Issues, tips on their use, and upcoming changes.
Landefeld, J. Steven ; Moulton, Brent R. ; Vojtech, Cindy M. 等
BEA's introduction of chain-weighted indexes in 1996
significantly improved the accuracy of the U.S. estimates of the growth
in real gross domestic product (GDP) and prices. These indexes use
up-to-date weights in order to provide a more accurate picture of the
economy, to better capture changes in spending patterns and in prices,
and to eliminate the bias present in fixed-weighted indexes. A measure
of their success is the widespread adoption of such indexes in economic
measurement in other U.S. economic statistics and the near-universal
movement by other industrial nations toward the use of such indexes for
computing real GDP.
The move to chain-weighted indexes has not been painless. Such
indexes are computationally difficult to use and do not provide the
advantages of additivity that are present in fixed-weighted indexes. In
order to provide some of the characteristics of fixed-weighted indexes,
BEA developed chained-dollar indexes that are derived by multiplying the
chain-weighted indexes by the current-dollar values of a specific
reference year (currently, 1996). (1) For most components of GDP, these
chained-dollar estimates provide a reasonable approximation of the
component contribution to real GDP growth and of the relative importance
of the components of GDP. Chained-dollar estimates also offer a limited
ability to sum up components in user-defined groups such as GDP
excluding government. However, for some components--such as computers
and other high-tech equipment with rapid growth in real sales and
falling prices--chained-dollar levels (as distinct from chain-weighted
indexes and percent changes) overstate the relative importance of such
components to GDP growth. (2) These problems have led to difficulties in
using the chained-dollar measures in important applications of national
accounts data, such as forecasting and interpreting economic changes.
This article discusses the advantages of chain-weighted indexes and
the challenges posed by chained dollars, outlines further steps that BEA
will be taking to address these issues in the 2003 comprehensive
revision of the national income and product accounts (NIPAs), and
provides suggestions for using chained dollars in ways that reduce
biases and errors in forecasting and other applications where components
need to be aggregated. Highlights of this article include the following:
* Chain-weighted indexes have provided a more accurate picture of
the current economic recovery than fixed-weighted indexes. Real GDP as
measured by the chain-weighted index has grown at a 2.7-percent annual
rate during this recovery, a relatively slow growth rate compared with
past recoveries. (3) However, using a fixed-weighted (1996) measure,
growth would have been overstated by 1.6 percentage points, resulting in
a misleadingly robust 4.3-percent growth rate.
* Because the chain-type indexes are weighted using current-period
prices, the current-dollar shares of GDP provide a more accurate measure
of the relative importance of components and are preferable to
chained-dollar shares. Chained-dollar estimates, however, have provided
a reasonable approximation of the relative importance of the five major
components of GDP in recent quarters. (4)
* For the major components of GDP, when we simulate the effects of
using chained dollars for forecasts and for calculations of
contributions to growth, we find relatively small errors for recent
* For more detailed components--especially for goods and services with declining prices and rapidly rising real sales, such as computers
and other high-tech products--the use of chained-dollar levels tends to
overstate their relative importance and their contributions to GDP
* Contributions to GDP growth of special interest aggregations,
such as the sum of investment in computers and other high-tech
equipment, are overstated using chained-dollar levels. Between 1995 and
2000, a simple aggregation by adding up chained-dollar estimates would
suggest that high-tech investment accounted for about 21 percent of GDP
growth rather than its actual contribution of about 17 percent.
* The use of current-dollar levels as GDP weights or simple
"short-cut" chain-type indexes can virtually eliminate
aggregation errors in forecasts and in estimates of contributions to GDP
* In December, BEA will present additional tables that emphasize
percent changes in the chain indexes for output and prices. It will also
provide expanded tables of contributions to growth, of chain indexes for
quantities and prices, of current-dollar estimates, and of
current-dollar composition of GDP, which approximates the weights used
in the calculation of real GDP that uses chain indexes.
* BEA will continue to make chain indexes available for all
components of GDP, but the published tables will no longer show
chained-dollar aggregates for certain components, such as computers,
that do not provide a reasonable approximation of their relative
importance in calculating the real GDP estimates. Fixed-weighted GDP
estimates, which BEA has been disseminating as underlying detail, will
also be discontinued.
Advantages of chain-type indexes
BEA's chain-weighted indexes were introduced in 1996 to
address "substitution bias" and the frequent revisions associated with using fixed-weighted indexes. The use of fixed-weighted
measures of real GDP and of prices for periods other than those close to
the base period results in a substitution bias that causes an
overstatement of growth for periods after the base year and an
understatement of growth for periods before the base year. For example,
a fixed-weighted measure of real GDP based on 1996 prices would have
overstated real GDP growth by 1.9 percentage points for the second
quarter of 2003. Growth would have been a 5.1-percent using this
measure, compared with the 3.3-percent yielded by BEA's chain-type
measure of real GDP. In the current recovery between the recession
trough in the third quarter of 2001 and the second quarter of 2003,
average annual real GDP growth would have been overstated by 1.6
percentage points by a fixed-weighted index; in the five major
recoveries since 1959, real GDP growth would have been understated by
about 0.7 percentage point. The net result would have been an
overstatement of the strength of the current recovery relative to the
average of the past recoveries of 2.4 percentage points (see table 1 and
chart 1).
The use of current-period weights in the chain-type indexes
eliminates the inconvenience and confusion associated with BEA's
previous practice of updating the weights and base years--and thereby
rewriting economic history--about every 5 years. By minimizing
substitution bias, the chain-type measures of real GDP growth also
improves analyses of long-term issues, such as productivity, returns to
investment, and the growth potential for the economy.
The introduction of chain-type indexes provides a measure of
changes in real GDP that removes the effects of inflation and allows for
consistent comparisons of GDP growth over time. The fundamental problem
confronting the efforts to adjust GDP for inflation is that there is not
a single inflation number but a wide spectrum of goods and services with
prices that are changing relative to one another over time. Prior to
1996, BEA dealt with this problem by picking prices of a single base
year. These estimates were relatively easy to understand and were
referred to as fixed-weighted, or "constant-dollar" estimates.
Technically, the estimates were Laspeyres quantity indexes that measure
current-period output relative to that for the base period, 0, using
base period prices:
Laspeyres quantity index (L):
[L.sub.t,0] = [summation of][P.sub.0][Q.sub.t]/[summation
where [P.sub.0] represents the prices for the base period,
[Q.sub.0] represents the quantities for the base period, and [Q.sub.t]
represents the quantities for another period, t. The Laspeyres quantity
index provides comparisons of relative quantities between periods. From
the Laspeyres quantity index, the constant-dollar measure is obtained by
scaling the index to its current-dollar value for the base period,
creating an additive measure in units of base-year prices:
Fixed-weighted (constant-dollar) aggregate =
[L.sub.t,0][summation of][P.sub.0][Q.sub.0] = [summation
The problem with using constant-dollar measures is that for periods
far from the base year, base-year prices have little relevance. For
example, the prices of defense equipment in 1996 are not appropriate for
measuring the real changes in defense spending in the 1940s, just as
1996 computer prices are out of date for measuring the growth in
information processing equipment in 2003. Not only are fixed weights
irrelevant, but their use also results in the substitution bias and
large revisions to GDP that occur when the base year is updated. Large
revisions occur because commodities that experience rapid growth in
output tend to be those for which prices increase less than average or
decline. Thus, when real GDP is recalculated using more recent price
weights, the commodities with strong output growth generally receive
less weight, and the growth in the aggregate measure is revised down.
These recalculations provide more accurate measures of growth in current
periods near the base year because the base-year weights more closely
reflect the prices of the economy in current periods; for earlier
periods, however, the recalculations provide less accurate measures of
growth because the weights are further away from the prices appropriate
for those periods.
Chain indexes do not use a set of fixed weights; they use separate
sets of weights for each time period. The formula used by BEA to
calculate the chain indexes is known as the Fisher index, named after
Irving Fisher, who originally developed this index to more consistently
measure quantity and price changes over time. The Fisher formula
generates two sets of weights for each pair of periods, t-1 and t, using
prices from both the current period and the previous period, and it is
calculated as the geometric mean of a Laspeyres index and a Paasche
index. Recall from above that the Laspeyres index uses previous-period
prices to value current- and previous-period output:
Laspeyres quantity index (L):
[L.sub.t,t-1] = [summation of][P.sub.t-1][Q.sub.t]/[summation
Conversely, the Paasche index uses the prices of the current period
to value current- and previous-period output:
Paasche quantity index (P):
[P.sub.t,t-1] = [summation of][P.sub.t][Q.sub.t]/[summation
Fisher quantity index (F):
[F.sub.t,t-1] = [square root of ([L.sub.t,t-1] x [P.sub.t,t-1])]
Then the chain-type quantity index is formed by multiplying, or
"chaining" together the Fisher indexes for each pair of
Chain-type quantity index (I):
[I.sub.t,0] = [F.sub.t,t-1] x [F.sub.t-1,t-2] x ... x [F.sub.1,0]
where period 0 is the reference year. (We use the term
"reference year" rather than "base year" because for
the chain-type quantity index, period 0 does not affect the weights used
in the calculation of relative period-to-period changes and only serves
as a point of reference.) Percent changes and growth rates between any
pair of periods can be calculated directly from the quantity indexes.
The most important feature of the chain-type index is that it uses
different weights for each pair of periods, weights that represent the
relevant prices or economic conditions for those periods. During periods
when certain commodities are experiencing rapidly falling prices, the
Laspeyres index overstates their contributions, while the Paasche index
understates their contributions. In effect, the Fisher index is
calculating the "middle ground" by taking an average of these
two indexes.
Challenges of using chain-type indexes
One challenge posed by using chain-type indexes is that while they
produce more accurate estimates of the growth in real GDP and its
components, users of macroeconomic statistics need more than index
numbers and percent changes. For more than 40 years, forecasting and
analysis relied on constant dollars and were based on an additive
accounting system in which real levels for the components of GDP added
up to total GDP. Because the system was additive, the shares of the real
components were measures of their relative importance in total real GDP.
Similarly, in decomposing total GDP growth by component, the change in
the constant-dollar values measured the component's contribution to
the change in the fixed-weighted aggregate. Economic analysts could
construct--by simple subtraction or addition--the growth rates for
user-defined aggregates, such as high-tech investment, energy-sensitive
goods and services, or GDP excluding motor vehicles. Indeed, most
large-scale macroeconomic models were built and estimated on the
assumption that real GDP was additive.
To address the needs of its data users, BEA developed
chained-dollar estimates and tables of contributions to growth rates
based on chain-type quantity indexes for real GDP and its components.
The chained-dollar estimates are simply the chain-type quantity indexes
for real GDP (or a component) indexed to the relevant 1996
current-dollar value for GDP (or a component) rather than to 1.00 in
Chained-dollar aggregate = [I.sub.t,0][summation
Because the 1996 chained-dollar aggregate is just the quantity
index scaled to 1996 current dollars, the percent changes in the
chained-dollar aggregates are, by construction, equal to the percent
changes in the quantity indexes for real GDP and its components.
For periods near the reference year, these chained-dollar indexes
provide a reasonable approximation of the relative importance of major
aggregates. However, they are approximations only and do not represent
the weights or the relative importance of each component used in
computing the Fisher chain indexes for GDP and for its components. The
actual weights can be better approximated by each component's
relative share in current-dollar GDP for the most recent period.
The chained-dollar share represents the reference period's
(1996) share of GDP, adjusted for all the growth in the quantity, or
real, index during the period between the reference period and the
current period. This chained-dollar value ignores the changes in
relative prices over that period, although it is the current-period
prices that determine the relative importance of each component in real
GDP for the current period. The weight of a component of real GDP is
equal to what purchasers actually pay for a product in the current
period, not what they might have paid in some past period. For goods and
services whose prices have grown at a rate close to the overall
inflation rate, chained-dollar values are not too far from the true
weights, but for goods with rapidly falling prices--such as
computers--the chained-dollar values overstate the relative importance
of such components in GDP and total spending by not taking into account
the rapid decline in prices that fueled the growth in the real
quantities purchased.
For example, in 1996, a fairly powerful personal computer may have
cost $5,000. Today, technological innovation has reduced the cost of an
equivalent personal computer system to about one-ninth that amount. The
use of chained dollars based on 1996 expenditures and prices--without
allowing for the sharp drop in prices since that time--significantly
overstates the relative value and impact of computers on the economy
during the last half of the 1990s when computers experienced explosive growth and during the second and third quarters of 2003 when computer
sales accelerated. Thus, in 1996, the purchase of 30 new high-end personal computers had a value roughly equal to a new home, but the use
of this relative price to value such an investment in 2003 overstates by
nine-fold the value and the impact of that purchase in terms of jobs,
wages, profits, and intermediate products relative to the purchases of
homes and other capital goods.
This overstatement of the chained-dollar estimates for computers
affects both the relative importance of computers and their
contributions to growth in output and in prices. As a result, BEA
recommends the use of the tables of contributions to growth (NIPA tables
8.2-8.6) rather than the use of calculations based on chained dollars.
The overstatement in the relative importance of computers can be
seen by looking at the chained-dollar levels for computers relative to
the level of GDP. Final sales of computers as measured in chained
dollars would appear to represent 4.9 percent of GDP in the second
quarter of 2003, whereas in current dollars, final sales of computers
were only 0.7 percent of GDP. (Final sales of computers are said to
"appear to represent" because chained dollars are not
additive, and the sum of "GDP less final sales of computers"
and "final sales of computers" is larger than GDP itself.)
The increasing overstatement of chained-dollar estimates for
computers and their contribution to growth for periods after the base
year of 1996 can be seen by looking at their contribution to growth over
three periods: The last half of the 1990s, the last four quarters
(2002:III-2003:II), and the second quarter of 2003. For 1995-2000, the
share of real GDP growth accounted for by private investment in
computers is about 11 percent using chained dollars, whereas the actual
share is about 9 percent (see table 2 and NIPA table 8.2). (5) For the
last four quarters, the average chained-dollar share of computer
investment in GDP growth is about 35 percent, roughly 4.5 times its
actual contribution to the growth of real GDP. In the second quarter of
2003, chained-dollar estimates suggest that investment in computers
accounted for nearly half of the 3.3 percent GDP growth, while its true
contribution to real GDP growth was 0.34 percentage point, about
one-tenth of real GDP growth.
The share of growth accounted for by user-defined totals, such as
"high-tech" investment (computers, software, and
communications equipment) will also be overstated if these totals are
calculated as the sum of the chained-dollar estimates. High-tech
investment appears to have accounted for 21 percent of real GDP growth
between 1995 and 2000, whereas the actual contribution to GDP growth
over this period was 17 percent.
Similar problems arise in measuring the contribution to, or
relative importance of, changes in prices using chained dollars. For
example, the use of chained dollars to weight the relative contribution
of computers to overall inflation in recent years will overstate the
importance of falling computer prices in restraining inflation. For
2002, the use of chained dollars to compute growth in the price index
for gross domestic purchases excluding final sales of computers would
have produced an inflation rate of 1.6 percent. This figure suggests
that falling computer prices reduced inflation by about 0.4 percentage
point rather than their actual reduction of about 0.2 percentage point.
Notwithstanding these problems associated with using chained
dollars for goods and services with large changes in relative prices,
chained dollars provide reasonable order-of-magnitude estimates of the
relative importance of the major components of GDP for periods that are
not too far from the reference year. As can be seen in table 3, chained
dollars have provided a good general picture of the relative importance
of the five major components of GDP in recent periods. Their share of
chained-dollar GDP in recent quarters is within 1 to 3 percentage points
of the actual weights for these components of real GDP.
Tips for forecasting and analysis using chained-dollar levels
The problems in using chained dollars extend to forecasts. Because
virtually all macroeconomic models and forecasts were originally
developed using additive fixed-weighted (or constant-dollar) estimates,
the switch to using chained dollars was a major challenge for
forecasters who had to (1) reestimate the behavioral relationships in
their models to reflect the new unbiased NIPA component estimates and
their lack of additivity in relationship to GDP and other subaggregates,
(2) develop a new aggregation chain-weighted (Fisher) scheme based on
estimates of quantities and prices for each of the components, and (3)
develop the computer code needed to support these changes. (6)
These tasks were somewhat easier for those forecasters using
large-scale models who had already produced separate price and quantity
estimates for their major components, because these estimates could be
used to create the necessary Fisher indexes. However, many desktop and
other small-scale forecasters chose to keep their existing models and to
use chained-dollar estimates in the same way that they had previously
used constant-dollar estimates. As a consequence, when the
chained-dollar forecasts for the components were added up, the results
differed in level and in rate of growth from BEA's chained-dollar
estimates of GDP. In order to better predict BEA's published
estimates, these forecasters found that they had to estimate the
residual between the sum of their forecasted chained-dollar components
and BEA's aggregate chained-dollar estimates, which were based on
the nonadditive current-period Fisher weights. (Often this forecast of
the residual is derived by assuming that the residual for the next
quarter is the same as that for the current quarter.) Thus, even if
their forecasts for each of the components were exactly right, by adding
up chained dollars rather than by basing the estimates on the
current-period Fisher weights, an additional forecast error was
introduced because of the use of the wrong weights in aggregation. While
errors in component forecasts and revisions to GDP are probably larger
than aggregation errors, the latter are easier to address than other
sources of errors.
Indeed, aggregation errors can be virtually eliminated by using one
of two fairly simple higher level aggregation methods that are good
approximations of the detailed level Fisher weights actually used by BEA
in estimating GDP. The first method essentially uses the most recent
current-dollar levels to "weight" forecasted estimates of the
percent change of each of the major components of real GDP and then sums
them up to calculate real GDP (with the current quarter as the base
period) and the change in real GDP. The second method requires separate
estimates of quantities and of prices for each of the major components
that are then used to estimate a higher level Fisher index. Both methods
produce GDP growth rates that are very close to the results produced by
the detailed Fisher index used by BEA that incorporates over 1,500
separate price and quantity estimates.
For example, if desktop forecasters in the first quarter of 2002
wanted to estimate real GDP growth for the second quarter of 2002 using
a current-dollar-weighting method, they would first have estimated the
real quarterly growth rates for each of the components of GDP used in
the forecast as shown in column B of table 4. (7) (To enhance the
comprehension of the forecast methods outlined in this article, tables
4-6 appear in spreadsheet format.) Next, these growth rates would have
been used to estimate current-dollar levels for the second quarter.
Notice that the fourth root of one plus the annualized growth rate must
be used to convert to quarterly growth rates (see the
"Calculation" row for columns J-M). Each of the components for
the first quarter would have been multiplied by its estimated growth
rate, and the forecasted levels would then have been summed to produce a
weighted average growth rate for real GDP. Because the use of the
current-dollar levels for the previous quarter as weights approximates
the weights used in the quarterly Fisher chain index, the current-dollar
weighting method produces aggregates that are fairly accurate for making
As can be seen by comparing table 4 with table 5, the use of the
current-dollar levels from the latest quarter as a base can
significantly reduce aggregation errors in forecasts. As shown in table
5, for the second quarter of 2002, even with perfect foresight, simply
adding up the forecasted levels for each of the chained-dollar
components at the level of aggregation used by many forecasters (that
is, assuming that the residual is unchanged) would have produced a real
GDP growth rate of 0.9 percent, about 0.3 percentage point below the
published rate of 1.3 percent. However, the use of the of first-quarter
current-dollar GDP component levels would have produced a
weighted-average growth rate of 1.3 percent, about the same as the
published value. Over a four-quarter forecast horizon, the use of the
current-dollar levels to estimate the next quarter's component and
real GDP forecast would have reduced the forecast error due to
aggregation from 0.31 percentage point to 0.01 percentage point.
The use of a higher level Fisher index--sometimes referred to as a
"Fisher of Fishers"--is a somewhat more complicated
forecasting method, but it produces similar reductions in aggregation
errors. The extra complexity of the "Fisher of Fishers" is
balanced by the conceptual consistency with the actual Fisher index used
in computing GDP and the greater accuracy that could be obtained during
periods of rapid price changes for which the use of the current-quarter
and next-quarter weights would be more stable and subject to less
revision than the use of only current-quarter weights.
The first step in estimating the "Fisher of Fishers" is
to calculate a Laspeyres index. For a second-quarter 2002 forecast, the
denominator in the Laspeyres index is simply the current-dollar value
for the first quarter (see table 6). The numerator is the sum of the
forecasted quantities for the second quarter valued in the first
quarter's prices.
The second step is to form the Paasche index where the numerator is
the second-quarter output forecasted in current dollars. The denominator
is the sum of the first quarter's quantities multiplied by the
second-quarter price forecasts. The Fisher index is the square root of
the Laspeyres index multiplied by the Paasche index, which is a
geometric mean. Finally, the growth rate for real GDP is found by
raising the second-quarter "Fisher-of-Fishers" forecast to the
fourth power and subtracting one.
The use of the "Fisher of Fishers" to estimate
second-quarter growth in GDP would have produced a growth rate of 1.24
percent, 0.02 percentage point less than the published real GDP growth.
Over a four-quarter forecast horizon, the use of a "Fisher of
Fishers" would have produced an average GDP growth rate of 2.0
percent and would have reduced the forecast error due to aggregation
from 0.31 percentage point to 0.03 percentage point, and over eight
quarters, from 0.25 percentage point to 0.04 percentage point.
Table 7 summarizes the improvements in forecast accuracy that can
be obtained by using either current-dollar weights or a "Fisher of
Fishers" at different levels of aggregation. During the current
recovery and at the five-component level, forecasts based on
current-dollar weights would have had a mean absolute
aggregation-related forecast error of 0.012 percentage point, and
forecasts based on the "Fisher of Fishers" would have had a
mean absolute error of 0.003 percentage point. At the more detailed
levels of aggregation used by many forecasters, the approximations are
close to the published GDP growth rates--and significantly better than
simple addition of chained-dollar forecasts--although they exhibit
somewhat larger aggregation errors.
Forthcoming changes to the NIPAs
A number of new and redesigned tables will be introduced as part of
the comprehensive revision of the NIPAs that will be published next
month. (8) Among the changes that will address some of the problems
associated with chained dollars (as distinct from chain-type indexes)
* New tables that present relative shares of the components of GDP
and gross domestic income in current dollars in order to aid in the
analysis of the relative importance of the components and
* New tables that highlight percent changes and contributions to
percent change in the components of GDP to provide additional
information on the sources of change in the economy.
In line with these changes, BEA will eliminate some of the most
misleading aspects of the chained-dollar estimates by dropping, or
"leadering out" those components, such as computers, whose
chained-dollar levels are far from their relative importance in the
Fisher chain index. Armed with the additional information provided in
the new tables, users should be better equipped to find the information
they seek without relying on chained-dollar estimates, and they can
thereby avoid the problems associated with the estimates. (9) BEA also
plans to discontinue producing fixed-weighted estimates of
constant-dollar GDP, which had been made available as underlying detail
In the next year or two, BEA will also introduce an interactive
section of its Web site that will permit users to define their own
aggregates and to compute the relative importance and contributions to
growth of these user-defined aggregates. This new feature will make it
more convenient for users to work with the chain-type aggregates.
Table 1. GDP Growth During the Most Recent
Quarter and Recessions
Fixed- Chain-
weighted weighted Difference
index index
2003:II 5.1 3.3 1.9
Current recovery
(2001:III-2003:II) 4.3 2.7 1.6
Average in five
prior recoveries (1) 4.4 5.2 -0.7
Net overstatement of current
recovery to past recoveries 2.4
NOTE. Numbers may not add due to rounding. The 1980:I-1980:II
recession was excluded from this analysis since it did not have seven
quarters of expansion following its trough.
(1.) Based on tracking growth from the trough of the recession through
the next seven quarters (1960:IV-1962:III, 1970:IV-1972:III,
1975:I-1976:IV, 1982:III-1984:II, and 1991:I-1992:IV.)
Table 2. Contribution Share of GDP Growth
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Computer Investment:
Based on chained dollars 8.5 8.1 9.2 12.8 17.1
Actual 12.6 9.4 8.2 8.4 8.3
High-tech Investment: (1)
Based on chained dollars 16.1 15.6 18.7 24.0 28.2
Actual 18.4 13.5 17.5 19.1 18.5
2000 1995- 1997-
2000 2000
Computer Investment:
Based on chained dollars 11.7 11.2 12.7
Actual 4.5 8.6 7.9
High-tech Investment: (1)
Based on chained dollars 25.2 21.3 22.2
Actual 16.2 17.2 17.8
(1.) Defined as computers and peripheral equipment, software, and
communications equipment.
Table 3. Component Shares of GDP: Chained-Dollar Estimate
Versus Chain-Weighted Index
Chained- Chain-
dollar weighted Diffe-
estimate index rence
Personal consumption
expenditures 69.7 69.0 0.7
Investment 16.8 15.7 1.1
Exports 11.2 10.6 0.6
Imports -16.4 -13.5 -2.9
Government 18.1 18.3 -0.2
Chained- Chain-
dollar weighted Diffe-
estimate index rence
Personal consumption
expenditures 69.9 69.9 0.0
Investment 16.7 15.0 1.7
Exports 11.0 9.5 1.5
Imports -16.6 -13.8 -2.8
Government 18.4 18.7 -0.2
NOTE. Numbers may not add due to rounding.
Table 4. One-Quarter-Ahead Forecasts Using Current-Dollar Levels
Percent change from
preceding period
Forecasted growth
Personal consumption expenditures:
Durable goods 2.0 22.8 -8.2
Nondurable goods -0.1 1.0 5.1
Services 2.7 2.3 2.2
Gross private domestic investment 7.9 3.6 6.3
Fixed investment:
Structures -17.6 -21.4 -9.9
Equipment and software 3.3 6.7 6.2
Residential 2.7 1.1 9.4
Change in private inventories (1)
Net exports of goods and services:
Goods 15.9 4.1 -11.5
Services 10.7 5.9 8.0
Goods 27.9 3.4 6.2
Services -2.1 3.1 13.0
Government consumption expenditures and
gross investment:
Federal 7.5 4.3 11.0
State and local -1.7 2.2 1.2
Gross domestic product
Forecasted growth in GDP
Published growth in GDP
Forecasted growth error
Mean absolute error over four quarters
Billion of
Fore- dollars
growth Published
2003 2002
Personal consumption expenditures:
Durable goods -2.0 859 857
Nondurable goods 6.1 2,085 2,108
Services 0.9 4,230 4,290
Gross private domestic investment -5.3 1,559 1,588
Fixed investment:
Structures -2.9 288 275
Equipment and software -4.8 838 841
Residential 10.0 463 469
Change in private inventories (1)
Net exports of goods and services:
Goods 1.9 680 709
Services -8.0 298 309
Goods -6.7 1,102 1,203
Services -4.0 235 241
Government consumption expenditures and
gross investment:
Federal 0.7 672 688
State and local 0.2 1,267 1,272
Gross domestic product 10,313 10,377
Forecasted growth in GDP
Published growth in GDP
Forecasted growth error
Mean absolute error over four quarters
Billion of dollars
Published cast
2002 2002
Calculation ^.25
Personal consumption expenditures:
Durable goods 898 874 863
Nondurable goods 2,117 2,150 2,085
Services 4,346 4,402 4,258
Gross private domestic investment 1,597 1,628 1,589
Fixed investment:
Structures 259 254 275
Equipment and software 850 863 845
Residential 470 487 466
Change in private inventories (1) 4
Net exports of goods and services:
Goods 723 703 705
Services 316 323 305
Goods 1,221 1,242 1,172
Services 251 259 234
Government consumption expenditures and
gross investment:
Federal 698 717 684
State and local 1,283 1,294 1,262
Gross domestic product 10,506 10,589 10,346
Forecasted growth in GDP 1.3
Published growth in GDP 1.3
Forecasted growth error 0.0
Mean absolute error over four quarters
Billion of dollars
G*(1+C) H*(1+D)
Calculation ^.25 ^.25
Personal consumption expenditures:
Durable goods 902 879
Nondurable goods 2,114 2,143
Services 4,314 4,370
Gross private domestic investment 1,602 1,622
Fixed investment:
Structures 259 253
Equipment and software 854 863
Residential 470 481
Change in private inventories (1) 19 25
Net exports of goods and services:
Goods 717 701
Services 313 322
Goods 1,213 1,240
Services 243 258
Government consumption expenditures and
gross investment:
Federal 695 716
State and local 1,279 1,287
Gross domestic product 10,480 10,542
Forecasted growth in GDP 4.0 1.4
Published growth in GDP 4.0 1.4
Forecasted growth error 0.0 0.0
Mean absolute error over four quarters
Calculation ^.25
Personal consumption expenditures:
Durable goods 869
Nondurable goods 2,182
Services 4,411
Gross private domestic investment 1,606
Fixed investment:
Structures 252
Equipment and software 852
Residential 498
Change in private inventories (1) 3
Net exports of goods and services:
Goods 706
Services 316
Goods 1,221
Services 256
Government consumption expenditures and
gross investment:
Federal 718
State and local 1,295
Gross domestic product 10,626
Forecasted growth in GDP 1.4
Published growth in GDP 1.4
Forecasted growth error 0.0
Mean absolute error over four quarters 0.01
NOTE. Numbers may not add due to rounding.
(1.) Since change in private inventories can be positive or negative,
it is calculated implicitly by calculating gross private investment and
subtracting fixed investment components.
Table 5. One-Quarter-Ahead Forecasts Using Current-Dollar Levels
Percent change from
preceding period
Forecasted growth
Personal consumption expenditures:
Durable goods 2.0 22.8 -8.2
Nondurable goods -0.1 1.0 5.1
Services 2.7 2.3 2.2
Gross private domestic investment 7.9 3.6 6.3
Fixed investment:
Structures -17.6 -21.4 -9.9
Equipment and software 3.3 6.7 6.2
Residential 2.7 1.1 9.4
Change in private inventories (2)
Net exports of goods and services:
Goods 15.9 4.1 -11.5
Services 10.7 5.9 8.0
Goods 27.9 3.4 6.2
Services -2.1 3.1 13.0
Government consumption expenditures and
gross investment:
Federal 7.5 4.3 11.0
State and local -1.7 2.2 1.2
Gross domestic product before residual
Gross domestic product 0.0 0.0 0.0
Forecasted growth in GDP
Published growth in GDP
Forecasted growth error
Mean absolute error over four quarters
period Billion of
chained (1996)
Fore- dollars
growth Published (1)
2003 2002
Personal consumption expenditures:
Durable goods -2.0 976 981
Nondurable goods 6.1 1,921 1,921
Services 0.9 3,642 3,666
Gross private domestic investment -5.3 1,551 1,584
Fixed investment:
Structures -2.9 243 232
Equipment and software -4.8 954 961
Residential 10.1 384 386
Change in private inventories (2) -29 5
Net exports of goods and services:
Goods 1.9 738 766
Services -8.0 292 300
Goods -6.7 1,250 1,329
Services -4.0 226 224
Government consumption expenditures and
gross investment:
Federal 0.7 598 609
State and local 0.2 1,099 1,095
Gross domestic product before residual 9,343 9,367
Residual 0.0 20 25
Gross domestic product 9,363 9,392
Forecasted growth in GDP
Published growth in GDP
Forecasted growth error
Mean absolute error over four quarters
Billion of chained (1996)
Published (1) cast
2002 2002
Calculation ^.25
Personal consumption expenditures:
Durable goods 1,032 1,011 981
Nondurable goods 1,926 1,950 1,921
Services 3,687 3,707 3,666
Gross private domestic investment 1,601 1,626 1,581
Fixed investment:
Structures 218 213 232
Equipment and software 977 992 961
Residential 387 396 386
Change in private inventories (2) 19 26 2
Net exports of goods and services:
Goods 774 750 766
Services 304 310 300
Goods 1,340 1,361 1,329
Services 226 233 224
Government consumption expenditures and
gross investment:
Federal 615 631 609
State and local 1,101 1,104 1,095
Gross domestic product before residual 9,473 9,496 9,364
Residual 12 22 20
Gross domestic product 9,486 9,518 9,385
Forecasted growth in GDP 0.9
Published growth in GDP 1.3
Forecasted growth error -0.3
Mean absolute error over four quarters
Billions of
chained (1996)
G*(1+C) H*(1+D)
Calculation ^.25 ^.25
Personal consumption expenditures:
Durable goods 1,032 1,011
Nondurable goods 1,923 1,950
Services 3,687 3,707
Gross private domestic investment 1,598 1,626
Fixed investment:
Structures 218 213
Equipment and software 977 992
Residential 387 396
Change in private inventories (2) 16 25
Net exports of goods and services:
Goods 774 750
Services 304 310
Goods 1,340 1,361
Services 226 223
Government consumption expenditures and
gross investment:
Federal 615 631
State and local 1,101 1,104
Gross domestic product before residual 9,470 9,495
Residual 25 12
Gross domestic product 9,496 9,507
Forecasted growth in GDP 4.5 0.9
Published growth in GDP 4.0 1.4
Forecasted growth error 0.4 -0.5
Mean absolute error over four quarters
Calculation ^.25
Personal consumption expenditures:
Durable goods 1,005
Nondurable goods 1,979
Services 3,715
Gross private domestic investment 1,604
Fixed investment:
Structures 211
Equipment and software 980
Residential 406
Change in private inventories (2) 8
Net exports of goods and services:
Goods 754
Services 304
Goods 1,337
Services 231
Government consumption expenditures and
gross investment:
Federal 633
State and local 1,105
Gross domestic product before residual 9,530
Residual 22
Gross domestic product 9,552
Forecasted growth in GDP 1.4
Published growth in GDP 1.4
Forecasted growth error 0.0
Mean absolute error over four quarters 0.31
NOTE. Numbers may not add due to rounding.
(1.) Published chained-dollar level for gross private domestic
investment based on aggregation of lower chained-dollar levels.
Published residual based on reported chained-dollar GDP less
chained-dollar components used in forecast.
(2.) Because change in private inventories can be positive or
negative, it is calculated implicitly by calculating gross private
investment and subtracting fixed investment components.
Table 6. One-Quarter-Ahead Forecast Using Fisher of Fishers
Percent change
from preceding
Forecasted growth
Nominal Real
Gross domestic product
Personal consumption expenditures
Durable goods -0.9 2.0
Nondurable goods 4.5 -0.1
Services 5.7 2.7
Gross private domestic investment
Fixed investment
Structures -17.1 -17.6
Equipment and software 1.1 3.3
Residential 5.4 2.7
Change in private inventories (1)
Net exports of goods and services
Goods 18.6 15.9
Services 15.8 10.7
Imports (2)
Goods 41.8 27.9
Services 9.9 -2.1
Government consumption
expenditures and gross investment
Federal 10.0 7.5
State and local 1.3 -1.7
Levels in billions of dollars
Current- Chained-
dollar dollar
level level Deflator
Calculation D/E
Gross domestic product 10,313 9,363 1.101
Personal consumption expenditures 7,174 6,514 1.101
Durable goods 859 976 0.880
Nondurable goods 2,085 1,921 1.085
Services 4,230 3,642 1.161
Gross private domestic investment 1,559 1,554 1.003
Fixed investment 1,589 1,576 1.008
Nonresidential 1,127 1,188 0.948
Structures 288 243 1.186
Equipment and software 838 954 0.879
Residential 463 384 1.206
Change in private inventories (1) -30 -29 0.985
Net exports of goods and services -360 -447 0.806
Exports 977 1,031 0.948
Goods 680 738 0.921
Services 298 292 1.019
Imports (2) 1,338 1,477 0.905
Goods 1,102 1,250 0.882
Services 235 226 1.043
Government consumption
expenditures and gross investment 1,939 1,697 1.143
Federal 672 598 1.124
State and local 1,267 1,099 1.153
Levels in billions of dollars
Current- Chained-
dollar dollar
level level Deflator
D*(1+B) E*(1+B)
Calculation ^.25 ^.25 G/H
Gross domestic product
Personal consumption expenditures
Durable goods 857 981 0.874
Nondurable goods 2,108 1,921 1.098
Services 4,290 3,666 1.170
Gross private domestic investment
Fixed investment
Structures 275 232 1.188
Equipment and software 841 961 0.874
Residential 469 386 1.214
Change in private inventories (1) 3 5 0.990
Net exports of goods and services
Goods 709 766 0.926
Services 309 300 1.030
Imports (2)
Goods 1,203 1,329 0.905
Services 241 224 1.074
Government consumption
expenditures and gross investment
Federal 688 609 1.131
State and local 1,272 1,095 1.162
Laspeyres Paasche
2002:II 2002:II
Calculation F * H sum(J)/D E * I
Gross domestic product 1.003
Personal consumption expenditures
Durable goods 863 853
Nondurable goods 2,085 2,109
Services 4,258 4,261
Gross private domestic investment
Fixed investment
Structures 275 289
Equipment and software 845 834
Residential 466 466
Change in private inventories (1) 5 -29
Net exports of goods and services
Goods 705 684
Services 305 301
Imports (2)
Goods 1,172 1,131
Services 234 242
Government consumption
expenditures and gross investment
Federal 684 676
State and local 1,262 1,277
Paasche Fisher
2002:II 2002:II
Calculation sum(L) (K * M)^.5
Gross domestic product 1.003 1.003
Personal consumption expenditures
Durable goods
Nondurable goods Forecast
Services 9,392
Gross private domestic investment 1.24%
Fixed investment
Structures Less:
Equipment and software actual
Residential 9,392
Change in private inventories (1) 1.25%
Net exports of goods and services
Services Equals:
Imports (2) forecast error
Goods -0.4
Services -0.02%
Government consumption
expenditures and gross investment
State and local
NOTE. Numbers may not add due to rounding.
(1.) Assumes that percent contribution to GDP growth is known
(chained-dollar level and current-dollar level are known).
The deflator is based on the implicit price deflators for private
inventories (see NIPA table 7.16B).
(2.) Imports are actually subtracted in the summation calculations for
the Laspeyres and Paasche indexes.
Table 7. Summary of Forecast Methods
Forecasting method used Average Mean
growth absolute
rate error
Actual 2.36
Current-dollar method:
High level 2.37 0.012
Medium level 2.37 0.018
Low level 2.37 0.018
Chained-dollar method:
High level 2.24 0.137
Medium level 2.37 0.236
Low level 2.37 0.199
Fisher of Fishers:
High level 2.36 0.003
Medium level 2.34 0.037
Low level 2.34 0.036
NOTE. High level = C + I + G + (X - M).
Medium level is NIPA table 1.1 excluding federal government breakdown.
Low level is medium level, including detailed breakdown of private
fixed investment in equipment and software shown in NIPA table 5.4.
(1.) As part of the comprehensive revision of the national income
and product accounts that will be released in December 2003, the
reference year will be updated to 2000.
(2.) The problems associated with chained-dollar levels for
components with rapidly changing prices is the result of using a fixed
base year in conjunction with a chain index whose weights change every
period to reflect changes in relative prices. It is mathematically
impossible to "force" chained-dollar levels to reflect both
the current-period weights and period-to-period percent changes that are
consistent with the chain index. As a result, BEA adopted chained-dollar
levels that offer approximate additivity and that produce percent
changes consistent with the chain index.
(3.) The current recovery is defined as from the recession trough
in the third quarter of 2001 through the second quarter of 2003.
(4.) These five major components are personal consumption
expenditures, gross private domestic investment, exports, imports, and
government consumption expenditures and gross investment.
(5.) Figures are based on average annual contribution shares. When
average quarterly contribution shares are calculated using chained
dollars, they show more significant inaccuracies--a 16-percent share
versus the actual share of 12 percent between 1995 and 2000.
(6.) See Chris Vavares, Joel Prakken, and Lisa Guirl, "Macro
Modeling with Chain-Type GDP" Journal of Economic and Social
Measurement 24 (1998): 123-142.
(7.) In order to isolate the impact of aggregation problems,
perfect foresight is assumed, and the annual growth rates in columns B-E
correspond to the published estimates. Note that in order to get more
significant digits, growth rates carried through the spreadsheet are
based on calculating the rate of change for published chained-dollar
levels, which have the same accuracy as the three-decimal-place quantity
indexes available as underlying estimates.
(8.) See Nicole Mayerhauser, Shelly Smith, and David F. Sullivan,
"Preview of the 2003 Comprehensive Revision of the National Income
and Product Accounts: New and Redesigned Tables," SURVEY OF CURRENT
BUSINESS 83 (August 2003): 7-31.
(9.) BEA will continue to make chained-dollar estimates available
on its Web site, but it cautions users of these estimates to be aware of
the problems involved in their use and suggests the use of the
techniques cited above for ameliorating the problems associated with
chained dollars.