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  • 标题:Annual industry accounts advance estimates for 2004.
  • 作者:Strassner, Erich H. ; Howells, Thomas F. III
  • 期刊名称:Survey of Current Business
  • 印刷版ISSN:0039-6222
  • 出版年度:2005
  • 期号:May
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:U.S. Government Printing Office
  • 摘要:These estimates, which were released on April 20, 2005, by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), reflect newly available source data on the distribution of growth in real GDP and inflation by industry. Highlights of the advance estimates include the following:
  • 关键词:Economic development;Gross domestic product;Manufacturing industries;Manufacturing industry

Annual industry accounts advance estimates for 2004.

Strassner, Erich H. ; Howells, Thomas F. III

IN 2004, the U.S. economy's continuing strength reflected robust growth in the services-producing sector, moderating growth in the goods-producing sector, and a modest acceleration in prices, according to the advance estimates of gross domestic product (GDP) by industry.

These estimates, which were released on April 20, 2005, by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), reflect newly available source data on the distribution of growth in real GDP and inflation by industry. Highlights of the advance estimates include the following:

* Real growth in 7 of the 10 broad industry groups in the private services-producing sector exceeded growth in real GDP. Overall, the services-producing sector grew 5.1 percent in 2004 after growing 3.2 percent in 2003, accounting for almost 70 percent of current-dollar GDP and for more than three-fourths of the 4.4-percent growth in real GDP.

* The manufacturing group, which makes up about 65 percent of the private goods-producing sector, continued to recover, but its growth rate moderated to 4.3 percent from 4.5 percent.

* Information-communications-technology-(ICT)-producing industries, which includes industries from both the goods-producing and services-producing sectors, again contributed substantially to real GDP growth. These industries increased 14.7 percent after increasing 13.2 percent.

* The finance, insurance, real estate, rental, and leasing services industry group, part of the services-producing sector, contributed about 25 percent to real GDP growth, more than any other industry group. It also accounted for a larger share of current-dollar GDP (20.7 percent) than the entire goods-producing sector (19.6 percent).

* Prices in the goods-producing sector increased 3.9 percent--the fastest increase since 1989. The increase reflected rising prices of petroleum, wood, and metal products that were only partly offset by falling prices of computer and electronic products. Prices for durable-goods manufacturing industries increased 2.1 percent--the first increase since 1994. The advance estimates for 2004 were released 4 months after the end of the year. (1) The estimates were made for broad industry groups using a methodology that incorporated summary source data that were made available with the "final" estimate of fourth-quarter GDP from the national income and product accounts (NIPAs). The advance estimates will be revised in late 2005 and will incorporate more detailed industry source data. The revised estimates will be prepared using BEA's integrated annual industry accounts methodology and will include the GDP-by-industry accounts and the input-output accounts. (2)

The remainder of this article includes a discussion of industry trends and developments, an appendix describing the methodology used to prepare the advance estimates, and seven tables that present the advance estimates for 2004 and more detailed estimates for 2001-2003 (see the box "Data Availability"). Areas of future research are also discussed (see the box "Future Work").

Industry Performance

Several key industry trends identified in 2003 continued in 2004. The private services-producing sector continued to lead real growth in the overall U.S. economy. The goods-producing sector--powered by mining, construction, and the continued recovery of manufacturing--accelerated. ICT-producing industries continued to grow strongly. And prices accelerated in many industries, most notably in the goods-producing sector.

Real economic growth

Services-producing sector. The private services-producing sector, which accounts for almost 70 percent of current-dollar GDP, continued to lead the economic expansion in 2004 and to outpace the private goods-producing sector (table A). (3)

For the services-producing sector, real value added, which measures the contribution of an industry's labor and capital to real GDP, grew 5.1 percent, surpassing both the 3.2-percent growth in 2003 and the 4.6-percent average annual growth in 1995-2000 (chart 1). (4) The services-producing sector contributed a substantial 3.42 percentage points to the 4.4-percent growth in real GDP (table B). (5)

Seven of the ten services-producing industry groups increased faster than real GDR Of these seven groups, the largest contributors to GDP growth were the finance, insurance, real estate, rental, and leasing services industry group and the professional and business services industry group.

The finance, insurance, real estate, rental, and leasing services industry group accelerated, growing 5.6 percent in 2004 after growing 3.2 percent in 2003 (table C). This group accounted for 20.7 percent of current-dollar GDP, a larger share than that of the entire goods-producing sector, and it accounted for about a fourth, or 1.14 percentage points, of real GDP growth. Growth in this group was evenly driven by strong growth in the real estate and rental and leasing industry group (4.1 percent) and in the finance and insurance industry group (7.8 percent).

The professional and business services group increased 4.8 percent in 2004 and contributed 0.55 percentage point to real GDP growth. Real growth in this group was widespread. Administrative and waste management services grew 6.0 percent; management of companies and enterprises grew 5.8 percent; and professional, scientific, and technical services grew 4.1 percent.

Goods-producing sector. The private goods-producing sector grew 3.1 percent in 2004, after growing 2.8 percent in 2003 and after averaging 4.7-percent growth in 1995-2000. This sector accounted for about 14 percent of real GDP growth after accounting for about 18 percent of real GDP growth in 2003. In 2004, only one of the five goods-producing industry groups increased faster than real GDP.

The goods-producing sector was led by strong growth in manufacturing and by strong upturns in mining and in construction. The manufacturing industry group continued to recover; real value added increased 4.3 percent. Overall, this group accounted for 90 percent of the goods-producing sector's 0.60-percentage-point contribution to real GDP growth. Real value added for the mining industry group increased 2.2 percent after falling 7.0 percent in 2003, and real value added for the construction industry increased 2.2 percent after decreasing 0.3 percent.

ICT-producing industries. The ICT-producing industries continued to fuel real GDP growth in 2004; real value added increased 14.7 percent (chart 2). (6) These industries accounted for just 4.2 percent of current-dollar GDP, but they contributed 0.58 percentage point to real GDP growth, about the same as the entire goods-producing sector.

For the second consecutive year, ICT-producing industries contributed substantially to growth in both the goods-producing sector and the services-producing sector. Real value added for durable-goods manufacturing industries, which include computer and electronic products, increased 5.9 percent and accounted for most of the 3.1-percent growth in the goods-producing sector. Real value added for the information industry group, which includes software publishing and information and data processing, increased 9.8 percent, exceeding its average annual rate of growth in 1995-2000. The information group accounted for just 4.7 percent of current-dollar GDP but for 10 percent of real GDP growth. The professional, scientific, and technical services industries, which include computer systems design and related services, accounted for more than half of the 4.8-percent growth in the overall professional and business services group.


In 2004, for the second consecutive year, value-added price growth in the goods-producing sector more than doubled the increase in the services-producing sector (chart 3). (7) Prices in the private goods-producing sector rose 3.9 percent, well above the average annual growth rate of 0.3 percent in 1995-2000. In the services-producing sector, prices increased 1.8 percent and accounted for nearly three-fifths of the 2.1-percent growth in GDP price. (8)

In 2004, prices rose in 8 of the 10 services-producing industry groups. Prices in the finance, insurance, real estate, rental, and leasing services industry group increased 2.0 percent and accounted for about 20 percent of the growth in GDP prices (table D). Prices in the finance and insurance industry group increased 2.2 percent, the largest increase since 1997. Prices in the real estate and rental and leasing industry group increased 1.9 percent. Prices in retail trade decreased 1.6 percent, and prices in "other services, except government" decreased 2.2 percent.

The increase in prices in the goods-producing sector was largely driven by a sharp upturn in prices in durable-goods manufacturing industries and by an acceleration in prices in the construction industry. Prices in the manufacturing industry group increased 2.2 percent, the first increase since 1995. Prices in durable-goods manufacturing industries increased 2.1 percent, the first increase since 1994. This increase reflected rising prices for wood and metal products that were only partly offset by falling prices in the computer and electronic products industry. Prices in the construction industry increased 5.7 percent after increasing 4.9 percent in 2003.

Prices for ICT-producing industries decreased 3.7 percent in 2004 after decreasing 5.4 percent in 2003. The decrease restrained the growth in GDP prices, contributing -0.16 percentage point to the growth in GDP prices (table E). The deflationary effect of ICT-producing industries on GDP prices was the smallest in a decade.

Appendix: Methodology for the Advance 2004 Estimates

The advance estimates for 2004 were estimated for broad industry groups and were estimated using a methodology that was developed to incorporate summary source data. This methodology differs from the methodology used to prepare the estimates from the integrated annual industry accounts. (9) The advance estimates are prepared at the 1997 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) three-digit industry level, and the preparation of the estimates uses a methodology that draws heavily on data from the NIPAs for both the current-dollar estimates and the real estimates of value added by industry. (10)

Current-dollar estimates. The current-dollar estimates of value added by industry are prepared by extrapolating the industry estimates of compensation of employees, gross operating surplus, and "taxes on production and imports less subsidies" by published and unpublished industry data from the NIPAs. (11) Compensation of employees by industry is extrapolated by the sum of industry wage and salary accruals and supplements to wages and salaries. Gross operating surplus by industry is extrapolated by the sum of industry corporate profits, proprietors' income, capital consumption allowances, net interest, and net business current transfer payments. These components account for nearly all of the gross operating surplus for most industries. Industry estimates of "taxes on production and imports less subsidies" are extrapolated by applying industry group estimates directly to each detailed industry. (12) Estimates of value added for farms and general government are NIPA estimates.

Real estimates. The chain-type price and quantity indexes and chained-dollar estimates of value added by industry are prepared using the single-deflation method: An industry's current-dollar estimate of value added is divided by the industry's gross output price index. (13) A Fisher aggregation of the detailed industries yields the chain-type price and quantity indexes for all industry groups. The gross output price indexes for detailed industries are implicit price deflators that are computed as current-dollar gross output divided by chained-dollar gross output. For detailed industries, both current-dollar and real gross output are extrapolated by a variety of source data from the NIPAs, from other Federal Government agencies, and from private institutions.

Data Availability

This article presents the advance estimates of the annual industry accounts for 2004. Estimates of value added by industry are presented in current dollars, chained (2000) dollars, chain-type quantity indexes, and chain-type price indexes. Annual input-output accounts for 2004 will not be available until late 2005. The estimates for 2004, as well as the full set of annual industry accounts, are available interactively on BENs Web site; go to <www.bea.gov>, and under "Industry," click on "Annual Industry Accounts."

Future Work

BEA is currently investigating two improvements to the advance estimates of the annual industry accounts. First, research is under way to incorporate a double-deflation procedure for computing real value added by industry. This method would be similar to that used for the integrated annual industry accounts, but the level of commodity detail used for the deflation of gross output and intermediate inputs would be less detailed. (1) Second, BEA is evaluating the feasibility of increasing the level of industry detail in order to include many of the industries currently published only as part of the integrated annual industry accounts and to include additional estimates, such as gross output and the components of value added.

(1.) More precisely, the deflation of intermediate inputs would be similar to that used to prepare the GDP-by-industry estimates for 1987-97. For more information, see Robert E. Yuskavage and Yvon H. Pho, "Gross Domestic Product by Industry for 1987-2000: New Estimates on the North American Industry Classification System," SURVEY 84 (November 2004): 38-39.
Table A. Value Added by Industry Group in Current Dollars as a
Percentage of Gross Domestic Product, 2001-2004

Line 2001 2002 2003 2004

 1 Gross domestic product 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
 2 Private industries 87.6 87.3 87.3 87.6
 3 Agriculture, forestry,
 fishing, and hunting 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.0
 4 Mining 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.3
 5 Utilities 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.1
 6 Construction 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6
 7 Manufacturing 13.2 12.8 12.7 12.7
 8 Durable goods 7.7 7.4 7.3 7.4
 9 Nondurablegoods 5.6 5.5 5.5 5.4
 10 Wholesale trade 6.0 6.0 5.9 5.9
 11 Retail trade 6.8 7.1 7.0 6.8
 12 Transportation and
 warehousing 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9
 13 Information 4.7 4.5 4.5 4.7
 14 Finance, insurance, real
 estate, rental, and
 leasing 20.3 20.5 20.4 20.7
 15 Professional and business
 services 11.5 11.3 11.3 11.4
 16 Educational services,
 health care, and social
 assistance 7.3 7.6 7.7 7.7
 17 Arts, entertainment,
 recreation, accommodation,
 and food services 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6
 18 Other services, except
 government 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.3
 19 Government 12.4 12.7 12.7 12.4
 20 Private goods-producing
 industries (1) 20.0 19.3 19.5 19.6
 21 Private services-producing
 industries (2) 67.6 68.0 67.8 68.0
 22 Information-communications-
 industries (3) 4.2 4.0 4.0 4.2

(1.) Consists of agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting; mining;
construction; and manufacturing.

(2.) Consists of utilities; wholesale trade; retail trade;
transportation and warehousing; information; finance, insurance, real
estate, rental, and leasing; professional and business services;
educational services, health care, and social assistance; arts,
entertainment, recreation, accommodation, and food services; and other
services, except government.

(3.) Consists of computer and electronic products; publishing
industries (includes software); information and data processing
services; and computer systems design and related services.

Table B. Contributions to Percent Change in Real Gross Domestic
Product by Industry Group

Line 2001

 Percent change:
 1 Gross domestic product 0.8
 Percentage points:
 2 Private industries 0.80
 3 Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting -0.06
 4 Mining -0.07
 5 Utilities -0.10
 6 Construction 0.01
 7 Manufacturing -0.80
 8 Durable goods -0.51
 9 Nondurable goods -0.29
 10 Wholesale trade 0.41
 11 Retail trade 0.46
 12 Transportation and warehousing -0.08
 13 Information 0.19
 14 Finance, insurance, real estate, rental, and
 leasing 0.76
 15 Professional and business services -0.08
 16 Educational services, health care, and social
 assistance 0.22
 17 Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation,
 and food services -0.03
 18 Other services, except government -0.04
 19 Government 0.10
 20 Private goods-producing industries (1) -0.92
 21 Private services-producing industries (2) 1.72
 22 Information-communications-technobgy-producing
 industries (3) -0.01

 rate of
Line 2002 2003 2004 2000

 1 1.9 3.0 4.4 4.1
 2 1.60 2.68 4.02 4.04
 3 0.06 0.05 -0.07 0.08
 4 -0.02 -0.08 0.03 -0.01
 5 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.02
 6 -0.12 -0.01 0.10 0.12
 7 0.31 0.58 0.54 0.83
 8 0.10 0.45 0.42 0.80
 9 0.21 0.13 0.12 0.03
 10 0.09 -0.12 0.19 0.44
 11 0.36 0.39 0.36 0.44
 12 0.06 0.15 0.10 0.14
 13 -0.01 0.25 0.44 0.35
 14 0.28 0.66 1.14 0.84
 15 0.15 0.39 0.55 0.57
 16 0.28 0.21 0.21 0.09
 17 0.07 0.07 0.16 0.13
 18 -0.02 0.01 0.17 0.00
 19 0.19 0.18 0.15 0.15
 20 0.23 0.54 0.60 1.02
 21 1.38 2.14 3.42 3.03
 22 0.09 0.51 0.58 0.85

(1.) Consists of agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting; mining;
construction; and manufacturing.

(2.) Consists of utilities; wholesale trade; retail trade;
transportation and warehousing; information; finance, insurance, real
estate, rental, and leasing; professional and business services;
educational services, health care, and social assistance; arts,
entertainment, recreation, accommodation, and food services; and other
services, except government.

(3.) Consists of computer and electronic products; publishing
industries (includes software); information and data processing
services; and computer systems design and related services.

NOTE. Percentage-point contributions do not sum to the percent
change in gross domestic product because the contribution of
"not allocated by industry" is excluded.

Table C. Percent Changes in Real Value Added by Industry Group

Line 2001

 1 Gross domestic product 0.8
 2 Private industries 0.9
 3 Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting -0.3
 4 Mining -5.3
 5 Utilities -4.9
 6 Construction 0.2
 7 Manufacturing -5.6
 8 Durable goods 0.0
 9 Nondurable goods -5.0
 10 Wholesale trade 7.0
 11 Retail trade 7.0
 12 Transportation and warehousing -2.6
 13 Information 4.0
 14 Finance, insurance, real estate, rental, and leasing 3.9
 15 Professional and business services -0.7
 16 Educational services, health care, and social
 assistance 3.2
 17 Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation,
 and food services -0.7
 18 Other services, except government -1.7
 19 Government 0.8
 20 Private goods-producing industries (1) -4.3
 21 Private services-producing industries (2) 2.6
 22 Information-communications-technology-producing
 industries (3) -0.4

 rate of
Line 2002 2003 2004 2000

 1 1.9 3.0 4.4 4.1
 2 1.8 3.1 4.6 4.6
 3 6.8 5.5 -0.4 6.5
 4 -2.2 -7.0 2.2 -1.1
 5 6.0 5.9 5.4 1.3
 6 -2.6 -0.3 2.2 3.0
 7 2.3 4.5 4.3 5.4
 8 1.3 6.1 5.9 8.9
 9 3.7 2.4 2.2 0.4
 10 1.6 -1.9 3.3 7.2
 11 5.3 5.6 5.2 6.5
 12 1.9 5.0 3.3 4.4
 13 -0.3 5.7 9.8 8.0
 14 1.4 3.2 5.6 4.4
 15 1.3 3.5 4.8 5.3
 16 3.8 2.8 2.7 1.4
 17 1.8 1.9 4.5 3.7
 18 -0.8 0.5 7.1 0.1
 19 1.5 1.4 1.2 1.2
 20 1.1 2.8 3.1 4.7
 21 2.0 3.2 5.1 4.6
 22 2.0 13.2 14.7 22.1

(1.) Consists of agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting; mining;
construction; and manufacturing.

(2.) Consists of utilities; wholesale trade; retail trade;
transportation and warehousing; information; finance, insurance, real
estate, rental, and leasing; professional and business services;
educational services, health care, and social assistance; arts,
entertainment, recreation, accommodation, and food services; and other
services, except government.

(3.) Consists of computer and electronic products; publishing
industries (includes software); information and data processing
services; and computer systems design and related services.

Table D. Percent Changes in Chain-Type Price
Indexes for Value Added by Industry Group

Line 2001

 1 Gross domestic product 2.4
 2 Private industries 2.0
 3 Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting 6.6
 4 Mining 3.3
 5 Utilities 12.4
 6 Construction 7.5
 7 Manufacturing -0.4
 8 Durable goods -4.3
 9 Nondurable goods 5.5
 10 Wholesale trade -4.1
 11 Retail trade -2.4
 12 Transportation and warehousing 1.1
 13 Information 0.0
 14 Finance, insurance, real estate, rental, and leasing 2.7
 15 Professional and business services 2.9
 16 Educational services, health care, and social
 assistance 5.6
 17 Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation,
 and food services 4.0
 18 Other services, except government 7.2
 19 Government 3.8
 20 Private goods-producing industries (1) 1.8
 21 Private services-producing industries (2) 2.1
 22 Information-communications-technology-producing
 industries (3) -8.6

 rate of
Line 2002 2003 2004 2000

 1 1.7 1.8 2.1 1.7
 2 1.4 1.8 2.3 1.4
 3 -7.3 11.4 9.3 -5.1
 4 -9.7 33.6 10.7 11.6
 5 -1.7 -0.4 3.0 -0.4
 6 4.8 4.9 5.7 5.6
 7 -1.8 -0.4 2.2 -1.4
 8 -2.2 -2.6 2.1 -3.6
 9 -1.4 2.6 2.3 1.9
 10 1.4 5.2 3.3 -1.7
 11 2.2 -2.0 -1.6 -1.3
 12 0.6 -0.2 2.6 1.4
 13 -1.2 -0.6 0.9 0.3
 14 2.9 1.5 2.0 2.4
 15 0.8 1.0 2.8 3.5
 16 4.1 3.7 3.4 3.5
 17 3.8 1.7 1.3 3.3
 18 5.3 3.8 -2.2 4.8
 19 4.4 3.6 2.9 2.7
 20 -1.1 3.1 3.9 0.3
 21 2.1 1.4 1.8 1.8
 22 -4.2 -5.4 -3.7 -9.0

(1.) Consists of agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting; mining;
construction; and manufacturing.

(2.) Consists of utilities; wholesale trade; retail trade;
transportation and warehousing; information; finance, insurance, real
estate, rental, and leasing; professional and business services;
educational services, health care, and social assistance; arts,
entertainment, recreation, accommodation, and food services; and other
services, except government.

(3.) Consists of computer and electronic products; publishing
industries (includes software); information and data processing
services; and computer systems design and related services.

Table E. Contributions to Percent Change in the Chain-Type Price
Index for Gross Domestic Product by Industry Group

Line 2001

 Percent change:
 1 Gross domestic product 2.4
 Percentage points:
 2 Private industries 1.79
 3 Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting 0.06
 4 Mining 0.04
 5 Utilities 0.23
 6 Construction 0.33
 7 Manufacturing -0.05
 8 Durable goods -0.36
 9 Nondurable goods 0.31
 10 Wholesale trade -0.26
 11 Retail trade -0.17
 12 Transportation and warehousing 0.04
 13 Information 0.00
 14 Finance, insurance, real estate, rental, and
 leasing 0.53
 15 Professional and business services 0.33
 16 Educational services, health care, and social
 assistance 0.39
 17 Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation,
 and food services 0.14
 18 Other services, except government 0.16
 19 Government 0.46
 20 Private goods-producing industries (1) 0.39
 21 Private services-producing industries (2) 1.40
 22 Information-communications-technobgy-producing
 industries (3) -0.41

 rate of
Line 2002 2003 2004 2000

 1 1.7 1.8 2.1 1.7
 2 1.19 1.57 2.00 1.22
 3 -0.07 0.11 0.09 -0.06
 4 -0.11 0.32 0.13 0.12
 5 -0.04 -0.01 0.06 -0.01
 6 0.22 0.22 0.26 0.23
 7 -0.25 -0.05 0.28 -0.22
 8 -0.17 -0.20 0.16 -0.34
 9 -0.08 0.14 0.12 0.12
 10 0.08 0.31 0.19 -0.11
 11 0.15 -0.14 -0.11 -0.09
 12 0.02 -0.01 0.08 0.04
 13 -0.05 -0.03 0.04 0.01
 14 0.59 0.31 0.41 0.46
 15 0.09 0.12 0.32 0.38
 16 0.30 0.28 0.26 0.24
 17 0.14 0.06 0.05 0.11
 18 0.12 0.09 -0.05 0.11
 19 0.54 0.45 0.37 0.34
 20 -0.22 0.59 0.75 0.07
 21 1.40 0.97 1.25 1.15
 22 -0.18 -0.23 -0.16 -0.42

(1.) Consists of agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting; mining;
construction; and manufacturing.

(2.) Consists of utilities; wholesale trade; retail trade;
transportation and warehousing; information; finance, insurance, real
estate, rental, and leasing; professional and business services;
educational services, health care, and social assistance; arts,
entertainment, recreation, accommodation, and food services; and other
services, except government.

(3.) Consists of computer and electronic products; publishing
industries (includes software); information and data processing
services; and computer systems design and related services.

NOTE. Percentage-point contributions do not sum to the percent change
in gross domestic product because the contribution of "not allocated
by industry" is excluded.

Table 1. Value Added by Industry in Current Dollars, 2001-2004

[Billions of dollars]

Line 2001

 1 Gross domestic product 10,128.0
 2 Private industries 8,869.7
 3 Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting 97.9
 4 Farms 73.1
 5 Forestry, fishing, and related activities 24.8
 6 Mining 118.7
 7 Oil and gas extraction 72.5
 8 Mining, except oil and gas 27.1
 9 Support activities for mining 19.1
 10 Utilities 202.3
 11 Construction 469.5
 12 Manufacturing 1,341.3
 13 Durable goods 778.9
 14 Wood products 31.3
 15 Nonmetallic mineral products 44.9
 16 Primary metals 41.1
 17 Fabricated metal products 112.0
 18 Machinery 103.2
 19 Computer and electronic products 136.9
 20 Electrical equipment, appliances, and
 components 49.2
 21 Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts 103.7
 22 Other transportation equipment 69.2
 23 Furniture and related products 30.2
 24 Miscellaneous manufacturing 57.2
 25 Nondurable goods 562.5
 26 Food and beverage and tobacco products 167.1
 27 Textile mills and textile product mills 22.7
 28 Apparel and leather and allied products 22.8
 29 Paper products 48.9
 30 Printing and related support activities 46.9
 31 Petroleum and coal products 33.4
 32 Chemical products 157.2
 33 Plastics and rubber products 63.4
 34 Wholesale trade 607.1
 35 Retail trade 691.6
 36 Transportation and warehousing 296.9
 37 Air transportation 50.0
 38 Rail transportation 25.6
 39 Water transportation 7.4
 40 Truck transportation 93.3
 41 Transit and ground passenger transportation 15.1
 42 Pipeline transportation 9.2
 43 Other transportation and support activities 71.4
 44 Warehousing and storage 25.1
 45 Information 476.9
 46 Publishing industries (includes software) 118.7
 47 Motion picture and sound recording industries 33.6
 48 Broadcasting and telecommunications 283.2
 49 Information and data processing services 41.5
 50 Finance, insurance, real estate, rental, and
 leasing 2,059.2
 51 Finance and insurance 782.6
 52 Federal Reserve banks, credit intermediation,
 and related activities 360.1
 53 Securities, commodity contracts, and
 investments 170.2
 54 Insurance carriers and related activities 234.4
 55 Funds, trusts, and other financial vehicles 18.0
 56 Real estate and rental and leasing 1,276.6
 57 Real estate 1,169.7
 58 Rental and leasing services and lessors of
 intangible assets 106.9
 59 Professional and business services 1,165.9
 60 Professional, scientific, and technical services 698.8
 61 Legal services 145.6
 62 Computer systems design and related services 127.1
 63 Miscellaneous professional, scientific, and
 technical services 426.2
 64 Management of companies and enterprises 177.6
 65 Administrative and waste management services 289.4
 66 Administrative and support services 264.1
 67 Waste management and remediation services 25.3
 68 Educational services, health care, and social
 assistance 739.3
 69 Educational services 85.1
 70 Health care and social assistance 654.2
 71 Ambulatory health care services 338.1
 72 Hospitals and nursing and residential care
 facilities 258.0
 73 Social assistance 58.1
 74 Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation,
 and food services 361.5
 75 Arts, entertainment, and recreation 95.7
 76 Performing arts, spectator sports, museums,
 and related activities 42.7
 77 Amusements, gambling, and recreation
 industries 53.0
 78 Accommodation and food services 265.8
 79 Accommodation 87.5
 80 Food services and drinking places 178.3
 81 Other services, except government 241.5
 82 Government 1,258.3
 83 Federal 385.7
 84 General government 325.7
 85 Government enterprises 60.0
 86 State and local 872.6
 87 General government 800.8
 88 Government enterprises 71.9
 89 Private goods-producing industries (1) 2,027.5
 90 Private services-producing industries (2) 6,842.2
 91 Information-communications-technology-producing
 industries (3) 424.2

Line 2002 2003 2004

 1 10,487.0 11,004.0 11,735.0
 2 9,154.1 9,604.2 10,276.6
 3 96.9 113.9 116.6
 4 70.8 84.8
 5 26.1 29.1
 6 104.9 130.3 147.5
 7 60.4 83.2
 8 27.4 27.7
 9 17.1 19.4
 10 210.7 222.2 241.2
 11 479.1 501.3 541.4
 12 1,347.2 1,402.3 1,494.0
 13 771.9 798.0 862.6
 14 30.0 32.0
 15 43.3 43.3
 16 41.6 38.9
 17 109.4 112.2
 18 97.6 96.4
 19 130.5 147.6
 20 46.1 47.3
 21 114.1 121.9
 22 70.0 67.6
 23 30.0 28.9
 24 59.4 62.0
 25 575.3 604.4 631.4
 26 172.5 173.3
 27 22.3 21.7
 28 24.7 25.0
 29 50.8 51.5
 30 46.0 45.2
 31 25.7 38.2
 32 167.0 181.5
 33 66.2 68.0
 34 624.9 645.4 688.1
 35 744.3 770.5 797.6
 36 304.4 319.3 338.6
 37 50.0 56.5
 38 25.8 26.6
 39 7.0 7.7
 40 95.4 97.2
 41 15.8 16.3
 42 9.7 7.6
 43 72.5 75.5
 44 28.3 31.9
 45 470.0 493.8 547.2
 46 116.1 120.9
 47 36.4 41.2
 48 272.8 283.0
 49 44.7 48.6
 50 2,148.2 2,250.3 2,423.7
 51 818.2 882.9 972.4
 52 413.9 440.4
 53 151.2 168.1
 54 234.8 256.0
 55 18.2 18.4
 56 1,330.0 1,367.4 1,451.3
 57 1,227.5 1,260.7
 58 102.5 106.7
 59 1,190.0 1,244.3 1,341.4
 60 712.9 743.3 792.1
 61 149.2 160.6
 62 123.1 126.6
 63 440.6 456.1
 64 178.0 191.3 213.6
 65 299.1 309.7 335.6
 66 272.9 282.4
 67 26.1 27.2
 68 799.0 851.2 903.9
 69 91.5 94.5 99.5
 70 707.6 756.7 804.4
 71 367.8 391.1
 72 276.8 298.2
 73 63.0 67.3
 74 382.3 396.4 419.8
 75 102.5 106.6 111.8
 76 46.8 49.0
 77 55.7 57.6
 78 279.8 289.8 308.1
 79 90.4 93.2
 80 189.4 196.6
 81 252.1 263.0 275.5
 82 1,332.9 1,399.9 1,458.4
 83 415.8 447.1 465.4
 84 350.4 378.4
 85 65.4 68.7
 86 9,171.0 952.8 993.0
 87 844.3 876.9
 88 72.8 75.9
 89 2,028.1 2,147.8 2,299.5
 90 7,126.0 7,456.3 7,977.0
 91 414.4 443.8 490.4

(1.) Consists of agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting; mining;
construction; and manufacturing.

(2.) Consists of utilities; wholesale trade; retail trade;
transportation and warehousing; information; finance, insurance, real
estate, rental, and leasing; professional and business services;
educational services, health care, and social assistance; arts,
entertainment, recreation, accommodation, and food services; and other
services, except government.

(3.) Consists of computer and electronic products; publishing
industries (includes software); information and data processing
services; and computer systems design and related services.

Table 2. Value Added by Industry in Current Dollars as a Percentage
of Gross Domestic Product, 2001-2004


Line 2001

 1 Gross domestic product 100.0
 2 Private industries 87.6
 3 Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting 1.0
 4 Farms 0.7
 5 Forestry, fishing, and related activities 0.2
 6 Mining 1.2
 7 Oil and gas extraction 0.7
 8 Mining, except oil and gas 0.3
 9 Support activities for mining 0.2
 10 Utilities 2.0
 11 Construction 4.6
 12 Manufacturing 13.2
 13 Durable goods 7.7
 14 Wood products 0.3
 15 Nonmetallic mineral products 0.4
 16 Primary metals 0.4
 17 Fabricated metal products 1.1
 18 Machinery 1.0
 19 Computer and electronic products 1.4
 20 Electrical equipment, appliances, and
 components 0.5
 21 Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts 1.0
 22 Other transportation equipment 0.7
 23 Furniture and related products 0.3
 24 Miscellaneous manufacturing 0.6
 25 Nondurable goods 5.6
 26 Food and beverage and tobacco products 1.7
 27 Textile mills and textile product mills 0.2
 28 Apparel and leather and allied products 0.2
 29 Paper products 0.5
 30 Printing and related support activities 0.5
 31 Petroleum and coal products 0.3
 32 Chemical products 1.6
 33 Plastics and rubber products 0.6
 34 Wholesale trade 6.0
 35 Retail trade 6.8
 36 Transportation and warehousing 2.9
 37 Air transportation 0.5
 38 Rail transportation 0.3
 39 Water transportation 0.1
 40 Truck transportation 0.9
 41 Transit and ground passenger transportation 0.1
 42 Pipeline transportation 0.1
 43 Other transportation and support activities 0.7
 44 Warehousing and storage 0.2
 45 Information 4.7
 46 Publishing industries (includes software) 1.2
 47 Motion picture and sound recording industries 0.3
 48 Broadcasting and telecommunications 2.8
 49 Information and data processing services 0.4
 50 Finance, insurance, real estate, rental, and
 leasing 20.3
 51 Finance and insurance 7.7
 52 Federal Reserve banks, credit intermediation,
 and related activities 3.6
 53 Securities, commodity contracts, and
 investments 1.7
 54 Insurance carriers and related activities 2.3
 55 Funds, trusts, and other financial vehicles 0.2
 56 Real estate and rental and leasing 12.6
 57 Real estate 11.5
 58 Rental and leasing services and lessors of
 intangible assets 1.1
 59 Professional and business services 11.5
 60 Professional, scientific, and technical services 6.9
 61 Legal services 1.4
 62 Computer systems design and related services 1.3
 63 Miscellaneous professional, scientific, and
 technical services 4.2
 64 Management of companies and enterprises 1.8
 65 Administrative and waste management services 2.9
 66 Administrative and support services 2.6
 67 Waste management and remediation services 0.3
 68 Educational services, health care, and social
 assistance 7.3
 69 Educational services 0.8
 70 Health care and social assistance 6.5
 71 Ambulatory health care services 3.3
 72 Hospitals and nursing and residential care
 facilities 2.5
 73 Social assistance 0.6
 74 Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation,
 and food services 3.6
 75 Arts, entertainment, and recreation 0.9
 76 Performing arts, spectator sports, museums,
 and related activities 0.4
 77 Amusements, gambling, and recreation
 industries 0.5
 78 Accommodation and food services 2.6
 79 Accommodation 0.9
 80 Food services and drinking places 1.8
 81 Other services, except government 2.4
 82 Government 12.4
 83 Federal 3.8
 84 General government 3.2
 85 Government enterprises 0.6
 86 State and local 8.6
 87 General government 7.9
 88 Government enterprises 0.7
 89 Private goods-producing industries (1) 20.0
 90 Private services-producing industries (2) 67.6
 91 Information-communications-technology-producing
 industries (3) 4.2

Line 2002 2003 2004

 1 100.0 100.0 100.0
 2 87.3 87.3 87.6
 3 0.9 1.0 1.0
 4 0.7 0.8
 5 0.2 0.3
 6 1.0 1.2 1.3
 7 0.6 0.8
 8 0.3 0.3
 9 0.2 0.2
 10 2.0 2.0 2.1
 11 4.6 4.6 4.6
 12 12.8 12.7 12.7
 13 7.4 7.3 7.4
 14 0.3 0.3
 15 0.4 0.4
 16 0.4 0.4
 17 1.0 1.0
 18 0.9 0.9
 19 1.2 1.3
 20 0.4 0.4
 21 1.1 1.1
 22 0.7 0.6
 23 0.3 0.3
 24 0.6 0.6
 25 5.5 5.5 5.4
 26 1.6 1.6
 27 0.2 0.2
 28 0.2 0.2
 29 0.5 0.5
 30 0.4 0.4
 31 0.2 0.3
 32 1.6 1.6
 33 0.6 0.6
 34 6.0 5.9 5.9
 35 7.1 7.0 6.8
 36 2.9 2.9 2.9
 37 0.5 0.5
 38 0.2 0.2
 39 0.1 0.1
 40 0.9 0.9
 41 0.2 0.1
 42 0.1 0.1
 43 0.7 0.7
 44 0.3 0.3
 45 4.5 4.5 4.7
 46 1.1 1.1
 47 0.3 0.4
 48 2.6 2.6
 49 0.4 0.4
 50 20.5 20.4 20.7
 51 7.8 8.0 8.3
 52 3.9 4.0
 53 1.4 1.5
 54 2.2 2.3
 55 0.2 0.2
 56 12.7 12.4 12.4
 57 11.7 11.5
 58 1.0 1.0
 59 11.3 11.3 11.4
 60 6.8 6.8 6.8
 61 1.4 1.5
 62 1.2 1.2
 63 4.2 4.1
 64 1.7 1.7 1.8
 65 2.9 2.8 2.9
 66 2.6 2.6
 67 0.2 0.2
 68 7.6 7.7 7.7
 69 0.9 0.9 0.8
 70 6.7 6.9 6.9
 71 3.5 3.6
 72 2.6 2.7
 73 0.6 0.6
 74 3.6 3.6 3.6
 75 1.0 1.0 1.0
 76 0.4 0.4
 77 0.5 0.5
 78 2.7 2.6 2.6
 79 0.9 0.8
 80 1.8 1.8
 81 2.4 2.4 2.3
 82 12.7 12.7 12.4
 83 4.0 4.1 4.0
 84 3.3 3.4
 85 0.6 0.6
 86 8.7 8.7 8.5
 87 8.1 8.0
 88 0.7 0.7
 89 19.3 19.5 19.6
 90 68.0 67.8 68.0
 91 4.0 4.0 4.2

(1.) Consists of agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting; mining;
construction; and manufacturing.

(2.) Consists of utilities; wholesale trade; retail trade;
transportation and warehousing; information; finance, insurance, real
estate, rental, and leasing; professional and business services;
educational services, health care, and social assistance; arts,
entertainment, recreation, accommodation, and food services; and
other services, except government.

(3.) Consists of computer and electronic products; publishing
industries (includes software); information and data processing
services; and computer systems design and related services.

Table 3. Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Value Added by Industry,

[2000 = 100]

Line 2001

 1 Gross domestic product 100.751
 2 Private industries 100.908
 3 Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting 93.661
 4 Farms 91.726
 5 Forestry, fishing, and related activities 99.289
 6 Mining 94.715
 7 Oil and gas extraction 95.948
 8 Mining, except oil and gas 95.432
 9 Support activities for mining 86.763
 10 Utilities 95.081
 11 Construction 100.163
 12 Manufacturing 94.436
 13 Durable goods 94.031
 14 Wood products 98.256
 15 Nonmetallic mineral products 98.749
 16 Primary metals 89.582
 17 Fabricated metal products 89.940
 18 Machinery 91.863
 19 Computer and electronic products 98.023
 20 Electrical equipment, appliances, and components 95.878
 21 Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts 88.563
 22 Other transportation equipment 101.211
 23 Furniture and related products 88.891
 24 Miscellaneous manufacturing 96.065
 25 Nondurable goods 95.034
 26 Food and beverage and tobacco products 100.777
 27 Textile mills and textile product mills 81.458
 28 Apparel and leather and allied products 90.676
 29 Paper products 87.752
 30 Printing and related support activities 92.374
 31 Petroleum and coal products 91.202
 32 Chemical products 97.474
 33 Plastics and rubber products 92.045
 34 Wholesale trade 107.003
 35 Retail trade 106.970
 36 Transportation and warehousing 97.354
 37 Air transportation 98.871
 38 Rail transportation 97.046
 39 Water transportation 94.742
 40 Truck transportation 94.736
 41 Transit and ground passenger transportation 100.165
 42 Pipeline transportation 95.650
 43 Other transportation and support activities 98.791
 44 Warehousing and storage 97.679
 45 Information 104.034
 46 Publishing industries (includes software) 99.104
 47 Motion picture and sound recording industries 98.007
 48 Broadcasting and telecommunications 106.567
 49 Information and data processing services 106.516
 50 Finance, insurance, real estate, rental, and leasing 103.858
 51 Finance and insurance 104.368
 52 Federal Reserve banks, credit intermediation,
 and related activities 108.433
 53 Securities, commodity contracts, and
 investments 111.116
 54 Insurance carriers and related activities 96.067
 55 Funds, trusts, and other financial vehicles 81.137
 56 Real estate and rental and leasing 103.537
 57 Real estate 104.027
 58 Rental and leasing services and lessors of
 intangible assets 98.589
 59 Professional and business services 99.346
 60 Professional, scientific, and technical services 100.583
 61 Legal services 101.148
 62 Computer systems design and related services 99.625
 63 Miscellaneous professional, scientific, and
 technical services 100.681
 64 Management of companies and enterprises 98.129
 65 Administrative and waste management services 97.185
 66 Administrative and support services 97.278
 67 Waste management and remediation services 96.224
 68 Educational services, health care, and social
 assistance 103.186
 69 Educational services 99.835
 70 Health care and social assistance 103.634
 71 Ambulatory health care services 105.794
 72 Hospitals and nursing and residential care
 facilities 100.516
 73 Social assistance 105.366
 74 Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation,
 and food services 99.292
 75 Arts, entertainment, and recreation 103.144
 76 Performing arts, spectator sports, museums,
 and related activities 101.547
 77 Amusements, gambling, and recreation
 industries 104.461
 78 Accommodation and food services 97.979
 79 Accommodation 94.144
 80 Food services and drinking places 99.998
 81 Other services, except government 98.337
 82 Government 100.794
 83 Federal 98.350
 84 General government 100.531
 85 Government enterprises 87.879
 86 State and local 101.917
 87 General government 102.391
 88 Government enterprises 96.842
 89 Private goods-producing industries (1) 95.654
 90 Private services-producing industries (2) 102.584
 91 Information-communications-technology-producing
 industries (3) 99.607

Line 2002 2003 2004

 1 102.626 105.749 110.440
 2 102.755 105.906 110.787
 3 100.049 105.598 98.860
 4 97.716 101.633
 5 106.885 117.558
 6 92.675 86.209 88.141
 7 95.862 80.643
 8 91.375 93.099
 9 81.542 94.758
 10 100.763 106.737 112.501
 11 97.529 97.279 99.414
 12 96.634 100.966 105.265
 13 95.260 101.067 106.980
 14 95.105 95.236
 15 93.635 94.906
 16 90.510 86.988
 17 87.356 90.307
 18 86.420 85.688
 19 105.271 135.219
 20 91.700 96.629
 21 101.874 110.915
 22 100.134 93.213
 23 86.095 83.115
 24 97.142 100.472
 25 98.584 100.929 103.105
 26 98.812 99.839
 27 82.064 82.767
 28 99.811 101.753
 29 92.337 96.399
 30 90.231 88.100
 31 119.992 107.236
 32 103.950 110.806
 33 95.248 99.082
 34 108.679 106.640 110.119
 35 112.683 119.014 125.255
 36 99.178 104.183 107.667
 37 105.996 127.868
 38 94.709 95.231
 39 87.777 88.297
 40 94.719 94.820
 41 101.581 99.959
 42 91.866 87.817
 43 99.139 101.424
 44 108.417 121.223
 45 103.746 109.630 120.383
 46 97.357 103.904
 47 102.874 109.122
 48 105.310 110.269
 49 112.520 122.041
 50 105.301 108.684 114.751
 51 107.196 115.643 124.667
 52 117.930 124.980
 53 109.606 130.017
 54 93.103 96.281
 55 74.631 91.234
 56 104.137 104.504 108.837
 57 104.974 105.417
 58 95.486 95.084
 59 100.616 104.137 109.164
 60 100.897 103.958 108.207
 61 99.785 103.451
 62 98.177 103.244
 63 102.083 104.347
 64 98.086 101.699 107.550
 65 101.532 106.114 112.505
 66 101.622 105.984
 67 100.613 107.485
 68 107.102 110.071 113.015
 69 99.947 98.208 97.602
 70 108.073 111.704 115.158
 71 113.344 118.186
 72 101.312 103.455
 73 109.108 113.029
 74 101.124 103.065 107.749
 75 106.745 107.830 109.964
 76 107.491 108.235
 77 106.120 107.489
 78 99.209 101.443 107.020
 79 96.962 98.397
 80 100.419 103.053
 81 97.525 97.996 104.925
 82 102.303 103.709 104.963
 83 100.499 103.042 104.461
 84 102.470 105.174
 85 91.010 92.764
 86 103.131 104.002 105.179
 87 103.983 104.514
 88 94.081 98.615
 89 96.726 99.400 102.449
 90 104.671 107.974 113.435
 91 101.625 115.040 132.005

(1.) Consists of agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting, mining;
construction; and manufacturing.

(2.) Consists of utilities: wholesale trade; retail trade;
transportation and warehousing; information; finance, insurance, real
estate, rental, and leasing; professional and business services;
educational services, health care, and social assistance; arts,
entertainment, recreation, accommodation, and food services; and other
services, except government.

(3.) Consists of computer and electronic products; publishing
industries (includes software); information and data processing
services; and computer systems design and related services.

Table 3.A. Percent Changes in Chain-Type Quantity Indexes for Value
Added by Industry, 2001-2004

Line 2001

 1 Gross domestic product 0.8
 2 Private industries 0.9
 3 Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting -6.3
 4 Farms -8.3
 5 Forestry, fishing, and related activities -0.7
 6 Mining -5.3
 7 Oil and gas extraction -4.1
 8 Mining, except oil and gas -4.6
 9 Support activities for mining -13.2
 10 Utilities -4.9
 11 Construction 0.2
 12 Manufacturing -5.6
 13 Durable goods 0.0
 14 Wood products -1.7
 15 Nonmetallic mineral products -1.3
 16 Primary metals 0.0
 17 Fabricated metal products -10.1
 18 Machinery -8.1
 19 Computer and electronic products -2.0
 20 Electrical equipment, appliances, and components -4.1
 21 Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts -11.4
 22 Other transportation equipment 1.2
 23 Furniture and related products -11.1
 24 Miscellaneous manufacturing -3.9
 25 Nondurable goods -5.0
 26 Food and beverage and tobacco products 0.8
 27 Textile mills and textile product mills -18.5
 28 Apparel and leather and allied products -9.3
 29 Paper products -12.2
 30 Printing and related support activities -7.6
 31 Petroleum and coal products -8.8
 32 Chemical products -2.5
 33 Plastics and rubber products -8.0
 34 Wholesale trade 7.0
 35 Retail trade 7.0
 36 Transportation and warehousing -2.6
 37 Air transportation -1.1
 38 Rail transportation -3.0
 39 Water transportation -5.3
 40 Truck transportation -5.3
 41 Transit and ground passenger transportation 0.2
 42 Pipeline transportation -4.4
 43 Other transportation and support activities -1.2
 44 Warehousing and storage -2.3
 45 Information 4.0
 46 Publishing industries (includes software) -0.9
 47 Motion picture and sound recording industries -2.0
 48 Broadcasting and telecommunications 6.6
 49 Information and data processing services 6.5
 50 Finance, insurance, real estate, rental, and leasing 3.9
 51 Finance and insurance 4.4
 52 Federal Reserve banks, credit intermediation, and
 related activities 8.4
 53 Securities, commodity contracts, and
 investments 11.1
 54 Insurance carriers and related activities -3.9
 55 Funds, trusts, and other financial vehicles -18.9
 56 Real estate and rental and leasing 3.5
 57 Real estate 4.0
 58 Rental and leasing services and lessors of
 intangible assets -1.4
 59 Professional and business services -0.7
 60 Professional, scientific, and technical services 0.6
 61 Legal services 1.1
 62 Computer systems design and related services -0.4
 63 Miscellaneous professional, scientific, and
 technical services 0.7
 64 Management of companies and enterprises -1.9
 65 Administrative and waste management services -2.8
 66 Administrative and support services -2.7
 67 Waste management and remediation services -3.8
 68 Educational services, health care, and social
 assistance 3.2
 69 Educational services -0.2
 70 Health care and social assistance 3.6
 71 Ambulatory health care services 5.8
 72 Hospitals and nursing and residential care
 facilities 0.5
 73 Social assistance 5.4
 74 Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation,
 and food services -0.7
 75 Arts, entertainment, and recreation 3.1
 76 Performing arts, spectator sports, museums,
 and related activities 1.5
 77 Amusements, gambling, and recreation
 industries 4.5
 78 Accommodation and food services -2.0
 79 Accommodation -5.9
 80 Food services and drinking places 0.0
 81 Other services, except government -1.7
 82 Government 0.8
 83 Federal -1.7
 84 General government 0.5
 85 Government enterprises -12.1
 86 State and local 1.9
 87 General government 2.4
 88 Government enterprises -3.2
 89 Private goods-producing industries (1) -4.3
 90 Private services-producing industries (2) 2.6
 91 Information-communications-technology-producing
 industries (3) -0.4

Line 2002 2003 2004

 1 1.9 3.0 4.4
 2 1.8 3.1 4.6
 3 6.8 5.5 -6.4
 4 6.5 4.0
 5 7.7 10.0
 6 -2.2 -7.0 2.2
 7 -0.1 -15.9
 8 -4.3 1.9
 9 0.0 16.2
 10 6.0 5.9 5.4
 11 -2.6 -0.3 2.2
 12 2.3 4.5 4.3
 13 1.3 6.1 5.9
 14 -3.2 0.1
 15 -5.2 1.4
 16 1.0 -3.9
 17 -2.9 3.4
 18 -5.9 -0.8
 19 7.4 28.4
 20 -4.4 5.4
 21 15.0 8.9
 22 -1.1 -0.9
 23 -3.1 -3.5
 24 1.1 3.4
 25 3.7 2.4 2.2
 26 -1.9 1.0
 27 0.7 0.9
 28 10.1 1.9
 29 5.2 4.4
 30 -2.3 -2.4
 31 31.6 -10.6
 32 6.6 6.6
 33 3.5 4.0
 34 1.6 -1.9 3.3
 35 5.3 5.6 5.2
 36 1.9 5.0 3.3
 37 7.2 20.6
 38 -2.4 0.6
 39 -7.4 0.6
 40 0.0 0.1
 41 1.4 -1.6
 42 -4.0 -4.4
 43 0.4 2.3
 44 11.0 11.8
 45 -0.3 5.7 9.8
 46 -1.8 6.7
 47 5.0 6.1
 48 -1.2 4.7
 49 5.6 8.5
 50 1.4 3.2 5.6
 51 2.7 7.9 7.8
 52 8.8 6.0
 53 -1.4 18.6
 54 -3.1 3.4
 55 -8.0 22.2
 56 0.6 0.4 4.1
 57 0.9 0.4
 58 -3.1 -0.4
 59 1.3 3.5 4.8
 60 0.3 3.0 4.1
 61 -1.3 3.7
 62 -1.5 5.2
 63 1.4 2.2
 64 0.0 3.7 5.8
 65 4.5 4.5 6.0
 66 4.5 4.3
 67 4.6 6.8
 68 3.8 2.8 2.7
 69 0.1 -1.7 -0.6
 70 4.3 3.4 3.1
 71 7.1 4.3
 72 0.8 2.1
 73 3.6 3.6
 74 1.8 1.9 4.5
 75 3.5 1.0 2.0
 76 5.9 0.7
 77 1.6 1.3
 78 1.3 2.3 5.5
 79 3.0 1.5
 80 0.4 2.6
 81 -0.8 0.5 7.1
 82 1.5 1.4 1.2
 83 2.2 2.5 1.4
 84 1.9 2.6
 85 3.6 1.9
 86 1.2 0.8 1.1
 87 1.6 0.5
 88 -2.9 4.8
 89 1.1 2.8 3.1
 90 2.0 3.2 5.1
 91 2.0 13.2 14.7

(1.) Consists of agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting; mining;
construction; and manufacturing.

(2.) Consists of utilities; wholesale trade; retail trade;
transportation and warehousing; information; finance, insurance, real
estate, rental, and leasing; professional and business services;
educational services, health care, and social assistance, arts,
entertainment, recreation, accommodation, and food services; and other
services, except government.

(3.) Consists of computer and electronic products; publishing
industries (includes software); information and data processing
services; and computer systems design and related services.

Table 4. Real Value Added by Industry, 2001-2004

[Billions of chained (2000) dollars]

Line 2001

 1 Gross domestic product 9,890.7
 2 Private industries 8,692.5
 3 Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting 91.8
 4 Farms 65.6
 5 Forestry, fishing, and related activities 26.3
 6 Mining 114.9
 7 Oil and gas extraction 77.7
 8 Mining, except oil and gas 25.8
 9 Support activities for mining 11.6
 10 Utilities 180.0
 11 Construction 436.6
 12 Manufacturing 1,346.9
 13 Durable goods 813.6
 14 Wood products 30.9
 15 Nonmetallic mineral products 45.2
 16 Primary metals 43.2
 17 Fabricated metal products 109.4
 18 Machinery 100.4
 19 Computer and electronic products 181.9
 20 Electrical equipment, appliances, and
 components 48.5
 21 Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts 104.6
 22 Other transportation equipment 65.2
 23 Furniture and related products 29.1
 24 Miscellaneous manufacturing 55.3
 25 Nondurable goods 533.1
 26 Food and beverage and tobacco products 156.0
 27 Textile mills and textile product mills 21.5
 28 Apparel and leather and allied products 22.7
 29 Paper products 48.8
 30 Printing and related support activities 45.3
 31 Petroleum and coal products 23.9
 32 Chemical products 153.1
 33 Plastics and rubber products 61.4
 34 Wholesale trade 633.1
 35 Retail trade 708.6
 36 Transportation and warehousing 293.6
 37 Air transportation 57.0
 38 Rail transportation 24.8
 39 Water transportation 6.8
 40 Truck transportation 87.9
 41 Transit and ground passenger transportation 14.5
 42 Pipeline transportation 8.3
 43 Other transportation and support activities 69.4
 44 Warehousing and storage 24.4
 45 Information 476.8
 46 Publishing industries (includes software) 115.7
 47 Motion picture and sound recording industries 31.9
 48 Broadcasting and telecommunications 289.1
 49 Information and data processing services 40.2
 50 Finance, insurance, real estate, rental, and
 leasing 2,005.4
 51 Finance and insurance 772.8
 52 Federal Reserve banks, credit intermediation,
 and related activities 345.9
 53 Securities, commodity contracts, and
 investments 186.4
 54 Insurance carriers and related activities 228.9
 55 Funds, trusts, and other financial vehicles 12.6
 56 Real estate and rental and leasing 1,232.6
 57 Real estate 1,125.7
 58 Rental and leasing services and lessors of
 intangible assets 106.8
 59 Professional and business services 1,133.4
 60 Professional, scientific, and technical services 679.1
 61 Legal services 137.7
 62 Computer systems design and related services 125.3
 63 Miscellaneous professional, scientific, and
 technical services 416.1
 64 Management of companies and enterprises 179.9
 65 Administrative and waste management services 274.4
 66 Administrative and support services 250.2
 67 Waste management and remediation services 24.2
 68 Educational services, health care, and social
 assistance 700.1
 69 Educational services 79.1
 70 Health care and social assistance 621.0
 71 Ambulatory health care services 325.4
 72 Hospitals and nursing and residential care
 facilities 239.8
 73 Social assistance 55.9
 74 Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation,
 and food services 347.6
 75 Arts, entertainment, and recreation 91.5
 76 Performing arts, spectator sports, museums,
 and related activities 40.6
 77 Amusements, gambling, and recreation
 industries 50.8
 78 Accommodation and food services 256.2
 79 Accommodation 85.4
 80 Food services and drinking places 170.8
 81 Other services, except government 225.3
 82 Government 1,212.2
 83 Federal 372.5
 84 General government 317.0
 85 Government enterprises 55.7
 86 State and local 839.7
 87 General government 772.3
 88 Government enterprises 67.5
 89 Not allocated by industry (1) -16.3
 90 Private goods-producing industries (2) 1,991.0
 91 Private services-producing industries (3) 6,701.6
 92 Information-communications-technology-producing
 industries (4) 464.0

Line 2002 2003 2004

 1 10,074.8 10,381.3 10,841.9
 2 8,851.6 9,123.0 9,543.5
 3 98.1 103.5 96.9
 4 69.9 72.7
 5 28.3 31.1
 6 112.4 104.6 106.9
 7 77.6 65.3
 8 24.7 25.1
 9 10.9 12.7
 10 190.7 202.0 213.0
 11 425.1 424.1 433.4
 12 1,378.2 1,440.0 1,501.3
 13 824.3 874.5 925.7
 14 29.9 29.9
 15 42.8 43.4
 16 43.6 41.9
 17 106.3 109.9
 18 94.5 93.7
 19 195.3 250.9
 20 46.4 48.9
 21 120.3 131.0
 22 64.5 60.1
 23 28.2 27.2
 24 55.9 57.8
 25 553.0 566.2 578.4
 26 153.0 154.6
 27 21.7 21.9
 28 25.0 25.5
 29 51.3 53.6
 30 44.2 43.2
 31 31.5 28.1
 32 163.3 174.0
 33 63.6 66.1
 34 643.0 631.0 651.6
 35 746.4 788.4 829.7
 36 299.1 314.2 324.7
 37 61.1 73.8
 38 24.2 24.3
 39 6.3 6.4
 40 87.9 88.0
 41 14.7 14.5
 42 8.0 7.7
 43 69.6 71.2
 44 27.1 30.3
 45 475.5 502.4 551.7
 46 113.6 121.3
 47 33.5 35.5
 48 285.7 299.2
 49 42.5 46.1
 50 2,033.3 2,098.6 2,215.8
 51 793.8 856.3 923.1
 52 376.2 398.7
 53 183.8 218.1
 54 221.8 229.4
 55 11.6 14.1
 56 1,239.7 1,244.1 1,295.7
 57 1,135.9 1,140.7
 58 103.5 103.0
 59 1,147.9 1,188.0 1,245.4
 60 681.2 701.8 730.5
 61 135.8 140.8
 62 123.5 129.8
 63 421.9 431.2
 64 179.8 186.5 197.2
 65 286.7 299.6 317.7
 66 261.4 272.6
 67 25.3 27.0
 68 726.6 746.8 766.7
 69 79.2 77.8 77.3
 70 647.6 669.3 690.0
 71 348.7 363.6
 72 241.7 246.8
 73 57.9 59.9
 74 354.1 360.9 377.2
 75 94.7 95.6 97.5
 76 43.0 43.3
 77 51.6 52.3
 78 259.4 265.2 279.8
 79 87.9 89.2
 80 171.5 176.0
 81 223.4 224.5 240.4
 82 1,230.4 1,247.3 1,262.4
 83 380.6 390.3 395.6
 84 323.2 331.7
 85 57.7 58.8
 86 849.7 856.9 866.6
 87 784.3 788.3
 88 65.6 68.7
 89 -13.6 -23.7
 90 2,013.3 2,069.0 2,132.5
 91 6,837.9 7,053.7 7,410.5
 92 473.4 535.8 614.9

(1.) Chained (2000) dollar series are calculated as the product of the
chain-type quantity index and the 2000 current-dollar value of the
corresponding series, divided by 100. Because the formula for the
chain-type quantity indexes uses weights of more than one period, the
corresponding chained-dollar estimates are usually not additive. The
value of not allocated by industry reflects the difference between the
first line and the sum of the most detailed lines, as well as the
differences in source data used to estimate GDP by industry and the
expenditures measure of real GDP.

(2.) Consists of agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting; mining;
construction; and manufacturing.

(3.) Consists of utilities; wholesale trade; retail trade;
transportation and warehousing; information; finance, insurance, real
estate, rental, and leasing; professional and business services;
educational services, health care, and social assistance; arts,
entertainment, recreation, accommodation, and food services; and other
services, except government.

(4.) Consists of computer and electronic products; publishing
industries (includes software); information and data processing
services; and computer systems design and related services.

Table 5. Chain-Type Price Indexes for Value Added by Industry,

[2000 = 100]

Line 2001

 1 Gross domestic product 102.399
 2 Private industries 102.038
 3 Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting 106.632
 4 Farms 111.472
 5 Forestry, fishing, and related activities 94.129
 6 Mining 103.320
 7 Oil and gas extraction 93.317
 8 Mining, except oil and gas 105.136
 9 Support activities for mining 165.211
 10 Utilities 112.393
 11 Construction 107.537
 12 Manufacturing 99.589
 13 Durable goods 95.729
 14 Wood products 101.372
 15 Nonmetallic mineral products 99.315
 16 Primary metals 95.136
 17 Fabricated metal products 102.372
 18 Machinery 102.744
 19 Computer and electronic products 75.281
 20 Electrical equipment, appliances, and
 components 101.441
 21 Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts 99.137
 22 Other transportation equipment 106.067
 23 Furniture and related products 103.857
 24 Miscellaneous manufacturing 103.587
 25 Nondurable goods 105.508
 26 Food and beverage and tobacco products 107.126
 27 Textile mills and textile product mills 105.404
 28 Apparel and leather and allied products 100.349
 29 Paper products 100.330
 30 Printing and related support activities 103.528
 31 Petroleum and coal products 139.419
 32 Chemical products 102.702
 33 Plastics and rubber products 103.233
 34 Wholesale trade 95.886
 35 Retail trade 97.598
 36 Transportation and warehousing 101.126
 37 Air transportation 87.609
 38 Rail transportation 103.161
 39 Water transportation 108.399
 40 Truck transportation 106.119
 41 Transit and ground passenger transportation 104.193
 42 Pipeline transportation 109.919
 43 Other transportation and support activities 102.859
 44 Warehousing and storage 102.836
 45 Information 100.030
 46 Publishing industries (includes software) 102.579
 47 Motion picture and sound recording industries 105.309
 48 Broadcasting and telecommunications 97.952
 49 Information and data processing services 103.217
 50 Finance, insurance, real estate, rental, and
 leasing 102.680
 51 Finance and insurance 101.267
 52 Federal Reserve banks, credit intermediation,
 and related activities 104.083
 53 Securities, commodity contracts, and
 investments 91.343
 54 Insurance carriers and related activities 102.403
 55 Funds, trusts, and other financial vehicles 142.899
 56 Real estate and rental and leasing 103.569
 57 Real estate 103.909
 58 Rental and leasing services and lessors of
 intangible assets 100.052
 59 Professional and business services 102.867
 60 Professional, scientific, and technical services 102.911
 61 Legal services 105.719
 62 Computer systems design and related services 101.430
 63 Miscellaneous professional, scientific, and
 technical services 102.436
 64 Management of companies and enterprises 98.729
 65 Administrative and waste management services 105.465
 66 Administrative and support services 105.542
 67 Waste management and remediation services 104.670
 68 Educational services, health care, and social
 assistance 105.610
 69 Educational services 107.566
 70 Health care and social assistance 105.356
 71 Ambulatory health care services 103.894
 72 Hospitals and nursing and residential care
 facilities 107.616
 73 Social assistance 103.941
 74 Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation,
 and food services 103.978
 75 Arts, entertainment, and recreation 104.592
 76 Performing arts, spectator sports, museums,
 and related activities 105.079
 77 Amusements, gambling, and recreation
 industries 104.198
 78 Accommodation and food services 103.765
 79 Accommodation 102.488
 80 Food services and drinking places 104.421
 81 Other services, except government 107.171
 82 Government 103.802
 83 Federal 103.544
 84 General government 102.721
 85 Government enterprises 107.778
 86 State and local 103.918
 87 General government 103.691
 88 Government enterprises 106.444
 89 Private goods-producing industries (1) 101.832
 90 Private services-producing industries (2) 102.098
 91 Information-communications-technology-producing 91.424
 industries (3)

Line 2002 2003 2004

 1 104.092 105.998 108.237
 2 103.417 105.274 107.681
 3 98.827 110.048 120.316
 4 101.314 116.649
 5 92.193 93.468
 6 93.283 124.599 137.923
 7 77.734 127.369
 8 111.192 110.285
 9 157.217 153.562
 10 110.445 109.953 113.281
 11 112.690 118.211 124.935
 12 97.747 97.383 99.515
 13 93.649 91.247 93.189
 14 100.323 106.763
 15 101.065 99.683
 16 95.317 92.677
 17 102.923 102.131
 18 103.284 102.945
 19 66.784 58.837
 20 99.455 96.697
 21 94.833 93.026
 22 108.413 112.534
 23 106.510 106.348
 24 106.385 107.228
 25 104.023 106.747 109.172
 26 112.757 112.117
 27 102.740 99.222
 28 98.970 97.878
 29 98.956 96.014
 30 104.082 104.676
 31 81.512 135.712
 32 102.286 104.317
 33 104.212 102.855
 34 97.186 102.281 105.607
 35 99.716 97.728 96.133
 36 101.761 101.606 104.279
 37 81.724 76.647
 38 106.848 109.336
 39 110.223 121.179
 40 108.477 110.436
 41 107.276 112.791
 42 120.805 99.571
 43 104.100 105.946
 44 104.708 105.271
 45 98.850 98.278 99.179
 46 102.156 99.684
 47 108.804 116.069
 48 95.466 94.614
 49 105.355 105.586
 50 105.650 107.226 109.382
 51 103.076 103.103 105.335
 52 110.025 110.453
 53 82.277 77.076
 54 105.833 111.598
 55 157.739 130.408
 56 107.284 109.912 112.011
 57 108.062 110.516
 58 99.071 103.577
 59 103.670 104.732 107.705
 60 104.658 105.903 108.433
 61 109.855 114.034
 62 99.706 97.540
 63 104.441 105.761
 64 98.999 102.607 108.337
 65 104.311 103.347 105.634
 66 104.415 103.602
 67 103.238 100.740
 68 109.967 113.985 117.890
 69 115.475 121.449 128.659
 70 109.269 113.051 116.576
 71 105.474 107.573
 72 114.532 120.847
 73 108.955 112.370
 74 107.979 109.865 111.283
 75 108.259 111.481 114.610
 76 108.816 113.231
 77 107.808 110.039
 78 107.886 109.228 110.100
 79 102.832 104.471
 80 110.458 111.739
 81 112.834 117.160 114.599
 82 108.335 112.235 115.526
 83 109.236 114.559 117.632
 84 108.440 114.086
 85 113.316 116.812
 86 107.933 111.190 114.581
 87 107.658 111.230
 88 111.025 110.467
 89 100.732 103.811 107.835
 90 104.213 105.708 107.646
 91 87.544 82.824 79.752

(1.) Consists of agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting; mining;
construction; and manufacturing.

(2.) Consists of utilities; wholesale trade; retail trade;
transportation and warehousing; information; finance, insurance, real
estate, rental, and leasing; professional and business services;
educational services, health care, and social assistance; arts,
entertainment, recreation, accommodation, and food services; and other
services, except government.

(3.) Consists of computer and electronic products; publishing
industries (includes software); information and data processing
services; and computer systems design and related services.

Table 5.A. Percent Changes in Chain-Type Price Indexes for Value Added
by Industry, 2001-2004

Line 2001

 1 Gross domestic product 2.4
 2 Private industries 2.0
 3 Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting 6.6
 4 Farms 11.5
 5 Forestry, fishing, and related activities -5.9
 6 Mining 3.3
 7 Oil and gas extraction -6.7
 8 Mining, except oil and gas 5.1
 9 Support activities for mining 65.2
 10 Utilities 12.4
 11 Construction 7.5
 12 Manufacturing -0.4
 13 Durable goods -4.3
 14 Wood products 1.4
 15 Nonmetallic mineral products -0.7
 16 Primary metals -4.9
 17 Fabricated metal products 2.4
 18 Machinery 2.7
 19 Computer and electronic products -24.7
 20 Electrical equipment, appliances, and components 1.4
 21 Motor vehicles, bodies and trailers, and parts -0.9
 22 Other transportation equipment 6.1
 23 Furniture and related products 3.9
 24 Miscellaneous manufacturing 3.6
 25 Nondurable goods 5.5
 26 Food and beverage and tobacco products 7.1
 27 Textile mills and textile product mills 5.4
 28 Apparel and leather and allied products 0.3
 29 Paper products 0.3
 30 Printing and related support activities 3.5
 31 Petroleum and coal products 39.4
 32 Chemical products 2.7
 33 Plastics and rubber products 3.2
 34 Wholesale trade -4.1
 35 Retail trade -2.4
 36 Transportation and warehousing 1.1
 37 Air transportation -12.4
 38 Rail transportation 3.2
 39 Water transportation 8.4
 40 Truck transportation 6.1
 41 Transit and ground passenger transportation 4.2
 42 Pipeline transportation 9.9
 43 Other transportation and support activities 2.9
 44 Warehousing and storage 2.8
 45 Information 0.0
 46 Publishing industries (includes software) 2.6
 47 Motion picture and sound recording industries 5.3
 48 Broadcasting and telecommunications -2.0
 49 Information and data processing services 3.2
 50 Finance, insurance, real estate, rental, and leasing 2.7
 51 Finance and insurance 1.3
 52 Federal Reserve banks, credit intermediation,
 and related activities 4.1
 53 Securities, commodity contracts, and investments -8.7
 54 Insurance carriers and related activities 2.4
 55 Funds, trusts, and other financial vehicles 42.9
 56 Real estate and rental and leasing 3.6
 57 Real estate 3.9
 58 Rental and leasing services and lessors of
 intangible assets 0.1
 59 Professional and business services 2.9
 60 Professional, scientific, and technical services 2.9
 61 Legal services 5.7
 62 Computer systems design and related services 1.4
 63 Miscellaneous professional, scientific, and
 technical services 2.4
 64 Management of companies and enterprises -1.3
 65 Administrative and waste management services 5.5
 66 Administrative and support services 5.5
 67 Waste management and remediation services 4.7
 68 Educational services, health care, and social
 assistance 5.6
 69 Educational services 7.6
 70 Health care and social assistance 5.4
 71 Ambulatory health care services 3.9
 72 Hospitals and nursing and residential care
 facilities 7.6
 73 Social assistance 3.9
 74 Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation, and
 food services 4.0
 75 Arts, entertainment, and recreation 4.6
 76 Performing arts, spectator sports, museums, and
 related activities 5.1
 77 Amusements, gambling, and recreation industries 4.2
 78 Accommodation and food services 3.8
 79 Accommodation 2.5
 80 Food services and drinking places 4.4
 81 Other services, except government 7.2
 82 Government 3.8
 83 Federal 3.5
 84 General government 2.7
 85 Government enterprises 7.8
 86 State and local 3.9
 87 General government 3.7
 88 Government enterprises 6.4
 89 Private goods-producing industries (1) 1.8
 90 Private services-producing industries (2) 2.1
 91 Information-communications-technology-producing
 industries (3) -8.6

Line 2002 2003 2004

 1 1.7 1.8 2.1
 2 1.4 1.8 2.3
 3 -7.3 11.4 9.3
 4 -9.1 15.1
 5 -2.1 1.4
 6 -9.7 33.6 10.7
 7 -16.7 63.9
 8 5.8 -0.8
 9 4.8 -2.3
 10 -1.7 -0.4 3.0
 11 4.8 4.9 5.7
 12 -1.8 -0.4 2.2
 13 -2.2 -2.6 2.1
 14 -1.0 6.4
 15 1.8 -1.4
 16 0.2 -2.8
 17 0.5 -0.8
 18 0.5 -0.3
 19 -11.3 -11.9
 20 -2.0 -2.8
 21 -4.3 -1.9
 22 2.2 3.8
 23 2.6 -0.2
 24 2.7 0.8
 25 -1.4 2.6 2.3
 26 5.3 -0.6
 27 -2.5 -3.4
 28 -1.4 -1.1
 29 -1.4 -3.0
 30 0.5 0.6
 31 -41.5 66.5
 32 -0.4 2.0
 33 0.9 -1.3
 34 1.4 5.2 3.3
 35 2.2 -2.0 -1.6
 36 0.6 -0.2 2.6
 37 -0.7 -6.2
 38 3.6 2.3
 39 1.7 9.9
 40 2.2 1.8
 41 3.0 5.1
 42 9.9 -17.6
 43 1.2 1.8
 44 1.8 0.5
 45 -1.2 -0.6 0.9
 46 -0.4 -2.4
 47 3.3 6.7
 48 -2.5 -0.9
 49 2.1 0.2
 50 2.9 1.5 2.0
 51 1.8 0.0 2.2
 52 5.7 0.4
 53 -9.9 -0.3
 54 3.3 5.4
 55 10.4 -17.3
 56 3.6 2.4 1.9
 57 4.0 2.3
 58 -1.0 4.5
 59 0.8 1.0 2.8
 60 1.7 1.2 2.4
 61 3.9 3.8
 62 -1.7 -2.2
 63 2.0 1.3
 64 0.3 3.6 5.6
 65 -1.1 -0.9 2.2
 66 -1.1 -0.8
 67 -1.4 -2.4
 68 4.1 3.7 3.4
 69 7.4 5.2 5.9
 70 3.7 3.5 3.1
 71 1.5 2.0
 72 6.4 5.5
 73 4.8 3.1
 74 3.8 1.7 1.3
 75 3.5 3.0 2.8
 76 3.6 4.1
 77 3.5 2.1
 78 4.0 1.3 0.7
 79 0.3 1.6
 80 5.8 1.2
 81 5.3 3.8 -2.2
 82 4.4 3.6 2.9
 83 5.5 4.9 2.7
 84 5.6 5.2
 85 5.1 3.1
 86 3.9 3.0 3.0
 87 3.8 3.3
 88 4.3 -0.5
 89 -1.1 3.1 3.9
 90 2.1 1.4 1.8
 91 -4.2 -5.4 -3.7

(1.) Consists of agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting; mining;
construction; and manufacturing.

(2.) Consists of utilities; wholesale trade; retail trade;
transportation and warehousing; information; finance, insurance, real
estate, rental, and leasing; professional and business services;
educational services, health care, and social assistance; arts,
entertainment, recreation, accommodation, and food services; and other
services, except government.

(3.) Consists of computer and electronic products; publishing
industries (includes software); information and data processing
services; and computer systems design and related services.


Erich H. Strassner of the Annual Industry Branch of the Industry Economics Division supervised the preparation of the estimates. Sumiye Okubo, Associate Director for Industry Accounts, Ann M. Lawson, Chief of the Industry Economics Division, and George M. Smith, Chief of the Annual Industry Branch, provided overall guidance. The estimates for 2004 were prepared by Kevin B. Barefoot and Thomas E Howells III. Tameka R.L. Harris prepared material for BEA's Web site. Brian C. Moyer, Deputy Chief of the National Income and Wealth Division, and Robert E. Yuskavage, Senior Economist in the Office of the Associate Director for Industry Accounts, provided valuable assistance.

Staff members of the National Income and Wealth Division and the Government Division contributed to the development of estimates. Staff members of the Office of the Chief Information Officer, particularly Stephen P. Holliday and Douglas J. Klear, helped reengineer the data-processing application that was used to prepare the estimates.

(1.) The advance estimates for 2003 were released in June 2004 as part of the comprehensive revision of the annual industry accounts.

(2.) In the fall of 2005, BEA will release revised annual industry estimates for 2002-2004.

(3.) An industry's share of current-dollar GDP is a better indicator of its relative size in the economy than its share of real GDP, partly because its share of real GDP depends on the choice of reference year.

(4.) For the advance estimates, real value added is computed using the single deflation method; for more information, see the appendix.

(5.) All industry's contribution to real GDP growth reflects both the growth rate of its real value added and its share of current dollar GDP. For additional information about computing these contributions, see Brian C. Moyer, Mark A. Planting, Paul V. Kern, and Abigail M. Kish, "Improved Annual Industry Accounts for 1998-2003: Integrated Annual Input-Output Accounts and Gross-Domestic-Product-by-Industry Accounts," SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS 84 (June 2004): 34.

(6.) ICT-producing industries consist of one goods-producing industry-computer and electronic products in durable-goods manufacturing--and three services-producing industries--publishing industries (includes soft ware) and "information and data processing services" in the information industry group and "computer systems design and related services" in the professional, scientific, and technical services industry group.

(7.) In the industry accounts, an industry's value-added price index mea sures the change in prices for the industry's labor and capital and provides a measure of how much each industry contributes to total U.S. inflation.

(8.) An industry's contribution to the growth in GDP prices reflects both its growth in value-added prices and its share of current-dollar GDP.

(9.) The preparation of the annual industry accounts for 1998-2003 used a more comprehensive, integration methodology that combines detailed source data within an input-output framework that balances and reconciles industry production with commodity usage. For more information, see Brian C. Moyer, Mark A. Planting, Mahnaz Fahim-Nader, and Sherlene K.S. Lum, "Preview of the Comprehensive Revision of the Annual Industry Accounts," SURVEY 84 (March 2004): 38-51.

(10.) Definitional and conceptual differences affect the comparability of some NIPA and industry measures. For example, in the NIPAs, the value added by goods-distribution industries (such as transportation and trade) is included in the market value of goods. However, in the annual industry accounts, the value added of these industries is included in the services-producing sector. For more information, see Robert E. Yuskavage and Yvon H. Pho, "Gross Domestic Product by Industry for 1987-2000: New Estimates on the North American Industry Classification System," SURVEy 84 (November 2004): 38-39.

(11.) Current-dollar value added in the annual industry accounts is measured as the sum of industry distributions of compensation of employees, gross operating surplus, and "taxes on production and imports less subsidies."

(12.) Estimates at the NAICS two-digit industry level are applied to the NAICS three-digit industry level for taxes on production and imports, and the ratio of an industry's share of total subsidies is held constant from the previous year.

(13.) Single deflation approximates the results obtained by double deflation, which computes real value added as the difference between real gross output and real intermediate inputs, when the prices of an industry's intermediate inputs increase at about the same rate as its gross output prices. For more information, see Robert E. Yuskavage, "Gross Domestic Product by Industry: A Progress Report on Accelerated Estimates," SURVEY 82 (June 2002): 21. ******