Measuring R&D in the National Economic Accounting System.
Crawford, Marissa J. ; Lee, Jennifer ; Jankowski, John E. 等
Table 1. Primary Source Data for BEA's Estimates of R&D Investment and Output 1929-1941 1942-1946 1947-1952 1953-1954 1955 Private business A,B,C A,B,C,D A,B,C E F Academic institutions A,N State and local government R Nonprofit institutions A,N A,C Federal government A,N 1956 1597-1959 1960 1961 1962-1963 1964 1965 Private business G H I J Academic institutions O State and local government R Nonprofit institutions AD AE F AF F Federal government AM,AN 1966 1967 1968-1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 Private business K Academic institutions O State and local government T U F V Nonprofit institutions AG F AH F AI Federal government AM,AN 1974-1976 1977 1978-1980 1981-1986 1987-1988 Private business K L Academic institutions P State and local government F W F X Nonprofit institutions F Federal government AM,AN 1989-1994 1995 1996-1997 1998-2001 2002 Private business L Academic institutions P State and local government F Y F Nonprofit institutions F AJ AK AL Federal government AM,AN 2003-2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010-2012 Private business L M Academic institutions P Q State and local government F Z F AA AB Nonprofit institutions AK AL AK Federal government AM,AN A Nestor Terleckyj, "Research and Development: Its Growth and Composition," Studies in Business Economics 82 (1963). B George Perazich and Philip M. Field, Industrial Research and Changing Technology (University of California: Work Projects Administration, 1940). C Science and Engineering in American Industry: Final Report on a 1953-54 Survey (Washington, DC: NSF). D An adjustment for Manhattan Project R&D expenditures based on data from Richard Hewlett and Oscar Anderson, Jr., The New World, 1939/1946: A History of the United States Atomic Energy Commission, vol. I. (University Park, PA : Pennsylvania State University Press, 1962). E Science and Engineering in American Industry (Washington, DC: NSF). F Linking two NSF survey years using straight line interpolation, data from NSF surveys, or BEA NIPA data. G Science and Engineering in American Industry: Report on a 1956 Survey (Washington, DC: NSF). H Funds for Research and Development in Industry (Washington, DC: NSF). I Research and Development in Industry (Washington, DC: NSF). J Basic Research, Applied Research, and Development in Industry (Washington, DC: NSF). K Research and Development in Industry (Washington, DC: NSF). L Survey of Industrial Research & Development (Washington, DC: NSF). M Business Research and Development and Innovation Survey (Washington, DC: NSF). N John Kendrick, The Formation and Stocks of Total Capital (New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1976). O "R&D Expenditures of Universities and Colleges by Source of Funds: Fiscal Years 1953-90" in Selected Data on Academic Science and Engineering R&D Expenditures, FY 1990 (Washington, DC: NSF). P Survey of Research and Development Expenditures at Universities and Colleges (Washington, DC: NSF). Q Higher Education Research and Development Survey (Washington, DC: NSF). R BEA data on gross investment for state and local governments. S R&D Activities in State Government Agencies Fiscal Years 1964 and 1965 (Washington, DC: NSF). T R&D Activities of Local Governments: Fiscal Years 1966 and 1967 (Washington, DC: NSF). U Research and Development in Local Governments: Fiscal Years 1968 and 1969 (Washington, DC: NSF). V Research and Development in State Government Agencies: Fiscal Years 1972 and 1973 (Washington, DC: NSF). W Research and Development in State and Local Governments Fiscal Year 1977 (Washington, DC: NSF). X Research and Development Expenditures of State Government Agencies: Fiscal Years 1987 and 1988 (Washington, DC: NSF). Y Survey of State Research and Development Expenditures: Fiscal Year 1995 (Washington, DC: NSF). Z State Agency Research and Development Expenditures (Washington, DC: NSF). AA State Government Research and Development (Washington, DC: NSF). AB Survey of State Government Research and Development (Washington, DC: NSF). AC Research Expenditures of Foundations and Other Nonprofit Institutions, 1953-54 (Washington, DC: NSF). AD Scientific Research and Development of Nonprofit Organizations: 1956 Expenditures and 1957 Manpower (Washington, DC: NSF). AE Research and Other Activities of Private Foundations, 1960 (Washington, DC: NSF). AF Scientific Activities of Nonprofit Institutions: 1964 Expenditures and January 1965 Manpower (Washington, DC: NSF). AG Scientific Activities of Nonprofit Institutions: 1966 Expenditures and January 1967 Manpower (Washington, DC: NSF). AH Scientific Activities of Independent Nonprofit Institutions, 1970 (Washington, DC: NSF). AI R&D Activities of Independent Nonprofit Institutions, 1973 (Washington, DC: NSF). AJ Research and Development Funding and Performance by Nonprofit Organizations: Fiscal Years 1996 and 1997 (Washington, DC: NSF). AK Census Bureau data on tax-exempt establishments in the scientific R&D services industry (NAICS 5417), data from NSF R&D surveys, and BEA data. AL Census Bureau data from the Economic Census, 2002 and 2007 AM Survey of Federal Funds for Research and Development (Washington, DC: NSF). AN The Budget of the United States Government for all fiscal years. Table 2. Total Business R&D Including Software R&D [Billions of dollars] 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Software R&D in BEA's software investment 2 5 7 7 8 9 11 Business R&D investment excluding software R&D 83 90 92 92 94 105 116 Business R&D investment including software R&D 86 95 99 100 102 114 127 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Software R&D in BEA's software investment 14 17 22 29 31 Business R&D investment excluding software R&D 126 134 146 160 161 Business R&D investment including software R&D 140 151 168 189 193 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Software R&D in BEA's software investment 31 35 35 38 43 47 50 Business R&D investment excluding software R&D 155 156 162 176 192 211 225 Business R&D investment including software R&D 186 191 197 214 235 258 275 2009 2010 2011 2012 Software R&D in BEA's software investment 51 51 61 62 Business R&D investment excluding software R&D 214 224 231 241 Business R&D investment including software R&D 265 275 293 303 Note. Estimates may not sum to totals because of rounding. Table 3. BEA's R&D Investment Reconciled to NSF R&D Expenditures for Total Private Business [Millions of dollars] Line Description 1 R&D investment by Calculated as the sum of own-account R&D private business (line 2) and purchased R&D (line 8) and equals line 7 in NIPA table 5.6.5. 2 Own-account R&D investment 3 NSF R&D Funds for industrial R&D performed in the expenditures for United States, excludes FFRDCs. For 2007, all industries values come from NSF's SIRD. For 2008 and 2009, values come from NSF's BRDIS. 4 Plus: SIRD to BRDIS An adjustment based on the NSF's survey of time series federal funds for research and development adjustment to bridge survey differences between the SIRD and BRDIS for R&D funded by the federal government. 5 Plus: Adjustment to A capital consumption adjustment to convert account for the business depreciation to economic full cost of depreciation. production 6 Less: Software R&D The removal of software R&D that is in BEA's software estimates to avoid double-counting. 7 Less: Census Bureau R&D sales, which include expor ts and R&D sales of R&D paid for by the government, NPISHs, and other converted to businesses, from BEA's annual input-output expenses (I-O) R&D services estimates, converted to a cost-basis. BEA's I-O estimates are based on the Census Bureau's economic census, SAS, and annual survey of manufactures data. FFRDCs are removed from the Census Bureau data to be consistent with the NSF data. 8 Total purchased R&D 9 Impor ts of R&D Imports are based on BEA International Transaction Accounts data for research, development, and testing services. 10 Plus: R&D purchased Industry-funded R&D performed by academic from academic institutions from unpublished detail from institutions BEA's academic R&D estimates that are based on data from NSF's survey of research and development expenditures at universities and colleges. 11 Plus: R&D purchased Industry-funded R&D performed by nonprofit from NPISHs organizations from unpublished detail from BEA's NPISH R&D estimates that are based on Census Bureau data for tax-exempt scientific R&D establishments. 12 Plus: R&D purchased Industry-funded R&D performed by state and from state and local government from unpublished detail from local governments BEA's state and local government R&D estimates that are based on data from NSF's state government research and development survey. 13 Plus: R&D purchased Industry-funded R&D performed by FFRDCs from from FFRDCs unpublished detail from BEA's estimates of FFRDC R&D that are based on data from NSF's R&D expenditures at federally funded R&D centers survey. 14 Plus: Purchases of R&D in the social sciences and humanities R&D in the social from BEA's annual I-O estimates that are sciences and based on the Census Bureau's economic census humanities and SAS data. from for-profit R&D services establishments (NAICS 54172) 15 Plus: Cost of R&D R&D transferred from company headquarters performed in company and R&D services establishments to the headquarters primary industry of the company, which shows (NAICS 551) and R&D up as purchased R&D rather than as services subsidiary own-account R&D. The estimates are from a and auxiliary reconciliation of NSF SIRD data (for 2007) establishments and BRDIS data (for 2008-2009) with BEA's (NAICS 5417 annual I-O R&D estimates that are based on the Census Bureau's economic census and SAS data and a special tabulation of auxiliary establishments. 16 Plus: R&D purchased Purchases from BEA's annual I-O R&D estimates from other after subtracting sales to other sectors, businesses, exports, and the cost of R&D that is specifically R&D transferred to other establishments within services the company. BEA's annual I-O estimates establishments are based on the Census Bureau's economic census and SAS data. Line 2007 2008 2009 1 R&D investment by private business 210,801 224,522 213,951 2 Own-account R&D investment 115,615 114,427 97,130 3 NSF R&D expenditures for all industries 269,267 290,680 282,393 4 Plus: SIRD to BRDIS time series adjustment 9,167 0 -3,816 5 Plus: Adjustment to account for the full cost of production -101 -77 -418 6 Less: Software R&D 47,655 51,036 52,618 7 Less: Census Bureau sales of R&D converted to expenses 115,063 125,141 128,411 8 Total purchased R&D 95,186 110,096 116,821 9 Imports of R&D 10,843 13,580 13,845 10 Plus: R&D purchased from academic institutions 2,924 3,148 3,195 11 Plus: R&D purchased from NPISHs 5,605 7,122 9,789 12 Plus: R&D purchased from state and local governments 2 3 3 13 Plus: R&D purchased 86 94 94 from FFRDCs 14 Plus: Purchases of R&D in the social sciences and humanities from for-profit R&D services establishments (NAICS 54172) 1,618 1,735 1,754 15 Plus: Cost of R&D performed in company headquarters (NAICS 551) and R&D services subsidiary and auxiliary establishments (NAICS 5417 64,562 71,803 76,323 16 Plus: R&D purchased from other businesses, specifically R&D services establishments 9,546 12,611 11,817 BRDIS Business research and development and innovation survey FFRDCs Federally funded research and development centers NAICS Nor th American Industry Classification System NPISHs Nonprofit institutions serving households NSF National Science Foundation R&D Research and development SAS Service annual survey SIRD Survey of industrial research and development NOTE. Estimates may not sum to totals because of rounding. Table 4. BEA's R&D Investment Reconciled to NSF R&D Expenditures for the Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing Industry (NAICS 3254) [Millions of dollars] Line Description 1 R&D investment by Calculated as the sum of own-account R&D the pharmaceutical (line2) and purchased R&D (line9) and equals and medicine line 9 in NIPA table 5.6.5. manufacturing industry 2 Own-account R&D investment 3 NSF expenditures Funds for industrial R&D performed in the for R&D for the United States, excludes FFRDCs and funds pharmaceutical and from the federal government. For 2007, values medicine come from NSF's SIRD. For 2008 and 2009, manufacturing values come from NSF's BRDIS. industry (NAICS 3254) 4 Plus: SIRD to BRDIS An adjustment, based on R&D expenses time series reported on publicly-traded companies' annual adjustment financial statements, is made to bridge survey differences between the SIRD and BRDIS. 5 Plus: Adjustment to A capital consumption adjustment is made to account for the convert business depreciation to economic full cost of depreciation. production 6 Less: Software R&D The removal of software R&D that is counted in BEA's software estimates to avoid double-counting. 7 Less: The cost of Based on BEA's company to establishment R&D performed in adjustment, which is from a reconciliation company of NSF SIRD (for 2007) and BRDIS (for headquarters (NAICS 2008-2009) data and BEA's annual input-output 551) and R&D (I-O) R&D estimates. BEA's I-O estimates are services subsidiary based on the Census Bureau's economic and auxiliary census and SAS data and a special tabulation establishments of auxiliary establishments. (NAICS 5417 8 Less: Exports of The cost of exports is based on BEA R&D International Transaction Accounts data for research, development, and testing services. 9 Total purchased R&D 10 Impor ts of R&D Imports are based on BEA International Transaction Accounts data for research, development, and testing services. 11 Plus: R&D purchased Total for all industry-funded R&D performed from academic by academic institutions from unpublished institutions detail from BEA's academic R&D estimates that are based on data from NSF's survey of research and development expenditures at universities and colleges. Information on industry shares comes from SIRD data (for 2007) and BRDIS data (for 2008-2009) on company-funded R&D performed by universities and colleges. 12 Plus: R&D purchased Total for all industry-funded R&D performed from NPISHs by nonprofit organizations from unpublished detail from BEA's NPISH R&D estimates. BEA's NPISH estimates are based on Census Bureau data for tax-exempt scientific R&D establishments. Information on industry shares comes from SIRD data on company-funded R&D performed by nonprofit organizations (other than universities and colleges). 13 Plus: R&D purchased Total for all industry-funded R&D performed from state and local by state and local government from governments unpublished detail from BEA's state and local government R&D estimates that are based on data from NSF's state government research and development survey. Industry share is proxied with SIRD data on company-funded R&D performed by academic institutions and nonprofit organizations. 14 Plus: R&D purchased Total for all industry-funded R&D performed from FFRDCs by FFRDCs comes from unpublished detail from BEA's estimates of FFRDC R&D that are based on data from NSF's R&D expenditures at federally funded R&D centers survey. Industry share is proxied with SIRD data on company-funded R&D performed by academic institutions and nonprofit organizations. 15 Plus: The cost of R&D costs transferred from company R&D performed in headquarters and R&D services establishments company to the pharmaceutical and medicine headquarters (NAICS manufacturing industry, described in line 7. 551) and R&D services subsidiary and auxiliary establishments. 16 Plus: R&D purchased Total for all industries' purchases from from other BEA's annual I-O R&D estimates after businesses, subtracting sales to other sectors, exports, specifically R&D and R&D that is transferred to other services establishments within the company. The establishments residual is assumed to equal R&D sold to other businesses. BEA's annual I-O estimates are based on the Census Bureau's economic census and SAS data. Industry shares are estimated based on SIRD data (for 2007) and BRDIS data (2008-2009) on business purchases of R&D from other domestic for-profit companies. Line 2007 2008 2009 1 R&D investment by the pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing industry 56,756 61,235 26,903 2 Own-account R&D investment 27,780 27,363 21,888 3 NSF expenditures for R&D for the pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing industry (NAICS 3254) 47,624 47,994 44,823 4 Plus: SIRD to BRDIS time series adjustment 0 519 0 5 Plus: Adjustment to account for the full cost of production -653 -382 -642 6 Less: Software R&D 7 Less: The cost of R&D performed in company headquarters (NAICS 551) and R&D services subsidiary and auxiliary establishments (NAICS 5417 D D D 8 Less: Expor ts of R&D 16,273 18,273 18,751 9 Total purchased R&D 28,977 33,872 35,872 10 Imports of R&D D D D 11 Plus: R&D purchased from academic institutions 1,824 2,012 1,572 12 Plus: R&D purchased from NPISHs 2,701 2,847 3,913 13 Plus: R&D purchased from state and local governments 1 2 2 14 Plus: R&D purchased from FFRDCs D D D 15 Plus: The cost of R&D performed in company headquarters (NAICS 551) and R&D services subsidiary and auxiliary establishments. 16,273 18,037 18,751 16 Plus: R&D purchased from other businesses, specifically R&D services establishments 4,760 7,148 6,555 BRDIS Business research and development and innovation survey D Data suppressed to avoid the disclosure of data from individual companies. FFRDCs Federally funded research and development centers NAICS North American Industry Classification System NPISH Nonprofit institutions serving households NSF National Science Foundation R&D Research and development SAS Service annual survey SIRD Survey of industrial research and development NOTE. Estimates may not sum to totals because of rounding. Table 5. BEA's R&D Investment Reconciled to NSF R&D Expenditures for the Scientific R&D Services Industry (NAICS 5417) [Millions of dollars] Line Description 1 R&D investment by Calculated as the sum of own-account R&D the scientific R&D (line 2) and purchased R&D (line 8) and services industry equals line 17 in NIPA table 5.6.5. 2 Own-account R&D investment 3 NSF expenditures Funds for industrial R&D performed in the for R&D for the United States, excludes FFRDCs and funds from scientific research the federal government. For 2007, values and development come from NSF's SIRD. For 2008 and 2009, services industry values come from NSF's BRDIS. (NAICS 5417) 4 Plus: Adjustment to A capital consumption adjustment to convert account for the business depreciation to economic full cost of depreciation. production 5 Less: Software R&D The removal of software R&D that is already counted in BEA's software estimates to avoid double-counting. 6 Equals: NSF R&D expenditures with BEA adjustments 7 Divide by 2 Assuming that R&D expenditures for own-account use are 50 percent of R&D expenditures, then R&D that is sold is the remaining 50 percent. 8 Total purchased R&D 9 Imports of R&D Imports are based on BEA International Transaction Accounts data for research, development, and testing services. 10 Plus: R&D purchased Total for all industry-funded R&D performed from academic by academic institutions from unpublished institutions detail from BEA's academic R&D estimates that are based on data from NSF's survey of research and development expenditures at universities and colleges. Information on industry shares comes from SIRD data (for 2007) and BRDIS data (for 2008-2009) data on company-funded R&D performed by universities and colleges. 11 Plus: R&D purchased Total for all industry-funded R&D performed from NPISHs by NPISHs from unpublished detail from BEA's estimates based on Census Bureau data for tax-exempt scientific R&D establishments. Information on industry shares from SIRD data on company-funded R&D performed by nonprofit organizations (other than universities and colleges). 12 Plus: R&D purchased Total for all industry-funded R&D performed from state and by state and local government from local governments unpublished detail from BEA's state and local government R&D estimates that are based on data from NSF's state government research and development survey. Industry share is proxied with SIRD data on company-funded R&D performed by academic institutions and nonprofit organizations. 13 Plus: R&D purchased Total for all industry-funded R&D performed from FFRDCs by FFRDCs from unpublished detail from BEA's estimates of FFRDC R&D that are based on data from NSF's R&D expenditures at federally funded R&D centers survey. Industry share is proxied with SIRD data on company-funded R&D performed by academic institutions and nonprofit organizations. 14 Plus: Cost of R&D The costs incurred in NAICS 551 performed in establishments are transferred as the sum of company production costs. headquarters (NAICS 551) for use in scientific R&D services establishments 15 Plus: R&D purchased Total for all industries' purchases from from other BEA's annual input-output (I-O) R&D estimates businesses, establishments within the company. The specifically R&D residual is assumed to equal R&D sold to services other businesses. BEA's annual I-O estimates establishments are based on the Census Bureau's economic census and SAS data. Industry shares are estimated based on SIRD data (for 2007) and BRDIS data (for 2008-2009) on business purchases of R&D from other domestic for-profit companies. Line 2007 2008 2009 1 R&D investment by the scientific R&D services industry 7,256 9,200 9,068 2 Own-account R&D investment 5,663 6,936 6,326 3 NSF expenditures for R&D for the scientific research and development services industry (NAICS 5417) 12,017 14,798 13,613 4 Plus: Adjustment to account for the full cost of production 45 22 -15 5 Less: Software R&D 795 948 945 6 Equals: NSF R&D expenditures with BEA adjustments 11,267 13,872 12,653 7 Divide by 2 5,633 6,936 6,326 8 Total purchased R&D 9 Imports of R&D 1,622 2, 264 2,742 10 Plus: R&D purchased from academic institutions D D D 11 Plus: R&D purchased from NPISHs 7 187 455 12 Plus: R&D purchased from state and local governments 159 441 607 13 Plus: R&D purchased from FFRDCs 0 0 0 14 Plus: Cost of R&D performed in company headquarters (NAICS 551) for use in scientific R&D services establishments 1 1 1 15 Plus: R&D purchased from other businesses, specifically R&D services establishments 807 774 718 BRDIS Business research and development and innovation survey D Data suppressed to avoid the disclosure of data from individual companies. FFRDCs Federally funded research and development centers NAICS North American Industry Classification System NPISH Nonprofit institutions serving households NSF National Science Foundation R&D Research and development SAS Service annual survey SIRD Survey of industrial research and development NOTE. Estimates may not sum to totals because of rounding. Table 6. BEA's R&D Investment Reconciled to NSF R&D Expenditures for Federal Government [Millions of dollars] Line Description 1 R&D investment by Calculated as the sum of own-account R&D the federal (line 2) and purchased R&D (line 12) and government equals line 16 in NIPA table 3.9.5. 2 Own-account R&D Calculated as the BEA-adjusted NSF data investment (line 9) less small equipment costs (line 10) plus adjustment to account for the full cost of production (line 11). 3 NSF R&D total obligations Survey of federal funds for R&D. 4 NSF R&D intramural obligations Survey of federal funds for R&D. 5 Convert NSF R&D Uses a 3-year weighted moving average in obligations to R&D which the most recent year (time period t) outlays receives 50 percent of the weight, t-1 receives 30 percent of the weight, and t-2 receives 20 percent of the weight. 5a Adjust the NSF R&D Uses the calculation in line 5 to convert the total obligations NSF R&D total obligations data (line 3) to outlays data. 5b Adjust the NSF R&D Uses the calculation in line 5 to convert the intramural NSF R&D intramural obligations data (line 4) obligations to outlays data. 6 Create own-account ratio Equals line 5b divided by line 5a. 7 NSF R&D total BEA uses NSF obligations data by performer outlays from NSF's Survey of federal funds to allocate the federal outlays data into performers because NSF outlays data is not split between performer. 8 Calculate Applies the own-account obligations ratio own-account outlays (line 6) to the total R&D outlays data (line 7) to derive the own-account outlays. 9 Convert fiscal year CY(t) = 0.75*FY(t) + 0.25*FY(t-1). (FY) data to calendar year (CY) data 10 Less: Small Removes small equipment costs included in equipment costs NSF's R&D expenditure data in the Survey of federal funds. 11 Plus: Adjustment to A capital consumption adjustment is made to account for the convert business depreciation to economic full cost of depreciation. production 12 Total purchased R&D 13 R&D purchased from Total for all federally-funded R&D performed industry by private business from unpublished detail from BEA's private business R&D estimates that are based on data from NSF's SIRD (2007) and BRDIS (2008 and 2009). 14 Plus: R&D purchased Total for all federally-funded R&D performed from academic by academic institutions from unpublished institutions detail from BEA's academic R&D estimates that are based on data from NSF's Survey of research and development expenditures at universities and colleges. 15 Plus: R&D purchased Total for all federally-funded R&D performed from FFRDCs by FFRDCs from unpublished detail from BEA's estimates of FFRDC R&D that are based on data from NSF's R&D expenditures at federally funded R&D centers survey. 16 Plus: R&D purchased Total for all federally-funded R&D performed from NPISHs by nonprofit organizations from unpublished detail from BEA's NPISHs R&D estimates that are based on Census Bureau data for tax-exempt scientific R&D establishments. Federal funding of nonprofit R&D performance is proxied using NSF's Survey of federal funds data. 17 Plus: R&D purchased Total for all federally-funded R&D performed from state and local by state and local government from governments unpublished detail from BEA's state and local government R&D estimates that are based on data from NSF's state government research and development survey. Line 2007 2008 2009 1 R&D investment by the federal government 122,531 127,210 129,287 2 Own-account R&D investment 28,062 28,923 29,655 3 NSF R&D total obligations 127,263 127,106 141,090 4 NSF R&D intramural obligations 5 Convert NSF R&D obligations to R&D outlays 29,932 29,637 31,0543 5a Adjust the NSF R&D total obligations 123,920 126,078 134,129 5b Adjust the NSF R&D intramural obligations 28,443 29,333 30,649 6 Create own-account ratio 0.23 0.23 0.23 7 NSF R&D total outlays 121,875 123,059 8 Calculate own-account outlays 28,085 28,495 29,920 9 Convert fiscal year (FY) data to calendar year (CY) data 27,577 28,393 29,092 10 Less: Small equipment costs 1,136 1,209 1,245 11 Plus: Adjustment to account for the full cost of production 1,624 1,740 1,809 12 Total purchased R&D 94,469 98,287 99,635 13 R&D purchased from industry 44,234 46,424 44,350 14 Plus: R&D purchased from academic institutions 28,704 29,570 31,878 15 Plus: R&D purchased from FFRDCs 13,789 7,578 8,155 16 Plus: R&D purchased from NPISHs Table 7. Funding of R&D by Performer, 2007 [Millions of dollars] Funder NIPA investment Performer sector Federal State and local government government Federal government Federal government 28,230 160 State and local State and local government government 273 Private business (1) Private fixed investment 2 Nonprofit Private fixed institutions (2) investment 18 Public academic State and institutions (3) local government Private academic Private fixed institutions (4) investment Total output /performance 28,230 454 Funder Performer Private Nonprofit Public academic business(1) institutions(2) institutions(3) Federal government 48,930 10,795 19,487 State and local government 251 1,445 3,097 Private business (1) 202,273 5,605 1,982 Nonprofit institutions (2) 677 5,717 2,577 Public academic institutions (3) 123 8,546 Private academic institutions (4) 123 Total output /performance 252,131 23,809 35,688 Funder Private academic Total investment/ institutions (4) funding Federal government 14,929 122,531 State and local government 368 5,434 Private business (1) 942 210,804 Nonprofit institutions (2) 1,445 10,434 Public academic institutions (3) 8,669 Private academic institutions (4) 1,960 2,083 Total output /performance 19,645 359,955 NAICS North American Industry Classification System NIPAs National income and product accounts R&D Research and development (1.) Includes industry-administered federally funded research and development centers. (2.) Includes nonprofit-administered federally funded research and development centers. (3.) Includes public academic-administered federally funded research and development centers. (4.) Includes private academic-administered federally funded research and development centers. NOTE. Estimates may not sum to totals because of rounding. Table 8. Funding of R&D by Performer, 2012 [Millions of dollars] Funder NIPA investment Performer sector Federal State and local government government Federal government Federal government 35,566 279 State and local State and local government government 294 Private business (1) Private fixed investment 4 Nonprofit Private fixed institutions (2) investment 28 Public academic State and institutions (3) local government Private academic Private fixed institutions (4) investment Total output /performance 35,566 605 Funder Performer Private Nonprofit Public academic business(1) institutions(2) institutions(3) Federal government 45,624 13,959 23,020 State and local government 317 2,944 3,240 Private business (1) 227,047 10,899 2,073 Nonprofit institutions (2) 1,162 10,422 3,192 Public academic institutions (3) 232 10,164 Private academic institutions (4) 225 Total output /performance 274,149 38,681 41,689 Funder Private academic Total investment/ institutions (4) funding Federal government 18,130 136,579 State and local government 399 7,193 Private business (1) 1,165 241,188 Nonprofit institutions (2) 1,822 16,627 Public academic institutions (3) 10,396 Private academic institutions (4) 3,081 3,306 Total output /performance 24,598 415,289 NAICS North American Industry Classification System NIPAs National income and product accounts R&D Research and development (1.) Includes industry-administered federally funded research and development centers. (2.) Includes nonprofit-administered federally funded research and development centers. (3.) Includes public academic-administered federally funded research and development centers. (4.) Includes private academic-administered federally funded research and development centers. NOTE. Estimates may not sum to totals because of rounding. Table 9. Indicators for Quarterly Interpolation of R&D Investment 1947-1990 1991-2007 2008 forward Business No quarterly QCEW-based Seasonally adjusted pattern composite wage R&D expenses indicator reported on quarterly financial statements Academic institutions No quarterly pattern NPISHs No quarterly pattern State and local government No quarterly pattern Federal government No quarterly pattern NPISHs Nonprofit institutions serving households QCEW Quarterly census of employment and wages R&D Research and development Table 10. Business R&D Depreciation Rates NAICS Industry Depreciation code rate (percent) 3254 Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing 10 3341 Computers and peripheral equipment 40 manufacturing 3342 Communications equipment manufacturing 27 3344 Semiconductor and other electronic component 25 manufacturing 3345 Navigational, measuring, electromedical, 29 and control instruments manufacturing 3361-3363 Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, 31 and parts manufacturing 3364 Aerospace products and parts manufacturing 22 5112 Software publishers 22 5415 Computer system design and related services 36 5417 Scientific research and development services 16 NAICS North American Industry Classification System R&D Research and development Table 11. Government R&D Depreciation Rates Depreciation rate (percent) Federal government Defense Purchased R&D 20 Own-account R&D 16 Nondefense Aerospace R&D 7 Health R&D 9 Energy R&D 9 Other R&D 16 State and local government Own-account R&D 16 R&D Research and development Table 12. Business R&D Price Index, Cost Components, and Source Data Cost component 1929-1946 1947-1960 1961-1974 1975 Scientific R&D services (NAICS 5417) Wages and salaries Wage and salary accruals Average wages for per FTE for all private chemists and engineers industries All other costs (1) Wage and Average PPI for Average PPI salary intermediate materials, for accruals per supplies, and intermediate FTE for all components materials private and industries supplies, excluding food and energy Materials and supplies (1) Not applicable Depreciation (1) Not applicable Other costs (1) Not applicable All other private industries Wages and salaries Wage and salary accruals Wage and QCEW per FTE for all private salary average industries accruals wages for per FTE all private for industries manufacturing All other costs (1) Wage and Average PPI for Average PPI salary intermediate materials, for accruals per supplies, and intermediate FTE for all components materials private and industries supplies, excluding food and energy Materials and supplies (1) Not applicable Depreciation (1) Not applicable Other costs (1) Not applicable Cost component 1976-1977 1978-1987 1988-1996 1997 forward Scientific R&D services (NAICS 5417) Wages and salaries ECI for QCEW average QCEW average QCEW average wages and wages for wages wages for salaries of R&D for scientific professional, laboratories commercial R&D services specialty, (SIC 7391) physical (NAICS 5417) and technical research occupations (SIC 8731) All other costs (1) Average PPI for intermediate materials Not and supplies, excluding food and energy applicable Materials and supplies (1) Not applicable KLEMS price for materials inputs by industry for miscellaneous professional, scientific, and technical services Depreciation (1) Not applicable CFC price for business services Other costs (1) Not applicable Fisher-weighted price for energy and services inputs by industry for miscellaneous professional, scientific, and technical services. Weights for the Fisher aggregation from KLEMS. All other private industries Wages and salaries QCEW average wages for all private industries All other costs (1) Average PPI for intermediate materials Not and supplies excluding food and energy applicable Materials and supplies (1) Not applicable KLEMS price for materials inputs by industry for total private Depreciation (1) Not applicable CFC price for business services Other costs (1) Not applicable Fisher-weighted price for energy and services inputs by industry for total private; weights for Fisher aggregation from KLEMS. CFC Consumption of fixed capital ECI Employment cost index FTE Full-time employee KLEMS K-capital, L-labor, E-energy, M-materials, and S-purchased services NAICS North American Industry Classification System PPI Producer price index QCEW Quarterly census of employment and wages R&D Research and development SIC Standard Industrial Classification (1.) Before 1997, all other costs was an aggregate measure. Beginning in 1997, it was disaggregated into materials and supplies, depreciation, and other costs. Table 13. Business R&D Price Index, Weights for Cost Components [Percent] Cost component 1929 1963 1975 1987 1997 2002 2007 2012 Scientific R&D services Wages and salaries 58 58 60 52 58 54 58 61 All other costs (1) 43 42 41 48 Materials and supplies (1) 13 12 11 9 Depreciation (1) 1 3 4 4 Other costs (1) 27 31 27 26 All other private industries Wages and salaries 58 58 60 52 59 56 59 62 All other costs (1) 43 42 41 48 Materials and supplies (1) 13 12 11 9 Depreciation (1) 2 4 4 4 Other costs (1) 27 30 25 25 R&D Research and development 1. Before 1997, all other costs was an aggregate measure. Beginning in 1997, it was disaggregated into materials and supplies, depreciation, and other costs. NOTE. Estimates may not sum to totals because of rounding. Table 14. Academic R&D Price Index, Cost Components, and Source Data Cost component 1929-1946 1947-1959 1960-1974 1975-1977 Compensation R&D university faculty Wage and salary accruals AAUP average salary for per FTE for educational all faculty services from the NIPAs Research associates Wage and salary accruals per QCEW FTE for educational services average wages from the NIPAs for colleges, universities, and professional schools (SIC 822) Fringe benefits Wage and salary accruals AAUP average benefits for per FTE for educational all faculty services from the NIPAs Overhead /purchased services /materials and supplies Gross domestic PPI for SOP intermediate supplies, purchases price materials, and components index Depreciation Private equipment IPD (chain) for investment in equipment by education services industry Private structures IPD (chain) for investment in equipment by education services industry Public equipment IPD (chain) for investment in equipment by education services industry Public structures State and local government price index for educational structures Cost component 1978-1989 1990-1996 1997-1998 1999 forward Compensation R&D university faculty AAUP average salary for all faculty Research associates QCEW average QCEW average wages for OES data for wages for colleges, universities, life, physical, colleges, and professional schools and social universities, (NAICS 6113) scientists in and colleges, professional universities, schools and (SIC 8221) professional schools (NAICS 6113) Fringe benefits AAUP average benefits for all faculty Overhead /purchased services /materials and supplies PPI for SOP intermediate Fisher-weighted price for supplies, materials, and energy, materials, and components services by industry from KLEMS for educational services (NAICS 61) Depreciation Private equipment IPD (chain) for investment in equipment by education services industry Private structures IPD (chain) for investment in structures by education services industry Public equipment IPD (chain) for investment in equipment by education services industry Public structures State and local government price index for educational structures AAUP American Association of University Professors FTE Full-time employee IPD Implicit price deflator KLEMS K-capital, L-labor, E-energy, M-materials, and S-purchased services NAICS Nor th American Industry Classification System NIPAs National income and product accounts OES Occupation employment statistics PPI Producer price index R&D Research and development SIC Standard Industrial Classification SOP Stage of processing Table 15. Academic R&D Price Index, Weights for Cost Components [Percent] 1929 1962 1974 1986 1997 2002 2007 2012 Compensation 54 56 55 55 51 50 49 52 R&D university faculty 23 24 23 23 22 21 21 22 Research associates 20 21 20 20 19 19 18 19 Fringe benefits 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 Overhead/purchased services/materials and supplies 36 37 36 38 42 44 45 42 Depreciation 10 7 10 8 7 6 7 6 Private equipment 3 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 Private structures 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Public equipment 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 Public structures 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 R&D Research and development NOTE. Estimates may not sum to totals because of rounding. Table 16. Indicators for Current Quarterly Estimates of R&D Investment and Prices Component Advance estimate Second and third estimates Business R&D Aggregate wages from R&D expenses as repor ted investment, BLS CES for all private on publicly-traded current dollars industries. companies' quarterly financial statements. NPISH R&D Aggregate wages from BLS CES for investment, education and health services. current dollars State and local Aggregate wages from BLS CES for R&D investment, education and health services. current dollars Federal R&D The Budget of the United States investment, current dollars Business, NPISH, Composite average wages from BLS and state and CES using 60 percent scientific R&D local government services and 40 percent all private. performer price index Academic Average wage from BLS CES for education performerprice and health services. index Federal Various BEA price indexes own-account price index BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics CES Current Employment Statistics NAICS North American Industry Classification System NPISH Nonprofit institutions serving households R&D Research and development