Research spotlight: a prototype BEA/BLS industry-level production account for the United States.
Fleck, Susan ; Rosenthal, Steven ; Russell, Matthew 等
IN RECENT YEARS, structural changes at the industry level in the
United States and their implications for competitiveness have emerged as
important economic issues. The most recent business cycle and subsequent
recovery in particular led to heightened interest in understanding the
sources of economic growth, including output, input, and multifactor
productivity (MFP) growth across all industries in the U.S. economy.
To better understand the sources of economic growth, productivity
statistics integrated with gross domestic product (GDP) statistics have
long been sought as a rich source of information for policy makers,
business analysts, and economists. The usefulness of such integrated
statistics on the sources of growth within the framework of the U.S.
national income and product accounts (NIPAs) was first presented by
Jorgenson and Landefeld (2006) in A New Architecture for the U.S.
National Accounts. In that same volume, Fraumeni, Harper, Powers, and
Yuskavage (2006) established the groundwork for a collaboration by the
Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to create a production account.
Since 2010, the two agencies have been working toward creating a
prototype production account. This Research Spotlight summarizes a
lengthier, more detailed report on the prototype integrated production account that was recently published on the BEA Web site.
The initial results of the prototype account show the following:
* In 1998-2010, capital accounted for about 60 percent of U.S.
economic growth, labor accounted for about 10 percent, and MFP accounted
for about 30 percent of growth.
* In 48 out of 63 industries, at least one KLEMS (K-capital,
L-labor, E-energy, M-materials, and S-purchased services) input to
production was a more important source of real gross output growth than
was MFE
GDP by industry statistics provide detailed information on the
industry sources of aggregate value added growth but do not include
estimates of the contributions of capital and labor inputs and MFP to
economic growth. MFP measures provide detailed information on the output
per unit of capital, labor, and intermediate inputs. MFP growth is
calculated as the growth that cannot be explained by changes in the
combined contribution of these three factor inputs. The official MFP
measures provide information on components of economic growth in the
market economy but do not report detailed information on the nonmarket
economy. While these two sets of statistics share a common economic
accounting framework, in the United States, they are prepared by two
separate agencies. GDP statistics are published by BEA, of the U.S.
Department of Commerce. Labor productivity and MFP statistics are
published by BLS of the U.S. Department of Labor. Differences in
concepts and methods used by each agency persist because of the
different nature of each program, but each statistical program depends
on the other to prepare its official measures.
To estimate the contributions of MFP and each input to individual
industries' output growth and to growth in the total gross output
of the economy, economy-wide MFP measures have been developed in a joint
exercise by BLS and BEA. This prototype account builds on the GDP by
industry statistics produced by BEA and the capital, labor and MFP
statistics produced by BLS to assemble an industry-level production
account for the United States that is consistent with GDE The key
feature of this internally consistent prototype account is to provide
values, prices, and quantities of outputs and inputs used in the
industry production process. This set of accounts allows one to
decompose the industry contributions of inputs and MFP and identify them
as sources of GDP growth at the aggregate level.
This prototype, integrated economy-wide account for the United
States spans 1998-2010 on a 2002 North American Industry Classification
(NAICS) basis and covers all NIPA-level industries in the market and
non-market sectors. The account incorporates gross output, value added,
and intermediate inputs (which comprises energy, materials, and
purchased services) statistics by industry from BEA and labor and
capital input measures by industry from BLS. Both the BEA and BLS data
are consistent with the annual industry accounts statistics as of
December 2011. The BLS labor and capital measures reflect adjustments
that were made where necessary to provide consistency in concepts and
coverage for this prototype account. (1)
The prototype production account presents contributions of KLEMS
inputs and MFP to gross output growth for the total economy at the
NIPA-industry level, or roughly the three-digit NAICS level of industry
detail, based on a gross-output production accounting framework. (2) The
gross output concept differs from the sectoral concept used by BLS in
its industry-level MFP statistics. The sectoral approach excludes
intermediate production and purchases that come from within the industry
(that is, intraindustry transactions) from both output and inputs. This
is the primary conceptual difference between the MFP measures presented
here and the official BLS productivity statistics. (3) Both approaches
are discussed in Schreyer (2001).
In this production account, we used the gross-output approach
because it provides a clear crosswalk to published BEA statistics on
GDP, GDP by industry, and the input-output accounts, including estimates
of gross output, value added, and intermediate inputs by industry. The
starting point for this prototype production account is the fundamental
economic accounting identity that (assuming zero profits), the value of
gross output equals the value of payments for KLEMS inputs to
production, including intraindustry transactions. The complete set of
accounts decomposes changes in these values over time into changes in
prices and changes in quantities, thus permitting an index number
estimate of MFP growth by industry. This study also includes estimates
of the Domar-weighted contributions of industry MFP to economy-wide MFP.
(4) We also include illustrative results of a labor composition
adjustment to BLS industry labor hours in order to better understand its
impact on estimating the contribution of labor input and MFP by
industry. This adjustment for labor composition reflects the
heterogeneity of each industry's workforce and yields a symmetric treatment of labor and capital services.
The remainder of the article discusses the following:
* Results of the prototype industry-level account
* The methodology for this prototype industry-level account
* The conceptual and measurement challenges that require resolution
before this account can be released on a regular basis
* Possible future work and next steps in this important
A First Look at the Results
This prototype, BEA/BLS industry-level production account can be
used to trace the sources of U.S. economic growth across all
goods-producing and services-producing industries in the U.S. economy in
1998-2010 (chart 1 follows the article). This new production account
presents the contributions of both value added and intermediate input
factors of production and the contribution of MFP to real gross output
growth, at roughly the three-digit NAICS industry level as published in
the annual industry accounts.
The new account provides a wealth of useful information by
measuring the contributions of output growth from each industry's
KLEMS inputs--both its primary, value added inputs (capital and labor),
and its secondary, intermediate inputs (energy, materials and
services)--and from MFE That information can be used to estimate key
contributions to economic growth. Table A presents the sources of
aggregate value added growth (economic) for the United States that are
attributable to the primary, value added inputs (capital and labor) and
to MFE
Table B extends the analysis by showing the contributions of all
KLEMS inputs and MFP on gross output growth. Gross output is a broad
measure of economic activity that includes intermediate activity, that
is, economic activity used in the production process. GDP is defined as
gross output less spending on intermediate inputs (energy, material and
purchased services).
Table B ranks the NIPA-level industries by largest positive
contribution of intermediate inputs, capital and labor. The
contributions from at least one of the primary, value added inputs
(capital and labor) or secondary, intermediate inputs (energy,
materials, and purchased services) were greater than MFP growth in more
than 75 percent of the 63 industries included in this account.
In the three industries with the largest percent changes in gross
output--support activities for mining; securities, commodity contracts,
investments; and information and data processing services--intermediate
input contributions were the largest contributor to the percent changes
in gross output, reflecting their relative weight as well as recent
trends in the sourcing of production (table B). In 6 of the top 10
industries with the strongest output growth, intermediate inputs were
the most significant factor. Conversely, in all but one of the 10
industries that showed the largest output decline, negative intermediate
input contributions were the largest contributors.
Among capital-intensive industries, "rental and leasing"
and "information and data processing services" were among the
industries with the largest capital contributions to output growth
(table B). For rental and leasing, capital contributed 2.89 percentage
points to output growth of 1.7 percent. For information and data
processing services, capital contributed 1.76 percentage points to real
output growth of 7.8 percent.
Similarly, several labor-intensive industries had the highest labor
contribution to output growth (table B). Computer systems design and
related services, education services, and ambulatory health care
services were among the industries with the highest labor contributions
to output growth.
This section provides a brief overview of the conceptual framework and estimation methods used to prepare the prototype BEA/BLS
industry-level production account. It describes the gross-output growth
accounting framework, discusses the estimation methods used to prepare
our results, and summarizes the source data methods used by BEA and BLS
to produce the gross output, value added, intermediate inputs, capital
input, and labor input used in this account, including adjustments we
made to achieve better integration of these data sets.
Conceptual overview of measurement
For the prototype BEA/BLS production account framework, we assume
the following type of production function relating gross output of an
industry to three factor inputs using the gross output production
function model: Q = F(K, L, 11, t) where Q stands for gross output, K
stands for capital inputs, L stands for labor inputs, H stands for the
intermediate inputs, and t stands for time. (5)
Under the assumption of constant returns to scale, perfect
competition, and factors being paid their marginal product, the
gross-output growth model can be rearranged in terms of MFP growth
computed in the following, simplified ways.
dlnQ/dt = (([delta]lnK/[delta]lnK) x ([delta]Q/[delta]lnII x
dlnII/dt) + ([delta]lnQ/[delta]lnL x dlnL/dt) + ([delta]lnQ/[delta]t))
[delta]lnQ/[delta]t = [dlnQ/dt] - ([delta]lnQ/[delta]lnK x dlnK/dt)
- ([[delta]lnQ/[delta]lnII] x [dlnII/dt]) - ([[delta]lnQ/[delta]L] x
With the above assumptions, the unknown elasticities can be
replaced with the observable factor share [v.sub.i]. for each input.
Shown below is the factor share for capital input:
[delta]ln/[delta]lnK = [[P.sub.K] K =
CapitalCompensation]/[([P.sub.K] K + [P.sub.L] L + [P.sub.II] II) =
TotalCompensation] = [v.sub.K]
Where [P.sub.K] is the price of capital, [P.sub.L] is the price of
labor, and [P.sub.II] is the price of intermediate inputs.
The assumption of constant returns to scale ensures that the factor
shares sum to one.
Where [v.sub.K] + [v.sub.L] + [V.sub.II] = 1
In discrete time, the input weights are 2-year averages of the cost
shares for each input in years t and t-l, where [??] = 1/2 [v.sub.K],
[t.sup.+] 1/2 [V.sub.K], t-1
MFP growth can be rewritten in the following way, relating MFP
growth for an industry as the residual of the difference in the growth
in output and the growth in the combined inputs:
MFP growth = [DELTA]ln Q - [v.sub.K] [DELTA]Ln (K)-[v.sub.L]
[DELTA]ln (L) - [v.sub.II] [DELTA]ln (II)
There are no assumptions restricting individual industries in this
analysis of MFP; each industry faces the above production function
individually and without regard to any other industry.
Estimation methods
The MFP index is computed by dividing an index of real gross output
by an index of combined inputs. A combined real input measure is
computed using a Tornqvist index number formula that aggregates real
intermediate inputs by industry for energy, materials, and purchased
services with the labor and capital input using average cost shares. (6)
The current-dollar cost shares of the three main input components
are generated using published and computed data sets. The current dollar
intermediate inputs measure is a sum of the current-dollar energy,
material, and purchased-services expenditures of an industry from the
BEA annual industry accounts. The current dollar labor component is a
measure of the compensation of workers in that industry. The BEA
published labor compensation statistics are supplemented to include the
self-employed compensation estimate using the assumption that
self-employed workers receive similar wages to the payrolled employees.
Lastly, current-dollar capital compensation is computed as a residual of
the value of gross output less the sum of labor compensation and
intermediate input expenditures. (7)
The average share of intermediate inputs is an industry's
current-dollar expenditure on energy, materials, and services divided by
the value of the industry's gross-output production averaged over
two periods. The average share for the remaining inputs is computed in a
similar fashion. The KLEMS measures are aggregated using the average
cost shares and the quantity indexes of each input.
BEA's industry accounts provide a time series of
current-dollar and real gross output, intermediate inputs, and value
added defined according to the 2002 NAICS (Mayerhauser and Strassner,
2010). These accounts are integrated conceptually and statistically with
final expenditures and GDP from the NIPAs and are prepared within a
balanced input-output framework that allows for integrated analysis of
industry output, inputs, employment, and final demand. In 2005, these
accounts were expanded to provide additional information on the
composition of intermediate inputs by industry, which made these
accounts more useful in observing changes in spending related to energy,
materials, and purchased services (Strassner, Medeiros, and Smith 2005).
Capital inputs are computed in accordance with a service flow
concept for physical capital assets--equipment, structures, inventories,
and land. Capital inputs are calculated in three steps: (1) a detailed
array of capital stocks is identified for asset types in each industry;
(2) asset-type capital stocks are aggregated by industry to measure
capital input for each industry; and (3) industry capital inputs are
aggregated to measure sector-level capital input. The development of
nonmanufacturing productivity measures in 2010 created the foundation
for the development of capital service measures for economy-wide
NIPA-level industries (Harper, Khandrika, Kinoshita, and Rosenthal,
The labor hours reflect annual hours worked of all employed
persons. Hours are measured separately for different categories of
workers in each industry and are then summed. Hours for each industry
and category of worker are calculated as the product of employment,
average weekly hours, and 52 weeks per year. The hours are also adjusted
to reflect hours at work. Hours worked for NIPA-level industries are
based on the data and methods used to calculate hours in the BLS
detailed industry productivity and cost measures, and were aggregated
from estimates for more detailed industries. Industry classifications
were adjusted where necessary to improve consistency with the BEA
industry accounts.
Conceptual and Measurement Challenges
This prototype industry-level production account represents an
important step in integrating the national accounts with MFP statistics.
However, concerns and challenges remain. Differences arise in part
because of the different goals of BEA and BLS. BEA's mission is to
promote a better understanding of the U.S. economy by providing the most
timely, relevant, and accurate economic accounts, which has led to the
development of a set of accounts that provides complete and consistent
coverage of the domestic output of the entire economy. BLS's
mission is to provide maximum reliability in its productivity measures
using economic concepts and methods that are most appropriate for
measuring productivity and to ensure consistency between its official
labor productivity series and multifactor productivity series.
As a result, some of the data presented here reflect differences in
concepts and coverage from the official BLS productivity data. The
effort to measure industry output and productivity covering the total
economy, while consistent with domestic GDP, differs from the BLS
approach. The official BLS productivity measures reflect the market
sector rather than the total economy. They exclude certain activities
(such as government, private households, and nonprofit institutions)
because of conceptual challenges in measuring output and capital in the
nonmarket sector. In addition, the use of a gross output concept for
measuring multifactor productivity in the production accounts contrasts
with the sectoral output approach used in the BLS industry multifactor
productivity measures.
Conclusions and Possible Next Steps
This research marks a significant milestone toward creating an
integrated, industry-level production account for the United States. It
builds on a long-standing history of collaboration between BEA and BLS
and illustrates the importance of understanding the sources of economic
growth, including KLEMS inputs and MFP growth, within an integrated
national economic accounts framework, as first described by Jorgenson
and Landefeld (2006).
However, much work remains before a BEA/BLS industry-level
production account will be released on a regular basis. Challenges
include an increasingly tough budgetary resource environment for
introducing new initiatives in addition to methodology considerations
seeking resolution in future work by BEA and BLS on this account.
The full report on the prototype, integrated industry-level
production account is available on the BEA Web site
and on the BLS Web site at
We thank Billy Jolliff, Sarah Osborne, and Peter Kuhbach of the
Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) and Kevin Delaney, Mark Dumas, Bhavani
Khandrika, and Randall Kinoshita of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
for substantial contributions to the development of this prototype
account. Carol E. Moylan of BEA and John Ruser of BLS provided valuable
guidance to this project.
We are also grateful to Dale Jorgenson of Harvard University and
BEA's Advisory Committee, Mun Ho of The Institute of Quantitative
Social Science at Harvard University, and Ion Samuels of BEA for their
advice and consultation throughout this project and for sharing
underlying data sets from their work, which proved to be of great
benefit in developing this account.
We are also grateful for the helpful comments we received at the
2na World KLEMS conference held at Harvard University on August 9-10,
Fraumeni, Barbara M., Michael J. Harper, Susan G. Powers, and
Robert E. Yuskavage. 2006. "An Integrated BEA/BLS Production
Account: A First Step and Theoretical Considerations?' In A New
Architecture for the U.S. National Accounts, eds. Dale W. Jorgenson, J.
Steven Landefeld, and William D. Nordhaus, 355-435. Chicago: University
of Chicago Press, for the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Harper, Michael J., Bhavani Khandrika, Randall Kinoshita, and
Steven Rosenthal. 2010. "Nonmanufacturing Industry Contributions to
Multifactor Productivity, 1987-20067." Monthly Labor Review 133,
no. 6 (June): 3-15.
Jorgenson, Dale W., Frank Gollop, and Barbara Fraumeni. 1987.
Productivity and U.S. Economic Growth. Harvard University Press.
Jorgenson, Dale W., Mun S. Ho, Kevin Stiroh. 2005. Productivity,
Information Technology and the American Growth Resurgence, Volume 3.
Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
Jorgenson, Dale W., and J. Steven Landefeld. 2006. "Blueprint for Expanded and Integrated U.S. Accounts: Review, Assessment, and Next
Steps." In A New Architecture for the U.S. National Accounts, eds.
Dale W. Jorgenson, J. Steven Landefeld, and William D. Nordhaus, 13-112.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, for the National Bureau of
Economic Research.
Mayerhauser, Nicole M., and Erich H. Strassner. 2010. "Preview
of the Comprehensive Revision of the Annual Industry Accounts: Changes
in Definitions, Classifications, and Statistical Methods." SURVEY
OF CURRENT BUSINESS 90 (March): 21-34.
National Academy of Sciences. 1979. Measurement and Interpretation
of Productivity. Washington, DC: National Research Council.
Schreyer, Paul. 2001. Productivity Manual: A Guide to the
Measurement of Industry-Level and Aggregate Productivity Growth. Paris:
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, March.
Strassner, Erich H., Gabriel W. Medeiros, and George M. Smith.
2005. "Annual Industry Accounts: Introducing KLEMS Input Estimates
for 1997-2003" SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS 85 (September): 31-65.
(1.) BLS regularly publishes labor and capital measures that are
consistent with NIPA industry-level definitions, but with differences in
coverage and concepts that will be discussed later in this paper. For
this account, we incorporate data across all legal forms of organization
at the industry level to ensure consistency with GDP.
(2.) Jorgenson, Gollop, and Fraumeni (1987) and Jorgenson, Ho, and
Stiroh (2005) rely on gross output measures.
(3.) The National Academy of Sciences (1979) (Reese) Panel to
Review Productivity Statistics recommended a sectoral framework for
measuring productivity. Aggregating industry-level sectoral output to
the total economy produces value-added output. The sectoral framework
provides a unifying rationale of output measurement from detailed
industry to major sectors.
(4.) Domar weights consist of the ratio of an industry's
current dollar gross output divided by aggregate value added. These
weights are unique in that they sum to more than one, reflecting the
fact that an increase in an industry's productivity has a direct
effect on the industry's output as well a secondary effect through
the output of one industry delivered to another as intermediate inputs.
All industries' Domar-weighted MFP growth, when summed, roughly
equal economy-wide MFP.
(5.) For simplicity, we express total intermediate inputs instead
of the separate cost components of energy, materials, and purchased
This model is also used by the BLS for its published measures for
the business sector, with the exception that Q is sectoral output
and//reflects the subtraction of intraindustry inputs from intermediate
(6.) BEA's national and industry accounts use Fisher-ideal
indexes to express official chain-type price and quantity indexes. This
study follows the productivity literature and uses the Tornqvist index
for aggregation.
(7.) This is a common assumption in productivity literature and
ensures that the factor shares sum to unity.
Susan Fleck, Steven Rosenthal, and Lisa Usher are economists in the
Office of Productivity and Technology at the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Matthew Russell and Erich Strassner are economists in the Industry
Economic Accounts Directorate at the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Table A. Contributions to Economywide Value-Added
Growth in 1998-2010
Value-added growth for all industries 1.90
Labor input 0.20
College graduate 0.46
No college degree -0.25
Capital input 1.15
Aggregate multifactor productivity 0.56
NOTE. Growth is expressed as the difference in natural logs. The
components may not sum to totals because of rounding.
Table B. Largest Contributions to Output Growth by Factor Input in
[Percentage points]
Capital Labor
Largest intermediate contributions
Support activities for mining 0.13 0.78
Securities, commodity contracts,
investments -0.39 0.85
Information and data processing services 1.76 0.34
Federal government 0.10 0.36
Federal Reserve banks, credit
intermediation, and related activities 1.38 0.12
Largest capital contributions
Rental and leasing services and lessors of
intangible assets 2.89 -0.11
Information and data processing services 1.76 0.34
Legal services 1.68 0.39
Broadcasting and telecommunication 1.66 -0.36
Publishing 1.62 -0.41
Largest labor contributions
Computer systems design and related
services -0.13 2.30
Educational services 0.21 1.67
Ambulatory health care services 0.29 1.60
Warehousing and storage 0.39 1.52
Management of companies and enterprises 1.19 1.44
Intermediate Energy
Largest intermediate contributions
Support activities for mining 6.26 0.27
Securities, commodity contracts,
investments 5.36 -0.02
Information and data processing services 3.93 0.03
Federal government 2.23 0.04
Federal Reserve banks, credit
intermediation, and related activities 1.93 0.00
Largest capital contributions
Rental and leasing services and lessors of
intangible assets 0.22 -0.02
Information and data processing services 3.93 0.03
Legal services -0.33 -0.01
Broadcasting and telecommunication 1.35 -0.01
Publishing 1.05 -0.02
Largest labor contributions
Computer systems design and related
services 1.54 -0.01
Educational services 0.96 0.03
Ambulatory health care services 0.85 0.00
Warehousing and storage 1.67 0.11
Management of companies and enterprises 1.01 0.00
Material Service
Largest intermediate contributions
Support activities for mining 2.98 3.01
Securities, commodity contracts,
investments 0.10 5.28
Information and data processing services 0.60 3.31
Federal government 0.26 1.92
Federal Reserve banks, credit
intermediation, and related activities 0.03 1.90
Largest capital contributions
Rental and leasing services and lessors of
intangible assets 0.00 0.24
Information and data processing services 0.60 3.31
Legal services -0.05 -0.27
Broadcasting and telecommunication 0.28 1.08
Publishing -0.09 1.16
Largest labor contributions
Computer systems design and related
services 0.28 1.26
Educational services 0.16 0.77
Ambulatory health care services 0.11 0.73
Warehousing and storage 0.20 1.37
Management of companies and enterprises 0.20 0.81
MFP Output
Largest intermediate contributions
Support activities for mining 1.70 8.86
Securities, commodity contracts,
investments 2.52 8.33
Information and data processing services 1.77 7.81
Federal government 0.22 2.90
Federal Reserve banks, credit
intermediation, and related activities 0.67 4.10
Largest capital contributions
Rental and leasing services and lessors of
intangible assets -1.31 1.69
Information and data processing services 1.77 7.81
Legal services -1.8 -0.06
Broadcasting and telecommunication 1.79 4.44
Publishing 0.16 2.43
Largest labor contributions
Computer systems design and related
services 2.52 6.23
Educational services -1.19 1.65
Ambulatory health care services 0.53 3.27
Warehousing and storage 0.27 3.86
Management of companies and enterprises -2.54 1.11
MFP Multifactor productivity