([lambda]) = 2[pi]/n
[n[lambda]/2[pi].summation over (j=1)]. By construction, the estimated
parameter [??] is < 1/2 , i.e., is in the stationarity range. This
estimator has the following asymptotic distribution if [??] < 1/4,
[square root of m]([??] - d) [right arrow] (0, [[pi].sup.2]/24).
The results of Robinson tests are reported in the Table 7. The
Robinson procedure gives the semiparametric average periodogram
estimator of the degree of long memory of a time series. The third
column in the Table 8 designed the optional argument that is a strictly
positive constant q, which is also strictly less than one. The second
column designed the bandwidth vector m. By default q is set to 0.5 and
0.7 and the bandwidth vector is equal to m = n/4, n/8, n/ 16. If q and m
contain several elements, the estimator is evaluated for all the
combinations of q and m. The first column in the table designed the
estimated degree of long-memory. Concerning the BVMT daily absolute
returns, the results of the estimated degree of long-term memory range
from 0.2310 to 0.2672 for the different values of q and bandwidth
vector. For weekly absolute returns, the d parameter ranges from 0.0583
to 0.1940. Theses results indicate evidence that the BVMT volatility
exhibit a long-range dependency phenomenon. The fractional differencing
parameter is positive and d [member of] [0;0.5] it indicates the
presence of a long-range positive dependence in the conditional
variance. Quite similar results are obtained for the daily and weekly
absolute returns.
E. Whittle Semiparametric Gaussian Estimator
The Whittle semiparametric Gaussian estimator of the degree of long
memory of a time series is based on the Whittle estimator. The first
argument is the series; the second argument is the vector of bandwidths,
i.e., the number of frequencies after zero to be considered. By default,
the bandwidth vector m = n/4, n/8, n/16, where n is the sample size.
This table gives the estimated parameter d, with the number of
frequencies considered. The obtained results emphasize the presence of a
long-term dependence structure for all the series of volatility.
Moreover, one notes a relative stability of the fractional integration
parameter value for the BVMT daily volatility for the different sizes of
the bandwidth vector. The results indicate also, for all the volatility
series, a positive fractional integration parameter. So, all the series
are characterized by a long-range positive dependence in the conditional
variance. In order to verify this result and take into account this
long-term property, we estimate FIGARCH processes.
F. The FIGARCH Process
The empirical investigation is conducted using, parsimoniously,
FIGARCH(1,d,1) to specify the long memory process in Tunisian stock
market volatility.
The results in Table 9 provide the following observations:
1. For the IBVMT absolute daily returns, the results exhibit
fractional dynamics with long memory features. The null hypothesis
([H.sub.0] : d = 0) has been rejected in favour of d-value which is
statistically significantly greater than zero at 1% significant level.
The fractional differencing parameter value recorded approximately
0.4645 and it is in conformation with that of previously preliminary
tests. There's also evidence that the BVMT volatility exhibit a
long-range dependency phenomenon. The fractional differencing parameter
is equal to 0.12115 and it is statistically significant at 1%
significant level. The process is considered to be long-range positive
dependence in the conditional variance as d [member of] [0;0.5].
2. Concerning the TUNINDEX daily volatility, the obtained results
show the significance of both [[alpha].sub.1] and [[beta].sub.1]
provided evidence that conditional volatility is time variant and there
is volatility clustering effects. The results confirm that there is a
tendency for shocks to persist, with large (small) innovations followed
by similar ones. The estimation results of the FIGARCH (1,d,1) provide
evidence that the TUNINDEX daily volatility exhibits fractional
dynamics. The estimated d-value is statistically significantly greater
than zero and indicates the presence of positive persistence phenomenon
in the TUNINDEX volatility.
3. The results also provide evidence that the aggregation of
short-memory process, could led to long memory feature, which is
consistent with Robinson (1978), Taqqu et al. (1997), Chambers (1998),
Cioczek-Georges and Mandelbrot (1995) findings. The evidence is
consistent with number of emerging market characteristics.
4. As expected, the market adjusts slowly for the arrival of new
information slowly which might be due to number of market structural
reasons as the dominance of individual investors on trading activity who
lack the equity culture and whose investment strategy is characterized
by herd behaviour. The presence of nonsynchronous trading is probably
due to large number of inactive stocks listed on the Tunisian Stock
The purpose of this paper was to study the long-range dependency of
stock market volatility. More specifically, our object was to test the
significant evidence for the presence of fractional integrated behaviour
in the conditional variance of the Tunisian stock indexes. Thus, a new
class of more flexible fractionally integrated GARCH (FIGARCH) models
for characterizing the long run dependencies in the Tunisian stock
market volatility was proposed. The investigation is conducted using the
BVMT and TUNINDEX daily and weekly indexes during the period January
1998 till the end of April 2004. In this paper, strong evidence was
uncovered that the conditional variance of the BVMT and TUNINDEX indexes
is best modelled as a FIGARCH process. These findings of long memory
component in the volatility processes of asset returns have important
implications of many paradigms in modern financial theory. So, optimal
portfolio allocations may become extremely sensitive to investment
horizon if the volatility returns are long-range dependent. Similarly,
optimal hedging decisions must take into account any such long-run
dependency. Also, the assumption that the Tunisian Stock Market is
weakly efficient is rejected due to long-range dependency in weekly and
daily volatilities. This evidence is consistent with number of emerging
market characteristics. A more formal and detailed empirical
investigations of these issues on the Tunisian context would be
important task for further research.
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(1.) Note Law no 2000-98 of 25 December.
(2.) Under law no 99-92 of 17 august 1999.
(3.) BATAM Company was written off the stock market on 10 February
2003, as per decision of the market's governing council.
(4.) The IBVMT index evolution reflects the stock market average
return. Are included in the reference sample all companies admitted in
stock market, before it is adjusted on 31 March, 1998. The new reference
sample limits itself to values of which the frequency of quotation is
superior to 60%. The BVMT index has been published under its present
shape on April first, 1998, with a base value of 465.77 on 31 March
(5.) It is a new stock market capitalization index (base 1000 on 31
December 1997). It was initially published on first April 1998.
Concerning its calculation, it is taken account of mean weighted return.
The weight corresponds to the number of exchanged stocks. The base
sample is composed of values admitted by their ordinary shares to stock
market quotes and of which the living period in one of market quotes
(primary or secondary market) it is of at least 6 months.
(6.) Mandelbort (1963) and Fama (1965) showed that unconditional
distribution of security price changes to be leptokurtic, skewed and
volatility clustered. Bekaert et al. (1998) provided evidence that 17
out of the 20 emerging markets examined their monthly returns had
positive skewness and 19 out of 20 had excess kurtosis, so that
normality was rejected for more than half of the countries.
(7.) Dickey and Fuller (1979) devised a procedure to formally test
for the presence of unit root using three different regressions. In our
case, the following regression with constant and trend is used to test
for nonstationarity: [DELTA][y.sub.t] = [a.sub.0] + [gamma][y.sub.t-1] +
[a.sub.1]t + [p.summation over (i=2)] [[beta].sub.t] [DELTA][y.sub.t-i]
+ [[epsilon].sub.t]. The null hypothesis is that [gamma] = 0 for
stochastic nonstationary process.
(8.) Phillips-Perron nonparametric unit root tests were used
because they allow for a general class of dependent and heterogeneously
distributed innovations, contrary to other unit root tests (see Phillips
and Perron, 1998).
Mondher Bellalah (a), Chaker Aloui (b), Ezzeddine Abaoub (c)
(a) THEMA, University de Cergy, and ISC Group, Paris, 33 Boulevard
du port, 9501 Cergy, France, France, Mondher.Bellalah@eco.u-cergyfr
(b) Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences of Tunis,
Boulevard du 7 Novembre, Tunis- El Manar, Tunisia,
(c) Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences of Tunis,
Boulevard du 7 Novembre, Tunis-EZManar, Tunisia,
Table 1
Main Tunisian stock market indicators (1997-2004) (in MTND unless
otherwise indicated)
Description 1997 1998 1999 2000
BVMT index in points (base 100
on 30 September, 1990, adjusted
on 31 march 1998 to 465.77 455.64 464.56 810.24 1424.91
TUNINDEX in points (base 1000
on 31 December 1997 1,000 917 1,193 1,443
Stock market capitalisation (a) 2,632 2,452 3,326 3,889
Stock market capitalisation/GDP
(in %) 12.6 10.9 13.5 14.6
Number of listed companies 34 38 44 42 *
Overall volume of transaction 590 927 881 1 814
of witch: official
quotation (b) 287 237 554 919
Rotation rate (in %) (a/b) 11 10 17 24
Liquidity rate (in %) 36 37 46 51
PER 12 10 13 16
Description 2001 2002 2003
BVMT index in points (base 100
on 30 September, 1990, adjusted
on 31 march 1998 to 465.77 996.09 782.93 939.78
TUNINDEX in points (base 1000
on 31 December 1997 1,267 1,119 1,250
Stock market capitalisation (a) 3,275 2,842 2,976
Stock market capitalisation/GDP
(in %) 11.4 9.5 9.2
Number of listed companies 45 46 45
Overall volume of transaction 1 204 1 006 948
of witch: official
quotation (b) 508 343 238
Rotation rate (in %) (a/b) 16 12 8
Liquidity rate (in %) 49 42 33
PER 10 12 13
Table 2
Descriptive statistics
Daily frequency
returns returns
Mean (%) 4.89967 1.58515
t-statistic 2.3365 1.3428
S. deviation (%) 83.6171 47.0108
Kurtosis 5.00454 7.15012
Excess Kurtosis 2.00454 4.015012
Skewness 0.254762 0.639271
Jarque-Bera normality
test 244.34 *** 435.43 ***
Augmented Dickey-
Fuller test [see Note 7] -19.63 *** -21.43 ***
Phillips-Perron unit root
test [see Note 8] -26.39 *** -27.01 ***
KPSS test 0.66016 (3) 0.27769 (3)
ARCH- test 231.358 306.345
Prob. (0.000) Prob. (0.000)
Maximum 4.000052 3.040505
Minimum -3.06502 -2.04465
Sample period 31/12/1997 16/04/2004
Observation 1590 1590
Weekly frequency
returns returns
Mean (%) 23.82330 7.97470
t-statistic 2.0231 1.9781
S. deviation (%) 2.385634 1.81103
Kurtosis 13.88606 53.62137
Excess Kurtosis 10.88606 50.62137
Skewness 0.697379 0.2266645
Jarque-Bera normality
test 345.32 *** 354.22 ***
Augmented Dickey-
Fuller test [see Note 7] -10.589 *** -12.613 ***
Phillips-Perron unit root
test [see Note 8] -16.758 *** -20.804 ***
KPSS test 0.66431 (1) 0.136 (1)
ARCH- test 73.067 66.005
Prob. (0.000) Prob. (0.000)
Sample period 31/12/1997 16/04/2004
Observation 328 328
Note: The Jarque-Bera test for normality distributed as Chi-square
with 2 degrees of freedom. The critical value for the null hypothesis
of normal distribution is 5.99 at the 5% significance level. Higher
test values reject the null hypothesis. *** denotes significance at
1% level.
Table 3
Lo R /S modified test
Daily returns Weekly returns
Order [[??].sub.T] Order [[??].sub.T]
statistic statistic
5 4.2912 * 5 1.6179
10 3.6252 * 10 1.5630
25 2.8189 * 25 1.4012
50 2.3489 * 50 1.2843
Daily returns Weekly returns
Order [[??].sub.T] Order [[??].sub.T]
statistic statistic
5 2.5101 * 5 1.1036
10 2.3412 * 10 1.0553
25 2.0516 * 25 1.0523
50 1.9224 * 50 1.1748
Note: string vector containing the estimated statistic with its
corresponding order. If the estimated statistic is outside the
interval (0.809, 1.862), which is the 95 percent confidence interval
for no long-memory, a star symbol * is displayed in the third column.
The other critical values are in Lo's paper.
Table 4
GPH estimation of fractional integration parameter
g(T) [T.sup.0.45] [T.sup.0.5]
Daily absolute -- 0.12343
returns (3.034)
Weekly absolute 0.3452 0.3944
returns (2.087) (2.056)
Daily absolute -- 0.0878
returns (2.736)
Weekly absolute -- 0.0297
returns (1.674)
g(T) [T.sup.0.55] [T.sup.0.8]
Daily absolute 0.1147 0.1132
returns (2.8791) (2.657)
Weekly absolute 0.3809 --
returns (3.453)
Daily absolute -- --
Weekly absolute -- --
T is the number of observations, g T the number of periodogram
ordinates, t-statistic of d are given into brackets. (-) non
Table 5
Lobato and Robinson (1998) tests
Daily absolute Weekly absolute
returns returns
Bandwidth t stat. Bandwidth t stat.
133 (a) -14.30 22 (a) -1.92
150 -15.49 150 -4.93
200 -18.28 -- --
250 -19.25 -- --
Daily absolute Weekly absolute
returns returns
Bandwidth t stat. Bandwidth t.stat
133 (a) -4.05 19 (a) 0.34
150 -4.32 150 -4.93
200 -4.56 -- --
250 -5.42 -- --
Notes: (a) Bandwidth given in Lobato and Robinson (1998).
Table 6
Lo (1991) tests
Daily Weekly Daily Weekly
absolute absolute absolute absolute
returns returns returns returns
m = 5 2.1776 2.6179 0.41119 1.1036
m = 10 2.2963 2.5630 0.44367 1.0553
m = 25 2.6234 2.4012 0.57244 1.0523
m = 50 2.8841 2.2843 0.57726 1.1748
Table 7
Robinson (1994b) tests
Weekly absolute
Daily absolute returns returns
Band Band
d width q d width q
0.2672 250 0.5 0.0583 82 0.5
0.2427 250 0.7 0.1940 82 0.7
0.2380 500 0.5 0.0898 41 0.5
0.2310 500 0.7 0.0830 41 0.7
0.2419 750 0.5 0.1886 20 0.5
0.2546 750 0.7 0.0998 20 0.7
Weekly absolute
Daily absolute returns returns
Band Band
d Width q d width q
0.1236 250 0.5 0.2097 82 0.5
0.1180 250 0.7 0.2244 82 0.7
0.2240 500 0.5 0.0590 41 0.5
0.2338 500 0.7 0.0089 41 0.7
0.2255 750 0.5 0.0305 20 0.5
0.2201 750 0.7 0.0044 20 0.7
Table 8
Whittle Semi-parametric estimator of the degree of long memory of
daily and weekly absolute returns
Daily absolute Weekly absolute
returns returns
d Bandwidth d Bandwidth
0.3342 50 0.0876 50
0.3441 100 0.1197 100
0.3171 150 0.2232 150
Daily absolute Weekly absolute
returns returns
d Bandwidth d Bandwidth
0.1996 50 0.0441 50
0.1841 100 0.1808 100
0.1362 150 0.2839 150
Table 9
Estimates for FIGARCH (1,d,1) model for TSE weekly and daily
volatility Using Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfrab and Shanno (BFGS)
Maximization Method
BVMT index
Daily absolute Weekly
returns absolute
[[alpha].sub.0] 0.01055 0.00903
(-1.97711) ** (2.0112) **
[[alpha].sub.1] 0.87184 0.66121
(7.3629) *** (5.3124) ***
[[beta].sub.1] 0.11832 0.34079
(1.0680) (2.0123) **
l([theta]) 851.841 546.125
d 0.4645 0.12115
(6.35404) *** (5.4432) ***
+ [[beta].sub.1] 0.9902 1.002
Daily absolute Weekly
returns absolute
[[alpha].sub.0] 0.02311 0.0121
(1.4561) (1.1113)
[[alpha].sub.1] 0.42131 0.33427
(3.3211) ** (2.0278) **
[[beta].sub.1] 0.57669 0.66583
(4.3242) *** (1.9902) **
l([theta]) 243.121 311.342
d 0.1996 0.0431
(4.3421) *** (1.3211)
[[alpha].sub.1] 0.9980 1.0001
+ [[beta].sub.1]
*** Significant at 1 percent, ** significant at 5 percent,
* significant at 10 percent.