Measuring the services of property-casualty insurance in the NIPAs: changes in concepts and methods.
Chen, Baoline ; Fixler, Dennis J.
As part of the comprehensive revision of the national income and
product accounts (NIPAs) that is scheduled to be released on December 10, 2003, a change in the definition of property and casualty insurance
services will be introduced. This definitional change will recognize the
implicit services that are funded by investment income, will adopt a
treatment of insured losses that is more consistent with the economic
behavior of the insurer, and will change the treatment of reinsurance.
This change is briefly described in the June 2003 issue of the SURVEY OF
CURRENT BUSINESS, and some of the associated changes in the tables are
described in the August 2003 issue. (1)
The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) currently measures services
of the property-casualty insurance industry as its net premiums earned
minus net losses incurred and dividend to policyholders, where net
premiums and losses refer to premiums and losses net of reinsurance.
However, the insurance output measured using the current definition does
not include all the services provided by the property-casualty insurance
Property-casualty insurance companies provide three types of
services: Risk-pooling, financial services relating to insured losses,
and intermediation. Insurance provides a mechanism for consumers,
businesses, and government that are exposed to property-casualty losses
to engage in risk reduction through pooling. The insurer provides a
variety of real services for policyholders, such as loss settlements,
risk surveys, and loss prevention plans. The insurer collects premiums
in advance of the loss payments and holds the funds in reserves until
the claims are paid. The insurer also provides intermediation services
through the investment of the funds in reserves. Net gains from the
invested funds in reserves are used to supplement revenue from premiums
to pay for claims or for reinsurance services; in other words,
policyholders pay a smaller premium in order to compensate for the
opportunity cost of their funds that are held by the insurer. According
to various studies that focus on the performance of property-casualty
insurance services, the provision of these services of financial
protection and financial intermediation represents the output of the
property-casualty insurance industry (Cummins and Weiss, 2000).
Replacing the actual losses incurred with the normal losses in the
calculation of insurance services is a major innovation in the
definitional change. Normal losses represent the incurred losses that
the insurer expects to pay (payable claims). This change in the
treatment of losses recognizes that because actual losses incurred are
only known after they occur, insurance companies determine the premiums
for an upcoming period on the basis of their perception of the losses
that they may incur. The new treatment eliminates the large swings in
measured insurance services that are caused by catastrophes, such as the
Northridge earthquake in 1994, Hurricane Andrew in 1992, and the
terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001.
Another significant aspect of the definitional change is the use of
expected investment income as a measure of premium supplements. Premium
supplements are the component of implicit services arising from the
investment income earned from the investment in reserves. The inclusion
of premium supplements is found in the measure of insurance output in
the United Nations System of National Accounts (SNA, 1993), but its
inclusion in the BEA measure of output is new. Economic models on the
behavior of the insurer generally recognize that insurance companies
maximize their profits by setting premiums that are based on their
expectations of future losses and investment returns. The use of
expected, rather than the actual, investment income to measure premium
supplements is intended to better capture the economic behavior of the
A much-debated issue about the components of investment income is
whether capital gains and the income on own funds should be included. In
the SNA, investment income is defined as the interest and dividend
income earned on technical reserves, which are the unearned premiums
plus unpaid losses. In the estimation of expected investment income, net
realized capital gains are included in investment income. Fixler and
Moulton (2001) argue that capital gains should be included because the
supply price of many services, such as financial services, is based on
expected capital gains. Hill (1998) also suggests that capital gains
should be treated the same as investment income.
Another issue in the computation of investment income is the
treatment of mandated reserves and own-funds. In the United States, the
states have regulatory authority over the operations of insurance
companies, and in many cases, they mandate the holding of reserves and
how the reserves must be invested. Such reserves do not appear as
separate entries in the industry consolidated balance sheets. In
principle, the invested mandated reserves should be treated the same as
other components of technical reserves. Investment income from the
insurer's own-funds is not a component in the premiums supplement
and is reported separately from the investment income from the
policyholders' funds, or technical reserves, on the insurer's
annual statement. However, because investment funds are fungible, the
industry-level rate of return to invested funds is computed with
investment income from both the insurer's own funds and the
policyholders funds.
Currently, insurance services are calculated from data on premiums
earned and losses incurred net of reinsurance assumed and ceded. (2)
This treatment of reinsurance is based on the assumption that
reinsurance services are exports or imports or that reinsurance assumed
offsets reinsurance ceded within a particular line of insurance.
However, this assumption is incorrect because some domestic insurance
companies specialize in reinsurance services and because the data
indicate that reinsurance assumed seldom offsets reinsurance ceded
within a particular line of insurance. Because insurance companies
purchase reinsurance to reduce the risk that they must bear in the event
of greater than expected losses, such services will be treated as an
intermediate input to the insurance carriers industry or as exports of
Under the new definition, services of the property-casualty
insurance industry will be measured as direct premiums earned plus
premiums supplements minus normal losses incurred and dividends to
policyholders. Direct premiums earned equal net premiums earned plus
premiums received from reinsurance assumed minus premiums paid for
reinsurance ceded. Further discussion on the definitional change and its
impact on the national income and product accounts can be found in
Moulton and Seskin (2003).
This article discusses the methodology used to incorporate the
expectation behavior of the insurer into the insurance output measure.
Section 2 focuses on the estimation of normal losses and expected
investment income. It describes the expectation behavior of insurers
regarding their future losses and their future investment income, and it
discusses the statistical methodology for estimating the normal losses
and expected investment income. Section 3 discusses the effect of the
definitional change on the measured property-casualty insurance
services. Section 4 provides the concluding remarks. The article
includes a technical note that provides details on the data sources and
data preparation for implementing the definitional changes.
Estimation of Normal Losses and Expected Investment Income
To set premiums for a future period, profit-maximizing insurance
companies must estimate their expected investment income, their normal
losses, and their operating expenses. The importance of expectations is
generally accepted, but how expectations on future losses and future
investment income are formed is still debatable. Two expectations models
that may explain the insurer's behavior are the adaptive
expectations model and the rational expectations model.
In a simple adaptive expectations framework, individuals adjust
their expectations according to the deviations of their expectations
from their actual experiences. In other words, individuals adapt their
expectations according to the forecast errors. Specifically, the
expectation for the next period is a weighted average of the actual
experience in the current period and the forecast error for the current
period. If expressed recursively, the expectation for the next period is
a weighted average of the current experience and of all past
experiences. The weights on the lagged experiences decline
exponentially, emphasizing the importance of the more recent experiences
in the formation of expectations.
Adaptive expectations behavior seems consistent with the
observation that insurance companies' estimates of future losses
are primarily based on their past losses. When evaluating past losses,
the insurer accounts for factors, such as the characteristics of the
insured, that consistently govern the general behavior of the insured
over time toward the insured risks. The insurer also accounts for recent
regulatory and technological changes that may have affected recent
incurred losses. For example, if there were a recent change in the
penalty for drunk driving, then it would likely affect the recent number
of accidents caused by drunk drivers. Recent advances in technology in
the insurance industry have resulted in better risk surveys and loss
prevention programs that are likely to have helped reduce losses. Such
factors suggest that more recent loss experiences provide more
information about current trends in losses, and hence, more recent loss
experiences should carry more weight in the formation of expectations on
future losses.
Similarly, current and past investment income provides a major
source of information to insurance companies when they estimate
investment income for the future periods. However, because other
factors, such as the recent performance of the economy or recent changes
in tax policy on investment income, may have more influence on the
current trend in investment income, recent investment experiences should
be more important in the formation of expectations on future investment
The adaptive expectations model is a straightforward way to explain
expectations behavior, but Muth (1961) pointed out that this model lacks
a theoretical basis, and he proposed a rational expectations framework.
Rational expectations theory implies that economic behavior underlies
the formation of expectations, and expectations are based on all the
information that is available when the expectations are formed. To be
consistent with this theory, a structural model that seeks to explain
the insurer's expectations of future losses should include past
experiences and variables, such as the prices of materials and services
that largely comprise loss payments, number of policyholders, trends in
rulings of courts toward legal liabilities, and other variables that may
affect future losses. Similarly, in addition to current and past
investment income, a structural model that seeks to explain an
insurer's expectation of future investment income should include
variables--such as interest rates, the rate of change in technical
reserves, the rate of inflation, stock indexes, the rate of growth in
real GDP, and other macroeconomic variables--that may affect future
investment income.
Rational expectations models are technically difficult to estimate.
First, an economic optimization model must be specified, and estimation
must be preceded by an analytical solution to the model. Even when the
solution is linear in the exogenous variables of the model, the
coefficients are often combinations of the structural parameters that
are generally not linear and are difficult to estimate. Second, because
of the likely serial correlation in the structural disturbances,
assumptions about the autocorrelation structure are necessary. (3)
Third, there is little consensus on a structure model that correctly
includes all relevant variables and that properly explains their
interactive roles in the formation of the insurer's expectations on
future losses or on future investment income.
Because of these difficulties, the focus is on the roles of current
and past losses and investment experiences, and the adaptive
expectations model is used. Despite the theoretical weakness of this
model, empirical evidence indicates that it works quite well in many
economic applications.
Estimating normal losses or expected investment income is
essentially a forecasting problem. Normal losses are future losses that
are expected to be paid by the insurer, and hence, statistically, they
are the forecasts of future losses. Similarly, expected investment
income is the forecast of future investment income. A forecasting method
that is consistent with the adaptive expectations framework is a
weighted moving average model with weights on the lagged observations
declining exponentially. (4) An alternative to this method is the
n-point simple moving average method, which has been used by the
Australian Bureau of Statistics (1999). Time series methods, such as
Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average methods (ARIMA) are also
alternatives for forecasting future losses and expected investment
income. (5) A common feature of these methods is that future values of a
series depend only on its lagged values.
Choices of statistical methods
Under the definitional change, the services of 22 lines of
property-casualty insurance is being remeasured. (A list of the 22 lines
is included in the technical note.) According to the published records,
data series for these lines span from 18 to 72 years. Some lines of
insurance services exhibit autocorrelation and possible
heteroskedasticity in the residuals in the data series on losses and
investment income. (6) Initial experimentation indicated that the search
for an optimal ARIMA model to fit the data for each of the 22 lines of
property-casualty insurance would be difficult and costly. In addition,
to update the estimates annually for each line of insurance when new
data become available would add significantly to the costs of producing
the national income and product accounts.
The weighted moving average models focus on the trends and seasonal
behavior of the data. Because these two aspects largely determine the
variance of the series, when chosen properly, the weighted moving
average method performs well, relative to more complicated methods, on a
wide range of data series. The weighted moving average model with no
trend and no seasonal factors requires the estimation of a single
parameter. Specifically, the method can be viewed as estimating the
value of [alpha] that best fits:
[Z.sub.t] = [w.sub.1][Z.sub.t-1] + [w.sub.2][Z.sub.t-2] + ... +
where [w.sub.i] = [alpha][(1 - [alpha])[sup.i-1], for i = 1, ...,
and [e.sub.t] is a white noise disturbance term. This formula is
identical to that derived from the adaptive expectations model developed
by Cagan (1956).
The n-point simple moving average method is based on the assumption
that the time series is "locally stationary" with a slow
varying mean. Hence, the moving average of n most recent observations
are used to estimate the current value of the mean, and this mean is
used as the forecast for the next period. This method is a compromise
between the mean and random walk models. (7)
The short-term averaging smooths out the bumps in the original
series. By adjusting the degree of smoothing, n, one hopes to strike an
optimal balance between the mean and random walk models. The choice for
the n-point average is between a lagged moving average or a centered
moving average. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (1999) chooses to
use the centered moving averages, implying that the forecast of losses
for period t would be influenced by losses in the future periods. To
avoid the influence of future events on the formation of expectations,
the lagged moving averages were used for forecasting future losses. (8)
Computationally both methods are simple to implement. An advantage
of the weighted moving average method is that the small set of model
choices simplifies the process of choosing the "best" model
and makes it ideal for fairly small data series. The disadvantage of the
n-point simple moving average method is that the choice of n largely
depends on subjective judgment because this method is not based on any
statistical modeling. The common disadvantage of any moving average
method is that the forecasts generated from such a method will lag as
the trend of the actual data increases or decreases.
Conceptually, the weighted moving average method is superior to the
n-point simple moving average method because it places relatively more
weight on the most recent observations, whereas the n-point simple
moving average method places equal weight on the n lagged observations
and excludes all observations more than n periods back in time.
Moreover, the weighted moving average method relies on a smoothing
parameter that is estimated from the entire time series and that is
geared toward minimizing the mean square prediction errors.
In order to evaluate the two moving average methods, normal losses
and expected investment income for five lines of insurance services were
computed, and the summary statistics of the forecast or prediction
errors were compared. The five lines of insurance services in the
experiment are private passenger auto liability (PAL), private passenger
auto physical damage (PAD), homeowners multiple peril (HMP), farmowners
multiple peril (FMP), and workers compensation (WCP). These lines were
chosen because of their significant shares in the property-casualty
insurance industry. In 2000, these five lines accounted for 62 percent
of the total premiums earned by the industry, and they accounted for
more than 85 percent of the premiums recorded in personal consumption
expenditures in the national income and product accounts.
Computing normal losses
The data series that were available for the experiment were direct
premiums earned and direct losses incurred from 1972 to 2001. Time
series data on direct premiums and losses for almost all the lines of
property-casualty insurance services are highly nonstationary. (9) In
order to obtain more stationary data and to be able to incorporate
information from direct premiums earned, the variable direct losses
incurred, [L.sub.t] was redefined as the product of direct premiums
earned, [P.sub.t], and the direct loss ratio, [l.sub.t] =
[L.sub.t]/[P.sub.t]. Thus, the estimates of normal losses were not
computed only from direct losses incurred. Instead, expected loss ratios
were first estimated from data on direct premiums earned and direct
losses incurred, and then estimates of normal losses were derived. Let
[l.sub.t+1|t] be the expected, or the forecasted, loss ratio for period
t + 1, given the information available in period t, and let
[L.sub.t+1|t] be the normal losses for period t+1. Formally, normal
losses in period t+1 can be expressed as:
(1) [L.sub.t+1|t] = [l.sub.t+1|t][P.sub.t+1],
where [l.sub.t+1|t] is computed as:
(2) [l.sub.t+1|t] = E([l.sub.t+1]|[l.sub.t], [l.sub.t-1], ...)
The weighted moving average model discussed above takes the form
(3) E([l.sub.t+1]|[l.sub.t], [l.sub.t-1], ...) = [alpha][l.sub.t] +
(1 - [alpha])E([l.sub.t]|[l.sub.t-1], [l.sub.t-2], ...) =
[alpha][[summation of].sup.[infinity].sub.i=0] [(1 -
where [alpha] is the smoothing constant in the interval (0, 1). The
expected loss ratio for period t+1 can be calculated as the weighted sum
of the loss ratio at period t and the forecast of the loss ratio for
period t, given information at t-1. Expressed recursively, the loss
ratio at period t can be calculated as the exponentially weighted sum of
loss ratios of all previous periods.
The smoothing parameter, [alpha], can be estimated fairly well if a
data series has at least 30 observations and is free of serial
correlation. The WinRATS-3.2 Version 5.1 program was used to estimate
[alpha], which chooses the estimate of [alpha], [alpha], by minimizing
in-sample, one-step forecast errors. However, if the data series is not
long enough or if it exhibits serial correlation, then setting [alpha]
to a reasonable value produces more reliable results than relying on
imprecise estimates. According to the statistical and engineering
literature, the value of [alpha] is often chosen between 0.1 and 0.3.
Some studies point out that an estimated value of [alpha] greater than
0.3 may suggest serial correlation in the data series.
Estimating normal losses with the weighted moving average model
involves two steps. The first step is to estimate [alpha] and to
generate forecasts of loss ratios. If the estimated value of [alpha],
[alpha] does not suggest serial correlations in the data, then [alpha]
is used to generate forecasts of loss ratios, [l.sub.t+1|t] ([alpha]).
If [alpha] indicates serial correlations in the data, then [alpha] is
chosen in the interval (0.1, 0.3) to generate loss ratio forecasts, and
the chosen [alpha] value, [alpha] is the one with the minimum root mean
square prediction errors (RMSPE). (10) One may experiment with many
values of [alpha] in the specified range. The results with [alpha] =
(0.1, 0.2, 0.3) indicate that these three choices are sufficient. The
second step is to compute normal losses, [L.sub.t+1|t] = [l.sub.t+1|t]
[P.sub.t+1], and the summary statistics of the in-sample, one-step
forecast errors.
In the experiment, estimation results suggest that [alpha] = (0.34,
0.19) for HMP and FMP, respectively. For PAL, PAD, and WCP, [alpha]
indicates serial correlation in the data, so the value of [alpha] was
set. Based on the minimum RMSPE criterion, [alpha] = 0.3 was set for
PAL, PAD, and WCP.
The n-point simple moving average method is straightforward to
implement. The expected loss ratio for period t+1 is given by:
(4) E([l.sub.t+1]|[l.sub.t], [l.sub.t-1], ..., [l.sub.t-n+1]) =
1/n[[summation of].sup.n-1.sub.i=0][l.sub.t-i]
The main concern with this method is the choice of n. An optimal n
should smooth out the bumps in the data that are generated by short-term
noise but still preserve the dynamic characteristics of the time series.
However, there is little discussion in the literature on the criterion
for choosing an optimal n, perhaps because the n-point moving average
method is not based on a formal statistical model.
For the comparison of the two types of moving averages, n = 5 was
selected for each line of insurance. This selection is consistent with
the choice of [alpha] because four of the five lines of insurance in the
experiment are either 0.3 or close to 0.3, implying that the first five
lagged loss ratios account for more than 83 percent of the forecasted
loss ratios. An added consideration is that the Australian Bureau of
Statistics sets n = 5 for its forecasts of future losses. (11)
Using either moving average method, the estimation of expected
losses requires a plan for handling catastrophic losses. By definition,
these catastrophes are unpredictable events that have significant
effects on losses. Some of the five lines of insurance that were
examined have experienced catastrophic losses. For example, homeowners
multiple peril (HMP) experienced catastrophic losses in 1992 because of
Hurricane Andrew, and the loss ratio for 1992 reached 1.24. Unless
adjusted for, catastrophic losses can have too much influence on the
computation of expected losses and measured output. Accordingly, the
following steps were taken to dampen the effect of catastrophic losses.
First, the expected loss ratios using the sample data were computed, and
the data for the year of the catastrophe were treated as missing
observations. Second, the catastrophic loss was computed as the
difference between the actual loss ratio and the estimated loss ratio.
Third, the catastrophic loss was spread forward equally for 20 years,
starting from the catastrophic year. For example, for HMP, using the
weighted moving average method, the adjustment for the catastrophic loss
is computed as, [DELTA]l = ([l.sub.1992] - [l.sub.1992|1991] ([alpha]))
/ 20, and using the n-point moving average method, the adjustment is
computed as [DELTA]l = ([l.sub.1992] - [l.sub.1992|1991 ...,
1987](n=5))/20. The adjustment for catastrophic losses, [DELTA]l, is
then added to the forecasts of loss ratios for 1992 through 2011.
In table 1, the RMSPE for the lines of insurance in the experiment
with [alpha] = (0.1, 0.2, 0.3) is compared with the RMSPE for those
lines with n = 5. Note that if [alpha] can be estimated as in the cases
of liMP and FMP, [l.sub.t|t-1]([alpha]) yields the minimum RMSPE. If
[alpha] cannot be estimated as in the cases of PAL, PAD and WCP,
[l.sub.t|t-1]([alpha]=0.3]) yields the smallest RMSPE of all the choices
of [alpha] values. The weighted moving average method out performed the
5-point moving average method in four of the five cases.
To further compare the two moving average methods, table 2 provides
the summary statistics that are often used to measure the performance of
forecasts: Mean error (ME), mean absolute error (MAE), mean absolute
percentage error (MAPE), standard deviation of prediction error (SDPE),
and root mean square of prediction error (RMSPE).
Since positive deviations tend to offset negative deviations, MAE
is often used to measure the accuracy of the forecasted time series
values, in addition to ME that measures the average forecasting error.
MAPE is a unit free measure of the accuracy of the forecasts; it
converts deviations in any unit measurement to average percentage
deviations. SDPE measures the dispersion of the forecast errors, and
RMSPE accounts for both the mean and the dispersion of the forecast
For each line, the summary statistics from the forecasts were
compared, using the weighted moving averages and choosing [alpha] based
on the minimum RMSPE criterion. Summary statistics were also computed
from the forecasts using the 5-point moving averages. Columns 2 and 3
contain the summary statistics from the forecasts of loss ratios and
Columns 4 and 5 contain the summary statistics from the derived normal
The summary statistics indicate that the weighted moving average
method performed better over all. If the smoothing parameter can be
estimated--that is, if the loss ratio data series does not exhibit
serial correlation--the weighted moving average method clearly out
performs the 5-point moving average method. The better performance can
be seen by comparing the summary statistics for HMP and FMP in parts C
and D in table 2. For PAL, PAD and WCP, where the smoothing parameter
cannot be estimated, by setting [alpha] = 0.3, the weighted moving
average method resulted in smaller MAE, MAPE, SDPE and RMSPE for PAL and
WCP from estimated loss ratios and derived normal losses. For PAD, the
5-point moving average performed better for estimating loss ratios, but
the weighted moving average produced a smaller RMSPE from computed
normal losses, because the computed normal losses incorporate
information from current premiums.
To illustrate the estimation results obtained from using the
weighted moving averages and setting [alpha] according to the RMSPE
criterion, in panels 1.1 to 1.5 in chart 1, the actual loss ratios are
compared with the forecasts of loss ratios for the five lines of
insurance in the experiment. In panels 2.1 to 2.5 in chart 2, the actual
direct losses are compared with the normal losses which are computed
according to equation (1).
Computing expected investment income
Data on investment income are labeled as "net investment gain
on funds attributable to insurance transactions," and they are
included in part II of the insurance expenditure exhibits (IEE)
published in the Best's Aggregate and Averages: Property-Casualty
by A.M. Best Company. The net investment gain on funds attributable to
insurance transactions by line of insurance is defined as the product of
the industry-level rate of return to invested funds and the technical
reserves by line of insurance adjusted for uncollected premiums and for
the expenses associated with unearned premiums. (12) The net investment
income for the current year includes net realized capital gains. The
measurement of investment income here is the same as that used in the
producer price index for property-casualty insurance from the Bureau of
Labor Statistics (BLS).
Insurance companies often analyze their investment experiences on
the basis of the investment income to premium ratios. Let [I.sub.t]
denote the investment income, and let [i.sub.t] = [I.sub.t]/[P.sub.t]
denote the investment income to premiums ratio in period t. For each
line of insurance, direct premiums earned plus premiums supplements in
period t, [P.sub.t] + [I.sub.t], can be expressed as [P.sub.t](1 +
[i.sub.t]), which corresponds exactly to the price measure used by BLS
in the producer price index for property-casualty insurance. Using this
characterization allows the BLS index to deflate the measure of the
current-dollar insurance output. Let [i.sub.t+1|t] be the expected
investment income to premiums ratio for period t+1, given the
information available in period t, and let [I.sub.t+1|t] be the expected
investment income for period t+1 given by:
(5) [I.sub.t+1|t] = [i.sub.t+1|t][P.sub.t+1]
In the weighted moving average model, the expected investment
income to premiums ratio is computed as:
(6) [i.sub.t+1|t] = E([i.sub.t+1]|[i.sub.t], [i.sub.t-1], ...) =
[beta][[summation of].sup.[infinity].sub.i=0] [(1 -
where [beta] is the smoothing parameter in (0, 1).
Like the experiment on normal losses, PAL, PAD, HMP, FMP, and WCP
are included in the experiment on expected investment income. The
estimation experiment used data on investment income to premiums ratios
by line of insurance for 1978-2000. Data analysis revealed some degree
of serial correlation in the data on [i.sub.t], for all five lines of
insurance, which led to setting [beta] = (0.1, 0.2, 0.3). As shown in
table 3, among the choices of [beta], [beta] = 0.3 is associated with
the minimum RMSPE. Like the computation of normal losses, the experiment
included the n-point moving average method with the parameter n = 5. The
estimates that used the weighted moving averages with [beta] = 0.3 yield
smaller RMSPEs than those used the 5-point moving averages for four of
the five lines.
To further compare the estimates from both methods, table 4 shows
the summary statistics of the forecast errors from the forecasts that
used both moving averages. It is evident that using the weighted moving
average method with [beta] = 0.3 results in smaller MAPE and RMSPE for
PAD, HMP, FMP, and WCP. To illustrate the estimation results obtained
from using both methods, panels 3.1 to 3.5 in chart 3 provided a
comparison of the estimated investment income to premiums ratio with the
actual investment income to premiums ratios.
Based on the results from the experiment, the weighted moving
average method was chosen to compute the expected loss ratios and
expected investment income to premiums ratios for all 22 lines of
insurance. This method produced better overall estimation results, and
it is consistent with the adaptive expectations model, which
conceptually better explains the behavior of the insurer than the
n-point moving average method. Because autocorrelation is present in the
data series on loss ratios and investment income to premiums ratios for
most of the 22 lines, [alpha] = 0.3 was used in the computation of
expected loss ratios, and [beta] = 0.3 was used in the computation of
expected investment income to premiums ratios for all 22 lines.
Effects of Definitional Change on Insurance Output
The definitional change in the output measures of the 22 lines of
the property-casualty insurance services has resulted in higher average
levels of annual output. The increases derive from the inclusion of
investment income as premium supplements, but they are also
attributable, to a much lesser extent, to the use of data on the direct
basis, which includes data on reinsurance services. The aggregated
average annual output of the 22 lines increased 35 percent; 32 percent
of this increase is attributable to the inclusion of data on premium
supplements, and 3 percent is attributable to the inclusion of data on
reinsurance services.
As was expected, the change to normal losses from actual losses and
the use of expected investment income rather than the actual investment
income as premium supplements did not significantly affect the
aggregated output. The increase in the aggregated annual average output
amounted to 0.8 percent. In theory, the aggregated average annual output
should not be affected at all if the estimation is conducted properly.
The reason for the slight effect is that adjustments for some
catastrophic losses are allocated to future years. In addition, only the
output of some lines are affected by catastrophic losses, but the
aggregate measure is not affected.
The definitional change has also resulted in significantly less
volatility in the annual output of the insurance lines that experienced
catastrophic losses. The reduction in volatility is largely attributable
to the use of normal losses rather than actual losses.
To illustrate the effect of the definitional change and using five
insurance lines as an example, table 5 presents a comparison of the
average annual output using the current definition with that using the
new definition, and it also shows a comparison of the volatility in the
actual data series with that in the estimated data series.
The standard deviation of a time series measures the volatility of
that series, and the ratio of the standard deviations of two series
provides the relative volatility of the two series. Column 2 shows the
relative volatility in the expected loss ratios to the actual loss
ratios, and column 3 shows the relative volatility in the computed
normal losses to the actual losses. Two observations can be drawn from
columns 2 and 3. First, the expected loss ratios and the normal losses
show reduced volatility. Not surprisingly the reduction in volatility is
greater for the lines that experienced catastrophic losses. Allied lines
had catastrophic losses in 1989, 1992, 1998, and 2001, and homeowners
multiple peril had catastrophic losses in 1992. Second, the reduction in
volatility in normal losses is less than that in the estimated loss
ratios. This is because normal losses are derived as the product of
estimated loss ratios and the direct premiums earned. Some volatility in
the direct premiums earned has been picked up in the computed normal
Similarly, column 4 shows that the volatility was reduced as a
result of using the expected investment income to premiums ratio rather
than the actual investment income to premiums ratio. The reduction in
volatility is greater for allied lines; in recent years, the investment
income for this line has swung down from an average of 3.78 percent in
the 1990s to -6.5 percent in 2000 and to -2.3 percent in 2001.
Additional volatility from the data on reinsurance may be added to
the measured output by line of insurance. Therefore, comparing the
volatility in the output using the current definition with the
volatility in the output using the new definitions does not provide
accurate information on the effect of using normal losses and expected
investment income. In column 5, that effect is measured by the ratio of
the standard deviation of output using the new definition to that of
output measured with direct losses and actual investment income as
premium supplements; clearly, the use of normal losses and expected
investment income reduces the volatility in the output.
In column 6 of table 5, the average annual output using the new
definition is compared with average annual output using the current
definition. The average output increased significantly, ranging from 8.6
percent for private passenger auto physical damage to 73.4 percent for
workers compensation. Because the higher average annual output level is
largely due to the inclusion of the expected investment income as
premium supplements, the output measured using the current definition
significantly underestimates the contributions of the financial
intermediation services provided by the property-casualty insurance
industry. For the lines in table 5, the average expected investment
income is 3.1 percent of the direct premiums earned for allied lines,
3.9 percent for homeowners multiple peril, 4.6 percent for private
passenger auto liability, 1.9 percent for private passenger auto
physical damage, and 7 percent for workers compensation for their
respective sample periods.
In addition to analyzing the effects of the change in the
definition of insurance services on average annual output and volatility
in the estimated data series for the sample period, the effect of the
change can also be illustrated from the estimates for a particular year
as shown in table 6; 1992 and 2001 were selected to illustrate the
effects of the definitional change and to demonstrate how the
adjustments for catastrophic losses affect the levels and volatility of
the estimated series.
Part A of table 6 presents a comparison of the actual data series
with the estimated data series and the output measured using the current
definition and the new definitions for 5 lines of insurance for 1992. In
1992, Hurricane Andrew caused catastrophic losses in allied lines and
homeowners multiple peril. In column 2, the actual direct loss ratios
are 1.20 for allied lines and 1.24 for homeowners multiple peril. In
column 3, the corresponding estimated loss ratios, however, are 0.68 for
allied lines and 0.73 for homeowners multiple peril. The significantly
lower estimated loss ratios reflect the combined effects of estimating
loss ratios using the weighted moving averages and the adjustments made
for the catastrophic losses.
Columns 4 and 5 in part A of table 6 show a comparison of the
actual direct losses and the normal losses. Not surprisingly, the
relative values of the actual losses to the estimated loss ratios are
not equal to the corresponding relative values of the actual losses to
the normal losses. For example, the relative values of the actual loss
ratios to the estimated loss ratios (dividing column 2 by column 3) are
1.76 for allied lines, 1.70 for homeowners multiple peril, 0.93 for
private auto liability, 0.92 for private auto physical damage, and 0.96
for workers compensation. However, the relative values of the direct
losses to the normal losses (dividing column 4 by column 5) are 1.77 for
allied lines, 1.70 for homeowners multiple peril, 0.92 for private auto
liability, 0.92 for private auto physical damage, and 0.97 for workers
compensation. The differential relative values of loss ratios and losses
are caused by the additional information from direct losses that is
included in the computed normal losses.
Columns 6 and 7 present the actual and expected investment income
to premiums ratios for the 5 lines. Columns 8 and 9 present a comparison
of the measured output using the current definition with the output
using the new definition. Using the current definition, catastrophic
losses result in negative output for allied lines and homeowners
multiple peril.
Qualitatively similar results are shown in part B of table 6 from
estimates for 5 lines of insurance for 2001. Aircraft, fire, and allied
lines suffered catastrophic losses as a result of the terrorist attacks
on September 11th. In addition to the catastrophic losses, allied lines
also had an unusual negative investment income in 2001. This example
again demonstrates that using normal losses and expected investment
income greatly reduces the large swings in measured output. Using the
current definition, the measured output for fire insurance is still
positive despite the huge catastrophic losses, because the current
definition uses premiums earned and losses incurred net of reinsurance.
The direct loss ratio of 1.28 and the positive output of fire insurance
service measured using the current definition suggests that a
significant portion of the unexpected losses in 2001 were recovered from
the reinsurance services purchased.
Future Research
The objective of the definitional change in the output measure of
property-casualty insurance services was to better measure all the
explicit and implicit services provided by the insurer. The estimation
results demonstrate that the definitional change and the new statistical
treatment of losses and premiums supplements have a substantial impact
on the measured insurance services.
However, further research should continue in order to improve the
statistical methodology. The adaptive expectations framework often works
fairly well empirically, but it lacks theoretical justification. Future
research should go toward the construction of a structural model that
properly explains how the profit maximizing insurer uses all the
information available to form expectations of future losses and future
investment income. Because a much longer time series data set for each
line of insurance has now been constructed, more sophisticated time
series modeling methods that can better handle the autocorrelations in
the data and that could provide more robust estimates should be
Technical Note: Preparing the Data for the Definitional Change
The new definition of the property-casualty insurance output can be
expressed as:
(T.1) [Y.sub.t] = [P.sub.t](1 + [i.sub.t|t-1] - [d.sub.t]) -
where [Y.sub.t] is output, [P.sub.t] is direct premiums earned,
[L.sub.t|t-1] is normal losses, [i.sub.t|t-1] is expected investment
income to premiums ratio, and [d.sub.t] is dividend to premiums ratio
for period t. Recall that [L.sub.t|t-1] = [l.sub.t|t-1][P.sub.t] and
[l.sub.t|t-1] is the expected direct loss ratio.
Under the current treatment, BEA uses net premiums earned and net
losses incurred to measure insurance output. The change in the measure
of insurance output requires the use of direct premiums earned and
direct losses incurred. Net premiums earned, [P.sup.N.sub.t], equals
direct premiums earned minus the net purchases of reinsurance,
[P.sup.R.sub.t], and net losses incurred, [L.sup.N.sub.t], equals direct
losses incurred minus losses recovered from net purchases of
reinsurance, [L.sup.R.sub.t] The net purchase of reinsurance is the
difference between the reinsurance ceded and the reinsurance assumed.
Because published data on the direct basis is unavailable before 1975,
the preceding relationships can be used to derive the needed data by
using net reinsurance purchases and net premiums earned and losses
The definitional change in the measure of insurance output affects
the following 22 lines of property-casualty insurance services:
Aircraft, allied lines, boiler and machine, burglary and theft,
commercial auto liability, commercial auto physical damage, commercial
multiple peril, earthquake, farm owners multiple peril, fidelity, fire,
homeowners multiple peril, inland marine, medical malpractice, ocean
marine, other liability, other lines, private passenger auto liability,
private passenger physical damage, reinsurance, surety, and workers
compensation. The first step in the implementation of the definitional
change is to construct a data set that contains the time series data on
[P.sub.t], [L.sub.t], [P.sup.N.sub.t], [L.sup.N.sub.t], [R.sup.P.sub.t],
[R.sup.L.sub.t], [i.sub.t], and [d.sub.t] for each line of insurance.
Data sources and data problems
The main source of data are the 1940 to 2002 editions of
Best's Aggregate and Averages: Property-Casualty by A.M. Best
Company. The time series for direct premiums earned, direct losses
incurred, net investment income, and dividends to policyholders for
1975-2001 are extracted from A.M. Best's database. Data series for
years before 1975 are constructed from A.M. Best's published data.
The first, 1940 edition of A.M. Best's data on
property-casualty insurance services contained cumulative data for
1930-39 by line of insurance. Therefore, the longest span of the
published times series is 72 years, from 1930 to 2001. However, data for
all 22 lines of insurance for 1930-2001 are not available; some are only
available back to the 1950s, and some date back to the 1970s or 1980s.
Table 7 displays the year when the data on each of the 22 lines were
either first reported by A.M. Best or when the data became constructible
from the available A.M. Best data.
In addition to the various starting years of the time series for
the lines of insurance, there are two other general problems with the
published data. First, observations in all of the series except net
premiums earned are missing for the early years. As shown in table 8,
some series have 20 missing observations, and others have as many as 45
missing observations. The data are missing mainly because the data were
published in much less detail then. Over time, more detailed data and
better quality data have become available.
Second, in the published data, the classification of certain lines
of insurance has changed over time. Some lines were initially components
of other lines for some years, but later, these lines were reported as
separate lines. Alternatively, some separate lines later became
components of other lines. The insurance lines that were affected by
changes in classification consist of allied lines, boiler and machine,
homeowners and farm owners multiple perils, other liability, other
lines, commercial and private auto liability and auto physical damage
Constructing the data set
Given the problems with the availability and the quality of the
data, it is necessary to construct a set of data for [P.sub.t],
[L.sub.t], [i.sub.t] , and [d.sub.t] for each line of insurance for the
sample period.
Direct premiums earned and direct losses incurred
A.M. Best began to report business on the direct basis in 1992 in
the insurance expense exhibit (IEE), part III--allocation to lines of
direct business written, in Best's Aggregates and Averages:
Property-Casualty, so data for [P.sub.t] and [L.sub.t] have been
available since then. (13) For the years during which these variables
were not reported, they must be derived from other data: [P.sub.t] can
be derived from the relation between net premiums earned and net
premiums for net purchase of reinsurance, and [L.sub.t] can be derived
from the relation between net losses incurred and net losses recovered
from the net purchase of reinsurance as follows:
(T.2) [P.sub.t] = [P.sup.N.sub.t] + [P.sup.R.sub.t], [L.sub.t] =
[L.sup.N.sub.t] + [L.sup.R.sub.t].
Thus, if data on reinsurance, net premiums earned, and net losses
incurred are available, [P.sub.t] and [L.sub.t] can be derived for the
years before 1975. Unfortunately, a complete data series on net losses
incurred and on the by-line data on reinsurance for the years before
1975 are also unavailable. Thus, extrapolation techniques were used to
estimate the missing observations in these series.
There are two problems in constructing the complete series of net
premiums earned and net losses incurred. First, net loss ratios were not
explicitly reported until 1950. Before 1950, A.M. Best reported loss and
loss adjustment expense ratios jointly. Second, before 1971, net
premiums earned and net losses incurred were reported on the basis of
the stock, mutual, and reciprocal companies. (14) To obtain the by-line
total net premiums earned and the total net losses incurred, the three
components needed to be summed. However, data on reciprocal companies
were available only for 1971 and 1972 and only for allied lines, fire,
homeowners multiple peril, other liability, and workers compensation,
and the data were available only for 1972 for private auto liability and
private auto physical damage. No data on reciprocal companies for the
remaining lines were reported. Thus, the net loss ratios for 1930-49 and
the net premiums and net losses for the reciprocal companies for 1930-70
need to be extrapolated.
For the stock and mutual companies net loss ratios first became
available for 1950; the shares of net loss ratios, [l.sup.SN.sub.1950]
and [l.sup.MN.sub.1950], relative to the combined net loss and loss
adjustment expense ratio, [l.sup.SN.sub.1950] and [l.sup.MN.sub.1950],
were calculated for each line of insurance for 1950, where S and M stand
for the stock and mutual companies, respectively. These shares were then
used as the extrapolators to approximate the net loss ratios,
[l.sup.SN.sub.t] and [l.sup.MN.sub.t], for 1930-49. Specifically, for t
= 1930, ..., 1949,
(T.3) [l.sup.SN.sub.t] = [l.sup.SN.sub.t] x
([l.sup.SN.sub.1950]/[l.sup.SN.sub.1950]), [l.sup.MN.sub.t] =
[l.sup.MN.sub.t] x ([l.sup.SN.sub.1950]/[l.sup.SN.sub.1950]).
The net losses incurred for the stock and mutual companies are then
approximated as [L.sup.SN.sub.t] = [l.sup.SN.sub.t] [P.sup.SN.sub.t] and
[L.sup.MN.sub.t] = [l.sup.MN.sub.t][P.sup.MN.sub.t].
To obtain the total net premiums earned and the total net losses
incurred, an approximation of the premiums and losses for the reciprocal
companies was needed, but data on the reciprocal companies for some
lines are available only for 1971 and 1972. For these lines, the 2-year
average ratio of the total net premiums earned to the sum of net
premiums earned by the stock and mutual companies,
([P.sup.N.sub.1971]/[P.sup.SN.sub.1971] + [P.sup.MN.sub.1971] +
[P.sup.N.sub.1972]/[P.sup.SN.sub.1972] + [P.sup.MN.sub.1972])/2
were computed. Similarly, the 2-year average ratio of the by-line
total net losses incurred to the sum of the net losses incurred for
stock and mutual companies,
([L.sup.N.sub.1971]/[P.sup.SN.sub.1971] + [P.sup.MN.sub.1971] +
[P.sup.N.sub.1972]/[P.sup.SN.sub.1972] + [P.sup.MN.sub.1972])/2
were computed. These average ratios were then used to extrapolate the total net premiums earned and the total net losses incurred for t =
1930, ..., 1970,
(T.4) [P.sup.N.sub.t] = ([P.sup.SN.sub.t] + [P.sup.Mn.sub.t]) x
[([P.sup.N.sub.1971]/[P.sup.SN.sub.1971] + [P.sup.MN.sub.1971] +
[P.sup.N.sub.1972] + [P.sup.MN.sub.1972])/2],
[L.sup.N.sub.t] = ([L.sup.SN.sub.t] + [L.sup.MN.sub.t]) x
[([L.sup.N.sub.1971]/[L.sup.SN.sub.1971] + [L.sup.MN.sub.1971] +
[L.sup.N.sub.1972]/[L.sup.SN.sub.1972] + [L.sup.MN.sub.1972])/2].
For the lines that reported net premiums and net losses from the
reciprocal companies only for 1972, the extrapolator is the 1-year ratio
of the total premiums (losses) to the sum of the premiums (losses) from
the stock and mutual companies. For the other lines, the total premiums
and total losses are the sum of the premiums and losses from the stocks
and mutual companies.
As pointed out earlier, the by-line data on reinsurance are not
available for years before 1984, and the data on industry total
reinsurance have only been available since 1951. To use the available
industry data, by-line reinsurance data for 1951-74 were approximated by
using the industry total reinsurance data and the share of by-line
reinsurance of the industry total. Because reinsurance data are
available for each line for 1984-2001, the shares of the net premiums
for the net purchase of reinsurance and the net losses recovered from
the net purchases of reinsurance for each line were computed for
1984-2001. Then the median of each share series was constructed, and the
median was used to extrapolate the by-line net premiums for, and net
losses recovered from, net purchases of reinsurances. Specifically, for
t = 1951, ... 1974,
(T.5) [P.sup.R,i.sub.t] = [P.sup.R,I.sub.t] x m
([P.sup.R,i]/[P.sup.R,I]), [L.sup.R,I.sub.t] = [L.sup.R,I.sub.t] x m
where i and I in the superscript index the insurance line and
industry total, respectively, and where m(*) is the median of the shares
for 1984-2001. The median instead of the 1984 share was used in order to
limit the impact of outlier years.
After [P.sup.R,i.sub.t] and [L.sup.R,i.sub.t] are computed,
equation (T.2) was used to approximate direct premiums earned and direct
losses incurred for 1951-74. However, because no data on reinsurance for
1930-50 are available, direct premiums earned and direct losses incurred
for 1930-50 were extrapolated. The extrapolator is based on the
assumption that direct premiums earned (direct losses incurred) grew at
the same annual rate as net premiums earned (net losses incurred) from
1930 to 1950. This assumption implies that for t = 1930, ..., 1950,
[P.sub.t] and [L.sub.t] can be extrapolated according to
(T.6) [P.sub.t] = [P.sup.N.sub.t] x
([P.sub.1951]/[P.sup.N.sub.1951]), [L.sub.t] = [L.sup.N.sub.t] x
The above discussion describes the construction of direct premiums
earned and direct losses incurred for the insurance lines that did not
change classifications over the years. However, the classifications of
some lines changed. Some classification changes did not require an
adjustment; for example, farm owners multiple peril was included in
homeowners multiple peril until 1973, when it became a separate line. On
the other hand, some adjustments were necessary before compiling the
Classification changes and adjustments
The classification of the following lines changed: Allied lines,
boiler and machine, other liability, other lines, commercial and private
auto liabilities and physical damage lines. As a result of these
changes, some adjustments were made.
Allied lines. Allied fire and extended coverage were reported as
two lines for 1951-70. In 1971, these two lines were combined to form
allied lines. To incorporate this change, allied lines for 1951-70 was
computed as the sum of these two lines. Before 1992, multiple peril crop
and federal flood insurances were included in allied lines, but they
have become two separate lines since then. In 1997, glass was excluded
from other lines, and it has been included in allied lines since 1997.
Boiler and machine. Steam boiler and engine machine were reported
as two separate lines of insurance from 1930 to 1939. In 1940, they were
combined as boiler and machine. In order to account for this change,
boiler and machine for 1930-39 was computed as the sum of these two
Other liability. Other liability has been a separate line since
1975. From 1930 to 1974, other liability was included in miscellaneous
liabilities, which became a separate line in 1971. From 1930 to 1970,
miscellaneous bodily injury and miscellaneous property damage were
listed as separate lines, and they jointly covered the liabilities that
were later included in miscellaneous liabilities. To account for this
change, miscellaneous liabilities for 1930-70 was computed as the sum of
miscellaneous bodily injury and miscellaneous property damage.
In 1975, other liability was formed from a major part of
miscellaneous liabilities. The remaining part of miscellaneous
liabilities coexisted with other liability for 3 years before it ceased
to exist. To reflect this change, the average ratios of other liability
(OLB) to miscellaneous liabilities (MLB) for 1975, 1976, and 1977 was
computed, and then the average ratios were used as the extrapolators to
approximate net premiums earned and net losses incurred for other
liability. Specifically, for t= 1930, ..., 1974,
(T.7) [P.sup.N,OLB.sub.t] = [P.sup.N,MLB.sub.t] x
[[P.sup.N,OLB.sub.1975]/[P.sup.N,MLB.sub.1975] +
[P.sup.N,OLB.sub.1976/[P.sup.N,MLB.sub.1976] +
[L.sup.N,OLB] = [L.sup.N,MLB.sub.t] x
[[L.sup.N,OLB.sub1975]/[L.sup.N,MLB.sub.1975] +
[L.sup.N,OLB.sub.1976]/[L.sup.N,MLB.sub.1976] +
Commercial and Private Auto Insurances. Commercial auto liability,
commercial auto physical damage, private auto liability, and private
auto physical damage became individual lines in 1972. For 1930-1971,
data on private and commercial auto insurances were combined in auto
liability and auto physical damage. From 1930 to 1970, the two
components of auto liability, auto bodily injury and auto property
damage, were two separate lines, and the two components of auto physical
damage, auto collision and miscellaneous auto lines, were also two
separate lines. Thus, for those years, auto liability and auto physical
damage are represented by the sum of these components.
In order to separate private auto insurance from commercial auto
insurance, the shares of these insurances that were accounted for by
private auto liability and private auto physical damage were computed.
These private auto shares have two components: The ratio of private auto
insurance to total auto insurance, and the ratio of the share of
household to total motor vehicle stock in a given year,
MVH[S.sub.t]/MV[S.sub.t], to the share in 1972,
MVH[S.sub.1972]/MV[S.sub.1972]. For example, for t = 1930, ..., 1971,
the private share of auto liability for the net premiums earned,
[SP.sup.PAL], is computed as:
(T.8) S[P.sup.PAL.sub.t] =
[[P.sup.N,PAL.sub.1972]/[P.sup.N,AL.sub.1972]] x
where [P.sup.N,PAL.sub.t] is the net premiums earned for private
auto liability and [P.sup.N,PAL.sub.t] is total premiums for auto
liability. The private share of auto liability for net losses incurred
is computed similarly. The private auto shares are constructed to adjust
the 1972 private auto insurance to total auto insurance ratio by the
changes in the relative motor vehicle stock held by the households over
The net premiums earned by private auto liability,
[P.sup.N,PAL.sub.t], for 1930-72, were approximated as the product of
[P.sup.N,PAL.sub.t], and S[P.sup.PAL.sub.t]. Specifically, for t = 1930,
..., 1972,
(T.9) [P.sup.N,PAL.sub.t] = S[P.sup.PAL.sub.t] x
Net premiums earned for private auto physical damage, net losses
incurred for private auto liability, and private auto physical damage
were approximated in the same fashion as the net premiums for private
auto liability. The commercial auto share for auto liability (auto
physical damage) was computed as 1 minus private auto share for auto
liability (auto physical damage). Net premiums and losses of the
commercial auto lines were approximated accordingly.
Other lines. The other lines category was created in 1973, and it
includes a few small lines reported on the annual statement of the
property-casualty insurance industry. Since its creation, the components
of other lines have changed several times. From 1973 to 1977, other
lines consisted of factory mutual, international, reinsurance, and
miscellaneous write-ins. Since 1978, it has included credit (initially
credit included mortgage guarantee, which became a separate line in
1992). In 1980, reinsurance became a separate line, and glass became a
component of other lines until 1997, when it became a component of
allied lines. Factory mutual was eliminated in the mid-1980s. Currently,
other lines consists of credit, mortgage guarantee, international, and
miscellaneous write-ins.
As a result of these changes in other lines, the only adjustment
made was to remove reinsurance from other lines for 1973-1980, because
reinsurance was the largest component, and without an adjustment, there
would be a sharp decline in the data series for other lines. In
addition, separating reinsurance from other lines allowed a complete
time series for reinsurance for 1973-2001 to be constructed. A.M. Best
reported other lines with and without reinsurance for 1980-82. Using
these reports, the shares of reinsurance in other lines were calculated,
and the average of the shares was used to extrapolate reinsurance for
Dividends to policyholders
Since 1975, A.M. Best has provided data on dividends to
policyholders by line of insurance. From 1975 to 1991, the data were
reported on the net basis, and since 1992, the data have been available
on both the net basis and the direct basis. A.M. Best also provided data
on the average dividends to policyholders as a ratio of premiums earned
at the property-casualty insurance industry level since 1951. From 1930
to 1950, data on dividends were not available at any level, so the
industry average dividend ratios for 1951-75 were used to approximate
by-line dividend ratios for 1930-50.
For 1975-2001, the relationship between the by-line dividend ratios
and the industry average dividend ratios appeared to be relatively
stable for most of the lines. A simple regression was run for each line,
using the log of dividend ratios by line of insurance as the dependent
variable and the log of industry average dividend ratios as the
independent variable. The estimated coefficient is statistically
significant at the 5-percent level for 15 of the 20 lines (the 2 lines,
earthquake and medical malpractice, that started after 1975 were
excluded). The regression results were then used to project the dividend
ratios for 1951-74 for these 15 lines.
The remaining 5 lines are aircraft, farm owners multiple peril,
fidelity, surety, and burglary and theft. In terms of premiums earned,
these lines are among the smallest, and most of them have fairly low and
flat dividend ratios over time. Thus, for these lines, the average
dividend ratios for 1975-2001 were used as the approximated dividend
ratios for 1951-74.
Unfortunately, no information on dividend ratios for 1930-51 is
available. Since dividend to premium ratios account for less than 1
percent for most lines for 1951-74, the by-line average dividend ratio
for 1951-74 was used as the approximated dividend ratios for 1930-50.
Premium supplements
A.M. Best's data on net investment income by line of insurance
have been available since 1975. For 1975-91, the data were labeled as
"net investment gain or loss and other income" and since 1992,
the data have been labeled as "net investment gain on funds
attributable to insurance transactions." No data on investment gain
by line of insurance are available for years before 1975. However, data
on industry total "net investment gain or loss and other
income" and data on "total assets invested" for 1939-2001
are available. To fill in the gaps in the series on net investment
income by line of insurance, the data for 1939-74 were approximated
first, using data at the industry level, and then the data for 1930-39
were approximated.
Using the industry total data for 1939-74, the net investment gain
by line of insurance was approximated by multiplying the industry-level
rate of return by the technical reserves for each line. The
industry-level rate of return was calculated by dividing the total net
investment gain or loss by the total assets invested, based on the
assumption that each line of insurance had the same rate of return as
the industry total for that period. This assumption is consistent with
the current calculation of the by-line investment income data reported
annually in the IEE table in Best's Aggregates and Averages:
Technical reserves, the sum of unearned premiums and unpaid losses,
are not readily available by line of insurance. A.M. Best provides data
on unearned net premiums from 1930, but it does not provide data on
unpaid losses before 1984. Therefore, the median of the ratios of unpaid
losses to net losses was computed and used to extrapolate the net unpaid
losses, [L.sup.NU.sub.t]. Specifically, for t = 1930, ..., 1974,
(T.10) [L.sup.NU.sub.t] = [L.sup.N.sub.t] x m
where m(*) is the median of the ratios of unpaid losses to total
net losses incurred from 1984 to 2001. (15) To be consistent with the
current definition of investment funds used in A.M. Best's reports,
the technical reserves for year t were computed as the average of the
sum of unearned premiums and unpaid losses in year t and t-1. Thus, net
investment income for t = 1939 ..., 1974 can be approximated as:
(T.11) [I.sub.t] = [r.sup.I.sub.t] x [([P.sup.NU.sub.t] +
[P.sup.NU.sub.t-1]) + ([L.sup.NU.sub.t] + [L.sup.NU.sub.t-1])]/2,
where [r.sup.I.sub.t] is the industry-level rate of return to
invested funds and [P.sup.NU.sub.t] is the unearned net premiums.
No data on net investment income for 1930-39 are available. The
by-line investment income data for these years was approximated by
multiplying the estimated technical reserves by the estimated
industry-level rate of return. Because the industry-level rate of return
for 1939-59 was fiat, mostly between 2 and 2.5 percent, the average of
the industry-level rate of return for that period was used as the
estimated industry-level rate of return for 1930-39.
Table 1. Root Mean Square Prediction Errors (RMSPE) from Loss Ratio
Forecasts, Using Weighted and 5-point Moving Averages
Private Private auto Homeowners
auto physical multiple peril
liability damage ([alpha] = 0.34)
[alpha] = [alpha] ... ... * 7.28
[alpha] = 0.1 7.77 6.09 8.74
[alpha] = 0.2 6.40 6.01 8.42
[alpha] = 0.3 * 5.44 5.82 7.81
n = 5 6.00 * 4.89 8.07
multiple peril Workers
([alpha] = 0.19) compensation
[alpha] = [alpha] * 7.39 ...
[alpha] = 0.1 7.42 9.98
[alpha] = 0.2 7.40 9.14
[alpha] = 0.3 7.53 * 8.03
n = 5 7.79 10.29
* Indicates the lowest RMSPE in each column. Root mean square
prediction arts (RMSPE) is the square root of the average squared
difference between the actual value and the prediction value for
the sample period.
Table 2. Summary Statistics of Forecasting Errors from Weighted Moving
Averages and 5-Point Moving Averages
[Forecast errors of normal losses are measured in millions of dollars]
A. Private passenger auto liability insurance (1972-2001)
errors of Forecast Forecast Forecast
expected errors of errors of errors of
loss ratio expected normal normal
([alpha] loss ratio looses losses
= 0.3) (n = 5) (alpha) (n = 5)
(percent) (percent) = 0.3)
ME 0.88 0.11 -306.06 -554.62
MAE 4.55 4.98 1,863.76 2,274.62
MAPE 6.30 6.90 6.30 6.90
SDPE 5.37 6.00 2,538.19 2,949.99
RMSPE 5.44 6.00 2,556.69 3,001.67
B. Private passenger auto physical damage (1972-2001)
errors of Forecast Forecast Forecast
expected errors of errors of errors of
loss ratio expected normal normal
([alpha] loss ratio losses losses
= 0.3) (n = 5) ([alpha] (n = 5)
(percent) (percent) = 0.3)
ME 1.09 -0.66 104.07 3.58
MAE 3.86 2.94 799.08 909.63
MAPE 5.80 4.65 5.99 5.61
SDPE 5.72 4.85 1,094.72 1,250.65
RMSPE 5.82 4.89 1,099.66 1,250.66
C. Homeowners multiple peril (1972-2001)
errors of Forecast Forecast Forecast
expected errors of errors of errors of
loss ratio expected normal normal
([alpha] loss ratio losses losses
= 0.34 (n = 5) ([alpha] (n = 5)
(percent) (percent) = 0.34
ME 0.90 -0.20 314.12 212.58
MAE 5.80 6.80 1,330.28 1,738.07
MAPE 6.90 10.50 10.10 11.90
SDPE 7.22 8.07 2,429.86 2,879.64
RMSPE 7.28 8.07 2,450.08 2,887.48
D. Farmowners multiple peril (1972-2001)
errors of Forecast Forecast Forecast
expected errors of errors of errors of
loss ratio expected normal normal
([alpha] loss ratio losses losses
= 0.19 (n = 5) ([alpha] (n = 5)
(percent) (percent) = 0.19)
ME 0.14 0.39 8.15 4.03
MAE 5.84 6.45 49.08 60.42
MAPE 8.18 9.18 8.18 9.18
SDPE 7.39 7.78 66.24 74.96
RMSPE 7.39 7.79 66.74 75.07
E. Workers compensation (1972-2001)
errors of Forecast Forecast Forecast
expected errors of errors of errors of
loss ratio expected normal normal
([alpha] loss ratio losses losses
=0.3) (n = 5) ([alpha] (n = 5)
(percent) (percent) = 0.3)
ME 0.62 0.58 44.65 38.11
MAE 0.62 0.81 1,592.67 2,166.27
MAPE 8.55 11.32 8.55 11.32
SDPE 8.00 10.27 2,346.33 3,005.74
RMSPE 8.03 10.29 2,346.75 3,005.87
Forecast errors of loss ratio is [l.sub.t] - [l.sub.t|t-1].
Forecast errors of normal losses [L.sub.t] - [L.sub.t|t-1].
ME is mean error of forecasts
MAE is mean absolute error of forecasts
MAPE is mean absolute percentage error of forecasts
SDPE is standard deviation of forecasting errors
RMSPE is not mean square prediction errors
Table 3. Root Mean Square Prediction Errors (RMSPE) from
Expected Investment Income to Premiums Ratios, Using
Weighted Moving Averages and 5-Point Moving Averages
Private auto autophysical Homeowners
liability damage multiple peril
[beta] = .1 1.665 .564 .936
[beta] = .2 1.280 .445 .704
[beta] = .3 1.054 * .361 * .589
n = 5 * .982 .391 .604
Farmowners Workers
multiple peril compensation
[beta] = .1 .863 4.174
[beta] = .2 .654 3.137
[beta] = .3 * .547 * 2.650
n = 5 .565 2.675
* Indicates the minimum RMSPE in each column.
Table 4. Summary Statistics of Prediction Errors from Expected
Investment Income to Premiums Ratio, Using Weighted and 5-Point
Moving Averages
A. Private passenger auto liability
Forecast errors of Forecast errors of
expected expected
investment income investment income
to premiums ratio to premiums ratio
([beta] = 0.3) (n = 5)
ME 0.288 -0.024
MAE 0.850 0.706
MAPE 0.100 0.081
SDPE 1.014 0.981
RMSPE 1.054 0.982
B. Private auto physical damage
Forecast errors of Forecast errors of
expected expected
investment income investment income
to premiums ratio to premiums rata
([beta] = 0.3) (n = 5)
ME -0.145 -0.228
MAE 0.290 0.294
MAPE 0.205 0.216
SDPE 0.330 0.318
RMSPE 0.361 0.391
C. Homeowners multiple peril
Forecast errors of Forecast errors of
expected expected
investment income investment income
to premiums ratio to premiums ratio
([beta] = 0.3) (n = 5)
ME 0.208 0.080
MAE 0.418 0.475
MAPE 0.092 0.100
SDPE 0.551 0.599
RMSPE 0.589 0.604
D. Farmowners multiple peril
Forecast errors of Forecast errors of
expected expected
investment income investment income
to premiums ratio to premiums ratio
([beta] = 0.3) (n = 5)
ME 0.196 0.109
MAE 0.454 0.444
MAPE 0.900 0.092
SDPE 0.510 0.554
RMSPE 0.547 0.565
E. Workers compensation
Forecast errors of Forecast errors of
expected expected
investment income investment income
to premiums ratio to premiums ratio
([beta] = 0.3) (n = 5)
ME 1.573 1.049
MAE 2.122 2.094
MAPE 0.126 0.136
SDPE 2.164 2.436
RMSPE 2.650 2.675
Forecast errors of expected investment income to premiums
ratio is [i.sub.t] - [i.sub.t|t-1]
ME is mean error of forecasts
MAE is mean absolute error of forecasts
MAPE is mean absolute percentage error of forecasts
SDPE is standard deviation of forecasting errors
RMSPE is not mean square prediction errors
Table 5. Relative Output and Relative Volatility In Actual
and Estimated Data
Relative Relative volatility of
volatility of volatility of expected
expected normal versus
Insurance line loss ratio losses actual
versus versus investment
actual loss direct income to
ratio loses premiums
Allied lines
(1951-2001) 0.370 0.635 0.857
Homeowners multiple
(1955-2001) 0.800 0.970 0.889
Private auto liability
(1930-2001) 0.923 0.978 0.966
Private auto physical
(1930-2001) 0.802 0.986 0.999
Workers compensation
(1930-2001) 0.804 0.998 0.888
volatility of
output using Relative
new defini- output using
tion versus new defini-
Insurance line output using tion versus
direct output using
losses and current
actual definition
Allied lines
(1951-2001) 0.392 1.205
Homeowners multiple
(1955-2001) 0.900 1.258
Private auto liability
(1930-2001) 0.951 1.273
Private auto physical
(1930-2001) 0.974 1.086
Workers compensation
(1930-2001) 0.911 1.734
Relative volatility of expected loss ratio versus actual loss
ratio is [sigma]([l.sub.t|t-1])/[sigma]([l.sub.t])
Relative volatility of normal losses versus direct losses is
Relative volatility of expected versus actual investment income to
premiums ratio is [sigma]([i.sub.t|t-1])/[sigma]([i.sub.t])
Relative volatility of output using new definition versus
output using direct losses and actual investment income is
Relative output using new definition to output using
current definition is [Y.sub.t.sup.N]/[Y.sub.t.sup.C]
[sigma] (*) is the standard deviation of the time series in the
[l.sub.t|t-1] is expected loss ratio
[l.sub.t] is direct loss ratio
[L.sub.t|t-1] is normal losses
[L.sub.t] is direct losses incurred
[i.sub.t|t-1] is expected net investment income to premiums ratio
[i.sub.t] is net investment income to premium ratio
[Y.sup.N.sub.t] is output under new definition, [Y.sup.N.sub.t] =
[P.sub.t] (1 - [d.sub.t] + [i.sub.t|t-1]) - [L.sub.t|t-1]
[Y.sup.D.sub.t] is output computed as [Y.sup.D.sub.t] = [P.sub.t]
(1 - [d.sub.t] + [i.sub.t]) - [L.sub.t]
[Y.sup.C.sub.t] is output under current definition, [Y.sup.C.sub.t] =
[P.sub.t](1 - [d.sub.t]) - [L.sub.t]
Table 6. A Comparison of Actual and Estimated Loss Ratios, Losses,
and Investment Income to Premiums Ratios, and Output Measured Using
Current Definition and New Definition
[Losses and output measured in millions of dollars]
A. A comparison of actual and estimated data for 1992
Loss ratio E (loss ratio)
Insurance Line (percent) (percent)
Allied lines 1.20 0.68
Homeowners multiple peril 1.24 0.73
Private auto liability 0.73 0.79
Private auto physical damage 0.56 0.61
Workers compensation 0.81 0.84
Direct Normal
Insurance Line losses losses
Allied lines 3,270.55 1,843.43
Homeowners multiple peril 25,535.65 15,043.51
Private auto liability 40,793.81 44,504.48
Private auto physical damage 18,489.04 20,071.33
Workers compensation 30,513.78 31,536.19
Investment E (Investment
income to income to
Insurance Line premiums ratio premiums ratio)
(percent) (percent)
Allied lines 0.053 0.043
Homeowners multiple peril 0.062 0.051
Private auto liability 0.100 0.096
Private auto physical damage 0.034 0.039
Workers compensation 0.210 0.141
Output using Output using
Insurance Line current definition new definition
Allied lines -10.12 953.66
Homeowners multiple peril -2,865.80 6,545.00
Private auto liability 13,968.88 16,459.86
Private auto physical damage 13,763.49 13,666.69
Workers compensation 3,592.90 8,885.36
B. A comparison of actual and estimated data for 2001
Loss ratio E (loss ratio)
(percent) (percent)
Aircraft 1.83 0.69
Allied Lines 2.04 0.74
Fire 1.28 0.57
Homeowners multiple peril 0.77 0.68
Workers compensation 0.86 0.72
Direct Normal
losses losses
Aircraft 2,992.35 1,228.10
Allied Lines 8,528.86 3,675.76
Fire 7,541.33 3,585.75
Homeowners multiple peril 27,907.08 24,694.45
Workers compensation 35,473.88 25,448.61
Investment E (Investment
income to income to
premiums ratio premiums ratio)
(percent) (percent)
Aircraft 0.268 0.093
Allied Lines -0.023 0.004
Fire 0.023 0.055
Homeowners multiple peril 0.035 0.044
Workers compensation 0.180 0.220
Output using Output using
current definition new definition
Aircraft -144.63 490.96
Allied Lines -37.83 510.67
Fire 1,667.15 2,539.81
Homeowners multiple peril 6,838.83 12,836.69
Workers compensation 4,680.39 14,349.13
Loss ratio is [l.sub.t]
E (loss ratio) is [l.sub.t|t-1],
Direct losses is [L.sub.t]
Normal losses is [L.sub.t|t-1]
Investment income to premiums ratio is [i.sub.t]
E (investment income to premiums ratio) is [i.sub.t|t-1]
Output using current definition is [Y.sup.C.sub.t] =
[P.sub.t](1 - [d.sub.t]) - [L.sub.t]
Output using new definition is [Y.sup.N.sub.t] =
[P.sub.t](1 - [d.sub.t] + [i.sub.t|t-1]) - [L.sub.t|t-1]
Table 7. Starting Year of Data Series on Insurance Lines
Insurance line data
Aircraft 1971
Allied lines 1951
Boiler and machine 1930
Burglary and theft 1930
Commercial auto liability 1930
Commercial auto physical damage 1930
Commercial multiple peril 1956
Earthquake 1985
Farmowners multiple peril 1973
Fidelity 1930
Fire 1951
Homeowners multiple peril 1955
Inland marine 1951
Medical malpractice 1977
Ocean marine 1951
Other lines 1973
Other liability 1930
Private auto liability 1930
Private auto physical damage 1930
Reinsurance 1973
Surety 1930
Workers compensation 1930
Table 8. Availability of Published Data on Property-Casualty Insurance
Variables Availability of data series
[P.sub.t] and 1992-2001: By-line and industry total data
[L.sub.t] available
1975-1991: By-line and industry total data
available, labeled as adjusted
direct premiums and adjusted direct
losses incurred
1930-1974: Data unavailable at any level
[P.sup.N.sub.t] and 1930-1972: By-line data available on the basis
[L.sup.N.sub.t] of stock, mutual, and reciprocal
1930-1949: Data on losses unavailable at any
[P.sup.R.sub.t] and 1951-1984: Data on industry total reinsurance
[L.sup.R.sub.t] data available
1930-1951: Data unavailable at any level
[d.sub.t] 1975-2001: By-line data available
1930-1974: By-line data unavailable
1951-2001: Data on industry average dividend
to premiums ratio available
[i.sub.t] 1992-2001: By-line data on net investment gain
on funds attributable to insurance
transactions available
1975-1991: By-line data on net investment
gains or losses and other income
1930-1974: By-line data unavailable
1939-2001: Data on industry total net
investment gain or loss available
[P.sub.t] is direct premiums earned [L.sub.t] is direct losses incurred
[P.sup.N.sup.t] is not premiums earned
[L.sup.N.sub.t] is net losses incurred
[P.sup.R.sub.t] is net premiums earned from net purchase of reinsurance
[L.sup.R.sub.t] is net losses recovered from net purchase of
[d.sub.t] is ratio of dividend to policyholders to direct premiums
[i.sub.t] is ratio of net investment income to premiums earned
(1) See Moulton and Seskin (2003, 19-23) and Mayerhauser, Smith,
and Sullivan (2003, 21).
(2.) Reinsurance is the purchase of insurance by an insurer. The
buyer of the reinsurance is known as the ceding insurer and the seller
of the insurance is the assuming insurer.
(3.) Such assumptions are generally arbitrary. Even when a simple
autocorrelation structure of the disturbances is imposed, it may not be
enough to simplify estimation. Other hypotheses about the
autocorrelation function of the structure disturbances may make it
impossible to identify the structure parameters or complicate estimation.
(4.) This weighted moving average method is also known as
exponential smoothing or exponentially weighted moving average method.
In fact, Muth (1960) shows that if there is no trend and no seasonality,
then this model is an autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA)
model with nonseasonal difference, an MA(1) term, and no constant term,
otherwise known as ARIMA(0, 1, 1). Thus, potentially more sophisticated
ARIMA modeling, or Box-Jenkins methods, can be explored.
(5.) ARIMA methods are developed for estimating concise prediction
models of time series data that display complex patterns of
(6.) Autocorrelations summarize temporal persistence of the time
series, such as trend, cycle, and seasonal variations.
(7.) The mean model uses the mean of the entire sample as the
estimated value for each period in the sample. The random walk model
predicts that one period's value will equal the previous
period's value plus a constant representing the avearge change
between periods.
(8.) In a centered moving average, the estimate for t depends on
values t-n/2 and values t+n/2(with n being an even number), and the
t+n/2 values would be inconsistent with the estimation of expectations
in t.
(9.) A nonstationary time series exhibits strong trend, and its
mean and variance vary with time.
(10.) Root mean square prediction error is the square root of the
average of the squared differences between the actual values and the
predicted values for the sample period.
(11.) BEA's international transactions accounts recently
adopted a 6-year moving average because of the particular features of
their data series. (Bach 2003).
(12.) The computation of investment income used the formula
developed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.
(13.) For 1975-91, [P.sub.t] and [L.sub.t] were reported in IEE in
part II--allocation to lines of business net of reinsurance under
"adjusted direct premiums earned" and "adjusted direct
losses incurred." Before 1975, they were not reported at all.
(14.) A reciprocal company is an entity formed by individuals,
called subscribers, who undertake all types of insurance activities.
(15.) Because a constructed data series on net losses incurred is
available for the entire sample period and because data on unpaid loses
for 1984-2001 are available, the regression analysis could be considered
to project the by line unpaid losses for 1930-74. This approach was not
pursued, because the sample size of 18 for unpaid losses is too small to
produce reliable results.
A.M. Best Company. 1940-2002. Best's Aggregates and Averages:
Property-Casualty, United States. Oldwick, NJ.
Australian Bureau of Statistics. 1999. "The Measurement of
Nonlife Insurance Output in the Australian National Accounts."
Paper presented at the OECD Meeting of the National Accounts Experts,
Paris, September.
Bach, Christopher L. 2003. "Annual Revision of the U.S.
International Accounts, 1992-2002" SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS 83
(July): 32-45.
Cagan, Phillip D. 1956. "The Monetary Dynamics of
Hyper-Inflation." In Studies in the Quantity Theory of Money,
edited by Milton J. Friedman. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Commission of the European Communities, International Monetary
Fund, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, United
Nations, and the World Bank. 1993. System of National Accounts 1993.
Brussels/Luxembourg, New York, Paris, and Washington, DC.
Cummins, David J., and Mary A. Weiss. 2000. "Analyzing Firm
Performance in The Insurance Industry Using Frontier Efficiency and
Productivity Methods." In the Handbook of Insurance, edited by G.D.
Dionne, 767-825. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publisher.
Fixler, Dennis J., and Brent R. Moulton. 2001. "Comments on
the Treatment of Holding Gains and Losses in the National
Accounts." Paper presented at the OECD Meeting of National Accounts
Experts, Paris, October.
Hill, Peter. 1998. "The Treatment of Insurance in the
SNA:' Paper presented at the Brookings Institution Workshop on
Measuring the Price and Output of Insurance, Washington, DC, April.
Moulton, Brent R., and Eugene P. Seskin. 2003. "Preview of
2003 Comprehensive Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts:
Changes in Definitions and Classifications." SURVEY OF CURRENT
BUSINESS 83 (June): 17-34.
Muth, John F. 1960. "Optimal Properties of Exponentially
Weighted Forecasts." Journal of the American Statistical
Association 55 (June).
Muth, John F. 1961. "Rational Expectations and the Theory of
Price Movements." Econometrica 29 (July): 315-335.
Karla Allen and Brad Gabel significantly contributed to the
construction of the data sets and the preparation of the estimates.
Christian Ehemann provided valuable comments and suggestions for the
project. Arnold Katz, Clinton McCully, and Brent R. Moulton participated
in many helpful discussions.