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  • 标题:Regional quarterly report: state personal income and more.
  • 作者:Lenze, David G.
  • 期刊名称:Survey of Current Business
  • 印刷版ISSN:0039-6222
  • 出版年度:2013
  • 期号:November
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:U.S. Government Printing Office
  • 摘要:Personal income grew in all but three states in the second quarter of 2013 after falling in all but five states in the first quarter. (1) Second- quarter growth rates ranged from 1.5 percent in Arizona and Florida to -0.7 percent in Nebraska, or 1.0 percent on average (chart 1). Personal income also declined in South Dakota and Iowa. The national price index for personal consumption expenditures was unchanged in the second quarter after rising 0.3 percent in the first quarter.
  • 关键词:Personal income

Regional quarterly report: state personal income and more.

Lenze, David G.

Second Quarter of 2013

Personal income grew in all but three states in the second quarter of 2013 after falling in all but five states in the first quarter. (1) Second- quarter growth rates ranged from 1.5 percent in Arizona and Florida to -0.7 percent in Nebraska, or 1.0 percent on average (chart 1). Personal income also declined in South Dakota and Iowa. The national price index for personal consumption expenditures was unchanged in the second quarter after rising 0.3 percent in the first quarter.

The second-quarter personal income growth completely offset the first-quarter decline in 20 states and the District of Columbia. The first-quarter declines in personal income mainly reflected the effects of special factors, such as the expiration of the "payroll tax holiday" and the acceleration of bonuses and personal dividend income to the fourth quarter of 2012 in anticipation of changes in individual tax rates.


Quarterly State Personal Income

The special factors were most prominent in three components of personal income: wages and salaries, employee and self-employed contributions for government social insurance, and dividends.

* Wage growth for most states accelerated in the second quarter; only in nine states and the District of Columbia did wage growth slow (table A). The slowdown in eight of these states continued a slowdown that began with the first quarter; the second-quarter slowdown in North Carolina was the third in a row.

* Employee and self-employed contributions for government social insurance grew $3.7 billion or 0.7 percent in the second quarter, close to the 0.8 percent growth in wages at the national level (table A). Because these contributions (which include social security and Medicare contributions) are to a large extent based on wages, contributions and wages tend to grow at similar rates, unlike the first quarter when contributions grew 27.9 percent while wages fell 0.7 percent.

* Personal dividend income resumed growing in the second quarter, rising 6.8 percent after falling 14.7 percent in the first quarter. The second-quarter dividend increase accompanied a 4.3 percent increase in after-tax profits (chart 2). (2) Personal dividend income, which includes the imputed receipt of dividend income from pension plans, grew $5.1 billion in Florida. This exceeded the $3.1 billion gain in substantially more populous Texas. Similarly, the $227 million gain in Wyoming (which has more million-dollar income tax filers per capita than all but five states) was more than double the $111 million gain in Alaska and the $105 million gain in Vermont, even though those states have more residents. (3)

Earnings by state and industry

U.S. farm earnings fell 14.6 percent in the second quarter (table B). In South Dakota, Iowa, and Nebraska, the declines in farm earnings were so large that they offset growth in all other components of income, resulting in a decline in total personal income in those three states.

Private nonfarm earnings for the nation grew 1.0 percent in the second quarter, matching the average for the last 4 years. Growth was above the national average in North Dakota (1.6 percent), Louisiana (1.5 percent), Texas (1.3 percent), and Wyoming (1.2 percent), with mining and construction making the largest contributions to private nonfarm earnings growth in each state. Nebraska's private nonfarm earnings grew 0.5 percent, the smallest increase of all states in the second quarter of 2013. Nebraska was the only state with a decline in finance earnings (0.9 percent) and one of only two states where construction earnings fell. Construction earnings fell 0.5 percent in Nebraska and 0.9 percent in Nevada.

The compensation of civilian federal employees fell in the District of Columbia and in most states in the second quarter. The $2.3 billion decline nationwide was the largest of six consecutive quarterly declines. Overall, civilian federal government earnings fell 0.8 percent, military earnings rose 0.2 percent, and state and local government earnings were essentially unchanged in the second quarter.


Personal current transfer receipts

Personal current transfer receipts (which, among other things, include payments made directly, or through intermediaries, to vendors for care provided to individuals under the Medicare and Medicaid programs) increased 0.1 percent in the second quarter, the slowest pace since the third quarter of 2011 when transfer receipts fell 0.4 percent (table C). The biggest decline was in Connecticut, where total transfers fell 2.0 percent, mostly because of declines in Medicaid benefits and state unemployment insurance (UI) compensation. In North Dakota, state UI compensation rose for the third consecutive quarter and reached the highest level in 3 years.

Annual State Personal Income

As is customary in September, BEA released several sets of detailed statistics for the previous year: tax payments by level of government; transfer receipts by major program; detailed farm income and expenses; and wages, compensation, and earnings for three-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) industries.

The employment statistics in particular provide additional perspective on the compensation growth of the last several years. Forty-nine states and the District of Columbia have recorded compensation growth over the period 2008-2012, ranging from 0.8 percent in Idaho to 48.0 percent in North Dakota (table D). Only Nevada recorded a decline (5.5 percent). In contrast, wage and salary jobs increased in only four states--Alaska, North and South Dakota, and Texas--and the District of Columbia over that period. Employment levels for 2012 in the other states are below the levels for 2008--by as much as 9.6 percent in the case of Nevada.


The annual revision of state personal income was prepared by the Regional Income Division under the direction of Mauricio Ortiz, Chief. Joel D. Platt, Associate Director for Regional Economics, provided general guidance. The preparation of the revised estimates was a division-wide effort.

The estimates of nonfarm wages and salaries, supplements to wages and salaries, and personal current tax receipts were prepared by the Compensation Branch under the supervision of John A. Rusinko, Chief. Major responsibilities were assigned to Peter Battikha, Michael L. Berry, Elizabeth P. Cologer, John D. Laffman, David G. Lenze, Paul K. Medzerian, and Joseph L. Stauffer. Contributing staff members were Susan E Den Herder, Terence J. Fallon, Michael W. Jadoo, Russell C. Lusher, Nathaniel R. Milhous, Michael A. Reid, and Ross A. Stepp.

The quarterly estimates of state personal income and the annual estimates of nonfarm proprietors' income, property income, personal current transfer receipts, contributions for government social insurance, and the adjustment for residence were prepared by the Regional Income Branch. Major responsibilities were assigned to Brian J. Maisano, Lisa C. Ninomiya, James P. Stehle, and Matthew A. yon Kerczek. Contributing staff members were Nacola A. Alexander, Suet M. Boudhraa, Andy K. Kim, B. Enrique Lopez, Toan A. Ly, W. Timothy McKeel, Linda M. Morey, Anand N. Seeram, and Troy P. Watson.

The estimates of farm wages and salaries, farm supplements to wages and salaries, and farm proprietors' income were prepared by the Farm Income and Employment Section under the supervision of James M. Zavrel, Assistant to the Division Chief. Major responsibilities were assigned to Carrie L. Litkowski. Contributing staff members were Daniel R. Corrin and Michelle A. Harder.

The public use tabulations and data files were assembled and the tables were prepared by the Data and Administrative Systems Group. Major responsibilities were assigned to Jeffrey L. Newman, Michael J. Paris, and Callan S. Swenson. Contributing staff members were Brooke N. Huotari, Monique B. Tyes, Melanie N. Vejdani, and Jonas D. Wilson.

Comprehensive Revision of State Personal Income

On September 30, 2013, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released the initial results of its latest comprehensive, or benchmark, revision of the quarterly and annual state personal income statistics; the results of the previous comprehensive revision were released in October 2009.

The first installment of the 2013 revision consists of new and revised statistics for the years and quarters covered by NAICS, that is, from the first quarter of 2001 through the second quarter of 2013. Additional revisions, covering 1929-2000 for the annual estimates and covering the first quarter of 1948 through the fourth quarter of 2000 for the quarterly statistics, are scheduled to be released in the spring of 2014.

Comprehensive revisions, which are conducted every 4 or 5 years, adopt various changes in definitions, classifications, statistical methods, and concepts that make the BEA economic accounts more informative and more accurately portray the evolution of the national and state economies.

Comprehensive revisions also incorporate newly available and revised state source data that are more complete and more detailed than those previously available (see table E). Especially noteworthy is the introduction of state-level data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey and from the actuarial and financial reports of state and local government retirement systems in the estimation of employer contributions for employee pension and insurance funds.

The 2013 state personal income comprehensive revision incorporated the changes that were adopted as part of the comprehensive revision of the national income and product accounts (NIPAs), which was released in July 2013. (4) A preview of the major changes to the state accounts was published in the July 2013 SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS and a summary of the changes to both the state and national accounts (as they affect state personal income) are listed in tables F and G.

The picture of state personal income that is shown by the revised estimates is similar to the picture shown by the previous estimates:

* The revisions to state personal income were generally small and fell within a relatively narrow range (table H). The largest downward revision was 2.1 percent for Montana in 2001, and the largest upward revision was 5.7 percent for Alaska and North Dakota in 2012.

* The revisions to U.S. personal income were upward in all years except 2008.

* Similarly, the revisions to personal income for most states were generally upward with downward revisions being most frequent in 2008.

* Downward revisions were more common for a few states and the District of Columbia, especially in the earlier years. For example, Montana was revised downward by 0.9 percent or more in each year in 2001-2008.

* The revisions tended to be larger in 2012 for the United States and most states because the preliminary estimates for that year (released in March) were based on extrapolations of many components. Those extrapolations have now been replaced with source data released in the interim.

* The effect of the comprehensive revision on the growth rates of state personal income was generally small (table I). For 2001-2012, the average annual growth rate of U.S. personal income was 3.9 percent, 0.1 percentage point higher than in the previously published estimates. The revision to growth in all but four states ranged from -0.1 percentage point to 0.3 percentage point.

* Average personal income growth was revised up 0.5 percentage point in North Dakota and Wyoming, giving the two states with the fastest personal income growth rates in the previously published estimates an even wider lead over the other states in the revised estimates.

* Michigan's long-term personal income growth, 2.1 percent, remains the lowest of all states, even after being revised up 0.2 percentage point.

* The effect on the rankings of state per capita personal income in 2012 was generally small (table J). Most states changed no more than two positions in rank.

* Oklahoma moved up to 28th from 32nd in the per capita personal income rankings, the largest change of all states.

* The 10 states with the highest and the 10 states with the lowest per capita personal incomes were the same in the revised estimates and in the previously published estimates.

* Seven states had personal income revisions of 4.0 percent or more in 2012 (table K). In all cases, property income (dividends, interest, and rent) accounted for more than half of the revision. (5) Property income is one of the more volatile components of personal income and the source data become available only after a lag of several years.

Personal Income in the NIPAs and State Personal Income

The level of personal income in the national income and product accounts (NIPAs) differs from the national total in the state personal income statistics because of differences in coverage and timing of the availability of source data.

The differences in coverage stem from different concepts of residence. For NIPA personal income, a U.S. resident has a center of economic interest in the country and resides, or expects to reside, in the country for a year or more. For state personal income, a resident is a participant in a U.S. regional economy, regardless of the individual's national citizenship or duration of residence. (1)

In general, the NIPA measure of personal income is broader than state personal income. The following are some key coverage differences:

* NIPA personal income includes the earnings of federal civilian and military personnel stationed abroad and the property income received by the federal retirement plans of these workers. The regional measure of personal income does not include this income. (2)

* NIPA personal income includes all income earned by U.S. citizens living abroad for less than a year. State personal income excludes the portion earned while an individual lives abroad.

* NIPA personal income includes the income of foreign nationals only if they live and work in the United States for a year or more. State personal income includes the income of resident foreign nationals working in the United States--including migrant workers--regardless of length of residency.

The annual estimates of personal income in the NIPAs also diverge from the national totals of state personal income because of differences in the timing of the avail ability of source data. For example, farm proprietors' income in the NIPAs differs from state personal income, because the state estimates of farm proprietors' income incorporated revised U.S. Department of Agriculture data that were not available until after the national estimate was released.

Both NIPA and state personal income include the income of U.S. residents employed by international organizations or by other countries while living in the United States and exclude the income of foreign nationals employed by their home governments. NIPA personal income also includes the income of foreign nationals working at international organizations in the United States? In addition, both measures exclude the income of private U.S. citizens living outside the country for a year or more.

(1.) See State Personal Income and Employment at www.bea.gov/regional/ methods.cfm.

(2.) For a description of military coverage in state personal income, see "New Treatment of State Estimates of Military Compensation," SURVEY 85 (October 2005): 116.

(3.) For more information on the treatment of border workers in the residence adjustment, see State Personal Income and Employment.

Data Availability

The complete set of quarterly and annual state personal income and employment statistics for all states and the District of Columbia and for all years are available interactively on BEEs Web site.

Estimates for 2001 forward reflect the results of the comprehensive revision to the national income and product accounts (NIPAs) released in July 2013. As a result, there is a temporary break in the state personal income time series for earlier years. Revised annual estimates back to 1929 and revised quarterly estimates back to the first quarter of 1948 will be released in the spring of 2014.

The following annual estimates are available interactively at www.bea.gov:

* Personal income, per capita personal income, and population for 1929-2012

* Disposable personal income and per capita disposable personal income for 1948-2012

*State income and employment summary, 1929-2012

* Personal income by major source and earnings by industry (North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) three digit) for 1990-2012, (Standard Industrial Classification System (SIC) two digit) for 1958-2000, and (SIC division level) for 1929-57

*Compensation of employees by industry (NAICS three digit) for 1990-2012 and (SIC two digit) for 1958-2000

* Wages and salaries by industry (NAICS three digit) for 1990-2012, (SIC two digit) for 1958-2000, and (SIC division level) for 1929-57

* Full-time and part-time employment by industry (NAICS three digit) for 1990-2012 and (SIC two digit) for 1969-2000

* Full-time and part-time wage and salary employment by industry (NAICS three digit) for 1990-2012 and (SIC two digit) for 1969-2000

* State economic profiles (a selection of personal income and employment data for each state) for 1958-2012

* Personal current transfer receipts by major program for 1948-2012

* State property income for 1958-2012

* Farm income and expenses (including the major categories of gross receipts and expenses for all farms and for measures of farm income) for 1969-2012

* Personal current tax receipts by level of government and by type for 1948-2012

* BEARFACTS, a computer generated narrative with analytical charts and graphs, that describes a state's personal income using current estimates, growth rates, and a breakdown of the sources of personal income

The following quarterly estimates are also available interactively at www.bea.gov:

* Personal income for the first quarter of 1948 to the second quarter of 2013

* Quarterly income summary for the first quarter of 1948 to the second quarter of 2013

* Personal income by major source and earnings by major industry (NAICS two digit) for the first quarter of 1990 to the second quarter of 2013

* Personal income by major source and earnings by major industry (SIC division level) for the first quarter of 1948 to the fourth quarter of 2000

* Compensation of employees by industry (NAICS two digit) for the first quarter of 1990 to the second quarter of 2013

* Compensation of employees by industry (SIC division level) for the first quarter of 1958 to the fourth quarter of 2000

* Wages and salaries by major industry (NAICS two digit) for the first quarter of 1990 to the second quarter of 2013

* Wages and salaries by major industry (SIC division level) for the first quarter of 1948 to the fourth quarter of 2000

* Personal current transfer receipts for the first quarter of 2001 to the second quarter of 2013

The state personal income statistics are also available through the members of the BEA User Group, which consists of state agencies and universities that help BEA disseminate the statistics in their states. A list of the BEA user groups is available on BEA's Web site.

For more information about the statistics, contact the Regional Income Division at 202-606-5360, fax 202-606-5322, or e-mail reis@bea.gov.

(1.) State personal income, which is measured in current dollars, is the sum of net earnings by place of residence, property income, and personal current transfer receipts.

(2.) Chart 2 displays domestic after tax profits only. Some personal dividend income is received from the rest of the world (see table 7.10 in the national income and product accounts).

(3.) Based on adjusted gross income in the 2011 Statistics of Income data from the Internal Revenue Service.

(4.) See Robert Kornfeld, "Initial Results of the 2013 Comprehensive Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts," SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS 93 (August 2013): 6-17.

(5.) In the case of Oklahoma, nonfarm proprietors' income also accounted for more than half of the upward revision to total personal income; other components, such as supplements to wages and salaries, were revised downward.

Tables 1 through 5 follow.
Table A. Personal Income and Select Components, Dollar Change
[Millions of dollars]

                                     Personal income

                                2012                  2013

                          III        IV          I          II

Alabama                 -1,488      4,429      -1,552      1,087
Alaska                     146        526        -208        201
Arizona                 -1,320      7,832      -4,118      3,681
Arkansas                   -80      2,689        -998        586
California              22,812     68,615     -55,454     16,291
Colorado                   732      8,393      -4,152      2,397
Connecticut             -1,014      6,502      -3,511      1,847
Delaware                  -349      1,498        -652        408
District of Columbia        38      1,018        -414        446
Florida                  4,640     26,796     -16,196     11,686
Georgia                  2,539      8,166      -2,876      2,257
Hawaii                    -269      1,861        -579        714
Idaho                      -22      1,506         -80        215
Illinois                -1,499     15,179      -6,603      7,078
Indiana                  1,841      2,852         338      1,638
Iowa                      -699      2,940       2,358       -525
Kansas                    -650      3,727        -496        663
Kentucky                  -130      2,411          94        761
Louisiana                1,684      1,190      -1,546      2,438
Maine                      219        777        -188        354
Maryland                 1,302      5,103      -2,729      3,212
Massachusetts              574     11,881      -6,283      3,583
Michigan                   792      8,951      -1,355      3,393
Minnesota                1,631      4,675        -858        250
Mississippi               -437      2,546        -595        468
Missouri                  -218      6,491      -2,308      2,516
Montana                     50      1,008        -280        327
Nebraska                  -300      2,564         375       -577
Nevada                    -185      3,326      -1,584      1,303
New Hampshire               91      2,020      -1,061        881
New Jersey               1,958     12,610      -6,689      6,274
New Mexico                -699      1,452        -304        719
New York                 4,899     31,458     -26,613     10,794
North Carolina             708      6,341      -2,395      2,779
North Dakota               900      1,224        -502        120
Ohio                    -3,171      9,576      -1,651      5,115
Oklahoma                  -257      5,151        -943      1,461
Oregon                     548      2,773      -1,237      1,675
Pennsylvania             3,838      9,436      -5,906      5,447
Rhode Island               408      1,101        -400        386
South Carolina             401      3,280      -1,939      1,797
South Dakota            -1,563      2,231         738        -66
Tennessee                  244      6,007      -2,199      2,814
Texas                    3,231     31,635      -7,749     13,696
Utah                       190      3,441        -770      1,045
Vermont                   -204        685         -76        345
Virginia                 1,963      8,820      -4,802      4,003
Washington               1,587      8,506      -2,847      2,781
West Virginia             -277        995        -422        509
Wisconsin                 -286      6,515      -2,190      1,964
Wyoming                   -279        988        -555        373
United States           44,570    371,696    -182,963    133,609

                                   Wages and salaries

                               2012                  2013

                          III        IV         I         II

Alabama                   -920      1,931       -158       581
Alaska                      87        102         42        77
Arizona                   -115      3,016       -614     1,176
Arkansas                  -288      1,179        -68       333
California              12,269     43,394    -30,249     7,021
Colorado                   750      4,500     -1,822     1,129
Connecticut               -668      2,637       -954       625
Delaware                  -317      1,001       -530       169
District of Columbia      -194      1,055        173        71
Florida                  3,075      8,499        202     2,998
Georgia                    -63      4,668      1,128     1,638
Hawaii                     -19        628        143       198
Idaho                      136        369        287       210
Illinois                   -39      6,973     -2,229     2,489
Indiana                    300      1,999        963     1,068
Iowa                       319      1,012        258       555
Kansas                      75      1,511       -370       446
Kentucky                  -196        939        688       377
Louisiana                 -849      2,495       -506     1,096
Maine                     -231        321        189       176
Maryland                   872      1,396        390     1,214
Massachusetts              493      5,930     -1,644     1,694
Michigan                  -345      3,889      1,698     1,869
Minnesota                1,679      2,376      1,445       631
Mississippi               -349        674        223       308
Missouri                   215      3,115       -806     1,084
Montana                     18        346         79       101
Nebraska                   458        904        269       202
Nevada                    -154      1,103        252       385
New Hampshire              -21      1,363       -496       248
New Jersey               1,515      3,372      1,458     2,033
New Mexico                -595        349        152       227
New York                 4,047     20,185    -17,732     3,868
North Carolina           2,447      2,325      1,166     1,138
North Dakota               278        390        230       308
Ohio                      -139      4,432        211     1,841
Oklahoma                    42      2,698       -443       626
Oregon                      10        559        475       692
Pennsylvania             1,010      3,405       -129     1,955
Rhode Island               -67        431        296       162
South Carolina             225      1,271       -157       640
South Dakota              -162        379         40       153
Tennessee                 -391      3,432       -381       988
Texas                    5,277     15,756         91     6,311
Utah                        19      1,894        261       532
Vermont                   -128        217        125        93
Virginia                 1,336      4,065       -671     1,493
Washington               1,890      2,899        848       573
West Virginia             -562        195         47       252
Wisconsin                 -634      3,697       -422       945
Wyoming                   -256        265        -21       114
United States           31,140    181,540    -46,572    55,111

                             Employee and self-employed
                              contributions for social

                              2012               2013

                         III       IV        I         II

Alabama                   -62      107      1,657       43
Alaska                      6                 338        4
Arizona                   -15      151      2,224       85
Arkansas                  -30       61        992       25
California                406    2,230     14,493      470
Colorado                   34      218      2,026       72
Connecticut               -35      123      1,712       37
Delaware                  -15       57        358       11
District of Columbia        7       45        905       -1
Florida                   179      426      6,810      217
Georgia                            222      3,586      108
Hawaii                     -1       29        583       13
Idaho                      11       17        527       16
Illinois                  -13      296      5,118      153
Indiana                    21       89      2,525       78
Iowa                       18       45      1,293       42
Kansas                      1       78      1,165       32
Kentucky                  -16       34      1,578       24
Louisiana                 -61      120      1,557       77
Maine                     -17       13        524       13
Maryland                   53       35      2,676       80
Massachusetts              35      276      3,268      104
Michigan                  -14      195      3,835      139
Minnesota                  94       96      2,612       36
Mississippi               -33       29        955       24
Missouri                   -3      150      2,234       76
Montana                    -2       18        379        8
Nebraska                   27       44        825       13
Nevada                     -5       51        948       24
New Hampshire              -3       79        560       18
New Jersey                 87      131      4,425      144
New Mexico                -39       12        707       16
New York                  264      995      8,057      230
North Carolina            158       83      3,634       73
North Dakota                5       11        389       22
Ohio                      -18      187      4,301      120
Oklahoma                   -7      152      1,359       46
Oregon                      4       10      1,547       51
Pennsylvania               43      110      5,353      134
Rhode Island               -8       22        527       13
South Carolina             12       55      1,549       47
South Dakota              -12       21        329       12
Tennessee                 -61      172      2,407       72
Texas                     227      697      9,809      417
Utah                        5      101      1,027       36
Vermont                    -9       11        281        7
Virginia                   98      186      3,671       95
Washington                116      123      3,049       28
West Virginia             -44        2        638       21
Wisconsin                 -39      201      2,292       66
Wyoming                   -17       12        250        8
United States           1,332    8,628    123,867    3,699

Table B. Growth of U.S. Earnings by Industry

                                                       Dollar change
                                          Percent      (millions of
                                          change         dollars)

                                          2013             2013

                                       I      II        I        II

All industries                         0.1     0.6    11,994    61,235
  Private sector                       0.2     0.8    13,055    63,759
    Farm                              28.3   -14.6    27,179   -17,994
    Nonfarm                           -0.2     1.0   -14,124    81,753
      Forestry, fishing, and
        related activities             5.0     2.5     1,425       756
      Mining                          -0.3     2.1      -591     3,582
      Utilities                        1.8     0.4     1,463       298
      Construction                     3.0     1.5    16,013     8,180
      Durable-goods manufacturing      0.5     0.9     2,918     5,608
        manufacturing                  0.2     0.5       685     1,717
      Wholesale trade                 -0.6     1.2    -2,990     6,177
      Retail trade                     0.2     0.6       988     3,339
      Transportation and
        warehousing                    1.6     0.4     5,246     1,464
      Information                     -0.6     1.1    -1,812     3,480
      Finance and insurance           -4.2     1.2   -30,662     8,319
      Real estate and rental and
        leasing                       -0.6     1.6    -1,079     3,030
      Professional, scientific,
        and technical services        -2.3     1.4   -23,399    13,472
      Management of companies and
        enterprises                   -2.8     1.0    -7,584     2,680
      Administrative and waste
        management services            0.5     1.6     2,043     6,435
      Educational services             0.3    -0.5       457      -826
      Health care and social
        assistance                     1.7     0.6    18,248     6,797
      Arts, entertainment, and
        recreation                    -1.1     1.5    -1,130     1,640
      Accommodation and food
        services                       1.0     1.1     3,202     3,357
      Other services, except
        public administration          0.7     0.6     2,436     2,246
Government sector                     -0.1    -0.1    -1,060    -2,524
  Federal government, civilian        -0.2    -0.8      -619    -2,341
  Military                             1.4     0.2     1,967       343
  State and local government          -0.2     0.0    -2,408      -526

Table C. Growth of U.S. Personal Current Transfer Receipts

                                                         Dollar change
                                            Percent      (millions of
                                            change         dollars)

                                             2013            2013

                                           I      II      I        II

Personal current transfer receipts         1.6    0.1   38,045    3,390
  Medicaid                                -0.3    0.0   -1,392      -20
  State unemployment insurance benefits   -1.8   -7.6   -1,319   -5,510
  Other transfer receipts                  2.2    0.5   40,756    8,920

Table D. Employment and Compensation, Percent Change
2008-2012, Select States

                       Employment   Compensation

North Dakota.                16.5           48.0
Alaska                        3.7           17.0
District of Columbia          3.2           13.5
Texas                         2.3           13.5
South Dakota                  1.1           13.0
Idaho                        -5.6            0.8
Arizona                      -5.8            1.1
Nevada                       -9.6           -5.5
United States                -2.5            6.5

Table E. Regional Source Data Used to Estimate State Personal Income
and Personal Current Taxes

Annual estimates

Wages and salaries by industry
  In general                            QCEW wage data; MEPS employee
                                          contributions for health
                                          insurance data (certain slates
  Farm                                  USDA farm labor expense data.
  Agriculture and forestry              USDA farm labor expense data.
    support activities
  Rail transportation                   RRB state payroll and employment
                                          data; Journey to work data
                                          the Census of Population.
  Educational services                  CBP payroll data; Official
                                          Catholic Directory data.
  Membership associations and           CBP payroll data; RRB payroll
    organizations                         data.
  Private households                    Census Bureau American Community
                                          Survey data; Census Bureau
                                          population data.
  Military                              DOD personnel data; Coast Guard
                                          personnel and payroll data.
  State and local government            Census Bureau Annual Survey of
                                          Public Employment and Payroll
                                          data; CES employment data.

Employer contributions for
    employee pension and
    insurance funds by industry
  Rail transportation                   FRA casualties data.
  State and local government            Census Bureau Annual Survey of
                                          Public Pensions contributions
                                          and membership data; data from
                                          the CAFRs for a sample of
                                          state and local
                                          government retirement
                                          systems; MEPS employee
                                          contributions for health
                                          insurance data.

  All other industries                  NAIC earned premium data and
                                          NASI employers' cast of self
                                          insurance data; MEPS employee
                                          contributions for health
                                          insurance data.

Employer contributions for
    government social insurance
    by industry
  All industries                        Census Bureau State Government
                                          Finances data; QCEW data on
                                          contributions to unemployment
                                          insurance funds; OES data on
                                          employee wage distributions;
                                          CPS industry data on hours
  State and local government            Social Security 1 Percent
                                          Continuous Work History Sample
                                          taxable wage data.
Proprietors' income
  Farm                                  USDA gross income and expense
                                          data; USDA ARMS corporate farm
                                          income data.
  All nonfarm industries                IRS data on net receipts and
                                          profits of proprietorships and

Residence adjustment                    Journey to work data from the
                                          Census of Population; Census
                                          Bureau population data; IRS
                                          wage data.

Dividends, interest, and rent           USDA gross rental value of farm
                                          dwellings data; IRS income tax
                                          data on dividends, taxable
                                          interest, S Corporation
                                          distributions, and gross rents
                                          and royalties; ACS data on the
                                          aggregate value of dwellings
                                          and mobile homes; OPM federal
                                          civilian retirement payments
                                          data and DOD military
                                          retirement payments data; SSA
                                          Social Security benefits data.

Personal current transfer               SSA data on Social Security
  receipts                                benefits and Supplemental
                                          Security Income benefits;
                                          Census Bureau state and local
                                          government finance data on
                                          disability benefits, income
                                          maintenance benefits, and
                                          education benefits; CMS and
                                          medical benefits data; DVA
                                          veterans benefits data; USDA
                                          SNAP data; USDA WIC data; IRS
                                          Refundable Earned Income Tax
                                          Credits and Child Tax Credit
                                          data; PBGC benefits data; DOL
                                          unemployment benefits data;
                                          Pell Grants data; ACF TANF
                                          foster care and adoption
                                          assistance data.

Employee and self-employed              California state temporary
  contributions for government            disability insurance data; SSA
  social insurance                        self-employed worker
                                          contributions to OASDHI data;
                                          Census Bureau state temporary
                                          disability insurance data; CMS
                                          supplemental medical insurance
                                          enrollment data; personal
                                          contributions for state
                                          unemployment insurance data
                                          from the states; OVA veterans'
                                          insurance premiums data.

Personal current taxes                  IRS income tax data; Census
                                          Bureau quarterly tax
                                          collections and state tax
                                          collections data; Census
                                          state and local government
                                          finance data.

Quarterly estimates

Wages and salaries by industry
  In general                            QCEW wage data; CES employment
  Transportation and warehousing        DOT payroll data.
  Military                              DOD personnel data; Coast Guard
                                          payroll data.

Proprietors' income
  Farm                                  USDA farm cash receipts data.

Personal current transfer receipts      DOL unemployment benefits data;
                                          CMS medical benefits data.

ACF TANF Administration for Children and Families, Temporary
  Assistance to Needy Families
ACS American Community Survey, Census Bureau
ARMS Agricultural Resource Management Survey, U.S. Department of
CAFR Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
CBP County Business Patterns, Census Bureau
CES Current Employment Statistics survey, Bureau of Labor Statistics
CFFR Consolidated Federal Funds Report, Census Bureau
CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
CPS Current Population Survey, Census Bureau
DOD Department of Defense
DOE Department of Education
DOL Department of Labor
DOT Department of Transportation
DVA Department of Veterans Affairs
FRA Federal Railroad Administration
IRS Internal Revenue Service
MEPS Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, Agency for Healthcare Research
  and Quality
NAIC National Association of Insurance Commissioners
NASI National Academy of Social Insurance
OASDHI Old-Age, Survivors, Disability, and Hospital Insurance, Social
  Security Administration
DES Occupational Employment Statistics, Bureau of Labor Statistics
PBGC Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
QCEW Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, Bureau of Labor
RRB Railroad Retirement Board
SNAP Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program, U.S. Department of
SSA Social Security Administration
USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture
WIC Special Supplemental Nutrition for Women, Infants, and Children,
  U.S. Department of Agriculture

Table F Changes in State Source Data, Definitions, and Statistical

Changes                                  Major components affected

New employers' normal cost data      Employer contributions for
  from the financial and               employee pension and insurance
  actuarial reports of a sample        funds.
  of state and local government
  defined benefit (DB) plans and
  membership data from the Census
  Bureaus Annual Survey of Public
  Pension Plans.

New data by state for employer       Employer contributions for
  contributions to defined             employee pension and insurance
  contribution (DC) pension plans      funds.
  from state and local government
  financial reports.

New data by state for employer       Employer contributions for
  contributions to employee            employee pension and insurance
  health insurance funds from the      funds.
  Medical Expenditure Panel
  Survey of the Agency for
  Healthcare Research and

New Social Security taxable wage     Contributions for government
  data and Medicare taxable wage       social insurance and
  data by stale from the Social        supplements to wages and
  Security Administration.             salaries.

New quarterly data by state for      Personal current transfer
  Medicaid transfers from the          receipts.
  Centers for Medicare and
  Medicaid Services.

New child tax credits data by        Personal current transfer
  state from the Statistics of         receipts.
  Income Division of the Internal
  Revenue Service.

New employee contributions data      Wages and salaries.
  from the Census Bureau Survey
  of Public Pension Plans,
  financial reports of pension
  plans, and other surveys and
  reports to estimate a portion
  of wages excluded from Alaska's
  Quarterly Census of Employment
  and Wages.

New private household wages and      Wages and salaries.
  salaries and employment from
  American Community Survey of
  the Census Bureau.

New national controls for the        Residence adjustment.
  wages of border workers.

New payments to annuitants data      Dividends, interest, and rent.
  by state from the U.S. Office
  of Personnel Management and the
  Department of Defense.

Table G. Major Changes in Definitions and Statistics in the National
Income and Product Accounts Affecting State Personal Income

Changes                                  Major components affected

Definition changes

Recognize expenditures by            Proprietors' income.
  business, on research and
  development as fixed

Recognize expenditures by            Proprietors' income.
  business on entertainment,
  literary, and other artistic
  originals as fixed investment.

Expand the ownership transfer        Proprietors' income and rental
  costs of residential fixed           income of persons.
  assets that are recognized as
  fixed investment and improve
  the accuracy of the associated
  asset values and services

Measure transactions of defined      Supplements to wages and salaries
  benefit (DB) pension plans on        and personal interest income.
  an accrual-accounting basis by
  recognizing the costs of
  unfunded liabilities.

Harmonize the treatment of wages     Wages and salaries.
  and salaries by using accrual-
  based estimates consistently
  throughout the accounts.

Statistical changes

Improve estimates of implicit        Personal interest income
  services of commercial banks

Improve estimates of employers'      Compensation of state and local
  contributions to state and           government employees
  local government-sponsored
  defined contribution (DC)
  pension plans

Improve methodology for              Proprietors' income.
  estimating the corporate
  partners' adjustment made to
  nonfarm proprietors' income

Update measures of misreporting      Wages and salaries and
                                       proprietors' income.

Improve methodology for              Personal dividend income and
  distributing the income of           personal interest income.
  regulated investment companies
  by type

Improve measures of wages paid by    Compensation of state and local
  Indian tribal governments            government employees

Incorporate new data on              Compensation of employees
  supplemental unemployment

Table H. Revisions to Personal Income for States and Regions for
Select Years

                                       Revision (millions
                                           of dollars)

                                     2001      2004     2007

New England                          3,277     7,062    2,361
  Connecticut                          544     1,806      -24
  Maine                                120       502      769
  Massachusetts                      1,508     2,884      688
  New Hampshire                        420       652      531
  Rhode Island                         378       534      464
  Vermont                              306       683      533
Mideast                             35,193    39,850   32,986
  Delaware                           1,335     1,414    1,065
  District of Columbia                 -84      -200     -431
  Maryland                           3,394     7,421    8,104
  New Jersey                         5,559     7,036    3,290
  New York                          15,037    11,559    8,443
  Pennsylvania                       9,952    12,619   12,515
Great Lakes                         16,092    11,693   20,262
  Illinois                           6,610       257    4,075
  Indiana                            3,880     1,898    2,365
  Michigan                           2,091     3,557    4,346
  Ohio                               1,504     2,130    4,725
  Wisconsin                          2,006     3,852    4,750
Plains                               3,270     4,382    6,392
  Iowa                               1,356     1,953    2,984
  Kansas                               326       218      824
  Minnesota                           -137      -705     -283
  Missouri                             769     1,731    1,778
  Nebraska                             557     1,011      991
  North Dakota                         -33       -71      -53
  South Dakota                         431       245      150
Southeast                           24,278    33,155   23,701
  Alabama                            2,093     2,742    1,105
  Arkansas                             -51       259     -482
  Florida                           12,433    10,536   10,695
  Georgia                            1,895     3,373    1,673
  Kentucky                           1,383     2,439    2,195
  Louisiana                           -824      -568       35
  Mississippi                         -108       413     -227
  North Carolina                       848     2,955    2,894
  South Carolina                       803       898    1,601
  Tennessee                          3,258     3,738     -356
  Virginia                           3,079     6,524    5,116
  West Virginia                       -531      -156     -548
Southwest                           13,302     2,693   -1,142
  Arizona                              638       819    2,607
  New Mexico                           851       719      574
  Oklahoma                           1,242     1,790    1,126
  Texas                             10,572       -35   -5,449
Rocky Mountain                        -592       -55      395
  Colorado                            -547    -1,899   -2,524
  Idaho                                512       764      649
  Montana                             -482      -345     -281
  Utah                                 177       701    2,282
  Wyoming                             -252       -76      270
Far West                             9,738    16,514    4,728
  Alaska                               371       525      347
  California                         5,766     9,381   -1,959
  Hawaii                               396       787      129
  Nevada                             1,355     1,586    2,566
  Oregon                               249      -190     -575
  Washington                         1,601     4,425    4,222

United States                      104,558   114,494   89,682

  Average revision                     ...       ...      ...
  Average absolute revision            ...       ...      ...
  Standard deviation of revision       ...       ...      ...

                                        Revision (millions
                                           of dollars)

                                     2008      2009      2010

New England                         -4,471    11,993     5,671
  Connecticut                       -2,972     2,894      -338
  Maine                                302     1,099       740
  Massachusetts                     -2,507     4,736     2,667
  New Hampshire                        238     1,802     1,297
  Rhode Island                          22       840     1,060
  Vermont                              446       623       245
Mideast                              5,705    61,844    37,886
  Delaware                             818     1,914     1,483
  District of Columbia                -315       -50      -873
  Maryland                           5,260    10,424     8,348
  New Jersey                        -2,701     9,473     5,318
  New York                          -3,907    22,069     8,153
  Pennsylvania                       6,551    18,015    15,456
Great Lakes                          4,452    35,801    18,742
  Illinois                          -2,086     8,680       543
  Indiana                              463     3,335     2,292
  Michigan                           3,068     9,379     7,774
  Ohio                                -169     5,875     3,968
  Wisconsin                          3,176     8,532     4,164
Plains                                -167    14,645     8,104
  Iowa                               3,397     5,266     3,532
  Kansas                               371     2,122       679
  Minnesota                         -2,091     1,328       467
  Missouri                          -2,103     2,895     1,206
  Nebraska                             221     1,795       879
  North Dakota                           2       421       508
  South Dakota                          36       818       833
Southeast                             -235    47,122    21,929
  Alabama                           -1,170     2,490       914
  Arkansas                          -1,388      -169       -98
  Florida                           -4,477     9,149     3,068
  Georgia                             -919     4,265    -1,738
  Kentucky                           1,379     2,311     1,909
  Louisiana                           -275     1,418       412
  Mississippi                         -843       700       -12
  North Carolina                      -116     8,818     8,162
  South Carolina                       841     4,260     2,254
  Tennessee                           -317     4,420     2,059
  Virginia                           1,631     8,982     5,829
  West Virginia                       -582       476       -30
Southwest                           -1,245    13,587      -354
  Arizona                           -1,805     2,613     1,169
  New Mexico                          -184       593       439
  Oklahoma                            -213     2,057     1,446
  Texas                                956     8,324    -3,408
Rocky Mountain                      -4,259     5,432      -164
  Colorado                            -787     1,798    -1,937
  Idaho                               -481     1,275       808
  Montana                               -9       283       175
  Utah                                 638     1,726       961
  Wyoming                              -20       351      -171
Far West                           -16,155    30,598    23,022
  Alaska                               226     1,092     1,406
  California                       -14,416    19,753    14,939
  Hawaii                               -91     1,472       995
  Nevada                               151     2,471     2,455
  Oregon                            -2,393     1,760      -149
  Washington                           367     4,050     3,376

United States                      -22,376   221,023   114,836

  Average revision                     ...       ...       ...
  Average absolute revision            ...       ...       ...
  Standard deviation of revision       ...       ...       ...

                                   Revision (millions
                                      of dollars)

                                     2011      2012

New England                         10,365    16,807
  Connecticut                         -167     2,797
  Maine                                785       806
  Massachusetts                      5,975     8,567
  New Hampshire                      2,171     2,735
  Rhode Island                         756       931
  Vermont                              846       971
Mideast                             57,896    66,183
  Delaware                           1,273     2,095
  District of Columbia                 507        40
  Maryland                          10,766    10,855
  New Jersey                         8,693    12,044
  New York                          17,221    22,416
  Pennsylvania                      19,436    18,732
Great Lakes                         31,735    46,824
  Illinois                           4,534    13,085
  Indiana                            4,230     7,955
  Michigan                           7,601     7,844
  Ohio                               9,318     8,867
  Wisconsin                          6,052     9,072
Plains                              13,453    20,210
  Iowa                               4,098     5,560
  Kansas                             3,397     3,405
  Minnesota                          3,186     3,750
  Missouri                              51       507
  Nebraska                           2,200     3,468
  North Dakota                          26     2,084
  South Dakota                         494     1,435
Southeast                           34,914    60,360
  Alabama                              269     1,453
  Arkansas                             878     2,105
  Florida                            5,946    12,917
  Georgia                            3,694     5,748
  Kentucky                           2,340     2,636
  Louisiana                            334     2,968
  Mississippi                          542     1,743
  North Carolina                     4,550     8,402
  South Carolina                     3,517     3,731
  Tennessee                          3,465     6,933
  Virginia                           8,619    10,601
  West Virginia                        762     1,122
Southwest                           30,548    39,549
  Arizona                            1,951     1,732
  New Mexico                         1,227     1,257
  Oklahoma                           4,568     6,159
  Texas                             22,802    30,401
Rocky Mountain                       4,619     9,137
  Colorado                             621     3,319
  Idaho                                838     1,168
  Montana                              679     1,191
  Utah                               1,774     2,366
  Wyoming                              707     1,093
Far West                            46,127    68,125
  Alaska                             1,824     1,944
  California                        38,065    56,929
  Hawaii                             1,081     1,035
  Nevada                             1,052     2,374
  Oregon                               702     1,480
  Washington                         3,403     4,363

United States                      229,656   327,194

  Average revision                     ...       ...
  Average absolute revision            ...       ...
  Standard deviation of revision       ...       ...

                                       Percent revision

                                   2001   2004   2007   2008

New England                         0.6    1.2    0.3   -0.6
  Connecticut                       0.4    1.1   -0.3   -1.5
  Maine                             0.3    1.2    1.7    0.6
  Massachusetts                     0.6    1.1    0.2   -0.7
  New Hampshire                     1.0    1.3    0.9    0.4
  Rhode Island                      1.1    1.4    1.1    0.0
  Vermont                           1.7    3.4    2.3    1.8
Mideast                             2.1    2.2    1.5    0.3
  Delaware                          5.2    4.8    3.1    2.3
  District of Columbia             -0.3   -0.7   -1.1   -0.8
  Maryland                          1.7    3.3    3.1    1.9
  New Jersey                        1.7    1.9    0.8   -0.6
  New York                          2.2    1.6    0.9   -0.4
  Pennsylvania                      2.6    3.0    2.6    1.3
Great Lakes                         1.2    0.8    1.2    0.3
  Illinois                          1.6    0.1    0.8   -0.4
  Indiana                           2.3    1.0    1.1    0.2
  Michigan                          0.7    1.1    1.3    0.9
  Ohio                              0.5    0.6    1.2    0.0
  Wisconsin                         1.2    2.1    2.3    1.5
Plains                              0.6    0.7    0.8    0.0
  Iowa                              1.7    2.1    2.8    2.9
  Kansas                            0.4    0.2    0.8    0.3
  Minnesota                        -0.1   -0.4   -0.1   -0.9
  Missouri                          0.5    1.0    0.9   -0.9
  Nebraska                          1.1    1.7    1.5    0.3
  North Dakota                     -0.2   -0.4   -0.2    0.0
  South Dakota                      2.0    1.0    0.5    0.1
Southeast                           1.2    1.5    0.9   -0.2
  Alabama                           1.9    2.1    0.7   -0.7
  Arkansas                         -0.1    0.4   -0.5   -1.5
  Florida                           2.6    1.8    1.5   -0.6
  Georgia                           0.8    1.2    0.5   -0.3
  Kentucky                          1.3    2.1    1.7    1.0
  Louisiana                        -0.7   -0.5    0.0   -0.2
  Mississippi                      -0.2    0.6   -0.3   -0.9
  North Carolina                    0.4    1.1    0.9    0.0
  South Carolina                    0.8    0.8    1.1    0.6
  Tennessee                         2.1    2.1   -0.2   -0.1
  Virginia                          1.3    2.4    1.5    0.5
  West Virginia                    -1.3   -0.3   -1.0   -1.0
Southwest                           1.5    0.3   -0.1   -0.1
  Arizona                           0.4    0.5    1.2   -0.8
  New Mexico                        1.9    1.4    0.9   -0.3
  Oklahoma                          1.4    1.8    0.9   -0.2
  Texas                             1.7   -0.1   -0.6    0.1
Rocky Mountain                     -0.2   -0.3    0.1   -1.0
  Colorado                         -0.3   -1.1   -1.2   -1.8
  Idaho                             1.5    1.9    1.3   -0.9
  Montana                          -2.1   -1.3   -0.9   -1.8
  Utah                              0.3    1.1    2.7    0.7
  Wyoming                          -1.6   -0.4    1.1   -0.1
Far West                            0.6    0.9    0.2   -0.7
  Alaska                            1.8    2.3    1.2    0.7
  California                        0.5    0.7   -0.1   -0.9
  Hawaii                            1.1    1.9    0.2   -0.2
  Nevada                            2.1    1.9    2.5    0.1
  Oregon                            0.2   -0.2   -0.4   -1.7
  Washington                        0.8    2.0    1.5    0.1

United States                       1.2    1.2    0.8   -0.2

  Average revision                  0.9    1.2    0.9    0.0
  Average absolute revision         1.2    1.4    1.1    0.8
  Standard deviation of revision    1.2    1.2    1.1    1.0

                                       Percent revision

                                   2009   2010   2011   2012

New England                         1.8    0.8    1.4    2.2
  Connecticut                       1.5   -0.2   -0.1    1.3
  Maine                             2.3    1.5    1.5    1.5
  Massachusetts                     1.5    0.8    1.7    2.4
  New Hampshire                     3.2    2.2    3.6    4.4
  Rhode Island                      2.0    2.4    1.6    2.0
  Vermont                           2.6    1.0    3.2    3.6
Mideast                             2.8    1.7    2.4    2.7
  Delaware                          5.5    4.2    3.4    5.4
  District of Columbia             -0.1   -2.0    1.1    0.1
  Maryland                          3.8    3.0    3.6    3.5
  New Jersey                        2.2    1.2    1.9    2.5
  New York                          2.4    0.9    1.7    2.2
  Pennsylvania                      3.6    3.0    3.6    3.4
Great Lakes                         2.1    1.1    1.7    2.5
  Illinois                          1.7    0.1    0.8    2.3
  Indiana                           1.6    1.0    1.8    3.3
  Michigan                          2.9    2.3    2.1    2.1
  Ohio                              1.5    1.0    2.1    2.0
  Wisconsin                         4.1    1.9    2.7    3.9
Plains                              1.9    1.0    1.6    2.3
  Iowa                              4.7    3.1    3.3    4.3
  Kansas                            2.0    0.6    2.9    2.8
  Minnesota                         0.6    0.2    1.3    1.5
  Missouri                          1.4    0.6    0.0    0.2
  Nebraska                          2.6    1.2    2.8    4.3
  North Dakota                      1.6    1.8    0.1    5.7
  South Dakota                      2.7    2.6    1.4    3.9
Southeast                           1.7    0.8    1.2    2.0
  Alabama                           1.6    0.6    0.2    0.8
  Arkansas                         -0.2   -0.9    0.9    2.1
  Florida                           1.3    0.4    0.8    1.7
  Georgia                           1.3   -0.5    1.0    1.6
  Kentucky                          1.7    1.4    1.6    1.7
  Louisiana                         0.9    0.2    0.2    1.6
  Mississippi                       0.8    0.0    0.6    1.8
  North Carolina                    2.7    2.5    1.3    2.3
  South Carolina                    3.0    1.5    2.3    2.3
  Tennessee                         2.1    0.9    1.5    2.8
  Virginia                          2.6    1.6    2.3    2.8
  West Virginia                     0.8   -0.1    1.2    1.8
Southwest                           1.0    0.0    2.1    2.6
  Arizona                           1.2    0.5    0.9    0.7
  New Mexico                        0.9    0.6    1.7    1.7
  Oklahoma                          1.6    1.1    3.2    4.1
  Texas                             0.9   -0.4    2.2    2.8
Rocky Mountain                      1.4    0.0    1.1    2.0
  Colorado                          0.9   -0.9    0.3    1.4
  Idaho                             2.7    1.6    1.6    2.2
  Montana                           0.9    0.5    1.9    3.2
  Utah                              2.0    1.1    1.9    2.4
  Wyoming                           1.5   -0.7    2.6    3.9
Far West                            1.5    1.1    2.0    2.9
  Alaska                            3.7    4.5    5.5    5.7
  California                        1.3    1.0    2.3    3.3
  Hawaii                            2.7    1.8    1.8    1.7
  Nevada                            2.6    2.5    1.0    2.3
  Oregon                            1.3   -0.1    0.5    1.0
  Washington                        1.5    1.2    1.1    1.4

United States                       1.9    0.9    1.8    2.4

  Average revision                  2.0    1.1    1.8    2.5
  Average absolute revision         2.0    1.3    1.8    2.5
  Standard deviation of revision    1.1    1.3    1.1    1.3

NOTE: Estimates may not add to totals because of rounding.

Table I. Revisions to Average Annual Growth Rates
in Personal Income, 2001-2012

                         published    Revised   Revision

New England                     3.3       3.5        0.2
  Connecticut                   3.2       3.3        0.1
  Maine                         3.4       3.5        0.1
  Massachusetts                 3.3       3.5        0.2
  New Hampshire                 3.3       3.6        0.3
  Rhode Island                  3.3       3.4        0.1
  Vermont                       3.7       3.9        0.2
Mideast                         3.7       3.8        0.1
  Delaware                      3.7       3.7        0.0
  District of Columbia          5.5       5.6        0.1
  Maryland                      4.2       4.4        0.2
  New Jersey                    3.2       3.3        0.1
  New York                      3.8       3.8        0.0
  Pennsylvania                  3.6       3.7        0.1
Great Lakes                     2.8       2.9        0.1
  Illinois                      3.0       3.1        0.1
  Indiana                       3.1       3.2        0.1
  Michigan                      1.9       2.1        0.2
  Ohio                          2.8       3.0        0.2
  Wisconsin                     3.3       3.5        0.2
Plains                          3.9       4.1        0.2
  Iowa                          4.3       4.5        0.2
  Kansas                        3.8       4.0        0.2
  Minnesota                     3.7       3.9        0.2
  Missouri                      3.5       3.4       -0.1
  Nebraska                      4.1       4.4        0.3
  North Dakota                  7.2       7.7        0.5
  South Dakota                  5.1       5.2        0.1
Southeast                       4.1       4.2        0.1
  Alabama                       4.0       3.9       -0.1
  Arkansas                      4.3       4.5        0.2
  Florida                       4.4       4.3       -0.1
  Georgia                       3.7       3.8        0.1
  Kentucky                      3.7       3.7        0.0
  Louisiana                     4.4       4.6        0.2
  Mississippi                   3.9       4.0        0.1
  North Carolina                4.1       4.3        0.2
  South Carolina                4.1       4.2        0.1
  Tennessee                     4.0       4.0        0.0
  Virginia                      4.4       4.6        0.2
  West Virginia                 3.8       4.1        0.3
Southwest                       5.0       5.1        0.1
  Arizona                       4.7       4.7        0.0
  New Mexico                    4.4       4.4        0.0
  Oklahoma                      4.6       4.8        0.2
  Texas                         5.1       5.3        0.2
Rocky Mountain                  4.2       4.4        0.2
  Colorado                      3.7       3.9        0.2
  Idaho                         4.3       4.4        0.1
  Montana                       4.6       5.1        0.5
  Utah                          4.9       5.1        0.2
  Wyoming                       5.6       6.1        0.5
Far West                        3.7       3.9        0.2
  Alaska                        4.8       5.2        0.4
  California                    3.5       3.8        0.3
  Hawaii                        5.0       5.0        0.0
  Nevada                        4.2       4.3        0.1
  Oregon                        3.7       3.8        0.1
  Washington                    4.3       4.3        0.0

United States                   3.8       3.9        0.1

Table J. Revisions to Per Capita Personal Income for 2012

                             Dollars                  Rank

                       Previously   Revised   Previously   Revised
                       published              published

Alabama                    35,625    35,926           42        42
Alaska                     46,778    49,436           10         8
Arizona                    35,979    36,243           41        41
Arkansas                   34,723    35,437           45        45
California                 44,980    46,477           15        12
Colorado                   45,135    45,775           13        16
Connecticut                58,908    59,687            1         1
Delaware                   41,940    44,224           23        22
District of Columbia       74,710    74,773          ...       ...
Florida                    40,344    41,012           27        27
Georgia                    36,869    37,449           40        40
Hawaii                     44,024    44,767           17        20
Idaho                      33,749    34,481           49        49
Illinois                   44,815    45,832           16        15
Indiana                    36,902    38,119           39        38
Iowa                       42,126    43,935           22        23
Kansas                     41,835    43,015           24        24
Kentucky                   35,041    35,643           44        44
Louisiana                  39,413    40,057           29        30
Maine                      39,481    40,087           28        29
Maryland                   51,971    53,816            5         5
Massachusetts              54,687    55,976            2         2
Michigan                   37,497    38,291           35        36
Minnesota                  46,227    46,925           11        11
Mississippi                33,073    33,657           50        50
Missouri                   39,049    39,133           31        33
Montana                    37,370    38,555           36        35
Nebraska                   43,143    45,012           20        19
Nevada                     37,361    38,221           37        37
New Hampshire              47,058    49,129            9         9
New Jersey                 53,628    54,987            3         3
New Mexico                 35,079    35,682           43        43
New York                   52,095    53,241            4         6
North Carolina             37,049    37,910           38        39
North Dakota               51,893    54,871            6         4
Ohio                       39,289    40,057           30        30
Oklahoma                   39,006    40,620           32        28
Oregon                     38,786    39,166           33        32
Pennsylvania               43,616    45,083           19        18
Rhode Island               44,990    45,877           14        14
South Carolina             34,266    35,056           48        48
South Dakota               43,659    45,381           18        17
Tennessee                  37,678    38,752           34        34
Texas                      41,471    42,638           25        25
Utah                       34,601    35,430           46        46
Vermont                    42,994    44,545           21        21
Virginia                   47,082    48,377            8        10
Washington                 45,413    46,045           12        13
West Virginia              34,477    35,082           47        47
Wisconsin                  40,537    42,121           26        26
Wyoming                    48,670    50,567            7         7
New England                52,446    53,600            1         1
Mideast                    50,237    51,598            2         2
Great Lakes                40,255    41,260            6         5
Plains                     42,738    43.712            4         4
Southeast                  38,382    39,137            8         8
Southwest                  39,946    40,973            7         7
Rocky Mountain             40,321    41,135            5         6
Far West                   44,195    45,463            3         3

United States              42,693    43,735          ...       ...

Table K. Contributions of Revisions to Personal Income by Component
for Select States for 2012

                Percent          Contributions to the revision
                revision              (Percentage points)

                                       Supplements to     Nonfarm
                Personal   Wages and     wages and      proprietors'
                 Income    salaries       salaries         income

North Dakota         5.7        0.26            -1.16           0.77
Alaska               5.7        1.84             0.36          -0.23
Delaware             5.4        1.30             1.06           1.34
New Hampshire        4.4        0.66             0.35          -0.51
Nebraska             4.3        0.16             0.48           1.04
Iowa                 4.3        0.01             0.24           1.98
Oklahoma             4.1        0.55            -1.31           2.91
United States        2.4        0.35             0.04           0.02

                        Contributions to the revision
                             (Percentage points)

                    Farm        Dividends,        Personal
                proprietors'   interest, and   current transfer
                   income          rent           receipts

North Dakota            1.53            3.75             -0.07
Alaska                  0.00            3.83              0.44
Delaware                0.19            2.40              0.29
New Hampshire          -0.01            3.28             -0.14
Nebraska                0.57            2.05             -0.05
Iowa                    0.05            2.23             -0.44
Oklahoma               -0.24            2.33             -0.04
United States           0.03            2.14             -0.13

                 Contributions to the revision
                      (Percentage points)

                for government
                    social       Adjustment for
                  insurance        residence

North Dakota             -0.09             0.58
Alaska                    0.44            -0.12
Delaware                  0.30            -0.82
New Hampshire             0.01             0.79
Nebraska                 -0.06             0.03
Iowa                     -0.23             0.00
Oklahoma                  0.05            -0.01
United States             0.02             0.02

State and National Estimates of Personal Income
[Billions of dollars]

                                          2010       2011       2012

Personal income in the NIPAs            12,435.2   13,191.3   13,743.8

Plus adjustments for:

Coverage differences                       -13.6      -16.2      -15.0
  Federal workers abroad                   -24.7      -27.5      -26.8
    Wages and salaries                     -17.0      -18.6      -18.0
    Supplements to wages and
      salaries (1)                          -5.5       -0.1       -5.9
    Dividends, interest, and rent (2)       -3.9       -4.4       -4.5
    Less: Contributions for
      government social insurance           -1.7       -1.6       -1.6
  Rest-of-the-world difference              11.1       11.3       11.8
    Wages of private foreign
      nationals in U.S.                     12.2       12.4       12.9
    Wages of private U.S. residents
      abroad                                -1.1       -1.1       -1.1

Use of more current source data              2.7        5.4        1.4
  Wages and salaries                         0.1        0.1        0.1
  Proprietors' income                        2.6        5.3        1.3
  Personal current transfer receipts        <0.1       <0.1       <0.1
Statistical discrepancy (3)                 -1.0       -0.9       -1.1
Equals: State personal income           12,423.3   13,179.6   13,729.1

(1.) Employer contributions for government social insurance and for
employee pension and insurance funds for Federal workers stationed

(2.) Investment income received by Federal retirement plans that is
attributed to Federal workers stationed abroad.

(3.) Includes revisions made in the NIPAs that are not yet reflected
in state personal income concerning wages of border workers and
foreign nationals working for international organizations.