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  • 标题:U.S. arts and cultural production satellite account, 1998-2012.
  • 作者:Kern, Paul V. ; Wasshausen, David B. ; Zemanek, Steven L.
  • 期刊名称:Survey of Current Business
  • 印刷版ISSN:0039-6222
  • 出版年度:2015
  • 期号:January
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:U.S. Government Printing Office
  • 摘要:"With the creation of new data analyses like this one--which shows how arts and culture contribute to GDP--the Department of Commerce is providing a more detailed picture of what drives the U.S. economy, growth, and job creation," said Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker. "Making new data available is another example of how the government is working harder and smarter to produce relevant statistics that better inform individuals, businesses, and decisionmakers."
  • 关键词:Economic conditions

U.S. arts and cultural production satellite account, 1998-2012.

Kern, Paul V. ; Wasshausen, David B. ; Zemanek, Steven L. 等

ON JANUARY 12, 2015, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) and the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) released new estimates from the arts and cultural production satellite account.1 The goal of this new economic account is to provide detailed statistics that shed light on the impact of arts and cultural activities on the U.S. economy. In particular, the account provides an estimate of the arts and cultural sector's contributions to current-dollar gross domestic product (GDP) (table A). In 2012, arts and cultural production accounted for 4.3 percent of GDP.

"With the creation of new data analyses like this one--which shows how arts and culture contribute to GDP--the Department of Commerce is providing a more detailed picture of what drives the U.S. economy, growth, and job creation," said Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker. "Making new data available is another example of how the government is working harder and smarter to produce relevant statistics that better inform individuals, businesses, and decisionmakers."

The arts and cultural satellite account is the latest in a series of BEA satellite accounts that complement BEA's core economic accounts with detailed data on key industries such as travel and tourism, healthcare, transportation, and research and development. Satellite accounts provide complementary estimates that do not change the official U.S. economic statistics. Instead, these accounts provide additional statistical detail and allow for more in-depth analysis of a particular sector or aspect of the economy.

Further, because satellite accounts complement existing accounts, they serve as a laboratory for experimenting and developing concepts and methodologies that are not ready for implementation into the core accounts. For example, BEA's work on capitalizing research and development was initially presented as a satellite account and only after much refinement were the statistics incorporated into the core accounts in 2013.

The arts and cultural account provides estimates for the years 1998-2012 on select arts and cultural commodities and industries (both for profit and nonprofit) that are currently reflected in GDP statistics. These estimates consist of nominal industry output, direct and indirect employment (salaried and self-employed), compensation of employees, and "value added" by industry.

The remainder of this article offers a brief overview of the arts and cultural account, information about the concepts and methodology used to construct the account, a discussion of the results for 2012 and some comments about future directions of the account.

Arts and Cultural Account Overview

Like other BEA satellite accounts, the arts and cultural account was built from the bottom up, using the rich detail provided by BEA's input-output (I-O) accounts, notably the 2007 benchmark I-O account.2 Benchmark I-O tables--which are produced roughly once every five years and are based on the highest quality source data--provide a detailed look at the relationships among industries, estimating each one's contribution to GDP.

The arts and cultural account essentially rearranges the I-O account in order to feature arts and cultural activity. For example, the satellite account details the construction of museums, concert halls, and libraries, while the I-O account presents construction more broadly. As another example, fine arts education is a part of education in the benchmark I-O table, but in this satellite account, it can be shown with other arts statistics. Also, while gaming software is part of application and database software in the benchmark I-O account, it too can be separated and shown as part of the arts and cultural account.

The arts and cultural account presents annual statistics from 1998 to 2012 for the following items: (1) current-dollar output by detailed arts and cultural production industries and commodities, (2) employment and compensation within these industries, (3) current-dollar value added by industry, and (4) commodity-flow details for arts and cultural production products.

The statistics are presented under the two broad headings: (1) core arts and cultural production and (2) supporting arts and cultural production. The core category includes the commodities in which output is identified as primarily contributing to arts and culture; it includes performing arts, museums, design services, and arts education. The supporting category consists of the commodities that support the core category through publication, dissemination of the creative process, or other supportive functions; for example, it includes event promotion, printing, and broadcasting.

Value added, compensation, and employment statistics are presented by the producing industry for detailed categories (see table 2). Output statistics span both the commodity and the industry dimensions and form the foundation of these statistics (tables 1 and 6). The industries and commodities are based on the 2007 North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS).3

Constructing the Arts and Cultural Account

Conceptual framework

Culture can be defined in a variety of ways to include language, traditions, beliefs, and values. For this new account, the definition of arts and cultural production is mainly consistent with definitions used by the United Nations and the European Union. The I-O framework provides the necessary tools to identify and to estimate the value of the creative chain associated with arts and cultural production. This chain captures the economic value of the creation of a cultural product (for example, composing a symphony) to its production (the performance being recorded in a studio), then the distribution (by various modes), and finally, the consumption (by the listener).


Although the conceptual boundary of art and culture in the U.S. economy is difficult to discern, using the detailed economic transactions from a benchmark I-O account that comprise art and cultural production was the best course to produce these estimates. The flexible nature and sound framework offered by a satellite account makes this an ideal fit for estimating the value of art and cultural production.

Items were identified for inclusion in this account through a highly collaborative effort with economists and research staff from BEA and from NEA. The U.S. I-O accounts consist primarily of the make and use tables, which present statistics on the production and uses (both intermediate and final) of products by industries. Using existing I-O account statistics, detailed make table transactions were carefully evaluated and identified for inclusion into this satellite account. A full suite of I-O statistics--including gross output, intermediate input, and value added--was then developed based on this initial list.

The new account: Step by step

The arts and cultural production satellite account was developed in seven steps: (1) identifying the arts and cultural production commodities, (2) identifying the industries, (3) identifying the arts and cultural portions, (4) estimating output, (5) estimating value added, (6) estimating employment and compensation, and (7) estimating total and indirect output and employment.

Identifying the commodities. The make and use tables present detailed information on about 6,000 items or detailed commodities within the U.S. economy. These items range from agricultural products to professional services to government services. A list of every commodity in the 2007 benchmark I-O account was generated. BEA staff worked closely with NEA staff to designate which commodities were related to arts and cultural production. A commodity was considered for inclusion if its output is intended chiefly as a function of creative or aesthetic engagement and if its goods and services are intended chiefly to facilitate public access to its output. About 400 commodities were selected to be included in the arts and cultural production satellite account.4

Identifying the industries. After the list of commodities was completed, the industries were then identified. This task was comparably simple in that these industries were defined as those that produce the commodities that had previously been identified as arts and culture related. Most of these industries already exist in the I-O accounts. However, the art support industry is not recognized in the 2007 benchmark I-O or in the 2007 NAICS. This industry is a hybrid that consists of portions of several industries from the benchmark I-O account and 2007 NAICS.

Identifying the arts and culture portions. Some of the items selected for inclusion into the arts and cultural production satellite account are not entirely related to arts and culture; for example, book publishing is primarily, but not entirely, an arts-related commodity. Books on sports, however, were excluded from these estimates as were all sports. In order to separate the arts portion from the nonarts portion, several data sources were used to supplement the information available from the I-O account, including detailed information from the Census Bureau's economic censuses. In some cases, the detailed information from the Census Bureau provided additional insights that proved invaluable in identifying the arts-related portion of a commodity. For detailed goods and services, the guiding principle was to separate the creative from the repetitive.

The construction industry is unique. Detailed statistics from a private source were used to identify specific construction projects that were considered to be entirely arts related.

Estimating output. Commodity output for the arts and cultural production satellite account is estimated by applying the portions developed in the prior step to the output of the 400 commodities related to arts and cultural production. The initial item output is taken from the benchmark I-O account. The industry output is then derived by aggregating commodity output across industries defined in the prior step. Table 1 in the appendix presents the production of commodities by industry for the year 2012.

Estimating value added. Value added is the difference between an industry's output and the cost of its intermediate inputs. In a fully integrated I-O framework, value added equals the sum of the industry's compensation paid; taxes on production and imports paid less subsidies received; and gross operating surplus earned. Value added for arts and cultural production is imputed at a detailed level by employing the relationship between the industry output for arts and cultural production and total industry output; that is, the ratio of intermediate consumption associated specifically with the industry output for arts and cultural production is assumed to be the same as the ratio of total industry intermediate consumption to total industry output. Table 2 presents output, intermediate consumption and value added by industry for 2012.5

Estimating employment and compensation. Employment and compensation for arts and cultural production are estimated using a methodology similar to that used for measuring intermediate consumption for arts and cultural production. Employment and compensation statistics for arts and cultural production are derived at a detailed industry level by applying the ratio of output for arts and cultural production to total industry output to total industry employment and compensation. Table 4 in the appendix presents employment and compensation of employees by industry for 2012.

Estimating total and indirect output and employment. The arts and cultural production satellite account includes estimates of direct output and employment for commodities and industries that are related to arts and cultural production. The estimates for indirect output and employment begin with the direct measures. Total output and total employment equals the sum of the direct and indirect components. Indirect output consists of all the outputs used as inputs in the process of producing the direct output; for example, the paper used in books is an input into book manufacturing, so paper is considered indirect output. Multipliers from BEA's total requirements tables, which show the production required (both directly and indirectly) to meet final demand, are used to estimate these values.6 Similarly, estimates for indirect employment are prepared using a requirements-type table that is specifically for employment, produced as part of BEA's regional input-output modeling system (RIMS).7 RIMS employment multipliers are applied to the direct employment estimates to produce total employment for arts and cultural production, with the difference between total employment and direct employment equal to indirect employment. Indirect employment consists of all jobs in which the workers are engaged in the production of indirect arts-related output; for example, indirect employment includes the employees producing the paper that is used as an input for books.

A Look at the Data

Value added

In 2012, value added for arts and cultural production was $698.7 billion, accounting for 4.3 percent of GDP (chart 1). The share of GDP accounted for by arts and cultural production was larger than the share of industries such as mining (2.5 percent), utilities (1.6 percent), and banking (2.9 percent).

Core arts and cultural production contributed $129.0 billion to GDP in 2012, and supporting arts and cultural production contributed an additional $547.0 billion.

In the core group, design services was the largest contributor, at $71.3 billion (table 2). Value added for performing arts--which includes independent artists, writers, and performers--was $45.1 billion. Within the "supporting" group, "information" was the leading contributor to value added, with $343.1 billion. Value added for the information category reflects the production of telecommunications, broadcasting and other related services required to deliver many of the core art and cultural products. The second largest contributor to value added was "art support," which includes both public and private promoters of the performing arts.


Value added attributable to arts and cultural production tracked GDP fairly well, but it appeared to be more sensitive to the contraction over the recent business cycle than the overall economy (chart 1). During the Great Recession, arts and cultural production fell a bit deeper than GDP, and during the expansion following the 2001 recession, arts and cultural production grew at a slightly slower pace than GDP. From 2001 to 2007, the average annual growth of GDP was 5.3 percent, and the average annual growth of arts and cultural production was 4.1 percent.



The arts and cultural sector broadly accounted for 4.7 million workers in 2012, and compensation for these workers was $334.9 billion, larger than the compensation for all nondurable-goods manufacturing ($313.3 billion). The core arts and cultural industries accounted for one million of these jobs, while the supporting industries accounted for 3.5 million jobs. Other industries account for the remainder. The advertising industry was the primary contributor to core employment (133.5 thousand jobs). The primary contributor to supporting industries' employment was the government sector (1.1 million jobs).


Future Directions

Satellite accounts at BEA evolve on two broad fronts: as the user community provides input into the estimates and as the underlying structure of the U.S. I-O accounts evolve through the 5-year revision cycle.

Increased frequency of the release of national statistics is not envisioned for the arts and cultural production satellite account at this time. However, NEA is charged with promoting art and culture in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. As a result, BEA has begun work on developing state-level statistics on arts and cultural production. The relationship between the national GDP estimates and GDP by state estimates is firmly etched in the BEA structure; both sets of accounts are tied to the I-O account. It is expected that a regionalization of this satellite account will be extremely helpful to the arts community. BEA also plans to develop chain-type volume measures, which will be helpful for additional cross-industry comparisons and trend analysis.



Paul V. Kern, Chief of the Information, Business Services and Satellite Accounts Branch in the Industry Sector Division (ISD) supervised the preparation of the estimates. Carol E. Moylan, Associate Director of Industry Accounts, and David B. Wasshausen, Chief of the Industry Sector Division, provided overall guidance. Erich Strassner, Chief of the Industry Applications Division provided valuable assistance in the development and review of the estimates. Steven L. Zemanek prepared the estimates. Industry experts within the Industry Economic Accounts provided valuable assistance during the preparation of the estimates. Staff members of the Industry Sector Division, the Industry Analysis Division, the National Income and Wealth Division, the Government Division, and the Regional Economic Analysis Division contributed to the development of the estimates. The National Endowment for the Arts provided funding for the preparation of the Arts and Cultural Production Satellite Accounts. Sunil Iyengar, Director, Office of Research and Analysis, and Bonnie Nichols, Program Analyst, Office of Research and Analysis, provided valuable assistance in the development and review of the estimates.

Data Availability

The detailed annual statistics on art and cultural production for 2012 are presented in six tables at the end of this article. The complete set of detailed annual statistics for 1998 through 2012 are available on BEA's Website.

(1.) Preliminary prototype estimates for the arts and cultural production satellite account were released December 5, 2013 jointly by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

(2.) For additional details, see Donald D. Kim, Erich H. Strassner, and David B. Wasshausen, "Industry Economic Accounts: Results of the Comprehensive Revision and Revised Statistics for 1997-2012," SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS 94 (February 2014).

(3.) Additional details on the composition of each of these categories are available on the Census Bureau's Web site.

(4.) For the purposes of the U.S. arts and cultural production account, all sports were excluded wherever possible.

(5.) Estimates presented in table 2 reflect aggregations of detailed items, in which the ratio between intermediate consumption and total output matches the ratio between total industry output and the arts-related portion of the industry.

(6.) For additional information on total requirements, see Karen J. Horowitz and Mark A. Planting, Concepts and Methods of the U.S. Input-Output Accounts on BEA's Web site.

(7.) For additional information on BEAs Regional Input-Output Modeling System, see RIMS II User Guide on BEA's Web site.

By Paul V. Kern, David B. Wasshausen, and Steven L. Zemanek
            Table A. Output and Value Added by Industry, 2012
                      [Millions of dollars]

                 Industry                        Output     Value

Core arts and cultural production                221,181   129,011
Performing arts                                   81,267    45,079
Museums                                           11,520     5,075
Design services                                  114,951    71,277
Arts education                                    13,442     7,581
Supporting arts and cultural production          869,321   547,003
Arts support service                             145,121   103,502
Information services                             546,306   343,073
Manufacturing                                     38,940    17,012
Wholesale and retail trade                       118,077    73,059
Construction                                      20,875    10,356
All other industries                              41,753    22,681
Total                                          1,132,254   698,695

            Table 1. Production of Commodities by Industry, 2012
                      [Millions of dollars]


Commodity           Performing   Museums  Design     Arts    Art support
                       arts              services  education

Core arts and
cultural production     63,835    11,458  114,395    13,313     100,067
Performing arts         58,861         6        6
Museums                           11,443                          6,177
Design services            827        10  113,210                   995
Arts education                                       13,313      92,897
originals                4,148              1,180
Supporting arts and
cultural production     17,430        62      558       129      45,054
Arts support services   17,283                                   37,635
Information services                          344                 5,858
Manufacturing                                 135                   570
Construction               114        19                 84         866
Arts-related wholesale
and retail trade            35        43       79        45         128
production              11,514       841  253,703   241,710   1,633,235
All other wholesale
and transportation
margin                                        179                    71
All other retail margin    338       409      710       429       1,206
All other commodities   11,176       432  252,815   241,280   1,631,955
Industry output         92,781    12,361  368,657   255,151   1,778,357
Intermediate inputs     41,711     6,916  122,709   107,196     507,595
Value added             51,071     5,446  245,945   147,955   1,270,763
Compensation of
employees               19,175     4,458  162,299   125,921   1,105,801
Taxes on production
and imports less
subsidies                3,756       298    4,558     7,978       5,259
Gross operating
surplus                 28,138       689   79,090    14,056     159,701

                     Information  Manufacturing  Construction

Core arts and
cultural production      220,438         11,897
Performing arts
Design services          151,576         11,897
Arts education
originals                 68,862
Supporting arts and
cultural production      325,869         27,043        20,875
Arts support services         93
Information services     325,332
Manufacturing                247         26,978
Construction                                           20,875
Arts-related wholesale
and retail trade             193             66
production               457,699        146,920        84,413
All other wholesale
and transportation
margin                     1,628          2,256
All other retail margin    1,411
All other commodities    454,660        144,664        84,413
Industry output        1,004,006        185,862       105,288
Intermediate inputs      396,761        105,848        53,056
Value added              607,243         80,012        52,232
Compensation of
employees                211,901         57,307        33,097
Taxes on production
and imports less
subsidies                 27,162          1,973           703
Gross operating
surplus                  368,179         20,733        18,432

                        Wholesale     All other      Domestic production
                        and retail    industries     at producers prices

Core arts and
cultural production          3,325      32,338           571,068
Performing arts              1,128      60,001
Museums                     17,617
Design services              3,226      31,196           312,934
Arts education                 100                       106,310
originals                                   13            74,203
Supporting arts and
cultural production        114,751       9,415           561,186
Arts support services          693         100            55,804
Information services                     2,568           334,102
Manufacturing                5,053       1,240            34,221
Construction                               163            22,120
Arts-related wholesale
and retail trade           109,008       5,345           114,940
production               3,567,123  21,164,049        27,561,208
All other wholesale
and transportation
margin                   1,536,444      63,324          1,603,903
All other retail margin  1,246,691      33,642          1,284,836
All other commodities      783,989  21,067,083         24,672,469
Industry output          3,685,199  21,205,802         28,693,462
Intermediate inputs      1,420,823   9,686,259         12,448,878
Value added              2,264,377  11,519,543         16,244,584
Compensation of
employees                1,179,199   5,720,810          8,619,970
Taxes on production
and imports less
subsidies                  414,475     599,467          1,065,629
Gross operating
surplus                    670,703   5,199,266          6,558,985

NOTE. The full table is available in the data files accompanying the
article on BEA's Web site.

             Table 2. Output and Value Added by Industry, 2012
                          [Millions of dollars]

          Industry          Industry    Intermediate      Value
                             output     consumption       added

Core arts and
cultural production          728,949      278,534        450,416
Performing arts               92,781       41,711         51,071
Performing arts
companies                     27,900       11,124         16,776
Independent artists,
writers, and
performers                    33,796       12,801         20,995
Agents and managers
for artists                    7,187        3,026          4,161
Promoters of
performing arts
and similar events            23,898       14,760          9,139
Museums                       12,361        6,916          5,446
Design services              368,657      122,709        245,945
Advertising ..               132,889       50,131         82,757
Architectural services        31,092       11,956         19,136
architectural services         4,304        1,809          2,495
Interior design
services                      11,850        4,920          6,930
Industrial design
services                       2,359          831          1,527
Graphics design services      10,597        3,657          6,939
Computer systems design      160,142       43,283        116,859
Photography and photo
finishing services            13,959        5,693          8,266
All other
design services                1,465          429          1,036
Fine arts education           12,263        5,685          6,578
Education services           242,888      101,511        141,377
Supporting arts and
cultural production        6,758,711    2,484,085      4,274,626
Arts support services      1,778,357      507,595      1,270,763
Rental and leasing            30,442       12,782         17,660
Grant-making and
giving services               28,657       11,914         16,743
Unions                        68,279       18,896         49,383
Government                 1,607,128      443,099      1,164,029
Other support services        43,851       20,904         22,948
Information services       1,004,006      396,761        607,243
Publishing                   290,736      107,313        183,423
Motion pictures              120,046       23,190         96,855
Sound recording               20,191        3,844         16,347
Broadcasting                 504,342      229,092        275,249
Other information
services                      68,691       33,322         35,369
Manufacturing                185,862      105,848         80,012
Printed goods
manufacturing                 82,199       44,887         37,312
Jewelry and silverware
manufacturing                  9,652        5,550          4,102
Musical instruments
manufacturing                  1,988        1,030            957
Custom architectural
woodwork and metalwork
manufacturing                 46,751       30,325         16,425
Camera and motion
picture equipment
manufacturing                  2,358          994          1,364
Other goods
manufacturing                 42,914       23,062         19,852
Construction                 105,288       53,056         52,232
Wholesale and
transportation industries  2,207,092      870,564      1,336,528
Retail industries          1,478,107      550,259        927,849
All other industries      21,205,802    9,686,259     11,519,543
Total                     28,693,462   12,448,878     16,244,584

                         Arts and cultural production satellite account

                            Industry     Output   Intermediate  Value
                              ratio               consumption   added

Core arts and
cultural production                     221,181     92,169     129,011
Performing arts                          81,267     36,188      45,079
Performing arts
companies                      0.961     26,802     10,686      16,116
Independent artists,
writers, and
performers                     0.919     31,062     11,765      19,297
Agents and managers
for artists                    0.508      3,650      1,537       2,113
Promoters of
performing arts
and similar events             0.827     19,753     12,200       7,553
Museums                        0.932     11,520      6,445       5,075
Design services                         114,951     43,675      71,277
Advertising                    0.354     47,032     17,742      29,289
Architectural services         0.727     22,600      8,691      13,910
architectural services         0.924      3,976      1,672       2,305
Interior design
services                       0.910     10,787      4,479       6,308
Industrial design
services                       0.990      2,335        823       1,512
Graphics design services       0.947     10,037      3,464       6,573
Computer systems design        0.023      3,695        999       2,696
Photography and photo
finishing services             0.973     13,586      5,541       8,045
All other
design services                0.616        903        264         639
Fine arts education            0.434      5,322      2,467       2,855
Education services             0.033      8,120      3,394       4,726
Supporting arts and
cultural production                     869,321    322,319     547,003
Arts support services                   145,121     41,621     103,502
Rental and leasing             0.299      9,116      3,828       5,288
Grant-making and
giving services                0.031        888        369         519
Unions                         0.023      1,586        439       1,147
Government                     0.083    132,693     36,585      96,109
Other support services         0.019        838        400         439
Information services                    546,306    203,232     343,073
Publishing                     0.424    123,397     45,547      77,850
Motion pictures                0.990    118,822     22,954      95,868
Sound recording                0.997     20,137      3,834      16,303
Broadcasting                   0.440    221,877    100,785     121,091
Other information
services                       0.904     62,073     30,112      31,961
Manufacturing                            38,940     21,929      17,012
Printed goods
manufacturing                  0.216     17,769      9,704       8,066
Jewelry and silverware
manufacturing                  0.947      9,139      5,255       3,884
Musical instruments
manufacturing                  0.933      1,854        961         893
Custom architectural
woodwork and metalwork
manufacturing                  0.116      5,414      3,512       1,902
Camera and motion
picture equipment
manufacturing                  0.232        547        231         316
Other goods
manufacturing                  0.098      4,217      2,266       1,951
Construction                   0.198     20,875     10,519      10,356
Wholesale and
transportation industries      0.022     47,889     18,889      29,000
Retail industries              0.047     70,188     26,129      44,059
All other industries           0.002     41,753     19,071      22,681
Total                                 1,132,254    433,559     698,695

          Table 3. Supply and Consumption of Commodities, 2012
                       [Millions of dollars]


       Commodity        Domestic   Imports    Change      Wholesale
                       productio                in        trade and
                          at                inventories   transportation
                       producers                          margins

Core arts and
cultural production     571,068      4,659
Performing arts          33,441        473
Music groups              4,543         66
Dance                       896         13
Opera                     3,635         53
Symphonies                2,517         36
Theater                  17,416        252
Other                     4,434         53
Independent artists,
writers, and
performers               26,560
Museums                  17,617
Art                       1,393
Botanical and
zoological                2,142
Children's                  487
Historical sites          4,509
History                     279
Natural                   2,228
Nature parks              4,003
Science                   2,228
Other                       348
Design services         312,934      4,115
Advertising             239,797      2,768
historic restoration
services                  1,761         54
services                  5,566        168
All other
services                 21,259        651
Interior design
services                 11,628
Industrial design
services                  2,403         48
Graphics design
services                  9,855         90
Fashion design
services                    839
Computer systems
design                    4,721        311
Photography and photo
finishing services       14,944         25
All other design
services                    161
Fine arts education       5,396
Education services      100,914         71
originals                74,203
Supporting arts and
cultural production     561,186     30,029     2,444       46,528
Arts support services    55,804        240
Rental and leasing        9,838
Agents and managers
for artists               3,519
Promoters of
performing arts and
similar events           14,326        240
Grant-making and
giving services             883
Unions                    1,134
Government               25,267
Other support
services                    837
Book publishing          16,027      1,191       532        3,332
Education (K-12)          1,969         75        86          391
Higher education            953         21        41          186
General reference           716          5        32          138
and scholarly             2,835        144       126          570
Adult trade               7,405        946       195        1,629
Children                  2,149                   52          418
Other publishing         59,221        948       356       14,632
Cards, calendars,
and other                 7,904        553       105        1,125
Newspapers and
periodicals              19,079        389       114        3,919
Software                 32,238          6       137        9,588
Information services    258,854      6,180       181        4,696
Broadcasting            118,379
Sound recording          16,243      1,315        95        2,305
Motion pictures          14,110
production               72,481      4,516        86        2,391
Other information
services                 37,641        349
Manufactured goods       34,221     21,472     1,374       23,867
Jewelry and
silverware               14,394     13,390       852        9,065
Printed goods             6,927         29       101          867
Musical instruments       1,854      1,194       180        1,174
Custom architectural
woodwork and
metalwork                 5,922         14        57        1,712
Camera and motion
picture equipment         1,150      1,156        35        1,018
Other goods               3,974      5,689       149       10,031
Construction             22,120
Wholesale trade and
margins                  46,528
Retail trade margins     68,412
production           27,561,208  2,465,275    63,649    1,603,903
All other wholesale
trade and
margins               1,603,903
All other retail
margins               1,284,836
All other commoditie 24,672,469  2,465,275    63,649    1,603,903


                         Retail     Total       Private      Government
                         trade    supply at   expenditures  expenditures
                         margins  purchasers'

Core arts and
cultural production                 575,727     319,880        13,368
Performing arts                      33,914       7,415           150
Music groups                          4,608         967            21
Dance                                   909         191             4
Opera                                 3,688         774            16
Symphonies                            2,554         536            11
Theater                              17,668       3,708            79
Other                                 4,487       1,239            19
Independent artists,
writers, and
performers                           26,560      25,124           605
Museums                              17,617
Art                                   1,393
Botanical and
zoological                            2,142
Children's                              487
Historical sites                      4,509
History                                 279
Natural                               2,228
Nature parks                          4,003
Science                               2,228
Other                                   348
Design services                     317,052     285,120        12,330
Advertising                         242,565     234,454         4,566
historic restoration
services                              1,816       1,502           147
services                              5,735       3,898         1,680
All other
architectural services               21,910      18,093         1,765
Interior design
services                             11,628       6,543         2,439
Industrial design
services                              2,451       2,393            13
Graphics design
services                              9,945       8,388         1,546
Fashion design
services                                839         813            26
Computer systems design               5,032       1,398            49
Photography and photo
finishing services                   14,970       7,482            94
All other design
Fine arts education                   5,396       2,053
Education services                  100,985         170           282
Entertainment originals              74,203
Supporting arts and
cultural production       68,412    588,771     148,020         8,002
Arts support services                56,044      14,763           145
Rental and leasing                    9,838       5,167
Agents and managers
for artists                           3,519       3,405
Promoters of
performing arts and
similar events                       14,566       5,336             1
Grant-making and
giving services                         883
Unions                                1,134         310            45
Government                           25,267
Other support services                  837         545            99
Book publishin             8,250     28,269       1,495         2,479
Education (K-12)             181      2,531          19         1,956
Higher education             458      1,577          44           153
General reference            383      1,210         107            11
and scholarly              1,149      4,572         852           359
Adult trade                4,689     14,474         395
Children                   1,390      3,905          78
Other publishing          14,942     89,384       4,908         2,393
Cards, calendars,
and other                  6,749     16,225       1,691         2,351
Newspapers and
periodicals                2,040     25,311       1,806            42
Software                   6,153     47,848       1,411
Information services       6,888    276,437     112,315         1,922
Broadcasting                        118,379      43,832         1,042
Sound recording            3,854     23,622       3,429           197
Motion pictures                      14,110         637
production                 3,034     82,336      53,643            70
Other information
services                             37,990      10,774           613
Manufactured goods        38,332    116,517      14,540         1,063
Jewelry and silverware    25,755     61,752         136             4
Printed goods                585      8,306       6,144           925
Musical instruments        2,419      6,461         241
Custom architectural
woodwork and metalwork       785      8,376       4,160            16
Camera and motion
picture equipment          1,107      4,396       1,193
Other goods                7,681     27,226       2,666           118
Construction                         22,120
Wholesale trade and
transportation margins
Retail trade margins
production             1,284,836 29,962,834  11,124,005       835,603
All other wholesale
trade and
transportation margins
All other retail
All other commodities  1,284,836 29,962,834   11,124,005      835,603


                          Personal       Gross     Government
                         consumption    private      final      Exports
                         expenditures    fixed    expenditures

Core arts and
cultural production        62,113       77,057       96,314        6,995
Performing arts            25,835                                    514
Music groups                3,580                                     41
Dance                         706                                      8
Opera                       2,865                                     32
Symphonies                  1,984                                     23
Theater                    13,726                                    156
Other                       2,974                                    254
Independent artists,
writers, and
performers                    188                                    644
Museums                    14,018                     3,599
Art                         1,393
Botanical and
zoological                  2,142
Children's                    487
Historical sites            4,509
History                       279
Natural                     2,228
Nature parks                  404                     3,599
Science                     2,228
Other                         348
Design services            10,372        2,854          558        5,815
Advertising                   345                                  3,200
historic restoration
services                                                             167
services                                                             156
All other
services                                                           2,052
Interior design
services                    2,646
Industrial design
services                                                              44
Graphics design
services                                                              11
Fashion design
Computer systems
design                                   2,854          558          173
Photography and photo
finishing services          7,381                                     12
All other design
Fine arts education         3,331                                     12
Education services          8,368                    92,157            9
originals                               74,203
Supporting arts and
cultural production       306,069       28,413       45,321       52,946
Arts support services      15,151                    25,267          718
Rental and leasing          4,657                                     13
Agents and managers
for artists                                                          114
Promoters of
performing arts and
similar events              8,661                                    569
Grant-making and
giving services               883
Unions                        779
Government                                           25,267
Other support
services                      171                                     22
Book publishing             22,304                                 1,991
Education (K-12)              330                                    225
Higher education            1,242                                    139
General reference           1,051                                     41
and scholarly               3,047                                    314
Adult trade                12,823                                  1,256
Children                    3,811                                     16
Other publishing           52,893       16,189        1,683       11,319
Cards, calendars,
and other                  11,978                                    205
Newspapers and
periodicals                21,549                                  1,915
Software                   19,366       16,189        1,683        9,199
Information services      133,596                     3,453       25,152
Broadcasting               73,492                                     13
Sound recording            15,077                                  4,920
Motion pictures            13,474
production                 12,308                                 16,315
Other information
services                   19,245                     3,453        3,904
Manufactured goods         82,126        5,007           15       13,765
Jewelry and
silverware                 52,382                                  9,230
Printed goods               1,228                                      9
Musical instruments         5,001          433           19          767
Custom architectural
woodwork and
metalwork                     263        3,925                        12
Camera and motion
picture equipment           2,287          620            6          289
Other goods                20,965           29          -10        3,458
Construction                             7,217       14,903
Wholesale trade and
Retail trade margins
production             10,781,420    2,303,634    3,025,350    1,892,821
All other wholesale
trade and
All other retail
All other commodities  10,781,420    2,303,634    3,025,350    1,892,821


Core arts and
cultural production              575,727
Performing arts                   33,914
Music groups                       4,608
Dance                                909
Opera                              3,688
Symphonies                         2,554
Theater                           17,668
Other                              4,487
Independent artists,
writers, and
performers                        26,560
Museums                           17,617
Art                                1,393
Botanical and
zoological                         2,142
Children's                           487
Historical sites                   4,509
History                              279
Natural                            2,228
Nature parks                       4,003
Science                            2,228
Other                                348
Design services                  317,052
Advertising                      242,565
historic restoration
services                           1,816
services                           5,735
All other
services                          21,910
Interior design
services                          11,628
Industrial design
services                           2,451
Graphics design
services                           9,945
Fashion design
services                             839
Computer systems
design                             5,032
Photography and photo
finishing services                14,970
All other design
services                             161
Fine arts education                5,396
Education services               100,985
originals                         74,203
Supporting arts and
cultural production               588,77
Arts support services             56,044
Rental and leasing                 9,838
Agents and managers
for artists                        3,519
Promoters of
performing arts and
similar events                    14,566
Grant-making and
giving services                      883
Unions                             1,134
Government                        25,267
Other support
services                             837
Book publishing                    28,269
Education (K-12)                   2,531
Higher education                   1,577
General reference                  1,210
and scholarly                      4,572
Adult trade                       14,474
Children                           3,905
Other publishing                  89,384
Cards, calendars,
and other                         16,225
Newspapers and
periodicals                       25,311
Software                          47,848
Information services             276,437
Broadcasting                     118,379
Sound recording                   23,622
Motion pictures                   14,110
production                        82,336
Other information
services                          37,990
Manufactured goods               116,517
Jewelry and
silverware                        61,752
Printed goods                      8,306
Musical instruments                6,461
Custom architectural
woodwork and
metalwork                          8,376
Camera and motion
picture equipment                  4,396
Other goods                       27,226
Construction                      22,120
Wholesale trade and
Retail trade margins
production                    29,962,834
All other wholesale
trade and
All other retail
All other commodities         29,962,834

  Table 4. Employment and Compensation of Employees by Industry, 2012

                                 Total       Compensation
     Industry                  employment     (millions
                              (thousands      of dollars)
                              of employees)

Core arts and cultural
production                      4,821.2       311,854.8
Performing arts                   282.6        19,176.0
Performing arts
companies                         104.2         7,080.4
Independent artists,
writers, and performers            39.9         6,791.0
Agents and managers
for artists                        43.4         2,194.3
Promoters of performing
arts and similar events            95.1         3,110.3
Museums                           131.2         4,458.3
Design services                 1,519.3       162,299.3
Advertising                       377.2        32,517.5
Architectural services            140.8        14,433.7
Landscape architectural
services                           23.1         2,020.7
Interior design services           21.3         1,520.9
Industrial design services         24.8           918.7
Graphics design services           64.8         3,649.5
Computer systems design           783.6       102,810.7
Photography and photo
finishing services                 80.2         3,678.1
All other design services           3.5           749.5
Fine arts education                98.6         6,041.0
Education services              2,789.6       119,880.4
Supporting arts and
cultural production            42,160.3     2,587,305.6
Arts support services          14,662.9     1,105,800.8
Rental and leasing                140.2         4,344.8
Grant-making and giving
services                          150.6        11,081.6
Unions                            697.2        45,838.3
Government                     13,491.4     1,030,832.8
Other support services            183.5        13,703.3
Information services            2,162.8       211,901.6
Publishing                        813.6        89,990.2
Motion pictures                   371.1        28,142.8
Sound recording                    12.9         2,325.2
Broadcasting                      912.1        78,238.0
Other information services         53.1        13,205.4
Manufacturing                     949.0        57,307.5
Printed goods manufacturing       460.0        25,899.0
Jewelry and silverware
manufacturing                      27.7         2,635.2
Musical instruments
manufacturing                       8.7           806.0
Custom architectural
woodwork and metalwork
manufacturing                     252.3        12,409.3
Camera and motion picture
equipment manufacturing             7.8         1,100.7
Other goods manufacturing         192.5        14,457.3
Construction                      464.2        33,096.6
Wholesale and transportation
industries                      8,888.8       666,410.0
Retail industries              15,032.8       512,789.0
All other industries           92,759.6     5,720,809.7
Total                         139,741.0     8,619,970.0

                                     Arts and cultural production
                                        satellite account

                               Industry    Employment     Compensation
                                ratio     (thousands       (millions
                                         of employees)    of dollars)

Core arts and cultural
production                                  956.4          63,544.2
Performing arts                             237.5          16,728.4
Performing arts
companies                       0.961       100.1           6,801.6
Independent artists,
writers, and performers         0.919        36.7           6,241.6
Agents and managers
for artists                     0.508        22.1           1,114.4
Promoters of performing
arts and similar events         0.827        78.6           2,570.8
Museums                         0.932       122.3           4,154.9
Design services               460.6      36,031.7
Advertising                     0.354       133.5          11,508.5
Architectural services          0.727       102.3          10,491.6
Landscape architectural
services                        0.924        21.3           1,866.8
Interior design services        0.910        19.4           1,384.6
Industrial design services      0.990        24.5             909.5
Graphics design services        0.947        61.4           3,456.9
Computer systems design         0.023        18.1           2,371.9
Photography and photo
finishing services              0.973        78.0           3,580.0
All other design services       0.616         2.1             461.9
Fine arts education             0.434        42.8           2,621.5
Education services              0.033        93.3           4,007.6
Supporting arts and
cultural production                       3,537.4         260,135.5
Arts support services                     1,180.3          88,082.9
Rental and leasing              0.299        42.0           1,301.1
Grant-making and giving
services                        0.031         4.7             343.6
Unions                          0.023        16.2           1,064.9
Government                      0.083     1,113.9          85,111.3
Other support services          0.019         3.5             262.0
Information services                      1,174.7         114,722.2
Publishing                      0.424       345.3          38,194.7
Motion pictures                 0.990       367.3          27,855.9
Sound recording                 0.997        12.8           2,318.9
Broadcasting                    0.440       401.3          34,419.5
Other information services      0.904        48.0          11,933.2
Manufacturing                               183.6          11,959.1
Printed goods manufacturing     0.216        99.4           5,598.7
Jewelry and silverware
manufacturing                   0.947        26.2           2,495.4
Musical instruments
manufacturing                   0.933         8.1             752.0
Custom architectural
woodwork and metalwork
manufacturing                   0.116        29.2           1,437.0
Camera and motion picture
equipment manufacturing         0.232         1.8             255.3
Other goods manufacturing       0.098        18.9           1,420.7
Construction                    0.198        92.0           6,561.9
Wholesale and transportation
industries                      0.022       192.9          14,459.6
Retail industries               0.047       713.8          24,349.9
All other industries            0.002       182.6          11,263.8
Total                                     4,676.4         334,943.5

                  Table 5. Employment by Industry, 2012
                         [Thousands of employees]

      Industry                 Direct         Total          Total
                             arts-related    industry     arts-related
                              employment     employment    employment

Core arts and
cultural production             956.4                       1,437.9
Performing arts                 237.5                         477.7
Performing arts
companies                       100.1           1.35          135.5
Independent artists,
writers, and performers          36.7           2.90          106.4
Agents and managers
for artists                      22.1           2.34           51.7
Promoters of performing
arts and similar events          78.6           2.34          184.1
Museums                         122.3           1.28          156.1
Design services                 460.6                         645.3
Advertising                     133.5           1.49          199.5
Architectural services          102.3           1.53          156.8
Landscape architectural
services                         21.3           1.53           32.6
Interior design services         19.4           1.23           23.8
Industrial design services       24.5           1.23           30.1
Graphics design services         61.4           1.23           75.4
Computer systems design          18.1           1.48           26.7
Photography and photo
finishing services               78.0           1.25           97.8
All other design services         2.1           1.23            2.6
Fine arts education              42.8           1.13           48.3
Education services               93.3           1.18          110.5
Supporting arts and
cultural production           3,537.4                       5,815.9
Arts support services         1,180.3                       1,263.7
Rental and leasing               42.0           2.78          116.8
Grant-making and giving
services                          4.7           1.45            6.8
Unions                           16.2           1.33           21.5
Government                    1,113.9           1.00        1,113.9
Other support services            3.5           1.35            4.7
Information services          1,174.7                       2,910.4
Publishing                      345.3           3.56        1,231.0
Motion pictures                 367.3           1.53          562.2
Sound recording                  12.8           3.50           44.9
Broadcasting                    401.3           2.32          932.1
Other information services       48.0           2.92          140.2
Manufacturing                   183.6                         301.1
Printed goods manufacturing      99.4           1.73          172.2
Jewelry and silverware
manufacturing                    26.2           1.47           38.5
Musical instruments
manufacturing                     8.1           1.22            9.9
Custom architectural
woodwork and metalwork
manufacturing                    29.2           1.66           48.4
Camera and motion picture
equipment manufacturing           1.8           1.19            2.1
Other goods manufacturing        18.9           1.59           30.0
Construction                     92.0           1.59          146.2
Wholesale and
transportation industries       192.9           1.67          322.2
Retail industries               713.8           1.22          872.3
All other industries            182.6           1.80          328.1
Total                         4,676.4                       7,581.8

                   Table 6. Output by Commodity, 2012
                         [Millions of dollars]

        Commodity                Domestic       Total       Total
                                arts-related  commodity   arts-related
                                 output at     output       output
                                purchasers'   multiplier

Core arts and cultural
production                        571,068                   949,986
Performing arts                    33,441                    58,985
Music groups                        4,543        1.764        8,013
Dance                                 896        1.764        1,581
Opera                               3,635        1.764        6,411
Symphonies                          2,517        1.764        4,440
Theater                            17,416        1.764       30,719
Other                               4,434        1.764        7,821
Independent artists,
writers, and performers            26,560        1.764       46,849
Museums                            17,617                    30,138
Art                                 1,393        1.764        2,457
Botanical and zoological            2,142        1.764        3,779
Children's                            487        1.764          860
Historical sites                    4,509        1.764        7,954
History                               279        1.764          491
Natural                             2,228        1.764        3,931
Nature parks                        4,003        1.529        6,121
Science                             2,228        1.764        3,931
Other                                 348        1.764          614
Design services                   312,934                   523,129
Advertising                       239,797        1.678      402,418
Architectural, historic
restoration services                1,761        1.678        2,956
Landscape architectural
services                            5,566        1.678        9,341
All other architectural
services                           21,259        1.678       35,676
Interior design services           11,628        1.678       19,513
Industrial design services          2,403        1.678        4,032
Graphics design services            9,855        1.678       16,538
Fashion design services               839        1.678        1,408
Photography and photo
finishing services                 14,944        1.644       24,569
All other design services             161        1.678          271
Fine arts education                 5,396        1.590        8,582
Education services                100,914        1.526      154,020
Entertainment originals            74,203        1.729      128,283
Supporting arts and cultural
production                        558,743                   960,369
Arts support services              55,804                    89,611
Rental and leasing                  9,838        1.605       15,790
Agents and managers for
artists                             3,519        1.764        6,206
Promoters of performing
arts and similar events            14,326        1.764       25,270
Grant-making and giving
services                              883        1.560        1,377
Unions                              1,134        1.560        1,768
Government                         25,267        1.501       37,922
Other support services                837        1.527        1,278
Book publishing                    27,078                    43,884
Education (K-12)                    2,456        1.621        3,980
Higher education                    1,556        1.621        2,522
General reference                   1,205        1.621        1,953
Professional, technical,
and scholarly                       4,428        1.621        7,176
Adult trade                        13,528        1.621       21,924
Children                            3,905        1.621        6,329
Other publishing                   88,437                   143,321
Cards, calendars, and other        15,672        1.621       25,398
Newspapers and periodicals         24,923        1.621       40,390
Software                           47,842        1.621       77,533
Information services              270,257                   464,535
Broadcasting                      118,379        1.696      200,765
Sound recording                    22,307        1.774       39,583
Motion pictures                    14,110        1.774       25,038
Audio/visual production            77,820        1.774      138,085
Other information services         37,641        1.622       61,064
Manufactured goods                 95,045                   180,636
Printed goods manufacturing         8,277        1.879       15,556
Jewelry and silverware
manufacturing                      48,362        1.854       89,687
Musical instruments
manufacturing                       5,267        1.854        9,768
Custom architectural
woodwork and metalwork
manufacturing                       8,362        1.995       16,684
Camera and motion picture
equipment manufacturing             3,240        1.920        6,222
Other goods manufacturing          21,537        1.983       42,719
Construction                       22,120        1.735       38,381
Total                           1,129,811                 1,910,355