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  • 标题:The 2015 annual revision of the industry economic accounts: initial statistics for the second quarter of 2015: revised statistics for 2012-2014 and the first quarter of 2015.
  • 作者:Barefoot, Kevin B. ; Morgan, Edward T. ; Shadrina, Ksenia E.
  • 期刊名称:Survey of Current Business
  • 印刷版ISSN:0039-6222
  • 出版年度:2015
  • 期号:December
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:U.S. Government Printing Office
  • 摘要:The revisions to statistics for earlier periods also reflect the results from the 2015 annual revision of the national income and product accounts (NIPAs) and the 2015 annual revision of BEAs international transactions accounts (ITAs).(1)
  • 关键词:Gross domestic product;United States economic conditions

The 2015 annual revision of the industry economic accounts: initial statistics for the second quarter of 2015: revised statistics for 2012-2014 and the first quarter of 2015.

Barefoot, Kevin B. ; Morgan, Edward T. ; Shadrina, Ksenia E. 等

ON NOVEMBER 5th, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released estimates of real gross domestic product (GDP) by industry for the second quarter of 2015 and revised quarterly and annual estimates beginning with 2012. These estimates reflect newly available source data for the second quarter of 2015 as well as new and revised data for 2012 through the first quarter of 2015 that were incorporated as part of this year's annual revision of the industry economic accounts (IEAs).

The revisions to statistics for earlier periods also reflect the results from the 2015 annual revision of the national income and product accounts (NIPAs) and the 2015 annual revision of BEAs international transactions accounts (ITAs).(1)

The statistics show that the economy experienced widespread growth in the second quarter: 18 of 22 major industry groups contributed to a 3.9 percent increase in real GDP. The leading contributors were finance and insurance; professional, scientific, and technical services; and wholesale trade. Together, these industries accounted for almost half of real GDP growth (chart 1).

The 2015 annual revision of the IEAs introduced several improvements to the accounts: * Expanded quarterly GDP by industry detail. Quarterly estimates of value added and gross output are now available for 71 industries as part of the underlying detail for the IEAs. Previously, quarterly GDP by industry data were only available for 22 industry sectors.

* Expanded value-added annual components. Estimates of net operating surplus are now available as part of the underlying detail for the IEAs.

* The first annual revision of the IEAs' new supply-use tables.(2) An initial set of supply-use tables were published in September 2015 for 1997-2013 for 71 industries. With this latest release, the estimates for 2012 and 2013 have been revised, and new estimates for 2014 are now available.


Highlights of the Annual Revision

Annual revisions are conducted to maintain the accuracy and relevance of BEA accounts and typically cover the 3 most recent years. This annual revision features revised estimates for the first quarter of 2012 to the first quarter of 2015 and for 2012-2014. As is usual for the annual IEA revisions, the incorporation of more complete and revised source data and the results of the 2015 annual revision of the NIPAs and the ITAs were the primary drivers of the revisions. Overall, the revised statistics continue to support the story of the ongoing economic recovery observed in the previously published estimates. (1)

A number of notable innovations were incorporated during this annual revision, including statistical improvements and the incorporation of new and revised source data, the incorporation of the 2015 annual revision of the NIPAs, more industry detail for quarterly statistics, expanded value-added components and the development of supply-use tables.

Methodology and source data

This annual revision was marked by a number of methodological improvements as well as the incorporation of new and revised source data. For instance, the latest Census Bureau service annual survey tabulations revised statistics for 2012 and 2013, and the newly available data for 2014 replaced estimates based on the Census Bureau's quarterly services survey (QSS) data. Likewise, revised and newly available data from the Department of Treasury's Statistics of Income (SOI) Division led to revisions to underlying components of the current-dollar estimates of value added by industry, including corporate profits, nonfarm proprietors' income, and net interest for 2012 and 2013. Additional improvements reflected in this annual revision include the following:

* Incorporated more detailed refinery production data from the Energy Information Administration for the petroleum and coal products industry

* Introduced Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Producer Price Indexes for portfolio management, for investment advice, and for commercial banking services

* Expanded use of QSS data within "other services, except government" industry

* Incorporated newly available Census Bureau data from the 2012 Economic Census and newly available data from the 2013 Annual Survey of Manufactures

The 2015 annual revision of the NIPAs

The IEAs are a consistent time series that are fully integrated with the NIPAs, thus the results of the 2015 annual revision of the NIPAs directly impacts the industry statistics.(2) The most significant revisions for 2012-2014 affecting the IEAs resulted from the incorporation of revised and newly available source data into the NIPA estimates of personal consumption expenditures (PCE), corporate profits, proprietors' income, and net interest. Additionally, estimates of PCE and corporate profits were further revised to reflect improvements to the NIPA seasonal adjustment process.(3)

Expansion of published industry detail on a quarterly basis

With this annual revision, BEA introduced detailed quarterly statistics for 71 industries beginning with the first quarter of 2012.(4) By providing additional details beyond the 22 sectors currently published, these new statistics allow for more timely and indepth analyses of economic trends.(5) While the previously available quarterly statistics provided insight on the aggregate sectors driving the economy, the new underlying detail data reveal the behaviors of specific industries in the sector. For instance, the new data allow users to separate economic activity in the mining industry into activity in the oil and gas extraction industry; mining, except oil and gas; and support activities for mining industries on a quarterly basis.

Expansion of value-added components

With this annual revision, annual net operating surplus statistics by industry and more complete consumption of fixed capital (CFC) estimates are available for the first time, beginning with 1998. The net operating surplus is a profits-like measure that is derived by subtracting the CFC from the gross operating surplus (return to capital). (6) The net operating surplus serves as an additional analytical tool that reflects returns to capital by industry while taking into account the decline in the value of the stock of produced fixed assets used by producers.

A more limited measure of net operating surplus by industry has already been implemented in BEA's annual research on the rates of return for domestic nonfinancial corporations and industries.(7) The newly available industry detail of the net operating surplus time series will be incorporated into the current rates of return research expanding the potential of this and other research themes essential to promoting a better understanding of the economy.

Supply-use tables

This annual revision marked the first revision of the newly developed supply-use tables.(8) The supply-use framework is fully consistent with the currently featured make-use framework, but valuation concepts and the presentation format have been adjusted to more fully align with global economic accounting standards, specifically the System of National Accounts 2008. Consistency with this international standard is important because it facilitates the collaboration with international partners on research into global value chains and on the preparation of trade-in-value-added (TiVA) statistics.(9) The supply-use tables are meant to supplement current BEA products by providing an integrated presentation of the total supply of goods and services from both domestic and foreign producers and the use of this supply. Moving forward, these tables will be a regular part of the IEA annual revision, along with the featured annual make and use tables.


The percent change in real GDP growth for the first quarter of 2015 was revised up 0.8 percentage point to 0.6 percent from the previously published -0.2 percent. This revision reflected upward revisions to both private goods-producing and services-producing industries. The direction of growth in real value added was unchanged for 20 of 22 major industry groups.

* The upward revision to real value added in professional, scientific and technical services drove the upward revision within private services-producing industries; the growth in this industry was revised up to 4.4 percent from -0.6 percent.

* Within private goods-producing industries, nondurable-goods manufacturing and mining drove the upward revision.

Quarterly statistics for 2012-2014 were benchmarked to the corresponding annual estimates, and revisions for these quarters typically follow the revisions to the annual data. Updated quarterly source data and revised seasonal factors also contribute to revisions to the quarterly estimates in these periods. Table 3 presents revisions to annual percent changes in real value added by industry group.


Real growth in GDP was unrevised in 2014 with an increase of 2.4 percent. Growth in the private services-producing industries led the increase with an unrevised growth of 2.6 percent. The growth in private goods-producing industries was revised down minimally, reflecting revisions within industries that were largely offsetting. The most significant revision occurred in the agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting sector, reflecting an increase of 2.6 percent from the previously published decline of 7.2 percent. The direction of growth was revised in only 2 of 22 major industry groups.

* Farms drove the upward revision in agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting sector, reflecting the incorporation of the U.S. Department of Agriculture projections for 2014.

* Construction was revised up 1.6 percentage points to an increase of 0.9 percent, marking 3 consecutive years of growth following 6 consecutive years of decline.


Real GDP growth was revised down 0.7 percentage point to 1.5 percent. Private services-producing industries led this downward revision, which was partly offset by a slight upward revision to private goods-producing industries. Private services-producing industries were revised down 1.1 percentage points to 1.1 percent. Private goods-producing industries were revised up 0.6 percentage point to 3.1 percent. The direction of growth was unchanged for 17 of 22 major industry groups. Underlying these 22 major industry groups, 55 of 71 more detailed industries' direction of change was unchanged in the revised statistics.

* The finance and insurance industry group was the leading contributor to the downward revision to real GDP growth, declining 3.3 percent, compared with a 4.6 percent increase in the previously published data. The leading contributor within this group was Federal Reserve banks, credit intermediation, and related activities, which was revised down 11.5 percentage points to -5.4 percent. Securities, commodity contracts, and investments was revised down 11.0 percentage points to -7.6 percent. For both industries, the revisions stemmed from the incorporation of newly available data from the Statistics of Income (SOI).

* Professional, scientific, and technical services was revised down 1.6 percentage points to -0.9 percent. The downward revision was led by a downward revision to miscellaneous professional, scientific, and technical services.

* Utilities was revised down 1.4 percentage point to -0.4 percent, stemming from the incorporation of new SOI data.


Real GDP growth was revised down to 2.2 percent from 2.3 percent, reflecting a downward revision to growth in private goods-producing industries. Growth in private services-producing industries was unrevised, while government was revised up 0.3 percentage point. The direction of growth was unchanged for 20 of 22 major industry groups. Underlying these 22 major industry groups, the direction of growth was unrevised for 63 of 71 more detailed industries.


* Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting was the leading contributor to the downward revision to real GDP growth. Within the industry group, farms led the downward revision with a decrease of 11.4 percent, compared with the previously published decrease of 5.7 percent. The revision is attributable to the incorporation of new SOI data.

* Nondurable-goods manufacturing was the second largest contributor to the downward revision in private goods-producing industries, primarily reflecting a downward revision to petroleum and coal products, which in turn reflected the incorporation of newly available SOI data.

* Utilities was revised down 0.9 percentage point to -0.4 percent, stemming from the incorporation of new SOI data.

* Educational services was revised up 1.2 percentage points to 0.9 percent, reflecting an upward revision to compensation.

Tables A and B follow.

By Kevin B. Barefoot, Edward T. Morgan, and Ksenia E. Shadrina

Louis E. Feagans prepared the tables and charts for this article.

(1.) For more information, see Stephanie H. McCulla and Shelly Smith, "The 2015 Annual Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts," SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS 95 (August 2015) and C. Omar Kebbeh and Cavan Wilk, "Annual Revision of the U.S. International Transactions Accounts," SURVEY 95 (July 2015).

(2.) For more information, see Jeffrey A. Young, Thomas F. Howells III, Erich H. Strassner, and David B. Wasshausen, "Supply-Use Tables for the United States," SURVEY 95 (September 2015).

(1.) For details, see the section "Industry dynamics over the recent business cycle" in Erich H. Strassner and David B. Wasshausen, "New Quarterly Gross Domestic Product by Industry Statistics," SURVEY 94 (May 2014): 3-4 and Steven Rosenthal, Matthew Russell, Jon D. Samuels, Erich H. Strassner, and Lisa Usher "Integrated Industry-Level Production Account for the United States: Sources of the Ongoing U.S. Recovery," SURVEY 94 (August 2014).

(2.) See Erich H. Strassner and David B. Wasshausen, "Preview of the 2013 Comprehensive Revision of the Industry Economic Accounts: Statistical Changes," SURVEY 93 (June 2013).

(3.) For more information, see the box "Seasonality in the NIPAs" in McCulla and Smith, 4.

(4.) BEA plans to carry this expanded publication of the quarterly statistics back to the first quarter of 2005 (the beginning of the quarterly GDP by industry time series) with the release of the 2018 comprehensive revision.

(5.) For an example of the analytical advantages of the 71 industry-level publication, see "Industry in Focus: Finance and Insurance and More" on BEA's Web site.

(6.) For an overview of estimating methodology for CFC, see Bureau of Economic Analysis, Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods in the United States, 1925-99, (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, September, 2003). For an overview of the methodology used to prepare the gross operating surplus, see Donald D. Kim, Erich H. Strassner, and David B. Wasshausen, "Industry Economic Accounts: Results of the Comprehensive Revision," SURVEY 94 (February 2014).

(7.) Rates of return to nonfinancial business are calculated as the net operating surplus divided by the net stock of produced assets. For these statistics and an in depth explanation of the methodology, see Robert J. Corea and Bonnie A. Retus, "Returns for Domestic Nonfinancial Business," SURVEY 95 (June 2015)

(8.) For detailed information on the conceptual framework, methodology, and related projects see Young, Howells, Strassner, and Wasshausen.

(9.) Official TiVA statistics are produced through a joint effort by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the World Trade Organization. For more details, see "Measuring Trade in Value Added" on the OECD Web site.

Upcoming Data Releases

On January 21, 2016, BEA will release GDP by industry estimates for the third quarter of 2015.

Work continues on the current-dollar historical GDP by industry tables covering 1947 through 1996, with results to be highlighted in a forthcoming SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS article. This will be the first release of its kind. It will include historical make tables and use tables that are consistent with definitions used in the currently published data for 1997 forward. These estimates will provide a long-term view of the industry composition of the U.S. economy, and will be updated as necessary to remain comparable with the latest published data for more recent periods.

Work also continues on the 2012 benchmark inputoutput account, which is planned to be released in the fall of 2018.


Erich H. Strassner, Associate Director for Industry Economic Accounts, David B. Wasshausen, Chief of the Industry Sector Division (ISD), and Thomas F. Howells III, Assistant Division Chief of the Industry Analysis Division (IAD), supervised the preparation of the estimates. Amanda S. Lyndaker, Chief of the Input-Output Statistics Branch, managed the economic information systems used to produce and review the statistics. William A. Jolliff, Chief of the Goods and International Trade Branch, Paul V. Kern, Chief of the Information, Business Services, and Travel and Tourism Satellite Accounts Branch, Edward T. Morgan, Chief of the Professional and Distributive Services Branch, and Patricia A. Washington, Chief of the Personal Services and Government Branch, provided guidance and contributed to the preparation of the industry statistics and analysis. Donald D. Kim and Jeffrey A. Young provided valuable assistance in the review and coordination of these statistics. Kali K. Kong, Special Assistant to the Associate Director, Maxine V. Tiggle, and Patricia A. Wilkinson provided administrative and program assistance.

The following staff also contributed to the preparation of the statistics:

Agriculture, mining, construction, manufacturing, international trade, and inventories: Kevin B. Barefoot (program manager), Justin M. Harper (program manager), David M. Curtis, Olivia M. Frank, Peter D. Kuhbach, Simon N. Randrianarivelo, Blaire Thomson, and Christopher N. Wilderman.

Construction: Ahmad Z. Yusuf.

Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing: Sarah B. Osborne (program manager), Luke M. Mendelsohn, Ricci L. Reber, Casey W. Ross, and Steven L. Zemanek.

Health care; arts, entertainment and recreation; accommodation and food services: Daniel W. Jackson (program manager), Alexander M. Eisenmann, and Katharine Mallory.

Information, business, and management services: Robert J. Corea (program manager), Kenton N. Hafen, Benjamin J. Hobbs, and Mandy C. Roberts.

Other services, education, and government services: Brian M. Lindberg (program manager), Darlene C. Robinson-Smith, and Linda Y. Wong.

Professional services and value added: Jennifer Lee (program manager), Teresa L. Gilmore, and Ksenia E. Shadrina.

Retail and utilities: Ricky L. Stewart (program manager) and Vanessa M Vogel

Wholesale, transportation, and warehousing: William H. Nicolls IV (program manager), Louis E. Feagans, and Justin H. Settles.

Economic Information Systems: Matthew E. Calby (program manager), Jeffrey A. Young (program manager), Rajeshwari R. Bhosale, Douglas B. Leung, Gabriel W Medeiros, Wade M. Petty, and Paul M. Rhodes.

In addition, the Industry Economic Accounts Directorate expresses gratitude and appreciation for the contributions of staff from the National Economic Accounts Directorate, led by their Associate Director Brent R. Moulton, and the International Economic Accounts Directorate, led by their Associate Director Sarahelen Thompson.

Data Availability and Methodology Data availability. The full time series of industry statistics are available interactively on BEA's We b site. The GDP by industry section includes real, current-dollar, and price data for value added, gross output, intermediate inputs, and KLEMS statistics as well as access to the newly released underlying detail tables. The input-output section includes an annual time series of make and use tables--both before and after redefinitions--as well as direct and total requirements tables. The 2007 benchmark input-output account is also available.

Methodology. For information on the methodology for preparing the annual statistics, see Donald D. Kim, Erich H. Strassner, and David B. Wasshausen, "Industry Economic Accounts: Results of the Comprehensive Revision and Revised Statistics for 1997-2012," SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS 94 (February 2014).

For information on the methodology for preparing the quarterly statistics, see Erich H. Strassner and David B. Wasshausen, "New Quarterly Gross Domestic Product by Industry Statistics," SUR VEY 94 (May 2014).
The Latest Snapshot of U.S. Producers

Table 1. Percent Changes in Real Value Added by Industry Group
[Seasonally adjusted at annual rates]

                                                 I    II     III   IV

   Gross domestic product                      -0.9   4.6    4.3   2.1

Private industries                             -1.8   4.9    5.4   2.0
  Agriculture, forestry, fishing,
  and hunting                                 -27.9   25.0   6.0   8.0
  Mining                                       -5.7   10.4  20.3  23.9

  Utilities                                     7.7  -19.4  -1.4  -1.5
  Construction                                 -3.8    6.5   0.1   5.7
  Manufacturing                                -1.3    3.9  -0.1   1.7
   Durable goods                               -3.7    5.0   7.3   1.9
   Nondurable goods                             1.4    2.8  -8.0   1.4
  Wholesale trade                              -5.3    6.0  10.8   2.7

  Retail trade                                  1.9    5.7   3.0  -0.4
  Transportation and warehousing               -6.6    2.8   5.7  -3.1
  Information                                  -3.9    4.7  -1.5   6.7
  Finance, insurance, real estate,
  rental, and leasing                          -3.4    7.4   7.8  -2.5
   Finance and insurance                      -10.0   16.1  14.1 -10.3

   Real estate and rental and leasing           0.4    2.9   4.5   2.1
  Professional and business services            1.4    3.7   8.9   3.3
   Professional, scientific, and
   technical services                           0.9    3.8   8.7   2.4

   Management of companies and
   enterprises                                 -0.8    2.2  18.0   2.3
   Administrative and waste
   management services                          3.9    4.4   3.9   5.9
  Educational services, health care,
  and social assistance                         2.4    2.3   4.9   3.8
   Educational services                         5.8    0.6   3.4  -0.8
   Health care and social assistance            1.9    2.6   5.1   4.5
  Arts, entertainment, recreation,
  accommodation, and food services              2.4    4.1   3.9   3.5
   Arts, entertainment, and recreation          1.4    1.8   4.1   5.7
   Accommodation and food services              2.8    4.9   3.9   2.7
  Other services, except government             1.3    4.2   5.4   1.8
Government                                      2.0   -0.1  -0.4  -0.5
  Federal                                       5.9   -1.1  -1.2  -1.6
  State and local                               0.2    0.4   0.0   0.0
  Private goods-producing industries (1)       -4.3    6.5   2.9   5.5

  Private services-producing industries (2)    -1.0    4.4   6.2   1.0

                                                I      II

   Gross domestic product                      0.6     3.9

Private industries                             0.9     4.3
  Agriculture, forestry, fishing,
  and hunting                                  6.6    -3.9
  Mining                                      15.2   -17.9

  Utilities                                  -15.3     6.1
  Construction                                 1.4     9.8
  Manufacturing                                0.8     0.7
   Durable goods                              -3.8     1.2
   Nondurable goods                            6.5     0.0
  Wholesale trade                             -1.0     8.4

  Retail trade                                 5.4     3.7
  Transportation and warehousing             -15.6    10.4
  Information                                 10.2     9.3
  Finance, insurance, real estate,
  rental, and leasing                         -0.3     5.7
   Finance and insurance                      -3.8    12.4

   Real estate and rental and leasing          1.7     2.3
  Professional and business services           3.5     6.4
   Professional, scientific, and
   technical services                          4.4     7.6

   Management of companies and
   enterprises                                 2.3     5.0
   Administrative and waste
   management services                         2.1     4.8
  Educational services, health care,           1.7     1.3
  and social assistance                       -1.4    -3.3
   Educational services                        2.2     2.1
   Health care and social assistance          -2.7     2.6
  Arts, entertainment, recreation,            -1.3     1.2
  accommodation, and food services            -3.1     3.1
   Arts, entertainment, and recreation        -2.2     2.0
   Accommodation and food services            -0.8     0.1
  Other services, except government           -0.2    -0.2
Government                                    -1.1     0.2
  State and local
  Private goods-producing industries (1)       2.7     0.2

  Private services-producing industries (2)    0.4     5.5

   Gross domestic product                    Real GDP increased at a
                                             3.9 percent annualized
                                             rate in the second quarter
                                             of 2015. Overall, 18 of 22
                                             major industry groups
                                             contributed to GDP growth.
Private industries
  Agriculture, forestry, fishing,
  and hunting
  Mining                                     Mining decreased 17.9
                                             percent in the second
                                             quarter after increasing
                                             15.2 percent in the first
                                             quarter. The second-quarter
                                             decrease primarily
                                             reflected a 13.9 percent
                                             decrease in the oil and gas
                                             extraction industry.
   Durable goods
   Nondurable goods
  Wholesale trade                            Wholesale trade, the third
                                             leading contributor to GDP
                                             growth, increased 8.4
                                             percent in the second
                                             quarter after decreasing
                                             1.0 percent in the first
  Retail trade
  Transportation and warehousing
  Finance, insurance, real estate,
  rental, and leasing
   Finance and insurance                     Finance and insurance, the
                                             leading contributor to GDP
                                             growth, increased 12.4
                                             percent after decreasing
                                             3.8 percent. The
                                             second-quarter growth
                                             primarily reflected an
                                             increase in Federal Reserve
                                             banks, credit
                                             intermediation, and related
                                             activities, which increased
                                             18.2 percent after
                                             decreasing 0.6 percent.
   Real estate and rental and leasing
  Professional and business services
   Professional, scientific, and
   technical services                        Professional, scientific,
                                             and technical services, the
                                             second leading contributor
                                             to GDP growth, increased
                                             7.6 percent after
                                             increasing 4.4 percent. The
                                             second-quarter growth
                                             primarily stemmed from an
                                             increase in miscellaneous
                                             professional, scientific,
                                             and technical services,
                                             which includes industries
                                             like architectural and
                                             engineering services;
                                             scientific research and
                                             development services; and
                                             management consulting
   Management of companies and               services
   Administrative and waste
   management services
  Educational services, health care,
  and social assistance
   Educational services
   Health care and social assistance
  Arts, entertainment, recreation,
  accommodation, and food services
   Arts, entertainment, and recreation
   Accommodation and food services
  Other services, except government
  State and local
  Private goods-producing industries (1)     Private goods-producing
                                             industries increased 0.2
                                             percent and accounted for
                                             less than 5 percent of
                                             overall real GDP growth.
  Private services-producing industries (2)  Private services-producing
                                             industries increased 5.5
                                             percent and accounted for
                                             almost all of total real
                                             GDP growth.

(1.) Consists of agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting; mining;
construction; and manufacturing.
(2.) Consists of utilities; wholesale trade; retail trade;
transportation and warehousing; information; finance, insurance, real
estate, rental, and leasing; professional and business services;
educational services, health care, and social assistance; arts,
entertainment, recreation, accommodation, and food services; and other
services, except government.

The Latest Snapshot of U.S. Producers

Table 2. Contributions to Percent Change in Real GDP by Industry Group
[Percentage points, seasonally adjusted at annual rates]

                                             I     II     III    IV

   Gross domestic product                  -0.9    4.6     4.3    2.1

Private industries                         -1.55   4.21    4.69   1.73
  Agriculture, forestry, fishing,
  and hunting                              -0.40   0.29    0.08   0.09
  Mining                                   -0.16   0.27    0.50   0.55

  Utilities                                 0.12  -0.35   -0.02  -0.02

  Construction                             -0.15   0.24    0.00   0.22
  Manufacturing                            -0.16   0.48    0.00   0.20
   Durable goods                           -0.24   0.32    0.46   0.12
   Nondurable goods                         0.08   0.16   -0.47   0.08
  Wholesale trade                          -0.32   0.35    0.63   0.16

  Retail trade                              0.11   0.33    0.18  -0.03
  Transportation and warehousing           -0.20   0.08    0.17  -0.09

  Information                              -0.19   0.22   -0.07   0.31
  Finance, insurance, real estate,
  rental, and leasing                      -0.68   1.44    1.54  -0.51
   Finance and insurance                   -0.73   1.06    0.96  -0.78

   Real estate and rental and leasing       0.05   0.38    0.57   0.27
  Professional and business services        0.16   0.43    1.03   0.38
   Professional, scientific, and
   technical services                       0.06   0.26    0.58   0.16

   Management of companies and
   enterprises                             -0.02   0.04    0.33   0.05
   Administrative and waste
   management services                      0.11   0.13    0.12   0.18
  Educational services, health care,
  and social assistance                     0.20   0.19    0.40   0.30
   Educational services                     0.06   0.01    0.04  -0.01
   Health care and social assistance        0.13   0.18    0.36   0.31
  Arts, entertainment, recreation,
  accommodation, and food services          0.09   0.15    0.15   0.13
   Arts, entertainment, and recreation      0.01   0.02    0.04   0.06
   Accommodation and food services          0.08   0.13    0.11   0.08
  Other services, except government         0.03   0.09    0.12   0.04
Government                                  0.26  -0.01   -0.05  -0.07
  Federal                                   0.24  -0.05   -0.05  -0.07
  State and local                           0.02   0.03    0.00   0.00
  Private goods-producing
  industries (1)                           -0.87   1.27    0.58   1.06

  Private services-producing
  industries (2)                           -0.68   2.94    4.10   0.68

                                              I      II

   Gross domestic product                    0.6     3.9

Private industries                           0.80    3.76
  Agriculture, forestry, fishing,
  and hunting                                0.07   -0.04
  Mining                                     0.32   -0.37

  Utilities                                 -0.27    0.10

  Construction                               0.06    0.37
  Manufacturing                              0.10    0.09
   Durable goods                            -0.26    0.09
   Nondurable goods                          0.35    0.00
  Wholesale trade                           -0.06    0.50

  Retail trade                               0.30    0.21
  Transportation and warehousing            -0.51    0.30

  Information                                0.46    0.43
  Finance, insurance, real estate,
  rental, and leasing                       -0.06    1.14
   Finance and insurance                    -0.28    0.84

   Real estate and rental and leasing        0.22    0.30
  Professional and business services         0.41    0.77
   Professional, scientific, and
   technical services                        0.30    0.52

   Management of companies and
   enterprises                               0.04    0.10
   Administrative and waste
   management services                       0.06    0.15
  Educational services, health care,
  and social assistance                      0.14    0.11
   Educational services                     -0.02   -0.04
   Health care and social assistance         0.15    0.15
  Arts, entertainment, recreation,
  accommodation, and food services          -0.10    0.10
   Arts, entertainment, and recreation      -0.01    0.01
   Accommodation and food services          -0.09    0.09
  Other services, except government         -0.05    0.05
Government                                  -0.10    0.01
  Federal                                   -0.01   -0.01
  State and local                           -0.10    0.02
  Private goods-producing
  industries (1)                             0.54    0.05

  Private services-producing
  industries (2)                             0.26    3.71

   Gross domestic product                U.S. economic growth
                                         accelerated in the second
                                         quarter of 2015, increasing
                                         3.9 percent after increasing
                                         0.6 first quarter. Overall,
                                         14 out of 22 major industry
                                         groups contributed to the
                                         acceleration in economic
Private industries
  Agriculture, forestry, fishing,
  and hunting

  Utilities                              Utilities turned up in the
                                         second quarter, contributing
                                         0.10 percentage point after
                                         subtracting 0.27 percentage
                                         point in the first quarter.
   Durable goods
   Nondurable goods
  Wholesale trade                        Wholesale trade turned up in
                                         the second quarter,
                                         contributing 0.50 percentage
                                         point after subtracting 0.06
                                         percentage point in the first
  Retail trade
  Transportation and warehousing         Transportation and warehousing
                                         contributed 0.30 percentage
                                         point to GDP growth in the
                                         second quarter after
                                         subtracting 0.51 percentage
                                         point in the first quarter.
                                         This was the largest
                                         contribution from the industry
                                         group since the third quarter
                                         of 2010 and was primarily
                                         attributed to air
                                         transportation, which
                                         contributed 0.15 percentage
  Finance, insurance, real estate,
  rental, and leasing
   Finance and insurance                 Finance and insurance turned up
                                         in the second quarter,
                                         contributing 0.84 percentage
                                         point to GDP growth after
                                         subtracting 0.28 percentage
                                         point in the first quarter.
                                         This industry group was the
                                         largest contributor to the
                                         acceleration in GDP growth,
                                         reflecting upturns in Federal
                                         Reserve banks, credit
                                         intermediation, and related
                                         activities and in insurance
                                         carriers and related activities
   Real estate and rental and leasing
  Professional and business services
   Professional, scientific, and
   technical services

   Management of companies and
   Administrative and waste
   management services
  Educational services, health care,
  and social assistance
   Educational services
   Health care and social assistance
  Arts, entertainment, recreation,
  accommodation, and food services
   Arts, entertainment, and recreation
   Accommodation and food services
  Other services, except government
  State and local
  Private goods-producing
  industries (1)

  Private services-producing
  industries (2)

GDP Gross domestic product
(1.) The estimates of gross domestic product under the contributions
columns are percent changes.
(2.) Consists of agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting; mining;
construction; and manufacturing.
(3.)  Consists of utilities; wholesale trade; retail trade;
transportation and warehousing; information; finance, insurance, real
estate, rental, and leasing; professional and business services;
educational services, health care, and social assistance; arts,
entertainment, recreation, accommodation, and food services; and other
services, except government.
Note. Percentage-point contributions do not sum to the percent change
in real gross domestic product because the contribution of the "Not
allocated by industry" line is excluded.

Table 3. Revisions to Percent Change in Real Value Added by Industry

Line                                             Revised    Previously

 1        Gross domestic product                   2.2          2.3
 2     Private industries                          2.3          2.4
 3       Agriculture, forestry,
         fishing, and hunting                     -8.2         -3.4
 4       Mining                                   10.4         10.1
 5       Utilities                                -0.4          0.5
 6       Construction                              3.7          4.1
 7       Manufacturing                             0.3          0.7
 8         Durable goods                           3.0          3.2
 9         Nondurable goods                       -2.6         -2.0
10       Wholesale trade                           2.9          3.2
11       Retail trade                              1.9          1.7
12       Transportation and warehousing            0.8          0.2
13       Information                               1.1          1.7
14       Finance, insurance, real estate,
         rental, and leasing                       2.8          2.7
15         Finance and insurance                   5.2          4.2
16         Real estate and rental and leasing      1.5          1.9
17       Professional and business services        4.1          4.4
18         Professional, scientific, and
           technical services                      3.4          3.3
19         Management of companies and
           enterprises                             7.5          8.1
20         Administrative and waste
           management services                     3.7          4.8
21       Educational services, health care,
         and social assistance                     1.9          1.4
22         Educational services                    0.9         -0.3
23         Health care and social assistance       2.1          1.7
24       Arts, entertainment, recreation,
         accommodation, and food services          2.5          2.2
25         Arts, entertainment, and recreation     3.3          2.7
26         Accommodation and food services         2.2          2.0
27       Other services, except government         2.1          2.0
28    Government                                  -0.2         -0.5
29       Federal                                  -0.5         -0.5
30       State and local                          -0.1         -0.4
31       Private goods-producing
         industries (1)                            1.6          2.2
32       Private services-producing
         industries (2)                            2.5          2.5
33       Information-communications-
         technology-producing industries (3)       3.2          3.6

                                                   2012          2013
Line                                              Revision      Revised

 1        Gross domestic product                  -0.1           1.5
 2     Private industries                         -0.1           1.6
 3       Agriculture, forestry,
         fishing, and hunting                     -4.8          18.5
 4       Mining                                    0.3           4.7
 5       Utilities                                -0.9          -0.4
 6       Construction                             -0.4           2.6
 7       Manufacturing                            -0.4           1.5
 8         Durable goods                          -0.2           0.9
 9         Nondurable goods                       -0.6           2.2
10       Wholesale trade                          -0.3           3.2
11       Retail trade                              0.2           2.7
12       Transportation and warehousing            0.6           0.5
13       Information                              -0.6           6.8
14       Finance, insurance, real estate,
         rental, and leasing                       0.1          -0.8
15         Finance and insurance                   1.0          -3.3
16         Real estate and rental and leasing     -0.4           0.6
17       Professional and business services       -0.3           0.6
18         Professional, scientific, and
           technical services                      0.1          -0.9
19         Management of companies and
           enterprises                            -0.6           5.1
20         Administrative and waste
           management services                    -1.1           1.4
21       Educational services, health care,
         and social assistance                     0.5           1.4
22         Educational services                    1.2          -2.0
23         Health care and social assistance       0.4           2.0
24       Arts, entertainment, recreation,
         accommodation, and food services          0.3           2.2
25         Arts, entertainment, and recreation     0.6           3.0
26         Accommodation and food services         0.2           1.9
27       Other services, except government         0.1          -0.6
28    Government                                   0.3          -0.8
29       Federal                                   0.0          -2.4
30       State and local                           0.3           0.0
31       Private goods-producing
         industries (1)                           -0.6           3.1
32       Private services-producing
         industries (2)                            0.0           1.1
33       Information-communications-
         technology-producing industries (3)      -0.4           6.1

Line                                              Previously   Revision

 1        Gross domestic product                    2.2         -0.7
 2     Private industries                           2.3         -0.7
 3       Agriculture, forestry,
         fishing, and hunting                      12.0          6.5
 4       Mining                                     4.1          0.6
 5       Utilities                                  1.0         -1.4
 6       Construction                               1.9          0.7
 7       Manufacturing                              1.4          0.1
 8         Durable goods                            1.7         -0.8
 9         Nondurable goods                         1.1          1.1
10       Wholesale trade                            1.6          1.6
11       Retail trade                               2.4          0.3
12       Transportation and warehousing             0.7         -0.2
13       Information                                4.4          2.4
14       Finance, insurance, real estate,
         rental, and leasing                        2.6         -3.4
15         Finance and insurance                    4.6         -7.9
16         Real estate and rental and leasing       1.6         -1.0
17       Professional and business services         1.8         -1.2
18         Professional, scientific, and
           technical services                       0.7         -1.6
19         Management of companies and
           enterprises                              4.6          0.5
20         Administrative and waste
           management services                      2.6         -1.2
21       Educational services, health care,
         and social assistance                      1.9         -0.5
22         Educational services                    -1.4         -0.6
23         Health care and social assistance        2.4         -0.4
24       Arts, entertainment, recreation,
         accommodation, and food services           2.0          0.2
25         Arts, entertainment, and recreation      3.5         -0.5
26         Accommodation and food services          1.4          0.5
27       Other services, except government          0.7         -1.3
28    Government                                   -0.6         -0.2
29       Federal                                   -3.0          0.6
30       State and local                            0.5         -0.5
31       Private goods-producing
         industries (1)                             2.5          0.6
32       Private services-producing
         industries (2)                             2.2         -1.1
33       Information-communications-
         technology-producing industries (3)        4.4          1.7

Line                                               Revised    Previously

 1        Gross domestic product                    2.4         2.4
 2     Private industries                           2.5         2.6
 3       Agriculture, forestry,
         fishing, and hunting                       2.6        -7.2
 4       Mining                                     7.0         7.2
 5       Utilities                                 -4.0        -0.1
 6       Construction                               0.9        -0.7
 7       Manufacturing                              1.6         3.3
 8         Durable goods                            1.6         2.5
 9         Nondurable goods                         1.6         4.2
10       Wholesale trade                            3.3         2.5
11       Retail trade                               1.8         3.1
12       Transportation and warehousing             0.8         1.4
13       Information                                3.9         3.4
14       Finance, insurance, real estate,
         rental, and leasing                        2.3         1.6
15         Finance and insurance                    2.3         1.7
16         Real estate and rental and leasing       2.4         1.5
17       Professional and business services         4.2         4.9
18         Professional, scientific, and
           technical services                       3.3         4.2
19         Management of companies and
           enterprises                              6.9         9.5
20         Administrative and waste
           management services                      4.3         3.7
21       Educational services, health care,
         and social assistance                      2.1         2.4
22         Educational services                     1.9         0.4
23         Health care and social assistance        2.2         2.7
24       Arts, entertainment, recreation,
         accommodation, and food services           3.0         2.8
25         Arts, entertainment, and recreation      3.0         4.4
26         Accommodation and food services          3.0         2.2
27       Other services, except government          2.5         1.8
28    Government                                   -0.2        -0.3
29       Federal                                   -0.9        -1.3
30       State and local                            0.2         0.1
31       Private goods-producing
         industries (1)                             2.3         2.4
32       Private services-producing
         industries (2)                             2.6         2.6
33       Information-communications-
         technology-producing industries (3)        5.0         -

Line                                                  Revision

 1        Gross domestic product                       0.0
 2     Private industries                             -0.1
 3       Agriculture, forestry,
         fishing, and hunting                          9.8
 4       Mining                                       -0.2
 5       Utilities                                    -3.9
 6       Construction                                  1.6
 7       Manufacturing                                -1.7
 8         Durable goods                              -0.9
 9         Nondurable goods                           -2.6
10       Wholesale trade                               0.8
11       Retail trade                                 -1.3
12       Transportation and warehousing               -0.6
13       Information                                   0.5
14       Finance, insurance, real estate,
         rental, and leasing                           0.7
15         Finance and insurance                       0.6
16         Real estate and rental and leasing          0.9
17       Professional and business services           -0.7
18         Professional, scientific, and
           technical services                         -0.9
19         Management of companies and
           enterprises                                -2.6
20         Administrative and waste
           management services                         0.6
21       Educational services, health care,
         and social assistance                        -0.3
22         Educational services                        1.5
23         Health care and social assistance          -0.5
24       Arts, entertainment, recreation,
         accommodation, and food services              0.2
25         Arts, entertainment, and recreation        -1.4
26         Accommodation and food services             0.8
27       Other services, except government             0.7
28    Government                                       0.1
29       Federal                                       0.4
30       State and local                               0.1
31       Private goods-producing
         industries (1)                               -0.1
32       Private services-producing
         industries (2)                                0.0
33       Information-communications-
         technology-producing industries (3)           -

(1.) Consists of agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting; mining;
construction; and manufacturing.
(2.)  Consists of utilities; wholesale trade; retail trade;
transportation and warehousing; information; finance, insurance, real
estate, rental, and leasing; professional and business services;
educational services, health care, and social assistance; arts,
entertainment, recreation, accommodation, and food services; and other
services, except government.
(3.) Consists of computer and electronic product manufacturing
(excluding navigational, measuring, electromedical, and control
instruments manufacturing); software publishers; broadcasting and
telecommunications; data processing, hosting and related services;
Internet publishing and broadcasting and Web search portals; and
computer systems design and related services.

Table A. Principal Sources of Data for Annual Industry and Commodity
Output and Prices--Continues

Industry and                  Source data for current-dollar statistics

Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting
 Farms                        Farm output from the Bureau of Economic
                              Analysis (BEA) national income and product
                              accounts (NIPAs) based on U.S. Department
                              of Agriculture (USDA) data.
Forestry, fishing, and        For forestry, NIPA farm output; for
 related activities           logging and forestry support activities,
                              Census Bureau annual survey of manufactu-
                              res (ASM), Census Bureau manufacturers
                              shipments, inventories, and orders survey
                              (M3) data; for fishing, hunting and
                              trapping, commercial landings data from
                              the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
 Oil and gas extraction       Energy Information Administration (EIA)
                              data on quantities produced and prices.
 Mining, except oil           For coal mining, EIA U.S. Coal Supply and
 and gas                      Demand in Review; for uranium, EIA Uranium
                              Marketing Annual Report; for all other,
                              U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Mineral
                              Commodity Summaries.
 Support activities           For mining exploration, trade source data
 for mining                   on drilling costs and footage drilled; all
                              other support activities, USGS Mineral
                              Commodity Summaries.
Utilities                     For electric power generation and supply,
                              EIA forms 861 and 826; for natural gas
                              distribution, EIA form 176 and Natural
                              Gas Monthly; for water, sewage and other
                              systems, Census Bureau service annual
                              survey (SAS).
 Residential                  Census Bureau construction spending
                              (value-put-in-place) survey.

 Nonresidential               Census Bureau construction spending
                              (value-put-in-place) survey, U.S.
                              Department of Defense (DOD) expenditures,
                              USDA expenditures, and BLS occupational
                              employment statistics.
                              Census Bureau M3 shipments and inventories
                              data,ASM data, nonemployer survey data,
                              and EIA production data and BLS PPI.
Wholesale trade
                              Census Bureau monthly wholesale trade
                              survey and annual wholesale trade survey
Retail trade                  Census Bureau monthly retail trade survey
                              and annual retail trade survey (ARTS)
Transportation and warehousing
 Air transportation           Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
                              Air Carrier Financial Statistics (ACFS)
                              and U.S. Air Carrier Traffic Statistics
                              (ACTS) and BEA foreign trade statistics.
 Rail transportation          For rail passenger, Amtrak Annual Report;
                              for rail freight, Department of
                              Transportation (DOT) Surface
                              Transportation Board (STB) selected
                              earnings data.
 Water transportation         Census Bureau SAS data.

 Truck transportation         Census Bureau SAS data.
 Transit and ground pas-      Census Bureau SAS data and PCE for ground
 senger transportation        passenger transportation.
 Pipeline transportation      Census Bureau SAS data.
 Other transportation and     Census Bureau SAS data.
 support activities
 Warehousing and storage      Census Bureau SAS data.
 Publishing industries,       Census Bureau SAS data.
 except Internet (includes
 Motion picture and sound     Census Bureau SAS data.
 recording industries
 Broadcasting and telecom-    Census Bureau SAS data.
 Data processing, Internet    Census Bureau SAS data.
 publishing, and other
 information service
Finance and insurance
 Federal Reserve banks,       Census Bureau SAS data, Federal Deposit
 credit intermediation        Insurance Corporation commercial bank
 and related activities       call report data, Federal Reserve Board
                              (FRB) data, National Credit Union
                              Administration, Office of Thrift
                              Supervision data, and NIPA measures of
                              financial services indirectly measured.
 Securities, commodity        Securities and Exchange Commission FOCUS
 contracts, and investments   Report and Census Bureau SAS data;
                              BLS QCEW for auxiliary industries.
Finance and insurance
 Insurance carriers and       For property and casualty insurance, life
 related activities           insurance, and reinsurance, private trade
                              source data and Census Bureau SAS; for
                              medical and hospitalization Insurance,
                              private trade source data and NIPA
                              statistics on medical and hospital
                              insurance premiums.
 Funds, trusts, and other     NIPA imputed service charges for other
 financial vehicles           financial institutions and Employee
                              Benefits Security Administration data on
                              pension funds.
Real estate and rental and leasing
 Real estate                  For residential dwellings, NIPA housing
                              data and USDA data on farm housing; for
                              nonresidential structures,Internal Revenue
                              Service (IRS) tabulations of business tax
                              returns, NIPA rental value of buildings
                              owned by nonprofits, and NIPA foreign
                              trade statistics.
 Rental and leasing services  For rental and leasing services, Census
 and lessors of intangible    Bureau SAS data; for royalties, IRS
 assets                       tabulations of business tax returns.
Professional, scientific, and technical services
 Legal services               Census Bureau SAS data and BLS QCEW data
 Computer systems design      Census Bureau SAS data.
 and related services
 Miscellaneous professional,  Census Bureau SAS data, NIPA PCE, and BLS
 scientific and technical     QCEW data.
Management of companies and enterprises
                              BLS QCEW data.
Administrative and waste management services
                              Census Bureau SAS data; BLS QCEW for
                              auxiliary industries.
Educational services
                              PCE data for education services based on
                              data from the Department of Education and
                              data from BLS consumer expenditure survey.
Health care and social assistance
                              Census Bureau SAS data.
Arts, entertainment, and recreation
                              Census Bureau SAS data.
Accommodation and food services
 Accommodations               For hotels and motels, PCE; for all other
                              traveler accommodations and bed and
                              breakfasts, BLS QCEW data.
 Food services and            Census Bureau ARTS data.
 drinking places
Other services, except government
                              For religious, grant making, civic and
                              other nonprofit services, personal
                              services, and dry cleaning services,
                              Census Bureau SAS data, PCE, and data
                              from the National Center for Charitable
                              Statistics; for repair and maintenance,
                              BLS QCEW; for private household services,
 General government           NIPA government expenditure statistics;
                              for federal structures, DOD investment

 Government                   U.S. Postal Service receipts, EIA data for
 enterprises                  electric utilities, and Federal Housing
                              Administration data; government agency
                              data for specific federal enterprises.
State and local
 General government           NIPA government expenditure statistics.
 Government                   NIPA statistics on government enterprises
  enterprises                 based on the Census Bureau annual survey
                              of government finances; for Alaskan
                              ferries, waterports, and airports, Alaska
                              Railroad Administration; for electric
                              utilities, EIA data; for state and local
                              government structures, Census Bureau
                              construction spending (value-put-in-place)

Industry and                  Source data for price indexes

Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting
 Farms                        NIPA prices based on USDA price indexes
                              received by farmers; Bureau of Labor
                              Statistics (BLS) Producer Price Index
                              (PPI) data.
Forestry, fishing, and
 related activities
                              BLS PPI; NIPA personal consumption
                              expenditure (PCE) price indexes;
                              USDA/National Agricultural Statistics
                              Service unit prices.

 Oil and gas extraction
                              BLS PPI and EIA.
 Mining, except oil           EIA, USGS, and BLS PPI.
 and gas

 Support activities           EIA, USGS, BLS PPI, and trade sources.
 for mining

Utilities                     BLS Consumer Price Index (CPI) and BLS

 Residential                  Census Bureau price deflator for new
                              single-family houses under construction
                              and BEA prices for multi-family home
 Nonresidential               BLS PPI and BEA composite prices based on
                              trade source data and on the Census Bureau
                              price deflator for single-family houses
                              under construction.

                              BLS PPI and NIPA price indexes based on
                              DOD prices paid for military equipment,
                              and NIPA hedonic prices.
Wholesale trade
                              BLS PPI and NIPA sales deflators.

Retail trade                  BLS PPI and NIPA sales deflators.

Transportation and warehousing
 Air transportation           BLS PPI.

 Rail transportation          BLS PPI.

 Water transportation         For freight, BLS PPI; for passenger,
                              BLS CPI.
 Truck transportation         BLS PPI.
 Transit and ground pas-      NIPA PCE prices.
 senger transportation
 Pipeline transportation      BLS PPI.
 Other transportation and     BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.
 support activities
 Warehousing and storage      BLS PPI.
 Publishing industries,       BLS PPI and BEA price indexes for
 except Internet (includes    software.
 Motion picture and sound     NIPA PCE prices.
 recording industries
 Broadcasting and telecom-    BLS PPI.
 Data processing, Internet    BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.
 publishing, and other
 information service
Finance and insurance
 Federal Reserve banks,       BLS PPI, FRB-priced services, and
 credit intermediation        NIPA PCE prices.
 and related activities

 Securities, commodity        BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices
 contracts, and investments   based on both BLS CPI and PPI.

Finance and insurance
 Insurance carriers and       BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.
 related activities

 Funds, trusts, and other     NIPA PCE prices.
 financial vehicles

Real estate and rental and leasing
 Real estate                  For residential dwellings, NIPA PCE
                              prices and NIPA implicit price
                              deflators for farm rents paid; for
                              nonresidential structures, BLS PPI;
                              for real estate managers and agents,
                              BLS PPI and trade source data.

 Rental and leasing services  BLS PPI, BTS and construction
 and lessors of intangible    index, mining, crude oil receipts.
Professional, scientific, and technical services
 Legal services               BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.
 Computer systems design      BEA price indexes for software.
 and related services
 Miscellaneous professional,  BLS PPI, NIPA PCE prices, and BEA
 scientific and technical     price index for R&D.
Management of companies and enterprises
                              BLS PPI.
Administrative and waste management services
                              BLS PPI.

Educational services
                              NIPA PCE prices.

Health care and social assistance
                              BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.
Arts, entertainment, and recreation
                              NIPA PCE prices.
Accommodation and food services
 Accommodations               BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.

 Food services and            BLS PPI.
 drinking places
Other services, except government
                              BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.

 General government           NIPA price indexes based on BLS PPI
                              and CPI; for military facilities, DOD
                              data on employment, prices for
                              military construction, and
                              construction cost indexes from trade
 Government                   BLS PPI.

State and local
 General government           BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.
 Government                   BLS PPI.

Table B. Principal Sources of Data for Quarterly Industry and Commodity
Output and Prices--Continues

Industry and              Source data for current-dollar statistics

Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting
 Farms                    Farm output from the Bureau of Economic
                          Analysis (BEA) national income and product
                          accounts (NIPAs) based on U.S. Department of
                          Agriculture (USDA) data.
 Forestry, fishing, and   For forestry, Federal Reserve Board (FRB)
 related activities       industrial production index (IPI) and Bureau
                          of Labor Statistics (BLS) Producer Price Index
                          (PPI); for fishing, commercial fishery
                          landings data from the National Oceanic and
                          Atmospheric Administration.
 Oil and gas extraction   FRB IPI and BLS PPI.
 Mining, except oil and   FRB IPI and BLS PPI.
 Support activities for   FRB IPI, BLS PPI, and NIPA fixed investment in
 mining                   mining exploration based on trade source data.
                          For electric power generation, transmission,
                          and distribution, Energy Information
                          Association (EIA) form 826; for natural gas
                          distribution, EIA form 857; for water,
                          sewage, and other systems, Census Bureau
                          Quarterly Services Survey (QSS).
 Residential              NIPA fixed investment in structures based
                          spending primarily on Census Bureau
                          construction (value-put-in-place) survey.
Manufacturing             Census Bureau Manufacturers' shipments,
                          inventories, and orders survey (M3) and NIPA
                          electronic computer shipments; for petroleum
                          products, EIA production data and BLS PPI.
Wholesale trade           Census Bureau monthly wholesale trade survey
Retail trade
                          Census Bureau monthly retail trade survey
Transportation and warehousing
                          For air transportation, NIPA personal
                          consumption expenditures (PCE) and Census
                          Bureau QSS data; for rail transportation,
                          Surface Transportation Board freight earnings
                          data; for water, truck, transit and ground
                          passenger, pipeline transportation, and
                          warehousing, Census Bureau QSS data.

                          Census Bureau QSS data, BLS quarterly census
                          of employment and wages (QCEW), and box office
                          revenues from trade source data.

Finance and insurance
 Federal Reserve banks,   Census Bureau QSS data, Federal Deposit
 credit intermediation,   Insurance Corporation commercial bank call
 and related activities   report data, FRB data, National Credit Union
                          Administration data, and NIPA measures of
                          financial services indirectly measured.
 Securities, commodity    Census Bureau QSS data and Securities and
 contracts, and invest-   Exchange Commission FOCUS reports.
 Insurance carriers and   NIPA PCE, Census Bureau QSS data, and trade
 related activities       source data.
 Funds, trusts, and other NIPA PCE and NIPA imputed service charges for
 financial vehicles       other financial institutions.
Real estate and rental and leasing
 Real estate              For residential dwellings, NIPA PCE, NIPA
                          housing data, and NIPA private fixed
                          investment; for nonresidential structures,
                          NIPA government receipts, BEA foreign
                          expenditures from the international
                          transactions accounts, and BLS QCEW data.
Rental and leasing ser-   For rental and leasing services, Census Bureau
vices and lessors of      QSS data and NIPA PCE rental income.
intangible assets
Professional, scientific, and technical services
                          Census Bureau QSS data; for veterinary
                          services, NIPA PCE data and BLS QCEW data.

Management of companies and enterprises
                           BLS QCEW data.
Administrative and waste management services
                           Census Bureau QSS data; BLS QCEW data.
Educational services
                           NIPA PCE data.

Health care and social assistance
                           Census Bureau QSS data.

Arts, entertainment, and recreation
                           Census Bureau QSS data.
Accommodation and food services
                           NIPA PCE data.

Other services, except government
                           For repair and maintenance, personal
                           services, and grantmaking, civic,
                           professional, and similar organizations,
                           Census Bureau QSS data; for religious, labor,
                           and political organizations, NIPA PCE data;
                           for private households, NIPA compensation.
 General government        NIPA government expenditures statistics.

 Government                U.S. Postal Service quarterly reports, EIA
  enterprises              monthly data for electric utility sales and
                           revenue data for publicly owned utilities,
                           and NIPA PCE data for broader aggregates for
                           other components.
State and local
 General government        NIPA government expenditure statistics.
 Government                NIPA statistics on government enterprises
  enterprises              based on the Census Bureau annual survey of
                           government finances; for Alaskan ferries,
                           waterports, and airports, Alaska Railroad
                           Administration; for electric utilities, EIA
                           data; for state and local government
                           structures, Census Bureau construction
                           spending (value-put-in-place) survey.

Industry and              Source data for price indexes

Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting
                          NIPA prices based on USDA price indexes
                          received by farmers.

 Forestry, fishing, and   BLS PPI and USDA/National Agricultural
 related activities       Statistics Service unit prices.

 Oil and gas extraction   BLS PPI.
 Mining, except oil and   BLS PPI.
 Support activities for   BLS PPI and NIPA prices based on trade
 mining                    source data.
                          BLS Consumer Price Index (CPI) and BLS

 Residential              BEA composite prices based on trade source
                          data and on data from the Bureau of
                          Reclamation and BLS PPI.
Manufacturing             BLS PPI and NIPA price indexes based on
                          Department of Defense (DOD) prices paid
                          for military equipment, and NIPA hedonic
Wholesale trade           BLS PPI and NIPA sales deflators.

Retail trade
                          BLS PPI and NIPA sales deflators.

Transportation and warehousing
                          For air transportation, BLS PPI; for rail,
                          BLS PPI for rail passenger transportation
                          and BLS PPI for freight; for water
                          transportation, BLS PPI, BLS CPI, and
                          trade source data; for truck
                          transportation, BLS PPI; for transit and
                          ground passenger transportation, NIPA
                          PCE prices; for pipeline transportation,
                          BLS PPI; for warehousing, BLS PPI; for
                          other transportation and support
                          activities, NIPA PCE prices and BLS PPI.
                          For publishing industries (including
                          software), BEA prices for software and
                          BLS PPI; for information and data
                          processing, NIPA PCE prices and BLS PPI.
Finance and insurance
 Federal Reserve banks,   NIPA PCE prices.
 credit intermediation,
 and related activities

 Securities, commodity    BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.
 contracts, and invest-
 Insurance carriers and   BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.
 related activities
 Funds, trusts, and other NIPA PCE prices.
 financial vehicles
Real estate and rental and leasing
 Real estate              For residential dwellings, NIPA PCE prices
                          and NIPA implicit price deflators for farm
                          rents paid; for nonresidential structures,
                          BLS PPI and NIPA implicit price deflators
                          for nonprofit imputed rents.

Rental and leasing ser-   BLS PPI and NIPA prices.
vices and lessors of
intangible assets
Professional, scientific, and technical services
                          For legal services, BLS PPI and NIPA PCE
                          prices; for computer systems design and
                          related services, BEA price indexes for
                          software; for miscellaneous services, BLS
                          PPI, NIPA PCE prices, and BEA price
                          index for R&D.
Management of companies and enterprises
                          BLS PPI.
Administrative and waste management services
                          BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.
Educational services
                          NIPA PCE prices based on trade source data for
                          input costs.
Health care and social assistance
                          For ambulatory health care services, NIPA PCE
                          prices based on BLS CPI and BLS PPI; for
                          hospitals and nursing and residential care
                          facilities, NIPA PCE prices based on BLS CPI
                          and Center for Medicare and Medicaid
                          Services; for social assistance, NIPA PCE
                          prices based on trade source data.
Arts, entertainment, and recreation
                          NIPA PCE prices.
Accommodation and food services
                          For accommodations, BLS PPI and NIPA PCE
                           prices; for food services, NIPA PCE prices.
Other services, except government
                          BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.

 General government       NIPA prices based on BLS PPI, BLS CPI, DOD
                          data on employment and prices, BLS
                          employment cost indexes, and construction
                          cost indexes from trade source data.
 Government               BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.

State and local
 General government       NIPA PCE prices.
 Government               BLS PPI and NIPA PCE prices.