Stock return and exchange rate risk: evidence from Asian stock markets based on a bivariate GARCH model.
Chiang, Thomas C. ; Yang, Sheng Y. ; Wang, Tse S. 等
This paper presents a bivariate conditional variance model to
analyze individual national stock returns in Asian countries and their
interaction to the foreign exchange rate changes. Using lagged national
stock return as a local factor, our evidence indicates that most markets
display significant autoregressive process, rejecting random walk
hypothesis. Our findings also conclude that the regional and world
factors, proxied by Japanese and US stock returns, respectively, have a
positive effect on the Asian stock returns. The estimated results
suggest that the national stock returns and the value of national
currency are positively related, suggesting that a higher stock returns
is encouraged by an appreciation of national currency. Finally, the
model has been estimated in the framework of a bivariate GARCH(1,1)
process. The results derived from this study indicate that both variance and covariance terms are time varying. This suggests that, in pricing
international assets, the conditional variance-covariance process should
be more explicitly built into the model in order to account for the
time-varying risk.
JEL classification: F31, F36, G15
Keywords: Exchange rate risk; Stock return; Bivariate GARCH; Asian
stock markets
Market crashes in October 19, 1987 and August 31, 1998 indicate
that the stock markets are frequently subject to big changes, especially
when the markets have been experienced a substantial gain for a given
period of time. In reviewing recent stock market behavior, we find that
stock price changes are not necessarily associated with the big event.
Rather, the following time series behavior is present. First, the
national stock price indexes have been drifting in a persistent fashion
although the randomness is still an important component in dictating the
series movements. Particularly, it has been observed that in the short
run, the prices are more likely to follow an extrapolative behavior;
however, in a longer time horizon, they display a mean-reversion
phenomenon. Second, price movements are extremely volatile. The source
of volatility is not necessarily coming from domestic market. Rather,
the reaction of market volatility is oftenly contagious to global
occurrence. Third, recent market developments have highlighted growing
interactions among global financial markets. These interactions not only
come from the stock markets per se but also spill from other markets,
such as bond and foreign exchange markets. We have witnessed the
significant impact on stock markets due to the collapse of the foreign
exchange markets in major Asian countries since the mid of 1997. In
response to these market phenomena, empirical research has developed
into the following paths.
The first approach attempts to examine the relationship between
expected returns and risk, particular attention has been given to the
cause and modeling of risk. For instance, French, et al. [14] find
evidence that expected market risk premium of stock portfolio is
positively related to the predictable volatility of stock returns. Lee
and Ohk [26] and Glosten, et al. [15] employing ARCH-M and GARCH-models,
respectively, present additional evidence on the relationship between
risk and return for the US data. (1)
The second line of approach emphasizes the significance of
co-movements of international stock indices. Researchers such as Jeon
and Chiang [17] and Kasa [21] tackle the issue of international stock
linkages by exploring time series factors that are commonly shared by
individual national markets. By employing multivariate cointegration tests, Jeon and Chiang and Kasa find evidence to support the existence
of a common stochastic trend in a system formed by the major stock
Besides, attention has been directed to examine the nature and the
lead and lag pattern of information transmitting. For instance, in their
investigation of an international transmission mechanism in stock market
movements, Eun and Shim [12] found that innovations in the US market are
rapidly transmitted to the rest of the world. King and Wadhwani [23]
also demonstrated a contagion effect--in that price changes in one
market can be transmitted to other markets through information
assessment and inference. Moreover, Hamao, et al. [16] reported that
price volatility spills over across markets. Theodossiou and Lee [33]
and Chiang and Chiang [5] concluded that national stock market
volatility is caused mainly by U.S. stock return volatility, although a
weaker effect was found in the risk measured by macroeconomic volatility
and exchange rate variations. In sum, the accumulated evidence indicates
that international linkages and interactions among international stock
markets have increased in 1990s, indicating that national markets have
grown more interdependent (Koutmos and Booth [24]).
Despite a substantial amount of empirical research analyzing stock
market behavior, most of the studies concentrate on a few major
developed stock markets. Their investigations are focused on the
relationship between national stock returns. Very few attempts have been
devoted to: (1) the study of the newly industrial countries such as
Taiwan, Hong-Kong, South Korea, and Singapore, etc. on the comparable
research and (2) examining the interactions between the foreign exchange
rate changes and the stock returns.
In light of current impact of Asian financial market crisis, in
this paper we present a bivariate conditional variance model to analyze
individual national stock returns and their interaction to the foreign
exchange changes. Thus, in modeling national stock behavior, the return
equation is assumed to be explained by its own lags, the cross
correlations and the changes of foreign exchange rates; while the
variance equation is assumed to follow a bivariate GARCH(1,1) process.
A. Data
In this paper, we employ daily data for the period from January 1,
1990 through February 10, 1998. The stock market indices and exchange
rates are for Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia,
Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, and the United States. The
stock return is defined as the natural log-difference of daily stock
prices. The exchange rate is defined as the units of national currency
per U.S. dollar. All of the indices are expressed in local currency. All
of the data are obtained from Data Stream International.
B. Autocorrelation and Cross Correlation
To obtain some basic information in relation to the time series
properties for stock returns, [R.sup.i.sub.s,t], and changes of exchange
rates, [R.sup.i.sub.x,t], (where superscript "i" refers to the
indices for Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia,
Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, and the first subscript "s"
refers to stock prices and "x" for exchange rates), we
calculate the autocorrelations for each market with a 5-day window. The
results of stock returns and changes of exchange rates are,
respectively, presented in Tables 1 and 2. Comparing the estimated
coefficients with the corresponding standard error, the evidence shows
that the coefficients of the autocorrelation function are positively
significant for one or two day lag. However, changes in exchange rates
present longer lags. Evidently, the random walk hypothesis is clearly
rejected for most of the Asian countries, both for the daily stock
returns and change in exchange rates. When we examine the jointly
significant for the independence of ten-day lags, the null is uniformly
rejected by the Ljung Box Q-statistics, indicating some degree of
dependency existing over the 10 days window.
Next, we look into the cross correlations of stock return for each
country with respect to that of the US and Japan. The statistics
reported in Tables 3a and 3b are calculated from two-day leads to
two-day lags (2 to 2). With the exception of one or two instances, the
evidence strongly indicates that the stock returns are significantly
correlated with the US or Japanese market contemporaneously or with
one-day lag, signifying a spillover effect in the mean equation.
Finally, as shown in Table 3b, we investigate the cross correlation
between stock return and exchange rate change. The evidence shows that
the contemporaneous correlation is more significant although up to two
day lags are also significant. One important information emerging from
this test is that the exchange rate risk appears to be an important
argument in explaining the stock returns.
A. Univariate Model
A univariate stock return equation with a conditional variance
model can be expressed as:
[R.sup.i.sub.t] = [beta]'[Z.sup.i.sub.t-1] +
[[epsilon].sup.i.sub.t], (1)
[h.sup.i.sub.t] = [h.sup.i.sub.0] +
A(L)[[epsilon].sup.i.sub.t][[epsilon].sup.i.sub.t] +
B(L)[h.sup.i.sub.t], (2)
where [R.sup.i.sub.t] is the daily stock return for market index,
[[epsilon].sup.i.sub.t] is an error term from the return equation,
[h.sup.i.sub.t] = E([[epsilon].sup.i.sub.t][[epsilon].sup.i.sub.t]) is a
conditional variance and L is the lagged operator. (2,3) Equation (1)
states that the stock return is a linear function of information set
defined by [Z.sup.i.sub.t-1]. The evidence from the studies of the
advanced countries suggests that market returns depend on a set of
information variables, [Z.sup.i.sub.t-1], such as dividend yields,
interest rates (term structure relationships), and risk factors
(Glosten, et al. [15] and Longin and Solnik [27]).
Since daily observations for these variables are not readily
available from the markets under investigation, we instead specify that
[Z.sup.i.sub.t-1] consists of the information derived from local,
regional, and world factors. Local (Country) information includes lagged
market return ([R.sup.i.sub.s,t-p]) and change in exchange rate against
US dollar ([R.sup.i.sub.x,t]). Regional and world variables are,
respectively, measured by Japanese stock return ([R.sup.JP.sub.s,t]) and
US stock return ([R.sup.US.sub.s,t]). Specifically, we define:
[Z.sup.i.sub.t-1] = {[R.sup.i.sub.s,t-p], [R.sup.JP.sub.s,t],
[R.sup.US.sub.s,t], [R.sup.i.sub.x,t]}.
The variance equation in (2) is assumed to follow a finite GARCH
process. Notice that in a standard GARCH-M model, a conditional variance
term is usually treated as an independent argument included in the
return equation. The idea behind this is to capture the traditional two-
parameter asset pricing models by relating the means to the variances
(or standard deviations). Since the experience from finance literature
suggests that the GARCH(1,1) is sufficient to describe the conditional
volatility (Bollerslev, et al. [3]) and our empirical experiment also
indicated that the conditional variance variable produces statistical
insignificance, the variance equation seems reasonably to be specified
in a GARCH (1,1) instead of a GARCH (1,1)-M process.
B. A Multivariate Conditional Variance-Covariance Model A drawback of a univariate GARCH(1,1) process such as equation (2) is that the
model fails to take into account the information of covariance between
national stock return and exchange rate change. In their recent research
paper, Longin and Solnik [27] show that the correlation matrix of
international asset returns provides a useful information in forming an
optimal international portfolio. Moreover, the knowledge of covariance
between national stock market and foreign exchange market can be
employed as an important input in formulating international investment
strategy. To highlight this feature, the stock return and exchange-rate
change will be estimated jointly with a vector GARCH(1,1) process.
[R.sup.i.sub.x,t] = [[beta].sub.0] + [k.summation over (j=l)]
[[beta].sub.l,j][R.sup.i.sub.x,t-j] + [[epsilon].sup.i.sub.x,t] (4)
[h.sup.i.sub.s,t] = [d.sub.0] + [d.sub.1][[epsilon].sup.i.sub.s,t-
1][[epsilon].sup.i.sub.s,t-1] + [d.sub.2][h.sup.i.sub.s,t-1] (5)
[h.sup.i.sub.x,t] = [e.sub.0] + [e.sub.1][[epsilon].sup.i.sub.x,t-
1][[epsilon].sup.i.sub.x,t-1] + [e.sub.2][h.sup.i.sub.x,t-1] (6)
[,t] = [f.sub.0] +
[f.sub.1][[epsilon],t- 1][[epsilon],t-1] +
[f.sub.2][,t-1] (7)
where [R.sup.i.sub.s,t] is the daily stock return for market index
i (i applies to Hong Kong, Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia,
Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand), [R.sup.i.sub.x,t] is
changes of exchange rates, [[epsilon].sup.i.sub.s,t] and
[[epsilon].sup.i.sub.x,t] are, respectively, the error term for stock
return and changed exchange rate equation.
Equations (3) and (4) are mean equations. Equation (3) states that
a national stock return is a function of its own autoregressive process,
a distributed lags of stock returns from Japanese and US markets and
changes of exchange rate, the latter captures the exchange rate risk.
Equation (4) specifies that changes of exchange rate are assumed to
follow an autoregressive process. In estimating the dynamic relationship
such as (3) and (4), it is crucial to determine the lag length. Usually,
Akaike, Schwartz, or Final Prediction Error methods is recommended. In
this paper, we shall rely on the significance tests on autocorrelations
and the cross correlation functions shown in Tables 1, 2 and 3. We
believe this method is more consistent with the parsimonious principle.
Equations (5) and (6) are variance equations for national stock
return and exchange rate, respectively, while (7) is a covariance
equation. All these equations are assumed to follow GARCH(1,1) process.
The estimated results for equations (3) and (4) are reported in
Table 4. Several empirical findings are obtained from these Tables.
First, with the exception of Taiwan, the stock return series
consistently display a significant AR process. Second, the estimated
results indicate that coefficients on the cross returns for both Japan
and US have positive sign and are statistically significant at the
current and lagged one day. Third, the coefficients on the exchange rate
terms are negative and statistically significant, meaning that stock
returns are positively correlated with the currency appreciation. As far
as the exchange rate equation as concerned, with the exceptions of Japan
and Singapore, all the other exchange rates show certain types of AR
process. Particularly, Hong Kong's market displays a negative AR(1)
pattern, while the other Asian currencies have a positive AR(1) process,
indicating that a depreciation (appreciation) of the national currency
tends to have further depreciation of the currency. This underlying
pattern provides a useful information in manipulating the market,
rejecting the efficient market hypothesis.
Taking the evidence together, the estimated results show that the
local, regional, and world factors all have explanatory power.
Interpreting this evidence differently, the stock returns in Asian
countries are highly correlated with the stock returns in Japan and US
as well as the value of the national currency.
Since the [Q.sup.2](10) for both stock return and exchange rate
equations are all highly significant, the constant variance assumption
for the residuals is uniformly rejected. We estimate equations (3)
through (7) jointly. The estimates of the return equation are reported
in Table 5. The evidence from the return equation produces very similar
results as that we obtained from Table 4. Particularly, the stock return
for each country is positively correlated to its own lags (except Japan
and Taiwan) and also positively correlated with Japan and US in current
and/or one-day lag. The only exception is in the Korean market, we do
not find any evidence signifies a significant correlation with these two
advanced countries. As before, the exchange rate is also statistically
significant in explaining the stock return although the time lag varies
from country to country. A general information revealing from the
estimates indicates that the coefficient has a negative sign, meaning
that the stock return is positively correlated with the appreciation of
the national currency. One possible explanation of this is that an
appreciation of the national currency signifies the strength of the
national economic power, especially in its performance in the foreign
sector, creating a confidence and optimistic perspective in stock
market. Since most of the Asian countries are exported oriented, the
currency appreciation leads to stock market appreciate as well.
Table 6 gives the estimated results of the variance-covariance
equations. The coefficients in Panels A and B show significant
GARCH(1,1) effects for all countries. Interestingly, the estimates of
the conditional covariance in Panel C are found to be significantly
explained by the cross product of past shock and/or its lagged value,
indicating that the covariances are time varying. This evidence is
consistent with the findings by Engel and Rodrigues [10] in that the
time-varying conditional variance-covariance process should be more
explicitly built into international asset pricing models.
In this paper, a multivariate conditional variance-covariance
framework is used to analyze the behavior of various Asian stock
markets. This paper explores information derived from local, regional,
and world factors to interpret the national stock returns. First, using
lagged national stock return as a local factor, our evidence indicates
that most markets under investigation display significant autoregressive
process, rejecting random walk hypothesis. Our findings also conclude
that the regional and world factors, proxied by Japanese and US stock
returns, respectively, have a positive effect on the Asian stock
returns, although the lag length varies from country to country.
Next, the estimated results suggest that the national stock returns
and the value of national currency are positively related, suggesting
that a higher stock returns is encouraged by an appreciation of national
Finally, the model has been estimated in the framework of a
bivariate GARCH(1,1) process. The results derived from this study
indicate that both variance and covariance terms are time varying. This
suggests that, in pricing international assets, the conditional
variance-covariance process should be more explicitly built into the
model in order to account for the time-varying risk.
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(1.) In literature, evidence has shown conflict signs for the
relationship between return and risk. This is reconciled by Glosten, et
al. [15] by arguing that the investor may want to save more in the
current period against the uncertainty of the future. As a result, a
lower risk premium is demanded.
(2.) Due to lack of daily risk-free asset returns in these markets,
that prevented us from using excess return variable in the return
equation (Baillie and DeGennaro [1], Chou [6], Choudhry [7], and Kim and
Kon [22]).
(3.) The error term may be specified as an MA(1) process to capture
the effect of non-synchronous trading (Ballie and DeGennaro [1]).
Thomas C. Chiang, Sheng Y. Yang, and Tse S. Wang Department of
Finance, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104.
Table 1
Summary Statistics of Daily Stock Returns: 1990/01/01 to 1998/02/10
Hong Kong Indonesia Japan
Mean 0.06 0.01 -0.04
Std. Dev. 1.6 1.27 1.48
Skewness -0.09 * 0.68 *** 0.38 ***
Kurtosis 16.06 *** 22.46 *** 4.77 ***
[[rho].sub.1] 0.0067 0.2854 *** -0.0087
[[rho].sub.2] -0.0113 0.0704 *** -0.0734 ***
[[rho].sub.3] 0.1123 *** -0.0224 0.0072
[[rho].sub.4] -0.0448 ** -0.0067 0.0185
[[rho].sub.5] 0.0009 0.0313 -0.0152
Q(10) 50.89 *** 239.67 *** 23.76 ***
[[rho].sup.2.sub.1] 0.4213 *** 0.1974 *** 0.1255 ***
[[rho].sup.2.sub.2] 0.1943 *** 0.1566 *** 0.1409 ***
[Q.sup.2] (10) 862.06 *** 410.45 *** 252.89 ***
Korea Malaysia Philippines
Mean -0.01 0.01 0.03
Std. Dev. 1.59 1.5 1.61
Skewness 0.04 1.00 *** 0.06
Kurtosis 8.04 *** 21.46 *** 4.86 ***
[[rho].sub.1] 0.1003 *** 0.1587 *** 0.2203 ***
[[rho].sub.2] -0.0274 0.0516 ** 0.0253
[[rho].sub.3] -0.0143 0.0125 0.0308
[[rho].sub.4] -0.0616 *** 0.0489 ** 0.0377 *
[[rho].sub.5] -0.0033 0.0245 0.0065
Q(10) 41.72 *** 84.65 *** 117.89 ***
[[rho].sup.2.sub.1] 0.2856 *** 0.1265 *** 0.1812 ***
[[rho].sup.2.sub.2] 0.2793 *** 0.2050 *** 0.1494 ***
[Q.sup.2](10) 1191.12 *** 194.91 *** 257.53 ***
Singapore Taiwan
Mean 0.004 0.04
Std. Dev. 1.13 1.54
Skewness 0.22 *** -0.11 *
Kurtosis 17.59 *** 2.81 ***
[[rho].sub.1] 0.1810 *** -0.0166
[[rho].sub.2] 0.0434 ** 0.0397 *
[[rho].sub.3] 0.0293 0.0335
[[rho].sub.4] -0.0092 -0.0195
[[rho].sub.5] -0.0257 0.0235
Q(10) 106.36 *** 20.49 ***
[[rho].sup.2.sub.1] 0.3110 *** 0.1217 ***
[[rho].sup.2.sub.2] 0.2328 *** 0.1026 ***
[Q.sup.2] (10) 673.53 *** 129.77 ***
Thailand US
Mean -0.02 0.05
Std. Dev. 1.8 0.79
Skewness 0.13 ** -0.26 ***
Kurtosis 5.77 *** 6.12 ***
[[rho].sub.1] 0.1600 *** 0.0177
[[rho].sub.2] 0.0036 -0.0171
[[rho].sub.3] 0.0357 * -0.0551 **
[[rho].sub.4] 0.0368 * 0.0007
[[rho].sub.5] 0.0104 -0.0134
Q(10) 76.89 *** 34.62 ***
[[rho].sup.2.sub.1] 0.3227 *** 0.2542 ***
[[rho].sup.2.sub.2] 0.2945 *** 0.0724 ***
[Q.sup.2] (10) 720.48 *** 202.66 ***
(1) The mean and standard deviation of stock returns are
percentage returns. The standard error of the estimated ACF
is approximately equal to 0.02174 (with 2116 observations).
(2) Q(10) is the Ljung-Box Q-statistics that tests the joint
significance of the autocorrelations of the daily returns series
up to the 10th order. [Q.sup.2](10)is the Ljung-Box Q-statistics
that tests the joint significance of the autocorrelations of the
squared daily returns series up to the 10th order.
(3) *, **, and *** indicate statistically significant at 10%, 5%,
and 1% levels, respectively.
Table 2
Summary Statistics of Daily Exchange Rate Returns:
Hong Kong Indonesia Japan
Mean -0.0004 0.07 -0.007
Std. Dev. 0.04 1.75 0.69
Skewness -0.57 *** 2.84 *** -0.68 ***
Kurtosis 41.25 *** 135.79 *** 6.02 ***
[[rho].sub.1] -0.1965 *** 0.1031 *** -0.0394 *
[[rho].sub.2] 0.0191 0.1147 *** -0.0036
[[rho].sub.3] 0.0202 -0.0133 -0.0228
[[rho].sub.4] -0.0326 0.0386 * 0.0185
[[rho].sub.5] -0.0241 -0.2429 *** 0.0216
Q(10) 95.17 *** 288.50 *** 26.49 ***
[[rho].sup.2.sub.1] 0.3116 *** 0.2836 *** 0.0647 ***
[[rho].sup.2.sub.2] 0.0631 *** 0.2123 *** 0.0372 *
[Q.sup.2] (10) 233.02 *** 1644.26 *** 19.54 **
Korea Malaysia Philippines
Mean 0.05 0.01 0.03
Std. Dev. 1.27 0.56 0.71
Skewness -0.04 -1.03 *** 4.08 ***
Kurtosis 120.42 *** 65.53 *** 57.81 ***
[[rho].sub.1] 0.3449 *** 0.1909 *** 0.1324 ***
[[rho].sub.2] 0.0825 *** 0.1752 *** -0.0426 **
[[rho].sub.3] -0.2411 *** 0.0359 * -0.0499 **
[[rho].sub.4] -0.2830 *** -0.0762 *** -0.0833 ***
[[rho].sub.5] -0.4395 *** 0.0338 -0.0306
Q(10) 1077.68 *** 244.55 *** 78.94 ***
[[rho].sup.2.sub.1] 0.1290 *** 0.1913 *** 0.1958 ***
[[rho].sup.2.sub.2] 0.1444 *** 0.2247 *** 0.0539 **
[Q.sup.2] (10) 1189.58 *** 895.16 *** 105.50 ***
Singapore Taiwan Thailand
Mean -0.01 0.02 0.03
Std. Dev. 0.29 0.32 0.71
Skewness -0.03 2.46 *** 6.47 **
Kurtosis 12.32 *** 51.50 *** 177.25 ***
[[rho].sub.1] -0.0112 -0.0198 0.0534 **
[[rho].sub.2] 0.0226 0.0488 ** -0.0515 **
[[rho].sub.3] -0.0001 -0.027 -0.1476 ***
[[rho].sub.4] 0.0184 0.0376 * 0.1192 ***
[[rho].sub.5] 0.0786 *** 0.0031 0.0827 ***
Q(10) 45.94 *** 12.07 184.42 ***
[[rho].sup.2.sub.1] 0.3050 *** 0.2893 *** 0.0498 **
[[rho].sup.2.sub.2] 0.3477 *** 0.1855 *** 0.0516 **
[Q.sup.2] (10) 992.59 *** 224.77 ** 103.72 ***
(1) The mean and standard deviation of stock returns are percentage
returns. The standard error of the estimated ACF is approximately
equal to 0.02174 (with 2116 observations).
(2) Q(10) is the Ljung-Box Q-statistics that tests the joint
significance of the autocorrelations of the daily returns series
up to the 10th order. [Q.sup.2](10)is the Ljung-Box Q-statistics
that tests the joint significance of the autocorrelations of the
squared daily returns series up to the 10th order.
(3) *, **, and *** indicate statistically significant at 10%, 5%,
and 1% levels, respectively.
Table 3a
Cross Correlations for Pairwise Stock Returns:
1990/01/01 - 1998/02/10
[[gamma].sub.-2] 0.0311 -0.0317 -0.019
[[gamma].sub.-1] -0.0299 0.0369 * -0.0536 **
[[gamma].sub.0] 0.1166 *** 0.006 0.1315 ***
[[gamma].sub.1] 0.3407 *** 0.1723 *** 0.2415 ***
[[gamma].sub.2] -0.0486 ** 0.0307 0.0184
Q(-5,5) 287.27 *** 92.97 *** 172.37 ***
[[gamma].sub.--2] -0.0149 0.0154
[[gamma].sub.--1] 0.007 -0.0041
[[gamma].sub.0] 0.2788 *** 0.1030 ***
[[gamma].sub.1] -0.0255 0.0478 **
[[gamma].sub.2] -0.0342 -0.0203
Q(-5,5) 170.92 *** 39.81 ***
[[gamma].sub.-2] -0.0103 -0.0256 -0.003
[[gamma].sub.-1] 0.0122 0.0204 -0.0093
[[gamma].sub.0] 0.0839 *** 0.1098 *** 0.0723 ***
[[gamma].sub.1] 0.1012 *** 0.2327 *** 0.2229 ***
[[gamma].sub.2] -0.0396 * 0.024 0.0232
Q(-5,5) 37.27 *** 158.86 *** 135.10 ***
[[gamma].sub.--2] 0.0425 ** 0.0055 -0.0322
[[gamma].sub.--1] 0.0673 *** 0.0291 -0.0022
[[gamma].sub.0] 0.0086 0.2083 *** 0.0904 ***
[[gamma].sub.1] 0.0614 *** 0.0541 ** 0.1010 ***
[[gamma].sub.2] -0.0798 *** -0.0248 -0.0206
Q(-5,5) 32.37 *** 104.62 *** 51.70 ***
[[gamma].sub.-2] -0.0162 -0.0136 -0.0555 **
[[gamma].sub.-1] 0.0609 *** -0.0440 ** 0.0167
[[gamma].sub.0] 0.1191 *** -0.0146 0.0659 ***
[[gamma].sub.1] 0.3234 *** 0.1129 *** 0.2332 ***
[[gamma].sub.2] 0.0117 0.0902 *** 0.0554 **
Q(-5,5) 269.47 *** 41.09 *** 151.53 ***
[[gamma].sub.--2] 0.0091 -0.0078 -0.0086
[[gamma].sub.--1] 0.0357 0.0049 0.0028
[[gamma].sub.0] 0.2739 *** 0.0819 *** 0.1465 ***
[[gamma].sub.1] 0.0515 ** 0.0613 *** 0.0718 ***
[[gamma].sub.2] 0.0054 -0.0155 -0.0108
Q(-5,5) 171.10 *** 18.14 * 58.62 ***
(1) *, **, and *** indicate statistically significant at 10%,
5%, and 1% levels, respectively.
(2) The standard error of the estimated cross auto-correlation
is approximately equal to 0 02174 (with 2116 observations)
Table 3b
Cross Correlations between Stock Returns and Exchange Rate Returns:
1990/01/01 - 1998/02/10
Hongkong Indonesia Japan
[[gamma].sub.-2] 0.0337 -0.0816 *** -0.0251
[[gamma].sub.-1] -0.0079 0.0113 -0.0138
[[gamma].sub.0] -0.0973 *** -0.1255 *** 0.0387 *
[[gamma].sub.1] 0.0585 *** -0.0555 *** -0.0037
[[gamma].sub.2] 0.0058 -0.0766 *** 0.0032
Q(-5,5) 70.01 *** 159.77 *** 7.34
Korea Malaysia Philippines
[[gamma].sub.-2] -0.0475 ** -0.0027 -0.0367 *
[[gamma].sub.-1] -0.3006 *** -0.0999 *** -0.034
[[gamma].sub.0] -0.1712 *** -0.2806 *** -0.0206
[[gamma].sub.1] -0.0276 -0.1332 *** -0.0043
[[gamma].sub.2] 0.0759 *** -0.1084 *** -0.0631 ***
Q(-5,5) 246.67 *** 275.46 *** 24.46 **
Singapore Taiwan Thailand
[[gamma].sub.-2] -0.0156 -0.0487 ** -0.0163
[[gamma].sub.-1] -0.0640 *** -0.0774 *** -0.0922 ***
[[gamma].sub.0] -0.1252 *** -0.1069 *** -0.0695 ***
[[gamma].sub.1] -0.1046 *** -0.0196 0.0740 ***
[[gamma].sub.2] -0.0620 *** -0.0018 0.0655 ***
Q(-5,5) 101.32 *** 50.01 *** 71.68 ***
(1) *, **, and *** indicate statistically significant at 10%, 5%,
and 1% levels, respectively.
(2) The standard error of the estimated cross correlation is
approximately equal to 0.02174 (with 2116 observations).
Table 4
Estimation of Regression Model: 1990/01/01 - 1998/02/10
Country Hong Kong Indonesia Japan
A. Stock Return Equation
Constant 0.0002 0.0001 -0.0007 **
(0.79) (0.28) (2.40)
[R.sub.t-1] 0.2973 ***
[R.sub.t-2] -0.032 -0.0592 ***
(1.50) (2.83)
[R.sub.t-3] 0.1059 ***
[R.sub.t-4] -0.0336 *
[R.sup.JP.sub.t] 0.2105 *** 0.0625 ***
(9.75) (3.44)
[R.sup.JP.sub.t-1] -0.0589 *** -0.0069
(2.75) (0.39)
[R.sup.US.sub.t] 0.1716 *** -0.0358 0.2366 ***
(4.29) (1.08) (6.06)
[R.sup.US.sub.t-1] 0.5973 *** 0.2407 *** 0.4404 ***
(14.5) (7.08) (11.26)
[R.sub.x,t] -3.8555 *** -0.0922 *** -0.0795 *
(5.38) (6.18) (1.77)
Q(10) 15.67 48.07 *** 12.23
[Q.sup.2]((10) 750.77 *** 538.83 *** 267.09 ***
B. Exchange Rate Return Equation
Constant -5.2 x [10.sup.-6] 0.0007 ** -0.0001
(0.56) (2.04) (0.48)
[R.sub.x,t-1] -0.1965 *** 0.0975 ***
(9.22) (4.48)
[R.sub.x,t-2] 0.1121 ***
[R.sub.x,t-5] -0.2696 ***
Q(10) 19.65 ** 65.34 *** 26.49 ***
[Q.sup.2]((10) 289.15 *** 1735.94 *** 19.70 **
Country Korea Malaysia Philippines
A. Stock Return Equation
Constant -0.0003 -0.0001 ** 0.00003
(0.64) (0.02) (0.08)
[R.sub.t-1] 0.0496 * 0.0997 *** 0.2013 ***
(1.78) (4.82) (9.68)
[R.sub.t-2] 0.0282
[R.sub.t-4] -0.035 0.0789 ***
(1.30) (3.93)
[RJP.sub.t] -0.0362 0.1424 *** 0.0395 *
(1.08) (6.82) (1.69)
[RJP.sub.t-1] 0.0687 ** 0.0058 0.0669 ***
(2.11) (0.28) (2.94)
[RUS.sub.t] 0.1643 *** 0.1441 *** 0.1406 ***
(2.93) (3.79) (3.32)
[RUS.sub.t-1] 0.1876 *** 0.3488 *** 0.3868 ***
(3.26) (8.90) (8.85)
[R.sub.x,t] -0.1798 *** -0.7104 *** -0.0367
(5.10) (13.17) (0.79)
Q(10) 12.31 10.94 8.55
[Q.sup.2]((10) 897.65 *** 322.46 *** 248.75 ***
B. Exchange Rate Return Equation
Constant 0.0007 ** 0.0001 0.0003 *
(2.32) (0.82) (1.86)
[R.sub.x,t-1] 0.2649 *** 0.1763 *** 0.1363 ***
(10.33) (7.83) (6.26)
[R.sub.x,t-2] -0.0117 0.1706 *** -0.0604 ***
(0.44) (7.49) (2.75)
[R.sub.x,t-3] -0.2221 *** -0.0266
(8.56) (1.21)
[R.sub.x,t-4] -0.0252 -0.1192 *** -0.0765 ***
(0.94) (5.31) (3.51)
[R.sub.x,t-5] -0.3418 ***
Q(10) 357.54 *** 65.97 *** 17.22 *
[Q.sup.2]((10) 2313.60 *** 924.06 *** 98.60 ***
Country Singapore Taiwan Thailand
A. Stock Return Equation
Constant -0.0002 0.0004 -0.0004
(0.86) (1.00) (1.08)
[R.sub.t-1] 0.1367 *** 0.1371 ***
(6.50) (6.50)
[R.sub.t-2] 0.0012
[RJP.sub.t] 0.1460 *** 0.0627 ** 0.1110 ***
(9.31) (2.24) (4.25)
[RJP.sub.t-1] -0.0135 0.0590 ** 0.0336
(0.85) (2.17) (1.31)
[RUS.sub.t] 0.1076 *** -0.0275 0.1091 **
(3.77) (0.53) (2.30)
[RUS.sub.t-1] 0.3748 *** 0.1839 *** 0.4443 ***
(12.75) (3.47) (9.09)
[R.sub.x,t] -0.4214 *** -0.4603 *** -0.1301 **
(5.50) (3.79) (2.46)
Q(10) 29.70 *** 22.36 ** 19.29 **
[Q.sup.2]((10) 478.18 *** 112.89 *** 657.52 ***
B. Exchange Rate Return Equation
Constant -0.0001 0.0001* 0.0002*
(1.13) (1.85) (1.62)
[R.sub.x,t-1] 0.0615 ***
[R.sub.x,t-2] 0.0489 ** -0.0321
(1.95) (1.46)
[R.sub.x,t-3] -0.1507
[R.sub.x,t-4] 0.1355 ***
[R.sub.x,t-5] 0.0573 **
Q(10) 45.94 *** 8.43 64.41 ***
[Q.sup.2]((10) 1001.28 *** 218.51 *** 92.20 ***
Note: *, **, and *** indicate statistically significant at
10%, 5%, and 1% levels respectively.
Table 5
Estimates of the Mean Equation in a Bivariate GARCH Model:
1990/01/01 - 1998/02/10
Country Hong Kong Indonesia
A. Stock Return Equation
Constant 0.0007 *** -4.7 * [10.sup.-5]
(2.88) (0.27)
[R.sub.t-1] 0.2659 ***
[R.sub.t-2] 0.0569 ***
[R.sub.t-3] 0.0361 *
[R.sub.t-4] 0.0056
[R.sup.JP.sub.t] 0.1928 *** 0.0431 ***
(12.10) (3.90)
[R.sup.JP.sub.t-1] -0.0215 0.0735 ***
(1.21) (12.02)
[R.sup.US.sub.t] 0.1060 *** -0.0425 **
(4.18) (2.03)
[R.sup.US.sub.t-1] 0.4648 *** 0.1194 ***
(17.44) (6.72)
[R.sub.x,t] -2.0649 *** -0.3135 ***
(3.82) (9.45)
B. Exchange Rate Return Equation
Constant -2.51 * [10.sup.-6] 0.0002 ***
(0.84) 96.25)
[R.sub.x,t-1] -0.1181 *** 0.0014
(4.82) (0.05)
[R.sub.x,t-2] -0.0828 ***
[R.sub.x,t-5] -0.0319
Country Japan Korea
A. Stock Return Equation
Constant -0.0002 -1.0 * [10.sup.-5]
(0.74) (0.03)
[R.sub.t-1] 0.0696 **
[R.sub.t-2] -0.0177
[R.sub.t-4] -0.0055
[R.sup.JP.sub.t] -0.0253
[R.sup.JP.sub.t-1] 0.0241
[R.sup.US.sub.t] 0.1621 *** 0.063
(5.45) (1.41)
[R.sup.US.sub.t-1] 0.3710 *** 0.0511
(12.67) (1.02)
[R.sub.x,t] -0.0104 -0.2968 ***
(0.16) (8.63)
B. Exchange Rate Return Equation
Constant -3.6 * [10.sup.-6] -2.0 * [10.sup.-5]
(0.03) (0.47)
[R.sub.x,t-1] 0.2559 ***
[R.sub.x,t-2] -0.0981***
[R.sub.x,t-3] -0.0111
[R.sub.x,t-4] 0.0443 *
[R.sub.x,t-5] 0.0485 **
Country Malaysia Philippines Singapore
A. Stock Return Equation
Constant 0.0003 * 0.0001 0.0002
(1.72) (0.42) (0.84)
[R.sub.t-1] 0.1940 *** 0.2217 *** 0.1405 ***
(9.00) (10.9) (6.20)
[R.sub.t-2] 0.0322 0.0137
(1.48) (0.60)
[R.sub.t-4] 0.0316
[R.sup.JP.sub.t] 0.1104 *** 0.0028 0.1070 ***
(7.72) (0.15) (8.43)
[R.sup.JP.sub.t-1] -0.0148 0.0393 ** -0.0009
(1.11) (2.13) (0.07)
[R.sup.US.sub.t] 0.0900 *** 0.0750 ** 0.0588 ***
(3.69) (2.09) (2.94)
[R.sup.US.sub.t-1] 0.2454 *** 0.2938 *** 0.3002 ***
(10.52) (9.88) (13.81)
[R.sub.x,t] -0.7762 *** -0.1701 *** 0.0846
(33.25) (2.66) (0.86)
B. Exchange Rate Return Equation
Constant -0.0001 * 0.0001 -0.0001 ***
(1.71) (0.74) (2.98)
[R.sub.x,t-1] 0.0161 0.0315
(0.74) (0.94)
[R.sub.x,t-2] -0.0243 -0.0329
(0.94) (0.55)
[R.sub.x,t-3] -0.0167
[R.sub.x,t-4] -0.0149 -0.0431
(0.75) (1.06)
Country Taiwan Thailand
A. Stock Return Equation
Constant 0.0004 0.0001
(1.11) (0.25)
[R.sub.t-1] 0.1626 ***
[R.sup.JP.sub.t] 0.0562 ** 0.0580 ***
(2.35) (3.10)
[R.sup.JP.sub.t-1] 0.0433 * 0.0363 *
(1.77) (1.80)
[R.sup.US.sub.t] -0.0433 0.044
(1.01) (1.33)
[R.sup.US.sub.t-1] 0.1709 *** 0.3096 ***
(3.41) (8.98)
[R.sub.x,t] 0.1135 -0.0691
(0.56) (1.37)
B. Exchange Rate Return Equation
Constant 0.0001 *** -1.5 * [10.sup.-5]
(2.65) (0.51)
[R.sub.x,t-1] 0.0003
[R.sub.x,t-2] -0.0407 -0.0227
(1.20) (0.59)
[R.sub.x,t-3] -0.0467
[R.sub.x,t-4] 0.0306
[R.sub.x,t-5] -0.0820 ***
Note: *, **, and *** indicate statistically significant
at 10%, 5%, and 1% levels respectively.
Table 6
Estimates of the Variance-Covariance Equations in a Bivariate
GARCH Model: 1990/01/01 - 1998/02/10
Country Hong Kong Indonesia
A. Conditional Variance Equation of Stock Return
[d.sub.0] 4.10 * [10.sup.-6] *** 6.4 * [10.sup.-6] ***
(6.90) (8.81)
[d.sub.1] 0.0945 *** 0.3290***
(11.40) (15.56)
[d.sub.2] 0.8855 *** 0.6785***
(109.48) (39.00)
B. Conditional Variance Equation of Exchange Rate Return
[e.sub.0] 1.3 * [10.sup.-9] *** 3.1 * [10.sup.-8] ***
(7.95) (26.29)
[e.sub.1] 0.3066 *** 0.0730 ***
(36.30) (36.66)
[e.sub.2] 0.8024 *** 0.9428 ***
(208.93) (1061.11)
C. Conditional Covariance Equation of Stock and Exchange Rate Return
[f.sub.0] -7.2 * [10.sup.-8] *** 2.2 * [10.sup.-8]
(10.19) (0.67)
[f.sub.1] 0.0319 * 0.0422 ***
(1.65) (2.72)
[f.sub.2] -0.7798 *** 0.8902 ***
(3.67) (16.40)
Country Japan Korea
A. Conditional Variance Equation of Stock Return
[d.sub.0] 7.7 * [10.sup.-6] *** 2.3 * [10.sup.-6] ***
(10.46) (17.61)
[d.sub.1] 0.1141*** 0.1664***
(10.98) (8.69)
[d.sub.2] 0.8508*** 0.7034***
(79.18) (38.74)
B. Conditional Variance Equation of Exchange Rate Return
[e.sub.0] 1.7 * [10.sup.-6] *** 3.4 * [10.sup.-7] ***
(7.90) (20.46)
[e.sub.1] 0.0407 *** 0.4049 ***
(8.96) (15.60)
[e.sub.2] 0.9259 *** 0.5168 ***
(135.44) (36.34)
C. Conditional Covariance Equation of Stock and Exchange Rate Return
[f.sub.0] -8.9 * [10.sup.-7] 3.6 * [10.sup.-7]
(0.18) (0.87)
[f.sub.1] 0.0306 * 0.001
(1.82) (1.15)
[f.sub.2] -0.7857 *** -1.0050 ***
(4.90) (81.10)
Country Malaysia Philippines
A. Conditional Variance Equation of Stock Return
[d.sub.0] 7.3 * [10.sup.-6] *** 4.8 * [10.sup.-6] ***
(11.66) (5.89)
[d.sub.1] 0.1923*** 0.0986***
(11.61) (10.82)
[d.sub.2] 0.7749*** 0.8896***
(64.53) (110.28)
B. Conditional Variance Equation of Exchange Rate Return
[e.sub.0] 3.0 * [10.sup.-7] *** 5.4 * [10.sup.-7] ***
(20.82) (26.33)
[e.sub.1] 0.2645 *** 0.0363 ***
(21.27) (20.57)
[e.sub.2] 0.7263 *** 0.9594 ***
(86.75) (665.56)
C. Conditional Covariance Equation of Stock and Exchange Rate Return
[f.sub.0] 5.6 * [10.sup.-9] * 3.8 * [10.sup.-8]
(1.62) (1.14)
[f.sub.1] -0.0030 *** -0.0008
(4.50) (0.63)
[f.sub.2] 1.0018 *** 0.9680 ***
(411.81) (475.71)
Country Singapore Taiwan
A. Conditional Variance Equation of Stock Return
[d.sub.0] 5.9 * [10.sup.-6] *** 2.1 * [10.sup.-5] ***
(18.18) (7.56)
[d.sub.1] 0.1395*** 0.0723***
(12.65) (7.15)
[d.sub.2] 0.7982*** 0.8478***
(116.31) (49.97)
B. Conditional Variance Equation of Exchange Rate Return
[e.sub.0] 2.4 * [10.sup.-7] *** 5.2 * [10.sup.-7] ***
(12.04) (18.60)
[e.sub.1] 0.1384 *** 0.2426***
-13.83 -29.97
[e.sub.2] 0.8385 *** 0.7419***
(92.49) (88.19)
C. Conditional Covariance Equation of Stock and Exchange Rate Return
[f.sub.0] 5.89 * [10.sup.-7] ** -1.2 * [10.sup.-7]
(2.34) (1.13)
[f.sub.1] 0.0663 *** 0.0244 *
(3.62) (1.89)
[f.sub.2] 0.0828 0.9468 ***
(0.24) (32.53)
Country Thailand
A. Conditional Variance Equation of Stock Return
[d.sub.0] 1.1 * [10.sup.-5] ***
[d.sub.1] 0.1555 ***
[d.sub.2] 0.8120 ***
B. Conditional Variance Equation of Exchange Rate Return
[e.sub.0] 7.0 * [10.sup.-8] ***
[e.sub.1] 0.0686 ***
[e.sub.2] 0.9203 ***
C. Conditional Covariance Equation of Stock and Exchange Rate Return
[f.sub.0] 9 * [10.sup.-8]
[f.sub.1] 0.0052
[f.sub.2] 0.9010 ***
Note: * ** and *** indicate statistically significant at
10% 5% and 1% levels respectively.