Cognitive and constructivist strategies for teaching about language and for providing reading and writing instruction.
Rowell, C. Glennon ; Palmer, Barbara C.
In far too many cases, professors of education indirectly tell
their students, even in methodology courses, "Teach as I say to
teach, not as I teach." Admittedly, lecturing to a class of
prospective teachers seems to be the most expedient way to cover the
complex content and multiple strategies that should be taught. It is not
unlike the situation that often is cited by teachers in K-12 who state
that they are expected to cover all of a prescribed course of study (as
usually found in textbooks) by the end of a year or by the time
mandatory high-stakes tests are given in their schools.
Reading methodology courses exemplify the broad spectrum that
encompasses the curriculum in a single disciplinary area. In the past,
one three-hour course in reading was often all that was required for
elementary education majors (apart from a single course each in language
arts and children's literature). However, teaching the basic
components of reading knowledge takes a considerable amount of time.
Consider the content and strategies that most experts agree are the
basic essentials to teach in reading: phonemic awareness, phonics,
vocabulary development, comprehension, and more recently, fluency (Adler
and others (1); The National Reading Panel (2)). In each area, there are
numerous facts and strategies to be taught. For example, to adequately
address the best-recognized strategies for teaching fluency, identified
by Allington as repeated reading, Readers' Theater, echo reading,
modeling, paired reading, choral reading, and audio-taped reading (3),
requires a significant amount of time in a three-hour reading
methodology course or even two three-hour courses. Then there are other
facts/processes that teachers should know about this component of
reading, including major skills (automaticity, quality, rate, prosody [pitch and other elements of expression]), benchmark standards, and
assessment of fluency (Reutzels, Cooter (4); Hudson, Lane, Pullen (5)).
To a lesser extent, the problem of "too much content, too little
time to teach it" occurs in the single secondary reading course
that has become a standard requirement for those who wish to become
teachers of science, social studies, mathematics, and other subject
Recent publishing history backs up our assertion that there is more
in reading than can be covered in one or two courses. Furthermore,
course expectations are growing rapidly. In the past few years, more
books have surfaced in reading instruction with "essentials"
in the title than ever before, suggesting that there has to be a
narrowing of what can be included in a basic course or two in reading
methodology. In addition, there are more books being published in each
of the basic components of reading (Teaching Comprehension, Vocabulary
Development, Phonics, etc.), indicating growth of knowledge about the
reading process and strategies for teaching it.
Going beyond the basic content and strategies for teaching each
component of reading takes additional time. How to find reading levels,
basal readers vs. other kinds of programs (literature-based programs,
leveled readers, language experience programs to name a few),
integration of reading with writing, primary-reading programs vs.
upper-elementary grade reading programs, assessment techniques for
reading, and more recently, technology and how to use it in the teaching
of reading--extend the knowledge one should know for teaching reading.
In addition, there is the practicum aspect of teaching reading that
includes planning and implementing reading lessons. Concomitantly, both
motivation and aliteracy are areas that must be considered, particularly
in those courses geared toward instructional design for struggling
Added to the fact that professors of reading instruction feel that
they must "talk through" the vast amount of content and
strategies in a limited number of reading courses, there is the
continuing, hard-to-break cycle of one "teaching as he/she has been
taught." This cycle goes beyond professors of reading to include
professors from all fields. The end result is far too often a situation
in which there is much less transfer than there should be between what
is "taught" in a college course to the classroom where
prospective teachers will be teaching. Although not as severe as in
reading methodology, writing instruction suffers some of the same
problems, compounded by the fact that writing is given even less
attention because time in the introductory language arts course is
usually shared with several other areas such as spelling, handwriting,
usage, listening, and speaking.
To alleviate this situation, prospective teachers undoubtedly need
more than one or two three-hour courses in reading and a single
three-hour language arts course where writing instruction is taught.
While taking more reading courses than the minimum of one or two will
hopefully be a direction colleges follow in the future, the best that we
can do in the meantime is to motivate students better than we are now
doing to want to learn more about the powerful skill areas of reading
and writing and how to most effectively teach them. Where there is room
for electives, reading and writing courses must be included as premier
options. Where there is room for growth through in-service, especially
during the first years of teaching, schools should mandate extended
learning in these areas. And through meaningful growth furnished by
professional associations, new teachers must be highly involved.
as important as these activities are, it is our belief that they will
not have the impact of cognitive and constructivist strategies used by
reading and language arts professors in the college classroom to help
prospective teachers (1) better understand systems in the language that
they will use and teach daily and how these systems are represented via
written symbols, (2) practice and internalize the values of many of the
reading/writing strategies now introduced too frequently via the
"telling" approach to teaching, and (3) use these strategies
more effectively in teaching every day to every child.
Strategies/Theoretical Foundations
The cognitive and constructivist strategies that we have used
successfully in our reading and language arts methodology courses
include cooperative learning strategies (especially Jigsaw), Semantic
Feature Analysis (SFA), nonsense stories, and writing systems of four
fictitious groups of people. While we have seen and used other
strategies, we wish to address these four, give some background studies
that have been done in these areas, tell you what we have done, and tell
you about the results. Theoretical underpinnings of all four of these
strategies include the work of cognitive and social constructivists. The
two kinds of constructivism, social and cognitive, are complementary and
equally support the strategies we have found to be successful in our
college classrooms--strategies that we believe will help prospective
teachers transfer more effectively what they learn in the college
classroom to the K-12 classrooms in which they will teach.
The relationship between cognitive constructivism and social
constructivism is explained by Maxim in the following way:
Cognitive constructivists and social constructivists have much in
common, but they differ noticeably in one key area--the extent and
type of involvement of both students and teachers. Although each
model requires effort and responsibility on the part of both,
social constructivists stress the organization of "communities of
learners" in which 'more expert' adults or peers provide assistance
to the less skilled learners. Cognitive constructivists, on the
other hand, describe a learner-centered environment where the
making of knowledge is carried out by individual students in a
fashion that supports their interests and needs. For cognitive
constructivists, learning is primarily an individualistic
venture. (6)
Noll states that constructivism has been influenced by the theories
of Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, and Jerome Bruner. (7) Noll further
explains that "Constructivists contend that traditional models
emphasize knowledge transmission without producing deeper levels of
understanding and internalization." (8) Social engagement is an
integral component of constructivist-based instruction. Tovani
points out that small-group instruction "stimulates higher levels
of thinking ... encourages articulation of thinking ... helps
students remember ... allows students to make connections and see
different perspectives, as well as promotes deeper understanding."
(9) It is this deeper level of understanding that we believe must be
promoted via a change in teaching strategies in the college classroom,
not only in reading methodology courses but in all coursework that
prospective teachers take.
Elkind, while admitting that the constructivist movement has not
been as successful as it should be, contends that constructivism
"is now a major educational philosophy and pedagogy" and calls
for readiness (1) in the curriculum, (2) on the part of society
(becoming a nation eager to accept educational change), and (3) in
teacher preparatory programs. Of the latter, Elkind contends that
learning to teach has too often been relegated to learning "in the
field." (10) In addition to Elkind's belief that teachers
should be taught more theoretical views, like constructivism, prior to
entering the job market, we contend that a change in how college
professors of education teach is an appropriate starting point for
helping teachers of reading and writing (and of other disciplines, too)
more effectively implement strategies that they now merely hear and
perhaps read about in their coursework.
The constructivist philosophy can be most helpful as teacher
educators scaffold pre-service teachers in developing a theoretical
model for their future practice. A constructivist approach requires that
educators consider the knowledge and experiences that students bring to
the learning task. Fennimore and Tinzmann identify a difference between
a behaviorally oriented curriculum in which knowledge and skills are
taught individually and then connected as opposed to a
constructivist-oriented curriculum in which students acquire knowledge
and skills while carrying out tasks that require higher-order thinking.
(11) Constructivist curricula should be developed in such a way that
students are required to expand and develop prior knowledge by
connecting it to new learning (Huitt (12)). Vygotsky's "zone
of proximal development--the distance between actual development level
as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential
development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance
or in collaboration with more capable peers" embraces this concept
(13)) as does Bruner's instructional principles as outlined by
Ferrer who states that:
1. "Instruction must be concerned with the experiences and
contexts that make the student willing and able to learn (readiness).
2. Instruction must be structured so that it can be easily grasped
by the student (spiral organization).
3. Instruction should be designed to facilitate extrapolation and/or fill in the gaps (going beyond the information given) by
stimulating cognitive skills required for application." (14)
Cooperative Learning
Cooperative learning is, we feel, one teaching strategy where
constructivism reaches its pinnacle. Johnson, Johnson, and Holubec, in
1990, stated that the amount of research that has been done on
cooperative learning in general is "staggering" and that we
now know more about "the efficacy" of cooperative learning
than other methods/group procedures used in teaching. Among these
various methods/procedures are lecturing, age grouping, and
departmentalization. Johnson, Johnson, and Holubec further state
"... working together to achieve a common goal produces higher
achievement and greater productivity than does working alone is so well
confirmed by so much research that it stands as one of the strongest
principles of social and organizational psychology." (15)
At the college level, attention is increasing in the area of
cooperative learning and other forms of teaching strategies that would
supplement the lecture and lecture-discussion strategies that now
Some research at this level has revealed positive outcomes for
cooperative learning. Judith L. Van Voorhis, in a 1992 presentation to
the International Convention on Cooperative Learning (Utrecht, The
Netherlands), cited several examples of research that had been done on
cooperative learning in college classrooms. Among the values that have
been found are increased student involvement in college classes, student
enjoyment in the learning process, improved attitudes toward learning,
and student mastery of course content. (16) One statement made by Van
Voorhis affirms our earlier statement of the need to change teaching
strategies at the college level. Van Voorhis states,
If we expect future teachers to teach children cognitive processes
in a variety of settings, then we as teachers of preservice
teachers need to model, define, and demonstrate these processes.
The literature also supported the assertion that students entering
colleges today may be underprepared in cognitive processing and
learn in a variety of ways. Additional assertions from the
literature indicated preservice teachers, as well as the students
they will be teaching, may lack the ability to direct their
learning and behaviors due to deficits in sociolinguistic
experiences, such as the use of elaboration and rehearsal
strategies in cooperative structures. In order for these
prospective teachers to utilize different types of instruction to
meet the needs of their future students, they need to experience
various types of instruction. (17)
The use of cooperative learning at the college level is a reversal
from more traditional methods of college-level pedagogy. It is student,
rather than teacher-oriented, constructivist rather than
re-constructivist, group-oriented rather than individualistic. For this
reason, some justification must be given for its usefulness. In a review
of recent research on cooperative learning in the college classroom,
Johnson, Johnson, and Smith provided assurance of the efficacy of the
use of cooperative learning at this level by stating:
Faculty who use cooperative learning are on safe ground. There is a
rich theoretical base for cooperative learning. As the research has
evolved over the past 35 years, five basic elements have emerged as
critical to cooperative work in classrooms: positive
interdependence, individual accountability, face-to-face positive
interaction, social skills, and group processing. The evidence
itself indicates that a) the theories underlying cooperative
learning are sound and b) cooperative learning does work in college
classrooms. (18)
Johnson et al. further indicate that the benefits of cooperative
learning are the promotion of more positive attitudes toward learning,
compared to competitive and individualistic types of learning. (19)
George found that college students in an educational psychology course,
following the use of three cooperative learning strategies in the
college classroom, had higher overall test scores, promoted more
positive attitudes toward classroom instruction, and rated this
instruction far more favorably than when students followed an
individualized approach to learning. (20)
Several characteristics of cooperative learning make it especially
useful in the training of pre-service and in-service teachers by
providing a model for effective teaching practices and an opportunity
for teachers to observe and practice the skills that they will
eventually be asked to use in their teaching. In addition, cooperative
learning practices accommodate individual differences within the
classroom by capitalizing on the various strengths of each member of the
cooperative group; thus, more able members are positioned to scaffold
others as needed. Cultural differences enhance, rather than detract
from, the group's construction of meaning (Johnson and Johnson,
(21); Slavin, (22); Stevens and Slavin, (23,24)). Cooperative learning
promotes the importance of "meaning-making" in the classroom
because of the active nature of the assignment. "Cooperative
learners cognitively rehearse and restructure information to retain it
in memory and incorporate it into existing cognitive structures"
(Johnson, Johnson, and Smith (25)). Finally, Goodlad stresses that
teachers are also concerned with the development of their students'
social and personal development. Cooperative learning allows the
learners to practice interpersonal as well as academic skills, in effect
integrating multiple goals within the application of a single best
practice. (26)
One form of cooperative learning, Jigsaw, was developed by Aronson
and associates (Aronson and others (27)). This strategy calls for a
broad topic to be divided into subtopics. Teams of four-five students
are placed in heterogeneous groups. Students in each cooperative
learning team are assigned or select a subtopic on which to become an
expert on the content to be taught as well as on the best way to teach
this content. Students with the same subtopic then regroup, forming what
has been identified as a counterpart group. These group members then
work together, with the teacher's guidance, to define how they will
return to their original cooperative learning group to teach others in
that group the subtopic on which they have become an expert. An example
of how a topic might be divided for studying using Jigsaw is the life of
a U.S. president being studied in fifth-grade social studies. The
various stages of a president's life might be early days up to
school age, education, early career such as life as a lawyer, his home
life as an adult, days in the presidency (including important events the
president had to deal with), and days after leaving the White House.
Stallings and Stipek state, "The Jigsaw method was developed
to foster peer cooperation and tutoring and race relations by creating
interdependence among students." (28) Research studies measuring
the effectiveness of the use of Jigsaw in K-12 settings indicate
positive outcomes on academic growth, students' attitudes toward
their classmates, time-on-task, and self esteem (Stallings and Stipek
Jigsaw For Teaching Writing Workshop and Guided Reading Using
Leveled Books
One of the authors has used Jigsaw successfully with two different
pre-service college classes. One class was taking a language arts
methods course in which writing instruction was included; another class
was in a reading methodology course in which the focus was on guided
reading using leveled books. The students were enrolled in a
school-based, yearlong internship program. On Monday afternoons during
the fall semester, they participated in a mega-methods course (six
hours, including language arts, reading, social studies, science, and
mathematics methodology). While this left only four full days of
internship the first semester, the interns were back in their respective
classrooms for the full five weekdays during the spring semester. The
course itself was the second six-hour mega-methods course that covered
the same subjects; the first having been taken when the students were
seniors in an Arts & Sciences discipline but with a minor in
Education during what is known as the pre-internship year. The semester
hours allotted for language arts and reading methodology were 1.2 hours
each in both mega-methods courses (pre-internship and internship),
although in this program, all students had taken a required introductory
two-hour basic reading course at the beginning of the pre-internship
year. Earlier, they had taken a children's literature course.
The textbook used in the reading segment was Fountas and
Pinnell's Guided Reading Instruction: First Teaching for All
Children, a very comprehensive book that provides a solid theoretical
view of a balanced literacy program, using leveled books; and how to set
up and carry out such a program (Fountas and Pinnell (30)). The textbook
used in the writing segment with a different class in the same program a
year earlier was Graves' Writing: Teachers and Children at Work.
This book, first published in 1983, introduces the Workshop Approach to
teaching writing. Writing is examined as a craft where (1) children are
guided to select their own topics on which to write (a process modeled
by the teacher), (2) written products are kept in an individual's
folder (known as a portfolio by many today) and modified from
time-to-time, (3) frequent conferencing is done, (4) mini-lessons about
writing are taught as needed, and (5) children share their written
pieces with others during the writing of "a piece" and
afterward through some type of display of written products, called
publication of writing (Graves (31)).
In the class where the Workshop Approach to writing was taught via
Jigsaw, the entire topic of the Workshop Approach was divided into four
subtopics: Getting Started, Maintenance and Development, Working With
Individual Cases (Children Having Difficulty in Writing), and Publishing
and Sharing Writing of Children. There were only fifteen students in
this college class interning in one of four different schools in this
program, so the cooperative teams were smaller than one might find in a
K-12 classroom. In the class of eighteen students that did Jigsaw to
learn guided reading using leveled books, the subtopics were Getting
Your Classroom Started in a Balanced Literacy Program, Selecting Leveled
Books and Organizing Students to Use Them in a Guided Reading Program,
Moving Through a Complete Week (five days) of Instruction in a Guided
Reading Program, How to Help Students Who Fall Behind in a Guided
Reading Program (so-called Struggling Readers), and Integrating Reading
and Writing. A sixth topic was added for all groups to explore in
addition to the subtopic covered by each cooperative learning team. This
topic was on Elements of a Guided Reading Program That Could be (Should
be) Adapted to Upper-Elementary and Middle-School Students. Students
were asked to think about and be able to explain (not teach) this topic
because the Fountas and Pinnell book primarily focuses on guided reading
for beginning students, but the instructor of the college course
believes that there are certain elements of guided reading that could
and should be adapted to older students (especially the use of leveled
books in the content areas). It was necessary for a couple of the teams
to either have one student on a team take two topics or have someone
from another group teach one of the topics when the cooperative groups
were reconvened.
Both books are relatively long (over 300 pages each) and have many
excellent organizational details that one would need to learn in order
to implement the two approaches (guided reading; workshop approach to
writing). However, learning all content in each book was not the focus
of the class. Instead, the focus was to know enough philosophy and
structure in Writer's Workshop and guided reading using leveled
books to be able to implement these two programs in the classroom. When
students joined their counterpart groups, they were asked to first
outline the essential points that they would teach to their cooperative
team. Much discussion on what should be in the outline followed. These
outlines were checked by the instructor prior to the counterpart teams
deciding how they were going to teach the content of their subtopic.
In Table 1, the main objective and different learning strategies
that were used by the students with Jigsaw in both the writing and
reading methodology segments of the mega-methods courses are shown.
While these strategies were not equally divided across the two classes,
to some extent all were used in each class.
Students in both the writing and reading classes were very
resourceful in finding ways to teach their subtopics. While the
counterpart groups basically decided on one way to teach their
cooperative team the subtopic they selected, some variations were
allowed and did occur in teaching that was done. Charts and diagrams
were used in some instances. One student developed a Jeopardy-type game
to teach her segment of Writer's Workshop. Another student
developed a song to the tune of the university's fight song for her
group's segment of guided reading. The most common technique
employed was the use of PowerPoint presentations, especially with the
guided reading class. PowerPoint presentations were planned together,
with all students on a counterpart team having input into what was
placed on each frame. However, the student on each counterpart team who
was the most skilled in using the computer was generally selected to
make the PowerPoint format, with paper copies being given to each team
member. Students also ran off paper copies of the presentation for their
cooperative team members.
A survey was done at the end of each of the two classes, asking for
the effectiveness of group work, individual contributions, which
subtopics were learned best, and an overall appraisal of this approach
to learning the broader topic. The fifteen students in the writing class
all reported positively on the use of Jigsaw, although one felt that
others did not understand him when he contributed to plans for teaching
the Workshop Approach to writing. Of the eighteen students in the
reading class, sixteen were positive, but two stated that they preferred
other ways to be taught. One student reported that she learned best on
an individual basis where the professor gave study notes and lectured. A
second student cited the noise factor during planning and teaching
(where groups were working at the same time) as a distraction in
learning the materials. The general consensus was that the Jigsaw
activity was excellent for covering a broad topic in large blocks of
time scattered over a relatively short period of the semester (most of a
three-hour block of time for the writing class over a third of the
semester; two-fifths of a five-hour block of time for the reading class
over about half of the semester). Two evaluative factors mentioned by
several students were responsibilities of individual team members and
concern that others learn what they taught. In Table 2, (see Page 29) a
breakdown of the student responses following the guided reading Jigsaw
activity is given. It is interesting to note that while two students
preferred other means of teaching, as earlier stated, they gave positive
responses about participation in both the cooperative team and the
counterpart group (Questions 1 and 2 in Table 2). The self-evaluations
and group evaluations (Questions 3 and 4) were both rated quite highly
(means of 8.3 and 9.0, respectively, where 1 is lowest and 10 is
highest) by the students who participated in this Jigsaw strategy.
Assessments in both segments of the mega-methods course that
pertained to writing and reading on end-of-the-semester examinations ran
unusually high. When this was discussed with the students, in each
class, students stated that they could recall how their cooperative team
members covered a specific phase of a question asked on the examination
(the song created was the most frequently mentioned activity). Of the
eighteen who were taught guided reading using leveled books, a follow-up
survey eight months after the students had followed the Jigsaw approach
to teaching-learning, students were asked to list the main concepts and
strategies under each of the five topics that had been designated.
Students were able to list the major points that they had learned,
although the points listed were understandably more thorough for the
topic that students had worked in counterpart groups to teach other
students (a point that students had earlier mentioned just after the
Jigsaw experience was completed).
Semantic Feature Analysis Defined
Another strategy that embraces a constructivist approach to
learning is Semantic Feature Analysis (SFA). SFA is a vocabulary
strategy that calls for students to use their knowledge and make
explorations to contrast two or more words or concepts. As Vacca and
Vacca state, "Semantic Feature Analysis (SFA) establishes a
meaningful link between students' prior knowledge and words that
are conceptually related to one another" (Vacca and Vacca (32)).
According to Anders and Bos, this strategy helps reinforce vocabulary
considered to be essential for understanding concepts in texts. (33)
Furthermore, Nagy pointed out the diverse utility of SFA when
relationships between word concepts are not easy to distinguish. (34)
For SFA, a grid is built in which two or more related words are placed
on one axis, and characteristics that are associated with the
words/concepts on the first axis are placed on the second axis. For
example, cabin, bungalow, mansion, hut, hogan, igloo, and other places
where people might dwell could be placed on the horizontal axis of a
grid while features one generally associates with dwellings would be
placed on the vertical axis. Features such as in the woods, compact,
spacious, roomy, simple, and airy are but a few words that might be
placed on the vertical axis. When students work together on such a grid,
or if they work individually first, they usually write "Y" for
yes or a code for "Yes" in the intersecting cell if the
feature is one that pertains to a word on the horizontal axis. They may
also use an "N" for no (or a code for "No") if the
feature is one that is not possessed by a place of dwelling found on the
horizontal axis or leave that cell blank. Where students do not know
whether to mark yes or no, a question mark is used. Words that are not
readily known call for exploration, thus leading to new knowledge about
vocabulary terms.
A value of Semantic Feature Analysis is that it expands various
conceptual categories of schema, the stored knowledge that aids
comprehension (Anders and Bos, (35); Johnson and Pearson, (36) Pittleman
and others, (37) Vacca and Vacca (38)). As pointed out by Palmer,
Rowell, and Brooks:
... As students learn, new concepts are linked and organized
according to their relationship to pre-existing schema. A form of
scaffolding is involved in helping make transitions from known to
unknown knowledge.
....Through scaffolding, teachers initiate interactive strategies
that teach students how to learn. (39)
When constructing a Semantic Features Analysis, the teacher should
include both known and unknown features. The unknown features would lead
the students toward a search for new knowledge while building on their
former knowledge, a key element of instructional scaffolding. New
concepts can then be expanded and extended through teacher-and
self-questioning strategies (Palmer, Rowell, and Brooks (40)). Several
modifications of the SFA strategy are possible based on the knowledge
base of the students. In an elementary school classroom, students and
their teacher can work together as the teacher models the strategies for
completing the SFA, while in a college classroom students can be
expected to develop many of their own comparative features for the SFA.
Since the early 1980s, SFA has been supported by solid theory and
research (Baldwin, Peleg-Bruckner, and McClintock (41); Johnson,
Toms-Bronowski, and Pittelman (42); Osako and Anders (43)). Bos and
Anders focused their research on interactive teaching. (44) According to
Tempe and others,
In their research to determine the effectiveness of various
approaches to vocabulary learning, Bos and Anders (1989, 1990,
1992) compared the effectiveness of three semantic-related
techniques (mapping, semantic feature analysis, and
semantic/syntactic feature analysis) to definition study with
students of various ages and abilities. They concluded that all
three of the interactive techniques were more effective than the
traditional approach that has students write and study definitions.
In addition to active engagement of discussion about the
relationships that are being charted and the justifications for same,
various processes such as conferring, predicting, and integrating
(concepts) are involved when using SFA. (Anders and Bos (46)). In
addition, students must determine when they know or do not know concepts
charted. As Brozo and Simpson state, meta-cognitive awareness "...
is the cognitive process that directs and orchestrates the other active
learning processes." (47)
Given the solid theory and research support for SFA with students
across the K-12 continuum, a search for research on the use of SFA in
pre-service reading courses yielded a paucity of studies. Hypothesizing
that SFA would be best learned by doing (following John Dewey's
supposition that learning is interactive and social (48)), one of the
authors of this paper introduced university students to SFA via two
birds--the owl (that the students readily knew) and the dodo (that the
students knew little about). The SFA constructed is shown in Figure 1.
The university students worked in groups to establish a better
understanding between these two kinds of birds, one still in existence
and one long extinct. Among other resources, students explored
children's books, the Internet, videotapes, and books on birds
(Palmer, Rowell, and Brooks (49)). A large number of facts were learned
in the search for unique and shared characteristics between the owl and
the dodo. The students learned where the dodo once lived (island of
Mauritius) and located it on the map, how the dodo became extinct, and
how the ecosystem was affected by its extinction. Students, in their
search for information about the owl, learned that some owls build their
nests on the ground (although most kinds of owls do not) and even one
type of owl (the Burrowing Owl) goes underground to build its nest.
Above all, students learned how the use of the SFA contrasting a known
bird with a little-known bird (or other related entities) could lead to
much further learning in science, social studies, and other content
courses, starting out with what was already known (the main tenet in
constructivism). The learning strategies involved in this activity were
numerous, calling for students to discuss and reflect on concepts, learn
new vocabulary terms, be articulate in group discussions, use various
listening skills, practice finding resources, and reflect on how these
strategies could be transferred to the K-12 classroom.
On the end-of-the-semester examination, on a case-study question,
students were asked to design a Semantic Feature Analysis as a part of a
larger unit of study. The results were outstanding, clearly showing that
students learned much about how to apply SFA to the classroom situation.
One year later, a survey was done electronically to see if the
university students in the class had used SFA in their own teaching.
Several reported that they had done so, with two teachers reporting that
they also had introduced this important strategy to teachers in
in-service classes. (50)
Another one of the authors has recently used a modified SFA in a
graduate-level trends and issues course where the focus is on reflective
thinking and writing about current educational issues of the day. After
the students had read and reacted via short papers on three types of
alternatives to public schooling--vouchers, charter schools, home
schooling--that were placed on one axis of a grid, they were asked in
small groups to plot on the second axis of the grid the following
features: (1) will take funds from public schools, (2) will negatively
impact public schools, (3) will allow special interest groups to push
their own agendas, (4) will offer healthy competition to public schools,
(5) will significantly hurt good private schools now existing, (6) will
have significantly greater involvement of parents than now found in
public schools, and (7) will affect elementary, middle, and high school
students in the same way. The SFA, once completed, led to a lively
discussion where students in each group had to not only tell what they
put ("Y", "N", or ?) in intersecting cells but also
had to defend their answers.
Nonsense Stories Used for Identifying Systems in Our Language and
for Identifying Major Word Patterns
One teaching approach that stimulates thinking to a deeper level (a
main tenet of cognitive and constructivist strategies) than
"teacher telling" is the use of simulations. Often these are
case studies in which students are asked to read a teaching episode and
respond to it. Lunce states that "An educational simulation is
based on an internal model of a real-world system or phenomena in which
some elements have been simplified or omitted in order to facilitate
learning." (51) Lunce identifies one type of simulation as
"situated learning" in which some form of human behavior is
modeled, students interact with others, and scenario-based learning
activities are used. (52) Lunce also states that those who have explored
situated learning, including McClellan, (53) have identified meaningful
strategies such as use of stories, reflection, exploration, and
articulation (Lunce (54)). Bernstein, Scheerhorn, and Ritter stress that
simulations and collaborative teaching together help move college
students (especially in introductory classes) from being passive
observers to active participants, reasoning that ... "By making
students active learners, we motivate them to learn the material and
succeed in the class. They also learn to view the material with a more
critical eye as they make decisions themselves rather than passively
accepting those made by others." (55)
We have used simulations (especially scenario-based learning
activities) successfully with fictitious stories (and sometimes just
words and sentences) to motivate students who are just beginning the
study of reading and language arts. In doing so, students are involved
in reflecting about the systems used in our language and specific
patterns in which many words can be classified, such as CVC, CVCe, etc.
On the very first day of a beginning reading or language arts class,
students working alone are asked to first identify what a system is and
then read a nonsense story and answer questions about this story. To
keep students from being embarrassed if they do not know the names of
systems in operation in their language (although they know how to use
these systems), students are asked to place a five-digit number on the
form with the nonsense story with first and last digits that are
different to decrease the chances of any two students choosing the same
number. Students read the story to themselves and then answer the
questions. Students then come together in small groups to discuss their
individual answers, completing a group response. Forms first used by
individual students are not marked on but used to make contributions to
the composite form each group is asked to complete. Both the individual
forms and the composite forms are submitted to the instructor. In Table
3, one that has been effective with students in beginning
reading/language arts courses, is shown.
As students move into their small groups, the first task to be
accomplished is to reflect further about the meaning of
"systems" by identifying various body functions that are
separate systems that work with other systems to keep a person alive.
Students can easily identify such systems (e.g., the digestive system,
the respiratory system, the circulatory system, and so on). They are
asked to reflect on their individual definition of "system"
and discuss it in their small groups in relation to body-function
systems. The students then pool their answers to the questions in Table
3, completing a composite form. Even after pooling their knowledge, some
students fail to identify correctly the phonological and morphological systems that help answer question one, the morphological system that
helps answer question two, and the syntactical system that helps answer
question four. Students can more easily give the characteristics of a
story (characters, setting, events) that help answer question three,
"Why is this a story even though it has so many nonsense
After discussion of the unique but complementary systems in our
language that help us read and write, students then are asked to
identify a series of word patterns from the nonsense words and to verify
these patterns with a list of real words that they know. Nonsense words
in the story in Table 3 and the patterns that follow include ved, vot,
tas, lun, nud, fap (CVC words where the vowel sound is usually short);
kide, gite, vape (CVCe where the final e usually dictates that the vowel
sound is long); Zummy, tassed, simmy, tassing, lelling, lelled, fapped,
fapping (where the double consonant usually dictates that the preceding
vowel sound is short); meeb, teep, neep (where double e is usually
pronounced as long e); and blimpy, Zummy, Wicky, simmy (where the ending
<y> is usually a long e sound).
In a sense, when students cannot identify specifically the language
systems in operation, they are not seeing the forest for the trees.
Language systems that they have used to the point of applying them
automatically have been thought of not so much as "systems"
but in everyday use as "tools."
We have used another activity similar to the nonsense story in
Table 3 that also embraces a scenario-based learning activity to help
students understand the major kinds of writing systems that are used to
record oral language in different parts of the world as well as to think
more deeply about their own writing system. In this activity, students
are asked to use their own knowledge of selected English words and their
meanings to reflect on fictitious people who invented writing systems
(but systems that in fact simulate real-world writing systems). (Palmer,
Rowell, and Brooks (56)). These systems are shown in Table 4, followed
by questions that help students analyze differences among the writing
systems of the four fictitious groups of people.
As in the nonsense-story activity, students are given a form with
space to record their answers. They code the sheet, using a five-digit
number to keep their identity from being known by the instructor. After
fifteen-twenty minutes, students are grouped to make a composite of
their answers. By pooling their individual knowledge, students are able
to figure out that in the first system (the Unga People), single symbols
are used for individual words, even where a word is more than one
syllable. In the second system, the system of the Lunacans, a symbol is
used to represent each syllable. Thus, a two-syllable word has two
symbols while a one-syllable word has a single symbol. The third system
(the Tippalians) has symbols to represent sounds or phonemes, although
some symbols represent more than one sound as is the case with the
English language. The fourth system, the one developed by the Gula
people, is more of a true alphabetic system with each sound having its
own unique symbol.
Most students often state that while they know words in our
language have different sounds in them and that there are several ways
to write most sounds, they had not thought much about other ways to
write. After a bit of probing, however, students can come up with a
fairly large number of symbols used in math and other content fields to
represent whole words such as %, $, #, +, = and so on. Occasionally, a
student will have had some exposure to Chinese and/or Japanese symbols
for writing but usually not know precisely how they differ from our
system in which most symbols represent sounds, not words/concepts, or
Why is this important in classes where instruction in how to teach
reading and writing takes place? It is important because it helps set
the stage for learning any number of concepts and skills that are later
taught. One such concept is phonemic awareness. Phonemic awareness is
"... the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate the individual
sounds--phonemes--in spoken words." (Adler and others (57)). In our
opinion, phonemic awareness is better understood by the college student
if that student has an understanding of symbols representing sounds (not
syllables or words) in the language to be taught, leading to a better
understanding of the alphabetic principle. As one moves more into
phoneme-grapheme correspondences and especially into rules that govern
these correspondences and their uses, having knowledge that many symbols
in our writing system represent different phonemes is helpful.
Position of sounds in a language is also helpful to understand as
one begins to teach reading. We often point out that a statement
attributed to Sir George Bernard Shaw that ghoti can spell fish in the
English language is wrong. Shaw's explanation (<gh> spells
the f sound as in laugh, <o> spells the short i sound as in women,
and <ti> spells the sh sound as in nation) was wrong
because position of sound was not considered by Shaw in the f and sh
sounds, and the <o> used to spell the short i sound in women is so
rare that one cannot generalize that this is really a productive way to
spell the short i sound. As one moves more into phonics (using
sound-symbol correspondences to predict how to say words), students
having a rudimentary knowledge that symbols in words we read and write
represent sounds is important.
While you may still argue that there is too much content to cover
in your college classes to institute the strategies that we have used to
transform passive students into active learners, we argue that the
strategies actually serve as a catalyst for more effective independent
learning of the content intended as well as related content. We also
maintain that this content for most students will soon be forgotten if
college professors rely solely on traditional modes of lecture and/or
lecture-discussion. We further argue that cooperative learning like
Jigsaw that we have used successfully, graphic portrayal of vocabulary
terms using SFA where college students interact with each other and
explore materials extensively, the simulation strategy of situated
learning in two forms (nonsense story and fictitious writing systems),
or any of the other myriad ways to get students to use their experiences
to learn new materials more effectively, lead to more efficient learning
and, in turn, to a more effective transfer to the K-12 classroom.
Cognitive and constructivist strategies for teaching reading and writing
and learning about the language we use daily provide the theoretical
framework for interactive learning that we believe is a reachable goal
for college professors of these vital areas of the curriculum.
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[21.] Johnson, D.W. and R.T. Johnson. 1986. Mainstreaming and
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[22.] Johnson, D.W., R. T. Johnson, and E.J. Holubec. 1990.
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[27.] Nagy, W. E. 2000. Teaching Vocabulary to Improve Reading
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[31.] Palmer, B. C., C.G. Rowell, and M.A. Brooks. 2005. Reflection
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Pre-Service Teachers. Reading Horizons 45(3):195-213.
[32.] Pittelman, S., J. Heimlich, R. Berglund, and M. French. 1991.
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[37.] --. 1995b. Effects of a Cooperative Learning Approach in
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[40.] Vacca, R. T. & J. L.Vacca. 2005. Content Area Reading:
Literacy and Learning Across the Curriculum, 8d' ed. Boston:
Pearson, Allyn and Bacon.
[41.] Van Voorhis, J. L. 1992. Instruction in Teacher Education: A
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C. Glennon Rowell, Professor in Teacher Education, The University
of Tennes see (Knoxville)
Barbara C. Palmer, Professor of Reading and Language Arts, The
Florida State University
(1) C. R. Adler (Ed.) and others, Put Reading First: The Research
Building Blocks for Teaching Children to Read (Jessup, MD: National
Institute for Literacy, 2001), iii, 2, 12, 22, 37, 47.
(2) National Institute of Child Health and Human Development,
Report of the National Reading Panel. Teaching Children to Read An
Evidence-Based Assessment of the Scientific Research Literature on
Reading and its Implications for Reading Instruction, (Washington, D.
C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2000), 1-3.
(3) R. L. Allington, What Really Matters for Struggling Readers:
Designing Research-Based Programs, 2nd ed. (Boston: Pearson Allyn and
Bacon, 2006), 96-106.
(4) D. R. Reutzels and R. B. Cooter, Jr., Teaching Children to
Read: Putting the Pieces Together, 4th ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall, 2004), 198-199.
(5) R. F. Hudson, H. B. Lane, and P.C. Pullen, "Reading
Fluency Assessment and Instruction: What, Why, and How?" The
Reading Teacher, 58 (8), 702-714.
(6) G. W. Maxim, Dynamic Social Studies for Constructivist
Classrooms, 8th ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, Merrill Prentice
Hall, 2006), 339.
(7) J.W. Noll, Taking Sides--Clashing Views on Educational Issues,
14th ed. (Dubuque, IA: McGraw-Hill Contemporary Learning Series, 2007),
(8) Ibid.
(9) C. Tovani, Do I Really Have to Teaching Reading? (Portland, ME:
Stenhouse Publishers, 2004), 90.
(10) D. Elkind, "The Problem With Constructivism," The
Educational Forum, 2004, 68, 306-307.
(11) T. Fennimore and M. Tinzmann, "What is a Thinking
Curriculum?" (Oak Brook, IL: North Central Regional Educational
Laboratory, 1990). Retrieved May 9, 1999 from http
(12) W. Huitt, "Constructivism," Educational Psychology
Interactive. (Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University, 2003), Retrieved
April 12, 2007 From
(13) L. Vygotsky, Mind in Society: The Development of Higher
Psychological Processes (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1978),
(14) M. Ferrer. "Constructivism 'Spiral' "
Retrieved September 17, 2007 from
(15) D. W. Johnson, R. T. Johnson, and E. J. Holubec, Cooperation
in the Classroom, Revised (Edina, MN: Interaction Book Company, 1990),
3:2; 3-3; 3:15-3:16.
(16) J.L. Van Voorhis, "Instruction in Teacher Education: A
Descriptive Study of Cooperative Learning," Paper presented at the
International Convention on Cooperative Learning. (Utrecht, Netherlands,
1992), ED 349-297, 1-2.
(17) Ibid., 3.
(18) D.W. Johnson, R.T. Johnson, and K.A. Smith, "Cooperative
Learning Returns to College: What Evidence is There That it Works?"
Change, July/August, 1998, 27-35. Retrieved May 13, 2007--Website Pdf,
(19) Ibid.
(20) P. G. George, "Using Cooperative Learning in the College
Classroom," Thought and Action. The NEA Higher Education Journal,
Spring, 1999, 33-38.
(21) D.W. Johnson and R. T. Johnson, "Mainstreaming and
Cooperative Learning Strategies, Exceptional Children," 1986, 52,
(22) R. E. Slavin, Cooperative Learning: Theory, Research, and
Practice (Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1990).
(23) R. J. Stevens and R.E. Slavin, "The Cooperative
Elementary School: Effects on Students Achievement, Attitudes, and
Social Relations," American Educational Research Journal, 1995, 32,
(24) --, "Effects of a Cooperative Learning Approach in
Reading and Writing on Academically Handicapped Students,"
Elementary School Journal, 1995, 95, 241-262.
(25) D.W. Johnson, R. T. Johnson, and K.A. Smith, "Cooperative
Learning Returns to College: What Evidence is There That it Works?"
Change, July/August, 1998. Retrieved May 13, 2007-Website Pdf, 4.
(26) J. Goodlad, A Place Called School: Prospects for the Future
(New York: Teachers College Press, 1984).
(27) E. Aronson and others, The Jigsaw Classroom (Beverly Hills,
CA: Sage Publishing Co., 1978).
(28) J.A. Stallings and D. Stipek, "Research on Early
Childhood and Elementary School Teaching Programs," in Handbook of
Research on Teaching, 3rd ed., M.C. Wittrock, ed., American Educational
Research Association (New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1986),
(29) Ibid.
(30) I. C. Fountas and G. S. Pinnell, Guided Reading Instruction:
Good First Teaching for All Children (Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann
Educational Books, 1996).
(31) D. H. Graves, Writing: Teachers & Children at Work
(Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1994).
(32) R. T. Vacca and J.L. Vacca, Content Area Reading: Literacy and
Learning Across the Curriculum, 8th ed. (Boston: Pearson, Allyn and
Bacon, 2005), 282.
(33) P.L. Anders and C.S. Bos, "Semantic Feature Analysis: An
Interactive Strategy for Vocabulary Development and Text
Comprehension," Journal of Reading, 1986, 29 (7), 610-616.
(34) W.E. Nagy, Teaching Vocabulary to Improve Reading
Comprehension (Urbana, IL, National Council of Teachers of English,
(35) Anders and Bos, "Semantic Feature Analysis," 611.
(36) D.D. Johnson and P.D. Pearson, Teaching Reading Vocabulary,
2nd ed. (New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1984).
(37) S. Pittelman and others, Semantic Feature Analysis: Classroom
Applications (Newark, DE: International Reading Association, 1991).
(38) Vacca and Vacca, Content Area Reading: Literacy and Learning
Across the Curriculum.
(39) B. C. Palmer, C. G. Rowell, and M.A. Brooks, "Reflection
and Cognitive Strategy Instruction: Modeling Active Learning for
Pre-Service Teachers," Reading Horizons, 2005, 45(3), 199.
(40) Ibid.
(41) R. S. Baldwin, Z. Peleg-Bruckner, and A.H. McClintock,
"Effects of Topic Interest and Prior Knowledge on Reading
Comprehension," Reading Research Quarterly, 1985, 20, 497-504.
(42) D.D. Johnson, S. Toms-Bronowski, and S. Pittelman, "A
Review of Trends in Vocabulary Research and the Effects of Prior
Knowledge on Instructional Strategies for Vocabulary Acquisition,"
Theoretical Paper Number 95, (Madison, WI: Center for Education
Research, 1981).
(43) G. N. Osako and P.L. Anders, "The Effect of Reading
Interest on Comprehension of Expository Materials With Controls for
Prior Knowledge," In J. Niles and L. Harris, eds., In Search for
Meaning in Reading, Language Processing, and Instruction, (Rochester,
NY: National Reading Conference, 1983).
(44) C. S. Bos and P.L. Anders, "Developing Higher Level
Thinking Skills Through Interactive Teaching," Journal of Reading,
Writing, and Learning Disabilities, International, 1989, 4(4), 259-274.
(45) C. Tempe and others, All Children Read: Teaching for Literacy
in Today's Diverse Classroom (Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 2008),
(46) Anders and Bos, "Semantic Feature Analysis," 615.
(47) W. G. Brozo and M.L. Simpson, Readers, Teachers, and Learners:
Expanding Literacy in the Secondary Schools (New York: Macmillan, 1991),
(48) J. Dewey, How We Think (Lexington, MA: Heath, 1910).
(49) B. C. Palmer, C. G. Rowell, and M.A. Brooks, "Reflection
and Cognitive Strategy Instruction," 204, 214-215.
(50) Ibid., 204-205.
(50) Ibid., 204-205.
(51) L.M. Lunce, "Simulations: Bringing the Benefits of
Situated Learning to the Traditional Classroom," Journal of Applied
Educational Technology, 2006, 3(1), 39.
(52) Ibid., 38-40.
(53) H. McClellan, "Situated Learning: Multiple
Perspectives," In H. McLellan, ed., Situated Learning Perspectives
(Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications, 1986), 5-18.
(54) Lunce, "Simulations," 38-40.
(55) J. L. Bernstein, S. Scheerhorn, and S. Ritter, "Using
Simulations and Collaborative Teaching to Enhance Introductory
Courses," College Teaching, 2002 50.1 9(4), 1-6.
(56) palmer, Rowell, and Brooks, "Reflection and Cognitive
Strategy Instruction," 207-209.
(57) Adler and others, Put Reading First, 4.
Table 1 Cooperative Learning (Jigsaw) in the College Classroom for
Teaching Writing Workshop and Guided Reading Using Leveled Books
Main Objective: To help students learn strategies of Jigsaw,
Writing Workshop, and Guided Reading Using Leveled Books as they
plan and teach members of their cooperative team (Learning
1. Identifying in small groups the most essential elements of each
subtopic in Writing Workshop and Guided Reading Using Leveled Books
2. Outlining subtopic, both individually and in a small group
3. Strategizing how best to teach selected subtopic to members of
cooperative team
4. Learning more about and implementing different roles
(discussant, listener, facilitator, note taker) in small-group
learning communities
5. Asking about and reflecting on learning modalities of team
6. Teaching a segment (subtopic) and fielding questions about what
was taught
7. Seeing how broad topics (Workshop Approach to Writing and Guided
Reading Using Leveled Books) are structured through stages
(beginning, maintaining, full implementation)
8. Clarifying concepts and procedures for teaching both reading and
writing in the programs being studied in each area
9. Learning more about teaching reading and writing to different
age levels
10. Evaluating individual and group contributions to cooperative
teams and counterpart groups
11. Projecting how and where Jigsaw could be applied in the
curriculum to be taught to upper-elementary/middle school students
Table 2 Responses to Value of Jigsaw for Learning About Guided
Reading Using Leveled Books
Question 1. Value of time (one-plus class session) in
cooperative teams deciding who would take which
of the five topics and how each group member learns best
--My group wasted no time. We asked questions of each
other and valued everyone's opinion.
--Everyone participated.
--Good use of time. Valuable group work. Helps us see how teachers
divide up a subject.
--Helpful. We discussed how each one learned best.
-Helped us focus more on one topic.
--Helpful for others to share their ideas.
--Somewhat valuable to decide which topic each would take.
--Yes. We easily decided which topic we would take.
--Time well spent. Matched topic to our knowledge and interest.
--Yes. It went well.
--Easy to decide. Each member volunteered for topic wanted.
--Yes, we spent quality time making responsible decisions.
--Everyone chose topic he/she wanted.
-We did not need all the time allocated.
--We did a nice job deciding. Everyone got topic wanted.
--We worked well together and made decisions quickly.
--Only problem--four of us and five topics. We were
pressured about how extra topic was to be covered.
Question 3. Your effort (scale of 1-10 with 10 highest) on
deciding content and how to teach it
Mean = 8.3 Range 5-10 Question
Question 2. Value of time (two-plus class sessions) spent in class in
counterpart groups outlining content of topic and planning how to
teach each topic to other cooperative team members
--We created an in depth outline, taking two class periods.
Each gave valuable input. No wasted time.
--Different ideas/approaches helped make clearer how/what to teach.
Helped identify most important concepts to teach.
--Class time spent efficiently.
--In-class time helped us because we aren't in same school.
--It was very valuable. Saved time. I wasn't overwhelmed.
Got information needed.
--Valuable time spent in class. Got right to the point. Made sure
everyone did something for group.
--Very helpful. Allowed us to plan together without being rushed.
--Very valuable.
--Worked out well. We all did our part.
--Just enough time to get our thoughts together and not have to meet
outside class, except e-mail.
--Yes, time was well spent.
--Time was useful. My group worked well together. Just enough time.
--We worked well together. We spent all of the time on who would do
what in our group.
--The time was an integral part of the success of our counterpart
--Only one session was needed--since came to the first session
with outline of content.
-Nice job staying on task and developing our ideas. We worked well
--Initially, we were concerned if group would discuss and locate
information needed for my presentation. But it worked out great.
Really pleased with outline of content.
--Spent time wisely but one person was very studious and came to
first session with outline.
Question 4. Team effort (1-10 with 10 highest) of your cooperative
team in teaching content to total team members
Mean = 9.0 Range
Table 3 A Nonsense Story for Learning Systems in the Language and
Some Major Word Patterns
Zummy and Wicky
This is a story of a blimpy ooble. His ved is Zummy Ooble. Zummy is
a kide ooble. He is also a vot ooble. Zummy is kide and vot.
Zummy has a black and white blay. His ved is Wicky. Wicky is a meeb
blay. Wicky is also a gite blay. He is meeb and gite.
Wicky and Zummy like to tas. Yesterday, they tassed by the lun.
Today, they tassed by the nud. They are always simmy when tassing.
Some days Zummy and Wicky go lelling. They lell for teep. Last week
they lelled for voil. They are simmy when they go lelling.
Most of all, Zummy and Wicky like to tap. They have fapped by the
vape. They have fapped by the neep. Would you like to go tapping
with Zummy and Wicky? Now Answer These Questions:
1. What system(s) in our language is/are in operation that
enable(s) you to pronounce most if not all of the nonsense words?
2. In paragraphs three, four, and five base words take on different
endings as in tas (s) (ed), tas (s) (ing); lell (ed), lell (ing);
tap (p) (ed); fap (p) (ing). What system in our language lets this
3. Why is this a story even though it has so many nonsense words?
4. What system in our language permits you to tell what Zummy and
Wicky like to do most?
From the authors' Reading and Language Arts class notes
Table 4 Writing Systems of Four Groups of Fictitious People
1. The Unga people, through hundreds of years, have developed a
system to help them communicate through writing and to help them
tell their story to generations to come. Some of the symbols for
their words are shown below with the meanings of the words
translated in English just under each spoken word:
Spoken words: ugluh gup bupseg mup frad lep ling lingning
Translation (hello) (girl) (goodbye) (boy) (said) (cat) (light)
2. The Luna people live between two big mountains, many miles from
the Unga people. They, too, have developed a writing system that
took many hundreds of years to build. Their system is different
from the Unganese system. Here's how the Lunacans' writing system
looks, along with English translations.
Spoken words: toglee sep seknok sek fep dap visa vissul
Translation (hello) (girl) (goodbye) (good) (boy) (said) (light)
3. The Tippa people are yet another group of people living
thousands of miles from both the Unganese and the Lunacans. Their
writing system also developed over hundreds of years. This system
is quite different from the systems developed by the Unganese and
the Lunacans. Here is how this system looks.
Written words: hello girl goodbye good boy cat light lightning
Spoken words: he lo gurl good bi goad boi kat lit lit ning
Translation (hello) (girl) (goodbye) (gam) (boy) (cat) (light)
4. The Gula people live on an island far from the Unganeu, the
Lunacans, and the Tippalians. Their writing system is more closely
like the system developed by the Tippalians; but still different.
Some words translated into English and how they are written (in
parentheses) by the Gulalites follow:
said (sed) dog (d/g) cat (kat) boy (b^) light (1}t) lightning
(1}tni>) fin (fin)
man (man) happy (hap~) deep (d~p) okay (ok) dead (ded)
1. What differences can you see between the writing systems of the
Unganese and the Lunacans?
2. How is the writing system of the Tippalians different from the
writing systems of the Unganese and the Lunacans? How are the
Tippalians' and the Gulalites' writing systems alike? How are they
3. Which system is like the system that you use everyday? Are there
any features of other systems that you use on occasion?
4. Which of the four systems might it be easier to teach children
to read? Why?
* Adapted from Palmer, Rowell, and Brooks, "Reflection and
Cognitive Strategy Instruction: Modeling Active Learning for
Pre-service Teachers," Reading Horizons, 2005, 45 (3), 209 and
handouts in reading/language arts classes.