BEA statistics and new indicators of economic condition.
Bridgman, Benjamin R. ; Grimm, Bruce T.
ECONOMIC statistics play a critical role in answering important
questions posed by the recent economic recession. What caused it? Can
such slowdowns be avoided in the future? Policymakers, businesses, and
households would benefit greatly from indicators that provide early
warnings of brewing economic volatility.
Developing indicators that gauge the condition of the economy has
long been a central goal of the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).
Historically, new economic measures have arisen from economic
dislocations. In fact, the interest in macroeconomic measurement
generated by the Great Depression led to the development of BEA's
modern national income and product accounts (NIPAs).
The recession of 2007-2009 prompted BEA to examine possible new
measures to aid in economic policymaking. (1) Continuing in that
direction, this article explores additional methods by which BEA data
can be used to generate indicators of emerging imbalances in saving,
investment, assets, liabilities, and other key variables that shed light
on business cycles.
Given the central role of financial disruptions in the economic
slowdown, economists have focused on the links between the financial and
real sectors. Empirically, historical financial crises can have big
impacts on the real economy (Mitchell 1923; Kindelberger 1978; Reinhart
and Rogoff 2008, 2009a, 2009b; and Jorda, Schularick, and Taylor 2012).
Despite a great deal of effort to link the two, economists have not
achieved a clear consensus on what indicators one should follow (Hall
2010), heightening interest in developing new indicators. (2) To avoid
duplication with other efforts, we emphasize statistical areas in which
BEA has extensive experience: the integrated macroeconomic accounts
(IMAs), the NIPAs, the international transactions accounts (ITAs), the
regional accounts, and the industry accounts.
The IMAs link BEA's NIPAs with the Federal Reserve
Board's financial accounts. The IMAs place real activity and
associated financial activity on the same basis, allowing for easy
comparisons. For example, we can quickly examine the relationship
between residential investment and the growth of mortgage debt.
The ITAs link international real activity and financial activity.
BEA has expanded these accounts significantly over time. They include
information related to financial derivatives and the currency
denomination of cross-border assets, among other items. BEA has also
expanded its regional and industry accounts recently, allowing for a
more insightful examination of economic conditions that perhaps were not
previously visible.
A number of observers have expressed concern that well-known gaps
in data make developing useful new indicators inherently difficult. (3)
However, in some cases, we believe that filling the data gaps does not
require entirely new data products. Instead, existing data from
different sources can be integrated to create telling statistics.
This article proceeds as follows:
* We examine an area that figured prominently in discussions of the
recession, the housing market, and discuss some measures constructed
with data from the IMAs.
* We discuss an aggregate economic approach to anticipating
economic slowdowns, one that relies on BEA's familiar NIPA
* We look at contagion effects and use BEA data to explore whether
certain measures of cross-border activity and measures of regional and
industry activity can indicate weakness in the economy.
As the economy is complex and evolving, no single indicator is
likely to be able to predict large dislocations. In addition,
implementation of new statistical programs aimed at early warning
signals will require statistical agencies to grapple with thorny issues.
However, well-constructed sets of indicators may be able to provide
early warnings of where risks are emerging, how much cushion the economy
has against potential shocks, and how much exposure various sectors have
to shocks in other sectors.
Anticipating Shocks: The Housing Market
The collapse of the housing market was an important feature of the
2007-2009 recession. Many observers have suggested that leverage played
a critical role, as too many people took on too much debt. The data
show, however, that the resulting defaults did not result from excess
leverage alone. While households did increase their debt holdings, the
debt was secured by increasingly expensive real estate. Leverage only
began to increase after negative shocks in the housing market pushed
households under water.
To illuminate these issues, we use various time series available
from the IMAs, which are available on the BEA Web site.
The household balance sheet was not greatly affected by the
prerecession runup in housing prices. Households were not taking on
historically high rates of leverage as measured by the loan-to-value
ratio. Chart 1 shows the ratio of mortgage debt to real estate assets
for the household sector. It was not until housing prices'
appreciation began to slow in 2007 that this ratio shows a significant
change from prior experience. It even declined slightly from 2003 to
2005, the height of the housing bubble. The balance sheet did not look
unusually weak until housing asset prices declined. Chart 2 shows a
measure of housing price changes, the ratio of the change in household
real estate values to real estate assets. This ratio was growing
consistently during the early 2000s but then turned strongly negative.
How vulnerable was the household sector to shocks to housing
prices? Some data show signs of increasing financial fragility due to
the housing boom. Mortgage debt grew in concert with housing prices.
Chart 3 shows the ratio of new mortgage debt to household saving. This
ratio indicates that the household sector was taking on significant
debt, compared with the household sector's ability to withstand
shocks to that debt, such as increasing interest rates. Saving is used
because it measures the ability of the household to pay additional
charges without reducing consumption. In 2005 and 2006, there was a
large increase in mortgage debt.
Chart 4 shows the ratio of household saving to total outstanding
mortgage debt. This ratio indicates that the runup in new mortgage debt
led to a reduced ability of saving to withstand negative shocks.
Household saving fell from at least 7 percent of the stock of debt at
the end of the 1990s to only 2 percent by 2005. As long as housing
prices were high, homeowners suffering a negative shock, such as job
loss, could sell their houses and get out of the mortgage. When the
market for houses weakened, however, that no longer held true, and
homeowners had relatively little in saving to cover losses should they
need to sell. With relatively less in saving as a cushion, households
were more vulnerable to housing price declines.
Chart 5 shows that mortgage debt as a share of compensation began
to increase in the 2000s. This ratio has declined since the collapse of
the housing market but remains well above its 1990s level.
The collapse in the housing market appears to have direct effects
on the real economy. The obvious impact is that home building declined.
The end of the housing bubble resulted in a decline of nearly
three-fifths in real residential investment between a peak in the fourth
quarter of 2005 and a trough in the second quarter of 2011. Chart 6
shows the ratio of current-dollar residential housing investment to
gross domestic product (GDP). Historically, housing has been highly
cyclical. Expansions are associated with increasing housing
construction, and recessions are associated with declines. Recently,
this pattern has weakened. In the 2001 recession, the ratio of
residential investment to GDP did not decline. While there was a large
expansion of residential investment in the mid-2000s, its share of GDP
was not much higher than in previous peaks. However, the post-bubble
decline was much larger than in the previous recessions since 1959, even
in the very deep recession of 1973-75 and the paired recessions of 1980
and 1981-82.
This fall in housing investment has hurt overall investment. Chart
7 shows the ratio of net investment to net production. Part of gross
investment just replaces capital lost to deprecation. (Gross measures
are those that include depreciation, while net measures remove it.) Net
measures give a better sense of how much more capital will be available
for future production. In the recent recession, net investment dropped
to historic lows. Though nonresidential investment has also fallen,
residential investment has typically been a significant portion of total
investment, so its collapse had a large aggregate impact.
The collapse of the housing market may also have had indirect
effects. Recall that falling housing prices led to a debt overhang,
which in turn can have a negative impact on consumption. The household
has to put additional spending into building up equity, which cannot be
used on consumption. Dynan (2012) finds that households with the largest
fall in house prices cut their consumption the most. Falling house
prices can also reduce household consumption by reducing household
wealth. Case, Quigley, and Shiller (2012) find evidence of this effect
in the most recent recession, but not in previous recessions.
Housing is not the only potential area for debt to have an impact
on the household balance sheet. Some observers have suggested that
innovations in credit products led to increased leverage in markets
outside the residential housing market. However, the leverage issues
appear to be largely confined to the residential housing sector. Chart 8
shows the ratio of short-term loan liabilities to disposable personal
income. This ratio gives a sense of how much consumption other than
housing was financed by credit. Although the ratio increased in the
1990s, it remained stable through the housing boom and bust. (4)
Therefore, it does not appear that households leveraged their
consumption expenditures significantly.
Although the amount of leverage has not increased in the most
recent years, there is evidence of increasing credit use from 1983 to
2006. Chart 9 shows the ratio of credit services used by households--the
imputation of financial services furnished without payment and explicit
fees for financial services--to disposable personal income. This ratio
has increased over time, though it has tended to drop during recessions.
Anticipating Shocks: An Aggregate Economic Approach
One theory of recessions is that if the economy is growing above
its long-run capacity, it is in danger of falling into recession. Like
an overworked engine, the economy can overheat and break down.
One approach would be to compare a measure of the economy's
potential output with the economy' actual output. Chart 10 shows
the ratio of the average of real GDP and real gross domestic income
(GDI) to the Congressional Budget Office's (CBO's) estimates
of potential real GDP, a measure of the economy's capacity.
This ratio has exceeded 1.0 before every recession since 1950. It
nearly always peaked and started to decline before the start of
recessions. However, the ratio has also peaked and then declined a few
times when recessions did not follow soon after the peak.
Real GDP and GDI are published by BEA quarterly, beginning with
1947. The average of GDP and GDI has some statistical properties that
are compelling; in particular, the average is somewhat less volatile
from quarter to quarter than either measure alone. The denominator is
the CBO's quarterly measure of potential activity (real GDP); it is
available beginning in 1949.
Although a measure of potential GDP is not currently published by
BEA, the methodology appears to be similar to work done at BEA more than
two decades ago. (5)
Predicting Contagion
Once a shock occurs, its ultimate impact depends on how it is
transmitted to other parts of the economy or to other countries; that
is, it depends on contagion. The recent recession was notable for being
globally widespread. Typically, some countries suffer a bad recession
while others do not experience a recession at all. The recessions that
have the biggest impact are those that spread to every corner of the
economy and all over the world. As a result, policymakers and others are
interested in indicators of contagion. In this section, we examine
contagion across borders and across domestic sectors using data from
BEA's ITAs, regional accounts, and industry accounts.
Cross-border activity
The U.S. economy has become more integrated with the rest of the
world. Such globalization takes on many interrelated forms. One example
is the increasing importance of international trade as a share of the
U.S. economy. The ratios of both imports and exports to GDP increased
from roughly 10 percent in the early 1990s to about 11 percent for
exports and 16 percent for imports in the years immediately before the
2007-2009 recession.
Another aspect of globalization is the increase in the importance
of cross-border financial assets in the economy. Chart 11 shows the
ratio of financial assets held across borders to GDP. Both foreign-owned
U.S. assets and U.S.-owned assets abroad have increased substantially
relative to GDP. The recent financial crisis slowed this growth, but the
level of financial integration has returned to its precrisis levels.
The increasing importance of the global economy raises the concern
that negative shocks from abroad could be transmitted to the United
States. Since the channels are much larger, foreign shocks that might
have had minor impact on the domestic economy in the past could be very
One area of concern is that the United States has persistently run
a current-account deficit. The current-account balance is the difference
in income from returns on U.S. investment and sales of goods and
services abroad (exports) less payments abroad and sales of goods and
services to Americans (imports). The United States has run a
current-account deficit since the early 1980s. Chart 12 shows the ratio
of the current-account deficit to GDP, beginning in 1992.
Some international economists have raised concerns about this
imbalance. Krugman (2007) and Obstfeld and Rogoff (2007), among others,
argue that the process of balancing will be abrupt and damaging to the
economy. One way that the current account can be brought back into
balance is for the U.S. currency to depreciate. A depreciated currency
means imports become more expensive and exports cheaper. The speed at
which the currency depreciates makes a big difference in the impact on
the real economy. Rapid declines typically lead to recessions. Producers
and retailers who depend on imported goods suddenly face much higher
costs. They must search for domestic replacements, which may not yet
have sufficient capacity to serve them or even to exist. This process of
reallocating productive resources from import-intensive parts of the
economy to export-intensive parts can be costly and slow.
On the other hand, if the adjustment is slow, the real economy has
time to adjust without import users suddenly being caught short.
Bertaut, Kamin, and Thomas (2009) argue that the current-account deficit
can be sustained for decades longer and that the adjustment will be
The financial crisis provides some evidence about which way is more
likely. The deficit was increasing going into the period of financial
crisis, but it started to decline prior to its full onset in 2008 after
peaking in 2006. The deficit has since declined to levels not seen since
the 1990s. The biggest mover of the current-account deficit is net
exports, or the trade deficit. The trade deficit has begun to grow again
recently, but increasing income from the rest of the world has kept the
current-account deficit from growing.
Interestingly, the U.S. dollar appreciated during the initial
stages of the international crisis. The U.S. government has an
international reputation as reliably paying its obligations. During the
uncertainty of the crisis, investors sought safe assets. U.S. assets are
seen by investors as being safer than alternative assets abroad. This
"flight to quality" led to a surge in U.S. Treasuries held
abroad. Chart 13 shows the ratio of the stock of U.S. Treasuries held
abroad to GDP. This ratio jumped in 2008 as the financial crisis
increased the demand for such safe assets.
While the impact of the financial crisis is evidence for the slow
adjustment hypothesis, it does not mean that the current-account deficit
is benign. The deficit may flow into other areas of the economy. For
instance, Ferrero (2012) argues that it may have helped inflate the
housing bubble. In addition, previous experience does not mean investors
will not change their minds. They may no longer see U.S. assets as
reliable as they did in the past, leading them to pull out.
Another way international integration could harm the domestic
economy is through an increase in cross-border financial asset holdings
that might expose the domestic financial sector to foreign financial
One way foreign shocks can be transmitted is through movements in
exchange rates. If a financial institution holds assets denominated in a
foreign currency and that currency depreciates, the value of that asset
falls in U.S. dollar terms. Depreciation means that the foreign currency
buys fewer dollars. So when the institution sells the asset and
repatriates the returns, the transaction generates fewer dollars.
A measure of the exposure to such risk is the share of foreign
assets that are denominated in a foreign currency. As can be seen in
chart 14, very little of U.S. financial institutions' overseas
financial assets are denominated in foreign currencies. While this share
has increased, it remains below 10 percent. Movements in the exchange
rate do not directly affect 90 percent of such assets.
Another measure of foreign exposure is the share of assets held as
foreign assets. Chart 15 shows foreign assets as a share of U.S.
financial assets (regardless of currency denomination). Again, this
share is low but growing.
To be sure, the stature of the U.S. dollar in the global economy
helps insulate the U.S. economy from international shocks. The United
States accounts for a large share of world economic output, which leads
to many international transactions being denominated in U.S. dollars. In
some sectors, such as oil, goods are priced in dollars even when no U.S.
company is a party to the transaction. There is a great deal of demand
for U.S. dollar-denominated assets abroad. Therefore, U.S. companies are
subject to less currency risk than their counterparts abroad.
Regional and industry activity
Contagion within subsectors of the economy can also be explored
using BEA regional and industry data.
Even in times of broad-based and sustained economic growth, some
areas of the economy are usually in decline. Viewed from this
perspective, recessions often occur when the number of areas and
industries in decline increases. Indeed, the number of areas and
industries in decline tends to increase before the beginnings of
The number of states experiencing declines in real personal income
less transfers can thus be seen as a pressure indicator (chart 16). This
income measure is a quarterly geographic disaggregation of a monthly BEA
series that is used (along with other monthly measures) by the Business
Cycle Dating Committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research
(NBER) in determining when cyclical peaks and troughs occur.
Information to calculate this measure quarterly is available for
1947 forward. (6) It is a simple count of the number of states
experiencing declines. (7) This count is highly volatile from quarter to
quarter. There have been numerous local peaks and troughs even in
periods of sustained growth in the national economy. For example, the
number of states in decline exceeded 20 in one quarter in 1994 and in
two quarters in 1995; however, the subsequent recession did not occur
until 2001. Typically, the number of states experiencing declines tends
to rise before recessions, but due to the volatility of counts, it is
probably best used in the context of other pressure indicators, such as
the ratio of real GDP and real GDI to potential real GDP. For example, a
dip in the fourth quarter of 2008 resulted from very sharp decreases in
energy prices in that quarter.
To put this measure in context, chart 17 offers a histogram of the
numbers of states that are experiencing declines in real income less
transfers in each quarter for 1948-2011. Only 13 quarters have no states
experiencing declines. But 150 quarters have between one and nine states
experiencing declines, and 50 quarters have between 10 and 19 states
experiencing declines. Only 3 quarters have 50 to 51 states. Over all
the quarters, an average of 13.4 states experienced declines. Using
NBER's determinations of the cyclical peaks and troughs, an average
of 9.4 states experienced declines in quarters that do not contain
recessions, and an average of 33.4 states experienced declines in
quarters that do contain recessions.
The number of industries experiencing declines in real value added
can be seen as a similar pressure indicator.
Annual estimates of real value added by industry are published by
BEA for 1947 forward. A review, which include all the 65 two-digit North
American Industry Classification System industries that make up the U.S.
economy, indicates that the number of industries in decline tends to
increase in advance of the beginnings of recessions. Annual estimates,
however, are of limited predictive value, and the number of industries
in decline tends to be highly volatile, with some local peaks at times
that do not immediately precede recessions. Quarterly industry
value-added estimates are available at the level of detail of 21
industries for 2007 forward. While the quarterly series might prove a
useful pressure measure, the timeliness of these estimates may not allow
Both measures face a similar problem: some states and industries
are much larger components of the U.S. economy than others. Also, the
specific states or industries that are declining change from quarter to
quarter. Weighted numbers would likely be superior to simple counts.
Measures of trend weights or shares would have to be developed to enable
such weighted counts.
In this article, we discussed how BEA data can be used to generate
new indicators that might shed additional light on critical business
cycle dynamics, with an eye toward better anticipating major economic
dislocations. While no single indicator is likely to able to predict
recessions, well-constructed sets of indicators could provide early
warning signals, shedding light on emerging risks in important asset
classes, important sectors, and geographic regions. Drawing together
financial and real statistics into a cohesive whole provides a more
complete picture of potential weakness in the economy.
Bertaut, Carol C., Steven B. Kamin, and Charles P. Thomas. 2009.
"How Long Can the Unsustainable U.S. Current-Account Deficit be
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3. Washington, DC: IMF, 596-632.
Case, Karl E., John M. Quigley, and Robert Shiller. 2012.
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de Leeuw, Frank, Thomas M. Holloway, Darwin G. Johnson, David S.
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Dynan, Karen. 2012. "Is a Household Debt Overhang Holding Back
Consumption?" Brookings Paperson Economic Activity. Washington, DC:
Brookings Institution, Spring.
Ferrero, Andrea. 2012. "House Price Booms, Current-Account
Deficits, and Low Interest Rates." Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Staff Report no. 541.
Hall, Robert E. 2010. "Why Does the Economy Fall to Pieces
After a Financial Crisis?" Journal of Economic Perspectives 24, no.
4 (Fall): 3-20.
International Monetary Fund (IMF) Staff and the Financial Stability
Board Secretariat. 2011. The Financial Crisis and Information Gaps.
Report to the G-20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors.
Washington, DC: IMF, October 29.
Jorda, Oscar, Moritz Schularick, and Alan Taylor. 2012. "When
Credit Bites Back: Leverage, Business Cycles, and Crises." Federal
Reserve Bank of San Francisco Working Paper 2011-27.
Kindleberger, Charles. 1978. Manias, Panics, and Crashes. Hoboken,
NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
Krugman, Paul R. 2007. "Will There Be a Dollar Crisis?"
Economic Policy 22, no. 7, 435-467.
Landefeld, J. Steven, Brent R. Moulton, Joel D. Platt, and Shaunda
M. Villones. 2010. "GDP and Beyond: Measuring Economic Progress and
Sustainability." SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS 90 (April): 12-25.
Mitchell, Wesley C. 1923. "Business Cycles and
Unemployment." In National Bureau of Economic Research, 1923, 5-18.
Reprinted as "Business Cycles" in Readings in Business Cycle
Theory. American Economic Association. Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin,
Inc, 1951, 43-60.
Obstfeld, Maurice, and Kenneth Rogoff. 2007. "The
Unsustainable U.S. Current-Account Position Revisited." In G7
Current Account Imbalances: Sustainability and Adjustment, edited by
Richard Clarida, 339-370. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Reinhart, Carmen M., and Kenneth S. Rogoff. 2009a. "The
Aftermath of Financial Crises." American Economic Review 99, no. 2
(May): 466-472.
Reinhart, Carmen M., and Kenneth S. Rogoff. 2008. "Banking
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(1.) See Landefeld and others (2010).
(2.) For example, the U.S. Office of Financial Research has made
identifying and developing such indicators a priority (U.S. Office of
Financial Research 2012).
(3.) A recent report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and
Financial Stability Board (FSB) argued that there are a number of gaps
in integrated real and financial data (IMF and FSB 2011). The report
recommends expanding coverage of financial linkages, especially across
borders. The report also suggested expanding sectoral detail, especially
in financial flows data, because aggregate data may hide major
weaknesses in certain subsectors.
(4.) Another source of leverage that many people were concerned
about was the use of home equity loans to fund nonhousing consumption.
The data in the IMAs only show total mortgage levels and flows. They do
not allow us to distinguish what share of mortgage debt was used in this
(5.) For example, see de Leeuw and others (1980).
(6.) The quarterly state-level estimates are published in current
dollars, and the real estimates are obtained by deflating the
current-dollar estimates by the published price index for personal
consumption expenditures.
(7.) The District of Columbia is counted as if it were a state in
the state-level estimates for our analytical purposes.
By Benjamin R. Bridgman and Bruce T. Grimm